Showing 162 items
matching women in sport
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Auburn Heights Bowling Club, 1998
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Chapman J & C 1999, The history of the Auburn Heights Recreation Club, 1904 to 1908. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Photograph of members of the Auburn Heights Men's and Women's Bowling Clubs, assembled on the front green of the Club before the amalgamation with the Kew Bowling Club. [The item forms part of the large historic Auburn Heights Recreation Club collection, with items relating to the sports of lawn bowls, tennis and croquet, gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].auburn heights ladies' bowling club - barkers road - kew (vic), auburn heights men's bowling club - barkers road - kew (vic) -
Young Christian Workers (YCW Australia) Archive and Research Centre
Enba Newsletters, YCW (Girls), Enba, 1963/64
Enba was a newsletter produced by the Melbourne Executive of the YCW (Girls) distributed to members in the Melbourne Diocese in 1963 - 1965.Throughout its history, the YCW movement produced numerous publications for members and for the wider community. Some of these were regular papers or newsletters with high production values. Others were short lived efforts, produced 'in house' on low budgets. Reading across the collections, these public expressions of YCW communication provide insight into the movement's methods, the concerns of young women and men of the period, and how these shifted over time and across location. Enba contains references to campaigns on work; reports from branches in the city of Melbourne including sport and social events; profiles of Diocesan Executive Members and Presidents; letters from Chaplains including a report from Fr Brian Burke; dates regarding Pre-Cana Seminars and Summer Schools. Five editions of newsletter -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Holy Trinity Surrey Hills Tennis Queen Carnival, 1940, 11 June 1940
Identification has been given as follows: Young women: (?) Elizabeth Cooper, Ilma Bodley, "Queen" Avis Andrews, Marion Fair, Lynette Elliott. Names of girl and boy attendants not known by donor. The Queen Carnival was a fundraiser for the Holy Trinity Tennis Club. The Queen Carnival Coronation was held in the Canterbury Memorial Hall on 11 June 1940. Mrs F Eastwood was the trainer and the Honorary Secretary of the tennis club. The donor Mary Holborn married Geoffrey Stroud Clucas in 1946 in Surrey Hills. The photo documents a social fundraising practice common in the early 20th century. Queen carnivals were also popular in New Zealand. In both countries they were particularly common during World War I and in the years after, when they were used to raise funds for returned soldiers. The first such carnival is believed to have been held in Napier, New Zealand, in 1913. The carnivals were not always annual events, and were held in various locations throughout a year.Black and white group photo of 5 women, 2 girls and 2 boys in formal costume mounted on cardboard which has been roughly trimmed. The 'Queen' is seated in the centre and the 2 young girls and 4 young women are standing beside her. The 2 'pages' seated in front of her on the edge of her train. The photo appears to have been taken in a hall. REAR: "Holy Trinity Tennis Club Queen Carnival / June 11 / 1940 / M Clucas / 33 Jurang St / Balwyn"sport, tennis, holy trinity anglican church, 1940, clothing and dress, queen carnival, mrs mary clucas, miss mary holborn, mrs f eastwood, elizabeth cooper, ilma bodley, avis andrews, marion fair, lynette elliott, canterbury memorial hall -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Entrants in Queen Carnival to raise money for Olympic Pool 1954
... 1954 stawell sport B/W 7 women (with extra copy) Entrants ...Entrants in Queen Carnival to raise money for Olympic Pool 1954B/W 7 women (with extra copy)stawell sport -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ladies Cricket Club 1907
Ladies Cricket Club 1907 On left H Llewellyn Second Lady from left Miss Jess Hawes Second Row Elsie Heal Lady in very front is sister of Jess Hawes but name not known.Group portrait of Ladie cricket team. Ladies in White Blouses neck ribbon and boater hats. Twelve women and two men at back. Three women holding cricket bats and one with what appears to be a trophy Brush and Combe set n case.stawell sport -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Tennis Club with minister standing on the right end. It may be a church club
Tennis Club. A minister is standing on the end right side, so it may be a church club.Black and white photograph of a large group of men, women and children, some holding tennis racquets. Circa 1900 to 1910 Tennis court markings along the front of the photograph. Trees in the background. Photograph has a patterned green mount. Photographer W.J.Chapman - Stawell.W. J. Chapman - Stawelltennis, sport -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Holy Trinity Surrey Hills Tennis Queen Carnival, 1940, 11 June 1940
