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matching wire-cutters
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
The two men are standing at The Pinnacle Lookout, overlooking Bellfield Reservoir in the Fyans ValleyTwo men standing behind cyclone wire three panel fence. Man on left is wearing a white shirt and long pants, the other in a checked shirt and long dark pants. They are on top of a large rocky outcrop overlooking a body of water and another mountain range scenery, lookouts -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bucket - Enamel, 1940's
This bucket was used in the Tawonga District Hospital when it was built in the early 1950's and later in the Mt Beauty Hospital. All enamel equipment was eventually replaced with stainless steel. The Tawonga District Hospital was built as the Kiewa Valley population increased due to the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.White enamel bucket with a black lip around the top. It has a thick wire handle with a wooden handle in the centre. The bottom of the bucket is 30 mm above the ground as the bucket rests on the base of the wall of the bucket. The top extends outwards for 5mm then upwards for 75 mm.enamel bucket, tawonga district hospital, kiewa hydro scheme -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Galvonometer, 1930 (estimated)
Galvanometers are an instrument used for detecting and measuring electric current. They had a magnetic needle moved by the magnetic field produced by coils carrying the current to be measured, and the earth's field had to be taken into consideration. They were used to detect current in either direction in telegraphy systems, and to test equipment.Post Office Galvonometer. A hinged polished timber case with three brass terminals at the top, and ring (handle) and a dial (0 to 70) with an indictor needle. The opened box reveals wires leading to the terminals with two compartments covered in blue woven material (possibly silk).telegraph works, galvonometer, scientific instruments -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Surveyor's Instrument, Boxed Theodolite, c late 1880s
According to Max Clarke this item was used by the surveying classes at the Ballarat School of MinesA boxed (timber) theodolite with crossbars and full-length stadia wires. The theodolite can be mounted on a metal straightedge base. The box also contains a magnetic compass with two bubble levels, a plumbing folk, and 4 brass paper clips designed to suit a plan table. On box in black paint "A 1". Inside box lid is manufacturer's label and Stadia measurement zero reference calibration.ballarat school of mines, surveying equipment, gurley, max clarke, theodolite, stadia measurement, calibration, scientific instrument -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two black and white photographs of Scalebuoy Hand Units. Teal and white label on the back Reg. V. Brock of Bendigo and the photo number. Very clear photo shows the Scalebuoy Hand Unit mounted in a wire cage and has a handle on it. Scalebuoy engraved on the glass.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, reg v brock of bendigo, scalebuoy hand unit -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Weapon, Detonator
Assorted firing devices - included are command fired (blue) trip wire devices, various detonators.Command firing device - metal blue colour and three pieces of string, four metal trip switches and several parts and whole metal firing devices (brassy metal )BLUE - Firing device.Pull - Release Tipe ms inery Lot Nonedetonator -
The Ed Muirhead Physics Museum
Statitron Analysing Magnet
The Statitron beam was analysed by a ninety degree annular magnetic spectrograph.The magnet had a radius of curvature of 30cm. The winding consisted of 30 layers of 15 B&S enamelled copper wire, about 4000 turns in all and could carry a current of 5 amperes. -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Mask, Wire, Ether, 1910
Mask used for administering ether anaesthesia. This mask also has a carbon dioxide inlet tube. Carbon dioxide was found to promote deeper breather which assisted in attaining faster anaesthesia. The mask was designed by an American anaesthetist James Tayloe Gwathmey, (1863-1944). Gwathmey invented a range of anesthesia equipment. In 1904, he introduced this mask as one part of a resuscitation apparatus. Gwathmey modified an existing mask to more closely fit the contours of the face. The holes in the rim allow for oxygen to be delivered for resuscitation or for the delivery of a combination of oxygen and anaesthetic. Wire framed mask in tear shape. There is a hinged top bracket which allows for a piece of flannel or domette to secured to the mask, onto which the ether would be administered. There is an inlet tube near the hinged bracket to allow for the administration of CO2 or oxygen and the rim is pierced with holes.james tayloe gwathmey, ether, anaesthesia, anesthesiologist, carbon dioxide, oxygen -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Anaesthetic, Novocain, The Saccharin Corporation Ltd
Novocaine is a local anaesthetic for dentistry. Its first known use was 1906. Square brown glass bottle with round neck and organ rubber stopper. A strand of wire has been wound around the stopper. A discoloured white manufacturer's label is stuck to the front of the bottle with black and red printed text. There is approximately half the liquid remaining in the bottle. Moulded into the bottom of the bottle: J282novocaine, drug, liquid, the saccharin corporation ltd, london, melbourne, j.l. brown & co, local anaesthetic -
