Showing 14733 items
matching deep creek road
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Australia Day Family Festival - 1993, 26/01/1993 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Program of Nunawading Australia Day Family Festival. Tuesday 26 Jan 1993Program of Nunawading Australia Day Family Festival. Tuesday 26 Jan 1993Program of Nunawading Australia Day Family Festival. Tuesday 26 Jan 1993city of nunawading, australia day, festivals and celebrations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, An Unbeaten century, 2003
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...A history of the Blackburn Cricket Club, 1902 - 2002.A history of the Blackburn Cricket Club, 1902 - 2002.A history of the Blackburn Cricket Club, 1902 - 2002.blackburn cricket club, cricket clubs, morton, thomas richards burrowes, morton park -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Nothing too Austintatious, 2003
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Two articles on Heritage Open Day at Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex, 13 April 2003Two articles on Heritage Open Day at Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex, 13 April 2003 Two articles on Heritage Open Day at Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex, 13 April 2003austin 7 car club, henwood, george, henwood, joan, nunawading and district historical society -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Crossing work starts, 2003
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Article on grade separation at Middleborough Road railway crossing; with items on maintaining tunnel design in proposed Mitcham Frankston Freeway.Article on grade separation at Middleborough Road railway crossing; with items on maintaining tunnel design in proposed Mitcham Frankston Freeway.Article on grade separation at Middleborough Road railway crossing; with items on maintaining tunnel design in proposed Mitcham Frankston Freeway.eastern freeway extension, railway crossings, middleborough road, blackburn, laburnum railway station -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Nunawading Australia Day Family Festival 1992, 26/01/1992 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Program of the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1992Program of the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1992Program of the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1992city of nunawading, australia day, festivals and celebrations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Sky show attracts 20,000, 1988
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...The biggest crowd ever to gather at Nunawading Civic Centre watched the night sky fireworks display on the nation's 200th birthday at Nunawading's Australia Day Family Festival.The biggest crowd ever to gather at Nunawading Civic Centre watched the night sky fireworks display on the nation's 200th birthday at Nunawading's Australia Day Family Festival.The biggest crowd ever to gather at Nunawading Civic Centre watched the night sky fireworks display on the nation's 200th birthday at Nunawading's Australia Day Family Festival.australia day, festivals and celebrations, city of nunawading -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading - Australia Day 1989, 1989
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Certificate issued on behalf of Citizens of the City of Nunawading to express appreciation to sponsors of the Australia Day Family Festival.Certificate issued on behalf of Citizens of the City of Nunawading to express appreciation to sponsors of the Australia Day Family Festival.Certificate issued on behalf of Citizens of the City of Nunawading to express appreciation to sponsors of the Australia Day Family Festival.australia day, festivals and celebrations, city of nunawading -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper - Article, Parkmore Primary School, 14/05/1997
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Article on Parkmore Primary School, Jolimont Road, Forest Hillparkmore primary school, no. 4881, primary schools -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Australia Day Festival 1994, 1994
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Program and articles promoting the Nunawading Australia Day Family festival to be held on wednesday 26 January 199Program and articles promoting the Nunawading Australia Day Family festival to be held on wednesday 26 January 1994.Program and articles promoting the Nunawading Australia Day Family festival to be held on wednesday 26 January 199city of nunawading, festivals and celebrations, australia day -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Route opens, 1993
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Article on the opening of the East Burwood tram route extension, July 1993Article on the opening of the East Burwood tram route extension, July 1993Article on the opening of the East Burwood tram route extension, July 1993tram services, burwood highway, burwood east -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, One of the first trams, 1993
