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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - Folder of Photographs – Photocopied set of 10 black and white photographs (pages 19 - 28) from the display folder put together by KVHS to document life on the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric Scheme
Although the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme was first proposed in 1911, construction did not commence until 1938. As part of the push to cut electricity costs and diversify supply, the Victorian Government (circa 1930) initiated the conversion from primarily brown coal supply to hydro – electricity. Field investigations during the 1940’s resulted in a new proposal for a scheme that had more than double the capacity of the 1938 scheme. The Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme became the largest scheme of its kind in the State Of Victoria and the second largest scheme in Australia. The number of personnel involved in the planning and construction of the scheme increased dramatically. During the late 1940’s, most activity centred around the construction of the West Kiewa Power Station, Rocky Valley Reservoir, McKay Creek Power Station and the Bogong Creek Aqueduct.A common thread across all the larger hydro scheme constructions was the need for workers, both qualified and unqualified who came from around the world seeking a new life for themselves and their families. New accommodation and facilities were required for the army of workers engaged in construction in often remote and wild areas. The SEC had a high demand for timber, and set up the first of a number of sawmills at Bogong Creek in 1939 and set up the first hardwood logging in the headwaters of the Kiewa River. These new ‘towns’ such as Mt Beauty and Bogong, survived, serving the needs of operational personnel and their families, and expanding with growth of new industries. Mount Beauty, and to a lesser extent Bogong, are among these places. Large A3 size spiral bound display folder containing 21 pages of photocopied black and white photographs of various aspects of the early days of the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric scheme including equipment, various work sites and photographs of workers and their families. 1-Allis Chalmers Tractor School 2- Gardens outside Administrative Office – Mt Beauty 3- Mt Beauty house – 1950 4-Bridge over Pretty Valley River, Bogong 5-Rocky Valley Spillway Tunnel break through 6-Ni 1 Headrace Tunnel drilling face 7-No 4 Power Station Drilling 8-Clover Dam Flood Waters 9-No1 Head Race Tunnel Portal Building 10-Clover Dam 1-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 5.9.49 Time: 10amm No K5174 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Allis Chalmers Tractor School Page number 19 2-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 22.2.50 Time: 3.30pm No K5601 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Gardens outside Administrative Office – Mt Beauty Page number 20 3-Mt Beauty house – 1950 Page number 21 4-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 23.10.50 Time: 11.15am No K6331 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Bogong-Bridge over Pretty Valley River Page number 22 5-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 23.6.50 Time: 2.30pm No K5844 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works ROCKY VALLEY SPILLWAY TUNNEL BREAK THROUGH Page number 23 6-20/3/52 – No. 1 Headrace Tunnel Drilling face (E.E.E. contract) Page number 24 7-6/6/52 – No 4 Power Station – Drilling Page number 25 8-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 6/6/52 Time: No K7113 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Clover Dam Flood Waters Page number 26 9-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: Oct 1952 Time: No K7239 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 1 HEAD RACE TUNNEL PORTAL BUILDING. Handwritten underneath – This information from Ron White-the later Principal Hydro Engineer of the SEC. Oct 1952 Location incorrect? All work on No 1 had ceased after financial crash of 1951. This photo would refer to No 4 Headrace Tunnel? Page number 27 10-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: Jan 1953 Time: No K7307 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works CLOVER DAM Page number 28 secv; kiewa hydro electric scheme; bogong; mt beauty; construction area -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph – black and white photograph of children playing in the school yard at Bogong Village Primary School, Circa late 1960s to early 1970’s
The early forties saw rapid growth of Bogong Village, with single and married men’s quarters, workshops, mess huts and administrative offices. The facilities necessary for communal living were quickly in place- a post office, police station, co-op store, medical centre, community hall/theatre, tennis courts and school. Bogong Primary School opened in 1941 to provide an education for the families of employees of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. The school had up to date equipment and received glowing reports from school inspectors. It closed circa 1970.The Bogong State School was opened for the children of S.E.C.V. workers who lived in Bogong in a remote part of north east Victoria. The nearest school would have been 14 miles away and over mountain roads subject to heavy construction traffic and extremes of climatic conditionsBlack and white photograph of a group of 6 children playing on play equipment in the schoolyard at Bogong Primary School. The area is enclosed by tall trees in a bush-like settingbogong state school; secv; kiewa hydro electric scheme; -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - 30 black and white photographs (assorted sizes) plus page from a newspaper and copied article on A4 paper, c1880's c1910 - 1920 (photographs) Newspaper 1961
