Showing 1866 items
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
WUNDERLICH TILE, Wunderlich Limited, Circa 1965
In the Sunshine Advocate of 21/03/1925 it is reported that Wunderlich Ltd decided to establish works in Sunshine for the manufacture of terra cotta and faience for the facing of city buildings. The product was intended to imitate granite, which would give a brighter appearance to concrete walls. A stone surface finish to the terra cotta could be achieved by applying a variety of colour combinations of glazes with a special 'spackle' gun. A building that is still standing and has the imitation granite finish terra cotta is the Nicholas Building at 21 - 47 Swanston Street, Melbourne. The Nicholas Building was designed by Harry Norris for Alfred Nicholas (Aspro fame), and was built during 1925 - 1926. The building is classified by the National Trust (B4079) and has the Victorian Heritage Register (H2119). During my employment in the factory from 1964 to 1969 the tiles were generally faced with single colour glazes. For some small jobs a light coloured mottled finish was achieved by spattering a white glaze over a cream coloured background or vice versa. There were no imitation granite jobs done, probably because of changing attitudes to the intended appearance of buildings. The green coloured tile in our collection is an unfinished (untrimmed) retain tile typical of the green coloured tiles that were made for the two stages of the Commonwealth Centre Building (colloquially known as the Green Latrine), that was once located on the corner of Spring and Victoria Streets in Melbourne. Similar coloured tiles were also used on some shop fronts. The Commonwealth Centre Building no longer exists, however the Century Building at 125 - 133 Swanston Street, Melbourne is covered with single coloured tiles (white). The Century Building was built in 1939, with the architect being Marcus Barlow. The Building is classified by the National Trust (B4045). Our tile along with several others were headed for dumping among the asbestos waste at the rear of the two Wunderlich factories (Circa 1968). With permission from the Factory Superintendent of the Terra Cotta factory they were saved and taken home. Several are still in use as pavers around a barbecue in Melton from where our tile was obtained. It should be noted that the Wunderlich Architectural Terra Cotta factory in Sunshine did not manufacture terra cotta roofing tiles, as reported in the Brimbank City Council Post-contact Heritage Study HO 073 former Wunderlich now West End Market. Wunderlich terra cotta roofing tiles were manufactured at their factory in Mitcham Road, Vermont. Document HO 073 contains at least 3 errors. Other References: (1). (2). Armstrong, J. 'Investigating the historic and current use, manufacture and conservation of architectural terra cotta and faience USA & UK'. This tile is an example of the type of facing that was applied to city buildings for over 40 years from the mid 1920's. As building techniques changed the need for this type of facing diminished, and so the factory was eventually sold and demolished. A free standing tall chimney stack which serviced two of the kilns was a significant feature of the North Sunshine skyline. A part of the history of Sunshine disappeared with the demolition of the factory and the chimney stack. Only the façade of the finishing section of the factory where tiles were trimmed and stored remains. Off-white/beige architectural terra cotta tile with green coloured vitreous glaze on the face of tile. The rear of tile is ribbed. wunderlich limited, terra cotta, architectural, commonwealth centre, spring street, sunshine, mcintyre, victoria street, faience, faence, imitation granite, nicholas building, century building -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Life in Ireland - A Farmer's Cabin, c1864
The tenant lived at the mercy of the resident landlord. Home was a one-roomed house, a chimney of wicker work plastered over with mud or just a hole in the roof. The walls might consist of mud too, or sods of grass. Any windows, were rarely glazed and would be open to the elements all year round. The Pig, if any, was kept in the house, the most valuable possession. Sold for cash at local market. The main items in the house were a potato pot and water bucket. As well as mother, father and children, there could well be grandparents all living in the same cramped conditions. The family would sleep on rushes or straw lain on the floor. Most tenants were tenants 'at will ', which meant they could be evicted at the 'will' of the landlord. Some had a lease for the life of the father and the eldest son, and this meant they were relatively safe from eviction as long as they could pay their rent. There was a tradition of passing on a portion of your land from father to each of the sons, who would build a small dwelling, and in turn pass a portion onto their own sons. This cycle of subdivision meant that many families were surviving on a tiny plot of land from which to derive a crop of potatoes for the year. Women worked hard in this environment, rearing children, cooking, cleaning, tending to any animals such a pigs or chicken and when needed, helping in the potato field. Life was dictated by the annual rent due to the landlord. Other typical expenses could be the Hearth Tax (actually charged by the number of fire places in a house) Turf, Hay (for any farm animals) and tithes. A tax known as the tithes were calculated at one tenth the value of everything saleable. Tithes were a bitter issue. They were for the support of the Church of Ireland, Protestant Bishops and Ministers, and a cess tax for the construction and maintenance of Protestant Church buildings. The problem being that the vast majority of those paying the Tax were Catholic and paying to support something that was contrary to their beliefs. Potatoes were the staple diet from September through to the end of Spring of the following year. But the summer months were months of hunger and hardship as they waited for the following harvest to come in Autumn. During these months people had to resort to eating anything they could find; turnips, cabbage, even wild grass, nettles, wild berries and dandelions. Those who lived close to the sea would collect seaweed and use it spread on their land as a form of manure. The dependency of so much of the population on the Potato as their sole source of food was to prove disastrous during the Famine years. [, accessed 14 December 2013]A woman spins wools, while another cards fleece in preparation for spinning. I man smokes a pipe by an open fireplace, while a cow takes shelter in the cabin for warmth. ballarat irish, cabin, spinning, wool, cow -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Printmaking - Silkscreen, Lin Onus, 'Walawala Garrkman' by Lin Onus, 2001
Lin ONUS (1948-1996) Language: Wiradjuri / Yorta Yorta Lin Onus played a pivotal role in the recognition of Aboriginal art as an expression of a contemporary and dynamic living culture. Prior to his premature death at just 47 years of age he was a prominent, strident, yet non-confrontational agent in renegotiating the history of colonial and Aboriginal Australia. His father, Bill Onus, was the founder of the Aboriginal Advancement League in Victoria and a prominent maker of artefacts in Melbourne. As a young Koori growing up, Lin lived in a cultural environment that included exposure to visiting Aboriginal artists, including Albert Namatjira. He began his artistic life assisting his father in decorating artifacts, went on to develop skills working with metal and painting with air brush as a panel beater; and by 1974 he was painting watercolors and photo-realist landscapes. In the 1970's he completed a set of paintings on the first Aboriginal guerrilla fighter Mosquito, which holds pride of place on the walls of the Advancement League in Melbourne, to this day. Lin Onus was a largely self-taught artist. Particularly important in his development was his visits to Garmedi (Arnhem Land) starting in 1986. Jack Wunuwun, the Yolngu artist, introduced him into the Murrungun-Djinang clan and gave him permission to use some of traditional images in his paintings. His cultural education on the Aboriginal side was also provided by visits to Cummeragunja with his father, and stories told by his uncle Aaron Briggs, known as 'the old man of the forest' who gave him his Koori name - Burrinja, meaning 'star'. They would sit on the banks of the Murray River within view of the Barmah Forest, Lin's spiritual home, the subject of many of his later paintings and his final resting place. Lin's father had been of the Yorta Yorta people from the Barmah Forest country, and Lin also used images from this area in his paintings. The images in his works include haunting photorealist portrayals of the Barmah red gum forests of his father's ancestral country, and the use of rarrk cross-hatching-based based painting style that he learned (and was given permission to use when in Arnhemland). His painting Barmah Forest won Canberra's national Aboriginal Heritage Award in 1994. (, accessed 18 May 2015) This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Framed limited edition silkscreen.Signed 'Onus' lower right (posthumously by Tiriki Onus) Edition 68/80art, artwork, lin onus, onus, printmaking, screenprint, aboriginal, dreaming, frogs, available -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and menu card, Joint Installation of Bros. K.J. Fullerton and W. F. Creeth, 1909
