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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Cecil Street Bridge, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Eltham, Oct. 1962
Eltham-Yarra Glen Road Cecil Street Bridge Looking upstream Oct. 1962Record of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.H941 stamped on reverse (film processing #)infrastructure, shire of eltham, bridge construction, road construction, 1962-10, cecil street bridge, eltham, eltham-yarra glen road, main road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Dixons Creek Bridge, c. 1962
Dixons Creel Bridge Broken head of pile View looking upstream ? eastRecord of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.'66' written in pencil1962, bridge construction, dixons creek bridge, dixon's creek road, infrastructure, road construction, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Dixons Creek Bridge, c. 1962
Head of pile in helmetRecord of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.'66' written in pencil1962, bridge construction, dixons creek bridge, dixon's creek road, infrastructure, road construction, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Dixons Creek Bridge, c. 1962
Record of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.'66' written in pencil1962, bridge construction, dixons creek bridge, dixon's creek road, infrastructure, road construction, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Dixons Creek Bridge, c. 1962
Record of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.'66' written in pencil1962, bridge construction, dixons creek bridge, dixon's creek road, infrastructure, road construction, shire of eltham -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1975
The Sister is supporting the elderly lady as she takes her for a walk on her veranda. The RDNS winter uniform at that time was a blue/grey skivvie worn under a V neck, tunic style, blue/grey herringbone winter material frock. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the frock.From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses (Sisters). As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, the Sisters taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family membersOn the left of the black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a light coloured skivvie under a V neck tunic style frock, standing with an elderly lady on the wooden veranda of her home. The lady, who has short white hair, is wearing a dark buttoned up cardigan over a floral frock, The lady has her right arm hooked through the left arm of the Sister, who is clasping the ladies hand. The Sister is looking to the left at the lady, and the lady is looking to the front. The weatherboard wall of her house is seen in the background. Part of a chair and small table are on the far front left of the photograph.Type written informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns rehabilitation -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Album - Photograph, Late 19th century/early 20th century
This item is a photograph album that would have been owned by a person or family in the late 19th or early 20th centuries. In most cases (but not in this one) family photographs would have been mounted in the pages and kept as part of a family’s history. Albums such as this one, with photographs, would then become family heirlooms and treasured as such. They would have been expensive to buy at the time so were the province of the more affluent. This album, in very good condition, is beautiful, aesthetically-pleasing and redolent with the history of earlier times. This album is retained as a beautiful example of the type of photograph album that the more affluent members of society would have owned over a 100 years ago. This is a leather covered photograph album. The cover is brown with ornamental floral scrolls and ornamental gold panels. Some of the gold etching and some of the leather areas have worn away. The spine has ridged gold bands with the gold etching heavily faded. The metal clasp that closes the pages is made of silver (tarnished) and is of a decorative pattern. The sixteen pages are made of heavy stiffened cardboard and have centre cut-outs (to contain photographs). These cut-outs are oval and rectangular (arched at the top) in shape and are outlined in gold. On every second page, the cut-out is decorated with sprigs of flowers delicately painted in colour. The pages are gilt-edged. There are three loose sheets of paper which look to be original backing pieces for photographs. There are no photographs in the album.warrnambool, antiquarian, photograph, album -
Bendigo Military Museum
Uniform - JACKET, BATTLE DRESS, ARMY, Australian Defence Industries, 1954
"Herbert Rex WILLIS" Reg No. 342872 Service Details. Refer Cat No. 5231.31. Jacket - Khaki colour, wool serge fabric, Battle dress style, belted at the waist with metal buckle and brown plastic buttons. Collar, shoulder epaulettes, two front pockets with concealed button down flap and sleeve cuffs. Shoulder insignia - with yellow lettering - "ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS". Rank insignia on sleeves - brown, white and red, - Warrant Officer Second Class. Service Ribbons above left pocket L-R, Vietnam Campaign Medal. Long Service Medal, South Vietnamese Medal with clasp "60-". Light khaki colour cotton twill fabric lining. Manufacturers white cotton twill fabric label - inside on left pocket lining. 2. Lanyard - dark blue colour cotton cord with knots. 1. Manufacturers information on label - black ink print "REGIMENTAL NO./ NAME", Red ink print "M.TX/IZE 5". On pocket lining - purple ink "D^D/ MADE IN AUSTRALIA/ 1954. On collar lining - handwritten, black ink pen "WILLIS" .uniform, army, battle dress, rex willis -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Album - Family photo album
