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matching melbourne road
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlets, Maroondah Symphony Orchestra brochures and concert programs 2008, 9-Mar-08
... Road Ringwood North melbourne 1. Brochure outlining ...1. Brochure outlining the Maroondah Symphony Orchestra founded in 1964, where it meets, and who is eligible to join.; Dull plum coloured tri-fold brochure for Maroondah Symphony Orchestra, trifold with white and plum coloured printing.; 2. Program details for the concert held in Luther College Chapel at 2.30 p.m. Sunday 9th March 2008.; White A4 page with black printing with concert program 9-Mar-2008; 3. Maroondah Symphony Orchestra concert 28-Mar-2010 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper - Newsletters, Djerrnong Anglican Parish of Heathmont and Ringwood East: "Pews News" 2008, January 2008
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Pews News created by the church ...Pews News created by the church to disseminate current news and information. This was the time that the final service at Ringwood East took place on 27-Jan-2008.Two issues of Pews News - 13 January 2008 and 20 January 2008, created by the church to disseminate current news and information. Pamphlets white bifold with black printing. Qty 2.; Djerriong - Anglican Parish of Heathmont and Ringwood East. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Leaflet, Ringwood Football Club, Ringwood Spiders' football club pre-season training flyer 2008, 2008
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Flyer for the 'Ringwood Spiders ...Flyer for the 'Ringwood Spiders' football club pre-season training. White A4 page with black printing. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newsletter, Ringwood U3A, Ringwood U3A Newsletter 2009, 2009
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Newsletter sent to members ...Newsletter sent to members of Ringwood U3A with term dates for 2009. Printed both sides. Many B&W photos. pp 6. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Brochure, Farros Falcon Press, Heathmont Station Estate Pamphlet incl sub division plan (undated0, Not Known
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Promotional brochure from estate ...Promotional brochure from estate agents H. C. Costello & Co Auctioneers for the Heathmont Station Estate: 140 beautiful home sites.Large buff coloured bifold pamphlet advertising Heathmont Station Estate. Red and black printing; photo on front and back; subdivision plan inside. +Additional Keywords: Costello, H. C. & Co. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Souvenir - Dish, small, Fine China Australia, Westminster China, Small ovoid shaped Westminster China dish - cream with narrow gold rim and gold inscription - With Compliments, Marilyn Dry Cleaners, Molan Street, Ringwood 870-8560
... Road Ringwood North melbourne With compliments, Marilyn Dry ...Small ovoid shaped china bowl - cream with narrow gold rim. +Additional Keywords: Marilyn Dry CleanersWith compliments, Marilyn Dry Cleaners, Molan Street, Ringwood 870-8560 (on base - see maker) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Lunch Menu, Programme for 20th Anniversary Luncheon of the Probus Club of Ringwood Inc. - 20th October 2003, 20-Oct-03
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used at the 20th anniversary ...Used at the 20th anniversary luncheon of the Probus Club of Ringwood Inc. held at the Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon on Monday 20-Oct-2003. Guest Speaker was Richard Carter, President of the Ringwood Historical Society.Programme for 20th Anniversary Luncheon of the Probus Club of Ringwood Inc. at Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon, 20th October 2003. Cream bifold card, blue and black printing. List of "surviving foundation members" on back.Welcome reply by Cr. Les Willmott, Mayor of City of Maroondah; Guest Speaker - Richard Carter. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Appearance Book, Freemason's Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Appearance Book 22-Jun-1962 to 22-May-1981. Large blue cloth covered book with fawn/suede spine covers and corners, 22-Jun-1962 to 22-May-1981
