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matching 1886
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Postcard - Local Postcards, Joseph Jordan Photographic Studio, Nov 1908 - early 1909
ABOUT THE ‘FALLS OF HALLADALE’ (1886 - 1908) Built: in1886 by Russell & Co., Greenock shipyards, River Clyde, Scotland, UK. The company was founded in 1870 (or 1873) as a partnership between Joseph Russell (1834-1917), Anderson Rodger and William Todd Lithgow. During the period 1882-92 Russell & Co., they standardised designs, which sped up their building process so much that they were able to build 271 ships over that time. In 1886 they introduced a 3000 ton class of sailing vessel with auxiliary engines and brace halyard winches. In 1890 they broke the world output record. Owner: Falls Line, Wright, Breakenridge & Co, 111 Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Configuration: Four masted sailing ship; iron-hulled barque; iron masts, wire rigging, fore & aft lifting bridges. Size: Length 83.87m x Breadth 12.6m x Depth 7.23m, Gross tonnage 2085 ton Wrecked: the night of 14th November 1908, Curdies Inlet, Peterborough southwest Victoria Crew: 29 The Falls of Halladale was a four-masted sailing ship built-in 1886 in Glasgow, Scotland, for the long-distance cargo trade and was mostly used for Pacific grain trade. She was owned by Wright, Breakenridge & Co of Glasgow and was one of several Falls Line ships, all of which were named after waterfalls in Scotland. The lines flag was of red, blue and white vertical stripes. The Falls of Halladale had a sturdy construction built to carry maximum cargo and able to maintain full sail in heavy gales, one of the last of the ‘windjammers’ that sailed the Trade Route. She and her sister ship, the Falls of Garry, were the first ships in the world to include fore and aft lifting bridges. Previous to this, heavily loaded vessels could have heavy seas break along the full length of the deck, causing serious injury or even death to those on deck. The new, raised catwalk-type decking allowed the crew to move above the deck stormy conditions. This idea is still used today in the most modern tankers and cargo vessels and has proved to be an important step forward in the safety of men at sea. On 4th August 1908, with new sails, 29 crew, and 2800 tons of cargo, the Falls of Halladale left New York, bound for Melbourne and Sydney via the Cape of Good Hope. The cargo on board was valued at £35,000 and included 56,763 tiles of American slate roofing tiles (roof slates), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6,500 gallons of oil, 14,400 gallons of benzene, plumbing iron, 117 cases of crockery and glassware and many other manufactured items. The Falls of Halladale had been at sail for 102 days when, at 3 am on the night of 14th November 1908, under full sail in calm seas with a six knots breeze behind and misleading fog along the coast, the great vessel rose upon an ocean swell and settled on top of a submerged reef near Peterborough on south-west Victoria’s coast. The ship was jammed on the rocks and began filling with water. The crew launched the two lifeboats and all 29 crew landed safely on the beach over 4 miles away at the Bay of Islands. The postmistress at Peterborough, who kept a watch for vessels in distress, saw the stranding and sent out an alert to the local people. A rescue party went to the aid of the sailors and the Port Campbell rocket crew was dispatched, but the crew had all managed to reach shore safely by the time help arrived. The ship stayed in full sail on the rocky shelf for nearly two months, attracting hundreds of sightseers who watched her slowly disintegrate until the pounding seas and dynamiting by salvagers finally broke her back, and her remains disappeared back into deeper water. The valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. Further salvage operations were made from 1974-1986, during which time 22,000 slate tiles were recovered with the help of 14 oil drums to float them, plus personal artefacts, ship fittings, reams of paper and other items. The Court of Marine Inquiry in Melbourne ruled that the foundering of the ship was entirely due to Captain David Wood Thomson’s navigational error, not too technical failure of the Clyde-built ship. The shipwreck is a popular site for divers, about 300m offshore and in 3 – 15m of water. Some of the original cargo can be seen at the site, including pieces of roof slate and coils of barbed wire. These 5 postcards have photographic images taken while the Falls of Halladale was stuck on the reef near Peterborough. They are not stamped or dated but four of the images show the ship still in fairly good condition with her stern very low in the water so can be dated to around late November 1908 to January 1909 and the fifth image shows the ship beginning to disintegrate soon after. The image on Postcard 8658.3 was taken by Joseph Jordan (a well-known Warrnambool photographer who had his own studio in Liebig Street, Warrnambool). The other four images were supposedly taken by the sender (Bob) and converted to postcards. Amateur photography in Australia in the early 1900's was becoming very popular (and accessible) to the average person. Many newspapers published advertisements and articles about photography and photographic supplies. In 1903 in America, George Eastman designed and marketed the "Model 3A Folding Pocket Kodak" which used postcard-size negatives and provided the average person with a camera with which to make real photo postcards. As they became popular, George Eastman was able to develop and market a wide range of supplies for the amateur photographer to develop and print their own photographs onto a postcard backing at home. Four of the postcards were addressed to "Miss M. Kerr, Leura, Camperdown". Mary Agnes Kerr (1888 - 1943) was the daughter of William and Mary Ann Kerr (nee Spence) who owned "Leura Farm" at Camperdown. Mary Agnes Kerr went on to marry James Young Caldwell (a local tailor and mercer) in 1917. James Yong Caldwell came to Camperdown around 1908 and was employed as a draper. The postcards were signed "Bob". On postcard 5658.2 he has written his name with quotation marks around it - suggesting "Bob" is a nickname. He writes about the weather, meeting a friend, sending fish to Mary Agnes' family and the cargo expected to be washed up on the beach. On postcard 8658.4 he wrote about being busy after the wreck and supplying the shipwrecked crew with boots and pants which suggests "Bob" may be James Caldwell (the mercer and tailor).The Falls of Halladale shipwreck is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (No. S255). She was one of the last ships to sail the Trade Routes. She is one of the first vessels to have fore and aft lifting bridges. She is an example of the remains of an International Cargo Ship and also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping industry. The wreck is protected as a Historic Shipwreck under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act (1976). These postcards are significant as examples of the continued interest the locals around the district of Peterborough showed towards the Falls of Halladale wreck and its disintegration during the next few months. Four of the postcards are also significant examples of the new hobby of photography that was available to the average person during the beginning of the 20th century.Set of 5 postcards showing different images of the Falls of Halladale sailing ship after it became stuck on a reef near Peterborough. None of the postcards are dated or stamped. Postcard 8658.1 has a sepia toned image of the Falls of Halladale, with its stern sitting very low in the water. It has many of its sails unfurled and there is a rocky headland in the foreground. A very small figure appears to be on the edge of the cliff. The back of the postcard has a handwritten message addressed to "Miss M Kerr, Leura, Camperdown" and is signed "Love Bob". Postcard 8658.2 has a sepia image of the Falls of Halladale taken some months after it had been stuck on the reef. Its sails are missing and only two broken masts remain. A large rock is visible in the front right hand side of the photo. There is a handwritten message on the back signed by "Bob". Postcard 8658.3 has a black and white image of the Falls of Halladale showing her almost side on with her stern very low in the water and still in full sail. The words "Falls of Halladale. No 1" are printed on the lower left side of the image. The back is labelled "Jordan Series". There is no message written on the back. Postcard 8658.4 has a sepia toned image of the Falls of Halladale facing two rocky headlands. She is showing full sail and the sea appears calm. There is a handwritten note on the back addressed to "Miss M Kerr" from "Bob". Postcard 8658.5 has a sepia image of a side view of the Falls of Halladale with her stern very low in the water and her sails are all up. The sea is calm and a rocky reef can be seen in the foreground. It has a handwritten note on the back from "Bob" to "Miss M Kerr" of Leura, Camperdown.Back of postcard 8658.1- "POST" "EMPIRE" "CARD" "FOR CORRESPONDENCE" "FOR ADDRESS ONLY" "STAMP" "Miss M Kerr / Leura / Camperdown" "Looking forward to letter today" "Hope fish arrived / allright. Don't / know for sure / what day I will / be going to Town / to buy. Some day / this week / Love Bob Back of postcard 8658.2 - "POST CARD"/ "CORRESPONDENCE" "ADDRESS ONLY" "93"/ "Friday / This is a contrast to the first/ I sent you. Having glorious weather / Saw Saw (Saul)? on Thursday at Peterborough / He is having a grand holiday / Expecting letter on /Tuesday Fondest Love / "Bob" Front of postcard 8658.3 - "Falls of Halladale. No 1" Back of postcard 8658.3 -"Post" "Card"/ Printed in Great Britain" /"This space may be used for Communication" "The Address to be written / here" "Jordan Series" Back of postcard 8658.4 -"POST" "EMPIRE" "CARD"/ "FOR CORRESPONDENCE" "FOR ADDRESS ONLY" / "STAMP" "Miss M Kerr/ Leura / Camperdown"/ "We are/ very busy. The / wreck is about / 11/2 other side of / Peterborough./ Fondest Love, Bob "Had to supply sailors with Boots Pants etc/ 25 pairs Boots, good order ah!" Back of postcard 8658.5 - "POST" "EMPIRE" "CARD" / "FOR CORRESPONDENCE" "FOR ADDRESS ONLY" / "STAMP"/ "Miss M Kerr / Leura / Camperdown" "Tuesday / Her estimated / value cargo included/ is (pounds)100,000. When / she breaks up the coast / will be strewn with / wreckage as the cargo / includes Rolls Paper./all sorts machinery thousands / cases Benzine etc/ love Bob flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, peterborough, great ocean road, falls of halladale, shipwreck, postcards, photographic images, mary agnes kerr, leura farm, camperdown, jordan series, handwritten notes, photographs, george eastman, 3a folding pocket kodak camera -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Vessel, Sailing Ship, Original image recorded between 14 Nov 1908 and early Jan 1909
The photograph represents the original complete landscape (southerly) view of the FALLS OF HALLADALE shipwreck which occurred at 3 am on the 14th of November 1908. This image includes three groups of well-dressed Edwardian sightseers on the clifftop and a rocky headland. Subsequent reproductions of this well-known image have been cropped to a striking portrait view, emphasising the vertical line of the masts and sails of the sailing ship, and excluding the groups of sightseers on the adjoining headland. The small girl in the foreground and the loose topsail on the foremast are common to both the landscape and the cropped portrait images of this memorable scene. The photograph was taken at an early stage of the ship’s final days, somewhere between the date of her grounding in mid-November 1908 and early January 1909, when salvagers began dynamiting her masts to get to the cargo in her holds. The heavily laden FALLS OF HALLADALE was 102 days out of New York when the swell of the Southern Ocean lifted her onto the rocks near Peterborough. At the time she was sailing at six knots in a light breeze, her sails fully set and on an ENE tack. Mist over the land created an optical illusion of a distant horizon and the crew believed they were at least ten miles off the coast. When high cliffs loomed up out of the darkness it was too late in the light conditions to change tack or let go the anchors. Within minutes of running aground, her decks were awash and the holds filling with water. Captain Thomson and his 29 crew took to the boats, leaving the vessel stranded on the reef, looking awkwardly graceful in her predicament, firmly wedged between two parts of the reef and with all her square-rigged sails still set, FALLS OF HALLADALE provided a landmark visible for miles. Over the following two months, she attracted hundreds of sightseers, including contemporary photographers. A Court of Marine Inquiry at Melbourne on 30 November 1908 found Captain Thomson guilty of a gross act of misconduct ― in that he carelessly navigated the ship, neglecting to take proper soundings and failing to place the ship on the port tack before it was too late to do so. His Master’s Certificate of Competency was suspended for six months and he was ordered to pay £15/15/- toward the costs of the inquiry. It was an expensive outcome for the captain but his error provided many weeks of inexpensive entertainment for coastal residents and visitors to Peterborough. To judge from the standard of formal dress in this photograph, visiting the wreck was considered a special occasion as well as a popular one. Falls of