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matching the corporation of melbourne
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Julia Clark, Aboriginal People of Tasmania, 1992
colour photographs, illustrations, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jon Altman et al, Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory, 2004
Looks at the culture and history of some of the Northern Territory Aboriginal groups.colour photographs, b&w photographs, illustrations, maps, tables -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Richard Broome, Aboriginal people of Victoria, 1990
Booklet on Victorian Aboriginal culture and history.colour photographs, illustrations, b&w photographs, maps -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jon Altman et al, Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory, 1998
Looks at the culture and history of some of the Northern Territory Aboriginal groups.colour photographs, b&w photographs, illustrations, maps, tables -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jon Altman et al, Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory, 1992
Looks at the culture and history of some of the Northern Territory Aboriginal groups.colour photographs, b&w photographs, illustrations, maps, tables -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Val Attenbrow, Aboriginal people of New South Wales, 1997
Looks at the culture and history of the some of the NSW Aboriginal people.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Val Attenbrow, Aboriginal people of New South Wales, 1992
Looks at the culture and history of the some of the NSW Aboriginal people.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Richard Broome, Aboriginal people of Victoria, 2004
Booklet on Victorian Aboriginal culture and history.colour photographs, illustrations, b&w photographs, maps -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Julia Clark, Aboriginal People of Tasmania, 1998
colour photographs, illustrations, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Julia Clark, Aboriginal People of Tasmania, 2004
colour photographs, illustrations, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal missions, stations or reserves in Victoria : part A : Port Phillip District before separation from the Colony of New South Wales (1835-1850)
Descriptions of the reserves in the Port Phillip District before separation from the Colony of New South Wales (1835-1850) Lists site and area. Additional photocopied notes concerning some of the missions. -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal missions, stations or reserves in Victoria : part A : Port Phillip District before separation from the Colony of New South Wales (1835-1850)
Shorter version of the Missions and Reserves list, stating location and area of sites. -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Cameron Raynes et al, A little flour and a few blankets : an administrative history of Aboriginal affairs in South Australia, 1834-2000, 2001
b&w photographs, letters, maps, tablessouth australian history, colebrook home, gerard mission, race relations, indigenous legislation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kerrie Kelly et al, An introduction to recent Aboriginal &? Torres Strait Islander history in Queensland, 1997
An introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history during the process of colonisation in Queensland.maps, b&w photographs, b&w illustrationsqueensland history, frontier conflict, racial segregation, assimilation policies, integration policies, racial legislation, self determination, phrenology, social darwinism, commonwealth policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Lindsey Arkley, The hated protector : the story of Charles Wightman Sievwright, protector of Aborigines 1839-42, 2000
"The hated Protector" tells for the first time the real story behind the extraordinary experiences of Charles Sievwright, Assistant Aboriginal Protector from 1839-42 in what was then part of the British colony of New South Wales, but is now the Western District of the Australian state of Victoria. Sievwright, an Edinburgh-born former British army officer, lived in the bush with his young family as he tried to save the Aborigines of the District from extinction. In doing so, he would isolate himself from the rest of his fellow whites. The hated Protector tells of this process. The book should appeal to anyone interested in British colonial and Australian history, particularly in the years of first contact between British settlers and the Aborigines. More broadly, it should also appeal to anyone interested a story of one man's battle against overwhelming odds, where the price of failure was numerous deaths. It is a story of hatred, prejudice, courage, determination, and hope. In telling Sievwright's story, Lindsey Arkley draws largely on original archival material, including official reports, journals and letters, found in Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart, Edinburgh and London. Most has never before been published. The archival material is supplemented by contemporary newspaper accounts, and some oral