Showing 1132 items
matching exhibition history
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Snowy Owl, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860- 1880
The Snowy owl is a large and powerful bird. It is one of the largest species of owl, and in North America, it is on average the heaviest owl species. The adult male is virtually pure white, but females and young birds have some dark spots; the young are heavily barred, and dark spotting may even predominate. Thick plumage, heavily feathered taloned feet, and coloration render the Snowy owl well-adapted for life north of the Arctic Circle. This Snowy Owl example is slightly discoloured and in real life the Snowy Owl displays much more brilliant white feathers. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Snowy Owl adult male is virtually pure white with brown spot markings and a pale brownish wash. It has thick plumage and heavily feathered taloned feet. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Swing tag: [torn] snowy owl / See catalogue, page 54 / Metal tag: 4054 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, owl, snowy owl, arctic circle -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Common Buzzard, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860- 1880
The Common buzzard, a medium-sized raptor, is found across Europe and Asia, and in Africa in the winter months. It is the UK’s commonest bird of prey, found in nearly every county. Due to their large size and their brown color, they are often confused with other species, especially the Red kite and the Golden eagle. They may look the same from a distance, but the Common buzzard has a very distinctive call, like a cat’s mew, and a distinctive flying shape. When soaring and gliding, the tail is fanned and its wings are often held in a shallow 'V'. The colour of individuals varies from dark brown to much lighter, though they all have a finely barred tail and dark wingtips. This species occurs across Europe and Russia, and parts of Northern Africa and Asia in the cooler winter months. It lives in a range of habitats, especially woodland, moorland, pasture, scrub, arable land, marsh bog, villages, and sometimes towns and cities. This particular specimen has been mounted in a correct stylised fashion. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Common Buzzard is brown in colour with lighter markings on the chest. It has a white patch of feathers on the back of its head and it has darker wingtips and yellow feet. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Swing tag: 30 / Buzzard / Catalogue page 52. / Metal tag: 4043 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, common buzzard, bird of prey -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Little Pied Cormorant, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Little Pied Cormorant is commonly seen in Australia's wetlands. These birds reside amongst large flocks in locations where fish is plentiful. On the occasion that this bird is seen on inland streams and dams they will be solitary. This particular species willingly mixes with similar sized birds including the Little Black Cormorant. They feed on aquatic animals ranging from insects and yabbies and are labelled as benthic feeders because they find their prey on the seafloor. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Little Pied Cormorant specimen is a small bird with white and black colouring. The back of the head, neck, wings and tail are black while the undersides are a creamy white. The feet are webbed and are also dark in colouring. The bird has pale glass eyes and a medium sized bill and a long tail. This specimen is styled to look over it's left wing with its long neck bent to look in that direction. It stands on a wooden mount with a paper identification tag attached to the bird's right foot. The mount has the number 152 written on the wood.Swing tag: 21a. / Pied Cormorant / Catalogue page 41 / Mount: 152 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, cormorant, little piet cormorant, waterbird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Little Black Cormorant, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Little Black Cormorant is mainly found in freshwater wetlands in Australia and Tasmania. It nests colonially and can sometimes be seen among Heron or Ibis colonies. This specimen has dark webbed feet which enable the bird to catch its prey underwater by diving and using the feet for propulsion. Interestingly, this species have nictitating membranes which cover the eyes underwater protecting them. The feathers of this species are not waterproof despite being commonly located in wetlands and therefore, can often be seen perched with wings outstretched in an effort to dry them after hunting for food in the water. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Little Black Cormorant is a slim and small specimen of entirely black colouring with some lighter specks on the back. The bill is grey and is slender and hooked at the tip. The bird has been stylized with glass eyes and is placed on a wooden mount designed to look like a perch. The neck is long and the bird is looking over its right wing. It has dark webbed feet and is standing on the platform with a paper identification tag tied the right leg. 12a. /Little Pied Cormorant / See Catalogue Page 42 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, australian birds, tasmania, australia, birds of australia, cormorant, little black cormorant, wetlands -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Yellow Billed Spoonbill, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Yellow-billed Spoonbill is a waterbird which can be commonly seen wading through shallow waters. This particular variety of Spoonbill is found across Australia, mostly in the northern and well-watered inland areas. It resides in freshwater wetlands, dams, lagoons and swamps. The species feeds on mainly aquatic insects and larvae. The bill has vibration detectors called papillae inside the spoon which enables the bird to feel the vibrations of its prey in murky water. These birds nest in the colonies of other birds like the Ibises and Royal Spoonbills. They live in high forks of trees over water or in reed beds. