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matching 1936
Tennis Australia
Racquet, 1936
A stemless wooden racquet, featuring an open, three-pronged throat connecting the head directly to the handle. Head is reinforced by fibreglass bands, decorated with red plastic strips. Inscription across the base of the head, on obverse: RED. Manufacturer's trademark decal features at central prong on obverse. At the top of the handle, on both sides, is the word: PATENT. Inscription on outside of right prong: FRAME MADE IN ENGLAND BY/HAZELLS LTD. LONDON. Decal inscription on outside of left prong: HAZELL'S STREAMLINE/REGD. & PATENTED. Company monogram on butt cover. Materials: Wood, Nylon, String, Leather, Metal, Ink, Glue, Lacquer, Plastic, Fibreglass, Adhesive tapetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, 1936
A stemless wooden racquet, featuring an open, three-pronged throat connecting the head directly to the handle. Head, and outer prongs are reinforced by fibreglass bands, decorated with white plastic strips. Inscription across the base of the head, on obverse: WHITE. Manufacturer's trademark decal features at central prong on obverse. At the top of the handle, on both sides, is the word: PATENT. Inscription on inside of right prong: MADE IN ENGLAND BY/HAZELLS LTD. LONDON. Decal inscription on outside of left prong: HAZELL'S STREAMLINE/REGD. & PATENTED. Company monogram on butt cover. Materials: Wood, Nylon, Leather, Metal, Ink, Glue, Lacquer, Plastic, Fibreglass, Adhesive tapetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1936
A wooden racquet with green, white and black striped "indestructo" plastic shoulder reinforcements, brown lozenge decal on both faces of stem, and short, leather handle grip. Inscription across throat on obverse: MCLAUGHLIN (sic)/SCHOLASTIC. Inscription across throat on reverse: WILSON. Inscription along left side of stem: INDESTRUCTO REINFORCEMENT/WRAPPING.Right side; SELECTED/SECOND GROWTH ASH. Materials: Wood, Nylon, Metal, Ink, Lacquer, Glue, Leather, Plastic, Stringtennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1936
A wooden racquet with red, white and blue whipping around shoulders and stem. Decal image of Ellsworth Vines on throat on both sides. Inscription, from head to stem, on both sides: MODEL/A/ELLSWORTH VINES/WILSON. A red and blue chevron design features at the base of the stem on both sides. Materials: Wood, Gut, String, Ink, Leather, Cloth, Metal, Glue, Lacquertennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1936
A wooden tennis racquet painted metallic blue from shoulders to handle, with blue ribbon whipping from shoulders to shaft. Inscription across base of head on obverse: COLLEGIATE. Inscription across throat, on reverse: BANCROFT/FIRST IN TENNIS SINCE 1882. Handwritten name across cloth butt cover features the surname: ROHMS. Materials: Wood, Nylon, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Cloth, Plastic, Adhesive tape, Painttennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1936
A Bancroft Champion tennis racquet painted white from shoulders to handle, with hide reinforcements, plastic whipping from shoulders to shaft, and leather handle with patterned perforations. Throat on obverse features decal of Bancroft heraldic shield trademark. Throat on reverse features older, Bancroft Eagle and Globe trademark. Materials: Wood, Nylon, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Cloth, Plastic, Adhesive tape, Paint, String, Hidetennis -
Tennis Australia
Book, 1936
Book: 'How To Play Tennis'. 174 pages. Hardcover. Third edition (first published 1933). Materials: Paper, Ink, Cardboardtennis -
Tennis Australia
Book, Post 1936
Book: 'Perry On Tennis'. 170 pages. Hardcover. Edition uncertain. Undated. Materials: Paper, Ink, Cardboardtennis -
Tennis Australia
Cigarette card, Circa 1936
A framed collage of fifty Player's cigarette cards. Each card depicts a different famous player from the 20s and 30s. Cards have green background and (most) a player wearing white. Framed with glass backing so reverse of cards is visible. Reverse of cards features instructional information for playing better tennis. Materials: Ink, Paper, Glass, Metal, Wood, Adhesive tapetennis -
Tennis Australia
Cigarette swap card, Circa 1936
Players cigarette card featuring Don Budge Materials: Paper, Inktennis -
Tennis Australia
Black and white photographic print, Circa 1936
Photographic print of Don Budge, signed by him. Materials: Paper, Photographic emulsion, Inktennis -
Tennis Australia
Photographic print, Circa 1936
Photo postcard of Lacoste Materials: Paper, Photographic emulsiontennis -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Pointed Firs Estate, Camberwell North, 1936
Subdivision plans and real estate flyers/brochures reveal a number of aspects of urban development and history. The Kew Historical Society's collection of these plans, as well as advertisements extracted from magazines, cover key aspects of community development and architectural history of Kew and Kew Eat as well as surrounding suburbs. While most of the plans in the collection were gifted to the Society by the former City of Kew, a number of other plans and advertisements have been donated by individuals, of which this is an example.Original multi-page sales brochure of the Pointed Firs Estate, advertised as located in Camberwell North, but now in Balwyn North. The 4-page bifold brochure includes promotional material as well as a detailed plan of the 28 lots for sale, a photograph of the locality with the plan overlaying it, as well as aerial photos and street views. The estate included lots in Doncaster Road, Thackeray Street, Houghton Street, an dMaud Street. pointed firs estate -- balwyn north, subdivisions -- balwyn north (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Pointed Firs Estate, 1936
