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matching melbourne history
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Court, Main Road (looking southeast), 30 August 1967, 1967
... melbourne Eltham Courthouse, local history centre, Main Road 35mm ...35mm Colour positive transparency Mount - Agfacolor Service (Blue stepped)eltham courthouse, local history centre, main road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Court, Main Road (looking southeast), 30 August 1967, 1967
... melbourne Eltham Courthouse, local history centre, Main Road 35mm ...35mm Colour positive transparency Mount - Agfacolor Service (Blue stepped)eltham courthouse, local history centre, main road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, First came the diggers . . . then Mr Downward: Primary school began in a tent . . !, Diamond Valley News, 22 November 1983, pp6-7, 1983
Story Helen Gillman, Photos Ron Grant History of St Andrews Primary School, celebrating its 125th anniversaryDigital file only - Digitised by EDHS from a scrapbook on loan from Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes), daughter of Frank Stokes.125th anniversary, beryl bradbury (nee stokes) collection, queenstown state school no. 3594, st andrews primary school -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Booklet, Regimental History 4/19 L. H, 1982
A4 Booklet Yellow coloured paper cover with P.W.L.H emblem on coverRegimental History4/19 p.w.l.h., 17 p.w.l.h.17/19 l.h., 19 l.h., victorian mounted rifles, 1 a.c.r., 4 a.c.r., 4 motor regiment, 2/4 armoured regiment -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
R.A.A.F. Long Service Medal
Awarded to Alan Bowers (A236814) who was a R.A.A.F. dental mechanic who serverd during WWII including service in Darwin, and then continued in the R.A.A.F. for some years after the end of WWII The Royal Australian Air Force (and all Commonwealth Air Forces) Long Service and Good Conduct Medal: Awarded to NCOs and ORs of the RAAF (RAF, RCAF etc) for 15 years service. A cupro-nickel plated medal, the obverse features the sovereign's head, the reverse features the crown and eagle emblem of the RAAF (and RAF). Officers are eligible for the award provided they have served a minimum 12 years in the ranks. The riband is dark blue and maroon with white edges. This medal ceased to be awarded in Australia in 1975 when it was replaced by the National Medal (and sbsequently the DFSM and DLSM) in the Australian system of honours and awards. History of the RAAF Dental Branch It took six years following the formation of the RAAF in 1921 for the first Dental Clinic to be established at Point Cook, Victoria. On 10th June 1927 Flying Officer James Carl Rosenbrock commenced work as an RAAF Dental Officer for the FlyingTraining School at Point Cook. As personnel numbers were still relatively small, Rosenbrock was also responsible for the dental care of all Victorian RAAF units, which involved treating members at 1AD Laverton, as well as Air Force Headquarters at Victoria Barracks in Melbourne. As Army Dental Officers were currently caring for RAAF personnel at Richmond, NSW, the Senior Dental Officer of the 3rd Military District in Victoria (SDO 3MD) requested through the military board that a similar arrangement be established, where that the newly appointed RAAF Dentist provide part time dental services to the Army units stationed at Queenscliff. This was seen as an effective reciprocal arrangement, with both units having a Dental Officer in attendance for, in total, around 3-4 weeks a year. Rosenbrock continued to serve as the sole RAAF Dental Officer until the middle of 1933, when the Air Board asked for his service to be terminated following ‘behaviour unbecoming of a RAAF officer'. He had borrowed several sums of money, of around 40 Pounds or so, from junior ranks on base (as well as from the Regimental Sergeant Major) and had failed to pay the money back. He was replaced by a fellow Victorian, FLGOFF Norman Henry Andrews, on the 18th Sep 1933, who went on to become our first Director of Dental Services, and was instrumental in establishing the organisations and conditions of the Branch that are still present today. Through a fair amount of persistence and hard work on the part of Norman Andrews, the RAAF Dental Branch began to expand from 1937, with the introduction of 2 additional positions, at RAAF station Richmond, and at the FlyingTraining School at Point Cook. This gave the RAAF 3 uniformed Dental Officers, which was expanded to 5 in the months leading up to WW2. 4 of these Dental Officers were based in Victoria and 1 at Richmond, with the other two RAAF units being cared for by the Army (as in the case of Pearce in WA) or by civilians (as in Darwin). With the sudden increase in RAAF personnel required at the outbreak of WW2, the number of RAAF Dental Officers increased dramatically, from 5 in 1939, 28 in 1940, 64 in 1941, 147 in 1942, 193 in 1943, 219 in 1944, and peaking at 227 in 1945. RAAF Dental Officers were required to work in a variety of locations, both in and out of Australia. Between 1940 and 1942 a massive construction programme occurred, with new dental clinics being established around Australia. Priority was given to aircrew training units in order to get these personnel dentally fit for operational deployment, but Dental Officers could equally find themselves posted to recruit depots, fixed stations, medical clearance stations, mobile dental sections, and RAAF and