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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A book titled,'Dolly Dimple's Stories.' Hard bound cream covered book with blue lettering / publisher London - Printer & Publisher - Ernest Nister / painting of girl on front/ circa 1890's ? / The collection of short stories includes a poem -spring time by F.E. Weatherby / Clifton Bingham poems, The Hoop, The Shepherd Boy , Preparing for Christmas.books, children's, story book, lydia chancellor collection, collection, - book-dolly dimpl's stories / london - ernest nister / poem -spring time by f.e. weatherby/ clifton bingham poem the hoop, stories, poetry, illustrations, literature -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Student Prince, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo. For a six night season: Thursday 15th, Friday 16th, Saturday 17th and Thursday 22nd, Friday 23, Saturday 24th June, 1972. Bendigo Operatic Society: Mr J McK. Cannon, Mr F Trewarne, Miss Ann Ball, Mr L Spencely, Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames J Cannon, M Reed, Misses P McCraken & M Welch, Messrs. J Beaumont, J Boquest, G Daws. Photos: Producer-Max Collis, Assistant Producer, Ballet & Wardrobe Mistress-Madge Welch, Assistant Pianist-Edith John, Musical Director-Gwen Grose, Society Pianist- Ruth Gorman. Photos of cast: Margaret McQueenie, John Boquest, John McCormack, Graham Bumford, Graeme Daws, Annette Beckwith, Jill James, Ferd Lorenz, Shane Brennan, Patricia Lyon, Max Rule, Ian Beckwith, John Tonkin, Michael Filippini, Valerie Griffiths, Jim Feteris. Synopsis if Story. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society Presents by arrangement with Allan's Music (Australia) Pty. Ltd. ''The Student Prince'' A Max Collis Production. Music by Sigmond Romburg. Book & Lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly. Stage Manager Malcolm Cannon. Musical Director Gwen Grose. Choreography Madge Welch. Wardrobe Miss M Welch, Mrs A Ball. Cast: Kerry Hogan Brian Fitzpatrick, Garry Burns, Alan Petrie, Graham Bumford, John McCormick, John Boquest, Graeme Daws, Annette Beckwith Margaret McQueenie, Michael Filippini, Nicholas Kasterovic, Max Rule, Graham Bumford, Ian Beckwith, Ferd Lorenz, Shane Brennan, Jill James, Patricia Lyon, Valerie Griffiths, Jim Feteris, John Tonkin. Time _ Spring 1860. Female Chorus: Marion Alcock, Ann Ball, Wilma Baldwin, Dorothy Field, Ann Garrat, Dawn Moncrieff, Coral Rivett, Lois Semmens, Marilyn Storey, Marion Wright. Male Chorus: Garry Burns, Edmund, Burke, Peter Edgley, Brian Fitzpatrick, Jim Feteris, Kerry Hogan, Ross Jones, Nicholas Kasterovic, Bernie Keogh, John Keogh, Alan Petrie, Fred Trewarne, Philip Wilkin. Ballet: Dianne Austin, Annette Basset, Wendy Kent, Jocelyn Lyon, Lyn Rowe, Ann Rendell, Helen Southby, Pauline Waugh. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery & Properties: M & J Cannon, J Moncrieff, R Spicer. Art Work: M Cannon, S James, B Agnew, Tony Lorenz, J Hall, Karl Steinberg. Prompt: Mrs J Cannon. Lighting: L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Make-up: Mrs H Cannon & Mrs D Coia. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Manager: Garry McDonald. Bendigo Concert Orchestra Violins: Mrs R Weldon, Mrs A Boulton, Mrs M Robbins, Mrs C Messer, Mr C Gill, Mr J Jordan, Mr P Phillips, Mr T French. Violas: Mr E Jarrett, Mr H Werry. Cellos: Mrs C Bubb. Bass: Mr S Anderson. Flute: Mr C Bubb. Clarinets: Mr R Holyoake. Trombones: Mr W Neuman. Trumpets: Mr D Gray, Mr David Gray, Mr Ian De Araugc. Percussion: Mr Brian Beale. Pianoforte: Mrs P Gorman. Songs From ''The Student Prince'' (wording). Acknowledgement; Bendigo Advertiser, BCV8, 3BO, 3CV, St Mary's. Advertisements through last half of program: Don Semmens Photographic Studio, The Copper Pot Licensed Restaurant, Ross Coiffure Beatty Salon. A and b are both the same copy a in the better of the copies as b is lightly faded. Otherwise excellent condition.program, music, bedigo operatic society, the student prince, capital theatre, view street, bendigo. 