Showing 1512 items
matching vietnam - military
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, A 'duty clear before us': North Beach and the Sari Bair Range
world war, 1914-1918 - australia, gallipoli peninsula (turkey) - history, military -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Nelson, Robert, & Margan, Frank, A Pictorial History of Australians at War. (Copy 1)
The complete story of the Australian fighting man, of the reputation earned at Anzac Cove, Tobruk, and in New Guinea, is told here in the first attepmt to trace Australia's military tradition from its inauspicious beginnings to the present day.The complete story of the Australian fighting man, of the reputation earned at Anzac Cove, Tobruk, and in New Guinea, is told here in the first attepmt to trace Australia's military tradition from its inauspicious beginnings to the present day.australia - armed forces - history, australia - history, military, australia. wars, 1885-1972 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Nelson, Robert & Margan, Frank, A Pictorial History of Australians at War. (Copy 2)
The complete story of the Australian fighting man, of the reputation earned at Anzac Cove, Tobruk, and in New Guinea, is told here in the first attempt to trace Australia's military tradition from its inauspicious beginnings to the present day.The complete story of the Australian fighting man, of the reputation earned at Anzac Cove, Tobruk, and in New Guinea, is told here in the first attempt to trace Australia's military tradition from its inauspicious beginnings to the present day. australia - armed forces - history, australia - history, military, australia. wars, 1885-1972 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Box, Allan, A Soldier in the Family: A Source Book for Australian Military Genealogy (Copy 1)
This volume is dedicated to the tens of thousands of Australian families who have been personally touched by the horror of war, and who wish to understand.This volume is dedicated to the tens of thousands of Australian families who have been personally touched by the horror of war, and who wish to understand.soldiers- australia - genealogy - booklets, manuals etc., australia - genealogy - booklets, manuals etc. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Box, Allan, A Soldier in the family: A Source Book for Australian Military Genealogy (Copy 2)
This volume is dedicated to the tens of thousands of Australian families who have been personnally touched by the horror of war, and who wish to understand.This volume is dedicated to the tens of thousands of Australian families who have been personnally touched by the horror of war, and who wish to understand.soldiers - australia - genealogy - booklets, australia - genealogy - booklets, manuals etc. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Birmingham, John, A Time for War: Australia as a Military Power
Once upon a time every schoolboy in the British Empire could tell you about the Afghan wars.Once upon a time every schoolboy in the British Empire could tell you about the Afghan wars.australia. army. special air service regiment, national security - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lynch, Peter, ACCO an Aussie Icon : An illustrated history of Australian-made AACO and ACCO trucks from 1952 to 2005
The Australian truck industry is an interesting one. although by world standards it's not very large, the number of trucks registered in 2005 has more than doubled that of 10 years prior.The Australian truck industry is an interesting one. although by world standards it's not very large, the number of trucks registered in 2005 has more than doubled that of 10 years prior.military trucks - australia - history, acco trucks - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Frost, Frank, Australia's War in Vietnam (Copy 1)
Two decades ago, Australians were at war in Vietnam. By the time the engagement had ended, 47,000 Australians had participated in the most controversial military involvement in Australia's recent historyTwo decades ago, Australians were at war in Vietnam. By the time the engagement had ended, 47,000 Australians had participated in the most controversial military involvement in Australia's recent historyvietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives , australian, australia - politics and government - 1945 - -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Arnold, John, Cop In A baggy Green Skin
An MP had much better working conditions and '5' star accommodation' compared to the poor bloody field soldiers.An MP had much better working conditions and '5' star accommodation' compared to the poor bloody field soldiers.australia - armed forces - military police - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Australia. Military Board, Customs of the Army
the customs and traditions of the Australian Army are in the main based on those of the British Army. Over the years they have been adapted where necessary to meet Australian conditions and requirements.the customs and traditions of the Australian Army are in the main based on those of the British Army. Over the years they have been adapted where necessary to meet Australian conditions and requirements.australia. army - military life, australia. army - officers, etiquette - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Stephens, Alan, Dien Bien Phu and the defence of Australia
Dr. Alan Stephens is a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University.Dr. Alan Stephens is a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University.dien bien phu, battle of, vietnam, 1954, australia - strategic aspects, australia - military policy -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Odgers, George, Diggers: the Australian Army, Navy and Air Force
The history of Australian Army, Navy and Air Force in eleven wars.The history of Australian Army, Navy and Air Force in eleven wars.australia -- armed forces -- history, australia -- history, military -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Thompson, Leroy, Dirty Wars: Elite Forces VS The Guerrillas
Gripping story of guerrilla warfare the men, the tactics and the weapons Guerrillas versus elite military forcesGripping story of guerrilla warfare the men, the tactics and the weapons Guerrillas versus elite military forcesmilitary history, modern - 20th century, guerrillas - history - 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Parkinson, Roger, Encyclopedia of modern war
An encyclopedia of modern war.An encyclopedia of modern war.military art and science - history - encyclopedias, military history - encyclopedias -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tucker, Spencer ed, Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social & Military History
It ended a generation ago and is still with us. this superb reference work provides understanding and perspective on one of the greatest crises in U.S. history, and covers every conceivable aspect.It ended a generation ago and is still with us. this superb reference work provides understanding and perspective on one of the greatest crises in U.S. history, and covers every conceivable aspect.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 encyclopedias -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Picken, Bruce, Fire support Bases Vietnam: Australian and Allied Fire Support Base Locations and Main Support Units