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of two Lodge Brothers. Half fold design printed in gold, brown, light blue, dark blue and black ink on white card. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: Zenith & Golden Corinthian Lodges,/ No. 52 & No. 7./ Joint / Installation / of / Bros. K. J. Fullerton / and W. F Creeth / Masonic Hall / Wednesday, June 30th , 1909 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo events, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and menu card, Joint Installation of Bros. R.T. Trembath and L. A. Sonnenberg, 1910
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of two Lodge Brothers. Horizontal fold printed in black ink on blue card. Embossed cover with scalloped edging. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: golden & Corinthian & Zenith Lodges / No. 7 and Mo. 52 / joint Installation / of / Bros, R. T. Trembath and L. A. Sonnenber / Masonic Hall, Bendigo / Wednesday, June 29th, 1910. bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, brockley printers bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups, city of greater bendigo events -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and Menu Card, Joint Installation, 1905
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginning in local guilds of stonemasons which from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of unnamed Brothers. Half fold printed in gold and red ink on cream coloured card. Embossed cover with plain edging. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: The Zenith and Golden and Corinthian Lodges ? Joint Installation / Masonic Hall, Bendigo / Wednesday, June 28th, 1905 / Bro J.O.R Milburn Caterer bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, james printer eaglehawk, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation, Joint Installation of Bros. R.O. Henderson & T. L. Sargeant, 1906
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of Brothers Henderson and Sargeant. Half fold printed in red ink on grey / mauve coloured card with plain edging. Menu listed inside on left, toasts listed on inside right. Front cover: Banquet / at the / Joint Installation / of / Brox, R. O Henderson & T. L. Sargeant / as / Worshipful Masters / of the / Golden and Corinthian & Zenith Lodges / Masonic Hall / Wednesday, 27th June 1906 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, brockley printers bendigo, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation, Joint Installation of Bros. H. Lee, 1907
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of Brother Lee. Half fold printed in blue ink on cream coloured card with plain edging. Menu listed inside on left, toasts listed on inside right, officers listed on back cover. Front cover: Sandhurst Lodge / No 194 / Banquet / to celebrate the / Installation / of / Brother H. Lee / in the / Masonic Temple, Bendigo / Thursday, 20th June 1907 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo events, city of greater bendigo community groups -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Aerospace Industry, 1958-1961
honeywell, scout rocket, echo satellite, mercury rocket, centaur rocket, advent rocket, mariner satellite, dyna soar, x-15, midas rocket, tiros satellite, discoverer rocket, vanguard satellite, aerospace industry, alan gardiner collection, space industry -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Fork
Naturally, we tend to take commonplace objects for granted, because they have always been there. Yet how many of you actually have thought “hey, where do forks come from?” Well, it takes one trip to China and a 3-year-old laughing at your face because of your desperate attempt to eat with chopsticks to finally appreciate something so ordinary such as a fork. So, where do forks come from? The early history of the fork is obscure. As a kitchen and dining utensil, it is believed to have originated in the Roman Empire, as proved by archaeological evidence. The personal table fork most likely originated in the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire. Its use spread to what is now the Middle East during the first millennium AD and then spread into Southern Europe during the second millennium. It did not become common in northern Europe until the 18th century and was not common in North America until the 19th century. Carving fork from 1640. Source: Wikipedia/Public Domain Carving Fork from 1640. Source: Wikipedia/Public Domain Some of the earliest known uses of forks with food occurred in Ancient Egypt, where large forks were used as cooking utensils. Bone forks had been found on the burial site of the Bronze Age Qijia culture (2400–1900 BC) as well as later Chinese dynasties’ tombs.The Ancient Greeks used the fork as a serving utensil. Read also: Steven Spielberg to Remake the Classic Musical ‘West Side Story’ In the Roman Empire, bronze and silver forks were used. The use varied according to local customs, social class and the nature of food, but forks of the earlier periods were mostly used as cooking and serving utensils. The personal table fork was most likely invented in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, where they were in everyday use by the 4th century (its origin may even go back to Ancient Greece, before the Roman period). Records show that by the 9th century a similar utensil known as a barjyn was in limited use in Persia within some elite circles. By the 10th century, the table fork was in common use throughout the Middle East. Bronze forks made in Persia during the 8th or 9th century.Source: Wikipedia/Public Domain Bronze forks made in Persia during the 8th or 9th century.Source: Wikipedia/Public Domain The first recorded introduction of the fork to Western Europe, as recorded by the theologian and Cardinal Peter Damian, was by Theophano Sklereina the Byzantine wife of Holy Roman Emperor Otto II, who nonchalantly wielded one at an Imperial banquet in 972, astonishing her Western hosts.By the 11th century, the table fork had become increasingly prevalent in the Italian peninsula. It gained a following in Italy before any other Western European region because of historical ties with Byzantium and continued to get popularity due to the increasing presence of pasta in the Italian diet. At first, pasta was consumed using a long wooden spike, but this eventually evolved into three spikes, design better suited to gathering the noodles. In Italy, it became commonplace by the 14th century and was almost universally used by the merchant and upper classes by 1600. It was proper for a guest to arrive with his fork and spoon enclosed in a box called a cadena; this usage was introduced to the French court with Catherine de’ Medici’s entourage. In Portugal, forks were first used at the time of Infanta Beatrice, Duchess of Viseu, King Manuel I of Portugal’s mother around 1450. However, forks were not commonly used in Western Europe until the 16th century when they became part of Italian etiquette. The utensil had also gained some currency in Spain by this time, and its use gradually spread to France. Nevertheless, most of Europe did not adopt the use of the fork until the 18th century. Read also: The 8 Most Famous ‘Functioning Alcoholics’ in History Long after the personal table fork had become commonplace in France, at the supper celebrating the marriage of the Duc de Chartres to Louis XIV’s natural daughter in 1692, the seating was described in the court memoirs of Saint-Simon: “King James having his Queen on his right hand and the King on his left, and each with their cadenas.” In Perrault’s contemporaneous fairy tale of La Belle au bois dormant (1697), each of the fairies invited for the christening is presented with a splendid “fork holder”. The fork’s adoption in northern Europe was slower. Its use was first described in English by Thomas Coryat in a volume of writings on his Italian travels (1611), but for many years it was viewed as an unmanly Italian affectation. Some writers of the Roman Catholic Church expressly disapproved of its use, St. Peter Damian seeing it as “excessive delicacy.” It was not until the 18th century that the fork became commonly used in Great Britain, although some sources say that forks were common in France, England, and Sweden already by the early 17th century. Spaghetti fork By Lady alys - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Spaghetti Fork By Lady alys – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The fork did not become popular in North America until near the time of the American Revolution. The curved fork used in most parts of the world today was developed in Germany in the mid 18th century while the standard four-tine design became current in the early 19th century. The fork was important in Germany because they believed that eating with the fingers was rude and disrespectful. The fork led to family dinners and sit-down meals, which are important features of German culture. fork, two prongs, with a shaped wooden handle. Badly rusted.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, food, meat, carving -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Post Office Receiving Pillar, 1885