Identification has been given as follows: L to R: front: Derek Manley and (?) Jeff Holland; Queen: Leila Hanslow; young women: Connie Eastwood, Mary Clucas (nee Holborn), Hazel Bodley, Olwyn Powys. Girls: L - unknown; R - Barbara Fair. The Queen Carnival was a fundraiser for the Holy Trinity Tennis Club. The Queen Carnival Coronation was held in the Canterbury Memorial Hall on 11 June 1940. Mrs F Eastwood was the trainer and the Honorary Secretary of the tennis club. The donor Mary Holborn married Geoffrey Stroud Clucas in 1946 in Surrey Hills.The photo documents a social fundraising practice common in the early 20th century. Queen carnivals were also popular in New Zealand. In both countries they were particularly common during World War I and in the years after, when they were used to raise funds for returned soldiers. The first such carnival is believed to have been held in Napier, New Zealand, in 1913. The carnivals were not always annual events, and were held in various locations throughout a year.Black and white group photo of 5 women, 2 girls and 2 boys in formal and / or mock-Elizabethan costume. The Queen is seated in the centre and the 'page boys' are seated in front and on her train. The young girls and young women are standing beside her. The photo appears to have been taken in a hall. REAR: "Holy Trinity Tennis Club Queen Carnival / June 11 / 1940 / M Clucas / 33 Jurang St / Balwyn"sport, tennis, holy trinity anglican church, 1940, clothing and dress, miss mary holborn, mrs mary clucas, miss connie eastwood, miss hazel bodley, miss olwyn powys, miss leila hanslow, mr derek manley, mr geoff holland, miss barbara fair, queen carnivals, mrs f eastwood, canterbury memorial hall -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Holy Trinity Surrey Hills Tennis Queen Carnival, Queen and court, 1940, 11 June 1940
Identification has been given as follows: LHS 'page': Jeff Holland (?); RHS 'page': Derek Manley; Queen: Leila Hanslow; young women L to R: Olwyn Powys, Hazel Bodley, Mary Clucas (nee Holborn), Connie Eastwood. Girls: L - Barbara Fair; R - Unknown. Gentlemen not identified. The Queen Carnival was a fundraiser for the Holy Trinity Tennis Club. The Queen Carnival Coronation was held in the Canterbury Memorial Hall on 11 June 1940. Mrs F Eastwood was the trainer and the Honorary Secretary of the tennis club. The donor Mary Holborn married Geoffrey Stroud Clucas in 1946 in Surrey Hills. The photo documents a social fundraising practice common in the early 20th century. Queen carnivals were also popular in New Zealand. In both countries they were particularly common during World War I and in the years after, when they were used to raise funds for returned soldiers. The first such carnival is believed to have been held in Napier, New Zealand, in 1913. The carnivals were not always annual events, and were held in various locations throughout a year.Black and white group photo of 6 men, 5 women, 2 girls and 2 boys in formal and / or mock-Elizabethan costume mounted on cardboard which has been roughly trimmed. The Queen is seated in the centre and the 2 young girls are seated either side and slightly in front of her. The 2 'pages' and the men and other women are standing evenly divided either side of her. The photo appears to have been taken in a hall. REAR: "Holy Trinity Tennis Club Queen Carnival / June 11 / 1940 / M Clucas / 33 Jurang St / Balwyn"sport, tennis, holy trinity anglican church, 1940, clothing and dress, miss connie eastwood, miss hazel bodley, miss leila hanslow, miss olwyn powys, miss barbara fair, jeff holland, derek manley, queen carnival, mrs mary clucas, miss mary holborn, mrs f eastwood -
National Wool Museum
Shoes, Womens dress shoes
Part of the womens formal uniform for the Winter Olympic games, Salt lake City, 2002Part of the female formal uniform.ANNA FIORIfashion, shoes, costume, sport, salt lake city -
National Wool Museum
Photograph of a womens sports team with their coach. They won the Baton Relay - 1951 and had the Highest Aggregate - 1951. Team members are Val Kelly, Marg Bromley, Lorraine Gration, Joy Gellately, Nancy Trigg, Val Hobbs, Lorna Hobbs, and Johnny Barling (Coach).BATON RELAY 1951 / HIGHEST AGGREGATE 1951 ROBERT POCKLEY / PHOTOGRAPHERtextile mills sporting teams, sport, textile mills - sporting teams -
Brighton Historical Society
Clothing - Dress, c. 1974
This dress was worn by Brighton's first female mayor, Councillor Di Lopez, to a Mayoral Ball held at Brighton Technical School in 1977. Diane Margaret Lewis completed a law degree at the University of Melbourne, later marrying one of her classmates, criminal lawyer Ramon (Ray) Lopez. When she decided to run for the Brighton City Council in 1975, she was seen as an outside chance. Undeterred, she rallied a small group of friends and supporters and set out on an extensive door-knocking campaign that won voters to her side and successfully unseated former mayor Keith Devenport. She went on to serve two terms on council from 1975 to 1981. Di initiated many local projects, including the creation of a bike path along Nepean Highway and the first Brighton Festival, while balancing family life and a demanding ‘day job’ as personal assistant to Victorian Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation Brian Dixon. She was a member of the Women’s Electoral Lobby and a champion for women’s representation, encouraging both Sally Allmand and Kate Harman to run for council (both were successfully elected). She advocated forcefully for an open, transparent local government in which ratepayers had the chance to participate and be heard. In 1976 Di became the first woman to hold the title of Mayor of Brighton, and she made it clear from the outset that she was going to do it her way. For the annual mayoral ball in 1977, ordinarily a staid traditional function, she chose a discotheque theme based on the Rod Stewart album Night on the Town, with a broad dress code of ‘black tie or jeans’: ‘You’ve got to get with the times,’ she said. ‘We want people to wear whatever they feel comfortable in.’ Di herself chose to attend in this knee-length chamois dress embellished with strings, ribbons, beads and feathers. It was both a fashion statement, exemplifying her colourful, flamboyant and forthright style, and a political one: a declaration of her intention to lead a progressive council, embracing the new and refusing to be hemmed in by dated traditions. In 2020 she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for her service to local government and to the community of Brighton.This dress has local historical significance for its association with Brighton's first female mayor, Councillor Di Lopez, who wore it to a Mayoral Ball in 1976. The dress exemplifies her flamboyant reputation, modern outlook and willingness to break norms. At the time, the dress was a radical choice for a Mayoral Ball, where women typically wore formal evening gowns. With her choice of dress, Cr Lopez was making a public statement, breaking away from dated traditions and announcing her intention to bring the Mayor's office into the 1970s. In this way, the dress also points to the wider social and political changes taking place both in Brighton and across Australia during the mid-1970s.Three quarter length chamois dress circa 1974. Machine stitched with a v-neck and full length sleeves and an uneven raw hem, the dress is decorated with narrow thongs of chamois embellished with red beads and blue feathers. The open-fronted bodice is laced with red ribbon and the skirt is decorated with a large blue wool cross stitch and a combination of blue wool and purple ribbon cross stitch. Made in the style of an Indian 'Wild West Dress'.di lopez, chamois, brighton, brighton council, brighton technical school, mayoral ball, 1970s, feminism -
National Wool Museum
Work on paper - Women's Official Occasions Uniform Design Drawings, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
A set of laminated A3 sketchbook pages depicting designs for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Official Occasions Uniform designed by Wendy Powitt. On the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The Official Uniform was used for both travel and official functions. This included a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt set (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones in pure olive green faille fabric by Foster Valley, a cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, a printed wool tie by TD Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy.8116.1 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Official Occasions Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a green skirt and green woollen vest over a yellow button up shirt with printed neck tie. Three smaller drawings on the left side of the page show the details of the vest, necktie and shirt. 8116.2 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Official Occasions Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a black skirt and printed scoop neck, button up blouse, cinched at the waist with a black belt. Around the central drawing are smaller drawings showing the details of the skirt, belt and shoes. 8116.3 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Official Occasions Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a black skirt and black blazer with detailed striping across the right front and right arm. There is a small detailed drawing of the blazer to the right of the main figure which includes the design of a scarf. 8116.4 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Official Occasions Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a green skirt, a yellow printed, sleeveless shirt, yellow gloves, along with a matching headband and scarf.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, artwork, drawing, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Work on paper - Women's Village/Travel Uniform Design Drawings, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
A set of laminated A3 sketchbook pages depicting designs for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Village/Travel Uniform designed by Wendy Powitt. On the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The village clothing was designed to be a highly visible garment meaning that it was easy to "Spot the Aussies" and helped to contribute to a good team spirit. Blocks of contrasting colours were a feature of the pure wool shirts. A newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.8118.1- A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic women's Village/Travel Wear Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a pair of yellow shorts with a yellow and green printed, striped shirt, cinched at the waist by a brown woven belt. At the bottom of the page is a detailed drawing of the weave of the belt with an Australia shaped belt buckle. A small drawing to the right of the main image also details a small bag/pouch that attaches to the belt. 8118.2- A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic women's Village/Travel Wear Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a pair of yellow shorts paired with a block colour shirt in green, red, white and yellow with a symbol in the shape of Australia on the right side of the shirt. There are small detail images of shorts and a skirt to the left of the main image and a detail drawing of a brown leather shoe to the right.