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Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Neef Family, 1942 (original) 2019 (copy)
Left - Neef parents Edith and Roland Neef with children Helmut, Manfred and Herbert. Right - Steller parents Eugen and Elli Steller (nee Lippman) with children Anne, Inge and Reiner. The wives are sisters.A4 size picture, copy taken of Australian War Memorial site, depicting the Neef family in Camp 3, approx 1942.roland neef, edith neef, eugen steller, elli steller, elli lippman, edith lippman -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Functional object - Dolls Pram, 1941
The pram was made by Otto Gottlieb, for his daughter Ruth's fifth birthday. Otto and family were internees in camp 3. Artwork by unknown artist. Originally had a hood but this is missing.Timber pram on metal rectangular "Wheels". Red metal handles. Sides are painted grey and trimmed in red. Hand painted animals, sea creatures, boats and a lighthouse. otto gottlieb, ruth gottlieb, internment camp wood work -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Debbie Terranova, Enemies within these shores, 2018
A novel based on the true story of the author's father-in-law, Luigi Terranova, a cane farmer from Queensland who migrated from Sicily in 1922. He was interned in Loveday Camp in South Australia upon his arrest in January 1944.Paperback book with railway track and tall plants in the foreground. Hills in the background with Australian Penny and another symbol overlayedIf you have any stories about the family camps at Tatura, I'd love to hear from you. Debbie Terranovadebbie terranova, luigi terranova, loveday, internment camps -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Camera and case, Kershaw - Soho, Kershaw Eight, approx 1951
Not directly related to Tatura but may be useful as a prop for photographic exhibitions etc.Gifted to Tatura Museum by the Donaldson family.Kershaw Eight - 20 Penguin Folding camera with leather case. Metal clasp and leather shoulder strap. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Our Liverpool Boys
This publication presents the stories of soldiers who were born or bred in Liverpool and who have a strong connection with Liverpool.This edition was supported by the Australian Government's Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund,the Liverpool City Council & My Library Liverpool.`Light olive cardboard cover with black printing "Our Liverpool Boys" on cover. Photo on cover shows six Liverpool boys titled "at ease at Liverpool Military Camp".33 pages. black & white/ sepia photos of the Liverpool BoysMessages. from Mayor of Liverpool Ned Mannoun, Sue Dredge, Heritage Collections Curator and Julie Senior, Family History Officer. Sepia photo of Liverpool Army Camp from the station courtesy of Liverpool Heritage Collectionliverpool boys -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photographs of Tatura - two photos and one concertina pictorial folder
Photo of Patricia and Gwen Clawes, daughters of Charles George Gordon who was a journalist at the local paper, circa 1925. On the back of the small photo folder showing pictures of street scenes in Tatura, is written "From the Anderson family".tatura, tatura paper -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Growing Up With The Trees. A Shepparton Story, 2008
Life on a farm in the Shepparton areaSoft cover book, with colourful front cover, featuring a montage of family photographs. 169 pages with many B/W photosjewish community -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document- Certificate, Adolf Lichtenstern
Adolf Lichtenstern completed an Electrical Engineering degree in Austria. He was a German citizen, and along with his wife (Eugenia) and child (Kenneth) was resident in Singapore upon the beginning of WWII. The family was transported to and interned in Camp 3, Tatura.Large copy of diploma in German. Certificate awarded to Adolf Lichtenstern, 12th Sept 1921, on completion of his Electrical Engineers Course, Vienna, Austria.tatura, internment camps, singapore, documents, certificates, education -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Pomegranates, 1988
... Tatura the-murray Purchased by Jewish family dunera hay ...Purchased by Jewish familyBrown hard covered book with blue dust cover, 328 pages. Collection of various writers. One chapter only relating to the Internees.dunera, hay internment camp, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Raoul Wallenberg, Nov. 1998