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Yellow-billed Spoonbill specimen is a large taxidermy of mainly white colouring. The bill is a large and unique spoon shape and is yellow. The long gangly legs and the skin on the face are also yellow. The eyes are made from a black and yellow glass and the bird is stylized standing on a square wooden platform. A paper identification tag is tied to the bird's upper left leg.6c. / [illegible] / Spoonbill / taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, australian birds, spoonbill, yellow-billed spoonbill, yellow billed spoonbill, waterbird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Sooty Albatross, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Sooty Albatross can be located on islands in the southern Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is a colonial bird with colonies consisting of 50 to 60 pairs of birds. These birds will build nests on cliffs and steep slopes. The diet of the Sooty Albatross includes squid, crustaceans, cephalopods, fish and carrion. They are considered an endangered species by the IUCN with a population shrinkage of over 75% over the last 90 years. In the 21st century, the population of this Albatross has seen stability on Gough Island. Interestingly, this species have several features which make them unique. They have nasal passages attached to their upper bill called naricorns and can produce a stomach oil which is stored by the bird and used against predators as well as being food for their chicks. These birds also have a salt gland which helps desalinate their bodies after residing in salt water. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Sooty Albatross specimen is of medium size and mainly a sooty-brown plumage. The colouring around the sides of the head and the base of the tail is dark. It has a dark bill which is medium in size and has been stylized with glass eyes by the taxidermist. The tail is a wide diamond-shape and the feet are webbed. This specimen has been placed on a wooden mount and has a small paper identification tag tied to its right leg.Sooty Albatross / 13D / Catalogue Page 49 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, hawk-owl, europe, atlantic ocean, indian ocean, albatross, sooty albatross, endangered species -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Textile - Banner, c1872
This banner was one of five banners gifted to the Beechworth Chinese community in recognition of their support of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum in 1875, from the Carnival Committee. These banners had been purchased in China by a social envoy from Beechworth then presented to the Chinese community during the Beechworth Fine Arts Exhibition in May of that same year, by Donald Fiddes, President of the Ovens District Hospital. The Burke Museum's Chinese Collection presents the history of Chinese settlement in Beechworth from 1856 and its involvement in local community affairs in the second half of the 19th century. In settling in the area they formed their own community with distinctive Chinese cultural traditions, forming their own 'camps' with laid out streets, housing a Temple, Chinese Theatre and restaurants, hotels, stores, gambling houses and dwellings. Members of the Chinese community took an active interest in town affairs and were generous donors to the appeal to build the Ovens District Hospital in 1856/7. The vibrant colours and dynamic graphics of the silk embroidered Chinese banners were a highlight of Beechworth Charitable processions that took place in the main street. Two of the Chinese banners were conserved for the Burke Museum in 2006 by Carol Campbell of Phoenix Conservation Services with funding from Victoria’s Heritage Grants. In 2015, with the enormous support of the Copland Foundation and fundraising activities by the Friends of the Bur Museum Committee, conservation of the third banner was undertaken by Artlab Australia in Adelaide. The banners display traditional Chinese textile techniques and are visually beautiful and very rare and are considered of local and national significance, with the potential to be deemed internationally significant.Multi panelled banner with embroidery and applied design motifs on front. Back panel is painted design of two men. The front panels have been constructed using strips of various weaves and colours of silk that have been embroidered or had a design applied prior to the overall construction of the piece. The embroidery is predominantly gold work with both plyed and floss silk threads. Silk macrame fringe and tassels to central panel and padded lotus and bowl motif hanging tassel from side panels. Velvet lettering applied to front "CHINA" CHINA /beechworth, burke museum, chinese, benevolent asylum, ovens district hospital, beechworth carnival processions, carnival, processions, beechworth chinese community, beechworth fine arts exhibition, donald fiddes -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Textile - Banner, c1872
