Showing 12544 items
matching 2017-09-21
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Document - Account, C. L. Swift order docket re Mrs Matthews. 21/8/1957
Clive Leslie Swift (RAAF 430415) was born in Elsternwick in 1924 and served in the RAAF in Borneo during WW2. He was mentioned in dispatches. He married Enid (Ina) Mary Smith in 1947. Together they ran the grocery store at 10 Croydon Road from 1949 until some time after 1954. In the 1980s they were living in Highbury Road, East Burwood and Clive was working for Unigate (later Bonlac) in a managerial position. (REF: Oral testimony, Libby Wilson, Canterbury History Group). The shop continued after the Swifts left but was later destroyed by fire. Clive Swift died in March 2014. This and other dockets were tucked into Ruth Matthews' recipe folder. Ruth and Harold Geoffrey (Geoff) Matthews lived at 42 Guildford Road, Surrey Hills. The donor recalled that her paternal grandmother (Ethel May Matthews) also occasionally shopped at the Swifts' shop as it was closer to her home (31 Guildford Road) than either than Griffith’s on Union Road or Thomas’ on Maling Road . Dockets such as these are reflective of shopping in the pre-supermarket era when women generally walked to the local shop or had proprietors or a staff member come to the house to take weekly orders. A pre-printed grocery docket for C. L. Swift (Late R.A.A.F.) on cream (slightly discoloured) paper printed in black, red and blue filled in with 19 hand-written items, their prices and the total of the grocery order. A green and cream duty stamp to the value of 3d is attached and over-signed with initials as having been paid. Order was for Mrs Matthews of Guildford Road.clive leslie swift, miss enid (ina) mary smith, mrs enid (ina) mary swift, croydon road, guildford road, grocery store, docket, accounts, bushells tea, mrs ruth matthews, harold geoffrey matthews, 'geoff' matthews -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Queensland Society of Blind Citizens Minute book: 21/04/1970 - 14/12/1971, 1974-1976
Minutes of the Queensland Society of Blind Citizens committee including centre activities, staffing changes, fund raising appointment and resignation of committee members and life governorships. Some events include: 23/11/1971 - addition of committee's approval for the purchase of a house to be used as a men's hostel, 14/12/1971 - collector Donnelley to be advised to divorce his religious activities from his collections and the Executive Committee inspect a house in Gladstone Road for potential purchase.1 book with handwritten and typed pages stuck inqueensland society of blind citizens, queensland musical literary and self aid society for the blind -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 21
Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Stephen speaks about employment with Faye Baxter, who works as an Employment Coordinator. Valerie Thomas’s special guest is Maurice Gleeson, who works as an Advocacy and Policy Officer. Kate Gniel talks about fundraising events across NSW, Victoria and the ACT.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, kate gniel, stephen jolley, faye baxter, maurice gleeson -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 12, Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 21
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3. Reference to association between Tom and Elyne Mitchell and prominent American skier, Mr. Averell Harriman. Also members of the Albury Ski Club fined for swearing. Page 5 A half page advertisement for Nissen Ski School with instructors, Ernest and Aurel Forras and Max Denham. It includes the slogan "Speed is the Thrill, Control the Art".ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras, nissen ski school, tom mitchell m.l.a. -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - List of Trees Grown in Victoria Park. VPRS, Box 109. 5/1/1916. To the Town Clerk from the Hospital for the Insane, 21 Different Trees grown in Victoria Park in the early twentieth century, Unknown
Victoria Park featured in Ballarat's history from the nineteenth century.Victoria Park is a significant recreation area in Ballarat although the Ballarat Botanical Gardens and Lake Wendouree appear to have been seen as the pre-eminent garden areas over the years. 1 page with a list of names and numbers beside each. Reference at the bottom of the page.Written in black biro, beside the list, "List of Trees Grown in Victoria Park,1915.john garner, doctor john garner, ballarat botanical gardens, victoria park, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, trees, world war 2, american troops, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Rules for the Regulation of the Botanical Gardens, Ballarat Courier, 16/9/1859, Bye Law No.21 of the Western Municipality
john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Hawthorn Historical Society
Drawing - Property Illustration, 21 Hastings Road, Hawthorn East
