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matching toys-dolls
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 30th November 1973. Edition No. 10/73, 30/11/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Historic decision: Planning Scheme passed, Continuation of the late Frank Andrew article, School and Kinder news, Diamond Valley repertory, Letter to Editor, From the Council Chamber, "Requiem for a small Valley" [Valley of the Eagles], A.C.F. [Australian Conservation Foundation] and its role. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 29th September 1973. Edition No. 8/73, 29/09/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Lot 3 St. Helena Road, In Memoriam [Frank Andrew], School and Kinder news, St. Helena Road... now and before, Forward planning and balanced development, Preservation of the local environment, Public reserves and how to protect them. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 31st October 1973. Edition No. 9/73, 31/10/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October 1973 meeting, The South-east riding elections, Social action, Yandell Reserve restoration project, Help for parents of handicapped children, Kinder news, The wise use of a resource: the Plenty Ranges, An article by the late Frank Andrew. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 28th March,1974. Edition No. 2/74, 28/03/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association President's report 1974, The annual Diamond Creek Town Fair, From the Council Chamber, School and Kinder news, Where are the streams of Yesteryear? Supplement to March 1974 "Community News" Nillumbik Historical Society, Reshape them in your own image? Books-on-wheels. Includes booklet "Community Service Directory". A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st July,1974. Edition No. 3/74, 01/07/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1974 meeting, Handicapped Minding Scheme starts, Diamond Valley Learning Centre, The public interest v personal interests, Letter to the Editor, From the Council Chamber, The Fish Scheme, The restrictive entrance to Willis Street, School and kinder news, Meet the natives. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 26th February, 1974. Edition No. 1/74, 28/02/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1974 meeting, Councillor's report, Sporting facilities in Diamond Valley, Ian Bennet, Mr. Poulter's report on child care, From the Council Chamber, Poisonous plants and trees. Supplement to February 1974 "Community News" Join in the fun of the fair at... The 1974 Diamond Ck. town fair. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st August,1974. Edition No. 4/74, 01/08/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1974 meeting, Children: parental property or individuals?, A tribute to Lorrie Shore, Kinder news, From the Council Chamber, Meet the natives, Land subject to fill and inundation, Stage door notes [Diamond Valle Repertory], Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 31st December 1973. Edition No. 11/73, 31/12/1973
Time - lack of it, The Diamond Valley Arts Awards '74, Thank for the memory [Valley of the Eagles], Social action, From the Council Chamber, School and kinder news, Greenhills Hall... a phoenix without ashes?, Music in Diamond Valley. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st November,1974. Edition No. 7/74, 01/11/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1974 meeting, Councillor's report, Yandell rally cross, Loyola Detention Centre ??, Open letter to the Shire Engineer, From the Council Chamber, Meet the natives, School and kinder news, Letter to the Editor, Planning prospects, For the environmentalists. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st October, 1974. Edition No. 6/74, 01/10/1974
This edition includes articles on Rotaract, Farewell to Harry Nash, From the Council Chamber, Yandell Reserve weed-in, New Hall design, Kinder news, Results of Street poll, Meet the natives, Natural history for young and old [Field Naturalists' Club], Open Forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus., mapgreenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st September, 1974. Edition No. 5/74, 01/09/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1974 meeting, Willis St. restrictive entrance, Farewell to Harry Nash, Marriage counselling in Greensborough, From the Council chamber, School and kinder news, Pentridge, Meet the natives, M.M.B.W. rates. Open Forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Hoffman Children in Cart
Black and white copy of original photograph showing a dark coloured horse with a cart attached and loaded with children.hoffman, horse and cart, old doll -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 20th April, 1972. Edition No.2/72, 20/04/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1972 meeting, President's report 1971-72, Bridging the gap, Facts about Lake Pedder, Yandell Reserve, Boys will the boys, Roads, The new sports complex: a view point. School and Kinder news, Local news, Diamond Valley Repertory. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Printer's phone number written in red pen on cover.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th May, 1972. Edition No.3/72, 25/05/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1972 meeting, Eating people just isn't done, A design with nature, Propagation by cuttings, Analysis: the Lake Pedder campaign, Save the kangaroo, Parochialism or maximum effectiveness, Churinga news, Diamond Valley Arts Society, Roads... we've got one at last!, Eltham Film Society, School news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25th Nov., 1972. Edition No. 9/72, 25/11/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1972 meeting, Councillors' reports, Fire prevention in Greenhills, Talking about natives, More trains?, Open Forum, Letter to the Editor. Supplement to November 1972 "Community News" Competition, Plenty River clean-up, Diamond Valley Repertory. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25/10/72. Edition No. 8/72, 25/10/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October 1972 meeting, Councillor's report, Plenty River report, Yandell Reserve, Talking about natives, Women... were mothers before they clerks School and Kinder news, Open forum, Amnesty International, Waterbirds, Roads report. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 27 p., illus., map.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 20th Dec., 1972. Edition No. 10/72, 20/12/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1972 meeting, Conservation in Greenhills and Diamond Valley in 1972, Letter to the Editor, Plenty River project, School news, The position with freeways in the Yarra Valley. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30th Sept.,1972. Edition No. 7/72, 30/09/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1972 meeting, Councillors' report, Plenty river report, The rites of spring, Preparing for a hot summer, Tolai and the Spring Street happing, School news, Eltham Film Society, Letter to Editor. Supplement to September 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 27th July, 1972. Edition No. 5/72, 27/07/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1972 meeting, Year of the Book, Spring planting time, School and kinder news, Letter to the editor, Megalopolis or the bush, Parks, gardens and reserves, Eltham Film Society. Supplement to July 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association.28th August 1972. Edition No. 6/72, 28/08/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1972 meeting, Councillor's' report, Watching the birds, "Clematis" replies, Letters to the editor, School news, Personal news, Roads report. Supplement to August '72 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th June, 1972. Edition No. 4/72, 26/06/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1972 meeting, Future of Ashril... still undecided, Mulching and other carry on, School and kinder news, A humanist's viewpoint, Ashril Cinema, Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 26th March, 1973. Edition No. 2/73, 26/03/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's March 1973 meeting, President's report, 1973, What a way to run a railway, History Group visits the Greenhills area, Interview with ex-Councillor, Laurie Svendsen, Montmorency Baseball Club, Access to Plenty increased, School and Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 28th May, 1973. Edition No. 4/73, 28/05/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, "And it came to pass", Flats report, Pre-natal and Family Planning Clinic, Star Victorian Association for the Retarded, Montmorency Baseball Club, Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25th April, 1973. Edition No. 3/73, 25/04/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, If you... : on flats and units, Women's Electoral Lobby, School and kinder news, Letter to the Editor, The Leichhardt experiment, Recent happenings. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Leisure object - Lotts Tudor Blocks 4, 1920s
... Toys ...The Tudor Blocks sets included new blocks that were interchangeable with the other Lott's bricks, but had with one profiled surface with a single colour of paint on the raised surface, which gave the appearance of the panels of a wood-framed Tudor building, or of leaded windowsLarge cardboard box containing many blocks & four "trees". A book of illustrations of models. The Tudor Blocks sets included new blocks that were interchangeable with the other Lott's bricks, but had with one profiled surface with a single colour of paint on the raised surface, which gave the appearance of the panels of a wood-framed Tudor building, or of leaded windows.Lott's Tudor Blocks new series illustrations of models. Boxes 1-6, price1/6, Lotts Bricks Ltd, Watford England. Note: Price 1/6 means one pound 6 shillingstoys, lotts tudor blocks, building blocks