Halladale: - The iron-hulled, four-masted barque, the Falls of Halladale, was a bulk carrier of general cargo. She left New York in August 1908 on her way to Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold, along with 56,763 tiles of unusual beautiful green American slates (roofing tiles), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6500 gallons of oil, 14400 gallons of benzene, and many other manufactured items, were 117 cases of crockery and glassware. Three months later and close to her destination, a navigational error caused the Falls of Halladale to be wrecked on a reef off the Peterborough headland at 3 am on the morning of the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members all survived, but her valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. ABOUT THE ‘FALLS OF HALLADALE’ (1886 - 1908) Built: in1886 by Russell & Co., Greenock shipyards, River Clyde, Scotland, UK. The company was founded in 1870 (or 1873) as a partnership between Joseph Russell (1834-1917), Anderson Rodger and William Todd Lithgow. During the period 1882-92 Russell & Co. they standardised designs, which sped up their building process so much that they were able to build 271 ships over that time. In 1886 they introduced a 3000 ton class of sailing vessel with auxiliary engines and brace halyard winches. In 1890 they broke the world output record. Owner: Falls Line, Wright, Breakenridge & Co, 111 Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Configuration: Four masted sailing ship; iron-hulled barque; iron masts, wire rigging, fore & aft lifting bridges. Size: Length 83.87m x Breadth 12.6m x Depth 7.23m, Gross tonnage 2085 ton Wrecked: the night of 14th November 1908, Curdies Inlet, Peterborough south west Victoria Crew: 29The shipwreck of the FALLS OF HALLADALE is of state significance: Victorian Heritage Register No. S255. The Falls of Halladale shipwreck is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (No. S255). She was one of the last ships to sail the Trade Routes. She is one of the first vessels to have fore and aft lifting bridges. She is an example of the remains of an International Cargo Ship and also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping industry. The wreck is protected as a Historic Shipwreck under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act (1976).Black and white photograph on cream-coloured backing card and in good condition. Description of Image: Quadrant 01, vessel with full set of sails perched on reef with stern submerged; Quadrant 02, predominantly clear sky over flat calm sea; Quadrant 03, two groups of standing sightseers on rocky promontory with three individuals approaching from far left foreground; Quadrant 04, fifteen well dressed sightseers seated on grassed cliff top including one child and six women. There is a deliberately obscured inscription in white ink along lower border or foreground of photograph.Letters in upper case and white contrast stretching across the grassed foreground of photograph have been smudged over by development process and are largely indecipherable. However rear of backing board of identical but reduced image Reg. No. 3207 bears pencilled words “Mrs Francis” and “Wreck of ‘Falls of Halladale’ Peterborough 1908”, which accords with what remains of the initial inscription.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, falls of halladale, shipwreck spectacle, shipwreck photograph, peterborough reef, edwardian sightseers, russell & co. -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Myles Archibald Lyons and children, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, Sep 2009
In 1872 Senior Constable Myles Lyons replaced Peter Lawlor at Eltham Police Station. Earlier in his career, he had taken part in a search (one of many) for missing explorers Burke and Wills. At Eltham, his arrests ranged from minor instances of theft, vandalism and larrikinism to serious cases of manslaughter, murder and attempted suicide. He even tracked down and arrested two Norwegian seamen charged with desertion from their vessel. While conveying a prisoner from Eltham to Melbourne in 1886, he was attacked by the prisoner en route. It seems that much of the local news in the Evelyn Observer was provided by Eltham Shire Secretary C.S. Wingrove. In 1878, Eltham residents held an “Indignation Meeting” at the Evelyn Hotel, complaining that the reporting had denigrated Lyons’ conduct and had stigmatised the character of Eltham’s inhabitants. They passed a resolution castigating Wingrove and supporting Lyons. Wingrove claimed to have been misconstrued. But in 1887 the Evelyn Observer carried a long ranting vitriolic editorial. It complained about inadequate policing generally, then attacked Lyons personally, saying that (although efficient in the past) he had now become incompetent and needed to be replaced by a younger more energetic man. Myles Lyons retired due to ill health in 1889 but remained in Eltham until his death in 1899. He is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Flora and five of their children. Four sons moved to Western Australia where two were killed in unconnected railway accidents. In Loving Memory of Myles Archibald Beloved Husband of Flora Lyons Who Departed This Life 19th August 1899 Also their beloved Children Archibald Myles Myles died at age 75 on the same day as his 14 year old daughter, Flora Louise. Who died 28th June 1865, aged 18 months Edith May Died 9th November, 1884, aged 1 year Hester May Died 17th July, 1887, Aged 14 months Flora Louisa Died 19th August, 1889, aged 14 years Joseph William Died 1st August, 1904, aged 27 yearsRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 6 stripsKodak GC 400-9eltham cemetery, gravestones, edith may lyons, flora louisa lyons, flora lyons, hester may lyons, joseph william lyons, myles archibald lyons, police, archibald myles lyons -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Alfred and Margaret Armstrong, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, Sep 2009
Alfred Patrick Armstrong was born in England in 1825 and was employed under the renowned Isambard Kingdom Brunel as a civil engineer during the construction of the Great Western Railway and the South Wales Railway. He came to Melbourne in 1852 and purchased property in Eltham. He became a mining surveyor and was Inspector of Mines and the Mining Registrar for the St Andrews Division of the Castlemaine Mining District. In 1855, he chaired a meeting calling for a bridge to be erected across the Yarra River between Eltham and Temple Stow. He was registered as an innkeeper in 1858, was a recognised collector of the £110 raised for the building of the first building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee for the Church of England site on the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 1860. He was elected to the Eltham District Road Board (forerunner of Eltham Shire Council) from 1867 to 1871 and then served as an Eltham Shire Councillor from 1871 to 1878 (including Shire President in 1873). Margaret Armstrong to whom he was married in 1854 at St Pauls Church, Melbourne, died on the 27th March 1887. Alfred died in 1893, having been in ill health for some time, and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Margaret. The monument features a tall pillar capped with a draped urn: a symbol of death. In Loving Memory of Alfred Armstrong Died May 27tth 1893 Aged 68 years Also of his wife Margaret Died March 27th 1887 Aged 63 years This burial site is of special interest as the monument has the tallest pillar-a vase-a draped cloth top (unfulfilled life) and additional panels of names around the sides and the base, which include: Ada Gertrude Armstrong, beloved daughter of Alfred & Margaret Armstrong, died May 30th 1878, aged 21 years Mary Armstrong, beloved mother to Alfred Armstrong, died April 10th, 1886 aged 82 years Arthur Vivian Harrison, died 4th Nov. 1899, aged 8 years Arthur Reynolds Stockwood Armstrong, son of Alfred Armstrong, died 4th Nov. 1908, aged 43 years Laura Augusta Harrison nee Armstrong, died 26th July 1921, aged 64 yearsRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 6 stripsKodak GC 400-9eltham cemetery, gravestones, alfred armstrong, margaret armstrong, ada gertrude armstrong, arthur reynolds stockwood armstrong, arthur vivian harrison, laura augusta harrison (nee armstrong), mary armstrong -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Alfred and Margaret Armstrong, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
Alfred Patrick Armstrong was born in England in 1825 and was employed under the renowned Isambard Kingdom Brunel as a civil engineer during the construction of the Great Western Railway and the South Wales Railway. He came to Melbourne in 1852 and purchased property in Eltham. He became a mining surveyor and was Inspector of Mines and the Mining Registrar for the St Andrews Division of the Castlemaine Mining District. In 1855, he chaired a meeting calling for a bridge to be erected across the Yarra River between Eltham and Temple Stow. He was registered as an innkeeper in 1858, was a recognised collector of the £110 raised for the building of the first building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee for the Church of England site on the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 1860. He was elected to the Eltham District Road Board (forerunner of Eltham Shire Council) from 1867 to 1871 and then served as an Eltham Shire Councillor from 1871 to 1878 (including Shire President in 1873). Margaret Armstrong to whom he was married in 1854 at St Pauls Church, Melbourne, died on the 27th March 1887. Alfred died in 1893, having been in ill health for some time, and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Margaret. The monument features a tall pillar capped with a draped urn: a symbol of death. In Loving Memory of Alfred Armstrong Died May 27tth 1893 Aged 68 years Also of his wife Margaret Died March 27th 1887 Aged 63 years This burial site is of special interest as the monument has the tallest pillar-a vase-a draped cloth top (unfulfilled life) and additional panels of names around the sides and the base, which include: Ada Gertrude Armstrong, beloved daughter of Alfred & Margaret Armstrong, died May 30th 1878, aged 21 years Mary Armstrong, beloved mother to Alfred Armstrong, died April 10th, 1886 aged 82 years Arthur Vivian Harrison, died 4th Nov. 1899, aged 8 years Arthur Reynolds Stockwood Armstrong, son of Alfred Armstrong, died 4th Nov. 1908, aged 43 years Laura Augusta Harrison nee Armstrong, died 26th July 1921, aged 64 yearsBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, ada gertrude armstrong, alfred armstrong, arthur reynolds stockwood armstrong, arthur vivian harrison, laura augusta harrison (nee armstrong), margaret armstrong, mary armstrong -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Medicine Bottle, J.C. Ayer & Co, 1868-1878
The glass medicine bottle is an example of an early 20th-century medicine bottle. Moulton glass was blown into a two-piece mould and a tool with an inscription was used to stamp the base. The mouth was added after the bottle was blown. The bottle has encrustations and residue on the surface of the glass. The cargo of the Falls of Halladale included medicine. It was made by Ayer & Co. and its shape and maker's mark matches one of Ayer's early style bottles that contained J.C. Ayer's Hair Vigor, which was made from about 1868 to 1915. James C. Ayer, born in Connecticut, US in 1818, was a medicine manufacturer. His first medicine was Cherry Pectoral, for pulmonary illness. His medicine was very popular in the 1850s. Ayer died in 1878. A section of his home town Groton Junction was nameed 'Ayer' in his honour. The FALLS of HALLADALE 1886 – 1908: - The sailing ship Falls of Halladale was an iron-hulled, four-masted barque, used as a bulk carrier of general cargo. She left New York in August 1908 bound for Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold was general cargo consisting of roof tiles, barbed wire, stoves, oil, benzene, and many other manufactured items. After three months at sea and close to her destination, a navigational error caused the Falls of Halladale to be wrecked on a reef off the Peterborough headland on the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members survived, but her cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. The Court of Marine Inquiry in Melbourne ruled that the foundering of the ship was entirely due to Captain David Wood Thomson's navigational error, not too technical failure of the Clyde-built ship. The Falls of Halladale was built in1886 by Russell & Co., at Greenock shipyards on the River Clyde, Scotland for Wright, Breakenridge & Co of Glasgow. The ship had a sturdy construction built to carry maximum cargo and was able to maintain full sail in heavy gales, one of the last of the 'windjammers' that sailed the Trade Route. She and her sister ship, the Falls of Garry, were the first ships in the world to include fore and aft lifting bridges. The new raised catwalk-type decking allowed the crew to move above the deck in stormy conditions. The medicine bottle is an example of medicine containers in the late 19th to early 20th century. It is also significant for its association with the historic cargo ship Falls of Halladale, wrecked in local waters in the early 20th century. The ship is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register, No. S255. It was one of the last ships to sail the Trade Routes and one of the first vessels to have fore and aft lifting bridges. The ship is an example of the design, materials and fittings of a late-19th-century sailing vessel. Its cargo represents several aspects of Victoria’s shipping trade. The wreck is now protected as a Historic Shipwreck under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.Clear glass bottle with a green tinge. The bottle has a rolled applied lip, narrow mouth, slim neck, rounded shoulders and straight rectangular body and an indented base. The body has side seams and irregular thicknesses of glass. Glass has imperfections and bubbles, and one shoulder is missing. An embossed inscription is on the base. The bottle was recovered from the wreck of the Falls of Halladale. "AYER"flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, falls of halladale, iron ship, four-masted ship, sailing ship, clipper ship, windjammer, shipwreck, peterborough, 1908 shipwreck, russell & co., fore and aft lifting bridges, medicine bottle, health care, ayer, j c ayer & co., james c ayer, hair vigor, men's hair care, personal care -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, The four Deakin sisters as young women, 1905
These are the 4 surviving daughters of Thomas Henry Deakin (1845-1915), born in Monmouthshire, Wales and his wife Janet (Jessie) Longmore (1851-1939), born in Morayshire, Scotland. The couple also had 2 sons: John Henry (1879-1962) and William Andrew (1883-1939). A fifth daughter Daisy Jessie was born in 1880 and died the same year at the age of 7 months. Elsie Longmore Deakin (1881-1969) was a nurse ans remained single; Minnie Winifred (1886-1966) married Charles Williamson in 1923; Lily Vipond (1890-1943) married David Mair in 1910 and Jessie Alice, known as Alice, married Hector Williamson in 1921. Hector and Charles were brothers. Elsie Longmore Deakin enlisted AANS aged 35 years in 10 May 1915; embarked on the Mooltan on 22 August 1916. Address : 114 Station Street, Fairfield, Next of kin : mother, Mrs Janet Deakin (nee Longmore), 114 Station Street, Fairfield, father, Thomas Henry Deakin Elsie Deakin enlisted at 35 years of age on 10 May, 1915 and served locally before volunteering for overseas duty on 9 August, 1916. Her three years of training were completed at the Melbourne General Hospital. She embarked with the rank of Sister for India and was appointed to the Victoria Hospital, Bombay. In January, 1917, when she was transferred to England and a Military Hospital at Bagthorpe later to the 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital, and in January of the following years to 25 (British) GH in France but returned a few weeks later to England and the 1 AAH after suffering a seriously strained left ankle. She returned to France post-war and served another four months before being returned to Australia in May, 1919. Her appointment was terminated as medically unfit on 9 June, 1919. Born South Melbourne, she died in Elsternwick on 14 October, 1969, aged 87. (REF: There is a photo of her in uniform on this site and also on LtoR: Alice, Minnie, Lily, Elsie. This is part of a large donation relating to the Deakin, Mair and Young families.A black & white photo with a cream edge of 4 well-dressed young women in a head and shoulders formal pose. It is likely a studio photo. All wear white frilly or lacy blouses and 3 are carrying bunches of flowers.1. On rear: Top in blue biro - "Elsie Minnie Lily Alice DEAKIN / Mum's (crossing out) sisters On the basis of inscriptions in family autograph books, this writing belongs to Lily's daughter, Beryl Mair. 2. The rear has 4 remnant glued labels roughly torn from larger labels - the type once common for labelling jars and bottles. Partially beneath these is writing in another hand in black ink: " love and be.. / ..shes ---------your /(crossing out) then name removed (superficial paper loss. 3, "YOUNG" in blue biro in lower LH corner. This may be the donor's handwriting. It may have been added in the course of sorting photos into Young antecedent photos; there are no members of the Young family in the photo itself. elsie longmore deakin, minnie winifred deakin, minnie winifred williamson, lily vipond deakin, lily vipond mair, jessie alice deakin, alice deakin, jessie alice williamson, alice williamson -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Three Deakin sisters, 1964
These are the 4 surviving daughters of Thomas Henry Deakin (1845-1915), born in Monmouthshire, Wales and his wife Janet (Jessie) Longmore (1851-1939), born in Morayshire, Scotland. The couple also had 2 sons: John Henry (1879-1962) and William Andrew (1883-1939). A fifth daughter Daisy Jessie was born in 1880 and died the same year at the age of 7 months. Elsie Longmore Deakin (1881-1969) was a nurse ans remained single; Minnie Winifred (1886-1966) married Charles Williamson in 1923; Lily Vipond (1890-1943) married David Mair in 1910 and Jessie Alice, known as Alice, married Hector Williamson in 1921. Hector and Charles were brothers. Elsie Longmore Deakin enlisted AANS aged 35 years in 10 May 1915; embarked on the Mooltan on 22 August 1916. Address : 114 Station Street, Fairfield, Next of kin : mother, Mrs Janet Deakin (nee Longmore), 114 Station Street, Fairfield, father, Thomas Henry Deakin Elsie Deakin enlisted at 35 years of age on 10 May, 1915 and served locally before volunteering for overseas duty on 9 August, 1916. Her three years of training were completed at the Melbourne General Hospital. She embarked with the rank of Sister for India and was appointed to the Victoria Hospital, Bombay. In January, 1917, when she was transferred to England and a Military Hospital at Bagthorpe later to the 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital, and in January of the following years to 25 (British) GH in France but returned a few weeks later to England and the 1 AAH after suffering a seriously strained left ankle. She returned to France post-war and served another four months before being returned to Australia in May, 1919. Her appointment was terminated as medically unfit on 9 June, 1919. Born South Melbourne, she died in Elsternwick on 14 October, 1969, aged 87. (REF: There is a photo of her in uniform on this site and also on LtoR: Alice, Minnie, Lily, Elsie. This is part of a large donation relating to the Deakin, Mair and Young families. The donor thought this was taken during the 1950s but the Kodak stamp identifies it as later.This is part of a large collection of material related to the Deakin, Mair and Young families with multiple connections to Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.A colour photo with a cream edge of 3 well-dressed women sitting on a public bench in what looks to be a park. All are wearing hats and carrying handbags. Two are wearing gloves. On rear in blue biro - "Aunties / Elsie Minnie & Alice / Mum's RIGHT TO LEFT In black biro) / Beryl / YOUNG / My Mothers Sisters / (Lily Vipond Deakin / MAIR." Some of the handwriting is thought to be that of the donor's mother, Beryl Mair. There may be another hand. It appears that not all the inscriptions were added at the same time. There is also a photographic processing stamp in red: " THIS IS A / KODACHROME PRINT / Made by / KODAK / FEBRUARY 1964 M" elsie longmore deakin, minnie winifred deakin, minnie winifred williamson, lily vipond deakin, lily vipond mair, jessie alice deakin, alice deakin, jessie alice williamson, alice williamson -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Gramophone, 1911
Until late 1925, all record players reproduced sound by purely mechanical means and relied on a so-called "amplifying" horn to efficiently couple the vibrations of the stylus and diaphragm to the space occupied by the listeners. In 1906, the Victor Talking Machine Company, Columbia's arch competitor, introduced a line of models in which the horn and other hardware were concealed within a cabinet, made to look like fine furniture rather than a mechanical device. They named the new style a "Victrola". It quickly proved to be very popular and successful. Other makers, adopting the distinctive suffix, introduced their own "-ola" internal horn machines, such as Edison's Amberolas and Columbia's Grafonolas. They were soon outselling the external horn models. At first, like nearly all other early record players, all Grafonolas were driven by a spring motor that the user had to wind up with a crank before playing a record. In 1915, Columbia began to introduce electric-motor-driven models, as a majority of urban areas had been wired to electrical grids. The electrified Grafonolas supported both alternating and direct currents from 110 to 220 volts. Electrified Grafonolas never gained the popularity enjoyed by the spring motor-driven versions due to substantially higher prices and a lack of electrical service in rural areas. Grafonolas were manufactured under the 1886 United States Letters Patent No. 341,214 which Columbia Graphophone company acquired through its predecessor American Graphophone Company. Two models were available; a portable table model and bigger stationary floor model, offering limited mobility through the application of casters. The most notable table models included Grafonola Favorite introduced in 1911 and Grafonola Savoy introduced in 1915. The most notable floor models included Grafonola Symphony Grand introduced in 1907, Grafonola Regent introduced in 1909, Columbia Mignon introduced in 1910, Grafonola Princess introduced in 1911, Columbia Colonial introduced in 1913. Various period Grafonolas were introduced in 1917 to cater to an increasingly prosperous clientele. Columbia Phonograph Company began to manufacture a series of ornate, limited edition period machines. These were highly priced (some as high as US$2,100 ) special orders that provided consumers with options to choose styles which matched their interior décor. Although the Gramophone does not have a large monetary value, it is of social significance as it demonstrates the progress made in audio reproduction from the first Edison cylinder machines to improvements that allowed ordinary people to be able to buy music discs and enjoy music in their own homes. Gramophone with internal horn, floor model, mechanically operated by a crank handle. Colombian Grafonola Princess (Type F2) brand. Gramophone is in a wooden display cabinet with room for record storage underneath and is complete with handle. Manufactured in 1911 by Columbia, USA."Columbia Grafonola Type 2 Made in USA"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, record player, gramophone, mechanical gramophone, floor model gramophone, gramophone record, columbia graphophone company, american graphophone company, columbia, grafonola, grafonola princess, music, playing music, audio reproduction, sound equipment, domestic entertainment, 1911 gramophone -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Biography, Samuel Maunder, The Biographical Treasury, 1851
Samuel Maunder (1785–1849) was an English writer and composer of many works. this new edition was printed after his death. The work consists of notices of the Lives of Eminent Persons of all ages and nations from the earliest period to the present times. The book is part of Flagstaff Hill's ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. By 1886 the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute (WMI) had grown to have a Library, Museum and Fine Arts Gallery, with a collection of “… choice productions of art, and valuable specimens in almost every branch and many wonderful national curiosities are now to be seen there, including historic relics of the town and district.” It later included a School of Design. Although it was very well patronised, the lack of financial support led the WMI in 1911 to ask the City Council to take it over. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. The publisher firm, Longmans, Green & Co, was originally founded in 1724 in London by Thomas Longman under the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, the firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. The book has additional importance for its connection to the Pattison Collection, which, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institutes’ Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and its important role in people's intellectual, cultural and social development throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.The Biographical Treasury: A Dictionary of Universal Biography Author: Samuel Maunder Publisher: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans Date: 1851(a new edition) Blue fabric hardcover book with inscriptions on cover, stickers and a stamp.Painted on Spine "920 MAU" Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Public Library Front loose endpaper has a sticker from Corangamite Regional Library Service Stamp: "WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS' INSTITUTE"warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, great ocean road, the biographical treasury, samuel maunder, longman brown green and longmans -
Orbost & District Historical Society
advertisement, 1902