This Post Office Receiving Pillar was restored in 1980 and is now a fully operational Australia Post mailbox. In early August 1980 Prime Minister Mr. Fraser posted Warrnambool’s first commemorative envelope into this restored Post Office Receiving Pillar at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The special limited edition envelopes are numbered 1 – 7000. When posted, the envelopes would have the Flagstaff Hill Logo and Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s own postmark of a ship’s steering wheel surrounding a lighthouse and a sailing ship, and were dated August 3 on the First Day Cover. Amongst Flagstaff Hill’s collection is that very first letter posted by Prime Minister Fraser. HISTORY OF POST OFFICE RECEIVING PILLARS In 1851 ‘pillar boxes’ were installed at roadside locations in the island of Jersey, England; they had already been successful in several European countries. The use of new prepaid, adhesive postage stamps as well as the roadside pillar boxes meant there was no need for the public to take a trip to the Post Office just to post a letter. By 1855 London had installed its first six Pillar Boxes. In 1856 the pillar boxes were first introduced in Sydney. These were circular with a crown on the dome, supported by leaves. Early Victoria Mail was originally collected by ‘letter carriers’, first appointed in Melbourne in 1841, equipped with leather bag and hand bell. He wore a red coat with brass buttons and a black top hat! In 1844 two wooden receiving boxes were erected in Melbourne. The first cast iron boxes were installed in South Melbourne (Emerald Hill) and were still in service until 1967. They were a fluted circular design and made in England. In the early 1860’s the ‘low door round’ design posting box was introduced, being circular and surrounded by a crown, with two broad embossed bands around its circumference. The clearance door was in front of the box and low down. These were made in Australia. In the early 1870’s square boxes with a tapering top were being used. These too were made in Australia by different manufacturers with slight variations on style such as the orientation and number of slots. Next came the circular boxes again, similar to the ‘low door round’ but with the clearance door extending to just below the posting slot, often referred to as ‘high door round’. These boxes did not have embossed bands. In 1887 small cast iron boxes were introduced, attached to posts and poles and called ‘lamp post receivers’. Around 1930 a ‘London’ model was used in Victoria. It was copied from the flat-domed type in London but made in Tasmania. [References: Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village records, The Warrnambool Standard, August 1st, 1980, “Stamps.Au”, 4th April 2011 (Extracted from “Australian Street Posting Boxes” by Ken Sparks – out of print)] Post Office Receiving Pillar, or letterbox.1885 “High Door Round” design. Tall cast iron cylinder with decorative dome cap with crown on top. Side has a slot and a hinged door with handle shaped as a fist. Painted red with gold trim. “POST OFFICE / RECEIVING PILLAR” lettering cast into cylinder. Restored in 1980 and once again operating as an Australia Post mailbox. Commemorative plague on pillar.“POST OFFICE / RECEIVING PILLAR” lettering cast into cylinder. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum – Port of Warrnambool. This letter receiver was officially commissioned on 3rd August 1980 by the Prime Minister of Australia, the Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser M.P. on completion of 25 years’ service as the Federal Minister for Wannon.”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, post office receiving pillar, letterbox, mailbox, australia post -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Book launch of Laughing Waters Road by Jane Woollard at Montsalvat, Eltham, 30 January 2016
Laughing Waters Road , the book was launched at Montsalvat in Eltham. On Saturday, January 30, 2016, Nillumbik Council launched this book. The weather was cool; just as well, considering over 500 people attended this very pleasant event where food and drink were plentiful. The Australian Government and Nillumbik Shire Council funded the book and it was designed by Wayne Rankin of North Warrandyte. The dedication page is to our very own Ranger Campbell Beardsell OAM of Parks Vic who taught Jane to be “passionate about the environment of this special place” (p260). FOWSP members Val Polley, Linda Rogan and Ken Crook contributed to the content and photos. David Wandin, Wurundjeri Elder, gave a Welcome to Country and officially launched the book after the Mayor of Nillumbik, Cr Hattam, made introductions. Jane Woollard followed with a brief outline of how she came to write the book (her very first) and read out loud the last paragraph which focuses on reconciliation and shared culture. Jane declared in her preface that the book “has been formed by attending to the connection between rivulets of memories, creeks of hearsay, rivers of tales, the meanders of local legend and the deep, still pools of the archive.” Very poetic! - Lynda Gilbert Newsletter; Friends of Warrandyte State Park March 2016, Volume 34 Number 2 Laughing Waters Road , the book was launched at Montsalvat in Eltham ON SATURDAY 30 JANUARY Nillumbik Council launched this book. The weather was cool; just as well, considering over 500 people attended this very pleasant event where food and drink were plentiful. The Australian Government and Nillumbik Shire Council funded the book and it was designed by Wayne Rankin of North Warrandyte. The dedication page is to our very own Ranger Campbell Beardsell OAM of Parks Vic who taught Jane to be “passionate about the environment of this special place” (p260). FOWSP members Val Polley, Linda Rogan and Ken Crook contributed to the content and photos. David Wandin, Wurundjeri Elder, gave a Welcome to Country and officially launched the book after the Mayor of Nillumbik, Cr Hattam, made introductions. Jane Woollard followed with a brief outline of how she came to write the book (her very first) and read out loud the last paragraph which focuses on reconciliation and shared culture. Jane declared in her preface that the book “has been formed by attending to the connection between rivulets of memories, creeks of hearsay, rivers of tales, the meanders of local legend and the deep, still pools of the archive.” Very poetic! - Lynda Gilbert Newsletter; Friends of Warrandyte State Park March 2016, Volume 34 Number 2 bridge collection, 2016-01-30, book launch, bronnie hattam, jane woollard, laughing waters road, montsalvat, sigmund jorgensen, harry gilham, maurice hurry -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper Clipping, Australian Landscape Art; A fine collection; The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), p4, November 18, 1918
AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE ART. A FINE COLLECTION. The late Mr. Walter Withers was one of the little band of landscapists that Included Streeton Condor, who pioneered the "plein-airiste" movement In Victoria thirty years ago. Mr. Withers had been trained in Paris, but practically all his artistic life was spent in Australia, and examples from his easel are to be found in all the leading Australian galleries. He belonged to a brilliant little coterie of men whose works have since been eagerly sought for at ever-rising prices. And now collectors have an opportunity of acquiring examples of his art for a thoroughly characteristic collection of his work, both in oils and in water-color, will be open to-day In the fine art gallery at Anthony Horderns', in George Street. The collection includes 28 paintings in oil by the late Mr. Walter Withers, and 32 of his water-color drawings, while smaller collections by his daughter, Miss Margery Withers, and by his son, Mr. Meynell Withers, are also added. Among the landscapes in oils by the deceased artist may be seen examples of many moods, and also many phases of his artistic development. At different times he was a realist, a romanticist, an idealist. In his fine picture "The Easter Moon" the emotional appeal to the homing instinct is direct and compelling. This delightful work, low in tone and charming in its feeling of repose, suggests the sentiment of Gray's "Elegy." Entirely different in range, intention, and feeling, are two brilliantly-painted pictures entitled "The Young Gardener," and "The Dividing Fence," Mr. Withers here displays an unusual gift for placing effective notes in an admirably harmonised color scheme. "Sunlight in the Forest" is a pastoral poem in color. Most of these pictures were painted in the Eltham or Warrandyte country, while the "marines" are impressions at Phillip Island or on the shores of the bay. The artist was well equipped with technical knowledge and experience. His pictures are full of air and sunlight, and his realisation of cloud-forms is most convincing. The watercolor drawings which he did in the full maturity of his powers have, a softness, richness, and depth of color quite unusual. His son, Meynell Withers, shows a collection of landscapes of striking merit, recalllng his father's handling of color and selective taste In composition. Miss Margory Withers shows a charming group of watercolor portraits, and also some meritorious landscapes. The pictures have been hung with fine artistic discrimination in the grouping of the subjects, and so skilfully that in each group an essential harmony of tone has been preserved. The exhibition will be open to the public from to-day. AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE ART. (1918, November 18). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from inscribed: "Mrs Withers 463 Collins St. West Melbourne"art exhibition, art review, artist, john withers collection, walter herbert withers -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Print Kapyong, Kapyong