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, artwork, drawing, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Work on paper - Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform Design Drawings, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
A set of laminated A3 sketchbook pages depicting designs for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform designed by Wendy Powitt. On the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. Opening Ceremony Uniform included a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy.8120.1 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a dark green skirt, a yellow printed sleeveless button up shirt, a matching headband and scarf, yellow gloves and brown leather shoes. To the right of the main image are five detail drawings of the skirt, gloves, shoes and scarf as well as a depiction of a brown leather bag. 8120.2 - unnumbered- mounted on green card this sketchbook page depicts a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a dark green skirt, a yellow printed sleeveless button up shirt and yellow gloves. 8120.3 - unnumbered- A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a dark green skirt, a yellow printed sleeveless button up shirt, a matching headband and scarf, yellow gloves and brown leather shoes. To the right of the main image are five detail drawings of the skirt, gloves, shoes and scarf as well as a depiction of a brown leather bag.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, artwork, drawing, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Work on paper - Officials' Uniform Design Drawings, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
A set of laminated A3 sketchbook pages depicting designs for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Women's Opening/Closing Ceremony Uniform designed by Wendy Powitt. On the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The Official Uniform was used for both travel and official functions. This included a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt set (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones in pure olive green faille fabric by Foster Valley, a cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, a printed wool tie by TD Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy.8122.1 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the Men's 1992 Barcelona Olympics Australian Official's Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for blue suit pants and blazer with six gold buttons, a yellow shirt and a red, green, yellow and cream striped tie. To the left of the main image are four smaller detail drawings of the belt buckle, gold bottons, blazer and shoes. 8122.2 - A laminated A3 sketchbook page depicting a design for the Women's 1992 Barcelona Olympics Australian Official's Uniform. The main drawing shows the design for a blue elbow length, square necked blazer with gold buttons on both the front of the jacket and sleeves paired with a blue pencil skirt and a red, green, yellow and cream shirt. To the right of the main drawing are four smaller detail drawings showing the pattern for a scarf, the striped shirt, the blazer and the shoes. 1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, artwork, drawing, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Uniform - 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Women's Official Occasions Floral Print Gilet Shirt, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
About the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- During the 1980s the Australian wool industry was at its most prosperous times with record numbers of sheep producing wool receiving ever increasing values due to the success of the Reserve Price Scheme, and the overall guidance of the Australian Wool Corporation (AWC). As a humble technician, my role was a low profile newly created position of Controller, Technical Marketing, where wool was to be marketed on its technical properties, as distinct from the Product Marketing Group which exploited the traditional high profile approach of marketing wool's superior fashion attributes. The Woolmark was the tool central to this approach. The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The ensemble consisted of three elements- 1. The Official Uniform which was used for travel and all official functions. This included: a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones, pure wool olive-green faille fabric by Foster Valley, cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, printed wool tie by TD Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 2. Opening Ceremony Uniform a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 3. Village Clothing was designed to be highly visible garments to make it easy to spot the Aussie and helped to contribute to good team spirit. This included: A pure wool shirt featuring blocks of contrasting colours, and a newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.The shirt is sleeveless and in majority cream coloured. Around the hem, buttons and across the front of the shoulders is an appliqued floral design of Australian flowers and leaves inspired by the designs of artist Margaret Preston. The appliqued pattern continues around the bottom hem but not over the shoulders of the shirt.