Showing 2535 items
matching 2010
Queen's College
Bundle of straw wrapped in linen, Middle Kingdom, 2055-1650 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Bundle of straw wrapped in linen.Label attached reads 'Hank of Grass bought in Egypt by Petrie 2600 BC XII Dynasty'. Small paper label inscribed with 'B10' glued to back of label.james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie, straw bundle -
Queen's College
Ball of thread, Middle Kingdom, 2055-1650 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Ball of flax thread.Label attached reads '2600 BC Ball of thread XII Dynasty Bought in Egypt by Petrie 1889'. Small paper label inscribed with 'B11' glued to back of label.james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie, ball, thread, flax -
Queen's College
Arm from a wooden figure, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Very roughly shaped piece of wood with suggestion of fingers at one end. Two circular holes along length for attachment. Small paper label inscribed with 'B3' attached to back of arm.arm, wooden figure, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Cartonnage panel, Ptolemaic Period, 332-30 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Image on panel of two opposing jackals, possibly Anubis shrines. Coloured in red, blue, yellow, brown and black. Small paper label inscribed with 'B12' attached to back of panel.cartonnage panel, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Cartonnage sandal soles, Roman Period, 30 BCE - 395 CE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Two sandal soles with yellow base, over which was painted blue and black.cartonnage sandal soles, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Funerary cone, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1295 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Two ovals of hieroglyphs with remains of a red/brown paint on face of cone and round edge. Small paper label inscribed with 'A6' attached to cone.funerary cone, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Funerary cone, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1295 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Three columns of hieroglyphs and remains of a red/brown paint on the face of the cone and on body, end broken off. Small paper label inscribed with 'A6' attached to cone.funerary cone, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Canopic jar sherds with inscription in hieroglyphs, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1295 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Two sherds that join to form a Canopic jar which held the stomach removed during mummification. The stomach was placed under the protection of Duamutef, one of the four Sons of Horus, who were charged with protection of the viscera removed during mummification. He was represented as a human figure with the head of a dog. Duamutef was then placed under the protection of the goddess Neith. Small paper label inscribed with 'A11' attached to back of sherd. The inscription, consisting of four columns of text reads: Words spoken by Neith My arms embrace what is in me I protect Nuamutef, who is in me The revered one with Duamutef, (Osiris) the dignitary Tusy true of voice. (translation by Dr Olaf Kaaper)canopic jar, hieroglyphs, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Wall plaster, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Coarse, gritty fabric almost sandy. Plastered surface has a dark brown paint with a star like pattern in yellow over the top. Small paper label inscribed with 'B9' attached to back of largest fragment. wall plaster, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Cat figurine, Late Ptolemaic Period, 664 - 30 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Crudely made figure of a cat set into a modern wooden base.The number 13 inscribed in white painted on front of base. cat figurine, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Osiris figurine, Late Ptolemaic Period, 664 - 30 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Crudely formed figure of Osiris with tripartite crown and arms crossed in front holding crook and flail. Back is flat and broken at the feet. The number 8 inscribed in white paint on back of figurine osiris figurine, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Osiris figurine, Late Ptolemaic Period, 664 - 30 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Crudely formed figure in the round of Osiris with tripartite crown and arms folded at the front. Has own flat base and also suspension loop attached to back between shoulders. The number 9 inscribed in white paint on back of figurine osiris figurine, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Pounder, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Stone pounderSmall paper label inscribed with 'Stone Hammer Tel-el Amarna' glued to underside of pounder. stone pounder, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Fragments of skull, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Fragment of skullSmall paper label inscribed with 'Skull Bones from Sakhara' glued to one of the fragments.skull fragments, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Ostracon, Greco-Roman Period (1st - 3rd centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Ostracon with Greek text.Small paper label inscribed with 'C10' attached to back of ostracon. ostracon, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Ostracon, Greco-Roman Period (1st - 3rd centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Ostracon with Greek text.ostracon, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Ostracon, Greco-Roman Period (1st - 3rd centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Ostracon with Greek text.ostracon, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Lamp, Coptic period (4th - 5th centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Clay lamplamp, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Lamp, Coptic period (4th - 5th centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Clay lamplamp, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Lamp, Coptic period (4th - 5th centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Clay lamplamp, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Roll of papyrus, Greco-Roman Period (1st - 3rd centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Roll of papyruspapyrus roll, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Sandal sole, Ptolemaic Period 332 - 30 BCE