This banner was one of five banners gifted to the Beechworth Chinese community in recognition of their support of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum in 1875, from the Carnival Committee. These banners had been purchased in China by a social envoy from Beechworth then presented to the Chinese community during the Beechworth Fine Arts Exhibition in May of that same year, by Donald Fiddes, President of the Ovens District Hospital. The Burke Museum's Chinese Collection presents the history of Chinese settlement in Beechworth from 1856 and its involvement in local community affairs in the second half of the 19th century. In settling in the area they formed their own community with distinctive Chinese cultural traditions, forming their own 'camps' with laid out streets, housing a Temple, Chinese Theatre and restaurants, hotels, stores, gambling houses and dwellings. Members of the Chinese community took an active interest in town affairs and were generous donors to the appeal to build the Ovens District Hospital in 1856/7. The vibrant colours and dynamic graphics of the silk embroidered Chinese banners were a highlight of Beechworth Charitable processions that took place in the main street. Two of the Chinese banners were conserved for the Burke Museum in 2006 by Carol Campbell of Phoenix Conservation Services with funding from Victoria’s Heritage Grants. In 2015, with the enormous support of the Copland Foundation and fundraising activities by the Friends of the Bur Museum Committee, conservation of the third banner was undertaken by Artlab Australia in Adelaide.The banners display traditional Chinese textile techniques and are visually beautiful and very rare and are considered of local and national significance, with the potential to be deemed internationally significant.Multi panelled banner with embroidery and applied design motifs on front. The front panels have been constructed using strips of various weaves and colours of silk that have been embroidered or had a design applied prior to the overall construction of the piece. The embroidery is predominantly gold work with both plyed and floss silk threads.beechworth, burke museum, chinese, benevolent asylum, ovens district hospital, beechworth carnival processions, carnival, processions, beechworth chinese community, beechworth fine arts exhibition, donald fiddes -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Textile - Banner, c1872
This banner was one of five banners gifted to the Beechworth Chinese community in recognition of their support of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum in 1875, from the Carnival Committee. These banners had been purchased in China by a social envoy from Beechworth then presented to the Chinese community during the Beechworth Fine Arts Exhibition in May of that same year, by Donald Fiddes, President of the Ovens District Hospital. The Burke Museum's Chinese Collection presents the history of Chinese settlement in Beechworth from 1856 and its involvement in local community affairs in the second half of the 19th century. In settling in the area they formed their own community with distinctive Chinese cultural traditions, forming their own 'camps' with laid out streets, housing a Temple, Chinese Theatre and restaurants, hotels, stores, gambling houses and dwellings. Members of the Chinese community took an active interest in town affairs and were generous donors to the appeal to build the Ovens District Hospital in 1856/7. The vibrant colours and dynamic graphics of the silk embroidered Chinese banners were a highlight of Beechworth Charitable processions that took place in the main street. Two of the Chinese banners were conserved for the Burke Museum in 2006 by Carol Campbell of Phoenix Conservation Services with funding from Victoria’s Heritage Grants. In 2015, with the enormous support of the Copland Foundation and fundraising activities by the Friends of the Bur Museum Committee, conservation of the third banner was undertaken by Artlab Australia in Adelaide. The banners display traditional Chinese textile techniques and are visually beautiful and very rare and are considered of local and national significance, with the potential to be deemed internationally significant.Multi panelled banner with embroidery and applied design motifs on front. The front panels have been constructed using strips of various weaves and colours of silk that have been embroidered or had a design applied prior to the overall construction of the piece. The embroidery is predominantly gold work with both plyed and floss silk threads.beechworth, burke museum, chinese, benevolent asylum, ovens district hospital, beechworth carnival processions, carnival, processions, beechworth chinese community, beechworth fine arts exhibition, donald fiddes -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Textile - Banner, c1872
This banner was one of five banners gifted to the Beechworth Chinese community in recognition of their support of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum in 1875, from the Carnival Committee. These banners had been purchased in China by a social envoy from Beechworth then presented to the Chinese community during the Beechworth Fine Arts Exhibition in May of that same year, by Donald Fiddes, President of the Ovens District Hospital. The Burke Museum's Chinese Collection presents the history of Chinese settlement in Beechworth from 1856 and its involvement in local community affairs in the second half of the 19th century. In settling in the area they formed their own community with distinctive Chinese cultural traditions, forming their own 'camps' with laid out streets, housing a Temple, Chinese Theatre and restaurants, hotels, stores, gambling houses and dwellings. Members of the Chinese community took an active interest in town affairs and were generous donors to the appeal to build the Ovens District Hospital in 1856/7. The vibrant colours and dynamic graphics of the silk embroidered Chinese banners were a highlight of Beechworth Charitable processions that took place in the main street. Two