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Electric Table Fan
Four metal blades painted brown on stem mounted on plastic egg shaped base. There is a switch in the centre of the base. The fan has a wire safety guard surrounding the blades. Cotton covered electric cord and plug attached. Each blade is attached with five rivets.Mistral 230V AC only. 50 - Kempthorne Australia -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Trees and horse at golf course
Photograph of a paddock at the golf course, Lockwood House. Between the trees in the foreground, a horse can be seen grazing in the distance. A wire fence can be seen in front of some trees on the right side. Probably taken by Betty de Coite nee Woods or her parents. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Ethel Breen nee Prince
B&W photo of Ethel Breen nee Prince. Ethel stands near a wire fence with paddocks behind her. She is wearing a linen suit, short-sleeved and belted. Her hair is ear-length and she is looking off to the left side of the photo. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter/s, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), Jul. 1977
Letter or note to Members advising that Membership of the BTPS is due and asking them to renew their membership. Signed by Carolyn Dean. Gives cost of membership and the cost a subscription to Trolley Wire. Item was with a envelope dated 26/7/1977 - July Fares Please! to Ian Stanley.trams, tramways, btps, membership, forms -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Calculo - Every-Man's Ready Reckoner
A ready reckoner including a wide range of information to facilitate everyday calculations prior to the widespread use of electrical calculators and devices. Published post 1945, the booklet also includes a chronology of World War 11 as well as a list of household antidotes in cases of poisoning.A reference guide of 32 pages plus cardboard covers. The volume has wire spiral binding. It includes a perpetual calendar. Other pages include tables, charts, dates, mathematical information and useful information for farmers including weights and measures and animal gestation periods.A ready reckoner including a wide range of information to facilitate everyday calculations prior to the widespread use of electrical calculators and devices. Published post 1945, the booklet also includes a chronology of World War 11 as well as a list of household antidotes in cases of poisoning.ready reckoner, calendars -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, 1930
Bracken fern covered lane beside property late developed as Lambert Street.Black and white photograph of a house in Myer Street, clad in cement sheet with hipped roof, clipped hedge inside wire lace front fence, footpath in front of property is unsealed. House at 37 Myer Street, in background, known as Ardlui. Lakes Entrance Victoriaroads and streets, houses, heritage study -
Mont De Lancey
Leisure object - Dolls Cot, Unknown
These wooden handmade toys were used by young children to play 'House' with their dolls.A lilac and white painted wooden dolls cot with an eight railed drop side, a wooden base with four white slats. The drop railed side has thick wire rungs to slide it up and down with metal clips to engage it up or down. There is bedding in the, children's toys, toy accessories, dolls bed, dolls furniture -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Leisure object - Model tram, George Kob, W class tram, painted in City Circle, 1990's?
Model of W class tram, painted in City Circle colours, red, cream and green roof made from wood and plastic and trolley poles - wire and string. Has a label on the bottom "W2 Melbourne Tram, hand made from timber - George Kob".trams, tramways, models, w class, city circle -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Negative, Wal Jack, c1940
Black and white negative by Wal Jack of L 102 (Darling Rd, route 4D) in Swanston St at Franklin St, In the background is the City Baths Carlton Brewery, Greer Wire Rope Works and a van for the Melbourne Hygienic Towel Supply. Photo undated, c1940.trams, tramways, victoria st, swanston st, l class, route 4d, tram 102 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Okey, J M Leather Bootmaking Tools and Company Stamp. An open Wooden box of assorted Bootmakers 'Leather working'Tools.(Some appear hand-made')Some tools seem to be chisels, cutters, crimpers etc. The box is approx. 30cm x 15cm x 15cm. These include a metal Stamp that creates an oval-shaped label. 'John M Okey., Boot & shoe-maker, Kangaroo Flat'. Also included is an 'Ivory?' Chisel. Donated by 'Mr Reed' 7.8.69. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sign - Pub Sign, 1920