history. Full notes are given to all sources, and the book is indexed and lavishly illustrated with drawings by Joan Bognuda, as well as about 80 paintings and samples of documents. Contents: 1. In the bush 2. "Equal and indiscriminate justice" 3. "A few doses of lead" 4. "A curse to the land" 5. "The most unpopular man" 6. Retaliation 7. A hostage debate 8. Hallucinations 9. A mass escape 10. Possessors of the soil 11. Move to Keilambete 12. Bureaucratic 13. "A hideous pandemonium" 14. Divine visitations 15. Pay backs 16. Explanations 17. A squatter on trial 18. Claptrap and deceit 19. The black cap - 20. To Mt Rouse 21. "The impending evil" 22. In the balance 23. An arrest at Mt Rouse 24. A fair moral name 25. Roger's trial 16. Intensified evidence 27. A declaration of war 28. Mr Cold Morning 29. Holding ranks 30. To rags 31. Fightback 32. Return to London 33. The inquiry 34. Judgement 35. And what remains.maps, document reproductions, b&w photographs, colour photographs, b&w illustrationscharles wightman sievwright, racial policies, british colonial history, race relations, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Judy Atkinson, Trauma trails, recreating song lines : the transgenerational effects of trauma in Indigenous Australia, 2002
Deals with the healing from colonial dispossession and the trauma caused Indigenous people by drug abuse, alcoholism and various forms of abuse. The creation of change and healing through personal stories.jiman, bundjalung, psychological trauma, psychology, indigenous mental health, spiritual healing -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bain Attwood et al, A life together, a life apart : a history of relations between Europeans and Aborigines, 1994
A history of several Aboriginal reserves, containing long transcribed narratives from those who lived there as well as letters and general information about Aboriginal-white relations in the early 20th century.B&w photographssevington, cummeragunja, moonahcullah, victorian history, new south wales history, race relations, racism, government relations, indigenous reserves, oral histories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bain Attwood, 'My country' : a history of the Djadja Wurrung 1837-1864, 1999
A description of the invasion of Djadja Wurrung land in Central Victoria which began in the mid 1830s.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsdjadja wurrung, dja dja wurrung, dja dja wrung aboriginal association, beembarmin, victorian pastoral leases, franklinford, fernihurst, edward parker, caroline morgan, thomas dunolly, cummeragunja, racial conflict, racism, victorian social history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Harry Allen, Australia : William Blandowski's illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, 2010
William Blandowski was an explorer, natural scientist and artist who led a Victorian government expedition to the junction of the Murray and Darling Rivers from 1856 to 1857. This is the first publication in English of his nineteenth century illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal life.Maps, b&w illustrationsaboriginal australian history, pictorial histories, william blandowski -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Harry Allen, Australia : William Blandowski's illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, 2010
William Blandowski was an explorer, natural scientist and artist who led a Victorian government expedition to the junction of the Murray and Darling Rivers from 1856 to 1857. This is the first publication in English of his nineteenth century illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal life.b&w illustrations, mapswilliam blandowski, pictorial works -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, D W A Baker, The civilised surveyor : Thomas Mitchell and the Australian Aborigines, 1997
Thomas Mitchell, surveyor in Sydney from 1827 at the time when Squatters were extending their runs with huge detriment to the Aboriginal population. Mitchell and his men were ambiguous in their treatment of the people. His conviction was in the superiority of the British civilisation.Maps, b&w illustrationsthomas mitchell, new south wales history, race relations, racism, colonisation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ken Baker, A treaty with the Aborigines?, 1988
A time for reconciliation / Bob Hawke -- Treaty is a recipe for separatism / John Howard -- A treaty for land justice and self-determination / Janine Haines -- Why a treaty? / Galarrwuy Yunupingu -- Aborigines are Australian, too / Bob Liddle -- Fallacies weaken the case for a treaty / Geoffrey Blainey -- Why whites also need an Aboriginal treaty / Roberta Sykes -- The quest for Aboriginal sovereignty / Hugh Morgan -- Legal and constitutional considerations / Mark Cooray -- Australia as terra nullius / Peter van Hattem -- Canada: towards Aboriginal self-government? / Jean Chretien -- American Indian treaties: historic relics / Peter Samuel -- The long aftermath of Waitangi / Antomy C. Turner -- Appendix 1: The Barunga statement -- Appendix 2: Preamble to the ATSIC Bill -- Appendix 3: Press attitudes to a treaty -- Appendix 4: Aboriginal population and landmaps, b&w photographsrace relations, racism, government relations, treaties -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Beveridge et al, The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina, 2008