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used in Ringwood by the Amaroo ...Used in Ringwood by the Amaroo Lodge No. 828 of the Freemasons between 1962 and 1981. The Appearance Book.Large blue cloth covered book with fawn/suede spine covers and corners. Gold lettering on the front cover. All pages are used. Loose page: 22-May-1981.Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Appearance Book (on front) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, City of Ringwood, Notice Paper for Ringwood City Council - October 1974, 22-Oct-74
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Notice paper for the special ...Notice paper for the special jubilee meeting of the Ringwood City Council and Citizenship ceremony to be held on Tuesday 22-Oct-1974 at 7.30 p.m. commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Municipality's severance from the Shire of Lillydale 22-Oct-1924.Notice Paper for Ringwood City Council, comprising one buff coloured bifold pamphlet with brown and gold printing. +Additional Keywords: Miles, A.T. (Mayor) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Proposition Book for Independent Order of Rechabites, Hope of Ringwood Tent No. 372 - 23-Apr-1900 to 3-May-1927, 23-Apr-1900 to 3-May-1927
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used in Ringwood by the Victorian ...Used in Ringwood by the Victorian District Independent Order of Rechabites No. 82|Proposition Book - Hope of Ringwood Tent No. 372|Gives names, occupations, residence, age, marital status, wife's name, age, proposer, seconder and date. The book contains many prominent local names of the early 1900s.Black covered book - cardboard covered with cloth. Red leather corners and spine. Some blank pages in centre of book.; Used in Ringwood by the Victorian District Independent Order of Rechabites No. 82; Proposition Book - Hope of Ringwood Tent No. 372; Gives names, occupations, residence, age, marital status, wife's name, age, proposer, seconder and date. The book contains many prominent local names of the early 1900s. +Additional Keywords: Miles / Pollard / ParkerVictorian District Independent Order of Rechabites No. 82; Proposition Book - Hope of Ringwood Tent No. 372 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper clipping, The Mail, Ringwood Mail newspaper clipping from 'The Mail' 24-Feb-1949. Report from municipal conference on the proposal for construction of pre-school centres, 1949
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Included in the exercise book ...Included in the exercise book recording health details.Clipping from 'The Mail' from 24-Feb-1949. Report from municipal conference on the proposal for construction of pre-school centres. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper cutting, Ringwood Borough Council Meeting - Cutting 24/9/1931, 24-Sep-31
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Cutting about Ringwood Borough ...Cutting about Ringwood Borough Council 24-Sep-1931. Account of meeting of Council including the Mayor A. Blood and other well known names. +Additional Keywords: Blood, A., Mayor -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Journal - Book, Ledger and reports to Ringwood Council 1925-1926, 1920s
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Given to the Ringwood Historical ...Given to the Ringwood Historical Research Group in 1977 by the City Engineer Mr A C Robertson with accompanying letterLedger with dark brown covers and red cloth spine. All pages filled. Engineers reports to council from 23-Apr-1925 to 2-Dec-1926 made by F.R. Lucas. Letter from A.C.Robertson 22-Feb-1977. +Additional Keywords: Lucas, Mr F R / Robertson, A C -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Ledger, Masonic Lodge Meeting Book - Record shows meeting locations as Ringwood and Maroondah and include notice of final meeting of Amaroo Lodge No. 828 on 6th July 1995 to join Warrandyte No. 772, 26-Jun-1981 to 6-Jul-1995
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used by Lodge No. 828 Amaroo ...Used by Lodge No. 828 Amaroo until it closed and joined with Warrandyte No. 772 to become Eastland Lodge.Pale blue cloth covered book with fawn suede corners and spine. The spine is marked at intervals of 6cm with 8 black bands. One quarter of the pages are unused. Protected by a thin plastic cover. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Croydon Printers, Programme of events for the official opening of the A.C. Robertson Field, Ringwood - 26/10/1975, 26-Oct-75