K2,3 and4 are of the Kiewa River and two of the bridges spanning the river along the valley. K3 and K4 would have been taken in the 1880's and show the type of trees and plant growth along the river prior to land clearing for farming. K5 is of the Running Creek Cricket Team and therefore there was sufficient population in the area to form and maintain a team as well as have other teams in the relatively near vicinity to provide competition. Note the horse drawn cart which provided transport. Date taken is unknown but possibly c 1910. The Mt. Buffalo Chalet was built in 1910 by the Victorian Government. It was Australia's first ski resort and has served generations of skiiers, hikers and families over the years. It was built for 3195 pounds and has had stories and wings added since and is the largest timber building in Australia. B4 is the earliest photo in this group as the garden is in early stages of development - the other photos show the growth of the shrubs and would be taken about c 1920. Note the cars and motor bikes. It closed in 2006. The other photos are of general interest only but interesting to see that there were donkey's grazing. There is no information as to their purpose on Mt. Buffalo. Four different Kiewa Valley families are represented in the photographs. Their descendants still live in the Valley and carry on the traditions of beef and dairy farming. Of particular interest is the photo of Miss Marjorie Clemence, the first School Teacher of Upper Gundowring School. Gundowring pastoral run was taken up in 1838 and occupied by framers in the 1860's. The area was known as Gundowring and Upper Gundowring. The Gundowring School was opened in 1871 and most likely the Upper Gundowring school would be built at the same time. It was School No. 2733 and situated in Boyd Road. It closed in 1953 when the Kiewa Consolidated School opened. The newspaper page describes the activities in which the local community of Kergunyah were in engaged in that period - Red Cross, Fire Brigade, cattle round up and some of the identities involved. The article photocopied from the Yackandandah times states that he (Norman Coad) "was sent to the Ovens District Hospital, Beechworth for treatment" which would mean that this was the closest hospital to the Kiewa Valley for emergencies in 1912.The Kiewa Valley photographs are of social significance showing two of the early bridges allowing the community easy access to both sides of the river and also the tree and plant growth before land clearing for farming. The photos of Mt. Buffalo Chalet have social, architectural and historical significance. the Chalet has been used by skiers, bush walkers and day trippers since its completion in 1910 and its closure in 2006. It is listed in the Victorian Heritage Register. The family photographs are of social and historical significance as they are of early farming families in the Kiewa Valley and also depict the dress, of both men and women) in the late 1880's. The write up in the Weekly Times has social significance as it depicts the social and farming activities and photos of the local residents from around that area. The article from the Yackandandah Times is of a personal nature with concern for the individual involved. Note: There is a photo of the gentleman mentioned in the article (Mr. Norman Coad) in the Families of the Kiewa Valley (F4) as above.30 black and white photographs - 5 of the Kiewa Valley, 8 of families of the Kiewa Vallley and 17 of Mt. Buffalo. Various sized photos. Page from the Weekly times and copied article from the Yackandandah Times on A4 sheet.(Note for easier identification they have been numbered and grouped - K1-5 (Kiewa Valley), F1-8 (Families) and B1-17 (Mt. Buffalo). K1: handwritten in ink, lower L hand corner "Bogong in the distance". K2: handwritten in ink lower L hand corner "Mongan's Bridge or Towonga". K3 handwritten in ink "Taken from Mongan Bridge looking up stream". K4 - no inscription. K5: handwritten in ink, back of photo "Running Creek Cricket Team". F1: handwritten in ink on back "Mrs. Heap" and lower down in pencil "1880's". F2 handwritten in pencil at top of back phot "Land at Tawonga TROVE The Y'dah Times 20/2/1913" and lower down in ink "Henry Ellis Larkin". F3: handwritten in ink bottom edge "Mrs Coad". Note that this photo is a postcard. F4: Written in ink lower edge "Norman Coad". Note this photo is also a postcard. F5: Lower left corner in Ink "Harry Larkin". F6: lower half back of photo, in ink "Bernie Maddison". F7: on back of photograph in ink "Miss Marjorie Clemence first School Teacher Upper Gundowring: and underneath, in pencil "C1880's". F8: Handwritten in ink on back of photo "Frank & Mrs. Keat & Lesley of Tawonga". Lower down in pencil "c1912-1914". B1: Back of photo in ink "The Chalet Mt. Buffalo". B2: no inscription. B3: "chalet at Bufflo" in ink lower left corner. B4: This is a post card. Written in ink is "Mt. Buffalo Chalet". B5 - B10 printed in ink, lower left corner "Buffalo". B11: no inscription. B12: "Mt. Buffalo" lower R corner. B13: "Buffalo?". B15: Printed in ink lower edge "Picnic at Buffalo". B16: "Donkeys on Mt. Buffalo" printed in ink lower edge. B17: handwritten in ink across back of photo "Donkeys & top of Mt. Buffalo with the Monileith in the distance". A4 sheet of paper describing an accident to Mr. Norman Coad. Under article is : Yackandandah Times (Vic: 1890 - 1931), Thursday 18 July 1912, page 3. A page torn from the Weekly Times, June 14, 1961 and entitled "Kergunyah has picturesque setting". kiewa valley, farming, families, kergunyah, gundowring upper, mt. buffalo chalet, briggs family, larki family, coad family, clemence family, laskowski collection -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Colour photograph of Nesta Drew and her former teacher
