Showing 1381 items
matching 1961-1975 - veterans
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Crowe, Ambrose Thomas, War and Conflict: The Australian Vietnam Veterans Association, 2003
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia Department ...This thesis addresses the predicament many veterans found themselves in some years after their return to Australia after fighting the Vietnam War (1962-1973)Thesis done by Ambrose Thomas Crowe for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.This thesis addresses the predicament many veterans found themselves in some years after their return to Australia after fighting the Vietnam War (1962-1973)vietnam war - 1961-1975, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, department of veterans affairs (dva), returned services league of australia (rsl), agent orange - tboxicology, conscription - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Memorabilia - Wine bottle
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Community in Australia in 2012. 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia ...This item commemorates the war in Vietnam and was a gift presented to the National Vietnam Veterans Museum by the Victorian chapter of the Vietnamese Community in Australia in 2012.An olive green wine bottle with black screw cap. The label shows two armed soldiers in full pack with an Australian flag on the top left corner. Vietnamese Community in Aust - Victorian Chapter 2012/"Lest We Forget/Side By Side: Hanh Quan Phoi Hop. 1962-1975/Vietnam inscription 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, wine bottle, vietnamese community in australia, vietnamese community -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Edwards, Glen D, Vietnam: The War Within. (Copy 2)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans... - Case studies 1961-1975 - Veterans Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...Vietnam; The War Within is a significant milestone in our understanding of the psychological effects of war experienced by the men and women who served in Vietnam. Twenty Vietnam veterans from Australia, America and New Zealand tell their stories with a frankness which some readers may find disturbing or hard to believe.Vietnam; The War Within is a significant milestone in our understanding of the psychological effects of war experienced by the men and women who served in Vietnam. Twenty Vietnam veterans from Australia, America and New Zealand tell their stories with a frankness which some readers may find disturbing or hard to believe.veterans - counseling - case studies, 1961-1975 - veterans, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - psychological aspects, new zealand, america, australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Edwards, Glen D, Vietnam: the War Within. (Copy 3)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans... - Case studies 1961-1975 - Veterans Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...Vietnam; The War Within is a significant milestone in our understanding of the psychological effects of war experienced by the men and women who served in Vietnam. Twenty Vietnam veterans from Australia, America and New Zealand tell their stories with a frankness which some readers may find disturbing or hard to believe.Vietnam; The War Within is a significant milestone in our understanding of the psychological effects of war experienced by the men and women who served in Vietnam. Twenty Vietnam veterans from Australia, America and New Zealand tell their stories with a frankness which some readers may find disturbing or hard to believe. veterans - counseling - case studies, 1961-1975 - veterans, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - psychological aspects, new zealand, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Gibson, Peter, Conscripted: Now It's our Turn, 2021
... 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia - Biography... - Soldiers - Australian 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia ...A look into the CMF and National Service story of twin brother Nasho's and an insight into the role of an Artillery Head Quarters Battery during the last months of Australia's Vietnam War.A look into the CMF and National Service story of twin brother Nasho's and an insight into the role of an Artillery Head Quarters Battery during the last months of Australia's Vietnam War.vietnam war - 1961-1975 - soldiers - australian, 1961 - 1975 - veterans - australia - biography, vietnam war, personal narratives - australian, conscription, artillery head quarters battery -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Memorabilia, Memorabilia of Peter Johnson
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... Personal narratives - Australian Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans ...Paper documents, newspaper articles, brochures etc.vietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives - australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bower-Miles, Tony 'Bomber' and Whittaker, Mark, Bomber: From Vietnam to hell and back, 2009
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Biography... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...Tony 'Bomber' Bower-Miles was a young sapper in the Australian Army when he first went to Vietnam in 1969. landmines were one of the biggest threats faced by troops on both sides, and much of Bomber's work involved the dangerous task of clearing them.Tony 'Bomber' Bower-Miles was a young sapper in the Australian Army when he first went to Vietnam in 1969. landmines were one of the biggest threats faced by troops on both sides, and much of Bomber's work involved the dangerous task of clearing them.vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- biography, land mines - detection - vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Doyle, Jeff ed and Grey, Jeffrey ed, Australia R&R: Representations and Reinterpretations of Australia's War in Vietnam, 1991
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans ...Until recently, almost specifically the time of the Australian Welcome March in October 1987, Vietnam had been nearly forgotten on the widest popular areas of Australian Society.On this site will be erected a memorial for those who died and served in the Vietnam War.Until recently, almost specifically the time of the Australian Welcome March in October 1987, Vietnam had been nearly forgotten on the widest popular areas of Australian Society. 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, personal narratives - australian, vietnam war, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Flashback: Echoes from a Hard War, 2003
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 1961-1975 - Veterans ...Seven young Australians find themselves caught up in the madness and brutality of the Vietnam War. One dies, six survive after being wounded - only to find there are worse things than dying on the battlefield.Seven young Australians find themselves caught up in the madness and brutality of the Vietnam War. One dies, six survive after being wounded - only to find there are worse things than dying on the battlefield. 1961-1975 - veterans - australia, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- psychological aspects -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs, The Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans: June 1996