The actual history of this object relating to Warrnambool is unknown at this stageSome photos have been identified as local people from WarrnamboolLeather bound. Brown. Engrave with Gold and Black. Ornate scrolled, embossed work on cover with The words The Colonial Family Album on the front, back and spine engraved. Metal locking clasp is broken. 23 pages. Binding in blue tape. Each page is highly decorated changing on each page, facing pages match each other, colours used are gold, red, blue, pink and green. Photos are taken mid 1870's to late 1880's by photographers from Melbourne, Portland & Ballarat. Sepia photos, 20 large frames of men & women, 20 small oval & round topped oblong frames. Collection of Women, Men, Teenagers and children. Each photo slides in from the bottom of frame through a small slot.album. photographs. photographers. ornate art work., warrnambool historical society -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Safe Coolgardie, circa early 1900s
The harsh summer temperatures and the isolated rural environment(of the 1890's) provided the inventor of the "Coolgardie safe" (Arthur Patrick McCormick) with an idea to cool perishable foods by using water soaked "hessian" cloth to provide the "coolant" for the evaporation process to cool the inside temperature of the "safe". Items such as meat,cream/milk/butter and cool "drinks" are a few perishables that need cool environments , especially in isolated "ice free" locations. Cities during this time period had large "ice works" which delivered block ice to all areas that required a form of refrigeration. These ice blocks where held in early refrigerators to keep perishables cool to cold. This "Coolardie" safe was the next best thing for isolated rural households and travellers/campers/stockmen to provide a cooler environment for foodstuff affected by heat. Ice filled "esky" coolers and ice boxes are a modern day off shoot to the original Coogardie safe however they still rely on ice or frozen coolant bricks for cooling.This "Coogardie" safe is very significant to the Kiewa Valley and the Bogong High Plains because it represents not only the initiative thinking of the early settlers and communities but also the "primitive" solution to an everyday (1800s to 1930s) problem (before gas and electric run refrigerators) of keeping "perishables" at a low temperature and thereby prolonging their "shelf" life. This was before electricity and gas was available to the inhabitants of the Kiewa Valley and Bogong High Plains. Another cooling method for food was to have "water tight" containers dipped into the very cold streams running from the "cooler" alpine mountains and the Bogong High Plains. This however could not be carried out in all situations eg. fast flowing currents and locations away from streams. This "Coolgardie safe" is made from a medium grade steel enclosure and its appearance is of a perforated box with a wire handle and one side (long side) being a hinged "door" with a clasp securing "lock". There are air holes grouped into a small "boxed" pattern. Each "box" is divided by a crossed pattern, dividing the "holed" sections(4) into a diamond configuration of 49 small holes each. There are four sides (long) which have the perforations except for the base which does not. The base has an indentation with a loose "catch" tray to catch water spills. When in use the "box" is covered with a water "soaked" cloth. The wet cloth is used as "coolant" ie. fibers in the cloth hold the water droplets seep out evaporating the area and thereby (in mass) cooling the air inside the container.domestic refrigeration cabinets, coolgardie "safe", insect and vermin proof food containers, electric and gas free cold storage containers -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Garden Hill, Kangaroo Ground, c. 1962
Garden Hill burnt following bush fires - most likely the 15-16 Jan 1962 fire A helicopter can be seen flying over the top of the hill Eltham Shire Council purchased this property in the early 1970s and it has now been incorpoarted within the Shire of Eltham Memorial ParkRecord of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.1962, garden hill, kangaroo ground, shire of eltham memorial park, victorian bushfires - 1962 -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Meter AVO, circa 1930 to 1951
When this AVOMETER was being utilised in the early 1950's it was at the "leading" edge of electrical measuring instrumentation.The first meter was produced by Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co. in 1923. This model was produced in the time from 1933 to 1951 when it was superseded by the most popular model, Model 8 (1951 to 2008).This AVO meter brought the measuring of three electrical power indicators i.e., amps, volts and ohms into one measuring unit. By using a "one fits all" unit, the carrying of separate measuring devices was reduced considerably. The need for a mountainous and a large area of operational requirements, such as the SEC Vic Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme, to minimise the weight of equipment carried by electricians and technicians was of the utmost relevance. The significance of this meter to the Kiewa Valley region relates to the impact of modern technology (at that time) upon a mainly rural environment. This equipment shows how the boost of "modern" equipment into the area because of the "Hydro Scheme" was