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matching greensborough news
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 20th April, 1972. Edition No.2/72, 20/04/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1972 meeting, President's report 1971-72, Bridging the gap, Facts about Lake Pedder, Yandell Reserve, Boys will the boys, Roads, The new sports complex: a view point. School and Kinder news, Local news, Diamond Valley Repertory. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Printer's phone number written in red pen on cover.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th May, 1972. Edition No.3/72, 25/05/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1972 meeting, Eating people just isn't done, A design with nature, Propagation by cuttings, Analysis: the Lake Pedder campaign, Save the kangaroo, Parochialism or maximum effectiveness, Churinga news, Diamond Valley Arts Society, Roads... we've got one at last!, Eltham Film Society, School news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th Nov., 1971. Edition No. 9/71, 26/10/1971
This edition includes report on the Progress Association November 1971 meeting, Councillors' reports, "The breakthrough", The preservation of diversity, When will they every learn?, Conservationists learn legal lingo, School and Kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills, greenhills and north greensborough progress association -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 29th Feb., 1972. Edition No.1/72, 29/02/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1972 meeting, Western Port, Some interesting specimen trees, The plastic bag menace, One of our best drains, The new sports' complex, Kinder news, Personal news, Letter to editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 22nd Dec., 1971. Edition No. 10/71, 22/12/1971
This edition includes Happy birthday, Community News, Diamond Valley Repertory, School and Kinder news, Callistemons, Summer peril, Death in 7/10 of a second, Pool... not for gambling, Local news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25th Nov., 1972. Edition No. 9/72, 25/11/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1972 meeting, Councillors' reports, Fire prevention in Greenhills, Talking about natives, More trains?, Open Forum, Letter to the Editor. Supplement to November 1972 "Community News" Competition, Plenty River clean-up, Diamond Valley Repertory. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25/10/72. Edition No. 8/72, 25/10/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October 1972 meeting, Councillor's report, Plenty River report, Yandell Reserve, Talking about natives, Women... were mothers before they clerks School and Kinder news, Open forum, Amnesty International, Waterbirds, Roads report. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 27 p., illus., map.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 20th Dec., 1972. Edition No. 10/72, 20/12/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1972 meeting, Conservation in Greenhills and Diamond Valley in 1972, Letter to the Editor, Plenty River project, School news, The position with freeways in the Yarra Valley. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th May 1970. Edition No.4/70, 25/05/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1970 meeting, Councillors report, The headstone heritage [St. Katherine's], Wattles for your garden, Diamond Valley Repertory, Relating to the environment, The Yandell Reserve, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th June,1970. Edition No.5/70, 25/06/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1970 meeting, Councillors report, Fighting pollution and ugliness, How about a community hotel? Some grevilleas for local planting, Further acacias, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Letters to the editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. April 27th 1970. Edition No. 3/70, 27/04/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Memories of an old resident, William Trevithick, Report on Blackburn Group of Semi-Rural Streets, School and kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 23rd February 1970. Edition No.1/70, 23/02/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1970 meeting, Councillors' reports, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Local wattles, Diamond Valley Repertory Group, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus., map.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. Dec. 8th 1969. Edition No.1/69, 08/12/1969
This edition includes the aims of the Progress Association, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, A report on a deputation to the Minister for Local Government on street construction, Wildflower notes, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 23rd March 1970. Edition No.2/70, 23/03/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's AGM March 1970 meeting, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Wild cherry, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30 November 1970. Edition No. 10/70, 30/11/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, The road to survival, Save the Juggernaut, The origins of Greensborough, Eradication of a noxious weed - Boneseed, Scout news, Kinder news, Is there a future for Community News? Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 4-5. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 29th October 1970. Edition No. 9/70, 29/10/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October meeting, Councillors' report, Game fame, Wattle time, A mixed bag for spring planting, The Little People's Association, What is progress, Greenhills panorama, Guide news, School and Kinder news and Letters to the editor, Supplement to "Community News". No. 9/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 2-3. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 20th July 1970. Edition No. 6/70, 20/07/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Roads, nature or "nature strips", Protecting and improving the Plenty River, Toxic insecticides - the total dangers, New park complex to be Bundoora Fields, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Letter to editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28th February, 1971. Edition No. 1/71, 28/02/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1971 meeting, Councillors' report. Diamond Valley Repertory, Guide news, About Community News, The Greenhill Road Progress Association?, Kinder news, The trees of Greenhills, Supplement to "Community News". No. 1/71. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 8-9. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 12 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28 Dec. 1970. Edition No. 11/70, 28/12/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, World premieres at Greenhills!, The rocks of Greenhills, Tales of mining boom, Letter to the Editor. Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 6-7. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th August 1970. Edition No. 7/70, 26/08/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Homebuilders - the affluent vandals, Tolai rides again!, Churinga, School and kinder news, Letters to the editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28th June 1971. Edition No. 4/71, 28/06/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, The establishment of a new school, Novel tree-planting scheme, May we introduce [Jarvis Richard Worn], Diamond Valley's claim to fame, Diamond Valley Repertory, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 15 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 27th May, 1971. Edition no. 3/71, 27/05/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Where do all the 5 per cents go?, Pollution of the Plenty River, First catch your frog, Kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Redress for the consumer, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 15 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 5th July 1976. Edition No. 6/76, 05/07/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's June1976 meeting, Great Greenhills happening, A foreigner in Melbourne, Lonely people, Feeling -- Belonging -- Sharing, Nerve deafness, Family Day Care, From the Council Chamber, Cameo of Graeme Davies, Lost in Lerderderg Gorge, This and that, Meet the natives, Plenty Valley Squash Club, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 27 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30th Sept.,1972. Edition No. 7/72, 30/09/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1972 meeting, Councillors' report, Plenty river report, The rites of spring, Preparing for a hot summer, Tolai and the Spring Street happing, School news, Eltham Film Society, Letter to Editor. Supplement to September 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 27th July, 1972. Edition No. 5/72, 27/07/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1972 meeting, Year of the Book, Spring planting time, School and kinder news, Letter to the editor, Megalopolis or the bush, Parks, gardens and reserves, Eltham Film Society. Supplement to July 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association.28th August 1972. Edition No. 6/72, 28/08/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1972 meeting, Councillor's' report, Watching the birds, "Clematis" replies, Letters to the editor, School news, Personal news, Roads report. Supplement to August '72 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th June, 1972. Edition No. 4/72, 26/06/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1972 meeting, Future of Ashril... still undecided, Mulching and other carry on, School and kinder news, A humanist's viewpoint, Ashril Cinema, Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association.10th June,1976. Edition No. 5/76, 10/06/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's May1976 meeting, Bicycle routes, lanes, paths and trails, Thoughts from young cyclists, It can happen to you [youth deaths on our roads], Lament for a traffic statistic, Returning to study, I can do it too!!, This and that, Cameo of Les James, How does the working mum cope?, From the O'Donnells, Diminishing community spirit?, School news, Greenhills basketball, Scout and Guide news, Nursing Mothers Association. Supplement to "Community News". No. 6/76. Diamond Valley Shire: South-East Councillors' report, From the Chamber Council, Art and craft survey, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 26th March, 1973. Edition No. 2/73, 26/03/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's March 1973 meeting, President's report, 1973, What a way to run a railway, History Group visits the Greenhills area, Interview with ex-Councillor, Laurie Svendsen, Montmorency Baseball Club, Access to Plenty increased, School and Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 28th May, 1973. Edition No. 4/73, 28/05/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, "And it came to pass", Flats report, Pre-natal and Family Planning Clinic, Star Victorian Association for the Retarded, Montmorency Baseball Club, Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills