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Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Couple steps up on track, by Courtney Beaumont, 13/08/2019
Rob and Christine Granter repaired a popular walking track at Banyule Flats which was in poor condition, and was criticised by the Mayor of Banyule for taking independent action.Black and white text and colour imagesbanyule flats, rob granter, christine granter, banyule city council -
Greensborough Historical Society
Postage Stamps - Digital Image, Australian postage stamps, 4 pence red, 1959, 24/08/1959
Digital image of Australian postage stamps, 4 penny red, 1959, stamped at Greensborough. Part of a collection of miscellaneous historical images.Digital image of stamps, colour. Features portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.Over-stamped Greensborough 1959postage stamps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, Noise is their great worry, 21/08/1973
A family living near the Plenty River in Montmorency are concerned about the noise of mini-bike riders and their effect on local bird life. [1973]Digital copy of newspaper article, black text.plenty river montmorency, montmorency -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, Crepe gown with lace her choice, 21/08/1973
A report on the marriage of Marilyn and John Hill. [1973] Marilyn's maiden name was Greig and she lived in Carwarp Street Macleod. Digital copy of newspaper article, black text and image.hill family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, Working bee for action group, 21/08/1973
A selection of reports on local Greensborough activities. [1973] Includes reports on the development of the De Blonay Crescent Reserve, Greensborough Red Cross, and the aims of Watsonia High School.Digital copy of newspaper article, black blonay crescent reserve, red cross, watsonia high school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, Full length gown, 21/08/1973
A report on the marriage of Shauna and Edward Gill at St Faith's Church of England Montmorency. [1973] Shauna's maiden name was Turner and she lived in Riverview Road Montmorency. Digital copy of newspaper article, black text and image.gill family, st faiths church of england montmorency -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, Primary School Moving? Greensborough Primary School Gr2062, 21/08/1973
Diamond Valley Councillors look at the possibility of moving Greensborough Primary School from its site on Grimshaw Street. [1973] The proposed new shopping complex for Greensborough would add to the dangers of traffic in the area. Digital copy of newspaper article, black text and image.greensborough primary school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping - Digital Image, No reason to uproot trees, 21/08/1973
A Letter to the Editor complaining about the removal of trees near the corner of Diamond Creek Road and St Helena Road [1973] Digital copy of newspaper article, black text.diamond creek road, st helena road greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, Jellis Craig Real Estate, 43 Grimshaw Street Greensborough, 11/08/2012
The 6 bedroom house on 1836 sq m.was sold 11 August 2012 for $1.3 million. Known as "Ashmead" this property was previously the home of the Cordner family.Real Estate advertising leaflet, 4 p., printed in colour on both sidesgrimshaw street greensborough, ashmead, cordner family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, 27 Pinehills Road (sic) [Drive], 05/08/2013
27 Pinehills Drive, 4 bedroom 2 storey home auctioned 31 August 2013, sold for $620,0004 page colour real estate leafletpinehills drive greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Primary school moving?, 21/08/1973
Concern about increased traffic occasioned by a new shopping centre close to Greensborough Primary School led to some Councillors suggesting that the Education Department should be asked whether it was considering relocation of the school. [1973]Photocopy of newspaper clipping, black text, laminated.greensborough primary school, greensborough plaza -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, 19 Cam Street Greensborough, 11/08/2012
19 Cam Street Greensborough, 3 bedroom home, auctioned 11 August 2012, sold for $425,000 1 sheet, printed both sides in colourcam street greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, 10 Greenview Court Greensborough, 08/12/2012
10 Greenview Court Greensborough, 3 bedroom home, auctioned 8 December 2012 for $567,000Real estate advertising leaflet, 1 sheet, printed in colour both sidesgreenview court greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, 6 Doris Street Greensborough, 08/10/2011
6 Doris Street Greensborough. Private sale, sold for $445,000 8 October 2011Real estate advertising leaflet, one card, printed in colour on one sidedoris street greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Pledge on 'deathtrap', 01/08/2018
Liberal candidate for Eltham, Nick McGowan promised to remove the Civic Drive roundabout in Greensborough, in addition to Eltham's Fitzsimmons Lane, as part of the Opposition's "congestion busting policy".News article 1 page, black text.civic drive greensborough, nick mcgowan, traffic -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Rail fine issue on parking, 01/08/2018
Watsonia is one of the top stations catching commuters parking illegally in Melbourne's crowded train station carparks.News article 1 page, black text.watsonia station, illegal parking, public transport -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, Darren Jones, 7 London Court Greensborough, 19/08/2017
7 London Court Greensborough. Four bedroom home, sold for $897,000 in August 2017. Previous sales: February 1989, $180,000 and April 1987, $132,000.Real estate advertising leaflet, 1 sheet, printed in colour both sides. london court greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertising Leaflet, Darren Jones, 17 Glenwood Drive Greensborough, 26/08/2017
17 Glenwood Drive Greensborough. Six bedroom house, sold for $1,120,000 in December 2017. Previous sales: July 1997, $87,000 and March 1986, $42,500.Real estate advertising leaflet, 1 sheet, printed in colour both sides. glenwood drive greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article, Argus (newspaper), Preserving a link with the past, 08/09/1937
1937 article describing the Apple Tree on Plenty River at Greensborough, its possible origins and steps to preserve it.Early attempts to preserve the Batman Apple Tree and alternative explanations of its origins.Downloaded copy of article. Text and b&w photo. batman apple tree, flintoff, plenty river, greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley News, Vale, Bill Huitt: by Linley Hartley, 06/08/1985
This article, written following the death of Bill Huitt in 1985, links his family and his wife Amy's family with several of the Greensborough pioneer families. Includes details of the Huitt family businesses in Greensborough.Links Greensborough pioneer families.One page, text and photos.bill huitt, william huitt, rustin family, partington family, knapsey family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Dead right; in the name of the law, 08/06/2013
This feature article deals with Professor Stephen Cordner, Victorian forensic scientist, and his work. Professor Cordner is a member of the Cordner family of Greensborough, a well-known family of doctors.News clipping, text and colour photos.cordner family, stephen cordner, don cordner -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Inauguration of Saturday half-holiday: Love and Lewis 1909, 08/05/1909
Photograph shows staff of 'Love and Lewis' (a Collingwood Store) in front of Greensborough Hotel, celebrating the inauguration of the Saturday half-day holiday on May 8th 1909. Later 'Love and Lewis' became 'Love and Pollard'.This photograph celebrates the introduction of a Saturday half-day holiday and is an example of the popularity of Greensborough as a picnic destination.Copy of black and white photograph.Caption hand written in white ink on front of photograph: 'Inauguration of Saturday 1/2 holiday. Mess Love and Lewis Ist Annual Picnic. Greensborough May 9th 1909."love and lewis, picnics, greensborough hotel, saturday half holiday -
Greensborough Historical Society
Certificates and newspaper clippings (copy), Queen's Scout Awards for George and Bryan Henderson, 08/10/1960
Collection includes copies of invitations to Government House, newspaper clippings and Queen's Scout certificates. George Henderson was the first Greensborough Scout to be awarded the Queen's Scout badge (1960), followed the next year by his brother Bryan. The Henderson family were all associated with the scouting movement.A Greensborough family with a strong association with Scouting.Photocopies of certificates, invitations and newspaper clippings.queens scout, bryan henderson, george henderson, scouts - greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Watchful eye on duty of care, 07/08/2013
The Department of Health and Ageing has concerns over the quality of care provided by Cambridge Aged Care and has undertaken regular site visits.News article; text and image.nursing homes, cambridge aged care -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital Image, Headstone of Caroline and John McLaughlin, 19/08/1927
The McLaughlin family was related to the Black family of Watsonia by marriage.Digital copy of colour photograph.mclaughlin family, john mclaughlin, caroline mclaughlin, black family -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Administrative record - Renewal Receipt - Public Risk Insurance, Portland Free Library, 08/09/1922
Front: '2009' - black ink, top rightportland free library, insurance, administration, glenelg shire council archives -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Newspaper - Newspaper - Portland Guardian, 20/08/1942
Portland Guardian, Thursday, Aug. 29 1942. Centenary issue, celebrating 100 years of continuous publication. 4 pages -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Magazine, The Rechabite, 01/08/1931
Section of Magazine, Pages 33 - 48, Dated August 1st, 1931. -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Cape Grant Quarry, 27/08/1953
Port of Portland Authority ArchivesBack: Purple PHT stamp -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Bucks Dam 2009, 02/08/2009
Photograph of Bucks Dam in Greensborough. This was a popular swimming hole in the past.Digital copy of colour photograph.bucks dam