facilitated a lot faster than would have taken under "normal" evolutionary time. The speed of information on all "new technology" had a relatively slow assimilation rate to those living in rural communities. This AVOMETER is a Model 7 MKII, production pre 1951. This meter measures electrical Amps, Volts and Ohms and has two internal batteries for its power. The main casing is made from aluminium with a bake-lite front. The front has a "window" detailing, with a needle pointer, the amount of electrical power being tested. There are two big dial switches, detailing Direct Current(DC) and Alternating Current(AC) when reading measurements of Ampere, Voltage and Ohms for power. This meter took the place of three or four meters used earlier. Modern meters (2000 onwards) have become digilised and are considerably lighter in weight and smaller. There are two electrical connection leads (one black and one red) each has a removable clasp and is 125cm long.Molded on the front centre panel " UNIVERSAL AVOMETER". Below this and above the left hand dial "D.C. SWITCH" .Above the right hand switch the right "A.C. SWITCH". On the left of each switch is an arrow pointing to it.The left switch is marked with a "+" and the right one with a "-". There is a "divisional 2" mark. Between and below the dials is "CUT OUT" plunger.electrical meters, electrical equipment, sec vic., state electricity commission of victoria, mt beauty, bogong village -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Arthur Allsop Collection: Record books
Arthur Allsop went into the business office at Bendigo (Vic.) of the late Mr. Alfred Joseph. He later operated as an independent bookmaker. Arthur Allsop was a partner in the firm of Kelly and Allsop and was involved in mining and speculation in Bendigo. He was elected as a member of the Bendigo Stock Exchange in 1906. He started his athletic career at picnic sports and was a fine athlete winning many foot races. For 15 years he acted as secretary of the Sandhurst City Fire Brigade, he was captain of the Bendigo lacrosse team. He was a fair cricketer, and played against the English and Australian Elevens. He played football, and acted as secretary to the Bendigo Football Club. In later years he played bowls and captained pennant teams. He was a Past District- Grandmaster in the M.U.I.O.O.F. Allsop eventually moved to Melbourne and then Sydney working as a bookmaker. He died in Sydney in 1921. His wife Belle died in Bendigo in 1914 and is buried in the Bendigo Cemetery.Ten betting record books of various sizes and one card holder that belonged to Bookmaker Arthur Allsop. All books have black leather covers. Seven have gold lettering on the front covers with variations - Arthur Allsop Sandhurst: A Allsop Sandhurst: A Allsop Victorian Club: Arthur Allsop Victorian Club: Sandhurst (Name section removed): Member Victorian Club and Bowes' Tattersalls Reg. VRC and VATC. Five books have gold clasps. The record books contain hand written details of betting records for horse races in Victoria and New South Wales. The records include dates, Race names, Horse names, punters; names and wagers. Records are dated from 1886 to 1891. Manufacturers include Weaklin & Flint's; Henry racing, bookmaker, arthur allsop, melbourne cup, sydney cup, australian cup, kelly and allsop, weaklin & flint, henry penny -
Mont De Lancey
Photograph, Stewart & Co, Photo Album, c 1800's
The original owner was Louis Kolling.An antique thick rectangular photograph album made of dark tan leather with an elaborate embossed floral and leaf design on the front and back covers. The brass clasp on the side is in working order but is broken. It contains 24 thick double sided cardboard pages which have sepia family photographs inserted. There are several missing photographs. Each picture has the name of the photographic studio printed at the bottom of it. Some photos have names written beneath them in blue writing. Each page has beautiful hand painted coloured flowers and leaves decorating them. At the front is a highly coloured decorative floral title page with the word - Album. On the back of this page is a blank Index with 100 spaces to write the names of those in the photographs. The whole album as quite worn and damaged with several inscriptions.'On the front right side endpaper is handwritten on the textured page in blue ink 'Mrs Kelling, a present from Mrs Bond'. Painted ornately in colourful paints is 'Martha Bond' There is a strip of paper included on this page handwritten in blue biro 'Donated posthumously by Louis Kolling, a first cousin and neighbour of Edmund L. Burgi'. On the back endpaper handwriitten in grey pencil ''Via Lilydale' On the last page of photographs on the opposite page is handwritten in blue ink 'Mrs Kolling Clifton Hill.' which is underlined.photographs, albums, photograph albums, photographic accessories -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Photograph, James Reid House Bacchus Marsh 1883