Mrs Nesta Drew is a longtime resident of Tawonga having operated a dairy farm with her family on the Kiewa Valley Highway in Tawonga. She grew up in the area and attending local schools and raised her own family there, until selling up the family home and moving into an aged care facility in recent years. Some of her family still reside in the local area. Mrs Drew is a well known community figure in the Tawonga area with links to many social and family groups. She has a very strong historical connection to Tawonga and has been a reliable source of anecdotal local historical knowledge. Colour photograph of Mrs Nesta Drew visiting her former teacher Miss Edna Jenkins. Explanation of photograph handwritten on the back by Mrs Drew (see photograph above) -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
9 small black and white Photographs, c1950
These photos were taken in 1950 by Bill Peel who was appointed as a secondary teacher at the newly built Mt. Beauty School in January 1950. He was the entire secondary staff for an enrolment of 4 students in Form 3 (year 9), 9 in Form 2 and 25 in Form 1. There were also 4 primary teachers as the school combined both primary and secondary education. He was provided with accommodation at the staff hostel (Mt. Beauty Chalet). A autobiography is also enclosed describing his 12 months as a teacher in Mt. Beauty.These photographs give a clear picture of the stage of construction of housing in both Bogong Village and Mt. Beauty in 1950. Large workmen's camps are clearly visible at both sites. Construction at Rocky Valley Dam site has just begun. They are of historical significance. The autobiography gives an excellent insight into conditions teachers faced in small country schools;Nine small black and white photographs3 photos stamped with "1 856", 4 photos stamped with "210, 2 photos are identified with hand written inscriptions, in ink, on the back - "Railway Bridge Bright '50" and second photo "Lake Catani '50" also 'Kodak' circular stamp on back of beauty, bogong, acccommodation, education, rocky valley -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Me & My Girl, 1997
This is a program for the 1997 Holiday Actors production of ‘Me and My Girl’. The Holiday Actors began in 1985 when a group of students from what was then C.B.C. College and St. Ann’s School performed in a production of ‘Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’. The following summer ‘The Boyfriend’ was staged and it was decided to extend the production in future years to include students in other secondary schools. Holiday Actors became incorporated in 1986 and the productions are staged annually today in the January school vacationThis program is of interest as an example of the productions staged by the Holiday Actors, an important Warrnambool theatre company. This is a program of 16 pages for the 1997 Holiday Actors production of ‘Me and My Girl’. It has a mauve-coloured cover with a black and white sketch of a dancing couple on the front cover and a sketch of a violin and a McDonalds logo on the back cover. The program includes advertisements, photographs of the cast and information on the play and the Holiday Actors. The pages were stapled but the staples have been removed. holiday actors, warrnambool theatre productions, production – ‘me and my girl’ -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Modern Print, W’Bool, Victoria, Enterprise Warrnambool Technical School 1959, 1959
This is a typical school magazine which documents the activities and people who were associated as either studens of staff during 1959. It records through photographs sporting teams such as football, basketball, softball, hockey and baseball. There are also staff photographs and lists of staff and their duties. The articles have been written by staff and students around topics such as sporting successes and events and excursions and notes written about the different students. The technical school taught trade orientated subjects such as dressmaking, plumbing, woodwork, turning and fitting, motor mechanics, commercial and cookery as well as some academic subjects such as English and mathematics.This magazine provides a photographic record of students and staff at one of Warrnambool's largest schools in 1959. It also reflects the types of subjects taught at that time and the many articles written by the students reflect the standard of education and topics which were relevant around the school at that time. It provides a worthwhile historical and social snapshot of 1959.Pale green cover in soft card with brown text and diagram in shape of a boomerang on front cover. Approximately 40 pages which contain a number of black and white photographs and lists of student groups and sports teams as well as staff and the positions held.Annual magazine Warrnambool Technical School.1959. Among the acknowledgements are Mr K Shepherd, Mr P Clarke, Mrs Laidler, Mr Reid and Mr Conry, Warrnambool Standard and Modern Print. C Crawford , business manager and G Brown, editor. J & L Bristol written inside front cover.warrnambool, warrnambool technical school, warrnambool tech school, tech school timor street, warrnambool technical school 1959,, enterprise magazine warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, 150, 1872-2022 Common Threads 150 Years of Stories From St. Ann's, CBC, & Emmanuel College, 2022
History of Emmanuel College and its founding schoolsThis is a book of 220 pages with a red cover in blue and white printing and white and red graphics. It has a dust cover replicating some of the pattern of the hard cover. The pages contain printed text, black and white and coloured photographs and other illustrations. There is a loose book mark with the printing replicating the cover. non-fictionHistory of Emmanuel College and its founding schools catholic education in warrnambool., history of emmanuel college, st ann's, christian brothers college, emmanuel college warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Card - Birthday Card, Warrnambool Congregational Church, 1910