The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.An almost identical plan of the ‘Pointed Firs Estate’ is in the State Library of Victoria. The plan unusually uses a photograph to show the panoramic views from the Estate. A prospective purchaser could expect to look across the Yarra Valley to Eaglemont and Heidelberg. The 36 lots advertised for sale faced Doncaster Road, Houghton Street, Maud Street and Thackray Street in Balwyn North.subdivision plans - balwyn, pointed firs estate -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Boulevard Estate - Boulevard Section, 1930-1936
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. This plan shows a subdivision with two sections: the ‘Boulevard Section’ and the ‘Riverside Section’. The first of these sections bordered Burke Road between Kilby Road and the farm beside the Yarra. Kilby Road, Munro Road, Burke Road and Old Burke Road bordered the 102 lots in the Boulevard Section of the plan. The streets within the Section included Walbundry Avenue, Inverness Way, Riverside Avenue, Cascade Street and Kyora Parade. These street names, at least in this subdivision plan linked the two Sections of the subdivision. At a later date, the City of Kew decided to alter the street names. Walbundry, Inverness, Riverside, Cascade and Kyora were all renamed as ‘Drives’ (e.g. Kyora Drive). The subdivision plan is of interest in that it names High Street in Kew as Doncaster Road. It also shows the location of the wooden church that was later removed to Yarraville on the corner of Kilby Road and High Street. The plan predates later developments such as the S. E. Dickens Supermarket.subdivision plans - east kew, boulevard estate, munro road -- kew east (vic.), kilby road -- kew east (vic.), burke road -- kew east (vic.), walbundry avenue -- kew east (vic.), inverness way -- kew east (vic.), riverside avenue -- kew east (vic.), cascade drive -- kew east (vic.), nyora parade -- kew east (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Sculpture - Plaster Relief of King George V, J.S.D, c.1936
While its provenance is unclear, it is probable that this framed plaster relief was once hung in the Kew Town Hall. While the artist has not yet been identified, it is assumed that the work may be mass-produced from an original copy.Gilded and framed plaster-relief of King George V.Artist initials "J S D" lower rightgeorge v, plaster relief, royal portraits -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Ball, W. Valentine et al, The law of libel and slander, 1936
Second editionlibel and slander -- great britain, press law -- great britain -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Hogg, Quintin McGarel, The law of arbitration (incorporating the Arbitration Acts 1889-1934), 1936
Previous owners: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smitharbitration and award -- great britain -
City of Warrnambool Rowing Club
Photograph, Alex. Wilkins, 1935-1936
Black and white photograph of four ladies on the banks of the Hopkins River, Warrnambool. They have shorts, white long sleeve shirts and a dark tie on. These ladies are featured in other rowing photographs- and are believed to be a ladies sweep four crew.rowing, warrnambool, hopkins river, ladies rowing, warrnambool rowing club -
Freemasons Victoria - Southern Cross Lodge No. 24 (Maldon)
Letter, James Thomas Steele, Past Master, 29/07/1936
Letter printed on paper asking about illuminated addresssteele, james thomas, stephens, john, evans, t, wearne, william e, steele, robert f -
Geelong Gallery
Painting - Gum trees in Flinders Ranges, HEYSEN, Hans, 1936
Watercolour over pencil -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Stawell Musical & Elocutionary Competition, 1936 - 1940
Boom 1 hand written Minutes book. Book 2 Hand written Treasurers Reports. Both with Green covers and Red labels.Ledger Minute Bookstawell, music -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Stawell Hospital Records Expenditure & Income 1880 – 1867, Feb 1880 - June 1932-1936
Dark Green cover with Leather Spinestawell, medical -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, 1936-1957
Large Cane Basket with curved handle. From Bushick’s Bakery used in home deliveries.stawell -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - rectangular RVIB tin, 1936