On 23 April, the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Ferguson, and the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, occupied prominent hills on either side of the seven-kilometre-wide valley, where a small tributary joined the Kapyong River. Also forward were headquarters units, tanks and artillery. The 1st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, were to the rear. Early in the evening, retreating South Koreans streamed past the Commonwealth position, with Chinese forces closely intermingled. Soon afterwards a platoon of American tanks supporting 3 RAR was overrun. The Kapyong valley was too large an area to defend with the forces available, and the brigade was spread very thinly. Throughout the night the Chinese repeatedly pressed the Australian positions, attacking in waves over their own dead and wounded. At dawn, A Company, under the command of Major Bernard "Ben" O'Dowd, found that the Chinese had infiltrated its position, but a counter-attack was able to eject them. Meanwhile B Company, which had spent the night on a hill near the riiver, discovered Chinese occupying some old bunkers on a small knoll. Hand-to-hand fighting ensued with grenades and bayonets. C Company, under the command of Captain Reg Saunders, was in position to reinforce both A and B Companies. "Major O'Dowd then directed the radio operator to contact anyone. The American 1st Marine Division answered but their operator refused to believe who our operator was speaking for. Major O'Dowd took the phone and demanded to speak to the commanding officer. The general in charge of the [Marine] division came on the phone and told O'Dowd we didn't exist as we had been wiped out the night before. Major O'Dowd said, 'I've got news for you, we are still here and we are staying here.'" Private Patrick Knowles, 3 RAR, on the morning of 24 April 1951 Fighting continued throughout the day with the Australians holding their positions, and the Chinese also engaging D Company. But late on 24 April, with their position now untenable, the Australians were forced into a fighting withdrawal down a ridge to the valley, where they rejoined the brigade. Their withdrawal was supported by New Zealand artillery from the 16th Field Regiment. Having found the Canadian position unassailable, the Chinese made no further attacks. By the afternoon of 25 April the road through to the Canadians had been cleared of Chinese and 2 PPCLI was relieved by US Army units. On Anzac Day 1951, the Australians rested after a long fight. Thirty-two Australians were killed and 53 were wounded for their part in stalling the Chinese advance and preventing Seoul from falling into enemy hands. Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Ferguson was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his skilful leadership, and the Australian and Canadian battalions both received United States Presidential Distinguished Unit Citations for their part in the battle. of painting of action in Kapyong Korea in wooden frame under glassDonated by Frank Arnold on behalf of Korean Veterans Association of Australia inc.korea, kapyong, 3rar -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Main Road, Eltham, looking south from Bridge Street, 1906-1907
Looking south along Main Road from the south side of the intersection of Bridge Street with Main Road. Anne Hunniford's Post Office and Burgoyne's store on left. Miss Harriet (Minnie) Williams's Cash Drapery Mart (est. 1902 and enlarged in 1906), also known as Eltham House on the right. Harriet (Minnie) Williams was born London, 1857, the daughter of George John Williams (1812-1895) and Jane Mansfield (1812-1895). In September 1885 she was operating Williams’s Drapery Establishment in premises on Main Road owned by R. Wallis who advertised them to let in September 1885. In 1902 she opened Williams’s Cash Drapery Mart at the southwest corner of Bridge Street and Main Road (opposite the Post Office), owned by W.J. Taylor. In 1906 she bought the premises and one quarter acre of land and expanded the business with a re-opening in April 1906. Harriet was also well-known and esteemed as an active worker in Methodist circles and also Superintendent of the Sunday School. Harriet fell ill in August 1907 and died 15 August. She is buried in Eltham Cemetery with her good friend Ada Ford. Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), Friday 30 March 1906, page 5 ________________________________________ ELTHAM. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) For over three years Miss Williams has carried on a drapery business in very small and inconvenient premises opposite the Eltham post-office. Recently she bought the building and a quarter-acre of land from Mr. W. J. Taylor. Thus having a free hand, she at once matured plans to enlarge and improve the premises to make them suitable for her growing business. The result being that she consulted Mr Roach, contractor, of Heidelberg, put the matter in his hands, and now he has completed in a very satisfactory manner and up-to-date style extensive improvements. A large addition, of very neat and attractive design, with three large windows, has been built right along the front of the old building, and the counters and inside fittings are very neat and convenient, harmonizing well with the attractive outside appearance. Miss Williams has now got in a large now stock of goods, and is making extensive arrangements for a “reopening week," commencing 2nd April, during which time she will make 10 per cent reduction on all cash purchases in the form of gifts of that value. Miss Williams has gone to considerable expense and liability both, in the enlargement and improvement of the premises and in purchasing additional stock. We therefore trust that the public will stand by her by heartily and en masse patronizing her re-opening effort to show their appreciation of pluck in this advance movement. Google Street View Feb 2017:,145.1462046,3a,50.5y,191.91h,88.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sARwwqEQfMSfH9oTWWapPgQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Negsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, anne jane hunniford, burgoyne store, christopher watson, commercial bank of australia, drapery store, eltham house, harriet (minnie) williams, post office, watson's hotel, williams's cash drapery mart -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Warrandyte Bridge over River Yarra, c.1910
View of the 1875 timber trestle bridge over the Yarra River reproduced from a newsprint image. Also known as Anderson's Creek (Road) Bridge A contract was accepted for William Elliot to erect a bridge over the Yarra River at Warrandyte on Anderson's Creek Road and other improvements for £1,331.6.2 - Gazette No. 143. Tuesday, November 13th 1860 - The bridge was washed away by floods in 1863. It was replaced with a taller timber trestle structure in October 1875, designed and built by C.S. Wingrove, Shire Clerk, Engineer and Surveyor for Eltham Shire Council. A replacement for this bridge was commenced in 1955 to cope with increasing traffic and this structure was widened in 2018 to meet further traffic demands. Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 23 September 1875, page 7 ________________________________________ THE WARRANDYTE BRIDGE. The ceremony of formally opening the newly erected bridge over the Yarra at Ander-son's Creek was performed on Monday last, in the presence of the members of the Eltham and Bulleen shire councils whose territories it joins, and a goodly number of the residents of the district. The task was delegated to Mr. Cameron, M.L.A., who, after a few introductory remarks declared the bridge to be opened, and christened it the " Warrandyte Bridge." The party then adjourned to Grant's Hotel, where a cold collation had been prepared. The chair was taken by the president of the Eltham shire (Mr. John Bell) and the vice chair by Mr. Kent, a member of the Bulleen council. Mr Robert Williamson proposed "Success to the bridge," coupling with it the name of Mr. Cameron, to whose exertions was in the main to be attributed the erection of that structure which was an ornament to the district and would prove of great service to both sides of the river. Mr. Cameron, in responding, alluded to the great difficulties, mainly of a pecuniary nature, that had been encountered in carrying out the project, and which had only been got over by their united efforts and by the liberal spirit in which the late Commissioner of Roads had dealt with the case. The healths of the contractor and the engineer were also drunk. The bridge is a trussed timber one, resting on yellow box piles sunk into the solid rock, each pier being weighted with 50 tons of stone. The abutments consist of dry stone walls, 6ft. thick at the base, and tapering to 3ft. on the top, the face of the work having a batter of 1 to 1. The length of the bridge is 308ft., there being four openings in the centre of 66ft. each, and two at the ends of 20ft. each. The width in the clear is 9½ft., and the height from the bed of the river about 33ft. The approaches comprise 1,100 cubic yards of earthwork, and the formation of 48 chains of sideling, the whole cost of the work, which was carried out under the direction of the engineer to the Eltham Shire Council, being £1,413.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Neg B&W Print 12.5 x 9 cmsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, warrandyte, bridge -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, X-Ray demonstration at the Ballarat School of Mines, 1896, 1896