of the Chinese banners were conserved for the Burke Museum in 2006 by Carol Campbell of Phoenix Conservation Services with funding from Victoria’s Heritage Grants. In 2015, with the enormous support of the Copland Foundation and fundraising activities by the Friends of the Bur Museum Committee, conservation of the third banner was undertaken by Artlab Australia in Adelaide.The banners display traditional Chinese textile techniques and are visually beautiful and very rare and are considered of local and national significance, with the potential to be deemed internationally significant.The banner has a narrow fuchsia embroidered top border, a wider embroidered panel depicting 2 dogs with embroidered Chinese text and a larger lower panel with the embroidered text “PRESENTED TO THE CHINESE OF BEECHWORTH BY THE COMMITEES OF THE PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS (missing) THAT TOWN IN COMMEMOR (missing) OF THE CARNIVAL 1873” The 2 lower panels have narrow decorative borders decorated with mirrors and extensive embroidery. There is an additional embroidered tab running along the right hand edge. The bottom edge has a wide knotted fringe. The back is lined with fabric decorated with a painted scene. Refer Attachment 1 quote ARTLAB AustPRESENTED TO THE CHINESE / OF BEECHWORTH BY THE / COMMITEES OF THE PUBLIC / INSTITUTIONS THAT / TOWN IN COMMEMOR / OF THE CARNIVAL 1873beechworth, burke museum, chinese, benevolent asylum, ovens district hospital, beechworth carnival processions, carnival, processions, beechworth chinese community, beechworth fine arts exhibition, donald fiddes -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Textile - Banner, c1872
This banner was one of five banners gifted to the Beechworth Chinese community in recognition of their support of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum in 1875, from the Carnival Committee. These banners had been purchased in China by a social envoy from Beechworth then presented to the Chinese community during the Beechworth Fine Arts Exhibition in May of that same year, by Donald Fiddes, President of the Ovens District Hospital. The Burke Museum's Chinese Collection presents the history of Chinese settlement in Beechworth from 1856 and its involvement in local community affairs in the second half of the 19th century. In settling in the area they formed their own community with distinctive Chinese cultural traditions, forming their own 'camps' with laid out streets, housing a Temple, Chinese Theatre and restaurants, hotels, stores, gambling houses and dwellings. Members of the Chinese community took an active interest in town affairs and were generous donors to the appeal to build the Ovens District Hospital in 1856/7. The vibrant colours and dynamic graphics of the silk embroidered Chinese banners were a highlight of Beechworth Charitable processions that took place in the main street. Two of the Chinese banners were conserved for the Burke Museum in 2006 by Carol Campbell of Phoenix Conservation Services with funding from Victoria’s Heritage Grants. In 2015, with the enormous support of the Copland Foundation and fundraising activities by the Friends of the Bur Museum Committee, conservation of the third banner was undertaken by Artlab Australia in Adelaide. The banners display traditional Chinese textile techniques and are visually beautiful and very rare and are considered of local and national significance, with the potential to be deemed internationally significant.Multi panelled banner with embroidery and applied design motifs on front. The front panels have been constructed using strips of various weaves and colours of silk that have been embroidered or had a design applied prior to the overall construction of the piece. The embroidery is predominantly gold work with both plyed and floss silk threads. beechworth, burke museum, chinese, benevolent asylum, ovens district hospital, beechworth carnival processions, carnival, processions, beechworth chinese community, beechworth fine arts exhibition, donald fiddes -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Quoll, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Quolls are small carnivorous marsupials native to Australia and New Guinea. Tjilpa is the name given to the quoll amongst the Northern Arrernte language group of Australian Aboriginal people. Quolls are primarily nocturnal and spend most of the day in a den. Of the six species of quoll, four are found in Australia and two in New Guinea. The six species vary in weight and size, from 300g to 7kg. They live in coastal heathlands, sub-alpine woodlands, temperate woodlands and forests, riparian forests and wet sclerophyll forests. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from either the Trustees of the Australian Museum or from the amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880 and mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee around the same time. When all taxidermy mounts were completed, they were quickly put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Small quoll with a small round head, long body, and long, thin tail perched on a branch attached to a wooden mount. The quoll has four skinny legs which have long, dark claws. The quoll's hair is a fawn colour with cream spots. There are two black eyes made of glass, two short pointed ears and black whiskers.On wooden mount: BMM5897 /taxidermy, quoll, animal, australia, burke museum, beechworth, reynell eveleigh johns, taxidermy mount, marsupial -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Goanna, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Sand goannas are the second largest species of carnivorous lizards found across mainland Australia. They can grow up to 160cm in length and can weigh as much as 6kg. Their