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Leather sandal solesandal sole, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Fragments of papyrus, Greco-Roman Period (1st-3rd centuries CE)
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Five pieces of card upon which papyrus fragments have been glued and also an envelope of small miscellaneous fragments.papyrus, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Fragment of inscribed brick, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.A mud brick fragment with cuneiform inscription.mud brick, cuneiform, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
Queen's College
Fragments of cuneiform tablet, Date unknown
This item is part of the Dodgson Collection, which was bequeathed to Queen's College in 1892 by the Rev. James Dodgson. The collection was created by Aquila Dodgson, brother of James. Aquila Dodgson was a friend of the English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and it was through this friendship the Aquila was able to acquire ancient Egyptian artefacts. A detailed study of the collection was made by Christine Elias "Discovering Egypt: Egyptian Antiquities at the University of Melbourne", M.A. thesis 2010.Fragment of a disintegrating cuneiform tablet.tablet, cuneiform, james dodgson, aquila dodgson, flinders petrie -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, The Herald & Weekly Times Ltd. Melbourne, Students Pruning, 1955
M. Nelson, Springhurst donated the photograph. Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 61. Girl in foreground is Helen Wiltshire (now Murdoch), Dux of the College in 1956, then Secretary of BCPSA - wrote to the College after seeing the photograph used in publicity for 2010 University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Open Day. She said the girl on the ladder was Maureen Skuse (now Nelson). Black and white photograph of 2 female students pruning a fruit tree in the Orchard. One is standing on a ladder. Both are using secateurs."M. Nelson Springhurst. Photo from Herald 1955." Stamp "Herald-Sun Photograph supplied by Feature Service The herald & Weekly Times Ltd."female students, pruning, fruit tree, m. nelson, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, helen murdoch (nee wiltshire), dux of college, 1956, secretary, bcpsa, maureen skuse, orchard, students working outside -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Nirranda & District Netball Ass 1840-1970, 2011
This is a booklet giving information on the Nirranda & District Netball Association Inc. It is a 40th anniversary publication. This association was formed in 1971 with Nirranda, Nirranda South, AllansForest, Curdievale and Commingle the competing teams. In 1991 the competing teams were AllansForest, Nullawarre North, Nirranda and Nirranda South and these clubs continued until 2010 when a new format saw individual teams playing under the administration of the Association. The Association continues today.This book is of interest as a record of the Nirranda & District Netball Association. Nirranda is a small settlement 28 kilometres south east of Warrnambool and its history and activities are of interest to the surrounding districts. Netball is the most popular sport for women in the area and the clubs are mostly allied with the local football teams. This is a soft cover booklet of 52 pages. The cover has a white background with a stylized sketch of two netballers (wire sculptures) standing on a windmill frame and throwing at a netball ring with decorative columns on the side. The sketch is in black, green and grey tonings. The booklet contains a Foreword, Personal Profiles, Extracts from Association Minutes and records of competition winners. The pages are stapled.Front Cover: ‘40 Years Nirranda & District Netball Association Inc, 40th Anniversary Re-union’. nirranda & district netball association, history of nirranda, warrnambool history -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Properties in Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Photographic images of properties in Port Melbourne. Image may have been taken by a PMHPS member or scanned from a past resident or taken for real estate sale purposes. .01 - 382 Bay St (March 2007) .02 & .03 - Starbucks Coffee Corner Bay & Graham Streets (January 2006) .04 - Holy Trinity residential redevelopment (January 2006) .05 - Bay St verandah detail (March 2007) .06 - Residential redevelopment on Northern corner Bay and Graham Streets (September 2010)built environment - domestic, built environment - commercial, bay street, starbucks, holy trinity -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 2, Peter Bruce, 1971
Yields information about the Hospital corner view with a tram turning into Sturt St. on a bleak day,Black and white photograph of Ballarat tram No. 35 turning from Drummond Street into Sturt St. at Hospital Corner. Tram has destination of Victoria St . Ballarat Base hospital buildings in background. Photo includes details of the trackwork and road condition at this location. Colour photocopy, laminated, of this photograph on display 4/2000 at 02-02-06 Digital Image of this photo added 7/2010 - see image i2. More detail in the digital image photograph. Peter Bruce Title: "35 Hospital Corner"trams, tramways, ballarat, hospital, sturt and drummond sts. , tram 35 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Sign, "Children's Carriages ....."
One of a group of signs that were fitted into tramcars in Ballarat, giving instructions to passengers about prams, behaviour, smoking, fare payment, talking to the motorman, instructions or information to drivers etc. Yields information about the sign manufacture, demonstrates the type of signs provided in tramcars.Enamel sign, black capital letters and lines on white background, titled "Children's Carriages which fold compactly may be permitted on cars at conductors discretion and owner's risk". One of a number similar signs donated to the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society by the SEC following closure of the Ballarat Tramways system in 1971. Sign has a black enamel backing, with marks from the enamelling process. .1 - as above, rear of sign has many white paint brush marks enamelled into it - added 31/12/2010.trams, tramways, signs, prams, baby carriages, tramcars