civilian hospitals. RAAF Dental Officers were posted to the large dental centres at Ascot Vale (Vic) and Bradfield Park (NSW) when first appointed, where they received military and clinical training, before being deployed to their needed location. Mobile Dental Units When Japan entered the war in 1941, the rapid deployment of troops to northern operational areas with less than ideal dental fitness was extremely high. As a result, the RAAF deployed a range of mobile dental units, either alone or with medical sections, to support the increasing number of isolated deployed personnel within Australia and overseas. There were three types of mobile unit used: a. Mobile Dental Unit – relied on using either a semi-trailer to get around or by building a surgery directly on to the truck chassis, and installing hydraulic chairs, units, x-rays, and laboratory equipment. They were able to move around between small units, such as RAAF radar stations, where they could plug into the local power supply and work immediately. b. Transportable Dental Units – used for stops of longer duration, where field equipment was carried in panniers from one unit to another by road or rail and housed in whatever accommodation was available at the destination. They were often carried within Australia on Tiger Moths and Dakota aircraft. c. Itinerant Dental Units – in some areas, the dental equipment was installed at the RAAF unit and the Dental Officer and their staff would travel from unit to unit, using the equipment available at each location. RAAF Dental BadgeAs the war developed in Europe, it soon became obvious that the RAF Dental support was not capable of supporting the increasing numbers of RAAF aircrew that were being sent for service with the RAF, with only enough Dental Officers available to provide one to every 2000 men ( instead of the preferred 1 to 600). As a result, the RAAF provided a mobile dental unit, fitted out in a caravan and pulled by a Ford V8 Coupe, to travel around England in support of RAAF personnel at various squadrons. Some degree of tact was needed to ensure that the RAF did not take this as a comment on the treatment they were providing, but it proved successful in maintaining a satisfactory state of dental fitness in RAAF personnel, and a second mobile unit was soon dispatched. They were also set up with a laboratory on board as well as the surgery, which was a major difference between the RAF and RAAF, as the RAF did not provide dentures for their troops (the RAAF would, providing they had served for 6 years). In 1943 the RAF was no longer able to provide Dental support to Australian troops in the Middle East, which resulted in the need for a transportable dental unit to be deployed from Australia. It functioned in a similar manner to the RAF, by moving from one squadron to another. It served in the Middle East and Africa, from Cairo across North Africa, to Italy, and eventually back to England to treat returned prisoners of war. GPCAPT Norman Andrews The growth and development of the RAAF Dental Branch owes a debt to one man in particular, GPCAPT Norman Andrews. As the second RAAF Dental Officer to enlist on 18 Sep 1933, Andrews became the principal architect of the structure and organisation of the RAAF Dental Branch leading up to and during WW2. Until early 1940, the RAAF Dental Branch was administered by the Director of Medical Services (Air), which placed it under the control of the Army Medical staff. The Army would provide their Inspector of Dental Services for advice whenever needed. In April 1940, the RAAF Medical service separated from the Army, resulting in the control of the RAAF Dental Branch shifting back to the RAAF. Andrews became the first Director of Dental Services, when the position was created in 1943 as recognition of the higher profile the Dental Branch was now playing in the RAAF Medical service. Until this time, Andrews's title had been as the Dental Staff Officer to the RAAF Medical Service. Andrews was responsible for the establishment of the war-time structure of the Dental service, establishing new dental centres at all major bases, creating mobile and transportable dental units, ensuring the continual growth of the Branch, maintaining professional development of staff through the establishment of a professional journal, and by organising renowned lecturers to speak at RAAF bases. He also believed in visiting as many dental units as possible to see for himself what conditions were like and to talk first-hand to staff in remote units. His itinerary during the war years, both in and out of Australia, shows a large number of trips in a variety of modes of transport in order to reach remote areas where units were serving. He was promoted to GPCAPT in July 1944, as the numbers of Dental Officers soon peaked at 227 towards the end of the war (1 GPCAPT, 9 WGCDRs, 60 SQNLDRs, and 157 FLTLTs). After the war, with the reduction in RAAF personnel required in uniform, the Dental Branch also reduced its numbers significantly. By 1947 there were only 18 Dental Officers serving (many part-time), with 1 GPCAPT, 1 WGCDR, 10 SQNLDRs, and 6 FLTLTs, and only 13 by 1950. With the decrease in Branch personnel numbers, the ‘powers to be' saw fit to reduce the Director of Dental Service rank to WGCDR, and as a result Norman Andrews found that in order to continue serving in the RAAF he would have to wear a reduced rank. This appears to have been a contributing factor in his decision to discharge