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Produced by the Ringwood Athletic ...Produced by the Ringwood Athletic Clubs participating in the official opening of the A.C. Robertson Field, Ringwood on 20-Oct-1975 at 2.30 p.m. Programme of events including Little Aths and Women's Amateur Athletic Club.Programme of events for the official opening of the A.C. Robertson Field, Ringwood. A four page programme of events, cream coloured with black printing and etching of a runner on front double page insert. +Additional Keywords: Robertson, A.C.Official Opening of the A.C. Robertson Field, Ringwood. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Minute book, Collins, Freemason's Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Minute Book 27-Jul-1962 to 22-Aug-1975. Blue watermarked covered minute book, with fawn/suede spine. Red label with gold printing on front. Prenumbered with 333 pages; 329 used, 27-Jul-1962 to 22-Aug-1975
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used by the Masonic Lodge Amaroo ...Used by the Masonic Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Ringwood from the first to the 146th meeting held at the Masonic Hall, Pratt Street, Ringwood.Blue watermarked covered minute book, with fawn/suede spine. Red label with gold printing on front. Prenumbered with 333 pages; 329 used.Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Minute Book (on front).; Minute Book Collins 4394 (on spine) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Ledger, Warrandyte Lodge No. 772 - Appearance Book 1955-1975, 1955
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Record of meetings in Ringwood ...Record of meetings in Ringwood of the Warrandyte Masonic Lodge No. 772. The Appearance book.Warrandyte Lodge No. 772 - Appearance Book. Large blue cloth covered book with brown suede spine and covers. Silver lettering on front.Warrandyte Lodge No. 772 - Appearance Book -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Minute Book, Ringwood Bowling Club Minute Book 28-Jun-1945 to 11-Dec-1958, 1945-1959
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used by Ringwood Bowling Club ...Used by Ringwood Bowling ClubFawn suede spine and corners. Dark green covers, 350 pages - all used 351-382- typewritten inserts from 28-Jun-1945 to 11-Dec-1958.On spine - Minute Book; 28-Jun-1945 to 11-Dec-1958 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Eastern Football League Media Manager, The Eastern Footballer Magazine 2005, 28-May-05
... Road Ringwood North melbourne The Official Journal ...The Official Journal of the Eastern Football League printed for 28-May-2005 Vol. 16 No. 8Booklet, red covered with photos of football players on front. pp. 64. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Declaration Book, Freemason's Lodge Amaroo No. 828 Declaration Book 28-Sep-1962 to 18-Oct-1994. Blue covered book with gold print on the front, 160 pages of which 91 are used, 28-Sep-62
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used for declaration of members ...Used for declaration of members in the masonic lodge Amaroo No. 828A blue covered book with gold print on the front, 160 pages of which 91 are used. Pale green pages - some printing - some parts handwritten.Lodge Amaroo No. 828; Declaration Book -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Souvenir Programme, Souvenir programme - Ringwood Jubilee Celebrations, 29-Jan-51
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Souvenir programme - Ringwood ...Bifold pamphlet with two photos on front, second page blank; third page - programme; fourth page blank. Two copies of the same booklet. +Additional Keywords: Hubbard, Ben, Cr. / Carkeeh, Jack / Tilbrook, John / Laird, Will / Francis, FeleciaSouvenir programme - Ringwood Jubilee Celebrations.; Grand Concert Ringwood Town Hall Monday, January 29, 1951 at 8 p.m. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Minute Book, Collins Green Circle, Maroondah Hospital Henly Auxiliary Group: Minute Books 1976-1996, 2-Aug-1976 to 1996
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Minute books (Qty 2) kept ...Minute books (Qty 2) kept by the Henly Auxiliary Group of the Maroondah Hospital between 1976 and 1996. The two books seem to overlap.Minute books (Qty 2) kept by the Henly Auxiliary Group of the Maroondah Hospital between 1976 and 1996. The two books seem to overlap.; The books are Collins Green Circle Minute Books. Green covered hatch print and green cloth spine. All pages used. Aug-1976 - 1996. +Additional Keywords: East, Lorna / Harbison, Norma -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Leaflet, City of Ringwood, Ringwood News pamphlet 2 Feb 1991, 2-Feb-91