15th, 16th, 17th 22nd, 23, 24th june, 1972. bendigo operatic society: mr j mck. cannon, mr f trewarne, miss ann ball, mr l spencely, mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames j cannon, m reed, misses p mccraken & m welch, messrs. j beaumont, j boquest, g daws. photos: producer-max collis, assistant producer, ballet & wardrobe mistress-madge welch, assistant pianist-edith john, musical director-gwen grose, society pianist- ruth gorman. photos of cast: margaret mcqueenie, john boquest, john mccormack, graham bumford, graeme daws, annette beckwith, jill james, ferd lorenz, shane brennan, patricia lyon, max rule, ian beckwith, john tonkin, michael filippini, valerie griffiths, jim feteris. synopsis if story. synopsis of scenes. bendigo operatic society presents by arrangement with allan's music (australia) pty. ltd. ''the student prince'' a max collis production. music by sigmond romburg. book & lyrics by dorothy donnelly. stage manager malcolm cannon. musical director gwen grose. choreography madge welch. wardrobe miss m welch, mrs a ball. cast: kerry hogan brian fitzpatrick, garry burns, alan petrie, graham bumford, john mccormick, john boquest, graeme daws, annette beckwith margaret mcqueenie, michael filippini, nicholas kasterovic, max rule, graham bumford, ian beckwith, ferd lorenz, shane brennan, jill james, patricia lyon, valerie griffiths, jim feteris, john tonkin. time _ spring 1860. female chorus: marion alcock, ann ball, wilma baldwin, dorothy field, ann garrat, dawn moncrieff, coral rivett, lois semmens, marilyn storey, marion wright. male chorus: garry burns, edmund, burke, peter edgley, brian fitzpatrick, jim feteris, kerry hogan, ross jones, nicholas kasterovic, bernie keogh, john keogh, alan petrie, fred trewarne, philip wilkin. ballet: dianne austin, annette basset, wendy kent, jocelyn lyon, lyn rowe, ann rendell, helen southby, pauline waugh. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery & properties: m & j cannon, j moncrieff, r spicer. art work: m cannon, s james, b agnew, tony lorenz, j hall, karl steinberg. prompt: mrs j cannon. lighting: l reed, h bridges & t vincent. make-up: mrs h cannon & mrs d coia. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house manager: garry mcdonald. bendigo concert orchestra violins: mrs r weldon, mrs a boulton, mrs m robbins, mrs c messer, mr c gill, mr j jordan, mr p phillips, mr t french. violas: mr e jarrett, mr h werry. cellos: mrs c bubb. bass: mr s anderson. flute: mr c bubb. clarinets: mr r holyoake. trombones: mr w neuman. trumpets: mr d gray, mr david gray, mr ian de araugc. percussion: mr brian beale. pianoforte: mrs p gorman. songs from ''the student prince'' (wording). acknowledgement; bendigo advertiser, bcv8, 3bo, 3cv, st mary's. advertisements: don semmens photographic studio, the copper pot licensed restaurant, ross coiffure beatty salon. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Esma Turner Collection - ( Esma Turner - secretary of the Huntly and District Historical Society ) Amalgamated Society of Engineers / A4 size booklet plastic cover, cardboard back, plastic binding - front page black and white photo 'Grand Times' Esma Turner with remnants of a once-grand presentation, article Historic portraits create a mystery By Steve Kendall - taken from the Bendigo Weekly - Friday October 31st 2008 relating to the repair of a badly-damaged historic photo presentation, which led to further research into the Amalgamated Society of Engineers. / included in the booklet: - 'the origins of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers / it’s time of operation, its significance or any other detail'.book, engineering, esma turner/ / the huntly and district' s historical society. / article historic portraits create a mystery by steve kendall -/ 'the origins of the amalgamated society of engineers / its time of operation , its significance or any other detail .' -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Green covered book with the title printed in black. First Edition. A.C. Brooks, Government Printer, Melbourne. 1943. Contents are: Notation, Numeration, Graphs; Whole Numbers; Compound quantities; Shopping Arithmetic; Tables (Capacity, Time, Length); Tables (Weight); Fractions; Arithmetic of Daily Life; and Project and Tables. Also includes Revisions and illustrations.By Authority: A.C. Brooks, Government Printer,, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - arithmetic for grade v, education department victoria, a c brooks -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A Century of Service, the events, people and places that shaped the RSL in Bendigo 1915-2015. A tribute to the men and women from Bendigo who have served in the Defence Forces of Australia and our allies in time of need and in particular to those who formed a sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers Association in Bendigo in 1915 and those who have participated in the last 100 years.Soft cover 239 pages with black and white & coloured photographs.Murray Poustieorganization, military, rsl -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Arithmetic