at the relatively early age of 43 and accept an administrative job as Director of the Victorian Government's School Dental Service. Norman Andrews holds the proud honour of being the founder of the RAAF Dental Branch, which during the war was instrumental in educating servicemen of the importance of dental health and maintaining the dental fitness of troops in a variety of areas. Dental Orderlies (Assistants) The dental orderly mustering was first introduced in 1937. Until that time, medical orderlies were assigned to assist the Dental officer with their duties. As early as 1931 it had been noted by both RAAF and Army Dental Officers working in Victoria and Richmond that a lot of the troubles they were having would be solved by appointing a permanent Dental Orderly. Often they would find that the medical orderly they were assigned was a different one each day, and as a result the administration and work in general was very inefficient. By 1937, with the increase in Dental Officers to 3, it was realised that a Dental Orderly mustering needed to be created. Dental Mechanics/Technicians Before WW2, dental laboratory work was provided by civilian laboratories, as most RAAF units were stationed around metropolitan areas. At this time, service personnel were still required to pay for their own dentures, unless they had served for six years or had their dentures damaged during performance of their duties. In July 1940, mainly in response to the development of more remote RAAF dental units and the increasing demand for dental prostheses, the Dental Mechanic mustering was established. Unfortunately there was a very limited pool of civilian dental mechanics to recruit from, and as a result the RAAF set up a training school at Laverton (which was later moved to Ascot Vale) in June 1941 which conducted an intensive 6 month course in Dental mechanics. Dental mechanics were quickly in demand. In all fixed and mobile dental units at least 1 Mechanic was supplied for each Dental Officer, and indeed the RAAF supplied Dental Mechanics throughout all its deployments, something the RAF were unwilling, or unable, to do. Two grades of dental mechanic existed: the Senior Mechanic (with the rank of NCO), who was competent in all phases of laboratory work; and the Junior Mechanic, who could only handle routine work and not more advanced denture work. The progression to Senior required a further trade test in techniques including setting up, clasp-forming, casting and backing teeth. During the course of the War, two special courses were held for Mechanics. The first, directed at senior mechanics so that they could instruct others, was in 1942 when Acrylic Resin was first introduced as a denture base material, as an alternative to the current option of vulcanite. Later, towards the end of the War, a ‘refresher' course was provided for those that had served for the greatest period of time in order to allow them retraining in techniques that they had not practised during their service and which were common in civilian life. This included cast base dentures, crowns and bridges, partial dentures, and retainers. Towards the end of the War, a course was held with WAAAF trainees to train them as Mechanics. However, as the War was soon to end they never had the opportunity to progress within the mustering to become Senior Mechanics. The RAAF Dental Branch has survived 75 years of turbulence, with reviews of its viability occurring regularly every few years from as early as 1937. The Branch continues to provide excellent service to the ADF community and, despite reduced manpower, will continue to play an important role in Air Force Health operations. cupro-nickel plated medal, the obverse features the sovereign's head, the reverse features the crown and eagle emblem of the RAAF (and RAF). A23814 BOWERS.A. A. F.r.a.a.f long service medal, r.a.a.f good conduct, r.a.a.f. dental service medal -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Plaque South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australia
Presented to Waverley R. S. L. sub branch by South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australia The founder of SAMVOA, Veteran Tony Macquet MMM, documents the early history of the organisation: Two statements characterise the formation of the South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia that has taken on the acronym SAMVOA: SAMVOA was long in the making, yet I am reminded of what Garth Pienaar once said, "If you had not started it, I would have". And no doubt he or someone else would have because it needed "starting" and it just did not seem right that almost every other nation was represented on ANZAC Day and there were no South Africans marching, particularly when South Africans fought alongside Australians in two World Wars and in Korea. It is important to note that SAMVOA has had predecessors who were South Africans who had marched in Melbourne and probably elsewhere prior to 1996, but they were an older group of WW1 and WW2 veterans who by 1996 were too old to even travel by vehicle and they had fallen away. Around 1998, I contacted and spoke to their leader Major (retd.) Norval who confirmed that their group had become too old to march and he was delighted that a younger group was interested, although at that stage it was only me. SAMVOA Membership This Veteran Organisation dedicates itself, in grateful recognition and memory of our countrymen, the Immortal Dead of South Africa, who, at the call of Duty, made the great Sacrifice on the battlefields of Africa, Asia and Europe and on the Sea. Their ideal is our legacy, Their sacrifice our inspiration. Metal Plaque mounted on wooden shield shaped backing plateSouth African Military Veterans Organisation of Australia Pro Patriasamvoa, south africa, military veterans organization australia, pro patria, -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Poster, Changi Chapel