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia - Registers... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...This National Roll of Vietnam Veterans was compiled by the Department of Veterans Affairs so that it could conduct a mortality study of the male veterans.This National Roll of Vietnam Veterans was compiled by the Department of Veterans Affairs so that it could conduct a mortality study of the male veterans.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia - registers, australia - armed forces - registers, department of veterans affairs (dva), australian army, royal australian navy, royal australian air force -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Commonwealth Department Of Veterans' Affairs, The Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans - August 1997
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia - Registers... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...this compilation of this woll would not have been possible without the generous assistance provided by the records office staff of the Army, Navy and RAAFthis compilation of this woll would not have been possible without the generous assistance provided by the records office staff of the Army, Navy and RAAFvietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia - registers, australia - armed forces - registers, royal australian army, royal australian navy, royal australian air force -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, O'Donohue, Barry, Portrait of a Survivor: Poems of the Vietnam Era and its Aftermath
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Poetry... - Poetry Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans - Poetry National Service ...Barry O'Donohue was conscripted into National Service in 1967 at the age of 20. He went to Vietnam in 1968/69 where he served as a forward scout in 4RAR/NZ. He was wounded in action during his tour of duty, and survived many life threatening situations.Barry O'Donohue was conscripted into National Service in 1967 at the age of 20. He went to Vietnam in 1968/69 where he served as a forward scout in 4RAR/NZ. He was wounded in action during his tour of duty, and survived many life threatening situations.australians - vietnam - poetry, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - poetry, national service, 4rar/nz, wound, wounded serviceman -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Evans, Carla, Serving Those Who Served: Looking After Our Vietnam who have served their country with honour, dignity and courage
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... - Participation Australian Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...This book is a collectio of stories. Some you will find humorous, others sad and tragic.This book is a collectio of stories. Some you will find humorous, others sad and tragic. 1961-1975 - participation, australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Anderson, Ken AM, Soldiers are persons (Copy 1)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... Veterans Museum Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...The war in Vietnam was cruel and costly in every sense, as indeed all wars are! However the nature of this was was not so markedly different from any other armed conflict in which Australian troops had been involved - certainly not to a degree that would justify the creation of a special purpose single interest museum, which is the case of the National Vietnam Veterans Museum - so why does this particular museum exist?The war in Vietnam was cruel and costly in every sense, as indeed all wars are! However the nature of this was was not so markedly different from any other armed conflict in which Australian troops had been involved - certainly not to a degree that would justify the creation of a special purpose single interest museum, which is the case of the National Vietnam Veterans Museum - so why does this particular museum exist? national vietnam veterans museum, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Anderson, Ken AM, Soldiers Are Persons (Copy 2)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... Veterans Museum Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...The war in Vietnam was cruel and costly in every sense, as indeed all wars are! However the nature of this was was not so markedly different from any other armed conflict in which Australian troops had been involved - certainly not to a degree that would justify the creation of a special purpose single interest musuem, which is the case of the National Vietnam Veterans Museum - so why does this particular museum exist?The war in Vietnam was cruel and costly in every sense, as indeed all wars are! However the nature of this was was not so markedly different from any other armed conflict in which Australian troops had been involved - certainly not to a degree that would justify the creation of a special purpose single interest musuem, which is the case of the National Vietnam Veterans Museum - so why does this particular museum exist? national vietnam veterans museum, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Morgan, Dave, Ice journey: a story of adventure, escape
... 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia - Biography... disorder - Australia Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia ...Ice Journey is the biography of Vietnam veteran and Antarctica expeditioner Dave Morgan, a self confessed ordinary bloke who has led anything but an ordinary life.Ice Journey is the biography of Vietnam veteran and Antarctica expeditioner Dave Morgan, a self confessed ordinary bloke who has led anything but an ordinary stress disorder - australia, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - veterans - australia - biography, veterans - australia - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pigot, John, Leather Bred Heroes: The Vietnam Veteran's Motorcycle Club (Copy 1)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia...' Motorcycle Club Vietnamese Conflict 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...One percent Motorcycle Clubs are contentious organisations that have challenged the rules of mainstream society since they were first formed in America during the late 1940s. Their image has been well-defined in popular culture - so much so that the sound of massed Harley Davidsons continues to send a wave of panic through the community.One percent Motorcycle Clubs are contentious organisations that have challenged the rules of mainstream society since they were first formed in America during the late 1940s. Their image has been well-defined in popular culture - so much so that the sound of massed Harley Davidsons continues to send a wave of panic through the community.vietnam veterans' motorcycle club, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pigot, John, Leather Bred Heroes: The Vietnam Veterans' Motorcycle Club (Copy 2)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia...' Motorcycle Club Vietnamese Conflict 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...One percent Motorcycle Clubs are contentious organisations that have challenged the rules of mainstream society since they were first formed in America during the late 1940s. Their image has been well-defined in popular culture - so much so that the sound of massed Harley Davidsons continues to send a wave of panic through the community.One percent Motorcycle Clubs are contentious organisations that have challenged the rules of mainstream society since they were first formed in America during the late 1940s. Their image has been well-defined in popular culture - so much so that the sound of massed Harley Davidsons continues to send a wave of panic through the community. vietnam veterans' motorcycle club, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, My Vietnam War: scarred forever