Mrs Arthurena Dora Beattie (nee Morrison), had been teaching privately at Rosedale and came to Orbost with her husband and family in 1890. In 1892 she opened a private school in Salisbury Street (about the site of the Countryman Motor Inn) which she conducted for about 10 to 12 years. Her husband, John Wilson Beattie, a retired State School teacher, had been head teacher at the Rosedale School from July 1870 to August 1884. After coming to Orbost he selected land on Wall Creek. He was a widower with 7 of 11 surviving children when he married Arthurena in 1885. His fist wife, Georgina (nee KELLY) died at Rosedale in 1883 when the youngest child was just 5 weeks old. John and Arthurena had a further 8 children (5 born at Orbost), and after John's death she married George McCARLIE in 1916 at Sale and moved Mirboo North. (references:BEATTIE, Arthurena Dora Music teacher, Orbost - 1903 Electoral Roll. BEATTIE, Arthurena Dora Teacher, Orbost - 1912 Electoral Roll.) There was at least one other private school much earlier, in 1884. It was thought to be the first school in the district and conducted by William Ballantyne. It was located on the flat on the Newmerella side of the Snowy River near where the first railway crossing used to be. Wm Ballantyne had previously taught school at Sarsfield from June 1873 to November 1879. (information from John Phillips) This advertisement was for educational tuition by Mrs Beattie. Tuition would be from 10.00am - 12.00 and from 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Costs were thirteen shillings per quarter for children under the age of 12 years and one guinea for those over 12 years. A reduction would be given for more than one child in the same family. The 1872 legislation required all children aged 6-15 years to attend school unless they had a reasonable excuse. Parents who did not send their children to school were liable for fines up to five shillings for a first offence, with the penalty increasing to 20 shillings for each repeat offence. The Orbost State School had opened on 19th of March 1886 and this "private school" appears to have been a small private enterprise school. This is a useful research item associated with education in Orbost.A white A5 size paper advertisement which has black print. It is an advertisement for private educational tuition. Details of costs and hours are included.beattie education school advertising -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard, G. Lelong, The Sugar Manufacture, Somme, France, c1917, c1917
This postcard was sent from France during World War One WW1 to Violet Holmes [mother and aunty of other WW1 soldiers], by the son of a neighbouring Ascot Tourello District Family, the Wrigley Family. Violet inherited "Sauchieburn" an Ascot property on the death of her husband William Holmes in 1914. On her death this property was to be left to their 4 children and administered by a relative till the youngest child turned 27. As young boys, Violet's husband William, and his brother Henry, lived with their Aunt Catherine Coghill and Uncle William Coghill at ‘Sauchieburn’ Ascot. The Coghills had no children of their own. He and his brother Edward started a stock and station business at Clunes. Henry and Violet Holmes subsequently inherited "Sauchieburn" from Catherine (nee Holmes) and William Coghill, direct descendants of the Coghills Creek, Ascot, Tourello pioneer settler Captain William Coghill [Jane Dyer, May 2024] Catherine and her brother Edward Carter Holmes drowned at sea.This is an extract from the Korumburra Times, Wednesday June 6, 1956: The fated travellers wrecked off N.S.W. ‘On May 29th, 1886 in bright moonlight the Ly-e-Moon, the pride of the Australian coastal fleet, broke her back on the treacherous rocks of Green Cape, off the NSW coast. Eighty souls perished within range of the beacon rays of the lighthouse, including representatives of the earliest families ever to settle in Poowong. The passengers. On the main deck, Mr Edward Holmes, a Poowong grazier and former owner of ‘Wombalano’. He had sold this property with the object of going to Queensland and settling there. The proceeds of sale amounting to 1,200 pounds in gold sovereigns were under lock and key in the Purser's Office. Mr Holmes, although advanced in years, had unformed plans to invest his money in some Queensland enterprise. In the meantime he would visit his married daughter and [his] two sons, who had previously settled in Queensland. With him on board was his widowed sister Mrs Coghill who had also accepted an invitation to go north. News of the shipwreck, means of communication being slow, did not reach Korumburra for nearly a week. By then all hope had been abandoned for the missing. Relations and friends thronged the Melbourne shipping office, but the answer was always the same - All passengers unaccounted for were presumed drowned. Black and white postcard of a sugar refinery in The Somme, France. The name of the town has been scrubbed out in purple pencil by a censor during World War One. The back of the card is written on in pencil,Written on back of card: Dear Violet, received photos and letters and thank you for forwarding same. Are we having lovely spell of weather. This morning is quite warm and pleasant. The photo of you all standing in front of your house is a good one and you all look to be getting enough to eat. Mother looks as if she it getting stronger after her severe illness. Your concert party will be broken up through the Vale girls leaving but you should have no difficulty in finding volunteers to fill the ranks. By all of your letters you are all looking forward to the day we return 9as we are). I wouldn't like to bet too much that we would be home by this time next year [ ? ] by the way fritz is fighting lately he would very much like to get [peace?] I think we will give him all he wants this summer. J. Waller was here last night is looking well. With best wished to you all. I am sincerely. [W.Wrigbee? Wrigley]somme, la suererie, chatham family collection, amiens, france, world war 1, postcard, ly-ee-moon, william coghill junior, ascot victoria, pioneers of ascot, shipwreck -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Latch, before 1890
In Flagstaff Hill’s collection are items associated with the Ancient Wreck, (also called the Gold Ship, Mahogany Ship or Ancient Vessel). Three relics were located in 1890, due to the ‘interest of a public works inspector, James Gilroy, who dug in the ship’s remains’. One of the relics was a heavily oxidated ‘quantity of ironwork’. The other two, now part of Flagstaff Hill’s collection, are - an iron latch probably from a galley oven door or fireplace - a bronze bolt (spike or pin) Both of these relics are listed on the same page in the records of the Old Warrnambool Museum, found by K.A.G. (or H.A.G.) on the site of the Ancient wreck in 1890. Interestingly, another item in these records is ‘Notes on Ancient wreck, near Gorman’s Lane’. Gorman’s Lane is just inland from the sand dunes of the Coastal Reserve at Tower Hill. The current location of these Notes is unknown. Another item thought to be a relic from the Mahogany Ship was the amphora or jug, also in Flagstaff Hill's collection. It was found in 1934 on a local property and donated in 1985. The Museum opened in 1886 and continued until 1963, when it was closed by the Warrnambool City Council and the whole collection was put into storage. The council then transferred items to various places including Flagstaff Hill and the current Warrnambool Art Gallery. Flagstaff Hill’s early Accession Records book lists the items as being received from the Old Warrnambool Museum collection; the Latch is record 152 and the Pin is record 153. An article, ‘Birthplace of our History’ by Don Dean, is on file in the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. It was published in the Australian POST, on March 17, 1955. This article describes the finding of the items going back to 1890, along with other information about sightings of what has come to be known as the Mahogany Ship. The mystery of the Mahogany Ship began in 1836 when two shipwrecked sealers discovered the remains of an “ancient vessel” in the sand dunes about four miles west of Warrnambool. Since the last recorded sightings in the 1880’s the true origin of the Mahogany Ship has remained one of Australia’s most famous historical mysteries. One of the more recent theories is that the vessel was one of the Portuguese ships exploring the Australian coast in 1522. For over one hundred years searchers have attempted to locate and identify the wreck. The search continues for the tangible evidence which will once and for all establish the Mahogany Ship’s place in Australia’s History. The latch has local historic significance as it was found in the sand dunes of Warrnambool in 1890. The latch is also significant for being part of the original 1886 Warrnambool Museum's collection. The latch is significant for its possible link to one of Victoria’s and Australia’s maritime mysteries, the Mahogany Ship (also known as the Ancient Wreck). It is one of very few known relics that could give evidence of the existence and history of the vessel. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register S438 as it is one of Victoria’s oldest recorded shipwrecks. The identity of the vessel has the potential to change Australia’s history.Latch, iron. Flat iron latch tapers inward from loop handle to narrow end with prongs. Handmade. warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, mahogany ship, latch, relic, old warrnambool museum, ancient vessel, ancient wreck, oven latch, fireplace latch, galley oven, gold ship, gorman's lane, coastal reserve, tower hill -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Bolt, before 1890
Flagstaff Hill’s collection has items that are thought to be relics from the Ancient Wreck, (also called the Gold Ship, Mahogany Ship or Ancient Vessel). Three relics were located in 1890, due to the ‘interest of a public works inspector, James Gilroy, who dug in the ship’s remains’. One of the relics was a heavily oxidated ‘quantity of ironwork’. The other two, now part of Flagstaff Hill’s collection, are - an iron latch probably from a galley oven door or fireplace - a bronze bolt (spike or pin) Both of these relics are listed on the same page in the records of the Old Warrnambool Museum, found by K.A.G. (or H.A.G.) on the site of the Ancient wreck 1890. Interestingly, another item in these records is ‘Notes on Ancient wreck, near Gorman’s Lane’. Gorman’s Lane is just inland from the sand dunes of the Coastal Reserve at Tower Hill. The current location of these Notes is unknown. Another relic is thought to be the amphora, discovered in 1934 on a local property. The Museum opened in 1886 and continued until 1963, when it was closed by the Warrnambool City Council and the whole collection was put into storage. The council then transferred items to various places including Flagstaff Hill and the current Warrnambool Art Gallery. Flagstaff Hill’s early Accession Records book lists the items as being received from the Old Warrnambool Museum collection; the Latch is record 152 and the Pin is record 153. An article, ‘Birthplace of our History’ by Don Dean, is on file in the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. It was published in the Australian POST, March 17, 1955. This article describes the finding of the items going back to 1890, along with other information about sightings of what has come to be known as the Mahogany Ship. The mystery of the Mahogany Ship began in 1836 when two shipwrecked sealers discovered the remains of an “ancient vessel” in the sand dunes about four miles west of Warrnambool. Since the last recorded sightings in the 1880’s the true origin of the Mahogany Ship has remained one of Australia’s most famous historical mysteries. One of the more recent theories is that the vessel was one of the Portuguese ships exploring the Australian coast in 1522. For over one hundred years searchers have attempted to locate and identify the wreck. The search continues for the tangible evidence which will once and for all establish the Mahogany Ship’s place in Australia’s History. The bolt has local historic significance as it was found in the sand dunes of Warrnambool in 1890. The bolt is also significant for being part of the original 1886 Warrnambool Museum's collection. The bolt is significant for its possible link to one of Victoria’s and Australia’s maritime mysteries, the Mahogany Ship (also known as the Ancient Wreck). It is one of very few known relics that could give evidence of the existence and history of the vessel. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register S438 as it is one of Victoria’s oldest recorded shipwrecks. The identity of the vessel has the potential to change Australia’s history.Bolt, also referred to as spike or pin. Bronze bolt, round body with head on one end that has straight sides, tapers to a point at the other end.warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, mahogany ship, relic, pin, spike, old warrnambool museum, nail, ancient vessel, ancient wreck, portuguese ship, gold ship, gorman’s lane, coastal reserve, tower hill -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Engraving from photograph, Undated