common name is derived from "iguana", since early European bush settlers in Australia likened goannas to the South American lizards. Goannas retain special cultural and historic significance within Australian folklore and Indigenous culture. They were an important traditional native food source and are commonly represented in Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. In some Aboriginal languages, the sand goanna is called "bungarra"; a term also commonly used by non-Aboriginal people in Western Australia. In Pitjantjatjara and other central Australian languages, goannas are called "tingka". This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Small goanna with a streamlined body and textured scaly skin in different shades of olive and brown. It has a long neck and a long tail which narrows towards the tip. The goanna has four short, stocky legs which meet with large, curled claws. Its mouth is slightly slightly open, and it has two black glass eyes.On tag: BMM / 5892 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, lizard, goanna, sand goanna, monitor lizard, various gouldii -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Snake Skin, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
There is no known information about the species of snake that this skin belongs to. However, generally speaking, Australia has over two hundred known species of snakes. They are elongated, legless and carnivorous reptiles with scaly, textured skin. Snakes are especially important in Aboriginal dreaming, representing one of the great and powerful forces of nature and spirit. In the Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime story, they are considered the great life giver and protector of water, which is their spiritual home. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Caramel coloured long snake skin curled around in an oval shape.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, snake skin, snake, reptile -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Freshwater Crocodile, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Freshwater Crocodile can measure up to 3 meters and is generally not considered to be a threat to humans. They reside in Northern Australia, Western Australia and the northern part of Cape York Peninsula in Queensland. They live in freshwater environments and make burrows among the roots of trees which fringe the waters they can be found in. This species of Crocodile mainly feed on invertebrate and vertebrate prey which includes insects, spiders, frogs, fish and small birds and mammals. They are also recognized as "cannibalistic" with the older Freshwater Crocodile occasionally preying on young hatchlings. These crocodiles are known for their "high walk" which they do to move on land. It is named "high walk" because the animal lifts their body off the ground using their long legs for height. They are able to walk considerable distances on land using this technique. In captivity, Freshwater Crocodiles are known to be hostile and aggressive to others of its species. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Freshwater Crocodile has a slender snout which is much smaller and thinner than its Saltwater counterpart. This specimen has dark grey and brown colouring with the darker colours concentrated around the face and upper torso of the Crocodile. There are darker stripes along the tail which features triangular scales and is long in length. The teeth are visible and bright yellow glass has been used to replace the eyes of this particular specimen. The crocodile has long but thin limbs which protrude from the sides of the body.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, crocodile, freshwater crocodile, johnstone's crocodile -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Platypus, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The platypus is a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia. It is the sole living representative of its family and genus. They can grow up to 63cm in length and weigh up to 3kg, and their life span is typically 6-15 years. The unique mix of physical features of the platypus make it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology, and a recognisable and iconic symbol of Australia. Furthermore, the platypus is culturally significant to several Aboriginal peoples of Australia. The animal has also appeared as a mascot at national events and features on the reverse of the Australian twenty-cent coin, and is the animal emblem of the state of New South Wales. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A long, stocky platypus with a streamlined body and a flat bill. The platypus has four short limbs with webbed feet, and the front-right foot is positioned upright. The hair is short and dense; the upperbody fur has an auburn tint, and the underbody fur is a silver/cream colour. The platypus has two beady black glass eyes.On tag: BMM / 5899 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, platypus, monotreme, mammal, ornithorhynchus anatinus -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Quoll, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Four species of quoll occur in Australia: the northern, spotted-tailed, eastern and western quolls. Once, most parts of Australia were inhabited by at least one of the species.Captain Cook collected quolls along the east coast in 1770, and recorded "quoll" as their local Aboriginal name. Quolls were often seen by early settlers, who called them "native cat", "native polecat" and "spotted marten", names based on familiar European animals. Since 1770, all four species have declined dramatically in numbers. This is mainly because of habitat loss or change across Australia, and introduced predators such as foxes and cats. Quolls