Showing 1912 items
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Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, McMillan, Great commanders and their battles, 1987
This book presents a visual analysis of twenty famous victories won by a broad cross-section of history's most outstanding commanders, from Alexander the Great's triumph against the Persians in 331 B.C. to Israeli general Moshe Dayan's Sinai campaign of 1956.Index, bibliography, ill, p.200.non-fictionThis book presents a visual analysis of twenty famous victories won by a broad cross-section of history's most outstanding commanders, from Alexander the Great's triumph against the Persians in 331 B.C. to Israeli general Moshe Dayan's Sinai campaign of 1956.generals - biography, battles - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Mira Books, Return of the Gallipoli legend : Jacka VC, 2010
Continues the story of Albert Jacka, VC - soldier, legend and friend. Coming home is bittersweet and the memories and experiences of war are never forgotten. It is through the eyes of Jacka VC that we see a glimpse of how survival away from the trenches becomes an emotional battle on the homefront.Bibliography, ill, maps, p.455.non-fictionContinues the story of Albert Jacka, VC - soldier, legend and friend. Coming home is bittersweet and the memories and experiences of war are never forgotten. It is through the eyes of Jacka VC that we see a glimpse of how survival away from the trenches becomes an emotional battle on the homefront.albert jacka 1897-1932, soldiers - australia - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Duncan Grinnell-Milne, Wind in the wires, 1966
Biography of a young pilot in the First World Warp.176.non-fictionBiography of a young pilot in the First World Warworld war 1914-1918 - aerial operations - britain, duncan grinnell-milne -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Wilkinson Publishing, Charles 'Bud' Tingwell's war stories : the heroes, the battles, the tragedies and the triumphs of World War II, 2009
ollow Bud's journey from his early days as a young radio announcer in Sydney to his training and voyages across the oceans to Canada, Europe Europe and the Middle East, to his experiences flying aircraft and ground fire while doing his part in providing a valuable service to allied war effort. This book includes many the biographies of soliders.Index, ill, p.360.non-fictionollow Bud's journey from his early days as a young radio announcer in Sydney to his training and voyages across the oceans to Canada, Europe Europe and the Middle East, to his experiences flying aircraft and ground fire while doing his part in providing a valuable service to allied war effort. This book includes many the biographies of war 1939-1945 - australian involvement, charles (bud) tingwell -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Grubb Street et al, Under the guns of the German aces : Immelmann, Voss, Göring, Lothar von Richthofen : the complete record of their victories and victims, 1997
Listing of the victims of the ace German fighter pilots in World war IIIndex, bib, ill, p.192.non-fictionListing of the victims of the ace German fighter pilots in World war IIfighter pilots - great britain - biography, fighter pilots - germany - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Ballantine Books, Goring, 1972
Describes the life and times of Hermann goringIll, p.159.non-fictionDescribes the life and times of Hermann goringworld war 1939-1945 - biography, hermann goring -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Ballantine Books, De Gaulle, 1972
Describes the life and times of Charles De GaulleIll, p.157.non-fictionDescribes the life and times of Charles De Gaulleworld war 1939-1945 - biography, charles de gaulle -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Ballantine Books, Tito, 1972
Describes the life and times of Josip BrozIll, p.159.non-fictionDescribes the life and times of Josip Brozworld war 1939-1945 - biography, josip broz -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Himmler, 1973
The life and times of SS leader Heinrich HimmlerIll, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of SS leader Heinrich Himmlerworld war 1939-1945 - biography, heinrich himmler 1900-1945 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Hitler, 1970
The life and times of Third Reich leader Adolf HitlerIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of Third Reich leader Adolf Hitlerworld war 1939-1945 - biography, adolf hitler - 1889-1945 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Patton, 1970
The life and times of US General George S PattonIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of US General George S Pattonworld war 1939-1945 - biography, george patton 1885-1945 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Mountbatten, 1973
The life and times of Admiral of the fleet Lord Louis MountbattenIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of Admiral of the fleet Lord Louis Mountbattenworld war 1939-1945 - biography, louis mountbatten 1900-1979 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Stillwell, 1973