The sons of a spirits dealer, Andrew and John Usher created one of the world’s most successful blended Scotch whiskies, Old Vatted Glenlivet, and played a key role in building the North British distillery. But they were also responsible for one of the most misunderstood lawsuits in Scotch history – the trademark battle for ‘Glenlivet’. Iain Russell reports. Three badly damaged paper labels on the back. A mirror is mounted on a one centimetre thick, 67 by 43 centimetres wooden frame with 18 centimetres by three centimetres decorative extensions on all sides. there two pieces of metal on the top to hang the mirror. A box nine six by four centimetres is mounted on each side, one is labeled MATCHES and the other CIGAR CUTTER both have ANDREW USHER & Co written on them. Behind the glass is gold coloured writing with black shadows stating USHER'S "SPECIAL RESERVE" & "O.V.C." WHISKIESpub mirror, andrew usher, o.v.c. whiskies -
Lake Bolac & District Historical Society
Black and white photograph, Lake Bolac, original tennis court, 1895
The original tennis court at Lake Bolac in 1895 was located at the Recreation Reserve behind the linear development along the main road. This was a grass court, lines were clearly painted and the tennis-net was a chicken-wire fence. In the photograph are from left; Eva Veale, Alice Veale, Thomas Ward, Annie Veale and William Veale jr.lake bolac, tennis, veale, ward -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Umbrellas, Early 20th Century
These umbrellas are typical of the ones women would have used early in the 20th Century. It was important to keep the rain from damaging their clothing as washing facilities were limited. .These umbrellas are charming and retained for display purposes..1 An umbrella with a wire frame and a wooden handle. The frame is tipped with ivory coloured composite material. The handle has a red tassel. The covering is a multi coloured cloth with a pink edge. The inner section has a cream background with pink and light brown leaves, branches and flowers. The outside is faded. .2 An umbrella with a black wire frame and a wooden handle. There are tips on the end of the frame. The handle is varnished and ornamented red and black. It has a string tassel in red, white and blue and a corded wrist band. There is writing on the frame. The covering is corded rep with a multi-coloured floral pattern and has a faded, wide navy edging..2 BRITISH MADEumbrellas, vintage clothing -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Conditions of sale by private contract dated 25th January, 1932 between A.P. Booth (seller) and C.L.H. Seymour (buyer) for land situate 32 Condon Street, Bendigo being Crown allotment 250 section H described in certificate of title volume 5433 folio 1086448, together with 6-roomed weatherboard dwelling and all sundry. Also gas stove, gas copper, bath heather, electric light fittings, shaving cabinet, duck blind on sleep out, gas fire in front room, clothes line, built-in presses, wire doors and wire screens on windows. Price 825 pounds.organization, business, h.a. & s.r wilkinson real estate -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Textile - Felt and linen figurine of an obstetrician holding a baby
Standing figurine of an obstetrician holding a baby. The figurine is made of felt, likely with a wire frame. The obstetrician is wearing full linen surgical attire, with white trousers, surgical gown, and surgical cap. The surgical gown has a large pocket at the front, containing a set or forceps. The obstetrician has black, curly hair, blue eyes and is wearing wire framed glasses. The baby is being held at head height, with ankles being held in the left and and the baby's upper legs being held in the right. The obstetrician's head is bent backwards as if the obstetrician is examining the baby's legs or ankles. The baby has curly pink hair. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Small black enamelled cast iron tobacco cutter mounted on wooden base. K36 painted on the bottom. Letter located in correspondence file ( 21.5.2019 by curator) 'This cutter was used to cut plug tobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe. It belonged to John Temple Rileywo died at the age of 97 at Hobart, Tasmania, October 1970. John Temple Riley led an eventful life. As a youth he trained and rode race horses at the Higginbotham stables quite near the Morphetville racecourse. He won one South Australian St. Ledger and rode the famous Carbine at track training only. In 1967 he was the only living person who had been astride Carbine. He served in Africa with the Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen. He was a sergeant in the Australian Light Horse Regiment in the Egyptian and Eastern Desert and at Gallipoli. He won an Italian decoration as well as Australian citations, he was promoted to Lieutenant J.H. Riley. He met with success in the mining field with his tin strike at Heemskirk on the West Coast.' Written by M.M. Stone, Shelbourne, 3463, via Maldon.personal effects, smoking accessories, tobacco cutter, small tobacco cutter, smoking -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, early 29th century