This is a birthday card sent to Frederick King in 1910 on the occasion of his birthday. The greetings have been sent by the Warrnambool Congregational Church and Sunday School and the card includes the names of the church Pastor, and the children's church roll superintendent A Congregational Church was opened in Warrnambool at the corner of Liebig and Lava Streets in 1864. In 1940 a new church was built at the corner of Lava and Henna Streets and when the Congregational Church joined with the Methodist Church the building in Lava Street was sold to the Salvation Army in 1979. No information has been found on Frederick King.This card is of historic interest, showing the custom early in the 20th century of church Sunday Schools sending birthday greetings to its attendees.This is a sheet of cream-coloured paper showing a blue-toned photograph, a coloured sketch of two birds and a spray of flowers, printing and handwritingwarrnambool congregational church, frederick king -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book - Biography of Charles Pratt, Kevin O'Reilly, Charles Pratt of Belmont Common, 2016
Biographical material of Charles Pratt and diary extractsThis is a book of 280 pages with a blue and brown hard cover with sepia -coloured photographs on the front and back covers and multi-coloured print on the cover and spine. The dust cover has the same content as the hard cover. The pages contain printed text, black and white photographs, charts and sketches. non-fictionBiographical material of Charles Pratt and diary extracts charles pratt, 1920s aerial photographs, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Emmanuel College Warrnambool: celebrating 25 years 1991-2016, 2016
Emmanuel College is the result of the amalgamation of St Ann's girls' college and Christian Brothers' College boys' school in 1991. Mother Philomene Maguire arrived in Warrnambool and commenced a Convent of Mercy and school with the consent of the then Bishop of Victoria, Bishop Goold. The school opened in Wyton House in Botanic Road. Brother Egan arrived in 1902 and set up a Brothers' group and school and 104 boys enrolled. Since its inception in 1991 Emmanuel College provides a broad education for students to Year 12 level. A number of students have achieved a high profile in the community, including footballer Jonathan Brown, television personality Dave Hughes, educatior Professor Colin Ferguson, musician Shane Howard, Olympic cyclist Michelle Ferris.This booklet briefly documents the history of Emmanuel College and its predecessors St Ann's and CBC and includes a list of their more prominent and well-known 'inspiring alumni'. It provides research information and window on a period of socialA4 size full colour booklet with a photograph of a white building with light brown trim and red iron roof and arched windows; four senior students (two boys and two girls) wearing school uniform are standing in the foreground. Their blazers feature the school logo. Title is white print in a red box and a sub-title at the bottom right hand side is in red print. 15 pages25 YEARS/Emmanuel College/1991-2016 Emmanuel College/Warrnambool/Celebrating 25 years/1991-2016 Built on tradition, Educating for the future.emmanuel college, convent of mercy, bishop goold, catholic schools, wyton house, brother egan, st ann's college, christian brothers college warrnambool, education, education in the warrnambool area, boyce, rosalie, ferris, michelle, gorman, lisa, howard, shane, keilar, brendan, o'dwyer, dr barry, ryan, kathryn, brown, jonathan, atkinson, david oam, coghlan, gorgi, earls, judith, o'shea, br frank, ryan, dr kevin, houlihan, sr natalie, hughes, dave, ferguson, prof colin, howard, sr adele, ryan, shaun, smith, karan, lanigan, sgt sean, melican, felicity, turner, michael, green, danielle mp, holland, nicki, o'keefe, marcia oam, o'toole, melanie, harrington, clayton, gallagher, br don, gleeson, dr laurence, gleeson, trevor, houlihan, patrick, mugavin, fr patrick -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Silent Lives: women of Warrnambool & district 1840-1910, November 2017
Warrnambool has never done justice to the women who shared their menfolk the hardships of the pioneering days. Silent Lives fills a void in the history of Warrnambool and surrounding districts, during the early decades 1840s to 1910, providing a narrative about some of the people, in particular women, missing so far in our documented history. Elizabeth O'Callaghan has meticulously researched the period, drawing on early newspapers, diaries, letters, unpublished family histories, honour board listings as well as public documents such as hotel licensing and teacher records held in the Public Record Office of Victoria and State Library of Victoria. By their unremitting labours and self-sacrifice the pioneering women of Warrnambool and district helped to lay the foundations of our communities today.This publication is of significance as it documents the lives of 19th century women in Warrnambool and district between 1840 and 1910 covering Aboriginal women, schools and teachers, specialist teachers of art, writing and cookery, sporting activities, political and charitable activities, how the law treated women, medical treatment, and the everyday lives of women and their families. It contains images of art produced by some of these women.A4 size book with photograph of 7 women and 3 children in c1890sworking clothing and long white aprons, sitting and standing in front of a hedge with washing draped over the hedge. The two girls on the right are wearing wide-brimmed hats. The title is in white print on a band of dark blue across the middle. The bottom third features an early image of Warrnambool and the author's name in dark blue.Elizabeth O'Callaghan/November 2017warrnambool, history of warrnambool, 19th century women, women pioneers, silent lives, elizabeth o'callaghan, cover design james colquhoun -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Publication, Collett and Bain, Heytesbury Forest School, c.1971