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, artwork, drawing, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Uniform - 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Women's Official Occasions Cotton Blouse, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
About the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- During the 1980's the Australian wool industry was at its most prosperous times with record numbers of sheep producing wool receiving ever increasing values due to the success of the Reserve Price Scheme, and the overall guidance of the Australian Wool Corporation (AWC). As a humble technician, my role was a low profile newly created position of Controller, Technical Marketing where wool was to be marketed on its technical properties, as distinct from the Product Marketing Group which exploited the traditional high profile approach of marketing wool;s superior fashion attributes. The Woolmark was the tool central to this approach. The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The ensemble consisted of three elements- 1. The Official Uniform which was used for travel and all official functions. This included: a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones, pure wool olive-green faille fabric by Foster Valley, cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, printed wool tie by TD Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 2. Opening Ceremony Uniform a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 3. Village Clothing was designed to be highly visible garments to make it easy to spot the Aussie and helped to contribute to good team spirit. This included: A pure wool shirt featuring blocks of contrasting colours, and a newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.A long sleeve cream coloured dress shirt with a detachable printed neck tie. The neck tie is decorated in an Australian floral design inspired by the artist Margaret Preston. The shirt has two breast pockets and double sets of cream buttons. The rear of the shirt is unadorned. 8124.4 - Floral fabric sample. 8124.5 - Floral fabric sample.BARCELONA 19921992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Uniform - 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Official Occasions Women's Scarf, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
About the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games donor Doug Pleasance wrote- During the 1980's the Australian wool industry was at its most prosperous times with record numbers of sheep producing wool receiving ever increasing values due to the success of the Reserve Price Scheme, and the overall guidance of the Australian Wool Corporation (AWC). As a humble technician, my role was a low profile newly created position of Controller, Technical Marketing where wool was to be marketed on its technical properties, as distinct from the Product Marketing Group which exploited the traditional high profile approach of marketing wool;s superior fashion attributes. The Woolmark was the tool central to this approach. The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games saw an evolutionary change in designer selection. A Declaration of Interest Form was communicated to over forty potential designers. The task and especially tight timelines that were involved deterred many aspirants, however, there remained eight designers with the potential we were seeking. These eight designers were paid $3,000 per submission and the winning designer, Wendy Powitt, was paid $15,000. For the first time the judging panel included two athletes, one male swimmer and one female basketballer, their influence was pivotal. The ensemble consisted of three elements- 1. The Official Uniform which was used for travel and all official functions. This included: a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones, pure wool olive-green faille fabric by Foster Valley, cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, printed wool tie by TD Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 2. Opening Ceremony Uniform a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 3. Village Clothing was designed to be highly visible garments to make it easy to spot the Aussie and helped to contribute to good team spirit. This included: A pure wool shirt featuring blocks of contrasting colours, and a newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.Short, cream coloured scarf printed with an Australian floral design inspired by the artist Margaret Preston. The floral design appears in red, green, white, yellow and black. Interspersed with the flowers are small motifs of Australia created through a curved cross hatching design.Label- Tee - Dee1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Uniform - 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Women's Tan Shoe, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
