Showing 2413 items
matching street works
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Path, Bay Street and Crockford Street, Municipality of Sandridge, 8 Oct 1861
Path works, west side of Bay Street and Crockford Street (both sides) bearing Seal of Municipality of Sandridge.Frederick William Ball, Muncipal Surveyor: Kellyengineering - roads streets lanes and footpaths, local government - borough of sandridge, frederick william bull, kelly (surveyor) -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Heath Street, Port Melbourne, Borough of Sandridge, Mar 1864
... Plan of longitudinal and cross sections of proposed works... of longitudinal and cross sections of proposed works in Heath Street. Plan ...Plan of longitudinal and cross sections of proposed works in Heath Street.M. Tierney:Denis Sullivan:Thos. P. Warren:Geo. Kelly (Borough Surveyor)engineering - roads streets lanes and footpaths, m tierney, denis sullivan, thomas p warren, george kelly -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Quotation, proposed monument to Allan WHITTAKER, Matcham Skipper, c. 1986
From the collection of Perce White for 1980s committee to memorialise Allan WHITTAKER (referred to as James WHITTAKER). Sculptor Matcham SKIPPER later included his design, described as a nude woman, falling, in a list of works on his website. This caused Monuments Australia to list it on their website as an existing statue, although it never happened. After several searches and resultant complaints, the entry was removed in September 2010.Quotation for $70.000 from sculptor Matcham SKIPPER of Monsalvat, re proposed memorial to Allan WHITTAKER (referred to as James WHITTAKER), mid-1980s (undated) A4, cream colourpiers and wharves - waterside workers, arts and entertainment - visual arts, memorials, allan whittaker, matcham skipper, sculpture, perce mcguire white, perce white -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Glen Stuart, My Time At Engine Works, 26 Oct 2008
Completed by Glen Stuart in 2007 and published by PMH&PS in October 2008, when Glen spoke on the subject at a PMH&PS meeting"My Time At Engine Works" by Glen Stuart. Yellow paperback 48 pages illustrated. A memoir of Glen's working life, building marine engines.industry - manufacturing, transport - shipping, commonwealth engine works, glen stuart -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Board of Works planning reports, 1950s - 1960s
Folder contaoning Board of Works planning reports etc. Circa late 1950s to mid 1960smmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plaque - Plaque, Otto C Schumacher Mill Furnishing Works Port Melbourne, 1900s
The company was at the corner of Graham St and Esplanade East. Listed in Sands and McDougall's 1891 to early 1950s (variations of the name) Also sometimes listed as Esplanade East. Full page advertisment (p44) in Greater Port Melbourne Centenary Souvenir, Nov 1939.Brass name plaque - early 1900s (probably after 1918) "Made by The Otto C Schumacher Mill Furnishing Works Port Melbourne"schumacher mill furnishing works, otto c schumacher, industry - manufacturing -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Patrick McCaughey et al, "Voyage and landfall - the Art of Jan Senberg", 2006
As above, this is the 71st in the second numbered series of the Miegunyah Volumes. Note from the donor frontispiece."Voyage and Landfall - the Art of Jan Senberg" by Brian McCaughey - a hardback 215 page book 2006. Donated by Mayor Janet Bolitho because the artist worked in Bay St Port Melbourne 1979 - 1981 (pages 57 to 78) and some of his works are in the Port Phillip City Collection. Bound in black linen: dust cover with painting in blues on front, B&W photo of artist on the rear.arts and entertainment - visual arts, jan senberg, patrick mccaughey, painting -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Administrative record - Minute Book, Public Works Committee, Borough of Sandridge, 1864 - 1865
A.09.03.DB Council of the Borough of Sandridge . Minutes of the proceedings of the Public Works Committee April 1864 to September 1865local government - borough of sandridge, andrew plummer, john pickles, edward clark, town clerks -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Municipality of Sandridge, Public Works Committee, reports, 1860
Municipality of Sandridge, Reports of the Public Works Committee from August 2nd 1860 to August 2nd 1861, 1st year information on opening page. reports actually continue to 21 September 1865. Wide spined binder with hand written reports on blue lined paper stuck in, red binding on corners of coverlocal government - borough of sandridge, local government - municipal district of sandridge -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Administrative record - Minute Book, Public Works Committee, City of Port Melbourne, 1915 - 1924
City of Port Melbourne - Public Works Committee Minute Book for the period 1915 to 1924 local government - city of port melbourne -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Administrative record - Minute Book, Public Works Committee, Town of Port Melbourne, Rough Minute Book from 26.01.1909, 1908 - 1911
Town of Port Melbourne - Public Works Committee. Rough Minute Book - from 26.01.1908 to 27.06.1911local government - town of port melbourne -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of J Kitchen and Sons site, Ingles Street, Port Melbourne, early 1930s, 1930s