'After training as a Cartographic Draftsman within the mining industry, I worked as a property illustrator for real estate firms in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne for 23 years from 1983. I initially photographed houses with a Polaroid camera and made a 'thumbnail' sketch while there. The photos were used to scale off a sketch in pencil and then that sketch was overlaid with drafting film and the 'pen and ink' completed. The pens I used were the Rotring ‘Rapidigraph’ drafting pens. The ink was also made by Rotring (German).The film was ‘Rapidraw’, polyester drafting film, double matte. It takes a very fine line and doesn’t bleed. As well as house sketches, there were often floor plans and site plans ordered. Aerial sketches were ordered when the property needed an overall view.' (Margaret Picken, 2020)This property illustration is one of a series created by Margaret Picken for a range of real estate agents in Melbourne between c. 1983 and c. 2006. Each work is signed and dated by the artist.Gift of Margaret Picken, 2020pen and ink architectural drawing on drafting film. Dimension 206x164 Inscription: 16 HASTINGS ST, HAW E Margaret Picken ~92 WOODARDS -C'WELL16 HASTINGS ST, HAW E Margaret Picken ~92 WOODARDS -C'WELLartist - margaret picken 1950- -
Park Orchards Community House
Newspaper, Eira Reed, Park Orchards Kindergarten's first directoress, farewelled after 21 years. The kindergarten started in 1965. Doncaster and Templestowe News, 4 November 1986
Park Orchards Community House
Newspaper, Painting course at Park Orchards Community House with leader Shirley Oakleigh. Doncaster and Templestowe News 21 June 1988
Park Orchards Community House
Newspaper, Cross-stitching course at Park Orchards Community House with tutor Pam Vandernberg. Doncaster and Templestowe News 21 August 1988
Friends of St Brigids Association
Leatherwood honey for Gall : A convict marries an immigrant Girl, Reddrop, Mary. 2000. Leatherwood Honey for Gall : A Convict Marries an Immigrant Girl. Blackburn, Vic. : PenFolk Publishing, 2000 viii, 210 p. : ill. (some col.), facsim., maps, ports.; 21 cm
Friends of St Brigids Association
Book - Melbourne and the Irish Famine: The unveiling of a new monument, Noone, Val. 1998. Melbourne and the Irish Famine: The unveiling of a new monument. Melbourne : Irish Famine Commemoration Committee, 1998 22 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm
Wonga Park Community Cottage History Group
Minutes, Wonga Park & District Residents' Association Monthly Meeting Minutes 21 April 1995
Camberwell Historical Society
Drawing (series) - Architectural drawing, 21 A+B Bowen Street, Camberwell, 2002
artist, architectural drawings, margaret picken, camberwell, housesartist, architectural drawings, margaret picken, camberwell, houses -
Charlton RSL Sub Branch
Manual - Light Horse regiment training syllabus, 13th and 19th Light Horse regiment training syllabus for use November 22 to December 21 1939 at Bairnsdale
Pocket size paper training syllabusLieut. Col. W.G.Hopkins. 13th Light Horse regiment. 19th Light Horse Regiment -
Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek
Magazine (item) - Ponderings 69, Summer 2020/21
Melbourne Legacy
Document, 21 Years of Melbourne Legacy, 1945
Photocopy of a pamphlet held by Melbourne University Archives detailing the history of Melbourne Legacy 1923-1944. Details include the genesis of the organisation, and how it came to be called Legacy as well as information about various activities Legacy children could access. Includes a concise chronology of Melbourne Legacy during those years. It includes an extract from a speech by the former Governor General Sir Issac Issacs about Legacy.It's a brief and concise history of the early years of Melbourne Legacy.Photocopy x 16 pages of black type and black and white photos.history, annual summary -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Purim Concert 21 Mar 1954; 1954
M.C. J. Giligichdovid herman theatre, i. raymer, y. rabinovich, m. rochlin, j giligich, ray somina, a. hurvitz, b. rozen, e. honig, j. bluthal -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 21. No. 7 September - October 1955
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski industry in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Page 234 - 235 featured an extensive report on developments at Falls Creek, Victoria. FALLS CREEK SKI CENTRE CONTINUES ITS STEADY ADVANCE Falls Creek skiing has continued to show markedly improved standards over this past season. Better facilities in and around the ski village itself have been accompanied by better skiing on the abundant snow covering all adjacent slopes. Just to mention a few of those facilities in the village: There have been extensions and big improvements at the Hymans Ski School, a number of excellent new club lodges have come into being, Nissen Lodge is in operation at the foot of the tow and adjacent slopes all setting new standards of ski-living that must make other resorts watch their step. While the advent of Cecil Dobson's General Store and Ski Centre, added to the service already available at the Nissen tow house, has removed all the old problems of food supply. Nissen ski-tow, the enticing face of the Frying Pan has given good service for a number of seasons now. To it has been added this year Bob Hyman's small portable tow which has worked for most of the season on the slope just in front of Skyline Lodge. The racing programme carried out at Falls Creek through this season has maintained the high standard shown in all other affairs. The main events started with the N.E.D.S.A. Championships early in August, then followed the Victorian and S.C.V. Nordic titles, and the Intermediate events.schuss journal, the ski club of victoria, developments in falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 21. No. 6 August 1955