... Military bases - Vietnam - History - 20th century... - Arttillery operations Military bases - Vietnam - History - 20th ...Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire supprt bases during the Vietnam War.Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire supprt bases during the Vietnam War.viietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - arttillery operations, military bases - vietnam - history - 20th century, 1961-1975 - participation, australian, fire su, fire support base, australian fire support base, phuoc tuy province, 1 rar, bien hoa, nui dat, battle of long tan, battle of suoi chau pha, the battle of coral and balmoral, battle of xa binh ba, battle of long binh -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Department of Veterans Affairs, Their Service Our Heritage: Australians At War
This is a commemorative program acknowledging the service and sacrifice made by all Australia's veterans.This is a commemorative program acknowledging the service and sacrifice made by all Australia's veterans.australia - history, military, emblems, national - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Henderson, Charles, Jungle Rules: A True story of Marine Justice in Vietnam
... Trials (Military offenses) - Vietnam... - United States Trials (Military offenses) - Vietnam After a long ...After a long day in the boonies, Private Celestine Anderson returned to base, only to come under fire from a group of racist white marines. He apparently snapped, and buried his field axe in the skull of one of his tormentors.After a long day in the boonies, Private Celestine Anderson returned to base, only to come under fire from a group of racist white marines. He apparently snapped, and buried his field axe in the skull of one of his tormentors.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states, trials (military offenses) - vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Australia. Dept. Of Veterans' Affairs, Their Service Our Heritage: Guidelines
Their Service - Our Heritage is a Federal Government commemorative program.Their Service - Our Heritage is a Federal Government commemorative program.emblems, national - australia, australia - history, military -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lewis, Jon E, The Giant Book of SAS and Elite Forces
... National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM) 25 Veterans Drive ...Shrouded in mystery and feared throughout the world, very little is known about the Special Air Services - the soldier's soldier.Shrouded in mystery and feared throughout the world, very little is known about the Special Air Services - the soldier's soldier. special forces (military science) commando troops, vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Johnson, Clive, Australians Awarded: A Concise Guide to Military and Civilian Decorations, Medals and other Awards to Australians from 1815 to 2007 with their Valuations
A friendly and professional service that extends from an initial appraisal right through to the day of the auction.A friendly and professional service that extends from an initial appraisal right through to the day of the auction.medals, australian - history, decorations of honor - australia - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dockery, Kevin, Free Fire Zones: The True Story of U.S. Navy Seal Combat In Vietnam: Seals - The came to fight
The U.S. Navy Seals came to Vietnam to fight a new kind of war. They went home legends in the military annals of our nationThe U.S. Navy Seals came to Vietnam to fight a new kind of war. They went home legends in the military annals of our nationvietnam, navy seals, u.s. navy seals -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Damousi, Joy ed.,Lake, Marilyn ed, Gender and War: Australians at war in the Twentieth Century
War has been a key part of the Australian experience and central to many national mythologies. Yet more that most activities, war polarises femininity and masculinity, While there has been no shortage of military history, little has been written about Australia's military involvements from the perspective of gender. This exciting collection of essays explores for the first time the interrelationship of gender and war in Australia.War has been a key part of the Australian experience and central to many national mythologies. Yet more that most activities, war polarises femininity and masculinity, While there has been no shortage of military history, little has been written about Australia's military involvements from the perspective of gender. This exciting collection of essays explores for the first time the interrelationship of gender and war in role - australia - history - 20th century, women and war - australia - history - 20th century, men - australia - sexual behavior - history - 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Corbett, Robin, Guerrilla Warfare: From 1939 to the Present Day
Guerilla tactics are as old as warfare itself, and have always been the last resort of the weak against the strong.Guerilla tactics are as old as warfare itself, and have always been the last resort of the weak against the strong.guerrilla warfare - history - 20th century, military history, modern - 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document - Citation(copy), Citation For the Award Of the Military Medal
Information relevant to the Military Medal awarded to Corporal James Stuart Archbold, Service no:3790920, who served as a National Serviceman in Australian Force Vietnam Provost Unit from 26 Feb 1968 until 03 Jan 1969. Two printed pages telling the story behind the Citation awarded to Cpl James Stuart Archbold of the 'Award of the Military Medal' with colour image of him standing in front of an unnamed building in Army uniform.cpl archbold, military medal, archbold, citation -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
A laminated coloured military map showing topography of areas around Nui Dat with divisional sections hand drawn in, nui dat, mcphail collection -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Letter, 18th July 1988
... and unselfish military commitment in Vietnam.... and unselfish military commitment in Vietnam. Letter Letter ...A typed letter from The Australian dated July 18, 1988 to Bill Kerr thanking him for his prompt response to their planned tribute of ur nation who died during Australia's long and unselfish military commitment in Vietnam.letter, james kelly kerr -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, MATA Booklet for Vietnam, January 1966, 1966
military booklet, united states - armed forces - service manuals -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster, The Famous Vung Tau Ferry
A coloured wall poster freaturing a photograph of the Vung Tau Ferry (HMAS Sydney) with military personnel on the deck.HMAS Sydney (3) a converted Aircraft Carrier began transporting personnel and equipment from Australia to Vietnam in May 1965. She was to become a familiar site and a temporary home for over 16,000 Army and Air Force personnel as they were deployed to and from The vietnam war. Because of her 25 seperate trips to vietnam she bacme affectionately known as the Vung Tau Ferry. Her last trip to Vietnam was in November 1972. Proudly presented by the Musuem of HMAS Cerberusposter, hmas cerberus, vung tau ferry, cerberus collection -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Plaque, The Vietnamese Veterans Association of Victoria Inc
... Annisversary of Australian Military Commitment in the Vietnam War...National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM) 25 Veterans Drive ...A glass commerative plaque presented by The Vietnamese Veterans Association of Victoria Inc in Commeration of the 50th Annisversary of Australian Military Commitment in the Vietnam War by HMAS plaque, hmas boonaroo, cerberus collection