James Reid was born in Scotland near Glasgow and came to Victoria as a young man in 1854. Shortly after arriving he came to Bacchus Marsh where he lived until his death in 1902 at the age of 74 years. For most of these years he conducted a wheelwrights and coach builders business in Bacchus Marsh. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, wheelwrights and blacksmiths played an essential role in the functioning of the whole community. Before the industrialisation of manufacturing, wheels and other components of vehicles for transport, all metal objects, including farm implements, building requirements and domestic utensils were made by hand. As mechanisation of industry increased, the smith commonly performed the role of farrier in the times when horse power was pivotal to all aspects of society. Small sepia unframed photograph on card with gold border framing photograph. Housed in the album, 'Photographs of Bacchus Marsh and District in 1883 by Stevenson and McNicoll' The photo shows a plain brick house with a central front door with a window on either side. There are a further two windows along the side of the house. On the left-hand side of the building there is a smaller room with its own entry door. The main roof is tiled with shingles or slate and features two substantial chimneys. At the front of the house stands a young woman with her hands clasped. A horse can be seen at the rear of the house. From the photo of the James Reid Wheelwright and Blacksmith Shop, Victorian Collections No.VC 618, we know that this house stood to the rear of the workshop. The wheel tracks which can be seen lead out to Main Street. On the front: Stevenson & McNicoll. Photo. 108 Elizabeth St. Melbourne. COPIES CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY TIME. On the back: LIGHT & TRUTH inscribed on a banner surmounted by a representation of the rising sun. Copies of this Portrait can be had at any time by sending the Name and Post Office Money Order or Stamps for the amount of order to STEVENSON & McNICOLL LATE BENSON & STEVENSON, Photographers. 108 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE houses bacchus marsh, stevenson and mcnicoll 1883 photographs of bacchus marsh and district, james reid 1828?-1902, wheelrights bacchus marsh -
Bendigo Military Museum
Manual - GOLD COLOUR SAMPLE BOX, c. 1993
This box of sampled is typical of those issued to official manufacturers of military badges, insignia, and buttons to ensure the gold colour remained consistent. These badges were held by the Third Army Quality Assurance Unit (3AQAU). The manufacturers were often local companies, where an example of a typical supplier is KG Luke who also manufactured the Brownlow Medal, the award given annnually to the Australlian Football League's best and fairest player.A rectangular wooden box with a black velvet-like cushion in one side. cushion has 10 examples - 2 of each kind - of military insignia and buttons of two different shades of gold colour. Box opens on one long side and is hinged (4cm brass hinges with 3 screws in each side). Clasps on opposite long side, also of brass. Wood has been stained a dark brown. Base off box shows 14 brass staples. Corners of base show 2 nails, possibly brass. A typed sheet of paper is attached to the inside of lid, dating from 1993, explaining usage of samples. Paper tag affixed to cushion between samples - Department of Defence authenticating samples in box. Tag attached with fabric tape and secured using a lead seal.Paper taped to inside lid - title 'SEALED SAMPLE 8455-03311' - a lengthy description of contents and box follows. Please refer ot photograoph for further details. Typed tag on cushion - 'Department of Defence/SEALED SAMPLE/Sealed sample Number 03311/Stock Number 8455/Description STANDARD OF GOLD COLOUR FOR INSIGNIA, BUTTONS AND BADGES (ANODISED) ALUMINIUM ALLOY 1150/APPROVED. The supply is not to differ from this sealed sample except as endorsed on the back hereof./D Darby [signature] 29/06/1993 /EDE VFE SCDDG [stamped].' Reverse of tag (stamped in red within a thin lined border) - 'SEALED SAMPLE/NOT TO BE/DESTROYED OR/MUTILATED' badges, military insignia, button -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph (black & White), General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny - South Africa Forces
As well as his army positions, Kelly-Kenny was very interested in politics in his native County Clare. In the Second Anglo-Boer War he was , as a Lieutenant-General, General Officer Commanding the 6th Division of the South African field forces. He was twice mentioned in dispatches and received the Queen's South African Medal with four clasps. He was involved in the relief of Kimberley, the battles of Paardeberg, Poplar Grove and Driefontein. Lieutenant-General Kitchener was appointed commander and over-ruled Kelly-Kenny's plan to besiege Cronji and bombard his force from a safe distance. Kitchener ordered an assault on the Boer trenches. The result was "Bloody Sunday" - an unnecessary sacrifice of hundreds of lives on the British side. Kelly-Kenny was involved in the engagements at Poplar Grove and Driefontein where the 6th Division distinguished itself. These were viewed as key to destroying the Boer morale and winning the war. General Kelly-Kenny was a close friend of King Edward VII. Appointments made, at the insistence of the King, were often challenged. Due to his loyalty and abilities Kelly-Kenny was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath and received a knighthood in a private audience. Once again others tried to have him moved from the War Office but the King intervened again and he remained in his position. He was conferred with the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (1904), Grand Cross of the Red Eagle (1905 - Germany), Grand Cross of the Rising Sun (1906 - Japan) and on his return to Britain he received the Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (1906) Individual image taken from photographed poster of tobacco and cigarette cards.kell-kenny, county clare, lieutenant-general, kimberley, queen's south african medal, paardeberg, poplar grove, driefontein, kitchener, bloody sunday, cronji, boer war, trenches, knight commander of the order of the bath, war office, king, king edward vii, knight grand cross of the order of the bath, grand cross of the red eagle, grand cross of the rising sun, knight grand cross of the royal victorian order -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Accessory - Clothing, bow tie, black , spring clip, 20thC