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski industry in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 196 - A report on the Victorian Championships held at Falls Creek on 14 August 1955. Page 201 - SKYLINE Lodge of Falls Creek carried about eight feet of snow on its roof after the big August fall. As this consolidated more was added, till there was some 15 to 20 tons of packed snow on the roof. It also caused some damage which will require repairs in the spring; assistance from members is required in this work. This unusual depth of snow ensures skiing on the slopes above Skyline till well into the summer months. schuss journal, victorian championships 1955, skyline lodge -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 21. No. 3 May 1955
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski industry in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 83 - Skyline Lodge is ready for the winter after extensive work has been carried out during the summer. Improvements have been made to the lounge, bathroom and kitchen and the porch floor has been resurfaced. Potential visitors were reminded of the care and attention which were necessary to ensure comfort at the Lodge is maintained. Page 87 - Photo by S. Flattely of Easter work party of S.C.V. members enjoying a meal in the newly renovated lounge room of the Skyline Lodge, Falls Creek.schuss journal, the ski club of victoria, skyline lodge -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 21. No. 2 March - April 1955
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski industry in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 39 - An apology from Harold and Jean Cuming over to belief that they would have a transport tow based at Mt. Buller in the coming season. The Forestry Commission of Victoria had not approved their application. They later established a business at Falls Creek. Page 49 - Photo by S. Flattley "Spring snow conditions on the Frying Pan Spur, Fails Creek, in October, 1954."schuss journal, harold cuming, jean cuming, s. flattley -
Victorian Railway History Library
Book, Australian Railway Historical Society NSW Division, 21 Years of Tours - ARHS NSW Division, 1968
Details of railway tours operated by the Australian Railway Historical Society NSW division between 1946 & 1967ill, p.102.non-fictionDetails of railway tours operated by the Australian Railway Historical Society NSW division between 1946 & 1967australian railway historical society nsw division - tours, tourist railways and museums - australia -
Victorian Railway History Library
Book, Dunn, Ian, Byways of Steam 21, 2003
Details and photographs of railway operations on the railways of New South Wales.ill, maps, p.128.non-fictionDetails and photographs of railway operations on the railways of New South Wales.railroads - nsw - history, steam locomotives - nsw – pictorial -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, Australian Army: Infantry Training, Volume 2, Infantry Heavy Weapons, Pamphlet No. 21: Handling Drills For The 3 Inch Mortar, 1972 (Copy 1), 1972
A greenish gray coloured covered manual with two punch holes down the left hand side. The information on the front cover is in black ink. Top right hand side handwritten is Chap. 5 bring a dummy. under this reads DSN 7610-66-048-0380 australia - armed forces - service manuals, 3 inch mortar, infantry, weapons -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Certificate of Title 1977 and Subdivision Plan 1999 - 21-23 Bemboka Road Warranwood, Victoria
A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents. Certificate of Title Vol 9217 Fol 041 Church of England Trusts Corporation For The Diocese Of Melbourne - part of Crown Section 20, Parish of Warrandyte, County of Evelyn, 7th June, 1977. Includes Plan of Subdivision , postal address Bemboka Road, Warranwood 3134 (north of Lyric Court), certified under Subdivision Act 1988, 8/2/1999. -
Heidelberg Golf Club
Administrative record - Minute Book, Heidelberg Golf Club, Womens' Committee Minutes: Book L/A 21: February 2014 - June 2015, 2014-2015
Typed minutes of Committee Meetings of the Women members of Heidelberg Golf Club 2014-2015. Note the change of name from "Lady members" to "Women members" in 2014.Volume 21 of a complete set of Associates' (Women's) minutes from the foundation of HGC to the present day.Multiple pages, typed, in blue plastic spiral binder book.committee minutes, women's golf, associates, ladies' golf -
Heidelberg Golf Club
Administrative record - Reports, Heidelberg Golf Club, Directors' Reports: Book 21: February 1991 - December 1991, 1991
Typed reports to Directors of Heidelberg Golf Club from the various sub committees: February 1991 - December 1991Volume 21 of a set of reports to Directors. Black arch file binder, multiple pages, unnumbered. committee reports, directors' reports -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, Australian Army, Australian Military Forces: RAASC Pamphlet No.21: Expense Supplies, Fuel/Light and Forage 1967, 1967
A cream coloured cardboard cover with black information. Top right hand corner reads 7610-66-027-1609. There is the Australian Coat of Arms Insignia with the title of the booklet under this. There are two metal staples down the left hand sideaustralia - armed forces - service manuals, raasc, expenses, fuel/light and forage -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Model (Item) - MiG 21 MG-130 Finland roundel scale 1:72