The Changi Museum is a museum dedicated to Singapore's history during the Second World War. The original chapel has been re-erected at Duntroon Military Academy and is on public display as a memorial to the P.O.W's In 1988, Singapore built a replica Chapel and Museum next to the Changi Prison. When Changi Prison was expanded in 2001, the Chapel and Museum was relocated to a new site 1 km away and the Changi Chapel and Museum was officially established on 15 February 2001. Bernard Stogden, the son of Sgt. Harry Stogden, was invited to place the cross that his father made onto the wreathed altar in the new Chapel. He was claimed to have cried while doing so, as this was one of the only chances he got to interact with his father(through his work) as "Harry" Stogden died during the war. The Museum has a collection of paintings, photographs and personal effects donated by former POWs. Among the collection is a series of paintings and sketches by a POW named William Haxworth which provide valuable insight on the daily life of the internees during the occupation. In 1986, Haxworth's wife donated a collection of over 400 paintings and sketches to the National Archives of Singapore. Also in the museum is a collection of watercolour paintings by Mary Angela Bateman who was among the thousands of women and children held at Changi Prison for more than three years during the war.[1]Poster produced by Australian War Memorial detailing the history of The Changi Chapel Framedchangi, changi chapel, changi history -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Slouch Hat with Emu Plumes
Worn WWI by Patrick Ryan of the 5th Light Horse Further history available at Emu PlumesFelt slouch hat with Rising sun badge and emu plumes of 5th Light Horse -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Scroll History of the Warramunga, History of the Warramunga
Scroll detailing the service of H.M.A.S. Warramunga from Commissioning November 1942 until it was de-commissioned December 1959 -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Replica Japanese Flag From H.M.A.S. Warramunga
Mounted Japanese flag made from signal bunting on the H.M.A.S. Warramunga and signed by ships crew with history mounted in frame under glass -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, The Yarra Valley & Surrounds, 2012
Hardcover. Front cover has a photograph of a winery surrounded by hills.Stamp of Marysville & District / Historical Society Inc / P.O. Box 22 / Marysville 3779victoria, australia, history, travel, pictorial works -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, The Yarra Valley & Surrounds, 2012
Hardcover. Front cover has a photograph of a winery surrounded by hills.Stamp of Marysville & District / Historical Society Inc / P.O. Box 22 / Marysville 3779victoria, australia, history, travel, pictorial works -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, Wilks Creek Bridge, 1993
A history of the Wilks Creek Bridge and its connection to the Yarra TrackPaperback. Front cover has an old photograph of the Wilks Creek Bridge.Dear Reader, The pen has only to select one of the many stages of building old Yarra Track,/ for a colorful story subject. The Track, first established in the early 1860's to/ serve goldseekers making their hazardous way to the rich Wood's Point goldfields,/ extended some 160km from Eltham - in Melbourne's northern region to Woods/ Point in the eastern ranges. I hope a glimmer of the excitement of those times comes through as I draw/ your attention to old Wilks Creek bridge and its picnic spot to be found 3.5km/ west of Marysville. Once part of Yarra Track and now superseded by a modern/ roadway alongside, the old bridge with its solid masonry walls either side of the/ cold, pure stream makes a pleasing scene for the visitor. With much pleasure/ I dedicate this narrative to Marysville and District Historical Society./ Ann Thomas Stamp of Marysville & District / Historical Society Inc / P.O. Box 22 / Marysville 3779wilks creek, marysville, yarra track, victoria, history, local history -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Frank Hurley, An Event That Never Happened: The history and politics of decentralisation in Victorian and New South Wales 1885-1985 (Thesis), 1989
This thesis is an account of movements and policies for decentralisation of population and economic activity away from metropolitan to non-metropolitan areas in Victoria and New South Wales between 1885 and 1985. Red hard covered thesis undertaken for a Doctory of Philosphy ot the University of Melbourne. frank hurley, thesis, doctorate, decentralisation, ppoulation, economics, policy, closer settlement acts, urbanisation, decentralisation league, war and reconstruction, central planning, town planning, victorian decentralisatoin league, owen paper mill, slough estate, noel mobbs, ballarat common, edgar bartrop, australian paper mills, bendix mintex, ball, ballarat development committee -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Mrs E Burrows, Tuppy; or, the autobiography of a donkey, 1868
