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University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Flyer, The University of Melbourne et al, Climate Adaptation Along the Birrarung: A Day For Learning, 30.11.2023
climate adaptation, birrarung, ballerrt mooroop, yarra riverkeeper, merri-bek city council -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Flyer, Climate Adaptation Along the Birrarung: A Day for Learning
exhibition, yarra river, birrarung, ballerrt mooroop, wurrundjerri country, university of melbourne, birrarung council, yarra riverkeeper, merri-bek city council -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Letter, Diana Baker, Doris Barker/Baker, 06.04.2024
doris baker, doris barker, encouraging women in horticulture, student, 1930's -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - 35mm Colour slides, Compaction
10 slides labelled "Compaction" Appears to be sports ground near Burnley Campus.Not dated. May-Oct. 1 labelled "Terralift." 5 of pairs of seedlings labelled, "Eucalyptus maculata," "Eucalyptus ficifolia," "Lophostemon confertus" and "Agonis flexuosa."compaction, arboriculture, terralift -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Argus, Returning From Field Work, 1930
Photograph from "The Argus'" 9/10/30. Caption: "Girl students at the Burnley Horticultural College find that the "turn of the year" is for them a busy season, indeed, in tilling, sowing and transplanting. A picturesque scene with an English atmosphere in the gardens yesterday."the argus, students, female students, burnley horticultural college, horses, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Herald, Victoria - The Garden State, 1989
4 page liftout in "The Herald" 05.04.1989. "Victoria the Garden State." P4 contains article, "Ask Them a Question: They've got the Answers," by Robert H. Taylor, Assistant Director of Agriculture. Advisory Centre to be developed at Burnley Gardens.the herald, robert h. taylor, burnley gardens, plant research institute, plant research laboratory, victoria the garden state, garden questions -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article - Photocopy, Anne Latreille, Green Grows Our Garden Book Review, 1991
A photocopied page from "Garden Journal" includes amongst the book reviews a review of AP Winzenreid's book written to coincide with the Burnley Gardens' centenary "Green Grows Our Garden". Anne Latreille, the reviewer, gives it a favourable review.Reprint from Garden Journal - review by Anne Latreillegarden journal, anne latreille, green grows our garden, burnley gardens -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Work on paper (item) - Student Work, Perry Lane, Glenlyon RD Landscape Design, Uncertain, probably 2017-2018
Submitted as an assignment for HORT90035, 'Landscape Construction and Graphics,' a subject at Burnley Horticultural College coordinated by Andrew Laidlaw. It seems a third sheet of paper is missing, though one of the folders does contain a rubric showing the mark received for this project. assignment, landscaping, burnley horticultural college, landscape construction and graphics, hort90035 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, The Argus, A Touch of Spring, 1935-1990
Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden." Caption reads, "A Touch of Spring. " Note by T.H. Kneen 18 March 1992," Query: Student identified as Hilda Dance has dark hair - we always knew Hilda as being fair haired!"Colour photograph. Copy of a newspaper article made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "A Touch of Spring. " Students working near a dry stone wall in the Orchard shown in a 1926 Site Plan. Fruit trees in blossom behind the wall. Handwritten underneath, "J.Teed, H. Dance, E. Pearce, M. Fisher, B. Levick. "The Argus." 18-8-35." On reverse, "Dry stone wall at Burnley.""j.teed, h. dance, e. pearce, m. fisher, b. levick, green grows our garden, a. p. winzenried, orchard, dry stone wall, students working outside, blossom, tools, wooden wheelbarrow -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Herald Feature Service, Mervyn Davis Milking, 1945
Black and white photograph. C.R.T.S. Student, Mervyn Davis (1946), seated on a low stool with a metal bucket milking a Jersey cow by hand. Note she is wearing leather gaiters.On reverse, "Burnley Horticultural School Mervyn Davis milking - on the course. 1945," several signatures of fellow students and, "Copyright Not for Reproduction Herald Feature Service Melbourne, Australia."crts, students, mervyn davis, milking, burnley horticultural school, commonwealth reconstruction training scheme, jersey cow, gaiters -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plant specimen - Pressed Plant Material, Jenny Boyer, Student assessment pressed plants, 1996
Portfolio of pressed plants for Landscape and Vegetation assessment. By Jenny Boyer dated October 1996 for Plant Materials - 2, taken by Michael Looker. Handmade heavy cardboard portfolio containing 8 separate sheets of pressed plants protected by tissue paper. For assessment for subject Plant Materials 2, taught by Michael Looker. By Jenny Boyer dated October 1996 University of Melbourne Burnley College Plant Materials 2 - Michael Looker Landscape and Vegetation Assessment ROTARY PARK ST KILDA Jenny Boyer October 1996jenny boyer, michael looker, landscape and vegetation assessement, pressed plants, plant collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Orchard, 1955-1959