Donated to the Museum in appreciation of the Tatura Historical Society hosting the "Courage to Care" photographic and text exhibition, which featured the courage of Dutch families who secretly hosted German Jewish members during the occupation of Holland during WW2, at great risk to their own lives. Group photo of John Weppner; Lyn Harrison; Lurline & Arthur Knee at Tatura Museum.World War 2|German Jewish refugees.|Dutch families with German occupation of Holland.Colour photo in brown stained wood frame, glass front. Four figures, head & shoulders with enlarger|Raoul Wallenberg U.S 32 stamp in background."With all our thanks to the best historical team in Australia for hosting our "Courage to Care" exhibition. Raoul Wallenberg Unit of Bnai Brith." attached to back of, photograph, slides, film -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photographic plates, : AUSTRAL DRY PLATE, T. Baker & Co., Austral Laboratory, Glass photographic plates, c.1900
Glass photographic plates discovered by Mr. Jack Smith in the ceiling of the weatherboard cottage attached to Williams Bros. Store, cnr. Hogan & Thomson Streets, in 1973. Mr Smith had purchased the Cleckheaton Woolen Mills factory which had been built around the original Williams Store, c. 1960. Gifted to Tatura Museum in 1992 by Jack Smith, 55 Service Street Tatura, 3616. Frank Williams family & house, Tatura.|Baptist hymns.|Goulburn River.|Victorian coastal scenery. Glass photographic plates and prints consisting of:|Members of Francis Williams family.|Williams home, Hogan Street, Tatura.|Hymns from Glass photographic plates. (28 plates and 5 prints) - Photographic prints (3) Possibly members of Francis Williams family,| c. 1900 . Two of the same two men standing in the base of an aged, giant gum tree; one of gig and tied up horse.|PLATES :|Small girl in best frock on cane stool.|* Parents and small girl standing.|* Mr and Mrs Williams sen. standing in front of their home in Hogan Street near Presbyterian Church. Note: the picket fence.|* Wiiliams' daughters on picnic at Goulburn River. c. "Picnic at Hanging Rock" film era.|* Young lady seated on cane chair (High pleated collar and bib on frock)|* Two small sisters - one with elaborate black lace collar on her frock, the other seated on a cane chair, holding her doll. c.1900|* Gaunt aged gum tree with two men standing in V-shaped hole in base, Goulburn River.|* Horse tied to tree beside Goulburn River.|Note: All above items in box marked "Austral Dry Plates".|* 18 glass plates of hymns from Baptist hymn book.|Note: The Williams family were devout Baptists.|* Plate of rugged coastline ? Great Ocean Way Victoria?|* Plate of rock stacks - ? " London bridge and smaller bridge.|* (3) Prints of the two rock bridges in the ocean off, photograph, slides, film -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photographs, Alexander Stewart who lived at Gowrie Park
GOWRIE PARK- Gowrie Park Road, Tatura.|Alexander and Georgina Stewart sailed in 1859 from Mochrum, Scotland, arriving in Corio Bay. In 1872-73 they came to Tatura and selected near the town, being one of the early selectors. The place was called Gowrie Park, still known by that name, and still in use as a dairy farm.|Before the Presbyterian Church was built in Tatura, all the services were held at Gowrie Park. The old dairy for keeping milk, cream and butter is still there today. Only two families have owned the property since the 1870®s, and the house has been beautifully renovated and extended.Photo 1: 15 x 11 cms. Photo 2: 10 x 6 cms. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, List of Internees, March 1943
List of internees made in camp 3 in March 1943 by Hanni Schaffer (Kallenberger) and subsequently computerised.Large black plastic cover computer print out sheets in plastic sleeves.Tatura Camp 3 List of Internees in Family Camp - predominantly Germangerman internees camp 3, hanni schaffer, hanni kallenberger -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Frank Williams Family, 2001
Frank & Mrs. Williams with childrenwilliams, john; lucy; connie; nell, photograph, people -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Camp 3
Material donated by former internees. Recollection and records of former Dunera Internees held at Tatura including Lobert and Seefeld. "Jewish Conspiracy" by Weinmann. Telegram- Wagner, death in family. "150th. Celebrations- Templers", speech by Beilharz Frida Riboni's story. Obituary Aberle. Records Khuna.Black 4 ring folder.document, biography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Joe's Fruit Shop and Milk Bar