Book prize awarded to T Boyd (enrolled 1873) for excellence in Writing by Principal F J Thomas in 1874. The book was donated to the school by Sheila (Campbell) Edwards who purchased it from a secondhand dealer in Melbourne.During these early times book prizes were ordered from London where they were specially bound and embossed with the College crest. F J Thomas had an illustrious career at Ballarat College. During his tenure as Principal it was discovered the BA after his name stoold for Bonn Academy (Germany) not, as may have been implied, Bachelor of Arts. Once discovered he left the State under 'not too dignified circumstances' as Mein records in the 1964 History of Ballarat College, p. 19. Light brown calf binding with gold borders to front and back covers; raised bands on spine with six compartments, gold lettering and decoration; school crest embossed on front cover; book plate inside front cover;black and white sketches on frontispiece and throughout book;Book plate inside front cover: Ballarat College crest / PRIZE / FOR / Writing / Awarded to / T Boyd / 1874 / F J THOMAS, B.A.PRINCIPALshelia-edwards, thomas-boyd, 1974, book-prize, ballarat-college, f-j-thomas -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Burlington Studios, J.L.McIntyre
The Burlington Studios were in the Wertheim Buildings, 294 Bourke Street, Melbourne (now the Bourke Street Mall). The photo would have been taken circa 1915. WW1 picture of (Jack McIntyre) J.L. McIntyre; REG. No. 3591; 58th. BATT. 1st A.I.F Foundation Member Lara R.S.L. 1890 - 1990 well documented history and service record.Carboard with wax paper over framed pictureOn front side, half way down are the words The Burlington Melbourne and below this is an embossed picture of a female upper torso. On the rear in pen are the words J.L. J.McIntyre (Jack) 45 Walkers Road Lara. -
Bendigo Military Museum
photograph - Fortuna - 1st Year of Army Occupation in Bendigo, 1942
This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The photos provide an insight into the preparatory work performed on the Fortuna Villa and surrounding buildings, by the Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot, before its occupation by personnel from LHQ Cartographic Company, Royal Australian Survey Corps. The annotation on the back of Photos .9P and .10P is misspelt. The correct spelling is ‘Nell Gwynne’. The poppet head of the Central Nell Gwynne mine is still an iconic landmark in Bendigo, lying just down the road from the poppet head lookout at Victoria Hill. The Central Nell Gwynne was the premier mine of Bendigo's 1930s mining revival and is of high historical value, due to the extensive and relatively intact features which remain at the site. The annotation on the back of Photo .17P is incorrect. The location of HQ 5th Army Troop was ‘Reynard St, Coburg.’ By late 1941 as Japan extended its control throughout Indo-China, resolving the accommodation problem of AHQ Cartographic Company located in Melbourne became more urgent. The steady Japanese advance made the bombing of Melbourne no longer a remote possibility, and in accordance with a general policy of dispersion, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Major General Sidney Rowell instructed Major William Sarll, in the interests of security of plant and to provide against possible damage of air attack, to investigate suitable safer inland accommodation for AHQ Cartographic Company. Major Sarll inspected many properties before finding one that would meet the requirements of the Cartographic Company. In late 1941, he came to inspect Fortuna, a rambling old mansion with about fifteen acres of ground in central Bendigo. Initially there was no intention to occupy the site beyond the end of the war, although Major Sarll's report to the Director of Survey noted many advantages in moving the Company to Bendigo. Major General Rowell quickly approved the selection of Fortuna before other authorities, which were investigating the evacuation of school children, could get in ahead of the Cartographic Company. On 23 March 1942, the Commonwealth of Australia, under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1939, took possession of the house, the old battery buildings and the fifteen acres of grounds. Under Warrant Officer J. Trist’s direction, over fifty Parks and Works tradesmen completed building works necessary to accommodate the Survey Corps’ military, map making and printing requirements. The building program was still under way when the first officer, Lieutenant Ralph Westgarth, arrived in May 1942 with the advance party which received and positioned all equipment as it came up from Melbourne in semi-trailers. Once the equipment was installed the rest of the Cartographic Company completed its shift to Bendigo by 11th June 1942. The first year of the Survey Corps’ occupation of Fortuna is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 17-22 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army Occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The black and white photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Bendigo Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna. L to R: Cliff Day, Ernie Arnold, Norm? .2) - Photo, black & white, 1942. “Don” - possibly SGT Don Sutcliffe. Fortuna, Bendigo. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen in garden at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Fred & Ernie. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Benny Jack Williams at Fortuna, Bendigo. Accommodation tents were erected above the lake, which later became the parade ground. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working dress - Giggle suits. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Cliff and Harry on big roof. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. Ted on big roof. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Gold crusher battery just behind Fortuna. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine from mullock heap at Victoria Hill near Fortuna, Bendigo. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine and crusher near Fortuna, Bendigo. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo taken from the far side of tennis courts. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo & its reflection from across the lake. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo from the fishpond. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1942. First Fortuna Football Team at unknown location. L to R: 5th Bob Wright, 11th SGT Don Sutcliffe. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working Party from 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot at Fortuna, Bendigo.Some personnel are identified. Annotated with date within photos. .1) – Annotated on back ‘Cliff, Ernie, Norm, Dec ‘42. Cliff Day - dairy farmer, plasterers’ labourer. Ernie Arnold – hard plasterer. Norm? - QM Store for tools etc. QM Store was the Stables.’ .2) - Annotated on back ‘Don. Fortuna 1942’ .3) - Annotated on back ‘Fred & Ernie. Dec 1942. Carpenters. Note the state of the gardens.’ .4) - Annotated on back ‘Benny Jack Williams Fortuna Bendigo. Tents were erected where present day parade ground is above the lake.’ .5) - Annotated on back ‘Working dress - Giggle suits. June 42. Cliff and Harry on big roof. This photo was taken as the ventilating ridge was being installed on the building housing the printing machines. The machines were installed later by civilian labour when building was complete.’ .6) - Annotated on back ‘Ted on big roof Fortuna Bendigo.’ .7) - Annotated on back ‘Gold crusher battery – Bendigo for slay heap – 1942. 12 stamp battery. Just behind Fortuna. Was working at night when the “Army” came to Bendigo. Later removed to “Coolgardie - WA. Present site of Southern Cross TV.’ .8) - Annotated on back ‘Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. June 1942.’ .9) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine from mullock heap (Victoria Hill) Sept 1942.’ .10) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine and crusher September 1942.’ .11) - Annotated on back ‘Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. August 1942.’ .12) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Bendigo 1942. Taken from far side of tennis courts.’ .13) - Annotated on back ‘ “Fortuna” across the lake & reflection.’ .14) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna from fishpond June 1942.’ .15) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Dec 1942.’ .16) - Annotated on front ‘X’ x2. Annotated on back First Fortuna Football Team 1942‘Bob Wright’, ‘SGT Don Sutcliffe’. .17) - Annotated ‘Working Party at Fortuna before one of the drafts’, Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot Showgrounds, now the Sportsground Bendigo’, ‘HQ of 5th Army Troop was Reynards Rd, Coburg.’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, FLYING FORTRESS WW2, W. L. WHITE, "Queens Die Proudly", 1944
Book - account of the Flying Fortresses in the South West Pacific War WW2,Hard Cover book. Cover - cardboard, orange colour paper with black print on spine. 223 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. End papers - Illustrated, black and white map South-West Pacific. Front end paper and Title page - owner's stamp.Front end paper and Title page - black ink owner's stamp - "BENDIGO DISTRICT/ RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 449/ BENDIGO, VIC, 3552. Opposite Title page - handwritten black ink - "Donated by/ Peter Morrison".books, mikitary history, ww2, flying fortresses -
Bendigo Military Museum
Newspaper - NEWSPAPER, 1945 Victory Edition Souvenir, The Herald, 1995
Jack KINGSBURY/ Born Northern W.A. 16 March 1916 Died 14 August 1983 Age 14 worked in gold mines at Kalgoorlie for som years then came to Bendigo/mines. He met and married Jessie PITTS in 1936. He enlisted in the airforce in 1941 and was studying to be a pilot when he retired. Cat No 5821,5822,5823 Leigh Joseph JONES/ Born Richmond 2 June 1922 to 18 March 1983. Married Dorothy Jean PITTS 18 March 1944. Applied to join the army but was too young. Returned to join as his fathers name Lewis John same initials and old enough. He served and was discharged as this name. He was aboard ship when it was discovered too late. He served in New Guinea. Post war he applied to have his service name corrected, he was a champion sports man, cycling, football, bowling. Awarded an imperial award for his work with Papua New Guinea “Newspaper- reprint of the The Herald original newspaper from MELBOURNE WEDNESDAY EVEING AUGUST 15, 1945 Black and white print and photographs on paper newspaper, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - RECORDS, NAA WW2