The Beveridges pioneered the Swan Hill area on the Murray River and lived among the People of the Murray River. They learned the Aboriginal dialects, lore and customs. Peter Beveridge faithfully recorded these and his book was published posthumously by his family.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsvictorian history, murray river -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, James Bonwick, Discovery and settlement of Port Phillip : being a history of the country now called Victoria, up to the arrival of Mr. Superintendent Latrobe, in October, 1839, 1999
Contains a general history of the early Port Phillip district, including many references to Aboriginal peoples. Edited version of original 19th century notes by James Bonwick.Maps, b&w illustrationswilliam buckley, john batman, joseph gellibrand, john pascoe fawkner, victorian history, melbourne history, port phillip, religion, merri creek, james bonwick -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Thomas Francis Bride, Letters from Victorian pioneers : being a series of papers on the early occupation of the colony, the Aborigines, etc. : addressed by Victorian pioneers to His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Victoria, 1898
Original edition of the letters from pioneering families in the Colony iof Port Phillip. It looks at their daily lives and hardships. It includes first hand reports of William Buckley?s role with the Aboriginal people after he returned to White society.maps, b&w illustrations -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Museum Victoria, Bunjilaka : the Aboriginal Centre at Melbourne Museum, 2000
Contains information about - Building Bunjilika, Koori Voices, Belonging to Country, Two laws, Suggested Reading, A Note on Terminology, Keeping Places in Victoria, Photo Credits, Acknowledgements.colour photographs, b&w photographs, artworkbunjilaka, victorian keeping places, koori history, victorian history, bunjil, kulin, yorta yorta, wurundjeri -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ron Vanderwal, John Bulmer's recollections of Victorian Aboriginal life, 1855-1908
John Bulmer spent forty years of his life as missionary to Aboriginal people in Victoria, in 1855 devoting his activities to communities on the Murray, but most of his life was spent at Lake Tyers where he established a Church of England mission in 1862, In his later years he wrote a series of thirteen papers in which he recorded his observations on the life and times of the people to whom he ministered. Over a period of several years Alistair Campbell transliterated the manuscripts, altering a little but retaining the flavour of the original text.maps, b&w photograph, word lists, tablesgunai kurnai, gippsland, lake tyers, lakes entrance, king charley, snowy river, ellen hood, sarah moffat, lance mcdougall, kassie mcdougall, tom foster, alec mccrae, nellie blair, john bulmer, victorian history, indigenous social life, kinship, religion and mythology, bush foods -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Alastair H Campbell, John Batman and the Aborigines, 1987
A comprehensive account of John Batman's life. This is a broad social history of the life and contentions of the original Port Phillip settlement. It includes relations between the European colonists and the Aboriginal population. It shows how the initial Aboriginal policy lay the ground for the near genocide of Port Phillip's original inhabitants.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsbunurong, boonwurrung, wathaurong, woiworung, woiwurrung, wurundjeri, wodewarrou, gerarlture, beingalite, you whamgete, you yangs, yarra river, kurung, john batman, port phillip bay, victorian history, victorian indigenous history, batman treaty -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian D Clark et al, A Bend in the Yarra : a history of the Merri Creek Protectorate Station and Merri Creek Aboriginal School 1841-1851, 2004
Spiral bound publication on the History of the Merri Creek Protectorate Station 1841-1851, with major references to Robinson and Thomas. Extensive bibliographic notes and references.tableswoiwurrung, woi wurrung, boonwurrung, boon wurrung, eastern kulin, derrimut, william thomas, yarra, merri creek, local history, victorian history, education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Mary Edmunds, Claims to knowledge, claims to country : native title, native title claims and the role of the anthropologist : summary of proceedings of a conference session on native title at the annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society, University of Sydney, 28-30 September 1994, 1994
Summary of proceedings of a conference session on Native Title at the annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society, University of Sydney, 28-30 September, 1994. Looking at the legal process and roles in Native Title claims.chartsnative title