No. 01310H Norman Bros. Pty. Ltd. 60-62 Elizabeth St., Melbourneorchard, field station, history, fruit tree blocks, planting plans, newspaper cutting, red delicious apple, preston prolific fig -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Sun-News Pictorial, "And the glory of the garden shall never pass away" - Kipling, 1930-1940
(2) Newspaper page of a colour-touched-up photo of a student, pasted to one side of a sheet of paper, with the caption: "A student of the Burnley Horticultural School at Melbourne's Garden Week." (1) Pasted on the other side of the paper is a newspaper cutting from The Sun, 26 May, 1930. It is a photo of two men with a motor cultivator, with the caption: "Motor cultivator tests at Burnley were supervised yesterday by Mr H. Mullett (right), Superintendent of Agriculture. The other man appears to be the Principal, A. W. Jessep.This petrol novelty makes short work of small-scale farming."garden week 1930, dahlias, machinery, motor cultivator, h mullett, superintendent of agriculture, orchard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Animal specimen - Insect Collection, Joanne Morris, Student Insect collection and set of Entomology class notes, 1971-1973
Student course work from 1972 - an insect collection of 13 Orders from Victoria with class notes detailing killing methods of the era.Collected by BHC student Joanne Morris in 1972 from areas in greater Melbourne, Carrum, Cheltenham, Burnley, Eltham, Mildura, Clayton, Malvern and Ormond. Some from Mildura and Flinders. (1) Insects mounted with pins and hand written labels (Order, Family, Collected date and area). Two wooden boxes with slide in glass lids hand made by the student. (2) Folio of instruction notes, "Burnley College of Horticulture Entomology The Insect Collection." Directions on catching/collecting, killing, spreading and mounting the insects. However the catching part is not included.Box 1 contains name of Student JOANNE MORRIS - with each specimen having a handwritten label. ORDER BLATTARIA (3 specimens) ORDER COLEOPTERA (26 specimens) ORDER DERMAPTERA (1 specimen) ORDER DIPTERA (6 specimens) ORDER HEMIPTERA (11 specimens) ORDER HYMENOPTERA (12 specimens) Box 2 contains ORDER LEPIDOPTERA (25 specimens) ORDER MANTIDA (1 specimen) ORDER ORTHOPTERA (6 specimens) ORDER ODONATA (2 specimens) ORDER PLANIPENNIA (1 specimen), PHASMIDA (No Order label) (1 specimen) ORDER THYSANURA (1 specimen) (2) Folio called Entomology: The Insect Collection KILLING, KILLING BOTTLES, SPREADING AND THE SPREADING BOARD, RELAXING, MOUNTING and REARING information as class notes typed and roneoed on 3 x single sided foolscap sheets.insects, joanne morris, student collection, burnley horticultural college, preserved insects -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Book, David Mitchell, A Forfar Man by Pamela Vestey, 2014
David Mitchell was born near the town of Forfar, Scotland, became an apprentice to a stone mason and builder, then emigrated to Australia in 1853. In Melbourne, he set up a builder's yard in Burnley St, Richmond and later bought Cave Hill Limestone Quarries in Lilydale and manufactured the cement in Richmond. He became Shire President for Lillydale in 1883. Also he established a brickworks in Burnley St, Richmond. He was responsible for building PLC College in East Melbourne, Menzies Hotel, The Exhibition building and Scots Church. Although he was very wealthy in his own right, he is also known as the father of Dame Nellie Melba. White soft cover booklet with a large drawing of David Mitchell (1901) on the front. -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Photocopy, Thomas Sebire, 1892, 1894
1. Letter of reference from Geo. Neilson, Curator, Royal Horticultural College Burnley, 29 May 1894. 2. Diary of Thomas Sebire, Mar. - Dec. 1892 - Photocopies - 2 copies of letter, on Department of Agriculture Victoria letterheadthomas sebire, royal horticultural college, royal horticultural school burnley, george neilson -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph, Dept pf Agriculture, Victoria, Department of Agriculture Colleges, 1961
the college of horticulture, the school of dairy, longerenong, the gavin gibson memorial laboratory, dookie agricultural college, dept of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white photocopy, The Argus, Joan Fitzgerald, 1953
Photocopy of picture in "The Argus" 16 July, 1953. with caption, "Pest control is an essential part of the training at Burnley School of Horticulture. Here Joan Fitzgerald (1953) sprays a bed of cauliflowers with an anti-insect powder." Part of article on Careers for Girls.female students, careers for girls, pest control, joan fitzgerald, cauliflowers, anti-insect powder, orchard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour photocopy, The Argus, Anne Sheldon, 1953
Colour photocopy of picture in "The Argus" 16 July, 1953. with caption, "Horticulturalists are always hoping to improve a species of flower by crossing it with another. Anne Sheldon (1953) is pollenising (sic) a cyclamen in the glass house at Burnley." Part of article on Careers for Girls.female students, careers for girls, glasshouse, anne sheldon, pollination, cyclamen -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, Burnley's Fine Exhibit, 1926-1936