X-Rays were first discovered on 8 November 1895. By 18 July 1896 staff members of the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB), were experimenting with the exciting new discovery. The history of x-rays began on 8 November 1895 at the University of Wurzburg in Bavaria. The discovery was officially announced on 25 December 1895. The first radiographs in Ballarat were taken at the School of Mines in July 1896 according to the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) Annual Report. Frederick J. Martell, the Registrar of SMB arranged for the importation of tubes, while John M. Sutherland, an electrician, conducted most of the experiments giving 6 inch, 12 inch and 16 inch sparks respectively. In a short time brilliantly successful results were obtained, with some SMB Roentgen negatives taken at this time still in existence today. Samuel Ernest Figgis, H. R. W. Murphy, D. McDougall, and Frederick J. Martell carried out experiments at the SMB on Saturday evening 18 July 1896, producing 'perfect' negatives of a hand and wrist. A Roentgen Tube and an induction coil giving a two inch spark, the coil being sparked by the SMB's dynamo, were used to obtain these results. The Courier reported that 'the exposure of five minutes was ample' but concluded that 'the length of the exposure will be shortened as experiments proceed.' The Ballarat Courier reported on 20 July 1896 that: "Thanks to the energy of the staff of The School of Mines, Ballarat, and particularly to Messers F.J. Martell and D. McDougall, the assistance of Rontgen X-rays will soon be available, for the relief of suffering humanity, at this institution." Martell was an ardent amateur photographer, and Duncan McDougall's experience as an electrician has enabled the two gentlemen to carry their experiments on to a perfectly successful issue. At first these gentlemen, together with Professor Purdie and Mr W. Huey Steele, conducted a series of experiments by the aid of a Bonetti glass-plate induction machine which had been constructed by Mr McDougall. The results were very good, the various bones of the hand being distinctly visible. The following people were among those who witnessed the first X-ray experiments to be carried out in Ballarat. Andrew Anderson, President of the School of Mines, a large number of ladies and gentlemen, the medical profession Dr Edward Champion (1867-1929) Dr Gerald Eugene Cussen (1888-1943) Dr William Edward Davies (1868-1928) Dr Charles William Henry hardy (1861-1941) Dr Edward Kenneth Herring(1864-1922) Dr Joseph Lalor (1859-1907) Dr James Thomas Mitchell (1856-1945) Dr Edward Graham Ochiltree (1857-1896) Dr Robert Denham Pinnock (1849-1902) Dr Joseph Francis Usher (c1832-1909) Dr Grace Vale (nk-1933). The staff of SMB Professor Alfred Mica Smith Professor D. J. Dawbarn Mr. F. J. Martell. ( men, one seated, one standing standing in a room with early electrical equipment. They are conducting pioneer X-rays at the Ballarat School of Mines in 1896. Seated on the left is John Waters Sutherland.A bromide of this images states "Experimenting with X-rays, 1896"ballarat school of mines, x-ray, xray, john sutherland, sutherland, electricity, photography, foto, roentgen tube, medical -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Animal specimen - Whale Tooth, Probably 19th century
The toothed whales (also called odontocetes, systematic name Odontoceti) are a parvorder of cetaceans that includes dolphins, porpoises, and all other whales possessing teeth, such as the beaked whales and sperm whales. Seventy-three species of toothed whales are described. They are one of two living groups of cetaceans, the other being the baleen whales (Mysticeti), which have baleen instead of teeth. The two groups are thought to have diverged around 34 million years ago (mya). Toothed whales range in size from the 4.5 ft (1.4 m) and 120 lb (54 kg) vaquita to the 20 m (66 ft) and 55 t (61-short-ton) sperm whale. Several species of odontocetes exhibit sexual dimorphism, in that there are size or other morphological differences between females and males. They have streamlined bodies and two limbs that are modified into flippers. Some can travel at up to 20 knots. Odontocetes have conical teeth designed for catching fish or squid. They have well-developed hearing, that is well adapted for both air and water, so much so that some can survive even if they are blind. Some species are well adapted for diving to great depths. Almost all have a layer of fat, or blubber, under the skin to keep warm in the cold water, with the exception of river dolphins. Toothed whales consist of some of the most widespread mammals, but some, as with the vaquita, are restricted to certain areas. Odontocetes feed largely on fish and squid, but a few, like the killer whale, feed on mammals, such as pinnipeds. Males typically mate with multiple females every year, but females only mate every two to three years, making them polygynous. Calves are typically born in the spring and summer, and females bear the responsibility for raising them, but more sociable species rely on the family group to care for calves. Many species, mainly dolphins, are highly sociable, with some pods reaching over a thousand individuals. Once hunted for their products, cetaceans are now protected by international law. Some species are attributed with high levels of intelligence. At the 2012 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, support was reiterated for a cetacean bill of rights, listing cetaceans as nonhuman persons. Besides whaling and drive hunting, they also face threats from bycatch and marine pollution. The baiji, for example, is considered functionally extinct by the IUCN, with the last sighting in 2004, due to heavy pollution to the Yangtze River. Whales occasionally feature in literature and film, as in the great white sperm whale of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. Small odontocetes, mainly dolphins, are kept in captivity and trained to perform tricks. Whale watching has become a form of tourism around the world. Reference: teeth were much prized for use in scrimshaw work.Whale tooth. Significant staining and yellowing. Broken at base, and missing the root.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, whale tooth, whaling, whaling industry, whales -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Churchill Service Memorial, 2015, 2015
In recognition of its fallen soldiers and Churchill's 50th birthday a service memorial was erected on a concrete plinth at the Churchill town plaza and used for the first time to mark the ANZAC centenary on Anzac Day 2015. Churchill never had a war memorial and received a grant from the Department of Veterans' Affairs six years ago to commission a sculpture with Latrobe City Council's support. It was decided the sculpture needed to recognise more than just the war effort, but service and volunteerism, considering Churchill was only founded in 1965. (, accessed 01 may 2015) Sculptor Paul Jesse discussed the work in Churchill and District Community news, 18 December 2014: Some time ago CDCA commissioned a sculpture to be used as a Service Memorial to commemorate the fallen that have died in service of our community and country. Traditional memorials usually commemorate Armed Services personnel, but CDCA was of the opinion that a more inclusive view which included Emergency Services personnel, such as CFA, SES and Police, could be incorporated into the Churchill Memorial. Boolarra artist, Paul Jesse, who is accomplished in Ferro-Cement sculpture techniques, was commissioned to create a memorial that would cause people to reflect on the meaning of ‘service’ and ‘sacrifice’. The following is a description of the Churchill Service Memorial Sculpture written by the sculptor, Paul Jesse. “My sculpture is different from most War Memorial sculptures because it uses as its basis the reasons why people go into service or to war. One side of the sculpture is colourful and optimistic; its theme is home, family, community and the future. These themes are crafted by flow lines which are connected to the other side of the sculpture through the round hole and the Crosspiece. These lines can be seen as a multi-layered connection between the sides. On the “dark” side of the sculpture, the lines begin with a spiral of coloured mosaics. This spiral is representative of our service people. Its beginning can be seen on one level as their soul. The spiralling mosaics of them flow to the other side of the sculpture where they create the landscape and figures. These lines can also be seen as a range of connectors between the two sides, representing a flow of thoughts, love, fear, concern and dreams. They also represent physical communication such as letters and phone calls.” This ‘Service Memorial’ is located in the Churchill Plaza (adjacent to the Town Hall), along with four flagpoles, seating and garden beds. The Churchill Service Memorial has deliberately been designed as a thought-provoking public art work. It will complement the Art and Culture Pathway which links Switchback Gallery at the Federation University Campus to the Town Centre. We hope Churchill citizens will pause to view the Memorial, ponder its meaning, reflect on the service of others and commemorate the fallen. Colour photograph on an abstract Australia-shaped sculpture by Boolarra artist Paul Jesse. The abstract Australia-shaped sculpture is in stark contrast to the bronze-cast "fallen mate" or concrete cenotaph seen in many country towns. The photograph includes wreaths from the ANZAC centenary service on ANZAC Day 2015. churchill, churchill war memorial, paul jessie, anzac centenary, federation university, gippsland, art and culture pathway, world war -