Large Black and White aerial photograph on brown cardboard showing Kitchen and Sons buildings including the 1925 Administrative Building No 34 on Ingles st.Photograph taken looking North Easterly with Swanston and Barret Pty concrete works; Port Melbourne Football ground in foreground; Yarra River in top left hand corner; showing South Melbourne and Royal Botanic Gardens in the distance. Taken in the early 1930sindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, j kitchen & sons pty ltd -
Women's Art Register
Slide - Set of slides, Cohn, Anna Slide set
Slides of works produced by sculptor Anna Cohn between 1970 and 1984. It is available for loan to members of Women's Art Register and visitors to Richmond Library. These slides are significant in that the set is one of around 1000 such sets that are invaluable to Art ResearchersSet of twenty slidesEach slide has a sticky label with a number, the inscription Cohn, Anna, a title and other information including date, location and sizecohn, sculpture, sculpture society, arts writer, anna cohn -
Women's Art Register
Book - Catalogue, National gallery of Australia, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and Mexican Modernism The Jacques and Natasha German Collection, 2001
Catalogue for exhibition at National Gallery of Australia 2001 comprising essays, images and list of exhibited works by Mexican modernist artists working in 1930's to 1950s, born in, or influenced by, Mexiconon-fictionCatalogue for exhibition at National Gallery of Australia 2001 comprising essays, images and list of exhibited works by Mexican modernist artists working in 1930's to 1950s, born in, or influenced by, Mexicomodernism, painting, collage, selfportraiture, portraiture, 1910 mexican revolution, photography -
Women's Art Register
Book, Oxford University Press, Idols of perversity. Fantasies of Feminine evil in Fin-de-Siecle Culture, 1989
Analysis of late 19th century American and European writing, art, science and philosophy exploring cultural misogyny. Discusses the attitude to women as having only sexual and reproductive roles and being depicted as symbols of evil, passivity and sensuality, and ever dependent, while men were free to follow financially independent public and intellectual lives.Booknon-fictionAnalysis of late 19th century American and European writing, art, science and philosophy exploring cultural misogyny. Discusses the attitude to women as having only sexual and reproductive roles and being depicted as symbols of evil, passivity and sensuality, and ever dependent, while men were free to follow financially independent public and intellectual lives. painting, feminism, sexuality, violence, symbolism, mythology, motherhood, darwinism, pre-raphaelites -
Women's Art Register
Book - Monograph, Alison Carroll, Barbara Hanrahan. Printmaker, 1986
Traces three periods of Hanrahan's practice: early development; first major period of printmaking 1963 to 1967 and her second since 1967. Focuses on major themes and motifs and contains a small proportion of images made since 1960, many exploring her family and womens' lives. These themes and the tactile quality of her practice are woven into her 9 published novels, and text often appears in the prints. Includes list of solo exhibitions, a bibliography and biographical details.non-fictionTraces three periods of Hanrahan's practice: early development; first major period of printmaking 1963 to 1967 and her second since 1967. Focuses on major themes and motifs and contains a small proportion of images made since 1960, many exploring her family and womens' lives. These themes and the tactile quality of her practice are woven into her 9 published novels, and text often appears in the prints. Includes list of solo exhibitions, a bibliography and biographical details.printmaking, lithography, etching, linocut, screenprinting, wood engraving, writing, sexuality, family, identity, drypoint, popular culture, body, motherhood, ageing, gender -
Women's Art Register
Book, Janine Burke, Australian Women Artists 1840 - 1940, 17/04/22
A history of Australian women artists, the lives and practice of 24 women are covered to redress their absence in critical and art historical records.non-fictionA history of Australian women artists, the lives and practice of 24 women are covered to redress their absence in critical and art historical records. painting, water colour, portraiture, print making -
Women's Art Register
Book, Virago Press Limited, The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe, 1986
Illustrated, extensively researched overview of O'Keeffe's life and practice including images of works, photographs by her partner Stieglitz, letters and interviews.Booknon-fictionIllustrated, extensively researched overview of O'Keeffe's life and practice including images of works, photographs by her partner Stieglitz, letters and interviews.painting, abstraction, watercolour -
Women's Art Register
Book, Mary Ann Caws, Rudolf Kuenzli , Gwen Raaberg, Surrealism and Women, 1990
Sixteen illustrated essays by various writers on the works and practice of women surrealists working in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States in the 20th century.Booknon-fictionSixteen illustrated essays by various writers on the works and practice of women surrealists working in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States in the 20th century.surrealism, merit openheim, leonora carrington, valentine hugo, remedios varo, leonor fini, elléouët -
Women's Art Register
Book, Eva Cockcroft, John Weber, James Cockcroft, Towards a People's Art. The Contemporary Mural Movement, 1977