... Olympics sport athletes fashion design uniform Women's left brown ...Uniforms for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games were designed by Wendy Powitt in conjunction with the AWC. Doug Pleasance, donor of these items, worked for the AWC and closely with Wendy Powitt, obtaining these uniform examples. About the Olympic Uniforms Doug wrote- 1. The Official Uniform which was used for travel and all official functions. This included: a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones, pure wool olive-green faille fabric by Foster Valley, cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, printed wool tie by T D Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 2. Opening Ceremony Uniform a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 3. Village Clothing was designed to be highly visible garments to make it easy to spot the Aussie and helped to contribute to good team spirit. This included: A pure wool shirt featuring blocks of contrasting colours, and a newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.Women's left brown peep toed, cut out, heeled shoe, manufactured by Hush Puppies. Only the left shoe.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Uniform - 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Women's Black Shoe, Wendy Powitt, c. 1992
... Olympics sport athletes fashion design uniform Women's left black ...Uniforms for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games were designed by Wendy Powitt in conjunction with the AWC. Doug Pleasance, donor of these items, worked for the AWC and closely with Wendy Powitt, obtaining these uniform examples. About the Olympic Uniforms Doug wrote- 1. The Official Uniform which was used for travel and all official functions. This included: a tailored blazer and trouser/skirt (all water repellent) by Fletcher Jones, pure wool olive-green faille fabric by Foster Valley, cotton PE formal shirt by Pelaco, pure wool knitwear by Spangaro, printed wool tie by T D Noone, wool nylon socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 2. Opening Ceremony Uniform a lightweight wool fabric printed with floral designs that had been inspired by the work of Australian artist Margaret Preston. This included: Lightweight W/PE shorts by Fletcher Jones in Foster Valley Fabric, socks by Holeproof and footwear by Hush Puppy. 3. Village Clothing was designed to be highly visible garments to make it easy to spot the Aussie and helped to contribute to good team spirit. This included: A pure wool shirt featuring blocks of contrasting colours, and a newly developed stretch 50:50 wool/cotton fabric by Bradmill was made into shorts and jeans by Fletcher Jones.Women's left black leather heeled shoe, manufactured by Hush Puppies. Simple and unadorned in style with a rounded toe. Only the left shoe.1992 barcelona olympics, sport, athletes, fashion, design, uniform -
National Wool Museum
Clothing - 35 Life, Canwen Zhao, 2022
Canwen Zhao was awarded the $10,000 We The Makers Acquisitive Prize for '35 Life' in 2023. Artist Statement: "35life" is a sustainable fashion project that transforms second-hand clothing materials into urban street outdoor-style products. Highlighting prominent Chinese classic red and green colours not only conveys eastern aesthetics but also adds a sense of unity to the clothing collection. The high-saturation and high-brightness full-colour palette keeps the clothing consistently "fresh," allowing any trendy colours to seamlessly integrate into the project's designs, thus extending the lifespan of the garments. Additionally, all clothing items can quickly transform into a stylish bag for convenient daily carrying and home storage. These bags are made from leftover fabric generated during the production process and serve as original packaging for sale. This approach not only reduces excessive packaging but also enhances the chances of resale in the second-hand market. The project draws inspiration from the traditional Chinese cultural concept of "huo feng ding," meaning "exchange the old for the new." it's also influenced by the designer's personal experience with health issues, making the designs suitable for individuals who can't be exposed to sunlight for extended periods, adapting to the changing urban lifestyle. 35life aims to provide visually pleasing and comfortable dressing experiences for urban dwellers who are busy with work and experience high levels of stress. Unlike traditional design patterns, this project adopts a unique design approach. It selects 3-5 pieces of raw materials based on their colours, and then disassembles them through structural lines. While retaining most of their functionality, these materials are rearranged and assembled on a flat surface before being shaped on a dress form. Subsequently, various ways of creating storage bags are derived from the initial clothing prototypes. After refining the designs, the final products are developed, and similar materials are used to create samples. Therefore, under this design methodology, even for the same garment, it is impossible to