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University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, The Bellingrath-Morse Foundation, Bellingrath Gardens and the Bellingrath Home, 1958
Collection of books and pamphlets that belonged to A.W. Jessep (Principal 1926-1941).Handwritten inside, "Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Jessep Compliments of MB[?]"a.w. jessep, principal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, George A.M. Scott et al, The Mosses of Southern Australia
Collection of books and pamphlets that belonged to A.W. Jessep (Principal 1926-1941).Book with illustrations by Celia Rosser. Includes newspaper cuttings: review of the book by Peter Alston and, "A Lowly thing comes in from the cold," in The Age 25 October 1988 by Graeme O'Neill.Peter T. Alston, stamped insidea.w. jessep, principal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Lindsay Falvey, Land and Food: Agricultural and Related Education in the Victorian Colleges, 1997
Book written by Lindsay Falvey and Barrie Beardsley published by the Institute of Land & Food Resources, The University of Melbourne, 1997.lindsay falvey, barrie beardsley, institute of land & food resources, university of melbourne, 1997, burnley horticultural college -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Plant Propagation Principles and Practices, 1959
Inscribed, "Presented to the Burnley College of Horticulture by the author, Dr. hartmann 1961."hudson t. hartmann, dale e. kester, prentice-hall, 1961 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Staff Time Book, 1959-1976
Registers recording arrival and departure times of staff with reasons for late arrival. (1)" 28th Sept. 1957 to Oct 27th - 1959." (2) "16th June, 1962 - 8th Feb 1965." (3) "9th Feb - 1965 -14th Oct 1967." (4) "17 -2 - 76 to 12 - 10 - 76." register, staff -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Outwards mail, 1963-1975
Register of outward mail dated 4th December 1963 to 1st October 1975. Description of material sent and to whom. Includes Diplomas, answers to horticultural queries, student queries and reports.register, diplomas, students, reports -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Unemployed Relief Fund. Burnley Horticultural School. Drainage, 1930
Photocopy from the Public Record Office, Victoria 10332/P1 of 1 page from an account ledger dated Nov 29 to Dec 2 1930. States Period of Service, Claimant (Company), Description of Service and ₤ amounts for Voucher and Expenditure. account ledger, expenditure -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Unemployed Relief Fund Burnley Horticultural Gardens, 1934-1937
Photocopies from the Public Records Office, Victoria 10332/P1 and 5 of 3 pages from an accounts ledger dated July 10 - Nov 20, 1934; July 6, 1936 - July 30, 1937; and Nov 8 - May 16 possibly 1936. States Period of Service, Name of Claimant (Company), Description of Service and £ amounts for Voucher and Expenditure. account ledger, expenditure -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Unemployed Relief Fund Burnley Horticultural Gardens, 1934-1936
Photocopy from the Public Records Office, Victoria 10332/P 2 of page from an accounts ledger dated Sept - Nov 1934, Aug 1935, Feb 1936. States Board Approvals, Contracts, Particulars and Payments. account ledger, expenditure -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Rainfall Registration, 1951-1983
Rainfall registration charts in a variety of forms recorded at Burnley. (1) 1 page handdrawn on cardboard, monthly and annual totals 1951-1978 (part). (2) 1974-1978 daily. (3) Unused forms. (4) 1980-1983. (5) Climatological Data for Melbourne up to 31st December 1964. Found in a folder labelled, "Burnley Weather Records." rainfall registration, weather reports, climatological data -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Timebook 1947, 1947-1948
Cardboard bound register with columns for Arrival and Departure times and Explanations for late arrival or early departure. Dated 3rd May 1947 to 20 - 8 - 1948.arrival, departure, students attendance -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Alterations and Additions, 1910-1953
Donated by David Honeybone, Librarian from the Burnley Library.Hardcover exercise book with pasted inserts of pages from, "List of Fruit Trees Etc. grown at The Royal Horticultural Gardens and School of Horticulture, Burnley," by E.E. Pescott, Principal, and handwritten amendments. Vol. 1 dated 1910. Vol. 1: signature, "A.S. Neilson," on inside cover/ Vol. 2: signature, "George Russ."fruit trees, e.e. pescott, a.s. neilson, principal, george russ, david honeybone, royal horticultural gardens, school of horticulture, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Fruit Tree Register, Vegetable garden, 1916-1920
Donated by David Honeybone, Librarian from the Burnley Library.Bound register with list of directors and principals 1856-1946 with their signatures and dates, up to T.H. Kneen. Lists plantings of fruit trees in positions in the West Orchard and the Old Orchard. Plantings of vegetables and experiments with potatoes, beans, other seeds from the U.S.A., tomatoes. Inscribed on front page by, "Ed. E. Pescott Principal 1/1/16."e.e.pescott, principasl, directors, fruit trees, planting, t.h.kneen -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Jacinta Crealy, Robert Whatmough: Pioneering Victorian Horticulturalist, 2017
Robert Whatmough was Jacinta Crealy's great great grandfather. Purchased by the Friends of Burnley Gardens for the Archives.Softcover book by Jacinta Crealy and also published by her. Chapter 6: Committee member Horticultural Society of Victoria 1859-1868. jacinta crealy, horticultural society of victoria, robert whatmough -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, James Hitchmough, Gardener's Choice, 1987