The life and times of United States General Joseph StillwellIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of United States General Joseph Stillwellworld war 1939-1945 - biography, joseph stillwell 1883-1946 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, MacArthur, 1973
The life and times of United States General Douglas MacArthurIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of United States General Douglas MacArthurworld war 1939-1945 - biography, douglas macarthur 1880-1964 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Eisenhower, 1973
The life and times of United States General Dwight D EisenhowerIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of United States General Dwight D Eisenhowerworld war 1939-1945 - biography, dwight eisenhower 1890-1969 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Churchill, 1973
The life and times of British Prime Minister Winston ChurchillIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of British Prime Minister Winston Churchillworld war 1939-1945 - biography, winston churchill 1874-1965 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Mussolini, 1973
The life and times of Italian fascist leader Benito MussoliniIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of Italian fascist leader Benito Mussoliniworld war 1939-1945 - biography, benito mussolini 1883-1945 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, Slim, 1973
The life and times of British General Sir William SlimIll, maps, p.159.non-fictionThe life and times of British General Sir William Slimworld war 1939-1945 - biography, viscount sir william slim 1891-1970 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Mountbatten : hero of our time, 1980
A biography of Lord MountbattenIndex, ill, p.290.non-fictionA biography of Lord Mountbattenlouis mountbatten 1900-1979, louis mountbatten - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Collins, Rommel, 1950
A biography of General Rommelp.288.A biography of General Rommelgeneral rommel, rommel - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Penguin, Hitler : a study in tyranny, 1962
The first complete life of the German tyrant to be published in any language. It remains almost the only balanced and authoritative history of the Third Reich. It provides an absorbing and readable account of one of the most extraordinary careers in history.Index, bib, p.848.non-fictionThe first complete life of the German tyrant to be published in any language. It remains almost the only balanced and authoritative history of the Third Reich. It provides an absorbing and readable account of one of the most extraordinary careers in history.adolf hitler - 1889-1945 - biography, germany - history - 20th century -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy of a B & W photograph of Alexander J Hamilton (1878 - 1964). Head and shoulders of subject dressed in a suit, vest, collar and tie and wearing glasses.photograph, person, alexander j hamilton -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Picador, A bright shining lie : John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, 1988
Sheehan's tragic biography of John Paul Vann is also a sweeping history of America's seduction, entrapment and disillusionment in Vietnam.non-fictionSheehan's tragic biography of John Paul Vann is also a sweeping history of America's seduction, entrapment and disillusionment in Vietnam. vietnam war 1961-1975 - american involvement, vietnam war 1961-1975 - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Jack Davenport : beaufighter leader, 2009
Revealing biography of an Australian airforce hero of the Second World War who displayed great courage and integrity - both under fire and in civilian life.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.306.non-fictionRevealing biography of an Australian airforce hero of the Second World War who displayed great courage and integrity - both under fire and in civilian war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia, world war ii - air warfare -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Arrow, Monty and Rommel : parallel lives, 2012
Two men came to personify generalship in the Second World War: Bernard Montgomery for the British and Erwin Rommel for the Germans. In the span of a few years, they fought a series of extraordinary duels across several theaters of war. Ever since, historians have assessed their leadership, personalities, and skill. Born four years apart, the two men followed a remarkably similar trajectory. Military historian Peter Caddick-Adams explores their lives, beginning with their provincial upbringing and the brutal trench fighting of World War I--where both nearly died. Obsessed with fitness and training, the future field marshals emerged with glowing records. They taught in staff colleges, wrote infantry textbooks, and fought each other as divisional commanders in 1940 before taking charge of their respective armies as the war raged on. This first comparative biography of these two soldiers explores how each was "made" by their war leaders, Churchill and Hitler, and how their strategies permeate down to today's armies.Index, ill, maps, p.614.non-fictionTwo men came to personify generalship in the Second World War: Bernard Montgomery for the British and Erwin Rommel