The Bow Tie is a type of men's necktie that consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Ready-tied Bow ties are available, in which the distinctive Bow is sewn and a band goes around the neck and clips to secure. Bow ties may be made of any fabric material, but most are made from silk, polyester, cotton, or a mixture of fabrics. The Bow tie originated among Croatian mercenaries during the Prussian wars of the 17th century when the Croat mercenaries used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts. This was soon adopted under the name cravat, derived from the French for "Croat", by the upper classes in France, then a leader in fashion, and flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most traditional Bow ties are usually of a fixed length and are made for a specific size neck. Sizes can vary between approximately 14 and 20 inches just like a comparable shirt collar. Fixed-length Bow ties are preferred when worn with the most formal wing-collar shirts, so as not to expose the buckle or clasp of an adjustable Bow tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, paediatricians, lawyers, professors musicians and by people hoping to look like the above and clowns also wear oversized ones. In the 1980’s fashionable and professional women wore a type of Bow tie. Most men only wear Bow ties with formal dress. A man's pre-tied black bow tie with a metal spring clip to attach to the shirt collar. The 2 spring clips have 'alligator teeth' to grip the collaron spring clip MADE IN AUSTRALIA SPRINGmenswear, clothing, bow ties, cheltenham, moorabbin, bentleigh, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, male neckwear -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Clothing, bow tie, white , elastic clip, 20thC
The Bow Tie is a type of men's necktie that consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Ready-tied Bow ties are available, in which the distinctive Bow is sewn and a band goes around the neck and clips to secure. Bow ties may be made of any fabric material, but most are made from silk, polyester, cotton, or a mixture of fabrics. The Bow tie originated among Croatian mercenaries during the Prussian wars of the 17th century when the Croat mercenaries used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts. This was soon adopted under the name cravat, derived from the French for "Croat", by the upper classes in France, then a leader in fashion, and flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most traditional Bow ties are usually of a fixed length and are made for a specific size neck. Sizes can vary between approximately 14 and 20 inches just like a comparable shirt collar. Fixed-length Bow ties are preferred when worn with the most formal wing-collar shirts, so as not to expose the buckle or clasp of an adjustable Bow tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, paediatricians, lawyers, professors musicians and by people hoping to look like the above and clowns also wear oversized ones. In the 1980’s fashionable and professional women wore a type of Bow tie. Most men only wear Bow ties with formal dress. A pre tied white Bow tie sewn on a neckband with an elastic clip fastenermenswear, clothing, bow ties, cheltenham, moorabbin, bentleigh, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, male neckwear -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Clothing, bow tie white, fixed length, 20thC
The Bow Tie is a type of men's necktie that consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Ready-tied bow ties are available, in which the distinctive bow is sewn and a band goes around the neck and clips to secure. Bow ties may be made of any fabric material, but most are made from silk, polyester, cotton, or a mixture of fabrics. The Bow tie originated among Croatian mercenaries during the Prussian wars of the 17th century when the Croat mercenaries used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts. This was soon adopted under the name cravat, derived from the French for "Croat", by the upper classes in France, then a leader in fashion, and flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most traditional Bow ties are usually of a fixed length and are made for a specific size neck. Sizes can vary between approximately 14 and 20 inches just like a comparable shirt collar. Fixed-length Bow ties are preferred when worn with the most formal wing-collar shirts, so as not to expose the buckle or clasp of an adjustable bow tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers, paediatricians, professors musicians and by people hoping to look like the above and clowns also wear oversized ones. In the 1980’s fashionable and professional women wore a type of Bow tie. Most men only wear Bow ties with formal dress. This white bow tie is a 'fixed length' type that needs to be tied by the person wearing it. MAKO SIZE 15 1/2 menswear, clothing, shirts, collars, early settlers, fashion, cheltenham, moorabbin, dairy farmers, market gardeners, bow ties, mako pty ltd -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Accessory - Clothing, black bow tie, c1960
