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matching trades hall council, melbourne
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Women in PTC Seminar - Final Report", Sep. 1989
Report - photocopied - 15 A4 pages, stapled along the left hand edge, corner, titled "Women in PTC Seminar - Final Report". Seminar held 30/8/1989. Gives a report of the proceedings and a list of those who attended the seminar. Jointly arranged between the Public Transport Corporate and the Victorian Trades Hall Council. Carolyn Dean (Cleak) attended as a rep from Camberwell Depot.trams, tramways, unions, ptc, crews, women drivers -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Letter, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Past and future manufacture and installation of modified tram doors", Feb. 1990
Photocopy of a two page letter to Mr. J. Halfpenny of the Victorian Trades Hall Council, dated 20/2/1990 on PTC letter head titled "Past and future manufacture and installation of modified tram doors", providing information on the a request for information providing information on the supply and installation of new doors to Z class trams, contractors, manufacturers. Problems with modification program, in house work and may require further discussions. Signed by Bruce Shaw, General Manager, Industrial Relations.Has various notations and numbers in the top right hand corner.trams, tramways, preston workshops, z3 class, motors -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Letter, Melbourne City Council, Parade of Trades Hall Council, 30/07/1943 12:00:00 AM
... for procession of Trades Hall Council through the streets of Melbourne ...Letter from HS Wootton, Town Clerk, City of Melbourne, to Assistant Manager, MMTB, informing of arrangements for procession of Trades Hall Council through the streets of Melbourne. Procession to be held Sunday 15 August 1943. Memo from JM Harry, Dist Traffic Supt SS, to Mr Bell, Asst Per Way Engineer.Several comments written in black pencil. "Insp Harry" top left corner, "1 of 2" top right corner. "Trades Hall Council Procession Sun 15th Aug 1943" top centre. "Haw Insps notified", "Hanna St Insps for attention", "Please return this memo" and initials & "9/8/43" written in lower half.trams, tramways, letters, instructions, events -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Victorian Trades Hall Council, "Public Transport Hit Hard by Budget Disaster!", Aug. 1989
Folded A3 Sheet, colour printed, titled "Public Transport Hit Hard by Budget Disaster!", issued by 14 Unions, Victorian Trades Hall Council, dated August 1989, looking at the transport budget for 1989 - staff cuts, jobs, Met ticket system light rail proposal for Upfield, Western Bypass and action being taken by Unions to resist these cuts.trams, tramways, unions, transport, budgets, vthc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Public Transport Unions and Victorian Trades Hall Council, "Union Metplan - Public Transport Unions / VHTC submission to Government on Metplan August 1988", Aug. 1988
Report - approx. 180 pages, double sided A4, comb bound with manila covers, titled "Union Metplan - Public Transport Unions / VHTC submission to Government on Metplan August 1988". Provides a strategy for the future of Melbourne's Public Transport from the Transport Unions and Victorian Trades Hall Council (VHTC) viewpoint. Has an index, list of people involved in the study, provides viewpoints on extensions to the rail and tram networks, revenues, funding and employment conditions. On the inside cover is a light card pocket containing a card library borrowing slip with the name of the report title written on it. See also Reg item 2809 for a August 1988 summary paper and 1572 for associated documents.Stamped on front cover "Discarded from PTC Library 10 October 1989" and written in pencil "Union Metplan 1988". On first sheet stamped "Ministry of Transport and MTA Library"trams, tramways, reports, melbourne, mta, atmoea, unions, metplan