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. These boxes were designed to be reused, with a pop out section in the base.2 x metal coin collection tins with printed sidesFront: The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind St Kilda Road The only Institute in Victoria for teaching blind adults trades & professions educating & maintaining blind children & babies (Lighthouse with words radiating out from light) Modern cottage homes Pensions - after care & sick fund Prevention of blindness lectures, etc. Free wireless radio for needy cases Boat shed & club house Professions & trades Blind babies nursery Wireless sets Social club Happiness for the blind every day & night Musical education Higher education Domestic science classes for blind women & girls A free education Maintenance of blind children The Lighthouse! As a thanksgiving for sight Please place a coin in this box and help to keep the Beacon Light flashing for the Institute's Blind Adults, Babies and Children Side: (Picture of two girls playing with dolls house) Our blind babies and pupils will probably spend 70 years in our Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind St Kilda Road As a thanksgiving for sight please help make their years very happy ones by placing a coin in this box! Reverse front: (Drawing of a man holding his hand to his eyes as a blast occurs in front of him, pushing small objects towards his body.) It might hit You or Me! Please! Will You? As a thanksgiving for the sight you and your dear ones possess, please place a coin in this box to assist the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, St Kilda Road, and its Blind Adults, Children and Babies! Reverse side: (picture of workshop at RVIB) One of our many spacious workshops provided by public subscription! The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind is faced with the problem of employing and otherwise assisting its blind workers. It gives them charitable allowances in addition to their earnings, amounting to approximately 15,000 (pounds) every year, to enable them to support their wives and families! No profits can therefore be made! This 15,000 (pounds) is distributed because the great handicap of blindness prevents blind persons from earning as much as their more fortunate sighted fellows. Please! Ask Storekeepers for our Baskets, Mats, Brooms, etc. And as a thanksgiving for Your Sight place a coin in this box for our blind adults, children and babies! Embossed on the top of the box is Royal Victorian Institute for the Blindfundraising, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Francis Yeats-Brown, Lancer at large, 1936
Indian life as described by a British soldierp.320.non-fictionIndian life as described by a British soldierindia - social life and customs, india - description and travel -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Francis Yeats-Brown, Bengal lancer, 1936
Autobiography of a British cavalry officer in pre-war India and on the western front, who later became a member of the Royal flying corps in Mesopotamia. The closing chapters concern his subsequent travels in India and give his interpretation of the Hindu philosophy through the medium of his own personal experience.p.278.non-fictionAutobiography of a British cavalry officer in pre-war India and on the western front, who later became a member of the Royal flying corps in Mesopotamia. The closing chapters concern his subsequent travels in India and give his interpretation of the Hindu philosophy through the medium of his own personal experience. india - social life and customs, india - description and travel -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
John Murray, The four feathers, 1936
Just before his regiment sails off to war in the Sudan, British officer Harry Feversham quits the military. He is immediately given four white feathers - symbols of cowardice - one each by his three best friends and one by his fiancee. To disprove this grave dishonor, Harry dons an Arabian disguise and leaves for the Sudan, where he anonymously comes to the aid of his three friends, saving each of their lives. Having proved his bravery, Harry returns to England, hoping to regain the love and respect of his fiancee. This suspenseful tale movingly depicts a distinctive code of honor that - whether real or imagined - was deeply valued and strongly promoted by the British during the height of their imperial power.p.316fictionJust before his regiment sails off to war in the Sudan, British officer Harry Feversham quits the military. He is immediately given four white feathers - symbols of cowardice - one each by his three best friends and one by his fiancee. To disprove this grave dishonor, Harry dons an Arabian disguise and leaves for the Sudan, where he anonymously comes to the aid of his three friends, saving each of their lives. Having proved his bravery, Harry returns to England, hoping to regain the love and respect of his fiancee. This suspenseful tale movingly depicts a distinctive code of honor that - whether real or imagined - was deeply valued and strongly promoted by the British during the height of their imperial power.england - fiction, cowardice - military -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Henry James Forman, The story of prophecy : in the life of mankind from early times to the present day, 1936
An essay on prophes=cies from the earliest days.Index, bib, ill, p.350.non-fictionAn essay on prophes=cies from the earliest days.prophecies, human history -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Oxford University Press, Crump folk going home, 1936
This novel is a spirited melodrama set in Westmorland, in which the writer's love of the county and its cultural peculiarities is rather more convincing than her stiff-upper-lipped characters' love for each other.p.253.fictionThis novel is a spirited melodrama set in Westmorland, in which the writer's love of the county and its cultural peculiarities is rather more convincing than her stiff-upper-lipped characters' love for each other.england - fiction, romantic fiction