Federation University Historical Collection
Drawing - Image - black and white, Angus McMillan, c1835
Angus McMillan named the Avon River after the river of the same name in his native Scotland. In 1840 he established a pastoral run at Bushy Park, north-west of the township. William Odell Raymond established a run in the area in 1842, and built his house, Strathfieldsaye, during 1848–54. European settlement did not take place without resistance, and in return, massacres were inflicted by Angus McMillan and others on Gunai people, especially between the years of 1840 and 1850. (wikipedia) The first application for the 'Bushy Park' run appears in the “Port Phillip Gazette” on 13 August 1843. It was taken up by Angus McMillan, who also took up the 'Boisdale' run for his employer Lachlan Macalister at the same time. In March 1844 a Licence to occupy the 16,000 acre 'Bushy Park' was granted to McMillan. In the late 1840s Andrew Martin and Matt McCraw built Angus McMillan's Bushy Park homestead. Aboriginal killings in Gippsland area most often were never formally recorded, but lived on in folklore, mainly in place names pinpointing what some historians now refer to as "massacres", and others as "conflicts". There is Boney Point, on Lake Wellington, Butchers Creek, near Metung, Slaughterhouse Gully, at Buchan, Skull Creek, at Lindenow, and, notoriously, Warrigal Creek, at Woodside. "Here, according to a couple of contemporary - though not eyewitness - reports, between 50 and 150 blacks were killed in an orgy of revenge after the murder and mutilation of a leading Scots settler, Ronald Macalister. If anybody had any doubts about the fitness of commemorating McMillan's name, no one voiced them then. Gippsland was, and still is, dotted with stone cairns tracing his route from Omeo, down the Tambo Valley to the fertile plains where he was to make (and lose) his fortune. And where, according to a growing body of opinion, he was to lead the "Highland Brigade", a band of armed settlers, against the Kurnai. History is fiction agreed on, and it is written by the winners. For most of the past 150 years, McMillan has been hailed as a trail-blazing pioneer. The legend began to crumble 20 years ago with publication of new histories, which at first outraged Gippsland historical societies and old residents, but which have gradually changed the way McMillan is viewed. ... Still, not all McMillan's contemporaries agreed with the "Highland Brigade" and its methods. Henry Meyrick, an English-born squatter, wrote to relatives in disgust about his neighbours. He estimated that 450 had been killed, and wrote: "Men, women and children are shot down whenever they can be met with. Some excuse might be found for shooting the men by those who are daily getting their cattle speared, but what they can urge in their excuse who shoot the women and children I cannot conceive." (, accessed 20 September 2016.) The Gippsland electorate is called 'McMillan' in his honour. Black and white image of a man wearing a coat and beret. He is Scottish born Victorian Squatter Angus McMillan of Bushy Park, Gippsland.angus mcmillan, squatter, aboriginal massacre, bushy park, gunai, avon river, pioneer -
Kyneton RSL Sub Branch
Framed photograph, HMAS Australia
The Australian Navy's first flagship, the battle cruiser HMAS Australia (I) was the centrepiece of the 'Fleet Unit', whose acquisition signalled the RAN's arrival as a credible ocean-going force. The Commonwealth Government decided upon the name Australia, and it proved a popular choice, carefully avoiding any suggestion of favouritism towards any one Australian State. Notwithstanding some construction delays, John Brown delivered Australia £295 000 under budget. Following successful gun, torpedo and machinery trials she commissioned as an Australian unit at Portsmouth, England, on 21 June 1913 under the command of Captain Stephen H. Radcliffe, RN. Two days later the ship hoisted the flag of Rear Admiral George Edwin Patey, MVO (later Vice Admiral Sir George Patey, KCMG, KCVO), who had been selected to command the Australian Fleet. In company with the new light cruiser HMAS Sydney (I), Australia sailed from Portsmouth on 21 July 1913, and their voyage home was seen as a further opportunity to stimulate public awareness and naval sentiment around the British Empire. Arrangements were made at the first opportunity for the flagship to visit many of the principal Australian ports. On the outbreak of World War I Australia (I) operated (with other ships of the Australian Fleet) as a counter to the German East Asiatic Cruiser Squadron under Admiral Graf von Spee. On 11 November 1918, the signing of the Armistice brought the fighting in Europe to an end. On 21 November, the Grand Fleet came out from the Firth-of-Forth in two divisions to meet the German High Seas Fleet steaming across the North Sea to be interned at Scapa Flow. Australia (I) had the honour of leading the port line at the head of her squadron. After returning home Australia (I) resumed the role of RAN flagship. A year later she played the leading part in the naval activities associated with the visit of the Prince of Wales in HMS Renown, but her time was rapidly running out. In November 1921 she returned to Sydney and the following month was paid off into reserve on 12 December 1921. Less than three years later she was prepared for scuttling to comply with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, which provided for a reduction in naval strengths. The RAN had already removed some of the ship's equipment for use in other warships, and now began the deliberate scrapping of Australia (I) by extracting piping and other small fittings. She was towed to sea by tugs and sunk along with her main armament in position 095 degrees, 24 miles from Inner South Head, Sydney, on 12 April 1924. Extracts from frame photograph Metal Plaque on frame: HMAS Australia First flagship of the Royal Australian Navy 1913-1920 Sunk under terms of the Washington Treaty 12th April 1924 navy, world war one, australia, war, wwi, flagship, hmas australia, ran -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Work on paper - Photograph, The 2/1 Australian Field Butchery Platoon, Petrie, Queensland, 1945, 9 March 1945
This is an official group portrait of the 2/1st Field Butchery Platoon who are identified as: Left to right, back row: VX33117 Corporal (Cpl) F M Hogan; NX85618 Private (Pte) A J Nicol; VX127710 Pte E C J Kemp; VX143647 Lance Corporal (LCpl) L G Lobb; QX44905 Pte C L Adams; SX25540 Lance Sergeant R J Gray; NX193508 Pte K A Burgess; VX5112 Pte J T Roberts; NX153073 Pte D J Evans; WX9743 Pte M F Lynch. Middle row: QX49356 Pte L V Symes; QZ31697 Pte N R Underhill; QX16156 Staff Sergeant H L Cairns; VX19172 Lieutenant W H Thomas; VX55658 Sgt D W Craig; QX47082 Sgt E S Wilbraham; SX19778 Pte D Weatherald. Front row: NX155215 Pte E Corrigan; QX56335 Pte E Corrigan; NX57204 LCpl W H Jackson; VX59081 Pte B Moszkowicz; SX31901 Pte J Lambre; NX94941 Cpl R A Hanson; QX40009 Pte T G O’Neill; VX84971 Pte S J Welsh. The photo was taken under the command of 1 Aust Base Sub Area and Lt R B Irving. According to the Australian War Memorial website, the photographer was David Tennant Gaery Eastman and the photo was taken on 9 March 1945. In the AWM collection there is also a photo of members of the platoon at the unit slaughter yards in Milne Bay, New Guinea (REF: AWM 0703790). An overview of the history of the unit can be found at Leslie George Lobb, the father of the donor, was the platoon sergeant. He had multiple copies of this photo, which may have been obtained with the aim of distributing them to other platoon members. Leslie George Lobb - born 15 July 1920 in Box Hill; married Elizabeth Annie Stephenson in 1954; died 14 Nov. 1997. Leslie became a service station / garage proprietor at 352 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert a business he took over from his father. An associated mechanical business operated under the name of Leo Green Motors, at the same address. The family lived next door at 354 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert. Leslie's father Harry Lobb had operated at an adjoining property (350 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert) as a fuel and ice merchant, before installing a petrol bowser to service the expanding motor car industry. The house at 354 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert was removed and relocated by the family in 2000 to Mirboo North, Gippsland, Victoria, where it still stands.The photo is a touchstone to local servicemen who served in World War 2.A B&W / sepia photo with a narrow white border of 25 men in uniform. They are standing / sitting in 3 distinct rows with the rear row standing and the other 2 sitting on a 'sandy' area with sapling eucalypts and a (?) corrugated iron shed in the background.REAR: Purple photographer's stamp approximately in the centre: "Photograph No. MH [in lead pencil 87544] / Supplied by Military History / Section (S.D.9) / General Staff L H Q. / For personal enjoyment ONLY / and on condition that it will / not be reproduced in any form." f m hogan, a j nicol, c j kemp, l g lobb, c l adams, r j gray, k a burgess, j t roberts, d j evans, m f lynch, l v symes, n r underhill, h l cairns, w h thomas, d w craig, e s wilbraham, d weatherald, e corrigan, w h jackson, b moszkowicz, j lambre, r a hanson, t g o’neill, s j welsh, 2/1st field butchery platoon, petrie, world war, 1939-1945, mont albert -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mr Lance Young