James Watkin (1805–86), Pioneer Missionary. James Watkin was born in Manchester in 1805. While still young he felt the call to preach and in 1830 was accepted as a candidate for the Wesleyan Ministry. In the same year he married Hannah Entwistle and they sailed with a missionary party to Tonga. The work of the mission was jeopardised by prolonged and involved struggles between Christian and non-Christian Tongan chiefs; Watkin faced alone the danger of tribal warfare, but the experience left him depressed and exhausted. On his removal with his family to Sydney in September 1837 he prayed for a return home to England. Instead, when John Jones offered a free passage for a missionary appointed to Waikouaiti, where Jones had a whaling station, Watkin was selected for the post and arrived there in May 1840. Here he established the first mission station in the South Island. Watkin found the whaling settlement of Waikouaiti a centre of violence, licentiousness, and drunken depravity. Thoroughly disliking the corrupted Maoris and convinced that they were doomed to extinction, and disgusted by the brutality and vices of his fellow Europeans, Watkin laboured without hope, in the bitterness of exile and with deepening depression and distress. In spite of an abhorrence for his situation he established schools at Waikouaiti and Matanaka, and stationed partly trained Maori teachers at Stewart Island and at Moeraki. He had a natural flair for languages, preached in Maori four months after his arrival, and compiled an elementary reading book to be printed in Ngai Tahu. In November 1840 Watkin was greatly disturbed by Bishop Pompallier's visit to Otago. When, however, this was followed by Anglican intrusion – for Bishop Selwyn visited Otago in January 1844 – Watkin thought of withdrawing his own Maori teachers and abandoning the field. Never reconciled to his position at Waikouaiti, Watkin was relieved by Charles Creed and in June 1844 he sailed for Wellington, leaving 227 church members in Otago. In 1855 Watkin settled in New South Wales, and was president of the National Methodist Conference at Adelaide in 1862. He retired in 1869 and died on 14 May 1886, at Ashfield, New South Wales. 'WATKIN, James', from An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand URL: (accessed 30 Apr 2018) B & W engraving from a photograph of the Rev. James Watkin.Revd. James Watkin, Australia Engraved by J. Cochran from a Photograph. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Thomas Henry and Janet Longmore Deakin and family, 1895, Original: 1895
Thomas Henry Deakin (1845-1915), born in Monmouthshire, Wales and his wife Janet (Jessie) Longmore (1851-1939), born in Morayshire, Scotland had 2 sons: John Henry (1879-1962) and William Andrew (1883-1939) and 4 surviving daughters. A fifth daughter Daisy Jessie was born in 1880 and died the same year at the age of 7 months. Elsie Longmore Deakin (1881-1969) was a nurse and remained single; Minnie Winifred (1886-1966) married Charles Williamson in 1923; Lily Vipond (1890-1943) married David Mair in 1910 and Jessie Alice, known as Alice, married Hector Williamson in 1921. Hector and Charles were brothers. LtoR: William Andrew (seated), Elsie Longmore (standing), Janet (Jessie) Mair nee Longmore (seated), Jessie Alice (standing beside her mother), John Henry (standing), Thomas Henry (seated), Minnie Winifred (standing), Lily Vipond (seated). Elsie Longmore Deakin enlisted AANS aged 35 years in 10 May 1915; embarked on the Mooltan on 22 August 1916. Address : 114 Station Street, Fairfield, Next of kin : mother, Mrs Janet Deakin (nee Longmore), 114 Station Street, Fairfield, father, Thomas Henry Deakin Elsie Deakin enlisted at 35 years of age on 10 May, 1915 and served locally before volunteering for overseas duty on 9 August, 1916. Her three years of training were completed at the Melbourne General Hospital. She embarked with the rank of Sister for India and was appointed to the Victoria Hospital, Bombay. In January, 1917, when she was transferred to England and a Military Hospital at Bagthorpe later to the 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital, and in January of the following years to 25 (British) GH in France but returned a few weeks later to England and the 1 AAH after suffering a seriously strained left ankle. She returned to France post-war and served another four months before being returned to Australia in May, 1919. Her appointment was terminated as medically unfit on 9 June, 1919. Born South Melbourne, she died in Elsternwick on 14 October, 1969, aged 87. (REF: There is a photo of her in uniform on this site and also on This is part of a large donation relating to the Deakin, Mair and Young families.The connection with Surrey Hills area is through Lily Vipond Deakin who married David Miller Mair and came to live in Mont Albert.A sepia copy photo of a family in a formal pose taken against a studio backdrop. The group comprises a mother and father with 2 boys and 4 girls. The 3 older girls are carrying - REAR: In blue biro - "Top HENRY ...............GRANDFATHER.....ALF / ANDREW .......Thomas Henry (crossed out) ..........MOTHER - JANET / DEAKIN" Middle: "ELSie minnie Lily" Below: "ALICE FRONT" Bottom: "LONGMORE"xelsie longmore deakin, minnie winifred deakin, minnie winifred williamson, lily vipond deakin, lily vipond mair, jessie alice deakin, alice deakin, jessie alice williamson, alice williamson, william andrew deakin, janet (jessie) longmore, janet (jessie) deakin, thomas henry deakin, john henry deakin -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Maritime Novel, Joseph Conway, The Arrow Of Gold, 1919
This book was written by the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. Joseph Conrad, author, (1857-1927): - Joseph Conrad was Polish-born and became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad’s desire was to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marine, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined. About the Pattison Collection: - The Pattison Collection is a group of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, (WMI) which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually, the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. The book is significant for its connection with the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. It is also important for being part of the historic group of books called the Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, which was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly in Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.The Arrow Of Gold: A Story Between Two Notes Author: Joseph Conrad Publisher: T Fisher Unwin Date: 1919 Blue hardcover book with title and call numbers on spine, and handwritten pencil inscription on ply page. Also stockers on the front endpaper have inscriptions and a stamp. The book is part of the Pattison Collection. Spine label, typed text: "PAT 823.9 CON" Sticker on Pastedown front endpaper; "Warrnambool Public Library" covered by a sticker; "Corangamite Regional Library Service" Front loose endpaper is stamped; "Corangamite Regional Library Service"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, captain joseph conrad, maritime author, marine author, nautical author, sailor, seafarer, georg stage, 1882 ship, danish ship, training ship, boys killed, alan villiers, ship joseph conrad, mystic seaport, museum ship, warrnambool mechanics institute, pattison collection, warrnambool library, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, the arrow of gold -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Craft - Ship Model, Joseph Conrad, 20th century
The Joseph Conrad ship model represents the craft of ship model making, which has been enjoyed by many people over the years. Although the model is made from modern materials, it shows the elements of a sailing ship of a bygone era. About the sailing ship JOSEPH CONRAD: - The Joseph Conrad began as the iron-hulled sailing ship Georg Stage, launched in 1882. It was used in Denmark as a training ship for sailors. In 1905, while docked in Copenhagen, the ship was rammed by a larger ship, and 22 boys were killed while sleeping in the hull. The ship was later raised and on guard during World War I. An Australian author and sailor, Alan Villiers rescued the ship and renamed it Joseph Conrad in honour of the renowned maritime author. In 1934 the ship visited Sydney on its worldwide tour then, in 1936, it was sold to an American, who later donated it for use again as a training ship. After World War II the ship was no longer used, and in 1947 it was transferred to the Mystic Seaport Museum for training use again as well as an exhibit. The author, Joseph Conrad (1857-1927): - Joseph Conrad was Polish-born and became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad desired to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marines, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined the offer.The ship model represents the design of sailing ships built in the 1880s and can be used as a reference in understanding the construction of the ships of the Victorian era. The model is important for its connection to the vessel Joseph Conrad which was used as a training ship for seafarers, and even now is used to teach maritime skills, as well as an exhibit, in the maritime museum, Mystic Seaport. The model's name is significant for its association of its name with the famed early 20th-century maritime author, Joseph Conrad.Ship model; A three-masted sailing ship named the Joseph Conrad, with cabins on deck, lifeboats, a ladder on the side and a figurehead on the bow. The hull is black at the top and red below. The ship's name is painted on both sides of the bow. JOSEPH CONRADflagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, captain joseph conrad, maritime author, marine author, nautical author, sailor, seafarer, ship model, two-masted ship, iron hull, sailing ship, georg stage, 1882 ship, danish ship, training ship, boys killed, alan villiers, ship joseph conrad, mystic seaport, museum ship, otago -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Compass, c. 1839
This magnetic compass is a good size to fit easily into a person's pocket or personal luggage and is protected from knocks by its wooden case. It could have been used for reference when travelling on land or sea. There is no visible manufacturer's mark, which may mean that it was not of high monetary value. Leith is a district of Edinburgh in the country of Scotland, the U.K. It was once the Port of Edinburgh and many migrant ships departed from here bound for the Australian colony. It had a busy shipbuilding industry, with wet and dry docks. It appears from the inscription on the case "Chas Gray, LEITH, 1839" that this pocket compass once belonged to Charles M. Gray (Chas is a common abbreviation for the name Charles). The inscription coincides with the name, place and date that the Western Victorian pioneer Charles M. Gray left Scotland and arrived in Australia. Charles Gray was born in Anstruther, Scotland, in 1818. His family was connected with the Royal Marines, which may have created his nautical instruments such as this pocket compass. Charles Gray arrived in Hobson's Bay on 15 June 1839 on the ship “Midlothian”. That same ship had departed from Leith, Scotland on February 15th 1839. Did Charles Gray acquire the pocket compass in Leith, perhaps as a gift or a souvenir of his motherland? Charles Gray was an early squatter and went on to become a very successful settler as a sheep pastoralist in the Western District of what is now Victoria (originally the colony of New South Wales). He and his wife had a large property called “Nareeb Nareeb”, Green Hill Creek District (now Glenthompson), Victoria, from 1840-1886. He was also a local Councillor and Justice of the Peace, and had an interest in the local indigenous people; he named his property after their tribe. Charles returned to England in 1890 and died there in 1905. Charles Gray had written an account in 1890 of his life at Nareeb Nareeb, called Western Victoria in the Forties: "REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER The Western District in the 1840's By Charles Gray" , a valuable historical reference to colonial Victoria. His book was published by the Hamilton Spectator in 1932. Charles Gray's photograph is one of 713 historical photographs of early Victorian settlers, created as a montage by Thomas Foster Chuck in 1872. The State Library of Victoria holds the framed montage titled “The Explorers and Early Colonists of Victoria”. To qualify for inclusion on this montage the Settlers must have arrived in Victoria before 1843. Charles Gray's photograph is number 349! The pocket compass is associated with Charles Gray, one of the early squatters and settlers in Western Victoria, possibly given to him as a parting gift on his emigration to Van Diemans land in 1839. The item is very significant as it's connection with one of Victoria's early pioneers is well provenanced by the inscriptions on the wooden case. Pocket compass, brass, set into a square wooden case with hinged lid and small hook catch. Compass is marked with 360 degrees and compass points and has two pointers; one to show magnetic north and one to set the direction of travel. Hinges are triangular and inset into the wood. The lid has an attached brass plaque with the inscription "Chas Gray, Leith, 1839" (It likely belonged to Charles Gray, Leith, UK, who migrated to Port Philip Australia in 1839 and became a successful pastoralist.) “Chas Gray / LEITH / 1839” engraved on brass plaque on lid.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, magnetic compass, pocket compass, charles m. gray, chas gray, migrrant from leith 1839, charles gray anstruther, scottland, ship midlothian 1839, squatter western victoria, settler western victoria, hobson's bay port phillip australia, charles gray nareeb nareeb - green hill creek district, western victoria in the forties: reminiscences of a pioneer by charles m. gray 1890, leith edinburgh u.k., western victoria in the forties: reminiscences of a pioneer - montage by thomas foster chuck 1872, charles gray, reminiscences of a pioneer, the western district in the 1840's, compass, scientific instrument, nautical instrument, direction, directional compass, navigation -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Clock, late 1900s early 20th Century