This booklet, by Rosamund Duruz, gives the history of the schools in the Heytesbury Forest area. The Heytesbury Shire Council was established in 1863 and the first schools in the area opened in the 1870s. Most of them were closed when Timboon Consolidated School (later Timboon High School) opened in 1948. The Heytesbury Forest was largely deforested by the Bailey Closer Settlement Scheme of the 1930s and later the establishment of more farming properties in the 1950s. This booklet is of interest as a comprehensive history of the schools in the Heytesbury Forest area pre 1970. It will be useful for researchers. This is a soft-cover booklet of 63 pages. The cover is a cream colour with brown images of trees and a school on the front cover. The booklet includes a map, a sketch and several black and white photographs. The booklet is bound with metal staples.schools in heytesbury forest, victoria, rosamund duruz, historian, history of warrnambool -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph, 1980? A note has been added by C.J (Claire Jackson) saying that the photo was taken about 1973-74
The photograph shows the state of the Echuca wharf in 1973 or 1974. The P.S Pevensey looks like it has just received a fresh coat of paint. There is also a train parked on the wharf behind the school students. The river also appears to be quite high. This photograph shows the state of the wharf in the early 1970's. It shows the fence between the wharf and Murray Esplande was relatively new. The tourism industry was very new to Echuca in the 1970's but the P.S Pevensey looks ready to take Tourists cruising on the Murray River. It also shows schools were using the port as a valuable resource for teaching History.A black and white photograph of the P.S Pevensey tied up to the Echuca Wharf. There is a group of school children leaning over the wire fence at the edge of the wharf. There is also one teacher supervising the children. The Steam Packet Inn and the Customs House can be seen in the background.Pevensey; Melbourne can be seen clearly written on the paddle steamer. On the back of the photograph is written "This photograph is with the compliments of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of Victoria. Please acknowledge photo; Michael Cheshire. There is also a purple Port of Echuca stamp on the back of the photograph.echuca wharf, p. s pevensey, ministry of tourism, cheshire, michael -
Port of Echuca
A rectangular coloured photograph, 1979
This is a picture of the original Town Hall building built in High Street in the 1890's. It was designed by renowned Bendigo Architect W.C .Vahland. This picture was taken in 1979 when the Echuca Library was housed there. The Echuca Library operated out of this building from 1965 up to 2013 when the new library was built. In this photograph there are two people standing in the doorway and two cars parked in the street.This photograph is significant because it shows the first Town Hall building built in High Street in the late 1890's. The building was designed by W.C Vahland and was also used as the Law Courts before the Law Court building was built in Law Court Place. This building has also been used as the High School, while the Echuca High School was being built in the 1920's it was also used as a Kindergarten and the town Library operated there from 1965 to 2012 when the new Library was built. The Shire of Campaspe Information Technology Department has been housed there from 2012 up to the Present.A coloured photograph, in postcard size, of the original Town Hall building of Echuca, taken in 1979, when the building was being used as the Echuca Library.echuca town hall, echuca library, vahland, w.c -
Port of Echuca
Colour Photograph, Approx. 1979
Formerly the home of Henry Hopwood. Apsley House, No. 1 Echuca. This was purchased for the Bridgine nuns to establish a catholic co-education school in Echuca. Extensions were made to the original structure (to the south of this building) with outbuildings and brick stables converted to school rooms during the late 1886 and opened as St Joseph's in 1887. The front section of the school was built in 1888. At the time of this photograph the upper floor of the building was the boarding house. The school building holds historical, social and spiritual significance to Echuca being the former home of Echuca's founder, Henry Hopwood. The diocese purchased the original building for 1,000 pounds. The school opened as a co-educational school on 22/3/1886 with 16 boys and 7 girls. It's first enrolment was a non-Catholic boy. By the end of 1886 there were 30 pupils. The boarding school opened on 4/5/1886 with 6 students. The chapel (to the north of this building) was built in 1889. For 60 years the school provided both primary and secondary schooling but in 1960's it changed to secondary schooling. The boarding house closed around 1986 and the school continued as a co-educational catholic college.Colour photograph (post-card size) of Bridgine Convent, Echuca (St.Joseph's College), showing arched facade over the verandah and the upper louvred windows of the boarding house.On front above the entrance "Brigidine Convent A.D. 1886.. Printed on the reverse:" this paper manufactured by Kodak"echuca- secondary schools, st joseph's college, echuca, brigidine convent, echuca -
Port of Echuca
Colour Photograph, Approx.1979