Ernest Lance Young was born 24 March 1915 in Surrey Hills, the son of Ernest Augustus Young and Ruby Nichell Whitty. He married Beryl Mair in 1939 and died on 5 October 1999 at Mont Albert. Electoral rolls list him as a manufacturer. His address after marriage was 11 York Street, Mont Albert. He is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (M-*-0867) along with his father. He served in WW2 (Service Number - VX104733 enlisting at St Kilda) and after returning took over his father's business. Young's Motor Products have manufactured products for the automotive and other related industries, including chemical trades, since 1920. Business history: Young's commenced trading in 1917 when Mr Ernest Augustus Young started selling paint brushes. At this time the company was known as E.A.Young & Co. with business premises in Queen Street Melbourne. Ernest soon expanded into paints and other products for the rapidly growing automotive trade and by 1920 was well recognised as a leading supplier. At this time canvas hoods were the norm and Ernest produced a "Canvas Hood Dressing" which gained acceptance as 'the one to buy'. This product was exported throughout the world. By 1930 Young's range had expanded and the product range included items like distilled water, gasket cement, vulcanising heat patches, rust prevention and many more diverse products. Young's name then, was so well known in Australia and the world, that a letter could be addressed just "Young's Melbourne" and it would reach the company. Young's survived the great depression, but in 1939 the Australian government commandeered the factory with all plant and equipment, thus closing Young's for the duration of the WW2. Ernest continued to make products at home for the war effort. When his son, Lance, returned home from overseas war service in Singapore, the Young's factory was re-established at 405 Canterbury Road, Canterbury near Chatham Station and worked to regain markets lost in the 1940s. By 1980 Lance Young wished to retire, his immediate family didn't want to continue the business and Lance believed Australia would lose a great asset if he just closed the company. He sought to find someone within the motor trade who would uphold the Young's principles of product and service and in 1981 Allan Kennedy & Sons bought the business.Lance Young was retained as an active consultant until his death in October 1999, aged 84. Products: Superseal for radiators, tyre dressing (tyre black), car shampoo, hood dressing, leather and vinyl cleaner. The factory was later elased to B&D Rollerdoors. REF: Personal communication (Laurie Newton, nee Young) and Part of a large collection of material related to the Young, Mair and Deakin families.A sepia studio photo of a young man in a suit and tie.On rear: "Lance Young"; photographer's stamp: "THE GLEN STUDIO / 133 GLENFERRIE RD / GLENFERRIE VIC"ernest lance young, lance young, ernest augustus young, young's motor products, 405 canterbury road, ww2 -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Yielima, 31 Erasmus Street, Surrey Hills
Known as ‘Yielima’ 1888-1922 and ‘St. Aubins’ 1922-1956, this ‘modernized’ mansion was built about 1887 for Edward Kellett. He was born in Chorley, Lancashire, England. Edward Kellett married Selina Wells in 1852 at St Peters, Eastern Hill. She was born in c1827 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, daughter of William Wells and Elizabeth Allan. The family arrived from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on the 'Osprey' on 22 March 1849. The couple had 8 children - 5 girls and 3 boys; 3 died in infancy. All were born in Collingwood before the family came to Surrey Hills. Edward's funeral notice in The Argus of 11 July 1893 states that he was a corn merchant of Exhibition Street. His property was sworn at 1512 pounds, 1232 in realty and 280 pounds personally. He was buried in Melbourne General Cemetery (CofE Compartment K, No 306). Selina is listed in Erasmus Street in the 1903, 1905 and 1908 electoral rolls as a boarding house keeper. She died at Surrey Hills on 22/10/1911. In her will she left realty valued at 900 pounds and personally at 220 pounds. She was buried with her husband. 'Yielima' was sold on 19 Febraury 1919 with a sale of contents on 18 March 1919. From 1922-1947 Thomas Daniel O’Callaghan (c1871-1962), a police magistrate, made his home here. He is remembered as being of ‘soldierly demeanour, with a flowing mane of hair’. He always carried a walking stick and wore a flower in his buttonhole. His wife was Florence (nee Harling, c1873-1933) pre-deceased him. They had previously lived in Essendon, Moonee Ponds and Stawell before coming to Erasmus Street. After moving out of Erasmus Street he is listed in the 1949 and 1954 electoral rolls at 90 Durham Road, Surrey Hills. In 1952 the property was purchased by Father Timothy Fitzpatrick, Parish Priest of Our Holy Redeemer Parish, Surrey Hills. It consisted of a large two storey house, a coach house and stable, and an acre and a half of land. In 1954 the coach house and stable were converted into the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and the following year Father John Kelly was appointed parish priest. and resided in the house. At this time the house was not in good repair. "The gentleman who had lived there alone since his wife died many years before, lived in the servants quarters and the rest of the house had been badly neglected. (REF: At the beginning of 1957 the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart opened a school next door. As they travelled from Balwyn on a daily basis, the property at 301 Elgar Road was purchased as a presbytery and 'Yielima' became a convent. The stables continued to be used as a church until 1964 when a new church was completed and opened by His Grace Archbishop Simmonds on the 20th of March. There were never large numbers of double-storey Victorian mansions in Surrey Hills. 'Yielma' is significant as one of the few remaining ones. It is also significant for its association with the Catholic Church.A black and white photograph of an Italianate style home with a weatherboard building with a cross on it in front of the main building and to the left of the photograph. There are some well established trees in the garden, a car parked in the parking area and a picket fence along the front.yielima, st aubins, house names, erasmus street, surrey hills, 1887, (mr) edward kellett, (mr) thomas daniel o'callaghan, corn merchant, police, italianate style, wattle park roman catholic church, (mrs) florence o'callaghan, mrs selina kellett, miss selina wells, convent, presbytery, our lady of perpetual succour -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Hong Kong Street Flyer by an unknown artist, 2019, 06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a street art poster taken on the streets of Hong Kong during the protests against legislation to allow Hong Kong suspects to be extradited to mainland Chinese carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, poster art, posters -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Street Protests in Hong Kong against proposed extradition laws, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a crowd or protestors against proposed extradition laws gathering on the streets of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, leading down to the gathering area. carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Street Protests in Hong Kong against proposed extradition laws, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a crowd on the streets of Hong Kong to protest against proposed extradition laws, heading towards Admiralty. carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors, admiralty -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Post Office Receiving Pillar, 1885