produce two identical pieces of clothing. Each garment is truly one-of-a-kind, which enhances its rarity and contributes to the longevity of the fashion pieces. The project includes various types of clothing, each with unique storage methods. This yellow look, named "elegant beach sunscreen monarch," draws its fashion inspiration from traditional Han Chinese attire and its storage concept from the Chinese cultural concept of "jiu jiu gui yi." the design employs flat pattern cutting, utilizing materials from the second-hand market such as beach towels, children's waterproof clothing, and women's dresses. Similar colours and patterns are reassembled through cutting and combining. For the sleeves, quick-drying, sun-protective sport fabric forms the base, overlaid with discarded silk fabric dyed with turmeric and plant dyes. This not only ensures functionality but also adds a sense of elegance. The length can be adjusted using drawstrings. Artist Bio: Zhao Canwen is a multidisciplinary fashion designer with a strong passion for integrating art, history, culture, and sustainable design. With over 15 years of experience in painting, she draws inspiration from ancient Chinese philosophy and aesthetics, which gives her a unique sense of beauty. After 8 years of fashion and art training, she possesses a keen insight into current trends and tends to combine art with commercial needs. Zhao's design style is diverse, characterized by a multidimensional approach, a focus on colour application, and storytelling through details.Outfit consisting of six pieces: - Orange plastic eye wear with green paint - Pair of red and green metal clip on earrings - Red beaded phone case with attached beads on string - Pair of red and green painted running shoes - Yellow and green hooded garment with red piping and zips - Brown bag with green beaded handlessustainable, fashion, we the makers, art, culture, design, chinese philosophy, prize -
National Wool Museum
Photograph - Women's Basketball Team, Albion Mill, 1941
... Teams Women's Sport Manufacturing Black and white photograph ...Gwen Low, who donated this photograph, was the Captain of this 1941 Women's Basketball Team and worked at the Albion Mill.Black and white photograph showing an outdoor portrait of seven women, with four standing at the back and three kneeling in foreground. The woman in the centre front is holding a basketball. The women are wearing matching uniforms with heart motives. Trees and buildings are shown in the background.albion mill, geelong, wool, industry, sport, basketball, teams, women's sport, manufacturing -
National Wool Museum
Photograph - Women's Basketball Team, Albion Mill, 1942
... Teams Women's Sport Manufacturing Black and white photograph ...Gwen Low, who donated this photograph, was the Captain of this 1942 Women's Basketball Team and worked at the Albion Mill. The uniforms were made from fabric woven at the Albion Mill.Black and white photograph showing an outdoor portrait of seven women standing side on in a line. The woman in the front is holding a basketball. The women are wearing matching sports uniforms. albion mill, geelong, wool, industry, sport, basketball, teams, women's sport, manufacturing -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Medal, Stokes and Son, Eaglehawk Football Club, 1925
Established in 1880, the Eaglehawk Football Club was one of the first teams to join the Bendigo Football League and to date the senior team has won twenty eight premierships, the most of any team in the league. The Eaglehawk colours are represented by two blues, the light blue of Oxford University and dark blue of Cambridge University which is represented on this pin in the coloured enamel. This pin issued in 1925 commemorates Eaglehawk Football Club's 1924 win which was played at Kennington Oval against Rochester. Final scores were 14.17.101 to 8.9.57. The Bendigo Football League formally known as the Sandhurst Football Association was formed in 1881 and over the decades has grown to include some of the longest established teams in Australia including Castlemaine (formed 1859 - joined 1925) and Kyenton (formed1875 - joined 1947). The local municipal councils worked with the League to provide playing fields for the competition and the Upper Reserve now known as the Queen Elizabeth Oval continues to host many League games. In 1928 at the annual dinner it was noted by the Bendigo Football League that the 'grounds were not all that could be desired, but that they were getting along well with the councils'. Mayor Batchelder responded saying that the council realised that 'the League was a major tenant and was out to do its best for them'. (1) (FN The Riverine Herald, Fri 19 Oct 1928 Page 1). The City of Greater Bendigo continues to work with the various leagues to provide playing fields for competitions as well as supporting the emerging of football and netball clubs and the introduction of women's football teams which has seen great changes to traditionally male dominated football clubs. Diamond shaped commemorative medal with circular scroll. Football sits inside inner diamond shape. front; Eaglehawk Football Cub 1925 / Premiers / 1924 verso; Stokes & Sons / Melbbendigo football league, city of greater bendigo community groups, borough of eaglehawk, making a nation exhibition, city of greater bendigo sport -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Medal - Pin, Swann and Hudson, White Hills Football Club, 1955