The Bow Tie is a type of men's necktie that consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Ready-tied bow ties are available, in which the distinctive bow is sewn and a band goes around the neck and clips to secure. Bow ties may be made of any fabric material, but most are made from silk, polyester, cotton, or a mixture of fabrics. The Bow tie originated among Croatian mercenaries during the Prussian wars of the 17th century when the Croat mercenaries used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts. This was soon adopted under the name cravat, derived from the French for "Croat", by the upper classes in France, then a leader in fashion, and flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most traditional Bow ties are usually of a fixed length and are made for a specific size neck. Sizes can vary between approximately 14 and 20 inches just like a comparable shirt collar. Fixed-length Bow ties are preferred when worn with the most formal wing-collar shirts, so as not to expose the buckle or clasp of an adjustable bow tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers, paediatricians, professors musicians and by people hoping to look like the above and clowns also wear oversized ones. In the 1980’s fashionable and professional women wore a type of Bow tie. Most men only wear Bow ties with formal dress. A man's pre tied black bow tie with an elastic fastening clipmenswear, neckties, bow ties, cheltenham. moorabbin, bentleigh -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Christmas Card, 1917
A small, coloured Christmas card showing the rising sun badge, a sketch of purple pansies and the words" To greet you and wish you a Merry Christmas" on the front. There is a green woven cord down the spine holding the internal sheet on which is written "Christmas, 1917. Did you hear a whispered "Coo-ee". Did you feel a clasping hand, When the Christmas bells were ringing, In Australias Golden Land? For in my thoughts I send them you, From the shatter'd fields of war, That we might meet, greet as in dear days of yore; And O how low distant distant seem those times, When you and I were near, Oh would the Southern Cross and you were shining on me here. From 2987 Sapper C A Roney 1st Aust Divn Signal Coy AIF France"As describedchristmas card, ww1, france -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Objects. Fine black leather box, 14 cms x 6.5 cms, lined in royal blue silk satin. A 5.5 cm long silk ribbon has a .75 cm wide burgandy coloured stripe at either edge of a 1.5 cm wide pale blue central stripe. At top and bottom a richly engraved brass clasp, while in the centre is a 7shaped brass symbol, engraved with ""NEANGER 1959MARK LODGE No62, hanging from the suspender is a ^shaped brass shape engraved:"Presented to Wor.Bro. J.E.Harper, PM MASTER 1959.60. as a token of esteem EAGLEHAWK 12-10 60.On the reverse of the Vshape is a section of a ruler - 1,2,3(cms) and a scroll design.Below the inverted^shape a small rectangular shape with rounded top hangs on a small three loop chain. A circular eyelet shape on both front and back has small lettering on either side.organisation, masonic lodge, leather box and lodge badge -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Textiles. Black silk faille handbag with gold metal frame with hinged clasp with black plastic top section. Front and back cardboardand base covered with black fabric with soft fabric side inserts. The front of the handbag is decorated with embroidered stitching. A 2 cm fabric carrying handle is attached to either side of frame. The handbag is lined with black silk fabric with one zipped pocket and one open pocket. Stored inside the handbag are two mirrors. 1. 12.8 cm x 7.6 cm with red leather backing. 2. Double sided mirror 6 cm x 8.6 cm , plus a small perfume bottle 1.5 cm x 2.8 cm x 1 cm with label "LE DIX" Balenciaga Paris France, and black plastic lid. Back of label "OFFERT" Not for sale.Label inside handbag ''A WYSOKIER'' V16 Top grade Failletextiles, domestic, ladies black silk taille handbag -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Medal - Trickey family group
Frederick V Trickey had extensive service with the Victorian Colonial military prior to 18 months service in South Africa. His World War One service included Gallipoli and Western Front with 8th Infantry Battalion AIF. He served in World War Two but did not proceed overseas. Major Frederick C Truckey had pre-war service with 8th Light Horse and Australian Army Instructional Corps; then during World War Two he served with 2/8th Armoured Regiment AIF. Following the war, he joined the Australian Regular Army and served in Korea. Graham M Trickey served with the Royal Australian Air Force in World War Two serving in the South Pacific area.Framed display board with perspex cover sheet containing medals of Frederick Victor Trickey and his two sons Frederick C Trickey and Graham M Trickey. F V Trickey set: Queens South Africian Medal with clasps South Africa 1902 and Transvaal; 14-15 Star, British War Medal 1914-1918 and Victory Medal; British War Medal 39-45 and Australian Service Medal 39-45; also Gallipoli medallion. F C Trickey set: 39-45 Star, Pacific Star, British War Medal 39-45, Australian Service Medal 39-45, Korea Medal and Coronation Medal. G M Trickey set: 39-45 Star, Pacific Star, British War Medal 39-45 and Australian Service Medal 39-45.boer war, world war one, world war two, wwi, wwii, trickey -
Parks Victoria - Wilsons Promontory Lightstation
Lamp, Aldis