In 1850 the Ansonia Clock Company was formed as a subsidiary of the Ansonia Brass Company by Phelps and two Bristol Connecticut clock makers, Theodore Terry and Franklin C. Andrews. Terry & Andrews were the largest clock manufacturers in Bristol at the time with more than 50 employees using 58 tons of brass in the production of about 25,000 clocks in 1849. Phelps decided to get into the clock making business to expand the market for his brass, while Terry and Andrews got access to better quality brass at better prices. They had then sold 50% of their business to Phelps and moved the business to Ansonia, Connecticut. In 1877 the clock company purchased a factory in New York and moved most of its production thereafter being spun off from the brass company. Henry J. Davies of Brooklyn, himself a clock maker, inventor and case designer, joined the newly reconstituted company as one of its founders. As President, he is thought to have been largely responsible for the figurine clocks, swing clocks and other unusual and desirable novelties for which the Ansonia firm became known. By 1879, a second factory was opened in Brooklyn, New York and by June 1880 employed 360 workers, while the Connecticut factory continued producing clocks as well with a workforce of 100 men and 25 women. Hence, clocks marked "Connecticut" were generally produced before 1879, while those marked "New York" were all produced after 1880 After the New York factory burnt down in 1880 the company rebuilt the factory on the same site, and reopened the expanded factory in 1881, with a capacity to exceed that of the Connecticut factory which by 1883 had closed. By 1886, the company had sales offices in New York, Chicago and London, with more than 225 different clock models being manufactured. In 1899, Phelps' grandson William Earle Dodge Stokes commissioned architect Duboy to build the "greatest and grandest hotel in Manhattan, New York” which became the city's first air-conditioned building. In 1929 the majority of the timekeeping machinery and tooling was sold to the Soviet government's US trading company Amtorg, just before the stock market crash. The parts, machinery and key skilled workers were shipped out of the USA to form the basis, along with the remains of a watch company purchased a year later, of the clock and watch industry in Moscow such as Poljot and Sekonda. In 1969, the rights to the use of the name, trademarks, and goodwill were transferred to Ansonia Clock Co., Inc., Lynnwood, Washington. The item marks the beginning of mass produced clocks in the United States, cheaply priced and available to all. The company had many innervation's during it’s life regards clock and later wrist watch making that led the way for other companies in many different countries to emulate.Clock, pendulum mantle model. Carved scallop "Ginger bread house" cottage clock. Oak case, white enamel face, floral etched glass door. Clock has an hour bell chime. Glass front opens to allow rewinding. Made by Ansonia Clock Co, New York. Marked "Manufactured by Ansonia Clock Co. New York, USA"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, mantle clock, clock, pendulum clock, time keeper, horology, ansonia, ansonia clock co, america -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Special Melton People, 1971
"Hannah ‘Grannie’ Wattsis one of Melton’s mostcelebrated and cherished pioneers. Born in Ireland in 1831, Hannah immigrated to Australia with her husband George Byrns in 1854. Moving to Melton, they built a wattle and daub hut home where they lived with their four children until George was tragically killed in 1860. Unusually for the time, Hannah purchased land in her own name in the Melton township in 1863. Later that same year she married William Watts and together they moved to Toolern Vale and built a bluestone and mud brick home. It is believed that while travelling to Australia, Hannah assisted the ship surgeon and demonstrated a natural aptitude for the tasks assigned to her. When she was living in Melton she assisted other women in an unofficial capacity as neighbourhood midwife, while also working on her farm and raising her six children. By 1887, however, her reputation as a midwife had grown to such an extent that she was able to establish her own practice. William Watts died in 1874, but Hannah remained in Toolern Vale for the next twenty years. In 1894, she moved into the Melton township and built Lynch Cottage on the corner of Yuille and Sherwin streets, near Toolern Vale Creek. There she assisted in the births of hundreds of Melton residents, as well as the laying out of the deceased. Meticulous in her record keeping, Hannah Watts recorded the details of a total of 442 births between the years 1886 and 1921. Lynch Cottage was officially registered as a private hospital in 1911 and Hannah was listed in the Victorian Register of Midwives in 1917. Hannah Watts died on 21 October 1921, a few months after she assisted with the delivery of her final baby, Thomas Watts Minns. She was 90 years old. Hannah was buried in Melton Cemetery and mourned by the Melton community. Her obituary in the Gisborne Gazette is a testament to how beloved she was by the people she served: ... while in the absence of medical aid residents looked to Grannie as their doctor, philosopher and friend. Hundreds, in fact we might say thousands of people held the deceased in veneration ... A woman of great energy and determination combined with superior intelligence, Grannie conquered difficulties that would have made many falter... Today Grannie Watts is remembered by her descendants and by many locals in the City of Melton. Created in 1985, Hannah Watts Park honours Grannie Watts’ pioneering work for the health and wellbeing of hundreds of Meltonians. Not only is the park a fitting tribute to the memory of an outstanding citizen, it also continues to provide today’s residents and visitors with a space to walk, relax, gather and celebrate in Melton" .Tom Minns holding Debra Wain, first hospital baby to be born In Melton since 1921. Article featured in the Herald. Mother Rhonda Wain is featured in the photo too. local identities, local significant events -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Ann Dowling, c.1857
On the 12th of March 1891 documents show Ann Myer’s application for a dairy. A small addition to the front right side of the house can be seen in the photo of Ann and her two sons. The dairy remained until the house was demolished in 1969. Mary Dowling’s sisters Ann and Eliza appear on the shipping list to Australia arriving in Melbourne as assisted immigrants on the ‘Hotspur’ on the 25th June 1855. Their ages were recorded as 19 and 20 years. Ann Dowling’s records contains receipts for the rent of land in the parish of Kororoit in 1865. In 1867 Ann married Henry Miers at St Patricks Cathedral on the 28th May at age 26 years. Other spelling of the family name have been spelt, Miers, Myres, Mears and eventually became Myers. Henri came from Prussia but little information about his life before he married Ann. Ann and Henri had a small house built c1860 near Ryans Creek also known a Myers Gully. Henry was a labourer. According to notes in Edna’s research the original house consisted of two rooms and was built by Russell, and more rooms were added later built by Paddy Burns, the grandfather of Nick Burns. Additions were made to extend the south veranda and north further skillion rooms were added.Ann and Henri had four sons, Henry born in 1870, Thomas in 1872, George in 1874 and Frederick in 1877. By the December of 1886 tragedy struck again when father Henry fell from the top of a hay wagon at Darlingsford when the driver Ralph Parkinson failed to warn him the horses where about to move. Henry asked to be taken home where he died the next day. Henri Miers was aged 51 years at his death. The Parkinson family paid compensation for causing the death of Henry. Ralph Parkinson died shortly after. The Myers boys received their education at Melton State School. Their handwriting is testament to the benefit of receiving an education to grade 8. Frederick the youngest son gained his Merit Certificate on the 10th of October 1889. They also received books inscribed by the Head Teacher. Ann was illiterate and was aged about 15 years when she arrived in Australia and was dependent on youngest son Frederick. Although at a disadvantage she managed her legal affairs. Frederick Myers married Martha Watson in 1908. Thomas Myers died in November 1909 Ann Dowling Myers died in October 1924. She lived in the family home with Martha Fred, grandson Fred and granddaughters Marjorie and Edna who was aged six at her death. Her son Henry died in 1950 followed by George in 1954 and Frederick in 1963. Ann with two of her children and turkeys at the front of their housepioneer families, local identities -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Maritime Novel, Joseph Conrad, The Rover, 1923
This book was written by the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. Joseph Conrad was Polish-born and became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad’s desire was to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marine, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined. An 1882 sailing ship, Georg Stage, was a Danish training ship, in which after a tragic accident 22 boys lost their lives. It was later renamed the Joseph Conrad by Alan Villiers in honour of the author. It continued as a training ship with various organisations until 1947 when it ship was transferred to the Mystic Seaport for use as an exhibit in the maritime museum. About the Pattison Collection: - The Pattison Collection is a group of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, (WMI) which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually, the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. The book is significant for its connection with the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. It is also important for being part of the historic group of books called the Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, which was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly in Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Rover Author: Joseph Conrad Publisher: T Fisher Unwin Date: 1923 Further Information: overseas editionThe label on the spine cover with typed text PAT FIC CON Paste down front end paper has a sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library covered by a sticker from Corangamite Regional Library Service. Front loose end paper has a stamp from Corangamite Regional Library Service.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, captain joseph conrad, maritime author, marine author, nautical author, sailor, seafarer, georg stage, 1882 ship, danish ship, training ship, boys killed, alan villiers, ship joseph conrad, mystic seaport, museum ship, warrnambool mechanics institute, pattison collection, warrnambool library, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, the rover -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Maritime Novel, Joseph Conrad, Typhoon and other Stories, 1924
This book was written by the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. Joseph Conrad was Polish-born and became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad’s desire was to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marine, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined. An 1882 sailing ship, Georg Stage, was a Danish training ship, in which after a tragic accident 22 boys lost their lives. It was later renamed the Joseph Conrad by Alan Villiers in honour of the author. It continued as a training ship with various organisations until 1947 when it ship was transferred to the Mystic Seaport for use as an exhibit in the maritime museum. About the Pattison Collection: - The Pattison Collection is a group of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, (WMI) which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually, the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. The book is significant for its connection with the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. It is also important for being part of the historic group of books called the Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, which was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly in Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.Typhoon and other Stories Author: Joseph Conrad Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd Date: 1924 Further Information: contents Typhoon, Amy Foster, Flak: A Reminiscence and To-morrowThe label on the spine cover with typed text PAT FIC CON Pastedown front endpaper has a sticker from Warrnambool Public Library covered by a sticker from Corangamite Regional Library Service. The front loose endpaper has a stamp from Corangamite Regional Library Service.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, captain joseph conrad, maritime author, marine author, nautical author, sailor, seafarer, georg stage, 1882 ship, danish ship, training ship, boys killed, alan villiers, ship joseph conrad, mystic seaport, museum ship, warrnambool mechanics institute, pattison collection, warrnambool library, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, typhoon and other stories -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Maritime Novel, Joseph Conway, Suspense, 1925