for the Germans. In the span of a few years, they fought a series of extraordinary duels across several theaters of war. Ever since, historians have assessed their leadership, personalities, and skill. Born four years apart, the two men followed a remarkably similar trajectory. Military historian Peter Caddick-Adams explores their lives, beginning with their provincial upbringing and the brutal trench fighting of World War I--where both nearly died. Obsessed with fitness and training, the future field marshals emerged with glowing records. They taught in staff colleges, wrote infantry textbooks, and fought each other as divisional commanders in 1940 before taking charge of their respective armies as the war raged on. This first comparative biography of these two soldiers explores how each was "made" by their war leaders, Churchill and Hitler, and how their strategies permeate down to today's armies.generals - germany - biography, generals - great britain - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Condʹe Nast, Lee Miller's war : photographer and correspondent with the Allies in Europe 1944-45, 1992
Lee Miller's work for Vogue from 1941-45 sets her apart as a photographer of extraordinary ability, and the quality of her work from the period has long been recognized as outstanding. Its full range is shown here, accompanied by her brilliant despatches." "Miller's words manage to combine immediacy with acute observation, and deep personal involvement with professional detachment. Complementing her natural talent in writing are over one hundred and fifty remarkable photographs from the Lee Miller Archives. With their own quality of surrealist irony, which at times verges on the horrific and at others on the hilarious, they show war-ravaged cities, buildings and landscapes, but above all war-resilient people - soldiers, leaders, medics, evacuees, prisoners of war, the wounded, the villains and the heroesIndex, bib, ill, p.208.Lee Miller's work for Vogue from 1941-45 sets her apart as a photographer of extraordinary ability, and the quality of her work from the period has long been recognized as outstanding. Its full range is shown here, accompanied by her brilliant despatches." "Miller's words manage to combine immediacy with acute observation, and deep personal involvement with professional detachment. Complementing her natural talent in writing are over one hundred and fifty remarkable photographs from the Lee Miller Archives. With their own quality of surrealist irony, which at times verges on the horrific and at others on the hilarious, they show war-ravaged cities, buildings and landscapes, but above all war-resilient people - soldiers, leaders, medics, evacuees, prisoners of war, the wounded, the villains and the heroeswar correspondents - united states - biography, world war 1939 – 1945 – personal narratives – united states -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pen & Sword Military, Hamilton and Gallipoli : British command in an age of military transformation, 2015
This is a study of Sir Ian Hamilton VCs command of the Gallipoli campaign. Appointed by Kitchener after the failure of the initial Allied naval offensive in the Dardanelles, Hamilton was to lead the ambitious amphibious landings that were intended to open the way to Constantinople. In the event, however, opportunities immediately after the landings were squandered and, in the face of unexpectedly effective Turkish resistance, soon stalled in attritional trench warfare like that on the Western Front. Hamilton has often been criticized for this failure and in many ways seen to typify the stereotype of a British general clinging to outdated Victorian thinking. Yet this fresh reappraisal, drawing on original archival research, shows that Hamilton did display some progressive ideas and a realization that warfare was rapidly changing. Like all generals of this period he faced the challenge of unprecedented technological and tactical revolution as well as the political and media battle.Index, bib, ill, map, p.230.non-fictionThis is a study of Sir Ian Hamilton VCs command of the Gallipoli campaign. Appointed by Kitchener after the failure of the initial Allied naval offensive in the Dardanelles, Hamilton was to lead the ambitious amphibious landings that were intended to open the way to Constantinople. In the event, however, opportunities immediately after the landings were squandered and, in the face of unexpectedly effective Turkish resistance, soon stalled in attritional trench warfare like that on the Western Front. Hamilton has often been criticized for this failure and in many ways seen to typify the stereotype of a British general clinging to outdated Victorian thinking. Yet this fresh reappraisal, drawing on original archival research, shows that Hamilton did display some progressive ideas and a realization that warfare was rapidly changing. Like all generals of this period he faced the challenge of unprecedented technological and tactical revolution as well as the political and media war 1914-1918 - campaigns - gallipoli, generals - great britain - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Oxford University Press, ANZAC memories: Living with the legend, ????