See Cat No. 5820. NAA Record of "KINGSBURY JACK": SERVICE NUMBER 40579: Date of Birth - 16 Mar 1916: Place of birth - /Northam WA: Place of Enlistment - Melbourne: Next of Kin - KINGSBURY JESSIE." See Cat 5820, 5821, 5823.Records - facsimile, with clear plastic front cover, black cardboard back cover and plastic binding comb. 117 pages - cut, plain, white paper. All with black print. NAA Record.naa records, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - RECORDS, NAA WW2
See Cat 5820, 5821, 5822. NAA Record of "John Lewis JOHN; Service number - VX77957: Date of Birth - 11 Mar 1921: Place of birth: Melbourne Vic: Place of enlistment - CAULFIELD VIC: Next of Kin - JONES Mary - Page 1 of 16.Records - facsimile, with clear plastic front cover, black cardboard back cover and plastic binding comb. 16 pages - cut, plain, white paper. All with black print. NAA Record.naa records, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW1, Cassell and Company Ltd/ London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, "From The Australian Front Xmas 1917", 1917
Item in the collection re Ron Bollard VX14150, refer Cat No 5919P for his service details. Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black colour print on front and back. Front illustration 3 colour silhouette of two soldiers in a battle scene. Book illustration - Rising Sun Badge. 128 Badges - cut, plain, off white. Pictorial book containing black and white photographs and black and white illustrations and cartoons.Front end papers - owner's name, handwritten blue ink, Kevin Roberts/ 124 Fifth Ave/ Rosebud 3939/ 5986 6663". Next page handwritten - green pencil - child's drawing of 3 circles.books, military history, ww1 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Elizabeth Burchill, "The Paths I've Trod", 1981/ 1984
Owner and donor details - see Cat No. 5836.3. "The Paths I've Trod / Autobiography of an Australian Nurse"Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, brown print on front, spine and back. Illustrated two sepia toned photographs - front 1/2 portrait of author (1940, back - author receiving her Bachelor of Arts. 249 pages - cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs. Title page and endpapers back - handwritten signature and notes.Title page - handwritten, blue ink, author's signature "E. Burchill B.A., B Lits, R.N., R.M., I.W. (AUTHOR)/ Melbourne/ 1987" End papers - back - handwritten, blue ink. ("David/ 855937") name and no's have been crossed out.books, military history, ww2, nurses -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE, 1914-1919
Refer Cat No 2698.2 for A.S.Loams service history.Certificate - cream coloured, heavy paper, black print handwriting.Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force. CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE of No. 929 rank PRIVATE ARTHUR STEDMAN LOAM, Regimental Corps 38th Bn. 1280 days service. Service abroad 1127. Medially unfit, not due to mis-conduct. Signature of Officer Commanding Regiment or Corps. E. W. Wright Capt. SOI and RS 3rd MD Melbourne. 21 September 1919 Discharge confirmed Melbourne, Victoria E.W. Wright Capt. 3MD 21 September 1919. passchendaele barracks trust, certificate of discharge, a.s. loam, 38th battalion -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Badge, Clarendon Old Collegians
The Clarendon Old Collegians Association existed from very early times in the school history and was a singificant controbutor to school socail capacity and infrastructure. The OC's regularly donated funds and purchases to special projects. Sections of the society met in different geographic areas, such as Melbourne or the Wimmera. Three circular enamel brooches featuring outer circle in royal blue with lettering enclosing features of school crest - open book in white with gold border, royal blue lamp with gold flame at base of book and gold star at top of bookLettering around border: CLARENDON OLD COLLEGIANSclarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, clarendon-old-collegians -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, Nautical Press, HMAS Melbourne 25 Years
... in carrier flight operations. The pictorial history of HMAS Melbourne ...HMAS Melbourne (R21) was a Majestic-class light aircraft carrier of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Operating from 1955 until 1982, she was the third and final conventional aircraft carrier to serve in the RAN. Melbourne was the only British Commonwealth naval vessel to sink two friendly warships in peacetime collisions. The ship was laid down for the British Royal Navy as the lead ship of the Majestic class in April 1943, and was launched as HMS Majestic (R77) in February 1945. At the end of World War II, work on the ship was suspended until she was purchased by the RAN in 1947. At the time of purchase, it was decided to incorporate new aircraft carrier technologies into the design, making Melbourne the third ship to be constructed with an angled flight deck. Delays in construction and integrating the enhancements meant that the carrier was not commissioned until 1955. Melbourne never fired a shot in anger during her career, having only peripheral, non-combat roles in relation to the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation and the Vietnam War. However, she was involved in two major collisions with allied vessels. On the evening of 10 February 1964, Melbourne collided with and sank HMAS Voyager when the Daring class destroyer altered course across her bow. Eighty-two of Voyager's crew were killed, and two Royal Commissions were held to investigate the incident. The second collision occurred in the early morning of 3 June 