The lamps were pioneered by the British Navy in the late nineteenth century and introduced by the Royal Australian Navy after 1918, and continue to be used to the present day. Manufactured in 1960, the Wilsons Promontory lamp was provided to the lighthouse by the Department of Shipping for signalling ships but was also used for communicating with Cliffy Island, 18 nautical miles away. This type of lamp was renowned for its brilliant light, and lightkeepers from the two lightstations ‘used to practice their signalling with each other, as its effective use was reliant on precise positioning of the scope which is located on top of the lamp’. The inside of the case is imprinted with ‘RAN (Royal Australian Navy), and details on the lamp include a serial number, the date of 1960 and the initials of the Department of Transport, which at that time incorporated the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service. Another Aldis lamp and case with a date of 1960 is held at Cape Nelson and third lamp and case is at Point Hicks; (date unconfirmed but possibly 1943). A fourth lamp and case formerly at Cape Schanck disappeared from the collection sometime between 1995 and 2003.Aldis lamp and case (WPLS 0003.2; likely provenance) The lamps are not rare in museum collections however the Wilsons Promontory example has a confirmed provenance to the lightation and has first level contributory significance as a fine example of the Aldis lamps that were distributed to lightstations throughout Victoria and Australia.1. Handheld black signaling lantern with trigger mechanism. Glass front with inner reflective disc. Black electrical cord is attached with a two pronged plug at the end. 2. Black painted wooden box for transporting lantern. brass catch, leather handle. Grey electrical cord inside plus transformer. Hinged lid. The Aldis lamp is portable, hand held visual signalling lamp with trigger mechanism and inner reflective disk used for optical communication via Morse code. The concave mirror is tilted to focus the light into pulse signals. Larger versions of the lamp are fixed on ships or pedestals and have shutters in front of the device that are opened and closed to transmit signals. Wilsons Promontory’s black metal Aldis lamp and attached electrical cord has a black painted wooden carrying case with metal clasp and leather hand grip.1. On trigger;"AP16413" Around V shaped protrusion attached to lamp "AP197873 / AEI .LTD 59" Beneath screw on face;"AD16415" Inside lamp, under glass;"ADMIRALTY PATTERN 16409 / 5 INCH HAND SIGNALING LANTERN SERIAL No. 212 Year 1960 / AEI PTY LTD SYDNEY" •2. Box. On brass plate below handle."ADMIRALTY PATTERN 16409 / BOX FOR TRANSPORTING LANTERN / PATTERN 16409" Inside box on side of metal insert attached to inside of box;"EXTRA LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER / MADE BY / M.Brodribb, Melbourne/ cat & APP / No v/QR / 1811A / 50 / 60 va / CONT. 55 c / RATIO 240, 12 V TAPS " Top of metal box on sticker;"C of A / D.O.T 143076 / 12 V 5A" On Bakelite plug on metal box;"EXTRA LOW VOLTAGE" -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.07.1972
RDNS Liaison Officer, Sr. Barbara Watson is attending a meeting with members of Dr Kay's Coronary Care staff at the Alfred Hospital. Sr. Watson is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress.Liaison had occurred between doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals.They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, coordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient attended outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a Hospital.On the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Liaison Sister Barbara Watson who has shoulder length blonde hair which is curled at the ends; she has her hands clasped in her lap. She is wearing her uniform light grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style dress and is seated on a chair, the first in a semi circle alongside five lady hospital staff members and Doctor Kay. To the right of Sr. Watson sits a lady who has shoulder length curled hair and is wearing a white hospital coat over her clothes, with part of her dark skirt seen.. Next is a lady with long dark curled hair who is wearing a white uniform dress under a dark cardigan. To her right is a lady with long dark straight hair who is wearing a white uniform dress and a dark cardigan; she has a pen in her right hand which is poised on a piece of white paper resting of her right knee. To her right is a Sister, wearing light rimmed glasses, and wearing a white uniform dress and a white cap over her short dark straight hair. A hospital badge is attached at the top neck of her dress. She has her hands clasped on her lap and is looking to her right at the Doctor. Next is a lady with short straight dark hair who is wearing a white hospital coat over a grey dress. On the far right is Dr. Kay, who has short dark hair and is wearing a white hospital coat over a grey shirt, dark tie and dark trousers.He is looking to his right. In the left background is a long table and to the right some papers can be seen attached to boards on a wall.Barry Sutton's photographer's stamprdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns liaison, dr. kay,, sister barbara watson -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Military Medals, World War medals WW1 and WW2, 1919 1946