are carnivorous marsupials with a pointed snout, a long tail and brown to black fur distinctively spotted with white. They are lively, attractive animals, with bright eyes, a moist pink nose and many sharp teeth. Like most Australian mammals, quolls are mainly active at night. Typically, they spend the day in one of their many dens, although spotted-tailed quolls and northern quolls sometimes forage and bask in the sunshine. Their large home ranges can extend for several kilometres in each direction from a smaller core range, and the range of a male quoll often overlaps those of several females. An interesting feature of their behaviour is the use of shared latrine (toilet) sites in open spaces such as rock ledges, for marking their territory and other social functions. Male quolls travel widely during the breeding season, with mating occurring during winter. All four species have a gestation period of 21 days. Because they are marsupial mammals, their young are born tiny and undeveloped and must work their way to the pouch, where they attach themselves to a teat to feed. Only the spotted-tailed quoll has a true pouch. In the other species, the young are protected by shallow folds of skin around the teats. As the pups grow, they dangle from the mother's belly; later, she carries them on her back. Quolls reach sexual maturity at one year. They have a naturally short life span, with smaller quolls living an average of only two years, and the larger spotted-tailed quoll about four to five years. The northern quoll is particularly short-lived. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Average sized quoll with brown fur with white spots on body but absence on the long tail which is furry unlike the smooth body fur. The quoll has a small had with a pointed snout lined with sharp teeth, and thin membraned ears that are slightly covered in fur. The forelegs of the quoll are slightly smaller than the hindlegs, with all four legs featuring sharp clawed paws.On mounting board: BMM5984/ On Catalogue Tag (attached to left hindleg): Native Cat./ Catalogue. Page 50./ burke museum, taxidermy, taxidermy mount, fauna, animal, animalia, reynell eveleigh johns, quoll, native cat, dasyurus -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Great Crested Grebe, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Great Crested Grebe is a medium to large sized bird located in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Asia and in parts of Africa. They reside in large bodies of fresh water and are renowned for their elaborate mating dances. When breeding, the Great Crested Grebe has tawny cheek "fans" and black crests; however, in the non-breading seasons the plumage of this bird turns white. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Great Crested Grebe is a medium to large sized bird. It typically has cheek "fans" on the sides of the face and elaborate crest feathers which are shed after breeding, as is the case for this specimen. This bird is in a tall standing position with its neck stretched upwards and facing left. The small dark eyes have been made from glass and a large pointed bill. It has a metal tag tied to its left leg engraved with the numbers "4401". The skin surrounding the toes are flat which assists the bird when swimming.On tag 4401taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, great crested grebe, bird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Red-Necked Grebe, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Red-Necked Grebe is a medium sized bird with a long neck and pointed bill. During the non-breeding months, this bird has grey, white and brown plumage. During the breeding seasons, the Red-necked Grebe has a rusty red coloured fore-neck and breast with a black bill and white cheeks. This species can be located in freshwater lakes of the northern hemisphere. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A Red-Necked Grebe of medium size stylised in a standing position with the face positioned forward. The bird stands on a wooden pedestal with two tags around its legs. One tag is paper and documents cataloguing information and the second is metal and lists the number 4403. This Red-Necked Grebe has pale feathers of white, grey and browns typical of this species in the non-breeding months. The face is positioned towards the front and the small eyes are made from dark glass.On metal tag 4403. On paper tag "32. Red-Necked Grebe.Catalogue, page, 43"taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, red-necked grebe -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Great Crested Grebe, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Great Crested Grebe is the largest bird in the Grebe family. It has a long neck with a black crown and orange/black "fans" on the sides of the face. This bird can be found in all Australian states and territories and typically resides in open bodies of fresh water. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A Great Crested Grebe in a tall position standing on a wooden pedestal. It has a long neck and bill with coloured plumage. The crest is black with orange and black cheek "fans" on the sides of the face. The eyes are made of glass and are a red/black colour. On paper tag: "[Austra]lian... [G]rebe... [pa]ge, 42" taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, great crested grebe -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Red-Necked Grebe, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Red-Necked Grebe is a medium sized bird with a long neck and pointed bill. During the non-breeding months, this bird has grey, white and brown plumage. During the breeding seasons, the Red-necked Grebe has a rusty red coloured fore-neck and breast with a black bill and white cheeks. This species can be located in freshwater lakes of the northern hemisphere. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A Red-Necked Grebe of medium size stylised in a standing position with the face positioned forward. The bird stands on a wooden pedestal with two tags around its legs. One tag is paper and documents cataloguing information and the second is metal and lists the number 4492. This Red-Necked Grebe has pale feathers of white, grey and browns typical of this species in the non-breeding months. The face is positioned towards the front and the small eyes are made from dark glass.Paper tag: 32a Red-necked Grebe Catalogue, Page, 43. Metal tag: 4492taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, red-necked grebe -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Pelican, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Pelican is commonly found throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea and Western Indonesia. The large throat pouch plays an important part in the diet of this species. The bill enables the Pelican to locate fish in murky water because of its sensitivity and it also has a hook at the end of the upper mandible which is used for gripping slippery foods. Pelicans work together large flocks to catch food by driving fish into one location by using their large bills and by beating their wings. A wild Pelican may live between ten to 25 years or more. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Pelican is a large specimen of white, black, orange and pink colouring. This specimen has the characteristic elongated bill with a large throat pouch. The bill and throat pouch are a combination of orange and light pink colouring. The neck is pale white which continue onto the specimen's back. The wings are tipped with black and the stomach has light brown colouring. The feet are large and webbed and are stood on a wooden platform. The eyes are made of glass and surrounded by pink coloured folds.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, pelican -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Masked Lapwing, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Masked Lapwing is a grown-dwelling bird with distinctive large yellow wattles that hang from the sides of its face. The bird has white feathers with black and brown markings. This particular Masked Lapwing has black decorating its hind neck on the sides of the breast which reveal this specimen to be a southern subspecies. The Masked Lapwing appears throughout Australia and is also common in Indonesia, New Guinea, New Caledonia and New Zealand. The Masked Lapwing is known to be fearlessly defendant of its nest and will dive at people who intrude. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Masked Lapwing is standing on a wooden platform. Its wings are slightly elevated and head is turned towards right wing in a slight decline. The stomach feathers are mostly white and the wings are brown. Black feathers decorate the top of the head, the hind neck and the sides of the breast. The bird has tall legs and long yellow wattles covering its face. The small eyes are made from glass.2... Plover See Catalogue, page, 32.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, masked lapwing, plover -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Australaisn Bittern, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Australaisn Bittern is a partly nocturnal bird who resides in costal and sub-coastal locations in south-west mainland Australia, south east Australia and Tasmania. They can be found in wetlands, swamps and among reeds. These birds are mostly brown and yellow in colour and with short legs and a stocky body. The "woomph" sound made by the Bittern late at night is thought to have been the origin of the traditional Aboriginal myth of the Bunyip. The Bunyip, like the Australasian Bittern, was believed to reside in reedy swamps. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Australaisn Bittern is a stocky bird with mainly yellow and brown colouring. This colouring makes the bird difficult to see in the dense, reedy vegetation it resides amongst in shallow freshwater wetlands. When threatened, the Australaisn Bittern will raise its bill skyward in a pose which helps it camouflage. This specimen has streaked yellow-brown feathers, a yellow bill and legs which are a yellow-green colour. It stands on a wooden platform.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, bunyip, myths, australaisn bittern, bittern -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Australasian Darter, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
An Australasian Darter is a waterbird with a distinctive long straight neck and a sharp bill. This feature has resulted in this bird sometimes being called the "snakebird" . This specimen is a slim bird with pale grey to white colouring. This colouring identifies this particular specimen as female. The Australasian Darter is commonly located around waterways in freshwater or brackish wetlands more than 0.5m deep. The Darter will perch on fallen trees and branches near the water and holds its wings out to the sides in an effort to dry them. The Noongar people of southwestern Australia called this bird "mimal". It has also been called the New Holland darter or the New Holland devil-bird. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.An Australasian Darter with a large, slim body and grey to white colouring. This specimen has a long snake-like neck and webbed feet. It has large powerful wings positioned flat against the rear of its body. The eyes are made of glass and are a pale yellow colour which is similar in colour to the long and sharp bill.Paper label: "154 New Holland Darter"taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, darter, bird, australasian darter -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Musk Duck, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