Post Office Receiving Pillar was Collected from Warrnambool City Council’s Scott Street Depot and transported to Flagstaff Hill, stored in the Barracks area Friends of Flagstaff Hill began the project of restoring the Post Office Receiving Pillar in early 2011. The replacement dome required a pattern to be made from paper, then timber, then someone to manufacture it. The cast iron body required sand blasting and undercoating. The pillar was installed in Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in March 2014. A specialist visited the Village and painted the pillar with 7 coats of ‘post office red’ then completed the job with gold paint on the details. In 2015 an information plate of brass was fitted to the Pillar in the position that would have originally announced the clearing times. It was originally manufactured by G Couch, Engineer, Alliance Iron Works, Melbourne. Gordon Couch passed away in June 1896 and his Works were offered for auction in November 1897. HISTORY OF POST OFFICE RECEIVING PILLARS In 1851 ‘pillar boxes’ were installed at roadside locations in the island of Jersey, England; they had already been successful in several European countries. The use of new prepaid, adhesive postage stamps as well as the roadside pillar boxes meant there was no need for the public to take a trip to the Post Office just to post a letter. By 1855 London had installed its first six Pillar Boxes. In 1856 the pillar boxes were first introduced in Sydney. These were circular with a crown on the dome, supported by leaves. Early Victoria Mail was originally collected by ‘letter carriers’, first appointed in Melbourne in 1841, equipped with leather bag and hand bell. He wore a red coat with brass buttons and a black top hat! In 1844 two wooden receiving boxes were erected in Melbourne. The first cast iron boxes were installed in South Melbourne (Emerald Hill) and were still in service until 1967. They were a fluted circular design and made in England. In the early 1860’s the ‘low door round’ design posting box was introduced, being circular and surrounded by a crown, with two broad embossed bands around its circumference. The clearance door was in front of the box and low down. These were made in Australia. In the early 1870’s square boxes with a tapering top were being used. These too were made in Australia by different manufacturers with slight variations on style such as the orientation and number of slots. Next came the circular boxes again, similar to the ‘low door round’ but with the clearance door extending to just below the posting slot, often referred to as ‘high door round’. These boxes did not have embossed bands. In 1887 small cast iron boxes were introduced, attached to posts and poles and called ‘lamp post receivers’. Around 1930 a ‘London’ model was used in Victoria. It was copied from the flat-domed type in London but made in Tasmania. … [References: Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village records, The Argus, 11th April, 1890, The Argus, 2nd July, 1896, The Argus, 30th Nov. 1897, “Stamps.Au”, 4th April 2011 (Extracted from “Australian Street Posting Boxes” by Ken Sparks – out of print)] Post Office Receiving Pillar, or letterbox.1885 "High Door Round" design, restored 2014 Tall cast iron sylinder with decorative dome cap, slot in side, hinged door with handle shaped as a fist. Painted red with gold trip..Reconditioned barrel, reconstructed dome. Restored by Friends of Flagstaff Hill, 2014. Now a working letterbox. Made in Melbourne.Oval maker's plate “ - G. COUCH - / ENGINEER / ALLIANCE IRON / WORKS / MELBOURNE”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, post office receiving pillar, letterbox, mailbox, australia post -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Painting Roy Longmore, RoyLongmore
Longmore set aside his life as a farm-hand in Geelong, Victoria, when he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force at age 21. Private (Pte) Roy Longmore, 3rd Reinforcements, 21st Battalion, of Bannockburn, Victoria enlisted on 13 July 1915; and he embarked from Melbourne aboard HMAT Anchises on 26 August 1915.[2] After training in Egypt, was sent to the Battle of Gallipoli where he was a tunnel digger with the 2nd Division, burrowing underneath the Turkish positions and laying mines. After evacuation from Turkey, he fought at Pozières, Armentières, and Villers-Bretonneux.[1] He was wounded three times in France and was momentarily given up for dead when he was shot as the Armistice in November 1918, approached. He later recalled, "We were patrolling in a gully when suddenly half a dozen Germans appeared over a hill armed with machine guns and opened fire. Jerry riddled me, knocking me flat on my back, and the last I heard was 'Longy's had it, they got him.'" Fortunately, his fellow soldiers saw him move and rescued him.[3] Lance Sergeant (LSgt) and returned to Australia on 16 March 1919 as a member of the 2nd Pioneer Battalion.[2] Civilian life[edit] After returning to Australia in 1919, his injuries made returning to farm work impossible, so he drove a taxi in Melbourne. Another change caused by the war was more telling. Before, he had hunted rabbits; but he later explained that when he returned home, he no longer had an appetite for firing at anything alive.[3] Longmore married and had one son, Eric.[1] The one-time LSgt Longmore died peacefully in his sleep at a Burwood Nursing Home aged 107 on 21 June 2001. He was the second last Anzac to die.[2] At his death, Australia honored him one final time with a state funeral.[3] Australian "legend"[edit] In 2000, Longmore was recognized as one of the "Australian Legends." His name and photograph were honored as part of an annual series of commemorative postage stamps issued by Australia Post since 1997. The stamps commemorate living Australians "who have made lifetime contributions to the development of Australia's national identity and character".[4] Longmore lived to fully enjoy this honor.[3] Longmore's 45-cent Legend stamp displays the soldier's portrait as a young man, photographed just prior to his departure for Gallipoli. Formal photographs of the other two ANZAC centenarians complete this stamp set. In addition, a fourth stamp features the 1914-15 star medal which was presented to all those who fought in campaigns during those war years.[5] These stamps, designed by Cathleen Cram of the Australia Post Design Studio, commemorate the story of events and people shaping contemporary Australia.[6] The Longmore stamp honors him as an individual and as a representative of all 68,000 soldiers at Gallipoli whose actions affected Australia's evolving self-image.[7] painting of Roy Longmore wooden frame glass fronted -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Memorial Tower, Kangaroo Ground c.1934, 1934c
Sepia photograph of Joyce McMahon and 'Tiny' Carroll at the War Memorial Tower, Kangaroo Ground c.1934. The guns were installed in 1934 and removed in 1942. Taken in the early 1930s, the photograph ... shows the Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembance with Joyce McMahon, daughter-in-law of Mr. P. J.McMahon, the then Shire of Eltham Secretary, her horse and a very tall person patting the horse. He is ex-serviceman W. "Tiny" Caroll who was the council's caretaker of the surrounding War Memorial Park. He lived in the stone cottage which still stands in the park. "Tiny" is seen as the fictional character "Tiny Bourke" who, in author Alan Marshall's book "This is the Grass", "was a giant of a man, well over six feet high, with huge hands that completely encircled the cup of tea". The bronze casting, which shows the 79 names of those who paid the "supremen sacrifice" in World War 1 (1914-1918), was erecfed above the entrance to the Tower in September, 1930. The Monterey cypress trees which now form the windbreak around the park's fenceline, were just knee high in this photograph. They were planted in August 1926, with all the plantings paid for, and done, by the public as the Tower was being erected. The two field guns have been identified as of German origin, Krupp 77 mm calibre captured on October 4, 1918 at Geneve, France. They were removed in 1943/44 as a wartime requirement of the Australian Govenment. A public notice dated October 16, 1926 by Cr. H Rutter, Chairman of the Eltham Soldiers War Memorial League stated: "On the summit of that central and conspicuous landmark, Garden Hill, there is being erected a massive memorial tower which will, for all time, remind every passerby of the part played by the men of the Shire of Eltham in the Great War. The work has been undertaken by the people of the Shire a a tribute of love and admiration for those who were known and dear to use in the days of their youth and early manhood, who went out from amongst us, never to return, and whose self-sacrifice has made us, each and all, thier ever-lasting debtors" Harry Gilham, Eltham District Historical Society Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembrance, A Journey in Time: a column about Nillumbik's history, Nillumbik Mail, 9th August, 2000 Since that research the following has been sourced from Eltham and Whittlesea Shires Advertiser and Diamond Creek Valley Advocate, April 8, 1921, p. 3 Retrieved April 25, 2020, from Eltham Shire Council From Town Clerk, Melbourne, stating that a light machine-gun captured by the 22nd battalion, A.I.F. at La Motte Farm, near Beaurvoir, on Oct. 3rd, 1918, during the operations which won the Beauvoir line and completed the smashing of the great Hindenburg defence-system, has been alloted to the Shire of Eltham. - On the motion of Crs Hubbard and Smedley, it was decided to have the gun placed in the Memorial Park. Sepia Photographgarden hill, gun, joyce mcmahon, kangaroo ground, memorial tower, shire of eltham war memorial tower, tiny carroll, war memorials, war trophy, william carroll