This book was written by the renowned maritime author Joseph Conrad. Joseph Conrad was Polish-born and became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad’s desire was to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marine, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined. An 1882 sailing ship, Georg Stage, was a Danish training ship, in which after a tragic accident 22 boys lost their lives. It was later renamed the Joseph Conrad by Alan Villiers in honour of the author. It continued as a training ship with various organisations until 1947 when it ship was transferred to the Mystic Seaport for use as an exhibit in the maritime museum. About the Pattison Collection: - The Pattison Collection is a group of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, (WMI) which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually, the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself.The Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. Suspense Author: Joseph Conrad Publisher: J M Dent & Co Date: 1925 Introduction by Richard Curle Blue hardcover with inscription on sticker on spine and a purple stamp on the fly pageLabel on spine, typed text "PAT 823.9 CON" Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Public Library covered by a sticker from Corangamite Regional Library Service Front loose endpaper has a stamp from Corangamite Regional Library Serviceflagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, captain joseph conrad, maritime author, marine author, nautical author, sailor, seafarer, georg stage, 1882 ship, danish ship, training ship, boys killed, alan villiers, ship joseph conrad, mystic seaport, museum ship, warrnambool mechanics institute, pattison collection, warrnambool library, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, suspense, unfinished book -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Vessel, Steam Launch, Mrs. A. Dawson, Lady Loch, Feb 1907 - Jun 1910
The photograph shows the steam launch Lady Loch towing five rowing boats full of passengers on the Hopkins River at Warrnambool. The boat is travelling downstream from the riverbank near Jubilee Park towards Warrnambool and the river mouth. A similar trip in 1909 was a fund-raising excursion when the Lady Loch was to tow boats from Flett & Sons' boating establishment on the Hopkins River, travelling towards Jubilee Park. The photograph was taken between February 1907 and June 1910 by Mrs A. G. Dawson from the Hopkins River Bank at “Allandale”, which she was leasing. She took another photograph that day, which was published in the Warrnambool Standard on 24th March 1973. At the time of the photograph the launch Lady Loch was owned by James Flett & Son who operated a boatshed on the bend of the Hopkins River. The boat was described as “a fine little steamer”. In 1916 it was licenced to carry 42 passengers. The LADY LOCH: - In February 1884 Mr Sutton’s steam launch had the name of Lady of the Lake. The boat was part of the entertainment for a Sunday school picnic at Ballarat Lake and Gardens. In October 1884 Mr Ivey from Lake Wendouree purchased two vessels, the steamer Ballarat and Mr Sutton’s well-known and popular launch, Lady of the Lake, to join his own fleet of pleasure boats. In November 1887 Mr Mark Hooper’s purchase of a ‘new’ pleasure boat, Lady of the Lake, arrived in Colac to be an addition to his boating business. The launch had been transported by road from Ballarat, but the boiler and the engine had travelled by rail the previous day. In June 1888, Fanny Nelson purchased the steam launch Lady of the Lake for her Nelson’s Boating and Fishing Establishment on the Hopkins River, Warrnambool. She renamed it Lady Loch. People have suggested the mane was in honour of the wife of the then-current Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Loch, and the local paper stated that Lady Loch flew the Governor’s colours of yellow, black and blue on her first trip under Nelson’s ownership, Sunday 12th August 1888. In 1890 Fanny Nelson sold her complete business, including Lady Loch, to Mr Chapman. in January 1897 James Flett & Sons, already involved in boating, purchased the business from Chapman. In January 1916, Flett advertised everything for sale, including the boatshed and the steam launch Lady Loch. NOTE: - at least three vessels in Victoria were named Lady Loch; a river launch (ca 1884-ca 1916), a steamer ferry (1884-1920s) and a government steam lighthouse tender HMS Lady Loch (1886-1962)The photograph of the Lady Loch pleasure steamer represents the social and recreational activities of late 19th-century people from Warrnambool and the local district. It shows an example of the pleasure craft of that era. The history of the Lady Loch includes the history of fishing and boat hire businesses of that period. The photograph is also connected with an early Warrnambool buat builder James Flett & Sons. representing the maritime history of the town.Photograph, black and white, of the steam launch Lady Loch towing five rowing boats downstream on the Hopkins River from Jubilee Park towards the river mouth. There are many figures on the boats. The photograph was taken from a property called Allandale on the south river bank between February 1907 and June 1910. The photographer was Mrs A. G. Dawson. The Lady Loch was owned by Mr James Flett & Sons at that time. The photograph is mounted on card.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lady of the lake, lady of the lake steamer, lady loch steamer, lake colac steamer, hopkins river warrnambool, jubilee park warrnambool, francis maria mann, andrew abernathy nelson iiird, hopkins hotel, nelson's boathouse, chapman's boathouse, flett's boathouse, fanny (francis) nelson, james flett & sons -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Cap Liner, Between 1870 and 1908
This Zinc Cap Porcelain Liner was recovered from the (1908) shipwreck site of the FALLS OF HALLADALE. The purpose of cap liners was to assist with the safe preserving and storage of perishable foodstuffs in an age when refrigeration was generally unavailable. These round, coarse-glass inserts formed part of the screw lids used with the Ball Mason style of canning fruit jars. The liner was placed inside the zinc cap to stop the contents of the jar reacting with the zinc. It prevented the metallic tainting of food as well as the corrosion of the metallic lid. On March 30, 1869, Lewis R Boyd was issued with patent # 88439 for an “Improved Mode of Preventing Corrosion in Metallic Caps”. From the 1870s to the 1950s, large quantities of these liners were produced by a number of glass manufacturing companies. They are consequently difficult to date or identify. “It is assumed that most of the earlier versions of these liners have the name ‘BOYD’S’ or ‘BOYD’ embossed on them. Later versions may or may not have the name included in the lettering”. ( Only a few were made of porcelain, the great majority being made first of transparent and later of translucent or opaque glass. The different emblems of triangles, circles, and crosses embossed on the front face of the liners are assumed to signify mould or model types rather than the company that produced them. This particular artefact is one of 14 cap liners that were retrieved from the shipwreck site and are now part of the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village collection. The Maltese Cross and “BOYD’S GENUINE PORCELAIN LINED” lettering are unique to this piece. However, it is evident from the markings and materials of the other cap liners, that they originally formed sets or series. Six are larger (8 mm depth x 85mm diameter), of greenish hue with ground glass texture, and support the raised emblem of a compass needle. Two are medium-sized (75mm diameter) with two raised dots in a central circle and the lettering “Patd. APR 25.82”. This particular cap liner is likely to have also been one of a mass-produced line being imported from America. The iron-hulled sailing ship FALLS OF HALLADALE was a bulk carrier of general cargo en route from New York to Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold, along with 56,763 tiles of unusual beautiful green American slates (roofing tiles), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6500 gallons of oil, 14400 gallons of benzene, and many other manufactured items, were 117 cases of crockery and glassware. The FALLS OF HALLADALE came aground on a reef off the Peterborough headland at 3 am on the morning of the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members all survived, but her valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in1908-09 and 1910. The iron-hulled, four-masted barque, the Falls of Halladale, was a bulk carrier of general cargo. She left New York in August 1908 on her way to Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold, along with 56,763 tiles of unusual beautiful green American slates (roofing tiles), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6500 gallons of oil, 14400 gallons of benzene, and many other manufactured items, were 117 cases of crockery and glassware. Three months later and close to her destination, a navigational error caused the Falls of Halladale to be wrecked on a reef off the Peterborough headland at 3 am on the morning of the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members all survived, but her valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. ABOUT THE ‘FALLS OF HALLADALE’ (1886 - 1908) Built: in1886 by Russell & Co., Greenock shipyards, River Clyde, Scotland, UK. The company was founded in 1870 (or 1873) as a partnership between Joseph Russell (1834-1917), Anderson Rodger and William Todd Lithgow. During the period 1882-92 Russell & Co., they standardised designs, which sped up their building process so much that they were able to build 271 ships over that time. In 1886 they introduced a 3000 ton class of sailing vessel with auxiliary engines and brace halyard winches. In 1890 they broke the world output record. Owner: Falls Line, Wright, Breakenridge & Co, 111 Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Configuration: Four masted sailing ship; iron-hulled barque; iron masts, wire rigging, fore & aft lifting bridges. Size: Length 83.87m x Breadth 12.6m x Depth 7.23m, Gross tonnage 2085 ton Wrecked: the night of 14th November 1908, Curdies Inlet, Peterborough south west Victoria Crew: 29 The Falls of Halladale was a four-masted sailing ship built-in 1886 in Glasgow, Scotland, for the long-distance cargo trade and was mostly used for Pacific grain trade. She was owned by Wright, Breakenridge & Co of Glasgow and was one of several Falls Line ships, all of which were named after waterfalls in Scotland. The lines flag was of red, blue and white vertical stripes. The Falls of Halladale had a sturdy construction built to carry maximum cargo and able to maintain full sail in heavy gales, one of the last of the ‘windjammers’ that sailed the Trade Route. She and her sister ship, the Falls of Garry, were the first ships in the world to include fore and aft lifting bridges. Previous to this, heavily loaded vessels could have heavy seas break along the full length of the deck, causing serious injury or even death to those on deck. The new, raised catwalk-type decking allowed the crew to move above the deck stormy conditions. This idea is still used today on the most modern tankers and cargo vessels and has proved to be an important step forward in the safety of men at sea. On 4th August 1908, with new sails, 29 crew, and 2800 tons of cargo, the Falls of Halladale left New York, bound for Melbourne and Sydney via the Cape of Good Hope. The cargo on board was valued at £35,000 and included 56,763 tiles of American slate roofing tiles (roof slates), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6,500 gallons of oil, 14,400 gallons of benzene, plumbing iron, 117 cases of crockery and glassware and many other manufactured items. The Falls of Halladale had been at sail for 102 days when, at 3 am on the night of 14th November 1908, under full sail in calm seas with a six knots breeze behind and misleading fog along the coast, the great vessel rose upon an ocean swell and settled on top of a submerged reef near Peterborough on south-west Victoria’s coast. The ship was jammed on the rocks and began filling with water. The crew launched the two lifeboats and all 29 crew landed safely on the beach over 4 miles away at the Bay of Islands. The postmistress at Peterborough, who kept a watch for vessels in distress, saw the stranding and sent out an alert to the local people. A rescue party went to the aid of the sailors and the Port Campbell rocket crew was dispatched, but the crew had all managed to reach shore safely by the time help arrived. The ship stayed in full sail on the rocky shelf for nearly two months, attracting hundreds of sightseers who watched her slowly disintegrate until the pounding seas and dynamiting by salvagers finally broke her back, and her remains disappeared back into deeper water. The valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. Further salvage operations were made from 1974-1986, during which time 22,000 slate tiles were recovered with the help of 14 oil drums to float them, plus personal artefacts, ship fittings, reams of paper and other items. The Court of Marine Inquiry in Melbourne ruled that the foundering of the ship was entirely due to Captain David Wood Thomson’s navigational error, not too technical failure of the Clyde-built ship. The shipwreck is a popular site for divers, about 300m offshore and in 3 – 15m of water. Some of the original cargo can be seen at the site, including pieces of roof slate and coils of barbed wire. The Falls of Halladale shipwreck is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (No. S255). She was one of the last ships to sail the Trade Routes. She is one of the first vessels to have fore and aft lifting bridges. She is an example of the remains of an International Cargo Ship and also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping industry. The wreck is protected as a Historic Shipwreck under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act (1976). A circular translucent glass disc in good condition with raised upper case lettering around 8mm rim – “BOYD’S GENUINE PORCELAIN LINED” - and a raised central emblem of a Maltese Cross. On the reverse face in the centre of the disc, there is a raised numeral “3”. falls of halladale, wright, breakenridge & co of glasgow, unusual beautiful green american slates (roofing tiles), warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, zinc cap porcelain liner, boyd’s genuine porcelain lined, glass lid, opaque disc, food preserving, fruit bottling, cap liner, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck artefact, 1908 shipwreck -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - AGOS INFO, BENDIGO, April 1987