All covers have fruit boxes with apples in them. Hanging on them is a picture in a wooden frame of a man holding a baby and a lady. Title and authors name on front. Back is a narrative about the book. Spine has title in brown and authors name in red.non-fictiontatura internment camp, millmerran qld, zoe boccabella, annibale boccabella -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Riverbanker Child a Personal Life
The author grew up on the banks of the Goulburn river, where families lived in tents and shanties. His words and memories of growingt up as a Riverbanker in the 1940'sPart of the history of SheppartonSoft cover book, 52 pages, written by Alan H. Scott. White card cover front and back, Black pencil drawing on front of a tent with patches, a person in doorway, a dog . rear vover has a pencil drawing of a person leaning over a light. printing says Shepparton's Shanties, the Argus, Melbourne ,Vic 1848 -1954. Slum Boards Visit. 'Grievous Wrong being Done" plus other comments. The author has autographed page 1.Autographed by authorgoulburn river, shepparton -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Irrigation and Closer Settlement in the Shepparton District 1836 - 1906, Colin Swinburne Martin
Green hardvocer with very dark cream wrap around cover, with black and read writing , front fly leaf has description of contents. Stamped inside is Churchlands Teachers college library, Pearson St, Churchlands, Western Australia 6018. Same stamp is also on back page of book. There are brown marks inside the cover that indicate it was taped down at some stage in it's lifenon-fictionirrigation and closer settlement around shepparton district, mcallister, colin swinburne martin -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Functional object - Cigarette Case
Made by a German Prisoner of War in Murchison POW Camp 13. A gift to one of the Garrison guards who was boarding with the Fennell Family in SheppartonHandmade wooden cigarette case with inlay pattern on top and bottom of case. A slide opening in front for cigarettes to be placed in case. The case is attached to a wooden base with a drop-in turned ashtray and cigaretter holder. Sitting on four legs on each corner.murchison pow camp 13, camp 13 garrison, cigarette case, woodwork -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Mixed media - USB (memory stick), Wilhelm Manzke
Wilhelm Manzke was a German POW held at Camp 13 Murchison Victoria during WW2. USB contains photographs of him prior to WW2, during WW2 as a POW, a family tree of him and his wife and their children, a photo album and letters sent to his wife whilst interned at Murchison. Compiled by his children. Also a copy of a document on the heritage of Murchison Camp 13 (C3594).Lexar usb (white with green plastic cover) containing photographs and information on Wilhelm Manzkewilhelm manzke, german pow, murchison camp 13, manzke family tree, hildegard manzke, hildegard marake -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Hottelmann Family
... Tatura the-murray Hottelmann family, internees from camp 3 during ...Hottelmann family, internees from camp 3 during WW2.Black and white photograph of Emil and Ellen Hottelmann standing in front of a hedge. Mrs Hottelmann is holding baby Ellen and Siegelinde is standing in front of her father.ellen hottelmann, emil hottelmann, sieglinde hottelmann, camp 3 internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Domestic object - Cut throat razor
Used by the GROSS family of TaturaBakelite handle in arch shape with a brushed metal razor and handle. Contained in a reddy brown cardboard box, with a lid which slides over the black insert. Outside of box is brown with silver writing, On silver hand is E M DICKINSON INVICTA Sheffield EnglandW3/4 INVICTA Razor Manufactured Sheffield England E M DICKINSONvic and nita gross, bruce gross, cut throat razor -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Painting - Painting - Water Colour, Hut 45 Tatura Camp 1
Herman Bernhard SCHMIDT e was a foundry owner in Queensland. He was interned and sent to Gaythorne internment camp for 6 months and then sent to Tatura Camp 1 until 1946 when he was released.Coloured water colour painting of a hut, number 45 on side, power pole behind hut. coloured section in front of hut. Framed in a light coloured wood and under glass. label on back "Donated by the Gunther Schmidt Family Trust" (son of Herman Bernhard Schmidt - Tatura WW2) March 2023herman bernhard schmidt, queensland foundry owner, camp 1 tatura, gunther schmidt trust, gaythorne camp queensland -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Painting - Painting - Water Colour, Hut 45 Tatura Camp 1