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Photo with caption of one of the first trams to run along the East Burwood extension, July 1993Photo with caption of one of the first trams to run along the East Burwood extension, July 1993Photo with caption of one of the first trams to run along the East Burwood extension, July 1993tram services, burwood highway, burwood east -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Railway siding
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Sketch plan of layout of lines at Mitcham Railway Station with proposed siding for Mitcham Brick and Pottery Co., 1891 - 191Sketch plan of layout of lines at Mitcham Railway Station with proposed siding for Mitcham Brick and Pottery Co., 1891 - 1913.Sketch plan of layout of lines at Mitcham Railway Station with proposed siding for Mitcham Brick and Pottery Co., 1891 - 191mitcham brick and pottery co. ltd, railway lines, mitcham railway station -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Graffiti loses ground, 1991
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Article on presentation of a plaque for Nunawading Railway Station for becoming graffiti free.Article on presentation of a plaque for Nunawading Railway Station for becoming graffiti free.Article on presentation of a plaque for Nunawading Railway Station for becoming graffiti free.nunawading railway station, graffiti, legge, margaret, o'donoghue, michael, baker, clive -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Correspondence, Report of Committee appointed to go into matter of providing safes for the municipal Chambers and a quotation, 1934
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Quotation by Chubb's Australian Co Ltd for fire retarding door at Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham Council Chambers and a safe and report of the committee.Quotation by Chubb's Australian Co Ltd for fire retarding door at Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham Council Chambers and a safe and report of the committee.Quotation by Chubb's Australian Co Ltd for fire retarding door at Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham Council Chambers and a safe and report of the committee.shire of blackburn and mitcham, safes, municipal offices, fire prevention and control -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Correspondence, Obtaining a grant of Crown Land at rear of Myrtle Grove, 1932
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Correspondence between Council and Closer Settlement Board re land in Pakenham Street including plans of allotments.Correspondence between Council and Closer Settlement Board re land in Pakenham Street including plans of allotments. Also further correspondence re land being sold by Malcolm Sheehan to Dal Hear.Correspondence between Council and Closer Settlement Board re land in Pakenham Street including plans of allotments.pakenham street, blackburn, myrtle grove, blackburn, shire of blackburn and mitcham, sheehan, malcolm, hearn, dal, victoria. closer settlement board -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, McCracken Street, Blackburn South, 1995
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...History of McCracken Street, Blackburn South by Beryl Gray, Nunawading Historical Society [actually McCracken Avenue]History of McCracken Street, Blackburn South by Beryl Gray, Nunawading Historical Society [actually McCracken Avenue]History of McCracken Street, Blackburn South by Beryl Gray, Nunawading Historical Society [actually McCracken Avenue]street names, mccracken avenue, blackburn south, orchard grove, blackburn south, lawrence street, blackburn south, gray, beryl -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Name for East East Burwood, 1969
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...A new locality name for the far east East Burwood sector of Nunawading will be considered by Council's Works Committee.A new locality name for the far east East Burwood sector of Nunawading will be considered by Council's Works Committee.A new locality name for the far east East Burwood sector of Nunawading will be considered by Council's Works of nunawading works committee, suburbs, burwood east -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, The Place Names Committee
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...A report on an address given on 'The Place Names Committee' by Mr H.S. McComb - he is eminent in many fields, especially the survey world.A report on an address given on 'The Place Names Committee' by Mr H.S. McComb - he is eminent in many fields, especially the survey world.A report on an address given on 'The Place Names Committee' by Mr H.S. McComb - he is eminent in many fields, especially the survey names committee, mccomb, h.s. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Trees, 2/04/1997 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Whitehorse Council's street tree policyResidents complain about Whitehorse Council's street tree policy Whitehorse Council's street tree policytrees, vernal avenue, mitcham, glenburnie road, city of whitehorse -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition, 1988
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.Entry in open section of the City of Nunawading Bicentennial History Writing Competition - runner up - 'Aboriginals in Melbourne and Yarra area;' by Nigel Philpoy of Mitcham.aborigines, philpot, nigel -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Drawing - Illustration, Barak