Newspaper article describing a large exhibit of fruit, vegetables and dahlias sent from Burnley to a Show (Royal Agricultural?) when A.W. Jessep was Principal. The report mention George Russ, who retired in 1936. Varieties of fruit and dahlias named.fruits, vegetables, dahlias, a.w. jessep, exhibition, george russ, royal agricultural show, apples, pears -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper, The Age, Living Legacy Takes Root, 2019
jenny happell, sandra pullman, ulmus procera, english elm, charles la trobe, megan backhouse -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Journal, Dept pf Agriculture, Victoria, Cherry Blossom, 1966
ornamental garden, i requini, laboratory assistant, dept of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Black and white and colour slides, Alan L. Mitchell, A.L. Mitchell Slide Collection, 1863 -1990
Alan L. Mitchell graduated in 1935. Some of the pictures were taken while he was a student in 1934 and others in 1956 and 1965. He gathered the collection for a presentation he made about Burnley in 1967. And donated it to the Archives in 1990 for the 1991 Centenary.Box of slides in colour and black and white. Handwritten short history of the Gardens and College and a typed transcript with extra information. Also an extra slide donated in 1997 with accompanying letter and description. Also DVD and printed photographs added later. Handwritten description of each slide.alan l. mitchell, burnley gardens, entrance sign, early uniforms, plant research institute/laboratory, administration building, canteen, hilda kirkhope rockery, garden views, students working outside, t h kneen, luffmann ponds, old nursery, potting sheds, orchard border, rubbish tip, e e pescott -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Student Records, Examinations Papers and Results, 1939-1944
Handwritten book with, for each school, names, exam questions and marks by subject: Chemistry, Botany. Sub-intermediate, Intermediate, Leaving, Matricultation Agricultural Science from 1941; Youth Employment Class 1939. School students attending classes at Burnley College.students, exam questions, mark, chemistry, botany, sub-intermediate, intermediate, leaving, matricultation agricultural science, youth employment class, 1939, burnley college -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Handbook of Accessions in the MAFF National Fruit Collections, 1988
Spiral bound register. Procuced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK), April 1988. Collection held at Brogdale Farm and managed by Wye College, University of London and the Brogdale Horticultural Trust. (Cf Establishement of Burnley gardens by the Horticultural Society of Victoria.)brogdale farm, wye college, university of london, brogdale horticultural trust, burnley gardens, horticultural society of victoria, maff -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, ABC Direct TV B.H.C, 1958
Black and white photograph. ABC direct television broadcast from Burnley College. Bill Nicholls (Field Superintendent) being interviewed for, "Town & Country" programme which was broadcast each Monday at 9.00 pm Taken from the roof of the Administration Building.On reverse, "December 2 1958 ABC Direct TV of B.H.C.," and, "Photograph by Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. c.1137A."abc, television, broadcast, burnley college, bill nicholls, field superintendent, town & country, publicity, administration building -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Alterations and Refurbishment of the Centen nial Display Building, 1990
Specification of workmanship and materials to be used in the construction of: Alterations and Refurbishment of the Centennial Display Building at Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Burnley for VCAH by Urban Spaces Pty. Ltd., Architects. Includes Plans and Elevations, and Presentation Drawings. Provenance Geoff C(?) 19.08.91. vcah, centennial -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, The University of Melbourne, Conferring of Degrees, 2009-2101
conferring of degrees, the university of melbourne, burnley campus, creswick campus, order of proceedings, awards -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Julian Smith, The Land Girl, 1939-1945
Large photograph of A.J. Tucker née Glascodine (1933) attached to backing board. Possibly taken when she was a student at Burnley. She gave it to the Archives for the 1991 Centenary Celebrations. Also see B94.678(a) her Report Card, (c) Reminiscences. land girl, female students, alice j. tucker (née glascodine) -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Administration Building, 1962
Black and white photograph. Administration Building: Part of driveway to Principal's Residence in foreground. 1. Mounted on board. 2.Framed enlargement with Plaque attached "Burnley School of Horticulture 1962 Presented to the Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture by the Department of Agriculture, Victoria"administration building, driveway, burnley gardens, department of agriculture