This building opened on 19 October 1874. The front section of this building including 8 classrooms, the headmaster's office and the bell tower were destroyed by fire 27 February 1890. "The burnt section of the school was rebuilt along the lines of the original building and today the red brick facade and bell tower are a feature of the Hare Strett skyline" (Echuca Stetchbook, Blyth, I, 1978, p.32.Henry Hopwood, founder of Echuca, saw the need to establish a national school to educate the children of Echuca. The first National School opened in October 1858 in a framed tent. Construction of the first brick school house began in 1859 on the site of the original Post Office in Hare street. Later the site changed to the southern end of Hare street and this building was opened 19 October 1874. The school stayed here until a new school was built on the old Echuca Technical School site.Colour photograph (post-card size) of Echuca Primary School, 208, showing the eastern facade including the bell tower, taken from the eastern side of High street. Printed on the reverse:"this paper manufactured by Kodak"echuca-primary schools, echuca-historical buildings -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Magazines, 1 W.D. James & Co .2 H.J. Paynter & Co, The Link, Early 1920s
These magazines originally belonged to Catherine Mary Stewart who taught at Penshurst State School. She was the grandmother of the donor of the two magazines. These magazines were produced in the 1920s by the inspectorate of the Warrnambool district schools and they featured contributions by the pupils and teachers from the schools in the area. The magazine, ‘The Link’ was first published in September 1921 and came out once or twice a year in the early 1920s. In 1924 the magazine had a circulation of 1500 covering 107 State Schools, one Technical School, one High School, two Higher Elementary Schools and 17 registered schools. The contributions from the pupils are of special interest today as many of the names later became important locally and some of the photographs are of interest as they are ones not in local collections today. These magazines are of considerable importance as they contain many photographs not previously seen and much original material (articles, poems etc) produced by pupils and teachers in the Western District of Victoria in the early 1920s. They are of value to researchers. .1 A soft cover booklet of 42 pages. The booklet is stapled. The cover is buff-coloured with blue printing and it has images of children, schools, sporting equipment, technical classes and other decorative material. The booklet contains printed material, black and white photographs and advertisements. .2 as above except that there are 72 pages and a different publication date education in the western district, “the link” schools magazine, history of warrnambool -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Briar Hill Primary School, n.d
... melbourne Fay Bridge Collection Briar Hill Primary School 2 images ...fay bridge collection, briar hill primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, St Andrews Primary School children in old time costumes, n.d
fay bridge collection, parade, st andrews, st andrews market, st andrews primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham North, Vic, Apr. 1972
Centred on present day Eltham North reserve near Eltham North Primary School, Eltham North bounded by Allendale Road to north, Bellevue Road to south, Zig Zag Road and Beard Street to east and Ryans Road to west. Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :985 Project : MELBOURNE 1972 Run : 26 Frame : 190 Date : 04/1972 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC10 Flying Height : 5700 Scale : 9600 Film Number : 2636 GDA2020 : 37°41'52"S, 145°08'52"E MGA2020 : 336705, 5826102 (55) Melways : 11 J12 (ed. 42)aerial photo, neil webster collection, 1972-04, allendale road, beard street, bellevue road, eltham, eltham north, eltham north reserve, melway 11j12, ryans road, zig zag road, eltham north primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Our Lady Help Of Christians School, Eltham, c.1947
... Help of Christian’s Primary School Teagle family Theodore ...Kenneth Ingram 2nd from left, John Teagle 2nd from right, Theodore (Woofy) Feldbauer is the tall boy at the back behind Ken Ingram's left shoulder.eltham, john teagle, kenneth ingram, our lady help of christian’s primary school, teagle family, theodore albert (wolfie) feldbauer, pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, First Communion at Our Lady Help of Christian's, Eltham, c.1950
L-R: ? , ? , ? , Charlie Layfield, Kenneth Ingram, ? , Albert Feldbaueralbert feldbauer, charlie layfield, holy communion, our lady help of christian’s primary school, pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection, kenneth albert ingram -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Pam Ingram's Holy Communion, Our Lady Help of Christian's, Eltham, c.1953
Pam Ingram undertook Holy Communion at Our Lady Help of Christian's in Eltham when she was 8 years old or younger.pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection, pamela lorraine ingram, pamela thoonen (nee ingram), holy communion, our lady help of christian’s primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Our Lady Help Of Christians School Girls, Eltham, c.1954
... School Girls, Eltham Photograph Photograph ...Pam Ingram advises that the inscription on back of photo is incorrect and that this is photo at Our Lady Help of Christian's, Eltham. She is situated in the front row, 4th from right.Written on back "Our Lady of Sacred Heart Bentleigh"pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection, pamela lorraine ingram, pamela thoonen (nee ingram), class photo, our lady help of christian’s primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Classic Photos, Form 3A, Eltham High School, 1960