Written by two muralists and a sociologists the book documents the community based mural movement in the late 60s and early 70s in Canada and the USA.Booknon-fictionWritten by two muralists and a sociologists the book documents the community based mural movement in the late 60s and early 70s in Canada and the USA.political art, revolutionary art, community arts, large scale works -
Women's Art Register
Book, Toby Clark, Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. The Political Image in the Age of Mass Culture, 1997
Using paintings, posters, photographs, film stills and sculpture the author explores how propaganda art can be determined and defined.Booknon-fictionUsing paintings, posters, photographs, film stills and sculpture the author explores how propaganda art can be determined and defined.war, feminism, installation art -
Women's Art Register
Book, Judy Horacek, Life on the Edge. Cartoons by Judy Horacek, 1992
... Women's Art Register Richmond Library, 415 Church Street ...Collected cartoons by Melbourne cartoonist and writer Judy Horacek, who believes "humour is a fantastic way of changing the world." ( from biographical noes). The introduction was written by Dale Spender.booknon-fictionCollected cartoons by Melbourne cartoonist and writer Judy Horacek, who believes "humour is a fantastic way of changing the world." ( from biographical noes). The introduction was written by Dale Spender.political art, community art, indigenous rights, racism, discrimination -
Women's Art Register
Book, Joan Kerr, Heritage. The National Women's Art Book, 1995
500 works of art by 500 Australian women from colonial times to 1955 with images and commentaries on each work prepared by by 200 curators, critics, family member or the artists herself. Includes images of many works which may never have been reproduced. A biographical section comprises concise entries on these artists.Booknon-fiction500 works of art by 500 Australian women from colonial times to 1955 with images and commentaries on each work prepared by by 200 curators, critics, family member or the artists herself. Includes images of many works which may never have been reproduced. A biographical section comprises concise entries on these artists.colonial art, craft, competitions, portraiture, furniture, sculpture, indigenous art, museology -
Women's Art Register
Book, Jennifer Isaacs, Aboriginality. Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings & Prints, N/A
... Women's Art Register Richmond Library, 415 Church Street ...Overview of traditional and urban imagery with each chapter describing the creative philosophies and inspirations behind each artists' works including the spiritual and political. practiceBooknon-fictionOverview of traditional and urban imagery with each chapter describing the creative philosophies and inspirations behind each artists' works including the spiritual and political. practicefiona foley, gorden bennett, ellen jose, heather walker, raymond meeks -
Women's Art Register
Book, Barbara Hall and Jenni Mather, Australian Women Photographers 1840 - 1960, 1986
Arising from research for an exhibition of the same name, which toured Australia 1981- 1982 the book covers the work of 45 amateur and professional photographers and their lives as innovators and travellers. Many of the works come from private collections and have not been previously published.Booknon-fictionArising from research for an exhibition of the same name, which toured Australia 1981- 1982 the book covers the work of 45 amateur and professional photographers and their lives as innovators and travellers. Many of the works come from private collections and have not been previously published.self portraiture, self-portraiture, pictorialism, home magazine, studio photography, melbourne society of women painters and sculptors, olive cotton, ruth hollick -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Rezoning, MMBW, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, 23 Jul 1958
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) letter regarding rezoning near corner of Crockford and Raglan Streets dated 23 July 1958 with hand drawn and coloured plan planning, mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Drainage, 50 Beach Street, Port Melbourne, 18 Jan 1899
Photocopies (2) of black / white plan of drainage for Mr Warren, 50 Beach Street Port Melbournemmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, f t warren -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of Port Melbourne, circa 1928
Aerial photo of Port Melbourne c1928 focusing on the Gas Works area spanning Port Melbourne and Albert Park. Shows the finally filled Lagoon, and area from the Harpers Starch factory to Foote St, Albert Park and from the bay to just over Richardson/Liardet Stssandridge lagoon, built environment - industrial, industry, gasworks, joshua brothers distillery, harpers starch factory -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Memo, Department of Public Works re Williamstwon Short Road, 12 Sep 1887
Items 598.01-.04 originally pinned togetherFoolscap, printed single page copy of Dept of Public Works memo re Williamstown Short Road, dated 12 Sept 1887; original memo dated 19.8.1887. Includes costs of grading - roads streets lanes and footpaths, edward clark, town clerks, william thwaites -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Department of Public Works to Town Clerk re Williamstown Road, 15 Mar 1888
Letter from Department of Public Works 15 March 1888 to Town Clerk Port Melbourne re Williamstown RoadNotes by E.C. Clark in marginengineering - roads streets lanes and footpaths, edward clark, town clerks