This particular Musk Duck is a female specimen. This is ascertained through the lack of a large bulbous lobe of skin hanging under the bill. This particular duck has a much smaller lobe on the underside of its bill which is only visible when close. The name Musk Duck comes from the strong musk odour produced from a gland on the rump of the bird. These ducks are found only in Australia, in south-western and south-eastern mainland and in Tasmania. They prefer to reside in locations which have deep water and plenty of aquatic vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A large duck with a sooty-brown plumage and paler brown colouring on the stomach and areas of the neck. This bird stands with its head turned to look over its right shoulder. The eyes are made of brown coloured glass. The legs on the Musk Duck are positioned towards the far back of the stocky body and the feet are webbed. This enables the duck to swim but provides a clumsy gait. The bill of this Musk Duck is dark grey and the tail feathers are positioned in a fan-shape.Paper tag reading "9a Musk Duck. See Catalogue, page, 39."taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, duck, musk duck, aquatic, biziura lobata -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Musk Duck, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
This particular Musk Duck is a male specimen. This is ascertained through the inclusion of a large bulbous lobe of skin hanging under the bill. The name Musk Duck comes from the strong musk odour produced from a gland on the rump of the bird. These ducks are found only in Australia, in south-western and south-eastern mainland and in Tasmania. They prefer to reside in locations which have deep water and plenty of aquatic vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A male Musk Duck with a wide, heavy body covered in dark grey-brown plumage. This specimen has a broad and triangular shaped bill with a large lobe hanging from beneath the bill which helps identify this particular duck as male. The duck has glass eyes which are a dark brown colour. The legs on the Musk Duck are positioned towards the far back of the stocky body and the feet are webbed. This enables the duck to swim but provides a clumsy gait."8a Musk Duck. See Catalogue, page, 39."taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, duck, musk duck, aquatic, biziura lobata -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Pacific Gull, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
This gull specimen is a young Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). It is a large gull and one of the most well known of the gulls. This particular species can be found in Northern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic States. Juvenile and first-winter Herring Gulls are a brown colour with some darker streaks with a bark bill and dark eyes. These colours identifies this particular specimen as a juvenile bird. These birds are commonly seen near the seaside and are omnivores who scavenge from garbage dumps, landfill sites and sewage outflows. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is a juvenile Herring Gull with pale cream and brown coloured plumage. It has a dark bill and dark legs with webbed toes. The eyes are small and are made of glass. They are a pale brown and black colour. The feathers on on the lower back and tail are a darker brown colour compared to the pale plumage on the rest of the bird.Paper Tag: "2yd variega[ted]... Catelogu[e]..." Paper Tag: "Larus argentatus" Metal Tag: "1511"taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, gull, pacific gull -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Common Gull, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
This specimen is a Black-Headed Gull in the adult winter plumage. This plumage is mostly white and grey with a small dark mark on the sides of the head. During the summer months, the plumage on the head of the bird turns a black colour which is called a hood. This species can be found over much of Europe, except Spain, Italy and Greece. It also resides in northeastern Canada, Northeast America and in some of the Caribbean Islands. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.A pale grey and white coloured Gull standing on a wooden platform. The bill and legs are a pale yellow colour and the toes are webbed. The small eyes are made from glass and black in colour. The specimen has a darker spot of plumage behind the eyes and darker feathers in its tail. Paper tag 1: "28a Black-headed Gull- Catalogue, Page, 43." Paper tag 2: Larus Ridibundustaxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, gull, black-headed gull, common gull -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Grey Petrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Grey Petrel is commonly seen around New Zealand and rarely around mainland Australia. They are large birds with a grey-white-brown colouring who fly just above the water and are often solitary. They mainly eat squid and fish which they catch by shallow diving. Their scientific name, Procellaria cinerea, is derived from Saint Peter and the story of his walking on water. The Grey Petrel can appear to run on water as they prepare to take off. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Grey Petrel is a large bird with a grey and cream coloured plumage. It has short legs with webbed feet and a stout bill. The specimen stands on a wooden pedestal with a paper tag tied around its right leg. The eyes are small and made of a dark coloured glass.15a Great Grey Petrel - Catalogue, page 40.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, grey petrel