AGOS INFO, Bendigo. Australian Gallery of Sport. Information Pamphlet No. 1 April 1987. Photo of cup awarded to the Sanhurst Football Club for their victory over Bendigo Football Club, 4th July 1883. (Purchased 1987). Extract from Bendigo Advertiser, 4th July 1883 advertising Match between Sandhurst and Bendigo. Admission - Sixpence. Members of Sanhurst & Bendigo Football Clubs and BUCC admitted free on production of tickets. Extract of Bendigo Advertiser, 5th July 1883, FOOTBALL Sandhurst v. Bendigo. (remainder of print too small to read. Sandhurst. Bendigo July 4th 1883 The match played between Sandhurst and Bendigo provides a rare insight into the Australian game at a crucial stage of its development.. . Trophy presented by local jeweler, Mr Joseph Moody. .. Football was relatively weaker in Bendigo than in the comparable city of Ballarat. This can be explained by the high migrant proportion of the Bendigo population, its economic difficulties in the 1880s and by its distance from Melbourne. .. Football overtook cricket by the end of the decade as the most popular sport. .. A regular Saturday competition was played, with matches also played on Wednesdays. These matches were a legacy of the earliest ''scratch'' matches, suggesting a relatively strong union movement which had won concessions for weekend work. Matches started at 3pm. ..The best player on the ground was a contractor and the captain an accountant. .. Transition. The predominance of the ''little mark'' the participation of sometimes frightened junior teams against adults and the division of the game into halves rather than quarters represents an era that has disappeared. Complaints of rough play, poor losers, the problems posed by children. .. An issue, was seen as a blight on the game in 1883. The greatest offender, alleged by ''Drop-Kick'' in The Bendigo Advertiser, was Sheldon of Sandhurst, an ancestor of current day player Ken Sheldon of St Kilda. .. Fundamental issue about the place of sport in society. .. The reason for this is that the Bendigo club was in dispute with the Bendgio Union Cricket Club over control of the Back Creek Ground. If they had been refused the ground, as it was feared, then the whole association would have been forced to disband. Only last minute negotiations resolved the dispute. .. Reflects the values of society, .. Broader conflicts about power and the control of resources within that society. 2000 turned out. The crowd cheered lustily and the players exhibited similar excitement and were urged on by their captains to play up and kick the ball. In the eventual Sanhurst victory, amongst the best players was Edward Cordner, a forerunner of the renowned Cordner family of the Melbourne Football Clubs. Shane Cahill. Sources: Fahey, James C. Wealth and Social Mobility In Bendigo and North Central Victoria, 1868-1891. Mackay, G. The Annals of Bendigo 1868-1891 (Bendigo 1914). Mackay, G. Bendigo The Golden City of the South (Bendigo 1893) Mackay, G. The History of Bendigo (Melbourne 1891). Sandercock, L.. And Turner, I. Up Where Cazaly? The Great Australian Game (St Albans Herts. 1981) Sanhurst Districts' Directory for 1875-6 (Sandhurst 1875) Wise's Victoria Post Office Directory 1884-5 (Melbourne 1886). Australian Gallery Of Sport at the MCG, cnr Joliment St. & Joliment Trc. East Melbourne, Phone 654 8922.clubs and associations, football, agos, agos info, bendigo. australian gallery of sport. information pamphlet no. 1 april 1987. photo cup awarded sanhurst football club for victory bendigo football club, 4th july 1883. (purchased 1987). advertiser, 4th july 1883 match between sandhurst v. bendigo. admission - sixpence. members sanhurst & bendigo football clubs and bucc free. extract, 5th july 1883, football sandhurst v. bendigo. sandhurst. bendigo july 4th 1883 sandhurst and bendigo provides insight into the australian stage development.. . trophy local jeweler, mr joseph moody. .. football weaker in bendigo than in ballarat. explained by the migrant proportion bendigo population, its economic difficulties 1880s distance from melbourne.. football overtook cricket by end decade the popular sport.. saturday competition played, matches also wednesdays. legacy of the earliest ''scratch'' matches, strong union movement concessions for weekend work. matches started at 3pm.. best player on the ground a contractor the captain accountant. .. transition. predominance ''little mark'' participation frightened junior teams adults game halves rather than quarters represents an era disappeared. complaints rough play, poor losers, problems posed children., a blight 1883. offender, ''drop-kick'', sheldon, ancestor ken sheldon of st kilda...bendigo club was in dispute bendgio union cricket club control of the back creek ground. refused, as it was feared, association forced to disband. negotiations resolved dispute..values of society.. conflicts power control resources. 2000 turned out. crowd cheered players exhibited similar excitement captains. edward cordner. cordner family melbourne football clubs. shane cahill. sources: fahey, james c. wealth and social mobility in bendigo and north central victoria, 1868-1891. mackay, g. the annals of bendigo 1868-1891 (bendigo 1914). mackay, g. bendigo the golden city of the south (bendigo 1893) mackay, g. the history of bendigo (melbourne 1891). sandercock, l.. and turner, i. up where cazaly? the great australian game (st albans herts. 1981) sanhurst districts' directory for 1875-6 (sandhurst 1875) wise's victoria post office directory 1884-5 (melbourne 1886). australian gallery of sport at the mcg, cnr joliment st. & joliment trc. east melbourne, phone 654 8922. -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial Plaque, Amy Neville Brown (1882-1974), 1976
Amy Neville Brown (1882-1974) was a longlife member of the Mission to Seafarers ladies' Committees: 1910 - Amy is first mentioned in our records as LHLG branch secretary for Elsternwick. (from diaries written by her and her sister Beatrice during 1909-1913 and held at the Glen Eira Historical Society, Amy tells she attends “kirk” with Miss Godfrey about once a month and each time they go to the “Institute” afterwards.) 1918 - 1922 sees Amy as “Schools secretary” LHLG. 1933 - Miss A N Brown becomes Honorary Secretary of the LHLG. 1946 – LHLG becomes “Harbour Lights Guild”. 1949 – Dora Simpson is president of HLG & Amy Brown is Honorary Secretary. 1957 – Amy retires as Honorary Secretary of the HLG. Other interests: 1933 - Amy founded the Victorian Aboriginal Group along with Valentine Alexa Leeper (1900-2001). She acted as Hon. Sec. to the VAG for 40 years until its winding up in 1971 8 boxes of papers related to their activities are held at the SLV under Amy’s name (with Val Leeper). 1950 - Amy was a member of the YWCA 1963 – she was president of the Agnes Benson Auxiliary of the YWCA. Amy’s parents were Andrew Howden Brown & Catherine Marianne (Kitty) Wight. She had 2 brothers: Charles John Brown, Edward Byam Brown & 3 sisters: Jean Constance Brown (1884-1973), Catherine Philpott Brown (1886-1980), Grace *Beatrice Brown (1889-1984) who was also a member of the Mission's ladies' committee. None of 4 sisters married, they lived all their lives in Elsternwick. Edward Byam Brown was an academic at Melbourne University rising to become Ass. Prof. of Electrical Engineering by the 1950s. He married Vera Scantlebury in 1926 – they had 2 children. Amy’s maternal grandparents were Edward Byam Wight and Catherine Philpott. Both arrived in Melbourne in the early 1840s. Edward Wight is included on Thomas Chuck’s collage of early Victorian pioneers. Anne Jackson has written a short biography of Catherine’s brother, William Philpott, which includes a paragraph on Edward Wight. Catherine’s youngest son, Neville Wight, became a solicitor living at Woodend. He married Grace Rutherford – Mrs Neville Wight was a member of our Executive Committee from 1929 to 1933. Neville Wight’s obituary states that “he served his articles with … the firm of Moule & Seddon”. The principal of this firm was W H Moule, well known judge and cricketer. His son, also W H Moule, was Honorary Secretary of MtSV Executive Committee for 20 years until his retirement in 1958. was a member of the Harbour Lights Guild ( Honorary General Secretary in the 30s) then the Flying Angel League. She passed away in September 1974. A protege and friend of the Godfreys and Ina Higgins she actively assisted in setting up school branches of LHLG and eventually became a leading member in the 1930s.The window made by Tony Hall along with this plaque were dedicated in 1976. Amy Neville Brown had a lifelong association with the Mission and other philanthropic and social causes. Small plaque mounted on wooded board.In memory of Amy Brown For her lifetime of devoted service to the Mission 26th September, 1974amy brown, plaque, memorial, flying angel club, lhlg, amy neville brown (1882-1974), victoria aboriginal group (1933-1971), vag, val leeper, valentina alexa leeper (1900-2001) -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Razor, John Clarke Ltd, 1930s
In 1848, 43-year-old John Clarke launched a cutlery business in Harvest Lane in Neepsend, Sheffield UK. Clarke entered the trade late in life he was indenture and apprenticed to Octavius Twigg, a razor maker. Clarke was granted his Freedom in 1856 and began using the trademark 'NEVA'. By the 1860s, Thomas Clarke's son by his wife Elizabeth had joined the firm. When John Clarke died at his home at Augusta Place, Rock Street, Sheffield on 25 July 1873 (aged 68), he only employed six workmen. By 1881, Thomas had expanded this number to twenty. He sold a wide range of cutlery and was also an ‘emigration agent’, the Sheffield Independent, of 7th September in 1886 had an article published stating Thomas helped to recruit personnel from England for cutlery centers in America. In 1893 Clarke’s showroom displayed miniature knives from '5/16ths-inch long to the most expensive sportsman's knives, that were gold and silver mounted. Table knives and carvers were also manufactured (or factored). Agencies were opened in London, New York, and Melbourne. Besides ‘NEVA, the ‘EXPRESS’ and ‘RING’ marks were used on razors; and Clarke’s marketed the American ‘GEM’ safety razor. By 1901, the firm had moved to Mowbray Street, where its Mowbray Works overlooked the River Don. Thomas Clarke died at Harrogate on 26 April 1902, aged 62, and was buried in the same Burngreave cemetery as his parents. Thomas’s sons, John Roome Clarke (1860-1925) and Thomas Edward Clarke, were directors, another son George William Clarke was a shareholder. John Roome Clarke died on 3 February 1925, aged 64 his son, John Clarke, of Crimicar Lane, remained as the senior partner. Clarke’s was one of the last producers of hand-made pocket knives and it also produced a large output of sheath knives for scouting associations. The firm was liquidated in 1964, but the company name was resurrected and Its last address after 1980 was at 65 Garden Street Sheffield. The company trademark passed on to Meteor Industries and then to Egginton Ltd. Weber & Co: The Clarke company purchased or (factored) many of its blades for razors and knives from Weber & Co of Solingen Germany. The full name of the firm originally was Jowika Stahlwarenfabrik Eugen Weber & Altenbach KG. It was founded in Solingen prior to 1928, under the name Johann & Wilhelm Kleinewefers GMBH, Messerfabrik. JWK for short, hence JoWiKa. The company was sold to Eugen Weber in the 1930s. Weber was married to a woman named Altenbach, from a family that manufactured innovative low-priced pocketknives, as well as other cutlery items. In 1960 Weber opened a branch factory in Listowel Ireland. It was sold to Albert M. Baer of Imperial Schrade in 1978. The Listowel factory was closed about a year and a half before the U.S. Schrade factory closed in 2004 and the Jowika factory in Solingen had closed in 1984.An item with an interesting manufacturing history from the 1930s showing how one man can grow a business into a successful concern that made quality products that stand the test of time.Razor metal folding blade with horn handle in its original cardboard box Inscription Made by John Clarke and Son England. "Champion" razor. On box " The Champion 10/6d" and "Weber Lohmann & Co SOLINGEN".flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village