Issued to Defence personnel for service during world war I and II1. Green felt covered board with 6 medals to the Father Boleslas Slaweski (Staff Sgt ,Warrant Officer)and Son Bernard Bruce Slaweski and son 2 1914 -1915 star Bronze medal with 4 stars with crown on top star, ribbon has red white and blue colours merged at edges. Medal has crossed swords and laurel wreath Engraved on rear 7637 S/Sgt B Slaweski 1/6 Hosp. A. I. F. 3 British War medal circular medal of Silver Words on obverse GEORGIUS V BRITT OMN REX ET IND EMP AROUND THE HEAD OF KING GEORGE V Reverse has a figure of St. George mounted on a horse with a short sword in one hand, the other raised in victory. The horse tramples on the figures of death the Prussian eagle and skull and crossbones in the background are ocean waves The years 1914 1918 are embossed on the sides Around the edge is 7637 W O 1 B Slaweski A.M.C. A.I.F. Ribbon is dark blue, black, white,orange, white, black and dark blue 3. Victory medal Bronze medal with winged victory figure on obverse with The great war fro civilisation 1914 1918 non the reverse Ribbon is watered from a central red stripe through yellow green blue and purple 4 War medal 1939- 1945 Medal is round cupro nickel obverse shows head of King George 6th with circular inscription G.B>R> REXETINDIAE IMP GEORGIVS VI Reverse has a lion standing on a dragon the top shows the dates 1939- 1945 Ribbon is narrow red central strip with radiating stripes of white (narrow) and blue and red|5 Australian Service medal 1939 - 1945 Nickel silver medal with crowned effigy of King George VI on the obverse Reverse has Australian Coat of Arms placed centrally surrounded by the words The Australian Service Medal 1939- 1945 Ribbon has wide Khaki central stripe flanked by two narrow red stripes and one of dark blue (navy) and one of light blue. (Air Force)|6. Australian Service medal 1945 -1975 Reverse has Federation star with name B B Slaweski R 38254 Ribbon Central yellow stripe with green flanked by navy blue Khaki and light blue stripes Medal has clasps PNG and FESR (Far East Strategic Reserve)|7 Small Clasps (For miniature medals )PNG and FESR Photo on back of Board Father and son Slaweski 8 Letter 2/2/1999 addressed to Mitcham RSL with details of Boreslas and Kevin Slaweski. 9 Letter dated 11/2/1999 to Mitcham RSL regarding PNG clasp.B Slaweski B B Slaweskimilitary history, army -
Vision Australia
Painting - Artwork, Portrait of Diana Jones, 1992
Framed portrait of Diana J. Jones who the first female president of the Association for the Blind since Tilly Aston. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by the AFB Board to commemorate the work of past presidents of the organisation. Mrs Jones sits facing the painter with both hands clasped in her lap. She is wearing a black double breasted blazer, white shirt, blue beaded necklace and earrings and a gold bracelet . A white kerchief sits in her breast pocket. Diana Jones served for 8 years on the General Committee before being elected President. During this time she was deputy chairman of the Reach Out Appeal to raise funds for the building program and President of the Honorary Services Group which co-ordinated volunteers and gave them a spokesperson on the General Committee. In her 8 years as President a great deal was accomplished. New centres were opened or extended throughout Victoria and the Metropolitan area, volunteer services expanded and the Vision Resource Centre at Kooyong was built into which 3RPH radio was relocated. A Vision Information hotline, audiology services and the National Centre for Ageing and Sensory Loss were established, the Braille and Talking Book libraries was incorporated into the Association and the Charlie Bradley Cricket Pavilion opened at Kooyong. In 1990 Diana Jones became a member of the first Board of Directors of the newly incorporated Association for the Blind Ltd which ushered in a new era, requiring strict observance of financial and accounting methods in order to ensure continued Government funding. Mrs Jones was highly regarded by clients, volunteers and staff as a capable hard-working leader. Her services to the Association and over many years to the wider community, were recognised in her appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia in the 1993 Queen's Birthday Honours. She passed away in July 2009.1 art original in gold frame The plaque at the base of the painting reads 'Dame Diana J. Jones, AM DSJ / President 1984- 1992 / Association for the Blind'. association for the blind, diana jones -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
First Aid Kit, 1984
The State Electricity Commission of Victoria supplied First Aid Kits to its employees and 'ran' an ambulance during the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme (KHES). The KHES was constructed at the upper end of the Kiewa Valley in the Victorian mountains on the Bogong High Plains. This area is remote with difficult terrain requiring people working and enjoying recreational activities to carry a first aid kit in case of emergency. This First Aid kit is light and portable enabling the user to 'fix' minor injuries and wait for access to medical assistance.This portable first aid kit was owned by a local Mt Beauty resident, Allan S. Clarke who was a long term staff employee for the State Electricity Commission of Victoria.First Aid Outfit (Kit), No.20 by "Sanax". Yellow plastic covered cardboard box with lid fastened by a metal swivel clasp. Complete with unused original contents displayed on two levels. On the top level - Absorbent lint in clear plastic bag; roll of Johnson's Cotton Wool in soft plastic; Plastic container of Sanax Aspirin tablets; glass bottle with brown plastic lid of Calamine Lotion; and steel scissors, safety pins and tweezers in small clear plastic bag. On the second/ bottom level - in a brown glass jar with brown plastic lid "Kuraburn for the treatment of Minor burns"; in a brown glass jar with brown plastic lid "Zeptic" (antiseptic); Johnson's Bandaids of varying shapes in a clear plastic bag; in a brown glass bottle with a brown plastic lid "Germistatic" (antiseptic); 2 packets of 4 Gauze bandages in clear plastic bags; and 1 large absorbent Gauze bandage in clear plastic bag.first aid kit; kiewa hydro electric scheme; sandax; medical aids;