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Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Barnett and Blackbourn circa 1922, 1922c
Members of the Barnett and Blackbourn families at rear of 122 Main Road Lower Plenty. On roof: Laurie Barnett. On ground left to right: Ferdinand Barnett, Ted and Jean Blackbourn, Myrtle, Marjory, Ivy Barnett. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, barnett family, blackbourn family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Barnett and Rodd 1940, 1940_
Marjory Barnett with Mrs and Mrs Rodd; taken at "Woodside, Bonds road 1940. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, marjory barnett, rodd family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital Image, Bartlett Splatt group, 1900c
Bartlett Splatt group: George William Splatt at rear in white shirt; Bartlett (Barl) Splatt seated far right. Others not named. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, henry bartlett splatt, george william splatt -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Ivy Barnett, 1945c
Ivy Barnett taken at 122 Main Road Lower Plenty. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, ivy barnett, 122 main road lower plenty -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Jane Stock Finn 1970s, 1970s
Jane Finn (nee Stock) taken circa 1970s. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of colour photograph.peter blackbourn, jane stock finn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Mrs Jane Stock Finn, 1950c
Mrs Jane Finn (nee Stock), born Greensborough. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn. Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, jane stock finn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Jane Stock 1908, 1908_
Jane Stock (later Mrs Finn),1908. Born Greensborough 1889. : Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, jane stock finn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, John Blackbourn, 1940_
John Blackbourn, born Greensborough Hospital 1936; taken at 122 Main Road Lower Plenty. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, john blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, John Blackbourn, 1939_
John Blackbourn, born 1936; taken at corner of Old Eltham Road and Main Street. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, john blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, John Finn 1909, 1909_
John Finn (in pram) with one of his aunts 1909. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, john finn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Joseph (Joe) Stock born 1906, 1910_
Joseph (Joe) Stock (born 1906) as young boy. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, joseph stock, joe stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Bill and Stan Blackbourn, 1930c
Bill and Stan Blackbourn with tractor. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, stan blackbourn, bill blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Blackbourn family 1936, 1936_
Black bourn family 1936 (left to right) Audrey, John and Margaret Blackbourn with mother Jean; taken at 122 Main Road Lower Plenty. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, margaret balckbourn, john blackbourn, audrey blackbourn, 122 main road lower plenty -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Blackbourn family, 1935c
Blackbourn family: on verandah (left to right) Kathy Barnett, myrtle, Ivy Barnett, Elsie Margasan, unnamed child,Elsie Barnett, Margaret Barnett. Front row: unnamed man, Audrey Blackbourn, Ted Blackbourn, Margaret Blackbourn, unnamed man. Taken at Main Road Lower Plenty. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, blackbourn family, barnett family -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Burt Harris, 1935c
Studio portrait of Burt Harris, a Greensborough local. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, burt harris -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Caroline Barnett, 1945c
Caroline Barnett. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn. RIP 5/11/1948Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, caroline barnett -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Caroline and Ferdinand Barnett and sister, 1940c
Caroline and Ferdinand Barnett and his sister Emily Barnett from Northcote. Taken at 122 Main Road Lower Plenty. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, caroline barnett, ferdinand barnett, emily barnett, 122 main road lower plenty -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Caroline Barnett and Lower Plenty School, 1930c
Caroline Barnett with Lower Plenty School in background. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, caroline barnett, lower plenty primary school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Edward Henry Blackbourn, 1920c
Edward Henry Blackbourn, taken at 155 Main Road Lower Plenty with Main Road in background. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, edward henry blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Elsa Margasan (Barnett) 1934-35, 1934_
Elsa Margasan (Barnett) opposite the shops in Lower Plenty, 1934 or1935. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, elsa margasan, elsa barnett -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Ethyl Stock, 1914c
Ethyl Stock, born 1894 in Greensborough. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, ethyl stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Ethyl and Jack Stock, 1914c
Studio portrait of Ethyl and Jack Stock circa 1910. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, ethyl stock, jack stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Florence Blackbourn and friends, 1930c
Florence Blackbourn and friends. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, florence blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, George Stock and family 1909, 1909_
George Stock and family 1909 (left to right) Jane Finn and son George, George William Stock. House in Main Street near bridge over river. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, george willam stock, jane stock (nee finn), george stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, George W. Stock, 1910c
George William Stock, born at sea on the way to Australia 1861 (RIP 23/2/1924); buried at Greensborough. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, george willam stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, George William Stock, 1910c
George William Stock born at sea on way to Australia 1861 (RIP 23/2/1924). This photo has been cropped. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn. Digital copy of black and white photograph, cropped.peter blackbourn, george willam stock -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Granny Mulgrave, 1900c
Granny Mulgrave, mother of Mrs Cassidy of Greensborough. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, mulgrave, cassidy -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, House in Greensborough, 1910c
Unidentified house in Greensborough [Probably the Finn House on the Corner of Flintoff and Para Roads]. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Greensborough Hotel [group], 1909c
Group of unknown men outside the original Greensborough Hotel. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn; a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn. [There are unconfirmed suspicions that the top right is Ted Foley and the front right is Jack Stock]Digital copy of black and white photograph.peter blackbourn, greensborough hotel -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Harriet Emma Splatt 1, 1884_
Harriett Emma Splatt, born 1866, photograph taken 1884. Married George William Stock. Photographs from the collection of Peter Blackbourn, a descendant of the Chapman Stock family. Annotations to photos by Peter Blackbourn.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.peter blackbourn, harriet emma splatt, harriett stock