1969, when Melbourne collided with and sank the Allen M. Sumner class destroyer USS Frank E. Evans in similar circumstances. Seventy-four United States Navy (USN) personnel died, and a joint USN–RAN Board of Inquiry was held. These incidents, along with several minor collisions, shipboard accidents, and aircraft losses, led to the reputation that Melbourne was jinxed. Melbourne was paid off from RAN service in 1982. A proposal to convert her for use as a floating casino failed, and a 1984 sale was cancelled, before she was sold in 1985 and towed to China for breaking. The scrapping was delayed so Melbourne could be studied by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) as part of a secret project to develop a Chinese aircraft carrier and used to train PLAN aviators in carrier flight operations. HMAS Melbourne was decommissioned on 30 June 1982, having spent 62,036 hours underway and having steamed 868,893 nautical miles. A proposal to convert her for use as a floating casino failed, and a 1984 sale was cancelled, before she was sold for scrap in 1985 and towed to China for breaking. The scrapping was delayed so Melbourne could be studied by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) as part of a secret project to develop a Chinese aircraft carrier and used to train PLAN aviators in carrier flight operations.The pictorial history of HMAS Melbourne with rare photos. Now a scarce title and highly desirable title that is now long out of print. Has provenance history of all ships movements from 1955 till decommissioned.HMAS Melbourne 25 YearsOn the front page is a picture of HMAS Melbourne with the words at top "H.M.A.S. Melbourne. At bottom are the words in orange, '25 Years'. In white, are the words 'by Ross Gillett' then 'Forward by Rear Admiral G.G.O. Gatacre C.B.E. DSO. DSC & Bar, RAN'. On the rear page is a list of all the Captains that served on the HMAS Melbourne between 1955-1980.hmas melbourne, aircraft carrier, royal australian navy, australian navy, westland whirlwind, sea venom, fairy gannet, bristol sycamore, westland wessex, douglas skyhawk, grumman tracker, westland sea king, fleet air arm, hmas albatross, nowra -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Decorations and Medals of The Australian Armed Forces, 1985
Over 1,400,000 Australians have served in times of conflict, from the Boer War to Afghanistan. Receiving awards on recognition of their service, some Australians have earned prestigious awards for their valour and gallantry. These are soldiers that have overwhelmed their opponents. They've gone over the wall or held the line, at huge personal cost. They've contributed to landmark events that history will long remember.The Australian Defence Medal (ADM) has been established to recognise Australian Defence Force Regular and Reserve personnel who have demonstrated their commitment and contribution to the nation by serving for an initial enlistment period or four years service whichever is the lesser.Rectangular shaped glass covered Picture frame showing Decorations and Medals of The Australian Armed Forces.Decorations and Medals awarded to members of the Australian Armed Forces -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Bradley A Chalmers, "From Browburn to Ballarat and beyond": 150 years of the family of John and Ann Chalmers in Australia 1849-1999, 1999
Family history referencing John Chalmers (1864), very early student of Ballarat College, Thomas Chalmers (1866), Henry Chalmers (1881) and Rev Henderson, School founder; see pages 61-85Hard cover green book A4 size; [Melbourne?] : Chalmers, Bradley, 1999.xii , 442 p. : ill., ports. ; 31 cm.Handwritten on title page: To Ballarat & Clarendon College / Regards / Brad Chalmers / Deniliquin Schools Expo / 4th May 2013rev william henderson, chalmers -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - AWARD, MM, WW1, (estimated); Post 1917
Leslie Pryde "MM", Regt No 11986. refer Cat No 914 for his service history and award details.Official document from the Australian Imperial Force dated, Melbourne 18.7.1918 relating to the award of "The Military Medal" for bravery in the field by Corporal L Pryde. The notice was sent to his mother Mrs J Pryde stating that "His Majesty the King" had approved the award. The document is a one sided paper. awards, military history, mm -
Bendigo Military Museum
Instrument - BUGLE, C. 1940
The Bugle was played by the British over 2000 times to warn of impending air raids in the Middle East. When a new electronic siren was installed Bill Nicholls souvenired it and carried it in his haversack until he reached home. William Bona Nicholls No VX36468 2/24 Batt 9th Div. enlisted on 12.8.40, embarked 16.11.1940 for the Middle East, promoted L/Cpl 8.5.1941, served in the Seige of Tobruk, El Alamein and Middle East Campaigns. He was taken POW at Derna and escaped after 8 hours. Embarked for Australia 1.2.1943 and disembarked Melbourne 25.2.1943. Embarked for New Guinea 1.8.1943, hospital 5.12.1943 with Degue Fever, rejoin unit 9.12.1943, served in the Lae and Finschafen campaigns. Promoted Sgt 11.2.1944, embark for Australia from Finschafen 28.2.1944 and disembark Brisbane 7.3.1944. Evacuated to hospital 16.3.1945, appears to be Anxiety State. Discharged from the Army 3.9.1945 with the rank of S/Sgt.Copper & brass army bugle with nozzle & holding chain.Main section of bugle has: a lettered crest, & Besson & Co, London, 1940musical instruments - wind, military history, bugle, tobruk