for Grade IV, First Edition 1944. Education Department of Victoria. Hardcover book with light grey cloth cover with black title. Subjects covered are: Numeration and Notation; Whole Numbers; Fractions; Money; Money in Daily Life; Weight, Capacity; Length, Time; and Project and, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - arithmetic for grade iv, education department for grade iv, a c brooks -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Arithmetic for Grade III, First Edition 1946. Education Department of Victoria. Hardcover book with light brown cloth cover with black title. Subjects covered are Numeration and Notation; Addition; Money; Subtraction; Multiplication; Time; Fractions; Division; Length, Weight, Capacity, Dozen; A Holiday at the Farm, and, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - arithmetic for grade iii, education department victoria, a c brooks -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Easter Fair Festival Program, 26-31 March, 1997. Festival Features, Evening of Art & Classical Music, Rotary Club of Bendigo. VicHealth Easter Fest, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation & Bendigo Community Health Services. Fine Food Fest. Free Stage. Free Evening Concert & Fireworks, Zaire. Torchlight Procession, sponsored by Prime TV & Coca Cola, Bendigo Market Place. Fireworks Spectacular, Sponsored by Bendigo Market Place & Prime TV. Street Fiesta, sponsored by Arts Victoria. Street Extravaganza, Coca Cola Carnival, Sponsored by Coca Cola. Star for a Day, Power Audio Visual & Prime Television. Handcraft Bazaar, Rotary Club of Bendigo Sandhurst Art & Craft Market. Cosmopolitan Street Café, Arts Victoria. Awakening of the Dragon, Bendigo Chinese Association. Gala Parade, Prime Television & Coca Cola. Firewalking by the Australian Skeptics, Discovery Science & Technology Centre. Up In Flames, Discovery Science & Technology Centre. Barry Kenny's Country Roundup, Nadort Promotions. School's Day. Teddy Bear's Picnic, Dragon City Marshals. Fire Brigades Children's Carnival. Family Event, Bendigo Minister's Fellowship. Bendigo Easter Antique Fair. Historic Photographic Exhibition, Burt Sargent Circa 1900. Open Garden at Nanga Gnulle (''nanga nully''). A parade of Quilts, Strathdale Bendigo Quilters Inc. Tasting the Life, Gail Tavener Studio. Snakes Alive Dangerous Australians, BRIT. Y's Men's Club of Bendigo Book Fair, YMCA. Bendigo Camera Club, BRIT. Bendigo Woodcraft Exhibition, Woodturners Bendigo Inc. Autumn Bonsai, Bendigo Bonsai Club. Convocation, National Trust Bendigo. Arms & Collectables, Golden City Collectors Assoc. In. Rotary Art Show. Rotary Pottery Exhibition. Women's Vision For The Church, Provincial Council of Mothers Union. Historic Toorak House, Lioness Club of Golden City Bendigo. White Hills Cemetery. Bendigo Cemetery. Festival of Flowers, Craft & Garden, Bendigo Jockey Club. Shannons Corporation Motorfest, City Drive Through, Static Display, Motorkhana, Time Trial. Bendigo Bank Dragon Mile. Volkswagen Car Show, a part of the 28th National Bug-In. Repco Cycles, Australian Veteran Cycling Council Inc. Championships. Under 17 Australian Badminton Championships. Palm Sunday, Bendigo Symphony Orchestra. Way of the Cross, Bendigo's Combined Churches. The Easter Story, Kangfluca Music. Sunrise Church Service, Bendigo Ministers' Fellowship. Map of CBD Advertisements: Bendigo Easter Antique Fair. Austar. Bendigo Art Gallery. Bendigo Visitor Information Centre. Prime. Golden Dragon Museum Inc. Bendigo Heritage Tours. Discovery Science & Technology Centre Bendigo. Sponsors: Sandhurst Trustees, Prime, Vic Health, ABC Radio, Arts Victoria, Coca Cola, Events Bendigo, City Of Greater Bendigo, Bendigo Community Health Services, Shannons., Morris Design PH 5448 8777Morris Designevent, easter fair, bendigo easter fair, bendigo easter fair festival program, 26-31 march, 1997. festival features, evening of art & classical music, easter fest, . fine food fest. free stage. free evening concert & fireworks. torchlight procession. fireworks spectacular, street fiesta, street extravaganza, coca cola carnival, star for a day, handcraft bazaar, art & craft market. cosmopolitan street café, awakening of the dragon. gala parade, firewalking australian skeptics, discovery science & technology centre. up in flames, barry kenny's country roundup, nadort promotions. school's day. teddy bear's picnic, fire brigades children's carnival. family event, bendigo minister's fellowship. antique fair. photographic exhibition, burt sargent circa 1900. open garden nanga gnulle a parade of quilts, strathdale