... 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia - Biography... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - veterans - australia - biography, post-traumatic stress disorder - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tate, Don, The War Within
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia - Biography... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...This is a complete, virtuoso analysis of an Australian life written by an unabashed ad unrepentant author - an acidic dissection of the role that genes and environment have in developing a person's character, as well as a sauntering chronicle of social analysis.This is a complete, virtuoso analysis of an Australian life written by an unabashed ad unrepentant author - an acidic dissection of the role that genes and environment have in developing a person's character, as well as a sauntering chronicle of social analysis. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Karlin, Wayne, Wandering Souls: Journeys With The Dead And The Living In Vietnam, 2009
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - United States... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 1961-1975 ...Wandering Souls is an important, moving, utterly compelling, and wonderfully open-hearted book, one that will be become a touchstone in America's literature about the aftershocks of our terrible misadventure in Vietnam.Wandering Souls is an important, moving, utterly compelling, and wonderfully open-hearted book, one that will be become a touchstone in America's literature about the aftershocks of our terrible misadventure in Vietnam. 1961-1975 - psychological aspects, 1961-1975 - casualties, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Evans, Carla, Serving those who Served: Looking after our Vietnam Veterans who have served their country with honour, dignity and courage (Copy 2)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... - Participation Australian Vietnam War 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia ...This book is a collection of stories. Some you will find humorous, others sad andd tragic.This book is a collection of stories. Some you will find humorous, others sad andd tragic. 1961-1975 - participation, australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tate, Don, The War Within (Rev. ed.)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia - Biography... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...This is a complete, virtuoso analysis of an Australian life written by an unabashed ad unrepentant author - an acidic dissection of the role that genes and environment have in developing a person's character, as well as a sauntering chronicle of social analysis.This is a complete, virtuoso analysis of an Australian life written by an unabashed ad unrepentant author - an acidic dissection of the role that genes and environment have in developing a person's character, as well as a sauntering chronicle of social analysis. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia - biography, veterans -- australia -- biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Block, Mickey, and Kimball, William, Before The Dawn
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - United States... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...the powerful true story an a Navy Seal from elite training to top-secret missions in Vietnam.the powerful true story an a Navy Seal from elite training to top-secret missions in Vietnam.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - veterans - united states, unites states. navy - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Garton, Stephen, Cost of War: Australians Return (Copy 1)
... 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia... Vietnamese Conflict 1961-1975 - Veterans - Australia World War 1939 ...The achievements of Australian servicemen and women have played a central role in shaping Australia's national identity. But while we rightly commemorate the sacrifices of Australians in war, we have ignored those who returned to Australia and their struggles to reintegrate in Australian society.The achievements of Australian servicemen and women have played a central role in shaping Australia's national identity. But while we rightly commemorate the sacrifices of Australians in war, we have ignored those who returned to Australia and their struggles to reintegrate in Australian society. veterans - australia, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - veterans - australia, world war, 1939-1945 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Kane Dale, Lyn, Lady Soldiers: Picture Yourself In the WRAAC - Womens Royal Australian Army Corps
... 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia... - Biography Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 - Veterans - Australia This book ...This book contains the stories of 51 women, from all over Australia, who joined the Women's Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) or the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps (RAANC) between 1953 and 1976.This book contains the stories of 51 women, from all over Australia, who joined the Women's Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) or the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps (RAANC) between 1953 and 1976.This book contains the stories of 51 women, from all over Australia, who joined the Women's Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) or the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps (RAANC) between 1953 and 1976.australia army - women - biography, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - veterans - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Newspaper, The Weekend Australian Review. 3-4 October 1992, 1992
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...Pages 1-16vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, newspaper -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Newspaper, The Weekend Australian Review. 3-4 October 1992, 1992
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...Pages 1-16vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, newspaper -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Newspaper, The Weekend Australian Review. 3-4 October 1992, 1992
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...Pages C2 - C26 - Vietnam Remembered.vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, newspaper -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Newspaper, The Canberra Times, Saturday, October 3, 1992, 1992
... 1961 - 1975 -- Veterans -- Australia... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 ...Vietnam Remembered: 20 page liftout.vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 -- veterans -- australia, newspaper