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Issued to inform residents ...Issued to inform residents of the district and changes in the area. Subjects include the Ringwood Festival Programmeand the proposed Ringwood District centre.Pamphlet 'Ringwood News' issued to inform residents of the district and changes in the area. Subjects include the Ringwood Festival Programme and the proposed Ringwood District centre.; Issue No. 2 dated 2-Feb-1991 pp. 8.City of Ringwood News -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Minutes Book, Minutes Book - Eastland Lodge No. 772, Ringwood - 2-Nov-1995 to 5-Jun-2008, 2-Nov-1995 to 5-Jun-2008
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used by the Eastland Lodge ...Used by the Eastland Lodge No. 772, which was formed by the amalgamation of the Warrandyte Lodge No. 772 with Amaroo Lodge No. 828.Red covered book with fawn suede corners and spine. Faint only 4394 on spine in gold letters on red label. All pages used.Faint only 4394 - on spine -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper Cutting, Maroondah Post, Newspaper clipping and covering letter of WEG. Photo with Darren Lewis and VFL Premiership posters. 1997, 16-Sep-97
... Road Ringwood North melbourne WEG was a cartoonist and resident ...WEG was a cartoonist and resident of Ringwood for many years.Newspaper clipping and covering letter of WEG. Photo with Darren Lewis and VFL Premiership posters. +Additional Keywords: WEG / Lewis, Darren -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Key in presentation box, Silver key to the original clock tower on the occasion of opening on 4-Aug-1928 in a blue velvet presentation box, lying on a cream silk lining. Presented to Mayor of Ringwood W Mackinlay, 1928
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Donated with journal by Mrs Betty ...Donated with journal by Mrs Betty Geddes, granddaughter. Note incorrect spelling of 'Mackinlay'.+Additional Keywords: McKinley, W Mayor, J.P. / Geddes, Mrs Betty'Memorial Clock Tower Trustees - 4.8.1928'; and on the obverse side: 'W. McKinley J.P. Mayor, Ringwood.' -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, The Age, One page from 'The Age' newspaper, Thursday August 6th, 1914, 6-Aug-14
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Small section at the foot of page ...Small section at the foot of page 10, column 4, titled 'Sales of Property', detailing the sales for July 1914 by Messrs Coghill and Houghton. Included are some local sales from Bayswater, Ringwood, Mooroolbark and Kilsyth.One page from 'The Age' newspaper, Thursday August 6th, 1914. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book - Minutes, Ringwood Primary School Committee Minute Book 1970-1974, 7-Jun-1970 to 25-Jul-1974
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Minute book of the Committee ...Minute book of the Committee of the Ringwood Primary School No 2997 7-Jun-1970 to 25-Jul-1974.Minute book of the Committee of the Ringwood Primary School No 2997 7-Jun-1970 to 25-Jul-1974. Red covered book 'Collins Faint Only 3880 Series' in black. pp. 166 of which 165 are used. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Administrative record - Minute Book, Norman Bros, Committee of the Ringwood Co-operative Cool Stores Society Ltd minute book for committee meetings from the 81st meeting on 7-March-1922 to 200th meeting on 6-Feb-1934, 1920s
... Road Ringwood North melbourne Used by the committee ...Used by the committee of the Ringwood Co-operative Cool Stores Society Ltd. Started at the 81st meeting and ended with the 200th meeting on 6-Feb-1934.Brown watermarked covered book with suede spine and suede corners. 'Minute Book' is printed on red leather on spine. There are 286 pages all used. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Land Sale Documents, Board of Land and Works, Documents pertaining to application for a land grant around Ringwood Lake in 1874, 30-May-1870 and 25-Mar-1874
... Road Ringwood North melbourne This concerns the application ...This concerns the application and granting of land to Anthony Ford around the Ringwood lake area in 1874. Includes details of improvements made to the area, including a dwelling. The land is described as being very poor and not worth the labour of cultivation. 8pp.Documents pertaining to application for a land grant around Ringwood Lake in 1874. Copied documents, cream paper. 8pp. +Additional Keywords: Ford, Anthony / Kennedy, James