Established in 1924 the White Hills Football Club joined the Bendigo District Football Association in 1924 and in that first year played in the grand final, loosing by 6 points. In 1933 the club went into recess, reforming after WWII in 1948 and again joined the BDA, wining premierships in 1950, 1952, 1957 and 1958. In 1960 the competition was renamed the Golden City FL and the premierships came in 1963, 1968, 1969, 1971, and 1980. In 1981 the Golden City FL became the second division of the Bendigo Football League and White Hills competed in the lower division. White Hills opted to transfer to the Heathcote District Football League in the early 1980's and in its early years had one of its most successful periods, winning a premiership in 1988. (Wikipedia The City of Greater Bendigo continues to work with the various football and netball clubs and leagues in providing playing fields for competitions as well as supporting the introduction of women's football teams through improved infrastructure. front; 1955 / White Hills / Football Club verso; Swann & Hudson / Frankstonbendigo football league, city of greater bendigo community groups, heathcote district football league, city of greater bendigo sport, making a nation exhibition -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Leisure object - Netball ball, Australian Diamonds Netball Team, 2014
The Australian Women's netball team the Diamonds, played England in Bendigo on Sunday October 19, 2014. 'Fresh from a four-Test Constellation Cup clean sweep against New Zealand last week, the Diamonds started the game at a blistering pace, with wing attack Madi Robinson running rings around her rivals. England tried to go with them but the trade-off was a high error count and while they settled in the second quarter they still trailed 29-17 at halftime'. 'Gilbert' netball in acrylic display case. Wooden base with plaque on front.Australian Diamonds Team / International Test Series Netball / Australian Diamonds V England / 19 October 2014, Bendigo Stadium / Score Australia 55 - England 37 (Signed) Caitlin Bassett, Laura Geitz, Kim Ravaillion, Madi Robinson, Caitlin Thwaites, Susan Pettitt, April Brandley, Courtney Bruce, Jo Weston, Gabi Simpson, Liz Watson, Stephanie of greater bendigo sport, bendigo stadium -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph: Group of tennis players during a farewell occasion, Tarnagulla, TENNIS GROUP TAKEN ON THE OCCASION OF THE FAREWELL TO MR. AND MRS. GARLAND AT TARNAGULLA, c.1890s
Murray Comrie Collection. Women's attire suggests 1890s. This photograph is a reasonable copy apparently created from a news source. Copy probably made by Murray Comrie in the 1970s.Monochrome photograph of a group of people, including one small child, posed on a tennis court in Tarnagulla.Printed caption reads: 'TENNIS GROUP TAKEN ON THE OCCASION OF THE FAREWELL TO MR. AND MRS. GARLAND AT TARNAGULLA'.tarnagulla, tennis, tennis club, sport, garland -
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
Medal and Case, Medal and Case - 1963 Victorian Paraplegic Games - Class B Women's 25 metres - 1st Crawl - Pam McCarthy, 1963
Anglo-Indian Pamela "Pam" McCarthy was struck by polio in 1945 at age 11 In addition to her becoming a singer, she also competed at a variety of sporting meets for the disabled.Grey plastic case containing gold coloured medal.Medal contains text - 1963 Victorian Paraplegic Games - Class B Women's 25 metres - 1st Crawl - Pam McCarthy The lid on the case is inscribed with the word "TROPHY" and a laurel wreath. The bottom of the case is inscribed with "Casecraft. CAT. No 102". The interior of the case includes he text "Stokes (Australia) Limited - medallists and silversmtihs est. 1855:.pamela mccarthy, victorian paraplegic games -
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
Gold medal, Gold medal from 1963 Victorian Paraplegic Games - Class B Women's 25 metres - 1st Crawl - Pam McCarthy, 1963
Anglo-Indian Pamela "Pam" McCarthy was struck by polio in 1945 at age 11 In addition to her becoming a singer, she also competed at a variety of sporting meets for the disabled.Gold medal from 1963 Victorian Paraplegic Games.Front - 1963 Victorian Paraplegic Games - Class B Women's 25 metres - 1st Crawl - Pam McCarthy Reverse - engraving of swimmers competitingpamela mccarthy, victorian paraplegic games -
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
DVD, 2012 Women's National Wheelchair Basketball Finals, 26/06/2012
The DVD features footage from two matches from the 2012 season of the Women's National Wheelchair Basketball League. The DVD features extended highlights from the second half of the game for 3rd/4th place, between the Western Stars and Sydney University Flames. Following this game is the full recording of the championship game played between Dandenong Rangers and Sydney Bears. These games were played at Dandenong Stadium in Victoria.DVD inside case.2012 Women's National Wheelchair Basketball Finalswheelchair basketball, dandenong rangers, sydney university flames, western stars, sydney bears, women's wheelchair basketball, women's national wheelchair basketball league, djuro sen