Dr James Hitchmough was a Lecturer in Amenity Horticulture at Burnley Campus, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture. (1) "What to plant where and why," by James Hitchmough, Kangaroo Press 1987. Written when he was a Lecturer in Amenity Horticulture at Burnley Campus, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture. (2) Newspaper cutting, date N/A. "Gardener's remedy: Dr james Hitchmough designed a lavender garden that is extremely drought-resistant." Picture by Christopher Beck. james hitchmough, lecturer, amenity horticulture, burnley campus, victorian college of agriculture and horticulture, vcah, christopher beck. -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Olive Mellor, Complete Australian Gardener Illustrated, 1950
Olive Mellor was a past student and staff member at Burnley College.304 p., [1] leaf of col. plates : ill., map, plans ; 24 cm.olive mellor (nee holttum), staff, female students, gardening, australia -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Register of Significant Trees, 2008
Spiral bound book. National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Register of Significant Trees dated 12.05.2008. Registers by: Municipality and by Botanical Name. Includes trees on the Register at Burnley Gardens.registers, significant trees, national trust of australia, victoria, burnley gardens -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Handbook of Accessions in the MAFF National Fruit Collections, 1988
Spiral bound register. Procuced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK), April 1988. Collection held at Brogdale Farm and managed by Wye College, University of London and the Brogdale Horticultural Trust. (Cf Establishement of Burnley gardens by the Horticultural Society of Victoria.)brogdale farm, wye college, university of london, brogdale horticultural trust, burnley gardens, horticultural society of victoria, maff -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, John Dwyer, Weeds, Plants and People, 2016
John Dwyer is a graduate of Burnley Horticultural College.Soft cover book by John Dwyer; xv, 293 pages : colour illustrations ; 25 cm john dwyer, students, graduates, burnley horticultural college, weeds, plants -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Guest Book, 2016
Guest Book used at the Burnley Festival on 30.04.2016 to celebrate 125 years of teaching at Burnley.Signed with comments by a number of people associated with Burnley.burnley festival, 2016, visitors book, guest book, alumni -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Certificate, Colonial & Indian Exhibition, 1886
Certificate inscribed, 'Presented with a Commemorative Medal to Thomas Thornell.' Signed Albert ? Executive President and Philip Cunliffe Owen, Secretary to the Royal Commission. Produced by Fac-simile chromo litho art studio, London and W. Griggs, imp. London. (Also see B92.545, framed and glazed copy.)Inscribed, 'Presented with a Commemorative Medal to Thomas Thornell.' Signed Albert ? Executive President and Philip Cunliffe Owen, Secretary to the Royal Commission.thomas thornell, philip cunliffe owen, secretary, royal commission, w. griggs, colonial & indian exhibition, certificate, medal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Card - Report Card, School of Primary Agriculture and Horticulture, Royal Horticultural Gardens, Burnley, Marks for Out-Door Work, 1929-1930
(1) Report Card for Miss P. McVickar for Term I, 1929. Marks given for Regularity, Punctuality and Interest and Work. (2) Certificate of Competency dated 15.02.1930.certificates, p. mcvickar, marks, students -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Documents - Certificate and Reports, Justine Curry (Mitchelson) Album Burnley Horticultural CollegeVic. 1953-1954, 1953-1954
Justine Mitchelson. See Separate catalogue.justine mitchelson -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Certificate, Certificate in Landscape Design
Certificate in Landscape Design awarded to Brian Bernard Gleeson on 28.11.1979 signed by Brian S. Pell, Principal and one unused certificate for successfully completing a one year part-time course in Landscape Design with Credit at Burnley Horticultural College. Issued by the Department of Agriculture Victoriacertificates, students, landscape design, part time -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Drawing - Sketch, watercolour, Old Schoolhouse Burnley S.G.S. 48, 1948
"The Pavilion"/"Old Schoolhouse" (Burnley Gardens Melbourne) in course of being demolishedColoured ink sketch of the Pavilion in the course of demolition by unidentified artistOld Schoolhouse Burnley S.G.S. 48pavilion, drawing, watercolour sketch, demolition, schoolhouse building -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, The Australian Garden Lover, An Australian Horticultural School; Enterprise at Burnley, 1926
Cover and pages from "The Australian Garden Lover" , Vol. 2, No. 7, Oct. 1926 describing Burnley. Also see B91.405.the australian garden lover, magazine -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Report, Revised roads plan for Burnley Gardens and Report to accompany Master Plan of Burnley Gardens, 1949-1951
2 documents containing the report by E.M. Gibsontucker, e. m. gibson, administration building construction -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet - Catalogue, C.A. Nobelius & Sons Pty. Ltd, Catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs and conifers, 1941
c.a. nobelius, nursery, gembrook, emerald, victoria -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan - Photocopies and photograph, Plan of the Experimental Gardens, c. 1860
See B92.0633experimental, gardens, alfred lynch, plan -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Sticker, Logo
Sticker with Burnley Horticultural College logologo, burnley horticultural college