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matching social development
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88. All related documents bound in manila fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action (cura), uniting church, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Kate Shaw et al, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Bayside Views - A Collection of critical perspectives on the Bayside Development, 1988
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY'S chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside Views - A Collection of critical perspectives on the Bayside Development, a book of essays on Bayside issues, 1988 - funded by the Justice in the City projectSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, centre for urban research and action (cura), uniting church, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen, ewan ogilvy -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development - blue/green soft cover bookSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Pamphlet, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier, 1990s
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: 'Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier' - promotional brochure for development of Princes Pier (Mirvac Beacon Cove Stage 2)Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, mirvac -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Planning brief, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving VictoriaFrom Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Port Melbourne Bayside project Environmental Effects and Draft Development Brief March 1986All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Main report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.1, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Port Melbourne Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 1 Main Report July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Technical Appendices, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.2, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 2: Technical Appendices July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - SCDC Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Sandridge City Development Corporation report on hydraulic model testing and comp. modelled traffic estimates September 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, transport - motor vehicles, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - SCDC Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Extra photocopies of all documents in 1390.06, bound only with bulldog clipAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, tom roper, evan walker -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Bayside EES Hearing Transcripts, CSV and Ministerial Advisory Committee Submissions, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bound file of EES Inquiry transcripts and CSV and Ministerial Advisory Committee reports, including Ministerial briefing 22.06.1987 to 05.10.1987Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'; 'Áttachment 2' on first pagetown planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, terry chumbley, linton r lethlean, peter atkins, david spokes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Bayside Press Cuttings, 1987
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s, bound file: 'Bayside' press cuttingsAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, ewan ogilvy, barry pullen -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Submissions, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: bound fille containing submissions from Community Services Victoria, Port Melbourne City Council, ALP, Port Melbourne Citizens Action Group, correspondence, minutes and notes from meetings attended etc.Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy', additions to titletown planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three: Notice of Referral to Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Notice of Referral to Administrative Appeals Tribunal May 1988; Mayor, councillors and Citizens of Port Melbourne vs Minister for Planning and Environment re EPS Amendment RL22; bound in blue fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Bayside Project Bill, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside Project Bill documents including VP Hansard, copy of Act and of memorandum (a and b) plus related correspondence and documents, bound in clear fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee - Report on Social Impact Work for major Developments Jan 1988, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Stapled photocopies of Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee - Report on Social Impact Work for major Developments Jan 1988Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Legal record, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Port Melbourne Bayside Development Development Agreement - contract of sale, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Stapled photocopies of Port Melbourne Bayside Development Development Agreement - contract of saleRust marks from bulldog clip top front cover. Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive, Social Justice in the City, 1987 - 1988
... ' statements against the Sandridge City development. Social Justice ...File kept by Pat GRAINGER, a participant in the project, 1987/88Light grey binder containing documents related to the 1987 joint Community Arts Network and CURA. 'Social Justice in the City' project which funded local artists' statements against the Sandridge City development.quite a few notations on many of the itemspublic action campaigns, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, ewan ogilvy, martin brennan, mark grant, pat grainger, kate shaw, richard crawley, maree menzel, barry merat, cura -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Document regarding youth sport and recreation, Port Melbourne Y.M.C.A, YMCA Port Melbourne, c1969-73
Several documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port MelbourneFolded sheet describing what is Y.M.C.A. Port Melbourne. Including Billiards challenges for Walter LINDRUMfictionSeveral documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne j e earl pty ltd, the consolidated pneumatic tool co, ymca, societies clubs unions and other organisations, theodore thomas (tom) buckingham, mayors -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Documents regarding youth sport and recreation, Port Melbourne Y.M.C.A, Report to Port Melbourne Youth Aid and Development Association 3.11.1969, c1969-73
documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port MelbourneReport to Port Melbourne Youth and development association 3 Nov 1969 .fiction documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne clubs and societies, port melbourne youth centres aid and development association, ymca -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Document regarding youth sport and recreation, Port Melbourne Y.M.C.A, Committe meeting of Port Melbourne Youth Centre Aid & Development 6 .10.1969, c1969-73
Several documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port MelbourneMinutes of committee meeting Port Melbourne Youth Centre Aid and Development Association 6 Oct 1960 fictionSeveral documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne archibald (arch) todd, societies clubs unions and other organisations, port melbourne youth centres aid and development association, morison, mcleod, sedgman, villiers, brooks, armishaw, brockhoff, christie, charleworth, cruikshank, mrs allport, miss spinner, theodore thomas (tom) buckingham -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Documents regarding youth sport and recreation, Port Melbourne Y.M.C.A, How to apply for financial assistance from Dept of Youth Sport and Recreation, c1969-73
Several documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port MelbourneDepartment of Youth, Sport & Recreation. Guidelines on how to apply for financial assistancefictionSeveral documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne clubs and societies, department of youth sport and recreation -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Documents regarding youth sport and recreation, Port Melbourne Y.M.C.A, Policy Guidelines, c1969-73
Several documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne.04 Department of Youth Sport & Recreation - Policy guidelines fictionSeveral documents relating to the development of Youth centres in Port Melbourne clubs and societies, department of youth sport and recreation -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film, "Fight for Bayside"
Proposals put forward by Sandridge City Development Co Pty Ltd were ultimately not continued. People interviewed were: BEAZLEY, Doug; BEAZLEY, David; MCKAY, Ian; WHITE, Perce; SZWARK, Jo (Mayor); BOCQUET, Harry; BEDFORD, Brenda; WEST, RonA successful campaign against over developmentDVD recorded by Richard Crawley recording resident's objections to the Sandridge City Development Co Pty Ltd proposal for Bayside development late 1987. Part of a project funded by CURA (Anglican Church) "Social Justice and the City" projectscdc, town planning - proposals shelved, richard crawley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Facts Myer Emporium Limited and its Associated Enterprises 1962
Development and expansion of the Myer CompanyTen pages of single-sided typed notes detailing the development of the Myer Emporium and Associated Enterprises, dated 1962. The history details the development of the Myer empire from the first store in Bendigo and the expansion of the company. Notes are in portrait format single sided typing on foolscap pages and are stapled on upper left-hand history, myer store -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Alan Wilkinson, Dissent or conform? war, peace, and the English churches, 1900-1945, 1986
Dissent or Conform examines how churches reacted to, and were affected by, two world wars. Its underlying theme, however, is how the Church can be a creatively dissenting community, focusing on how easily the church can turn into a conforming community that only encourages the occurrence of uncreative dissenters, the ones who criticize the power without offering solutions and leading to a real change. -- Wilkinson opposes this trait of the church, especially given the impact that it has on society as a messenger of the gospel. To this end, the author depicts religious groups during three periods of time: English Nonconformity before and during WWI, pacifists and pacifiers between the two wars and Christianity during WWII, focusing on how church history interacts with the developments in history and society. -- This book is of particular interest to social and church historians of the 20th century, and to all interested in the history and ethics of war and pacifism. It will also appeal to those attracted by the interaction between church and society.Index, notes, p.361.non-fictionDissent or Conform examines how churches reacted to, and were affected by, two world wars. Its underlying theme, however, is how the Church can be a creatively dissenting community, focusing on how easily the church can turn into a conforming community that only encourages the occurrence of uncreative dissenters, the ones who criticize the power without offering solutions and leading to a real change. -- Wilkinson opposes this trait of the church, especially given the impact that it has on society as a messenger of the gospel. To this end, the author depicts religious groups during three periods of time: English Nonconformity before and during WWI, pacifists and pacifiers between the two wars and Christianity during WWII, focusing on how church history interacts with the developments in history and society. -- This book is of particular interest to social and church historians of the 20th century, and to all interested in the history and ethics of war and pacifism. It will also appeal to those attracted by the interaction between church and society. religious dissenters - england - 20th century, pacifism - religious aspects -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - MYER CHRONOLOGY 1901 TO 1981
Eleven page of double-sided typed notes detailing the chronology of the development of the Myer Store, starting with the first store on Pall Mall Bendigo. Notes are in portrait format double side typed A4 pages and are stapled on upper left-hand corner.chronology of myer store, social history, myer emporium -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - Myer 1901 to 1970