The Bentwood chair has been called ‘the world’s most popular chair’. The original Bentwood chair, was designed by German-Austrian cabinet maker and Master Joiner, Michael Thonet (b.1796 - d.1871) and introduced to the market in 1859. Thonet started his business in his home town of Boppard as an independent cabinet maker in 1819. In the 1830’s he began trying to make furniture from glued (laminated) and bent wooden slats. Over the next few years his attempts to patent this process failed in Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia. He then began using lightweight, strong wood and bending it into elegant, comfortable furniture. The Bentwood technology took Thonet years to perfect. In simple terms, the wooden rods or lengths were wet by soaking or steaming, bent into shape and then held in place until they hardened into the moulded curved shape or pattern. The wood usually chosen for the bentwood chairs was maple or beech. Thonet had revolutionised an older process by industrialising the process. The dowels of wood were cut and prepared as components of furniture, treated by the ‘bentwood’ process, then ready immediately for assembling with very little extra workmanship needed. Thonet held 2 patents for this process, the second one ended on 10th July 1869 and was non-renewable. At the Trade Fair at Koblenz of 1841 Prince Klemens Wenzel von Mettemich was very impressed with Thonet’s furniture, especially the chairs. In 1842 Thonet sold his Boppard business and emigrated to Vienna, and began working, along with his sons, on the interior decoration of the Palais Leichtenstein, for the Carl Leistler establishment. In 1849 he began his own business again, the Gebruder Thonet to include his sons (translated “Brothers Thonet”). He produced the “No. 1” Bentwood chair. He received a bronze medal for his Vienna bentwood chairs at the World Fair in London in 1851, and a silver medal in Paris in 1855. In 1856 he opened a new factory in Koritchan (Moravia), where there were extensive woods of beech trees available for his enterprise. In the next years, five more Eastern European production sites were established in Bystritz (1862), Nagy-Ugrócz (1866), Wsetin (1867), Hallenkau(1867) and Nowo-Radomsk(1880). Thonet’s 1859 No. 14 “chair of chairs” (or “Konsumstuhl Nr. 14” – coffee shop chair no. 14) was the most famous of all of Thonet’s Bentwood chairs. In 1867 he received a gold medal at the Paris World Fair. This new style of furniture making became very popular. Up until 1830 50 million of these chairs had been produced. By the 1870’s Thonet owned offices in almost 20 countries, with sales locations across Europe, in Chicago and New York. In 1889 he set Thonet set up a head office in Frankenberg, Hesse. Bentwood models designed in the mid to late 19th century featured hand-caned or laminated wood seats and were usually stamped with the country of origin. The Bentwood elements were the backrest, seat rim and legs. Typically the seat was covered with ‘bucket’ leather. After the Patent ran out in 1869, companies such as Jacob & Josef Kohn began the production of bentwood furniture.The popularity of the Bentwood chair that was introduced by Michael Thonet in the 1850s is due to its versatility and timeless quality. Its style, whether varnished or painted, suits any room in the house. The lightweight chairs are also popular for café and restaurant seating, as well as for public gatherings. They can be easily moved around and grouped in a variety of ways to suit any occasion.Chair, bentwood, pair of two. Backrest has full length inverted U inside frame. Support rail and wire reinforcing between legs. 3692.01 seat has floral pattern pressed into wood 3692.02 seat is plain (replacement seat). Made by Harnison & Co.3692.01 chair's marks; Label ""HARNISON & CO./ NEUSOL / BUDAPEST" and "WIENER NOBEL" and "(symbol) N inside circle, under Crown" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, domestic furniture, dining furniture, bentwood chair, harnison & co., neusol, budapest, wiener nobel -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - Diorama, Turkish Charge, pre 2019
Based on a charge led by Major Hugh Quinn of 15th Battalion killed leading a charge against Turkish Forces who had gained a foothold on the ANZAC lines. This diorama was made to celebrate this event.Artistic representation of the Turkish soldiers charging Quinns post in June 1915. Plaster cast of a landscape (Brown) showing models of Turkish soldiers charging at allied emplacement. Includes plants and barbed wire placement. Placed on a black metal stand with gold colour label with inscription,Label has inscription "Turkish Charge, Quinns Post, Gallipoli 1915". diorama, "maj hugh quinn" -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW2, FRAMED, Bethany Gallery, C.WW2
The exact unit is not clearly known at this stage.Photo, black white, of soldiers in full uniform, some with 303 rifles. Trees in background with family gatherings each side of the main group. Mounted with green border, tan wooden frame with glass front, fawn cardboard backing with silver wire hanging strap on rear.“21 - - - - - HQ”photograph, panorama, group -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - HONOUR ROLL VIETNAM, FRAMED, Bethany Gallery, Post 1973
In remembrance of ANZAC Forces in Vietnam. Tan wooden frame without glass, fawn paper backing, wire hanging strap at rear. Australian & New Zealand names in black print on cream background. Photo of Sgt B HACKING, 1st Australian soldier killed in VietnamSticker on backing: “Bethany Gallery”civic mementoes - honour boards, military history, vietnam -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, Leslie Bell et al, Destined Meeting, 1960
Red hard cover, blue patch on spine with title & author. Dust cover worn edges, damaged back, authors photo on back. Front red, brown, & mauve colours scene through barbed wire fence with Japanese flag on hut. 256 illustrated pages.On fly leaf: L Schillingbooks, military, history