... 12.5 x 20.5 cm Form 3A, Eltham High School Photograph ...Dr Gary Presland advised the following in October 2020: "In 1959 my parents bought a house in Church Street, Panton Hill. For about three and a half years previously, they had farmed a property 15 km south of Echuca, before moving, briefly to Melbourne. After moving to Panton Hill, I was enrolled at Eltham HS, in Form 2 (Year 8). I completed that year, and in 1960 was in Form 3A (at which time the photograph was taken). To reach the school, I caught a bus each day, from Panton Hill. Early in 1960, my parents decided to separate. My mother left with the youngest two of my three siblings, leaving me and a younger brother with our father in Panton Hill. My brother was in Year 7 at the High School. After a few months, my father and I had a falling out and my brother and I left home to join our mother in South Melbourne. For the remainder of the 1960 school year we travelled each day by train from Melbourne to Eltham. In 1961 I was enrolled at Melbourne Boys High School, which was the nearest secondary school to where I was then living."Written in pencil on back: "Gary Presland - 4th from left, back row Eltham HS, 1960" Also stamped in purple ink on back "Classic Photos"1960, class photo, eltham high school, gary presland -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Original Kangaroo Ground Primary School No. 2105 building, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground, 28 December 2007
Kangaroo Ground's first school began in 1851 with 22 pupils from the district's ten families. It was a single room school located further south on the site, which also served as a Presbyterian church. The first teacher was Andrew Ross. The school building was used as a Post Office between 1854 and 1858 and during 1857 also served as a Court of Petty Sessions. With a growing farming community, a new building was warranted and the original Sate School No. 352 was closed and a new building, State School No. 2105 was oipened October 1, 1878. A residence for Head Teacher Henry Wallace School was erected in 1879 attached to the left of the school building. That residence is now home to the Andrew Ross Museum, which opened in 1993. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p35This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kangaroo ground, eltham-yarra glen road, kangaroo ground primary school no. 2105, kangaroo ground state school, state school no. 2105 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Former Police Residence, 728 Main Road, Eltham, 28 December 2007
The institutions of law and order in Colonial Victoria included the police, courts and prisons. The 1852 report of the Snodgrass Select Committee appointed to "identify the policing needs of the colony” noted there existed seven independent police forces that did not co-operate or regularly communicate. Following the committee's report all these police entities were merged into the Victoria Police, founded on 8 January 1853, to implement law and order responsibilities throughout the Colony of Victoria. The Eltham Courthouse (1860) and adjacent Police Residence (1859) formed a justice precinct established in the immediate aftermath of the 1852 police inquiry and the effects of the gold rush. The physical presence of these buildings, in the centre of the early Eltham township, defined centralised control over law and order. In the early days the Police Constable in charge would conduct his duties travelling around the district by horse; a stable was located at the rear of the residence. At times the horse would be grazed on the paddocks across the road. Horseshoes were forged by the blacksmith beside the Courthouse on the high side of “Policeman’s Hill”. Along with the stable, there was a two-cell bluestone lockup where prisoners were held awaiting trial in the adjacent Courthouse. Their meals were usually provided by the policeman’s wife or from the hotel just up the road. With the arrival of the railway in 1902 the town centre gradually shifted towards the railway station. The Police Station and operations were moved into the town centre in 1961 to a renovated house in Pryor Street, which was later replaced by the current Police Station. From 1961-1981 the residence was occupied by the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Section of the Department of Crown Lands and Survey. Prior to August 1967 the former Police Station was dragged to the rear of Police Residence to make way for the construction of a driveway and access from Main Road. The building was placed on the site of a former Scullery and modified for Lands Department use. In 1981 the Shire of Eltham took over management of the former Police Residence in Eltham. It remained unoccupied for a period whilst its future was discussed in Council. It was then used for a community job creation scheme until 1985. In 1985 the Shire of Eltham Parks and Environment occupied the residence. Council improved the driveway but later added a second rear access from Brougham Street due to the dangerous nature of the Main Road entrance. Additionally, a rear toilet facility between the Police Residence and the relocated former Police Station, which was doubling up as a lunchroom. Council also commenced discussions to re-establish a replica Police Station. Around November 1986 the former Police Station was demolished; believed to have been suffering termite damage. About 1989, after some years of discussion, a replica Police Station was built, based on photographs, to act as a lunchroom and meeting room for the Parks and Environment staff and volunteers doing community service. In 1996 Eltham District Historical Society held discussions with Nillumbik Shire Council commissioners throughout the year regarding a home for the Society. A proposal was put forward by the Society in October to occupy the former Police Residence. In March 1997 Eltham District Historical Society gained access to former Police Residence and on July 12, 1998, moved into its Local History Centre. In July 2018, Eltham District Historical Society gained access to the replica Police Station (which had been used as a music library and storage for the Eltham Concert Band) for use as part of regular heritage tours for schools and community-based groups. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p65This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, main road, eltham district historical society, eltham justice precinct, little eltham, local history centre, police residence, police station -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Former St Andrews State School No. 128 building, 23 January 2008
... site to the title boundaries. The school building ...In 1858 the Caledonia Common School No.128 opened at Queenstown, about 1.6km upstream on Diamond Creek from the present site of the old St Andrews school. The school was renamed Queenstown Common School No. 128 in 1867. In 1882, due to declining numbers of pupils at Smiths Gully and increasing numbers in Queenstown the school was moved from a leased building, owned by Head Teacher Robert Harris, into a new larger building on the corner of School and Heidelberg-Kinglake roads which incorporated the original single room school building, which had been moved from Smiths Gully, and included a teacher’s three-roomed residence. In 1887 the school was replaced by the Queenstown State School No. 128. The school and town were renamed St Andrews in 1952. In 1983 a new school was built, 500 metres south of the old school and the old school became the St Andrews Community Centre. Of significance is the c1887 school building (including part of the c1876 Smith's Gully school moved to the site and incorporated into the c1887 school building), the c1911 new room, the c1929 cloakroom, the c1930 renovations, the c1956 new infant room; the c1961 office and storeroom, as well as the c1950 Himalayan Cedar tree and the entire site to the title boundaries. The school building is historically significant for its links with the early settlement of the area and because its use of materials from the former Smith's Gully State school illustrates the common 19th and early 20th century practice of relocating State school buildings based on need. The school building is historically and socially significant because it served the local community, as a school, from 1887 to the late 1970s/early 1980s and because since then it has been used for other community purposes. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p69This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, st andrews, queenstown state school no. 128, smiths gully state school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Parish Hall, St John's Anglican Church, Diamond Creek, 7 September 2008
The building was designed by Charles Maplestone of Heidelberg, son-in-law to Anthony Beale of St Helena. Maplestone was a prominent architect who came out to Australia with his family in 1852. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs Isabella Maplestone on 11th November 1867. The bricklayers for the church were George Stebbing, H Limmer, H Spicer and a Mr Timm while Thomas Day was the stonemason. Another three years were to pass before sufficient money could be raised for its completion. It was opened by Bishop Perry on 1st November, 1870. The church bell which hung under a tree for 50 years until it was incorporated in the parish hall was brought out from England and presented by Charles Orme. In 1916, the estate of George Martin Pizzey left sufficient money to build the red brick hall, which still stands today (2023) though in January 1969 the hall and bell tower were badly damaged by bushfire. Coincidentally the former home of benefactor, George Pizzey was destroyed in the same fire. Of particular significance are the interior and exterior of the church, the Sunday school and hall with emphasis on pre-World War I fabric (excluding the 1990s additions) and the three coloured glass windows currently suspended in the 1990s entry foyer. In 2011 further alterations were made to the front of the Church. The church is historically significant because it was the oldest public building in the former Diamond Valley Shire, is amongst the oldest buildings in the Shire of Nillumbik and is associated with the early settlement of the Diamond Creek district. The church is historically, socially and spiritually significant because it has been a place of worship for over 150 years and continues to be, an important meeting place in the Shire. The church is aesthetically significant for the three stained glass windows executed by the noted stained glass manufacturers, Ferguson & Urie, as well as the supporting coloured glass windows in the church. The Sunday school & parish hall is architecturally significant because the hall is a well executed and preserved example of the work of noted church architects, North & Williams. It is historically significant because it is connected with local parishioner and Melbourne industrialist, George Pizzey, who bequeathed funds for its construction. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. National Estate Ntionl Trust of Australia (Victoria) Local significance Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p85 References: St Johns Anglican Church complex, Sunday School and Parish Hall 61 Main Street DIAMOND CREEK, NILLUMBIK SHIRE. (2023, June 7). Retrieved from Diamond Creek, VIC. – St John’s Anglican (2023, June 7). Retrieved from This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, st john's anglican church, diamond creek, parish hall