bendigo quilters inc. tasting the life, gail tavener studio. snakes alive dangerous australians, brit. book fair, ymca. bendigo camera club, brit. bendigo woodcraft exhibition, woodturners bendigo inc. autumn bonsai, bendigo bonsai club. convocation, national trust bendigo. arms & collectables, golden city collectors assoc. art show. pottery exhibition. women's vision for the church, provincial council of mothers union. historic toorak house, lioness club. white hills cemetery. bendigo cemetery. festival of flowers, craft & garden, bendigo jockey club. motorfest, drive through, static display, motorkhana, time trial. dragon mile. volkswagen car show, national bug-in. repco cycles, australian veteran cycling council inc. championships. under 17 australian badminton championships. palm sunday, bendigo symphony orchestra. way of the cross, bendigo's combined churches. the easter story, kangfluca music. sunrise church service, bendigo ministers' fellowship. map of cbd advertisements: antique fair. golden dragon museum inc. bendigo heritage tours. discovery science & technology centre bendigo. sponsors: sandhurst trustees, vic health, abc radio, arts victoria, coca cola, events bendigo, city of greater bendigo, bendigo community health services, shannons., morris design. prime tv. austar. bendigo art gallery. bendigo visitor information centre. prime, victorian health promotion foundation, zaire, sponsored by bendigo market place & prime tv, sponsored by arts victoria, sponsored coca cola, power audio visual, rotary club of bendigo sandhurst, bendigo chinese association, y's men's club of bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two small newspaper clippings: -1, Bus tour of Bendigo Mining, leaving the Lyric Theatre 9.30 am. This day, Monday, March 27th. 2. The conducted bus tour of the old mining areas around Bendigo yesterday was so successful that it will be repeated today. Leaving the Lyric Theatre Charing Cross. At 9.30am so as to allow patrons to be back in time for the procession. These have been glued on to a page out of an exercise book.bendigo, mining, tours, bendigo advertiser , gold mines, tours -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. Two copies of a 111 page soft cover book by Edgar Beale of an analysis of Edmund B Kennedy's exploration in 1848 of Cape York Peninsular with transcripts of parts of his journal. Published by Wollongong University College in 1970. Catalogue stickers ''2252.1 BEA'' and ''2252.2 BEA'' on spines. Handwritten notations in ink on the flyleaf of each copy as follows - Copy 93a ''Alec H Chisholm Esq. In gratitude for many favours. This is an entirely unreadable companion to my Life of Kennedy which should appear any time now. Kindest regards, Edgar Beale.'' Copy 93b ''For Alec Chisholm, with gratitude and a friendly warning - don't even try to read this ! From the author, Edgar Beale''Edgar Bealebooks, collections, history, alec h chisholm collection, edmund b kennedy, exploration, edgar beale -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
St Vincents College Bendigo. 'A school out of time and out of place'. Yellow cover, red spine.Wendy Badman, 1984church, history, st vincents college -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letters from Bendigo compiled by Charles Paterson, an account of the time his Great Grandfather John Owens spent in the goldfields of Victoria during the years 1853 - 1863 based on the letters he wrote to his family in Wales. One of two books donated by Charles Paterson. Both books spiral bound and contain coloured prints & maps. Books enclosed in plastic sleeve.John Owensperson, family, john owens, history-bendigo-goldfields-family-owens -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - 'BACK TO ST. LUKE'S TODDLERS' HOME, 12th. April, 1980
'Back to' St. Luke's Toddlers' home - 24 pages with photographs, illustrations. Includes history of St. Luke's, time line, childcare in Bendigo, residential child care.St. Luke's support committeeevent, back to, st. luke's toddlers' home, bendigo, child care, st. luke's, st. luke's orphanage, st. luke's family care. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Merry Country Dance, a description and social history of colonial and old time dance and music, published by the Bush dance and music club of Bendigo and district with black & white photographs and illustrations.Peter Ellisperforming arts, elocution, bush dancing, dance, music, musical instruments. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Inc. History House 11 Mackenzie Street Bendigo goldfields BOOK ...Robert Gray Ford Colonial Blacksmith, Inventor, Engineer and one time, engineering, signed by author july 2005 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Victorian Railways General Appendix to the Book of Rules and Regulations and to the Working Time Table. 984 pages pu blished by the Government Printer with photographs, drawings and diagrams. Blue hard cover.Victorian Railwayscottage, miners -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo A History. Two Copies. A history of gold mining in Bendigo from its earliest time and the development of the city. Black and white illustrations and photographs. 282 pages.Frank Cusackbendigo, history, bendigo, goldfields, gold mining, history of goldmining, bendigo history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... AT TIME OF THIS ENTRY. Book CAMPASPE RUN, ANNUAL REPORT 2000/2001 ...Campaspe Run, Annual Report, 2000/2001. NOT IN CUPBOARD AT TIME OF THIS ENTRY.cottage, miners, the h. v. mckay rural discovery centre. campaspe run. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - ON THE ROADS WITH SHEEP - 1882, 1982
On The Roads With Sheep - 1882 - . A history of the drought at this time and the consequent droving of sheep along roadsides in an effort to survive, both the sheep and the farmer. Publication No. 10 of the History and Natural History Group Donald M I A Society 3480 Victoria.J. C. Jennisonautobiography, drought hardship on families -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - GETTING GOLD, 1935
Getting Gold. Information for the 'Green' prospector trying his hand for the first time. Issued bt y Geo. Brown for the Mines Department, Melbourne. 1935. Brown cover. 42 pages. Name J W Anderson written in pencil on front cover.victoria, history, helpful hints in prospecting -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo A History. Signed by the author. A history of gold mining in Bendigo from its earliest time and the development of the city. Black and white illustrations. 262 pages.Frank Cusackbendigo, mining, early history., gold mining in bendigo. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - HELL BELOW - LEADER, 1959
'Hell Below'. The romance of gold - fictional story of mining at Bendigo, told from the viewpoint of a man who worked below. Reference to known mines and locations in Bendigo.W Snowdenbendigo, mining, conditions at the time. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo the golden age retraced Front cover is a map of the area using white lines to point out points of interest in Bendigo. These places are then described in brief detail throught the book. There are also illustrations of each place of interest. Part A has a signature inside the front cover dated 1973. b, has a photo of 'Sun Loong' in front of the Shamrock Hotel, at easter time. This is in a plastic folder which is then inside a folded card, with adrawing of the old Town Hall on the front. C, has a library sticker on the lower spine, numbered 0035 nei. With Index. 64 pages.Jan Neilbendigo, buildings, effects of gold in bendigo., . -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Bookmaker's ledger book
The Melbourne Cup Carnival covers four days of racing and includes the Melbourne Cup, Derby Day, Oaks Day and the Champion Stakes. The four day carnival began in 1869. The first Melbourne Cup was run in 1861, and Derby day in 1856. In 1899 the winner of the Melbourne Cup was Merriwee who also won the Derby that year. At that time the Champions Stakes was called the Mackinnon Stakes, named after Lachlan Kenneth Scobie Mackinnon, a previous chairman of the Victorian Racing Club. In 1899 the race for age race was won by Mora. The Oaks is a race for 3yo fillies racing over one and a half miles in 1899 when it was won by Nitre.Large ledger book probably from Arthur Allsop. Includes the starting prices wagers of horse races in Victoria and the Commercial Bank records of deposits and withdrawals. It covers the years from 1897 to 1922. With the book there is also a handwritten letter to Arthur recording the bets of A. Connell and W.P. Bayus (?) over the Melbourne Cup carnival 1899.bookmaker's ledger, horse racing, 1899, melbourne cup carnival -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - The Royal Princess Theatre Story, 2001