What is taboo in any family or in any society is never fixed. And neither is that body of family information which everybody knows but no one talks about. Mental illness is one such subject, and it created a kind of fence around one central element of Thomson's work in the 1980s - his grandfather Hector's story. He has had the courage to take that fence down and use a range of sources to enter the no man's land of suffering and isolation which was a part of his grandfather's life, and perforce, that of his grandmother and the young child who became his father. When the first edition was in preparation, Alistair Thomson's father objected strenuously to any mention in the book of his father's (Alistair's grandfather's) mental illness; reluctantly Alistair agreed to leave out the subject. We can understand why the author's father, himself a soldier, felt so strongly. .Index, bib, ill, p.239.non-fictionWhat is taboo in any family or in any society is never fixed. And neither is that body of family information which everybody knows but no one talks about. Mental illness is one such subject, and it created a kind of fence around one central element of Thomson's work in the 1980s - his grandfather Hector's story. He has had the courage to take that fence down and use a range of sources to enter the no man's land of suffering and isolation which was a part of his grandfather's life, and perforce, that of his grandmother and the young child who became his father. When the first edition was in preparation, Alistair Thomson's father objected strenuously to any mention in the book of his father's (Alistair's grandfather's) mental illness; reluctantly Alistair agreed to leave out the subject. We can understand why the author's father, himself a soldier, felt so strongly. .world war 1939 – 1945 – personal narratives – australia, world war 1914-1918 - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Hitler and Stalin : parallel lives, 1991
comparative study of the lives and careers of Hitler and Stalin. Alternate chapters on each serve both to draw contrasts and highlight parallels. The author gives his reasons for believing that the key to an understanding the character of the two is the same.Index, ill, bib, p.1189. comparative study of the lives and careers of Hitler and Stalin. Alternate chapters on each serve both to draw contrasts and highlight parallels. The author gives his reasons for believing that the key to an understanding the character of the two is the same.adolf hitler - 1889-1945 - biography, josef stalin - 1879-1953 - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, McMillan et al, About Face : The Odyssey of an American Warrior, 1989
This national bestseller by Colonel David H. Hackworth presents a vivid and powerful portrait of a life of patriotism.From age fifteen to forty, David Hackworth devoted himself to the US Army and fast became a living legend. In 1971, however, he appeared on television to decry the doomed war effort in Vietnam. With About Face, he has written what many Vietnam veterans have called the most important book of their generation.From Korea to Berlin, from the Cuban missile crisis to Vietnam, Hackworth's story is that of an exemplary patriot, played out against the backdrop of the changing fortunes of America and the American military. It is also a stunning indictment of the Pentagon's fundamental misunderstanding of the Vietnam conflict and of the bureaucracy of self-interest that fueled the war.Index, ill, p.833.non-fictionThis national bestseller by Colonel David H. Hackworth presents a vivid and powerful portrait of a life of patriotism.From age fifteen to forty, David Hackworth devoted himself to the US Army and fast became a living legend. In 1971, however, he appeared on television to decry the doomed war effort in Vietnam. With About Face, he has written what many Vietnam veterans have called the most important book of their generation.From Korea to Berlin, from the Cuban missile crisis to Vietnam, Hackworth's story is that of an exemplary patriot, played out against the backdrop of the changing fortunes of America and the American military. It is also a stunning indictment of the Pentagon's fundamental misunderstanding of the Vietnam conflict and of the bureaucracy of self-interest that fueled the war. soldiers - united states - biography, united states - army - personal recollections