Seven page of single-sided typed notes detailing the chronology of the development of the Myer Store, over the period 1901 to 1970. Notes are in portrait format single sided typing on foolscap pages and are stapled on upper left-hand corner.chronology of myer store, social history, myer emporium -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Book: Melbourne’s North – the new knowledge economy Melbourne’s North – the new knowledge economy 2009
Melbourne’s North – the new knowledge economy is a study commissioned by NORTH Link and the Northern Metropolitan Melbourne Area Consultative Sub-Committee with seed funding from the Victorian Government Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development and matching funding from industry, education and local government in Melbourne’s North. It was prepared by National Institute of Economic and Industry Research. The report provides a detailed analysis of the Melbourne’s North regional economy and builds on the previous report, Growing Melbourne’s North – developing an integrated economy. It concludes that the region can achieve significant economic and social benefits if stakeholders share resources and cooperate across local government boundaries to form a discrete economic zone. The report includes recommendations and benchmarks that will support growth and quality employment outcomes for the region into the future as it undergoes the transition into a knowledge economy. Consultants National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR), Carmine Consulting ISBN 978-0-9803994-4-3 northern melbourne region, nmit -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - digital, LJ Gervasoni, Murtoa Stick Shed 00031, 13/08/2011
From the Victorian Heritage Register statement of significance H0791 The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store, originally the No.1 Murtoa Shed, is located within the Murtoa Grain Terminal, adjacent to the grain elevator tower and railway line. The shed is 280m long, 60m wide and 19m high at the ridge with a capacity of 3.4 million bushels. The hipped corrugated iron roof of the shed is supported on approximately 600 unmilled hardwood poles set in a concrete slab floor and braced with iron tie rods. These poles are the reason for use of the term "stick shed". With its vast gabled interior and the long rows of poles the space has been likened to the nave of a cathedral. An elevator at one end took wheat from railway trucks to ridge level where it was distributed by conveyor along the length of the shed, creating a huge single mound of grain. Braced internal timber bulkheads on either side took the lateral thrust of the wheat, and conveyors at ground level outside the bulkheads took wheat back to the elevator for transport elsewhere. Wheat had been handled in jute bags from the start of the Victorian wheat industry in the mid nineteenth century. Bulk storage had been developed in North America from the early 1900s. NSW began building substantial concrete silos from 1920-21. In Western Australia, farmers' co-operatives, who had to supply their own bulk storage from 1934-5, pioneered the use of low-cost horizontal sheds of timber and corrugated iron for bulk storage. Following its establishment in 1935 the Victorian Grain Elevators Board (GEB) planned a network of 160 concrete silos in country locations, connected by rail to the shipping terminal at Geelong. By the outbreak of the Second World War there was a worldwide glut of wheat, and Australia soon had a massive surplus which it was unable to export. Only 48 silos had been established under the Victorian Silo Scheme so far, and wartime material and labour restrictions prevented progress with this scheme. The storage deficit had become an emergency by 1941 as Britain obtained its imports from North America, rather than over the lengthy and difficult shipping route from Australia. In 1941 the GEB, under chairman and general manager Harold Glowrey, proposed large temporary versions of the horizontal bulk storage sheds already in use in Western Australia. The proposal was approved by the Victorian Wheat and Woolgrowers Association, who considered the use of shed storages as a longer term proposition. After initial resistance from the Australian Wheat Board, some of whose members represented wheat bagging interests, the Commonwealth and Victorian governments agreed to split the costs, and Murtoa was chosen as a suitable site for the first emergency storage. The main contractor, Green Bros, commenced work on the No.1 Murtoa Shed in September 1941, deliveries of bulk wheat began in January 1942, and the store was full by June of the same year. In the following years the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (later CSIRO) conducted valuable research and experiment on the impacts and control of insect pests at the Murtoa No.1 shed. With these discoveries, and the development of more effective pesticides, use of the No.1 shed and the larger No.2 shed, erected in 1942/43, continued for many years. The No.2 shed was demolished in 1975. By the 1990s, pest resistance to pesticides and requirements for both pest free and insecticide free grain rendered open storage of this type unviable. The No. 1 store was also becoming increasingly expensive to maintain, and its use was phased out from 1989.Image of the Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store which is of historical, architectural, scientific (technical) and social significance to the State of VictoriaDigital colour image of the interior of the Marmaduke . Murtoa grain storage facility better known as the Stick Shed. The shed was constructed in World War Two to store grain. The supporting columns are trees.marmalake, murtoa grain store, wheat store, stick shed, murtoa -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Cambridge University Press, The Cambridge illustrated history of the British Empire, 2008
An overview of the development and influence of the British Empire examines British colonialism in various regions of the world and discusses the impact of imperialism on social and cultural history.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.400.non-fictionAn overview of the development and influence of the British Empire examines British colonialism in various regions of the world and discusses the impact of imperialism on social and cultural history.great britain - colonies - history, great britain - commonwealth - history