The Royal Princess Theatre was opened on 31st August 1874. The cost of the building was £12,000 with a capacity of 2,000 people. The building was designed by William Charles Vahland. The site was at the corner of View Street and McKenzie Street, with the frontage facing View Street. The auditorium was on three levels and seated 650 in the pit (rear stalls), 200 in the stalls, 250 in the dress circle and 850 in the gallery. A further 50 were seated in the six stage boxes. The frontage of the theatre was 80ft wide x 60ft, which inside the auditorium the proscenium was 30ft wide by 18ft high. The stage was 56ft deep. Stage lighting at the time was by gas until the Electric Supply Co, of Victoria Ltd. had DC power available in 1898. The theatre was described as comparable to anything Drury Lane in London had to offer. The original proprietor’s of the theatre John Croley died on 26th March 1899 aged 72 years, while William Billy Heffernan died 23rd March 1891 aged 81 years.The Royal Princess Theatre Bendigo History Notes, provided by Fred Page for the Bendigo Historical Society. Three pages of notes and photographs photocopied from an unknown book pp 24 - 26.history, bendigo, royal princess theatre -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - Merle Bush Trefoil Guild: "Memories of Guiding"
Girl Peace Scouts were formed in Tasmania in 1909 -10. The first meeting of the Girl Guides Association of Australia was held in Melbourne in 1926 by which time all states in Australia had Brownie packs, and Guide and Ranger Companies.Mid blue soft cover book. A Collection of stories celebrating the Centenary of Guiding in Australia 1910 - 2010. Edited by Jill Johnstone and Margaret Taylor. 1st Edition 2009. Printed by Minuteman Press Springvale Victoria. Includes black and white photos.116 pp.girl guides, guiding, history of guiding -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book ''the School On The Hill'' Bendigo High Schol and Bendigo Senior Secondary College 1907-2007 by Janette M. Bomford. Ninety eight pages book published for the Centenary of the school. Also included a Bendigo Advertiser article from August 10, 2007 title: Time capsule reveals gold and two small brochures: Bendigo Senior Secondary College History Trail and Centenary Celebrations 5-7 October, bendigo, bssc -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser article from Saturday July 17, 1976 titled 25 years ahead of its time ''Lister House'' a school which leads the way. The originals of the two photos printed in the newspaper are also include, one of author Frank Cusack signing copies of his book ''Lister House'' the other of the outside of the building.bendigo, buildings, lister house -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - DIARY, 1936
Book. Diary. My Engagements For The Year. 1 Page for Personal Notes: Name, Address Watch No., Season Ticket No., Telephone No., Motor Car No., Motor Licence No., Height, Weight, Birthday. Page for Phone Numbers. Each month there is 1 page for the month which also lists sunrise, sunset, moon stages and eclipses opposite page for notes. Also listed are St David's Day, St Patrick's Day, Good Friday etc. 4 pages detail Postal and General Information (Postal Rates in force at time of going to Pres. 1 page at rear for Addresses. Printed by: Raphael Tuck and Sons Ltd., London, Paris and New York. Publishers to Their Majesties The King and Queen and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Printed in England. 1 staple in centre. Decorative cover in browns, reds, orange, green and gold.Raphael Tuck and Sons Ltd., London, Englandbook, diary, diary. engagements for the year. personal notes: name, address watch no., season ticket no., telephone no., motor car no., motor licence no., height, weight, birthday, phone numbers. each month there is 1 page for the month which also lists sunrise, sunset, moon stages and eclipses opposite page for notes. also listed is st david's day, st patrick's day, good friday etc. 4 pages detail postal and general information. postal rates in force at time of going to pres. 1 page at rear for addresses. printed by: raphael tuck and sons ltd., london, paris and new york. publishers to their majesties the king and queen and h.r.h. the price of wales. printed in england. 1 staple in centre. decorative cover in browns, reds, orange, green and gold. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 148 page hard cover book by Tilly Aston of sketches and word pictures of the old pioneers of Australia. Introduction by A. H. Chisholm who at the time was Editor of the Argus, Melbourne and President of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria. Catalogue sticker ''2233 AST'' on spine. Newspaper review pasted on flyleaf dated 1 Sept.1938. Published and printed in 1938 by William Hodge & co. Ltd., London.Tilly Astonbooks, collections, short stories, alec h chisholm collection, tilly aston, prose, short stories