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Picture of the Aboriginal, Barak, who was present when Batman signed the agreement with the Aborigines acquiring the land for the site of Melbourne.Picture of the Aboriginal, Barak, who was present when Batman signed the agreement with the Aborigines acquiring the land for the site of Melbourne. Barak later lived at Coranderk Aboriginal Reserve near Healesville. Taken from 'Lilydale' by Marian Aveling.Picture of the Aboriginal, Barak, who was present when Batman signed the agreement with the Aborigines acquiring the land for the site of Melbourne.aborigines, barak, aveling, marian -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Correspondence, C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land and fares from the city to Tunstall, 1936
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.walkers road, nunawading, husband, charles edward, shire of blackburn and mitcham, bishop, herbert thomas, trains -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Notice of default in rate payments, 1933, 1937
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...A notice of default in rate payments to Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham to the Freehold Investment and Banking Co of Australia LtdA notice of default in rate payments to Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham to the Freehold Investment and Banking Co of Australia Ltd and a solicitor's letter requesting more information about the sale of land to T.J. Kiker.A notice of default in rate payments to Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham to the Freehold Investment and Banking Co of Australia Ltdmetropolitan avenue, nunawading, lot 2, shire of blackburn and mitcham, kiker, t.j., freehold investment and banking company of australia ltd, rates -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title - Lot 23 Game Street, 1928
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Certificate of Title to Richard St Albans Sydenham of Lot 23 Game Street, BlackburnCertificate of Title to Richard St Albans Sydenham of Lot 23 Game Street, BlackburnCertificate of Title to Richard St Albans Sydenham of Lot 23 Game Street, Blackburnsydenham, richard st albans, game street, blackburn, lot 23, land titles -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Australia Day Family Festival 1996, 26/01/1996 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1996 4 00 pm - 10.00 pm at the Nunawading Civic Centre Grounds - Program of events.The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1996 4 00 pm - 10.00 pm at the Nunawading Civic Centre Grounds - Program of events.The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, 26 Jan 1996 4 00 pm - 10.00 pm at the Nunawading Civic Centre Grounds - Program of of whitehorse, australia day, festivals and celebrations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Australia Day Family Festival, 26/01/1995 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, Thursday 26 Jan 1995, Nunawading Civic Centre - Program of events.The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, Thursday 26 Jan 1995, Nunawading Civic Centre - Program of events.The City of Whitehorse presents the Australia Day Family Festival, Thursday 26 Jan 1995, Nunawading Civic Centre - Program of of whitehorse, australia day, festivals and celebrations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading Councillor's Reunion Dinner, 1/03/1988 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Poem presented at Councillors' Reunion dinner.Poem presented at Councillors' Reunion dinner.Poem presented at Councillors' Reunion of nunawading, taylor, frank, councillors -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading - Mayoral Ball, 10/07/1946 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...List of official guests and Nunawading and Box Hill City Councillors to the City of Nunawading Mayoral ball held on Wed 10 Jul 1946. Hosts Cr and Mrs N. Armstrong.List of official guests and Nunawading and Box Hill City Councillors to the City of Nunawading Mayoral ball held on Wed 10 Jul 1946. Hosts Cr and Mrs N. Armstrong.List of official guests and Nunawading and Box Hill City Councillors to the City of Nunawading Mayoral ball held on Wed 10 Jul 1946. Hosts Cr and Mrs N. of nunawading, mayoral balls, armstrong, norman -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Carols show Christmas in a special light, 1990
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Nunawading Arts Centre Manager, Mr Noel Browne has promised a big, bright Carols by Candlelight at the service to be held at the Centre on Sunday December 16 at 8 pm.Nunawading Arts Centre Manager, Mr Noel Browne has promised a big, bright Carols by Candlelight at the service to be held at the Centre on Sunday December 16 at 8 pm.Nunawading Arts Centre Manager, Mr Noel Browne has promised a big, bright Carols by Candlelight at the service to be held at the Centre on Sunday December 16 at 8 pm.browne, noel, watt, anneli, carols by candlelight, nunawading arts centre -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Trees, 19/3/1997
... Whitehorse Historical Society Inc. 2-10 Deep Creek Road ...Article on Whitehorse Council's street tree programmeArticle on Whitehorse Council's street tree programmeArticle on Whitehorse Council's street tree programmetrees, city of whitehorse