Herman Bernhard SCHMIDT e was a foundry owner in Queensland. He was interned and sent to Gaythorne internment camp for 6 months and then sent to Tatura Camp 1 until 1946 when he was released.Coloured water colour painting of a hut, number 45 on side, bushes in front and side. Orange gravel road to the front and right hand side. Framed in a light coloured wood and under glass. Under the picture is TATURA 1940-194 in black ink.label on back "Donated by the Gunther Schmidt Family Trust" (son of Herman Bernhard Schmidt - Tatura WW2) March 2023herman bernhard schmidt, queensland foundry owner, camp 1 tatura, gunther schmidt trust, gaythorne camp queensland -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Drawing - Sketch, Hut 45 Tatura Camp 1
Herman Bernhard SCHMIDT e was a foundry owner in Queensland. He was interned and sent to Gaythorne internment camp for 6 months and then sent to Tatura Camp 1 until 1946 when he was released.Black and white sketch of a hut, number 45 on side, bushes in front and side. Fences and gardens in foreground. Tree to the left. Framed in a light coloured wood and under glass. label on back "Donated by the Gunther Schmidt Family Trust" (son of Herman Bernhard Schmidt - Tatura WW2) March 2023herman bernhard schmidt, queensland foundry owner, camp 1 tatura, gunther schmidt trust, gaythorne camp queensland -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Drawing - Sketch, Tatura Camp 1
Herman Bernhard SCHMIDT was a foundry owner in Queensland. He was interned and sent to Gaythorne internment camp for 6 months and then sent to Tatura Camp 1 until 1946 when he was released.Black and white sketch Camp 1 Tatura showing boundary of camp and location of huts. Framed in a dark coloured wood and under glass. Has a light plum coloured mount.label on back "Donated by the Gunther Schmidt Family Trust" (son of Herman Bernhard Schmidt - Tatura WW2) March 2023herman bernhard schmidt, queensland foundry owner, camp 1 tatura, gunther schmidt trust, gaythorne camp queensland -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Drawing, Foundry Drawing
Herman Bernhard SCHMIDT was a foundry owner in Queensland. He was interned and sent to Gaythorne internment camp for 6 months and then sent to Tatura Camp 1 until 1946 when he was released.Coloured drawing on fawn paper of a foundry. Framed in a dark coloured wood and under glass. In German across the top is Technisches - Zeichnen (Technical Drawing) Orthographische Projektion (orthographic projection) Blatt 14 (sheet 14). Across the bottom is gezeichnet (drawn by) B Schmidt November 1943. Gepruft (checked).label on back "Donated by the Gunther Schmidt Family Trust" (son of Herman Bernhard Schmidt - Tatura WW2) March 2023herman bernhard schmidt, queensland foundry owner, camp 1 tatura, gunther schmidt trust, gaythorne camp queensland -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, The Early Families of Whroo
Tells a short story of the early families who settled at Whroo, a gold mining area, located near Rushworth. The town is no long in existence. Written by Doris KIngA5 size booklet with soft cardboard cover. Cover has a black frame in from the edge with the book title in that in black print. Cover is a grey scale photograph of the Whroo mining site. 88 pages.titlewhroo, families of whroo, doris king -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp 3 Templer Homes
The huts, in camp 3, were home to some of the Templer families from Palestine in 1941.Black and white photograph depicting 3 huts across the middle of the picture, some smaller trees behind the huts and a large tree at the right hand side top of picture. palestine families, templer families, templers, camp 3 templers, camp 3 internees, m haering -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Librio Family
... Tatura the-murray The Librio family were Italian internees ...The Librio family were Italian internees in camp 3 at Rushworth VIC. Photograph taken 10 March 1945. Back row (l to r): Andrea Librio, Giuseppina Librio, Concetta Librio and Giuseppe Librio (brother of Andrea). Front row (l to r): Umberto Librio and Maria Librio (children of Andrea).Black and white photograph, taken from A W M. Shows a family of 5 Italians, 4 adults at back with 2 children at front. Tree behind just right of centre. Huts behind them. Number 853 on ground in front of them.andrea librio, giuseppina librio, concetta librio, giuseppe librio, umberto librio, maria librio, italian internees, camp 3 rushworth, 853, private herbert cubbin, wendy hicks