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Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 9 The Helping Hand, 1963
Elvis resumed pouring the rainmaking powder onto the clouds and the Dogtor could not loosen the logs that were blocking the creek bed. Because the Dogtor had been so nice to Elvis, in the end, Elvis helped the Dogtor dislodge the logs and the flood subsided. But Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback lay waiting, scheming, planning their next nasty surprise.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Bush Children, 1963
List of bush children characters in The Flying Dogtor series. Some of these are illustrated on the reverse side of item D194.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, foolscap, 1 pagethe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 10 Ghost Town, 1963
After the fire was distinguished and the flood subsided, on his way flying home, the Dogtor heard voices repeatedly on his radio "Calling Flying Dogtor". A sick voice asked for the Dogtor's help in the main street of Ghostville, the old mining town across Dry Gulch Gully, now a ghost town. He got to the abandoned address, 13 ("unlucky number") Spook Street. The Dogtor is about to open the door...The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1: Left hand side has been amended and is attached with tape. Written corrections on right hand side.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 11 Unlucky Number, 1963
The Dogtor knocked at 13 Spook Street and a faint voice said "Come in". Behind another door inside, came a faint child's voice "Help me" which led the Dogtor down a passageway. It was of course, Crafty Carson Carpetbag setting a booby trap to kill him by using a trick string and a huge stone. The Dogtor braced himself and pushed open the door...The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 12 Caught!, 1963
There was an enormous crash and Crafty thought he had finally squashed the Dogtor but he was not harmed when the great stone fell, using his stethoscope to open the door. Crafty was hiding behind a shed in the yard waiting for the dust to settle. The Dogtor used his teeth to catch Crafty by the end of his tail but Crafty twisted and escaped through an opening in the back fence. He slipped into an old mine shaft and planned his next trap for the Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 3 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Patience Gray and Primrose Boyd, Plats du Jour or Foreign Food, 1957
Softcoverwalsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 13 Going Down?, 1963
Crafty Carson Carpetbag tricked The Flying Dogtor into stepping into the mouth of an old and deep gold mineshaft. The Dogtor fell down the mineshaft, and Crafty thought that he had succeeded at last in getting rid of his enemy. He even climbed into the Dogtor's plane and tried the controls, planning to fly it away and keep it for himself. Meanwhile, The Flying Dogtor fell deep down the mineshaft, like a stone. The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 14 The Cave, 1963
The Flying Dogtor, tricked by Crafty Carson Carpetbag into falling into an old mineshaft, wandered into an underground limestone cave and then slipped into a subterranean river. He was swept into a long dark tunnel. Meanwhile, high above him, Crafty tried to fly the Dogtor's plane away. He couldn't control it and the plane shot up into the sky without him, rolling over and over without a pilot, without its master, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPages 1 & 2: handwritten corrections on both pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 15 Strange Spots, 1963
The Flying Dogtor fell into an underground river and was swept away by the current. At the same time his plane was set loose by Crafty Carson Carpetbag and was circling wildly without a pilot, high in the outback sky. Meanwhile, back at the Dogtor's base, the Hilltop Hospital, his poor nurse Sister Spaniel, was driven almost frantic trying to cope alone with a strange epidemic of spots that was sweeping the bush. She desperately needed The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 3 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 16 A Burn in the Blue, 1963
Elvis Eagle, the 'bodgie bird', saved the plane and found The Flying Dogtor lying unconscious on the bank of a river after his frightening trip down an underground tunnel. Meanwhile, back at the Hilltop Hospital, his nurse Sister Spaniel, was still trying to cope with a strange disease that had attacked the bush creatures. Little did she know what awful adventures had befallen The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1: handwritten correctionthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 17 Home Again, 1963
The Flying Dogtor, saved from drowning by Elvis Eagle, flew back to his Hilltop Hospital in answer to an urgent call from his faithful nurse, Sister Spaniel. The hospital was crowded with patients, all with the same complaint: itchy spots on the face. The Dogtor worked and worked in his private scientific laboratory to find out what was causing the spots and Sister Spaniel waited while all her medicines were running out. But she never lost faith in The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 18 The Visitors, 1963
The mysterious spots were caused by mosquito bites, due to the stagnant water from the flood. They had run out of medicines, bandages, everything, with no money to buy more. The Dogtor discovered a gold nugget in his bag from the mines and told nurse Sister Spaniel to take it to the bank to change it for money. Life then returned to normal at Hilltop Hospital. Then one day, a big loud silver helicopter appeared in the sky with a notice: WOOMERA RANGE. V.I.P. TOP SECRET. SPACE SURVEY. ROCKET DIVISION.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1: handwritten 'CUT' on left hand side.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 23 Z for Danger, 1963
The most secretive experiments of the most secretive scientists were carried out in Room Z at the Woomera Range Space Rocket Division. The only people with a key were the topmost scientist, the Prime Minister and the cleaning lady. They had to wait until 5pm for the cleaning lady to arrive so they could get Crafty Carson Carpetbag out, who was hiding from The Flying Dogtor. The Flying Dogtor could hear Crafty making whistling, humming noises and the Secret Service Man said he was messing with Mixture 8X, the most secretive invention of them all, Special Reducing Mixture for use when travelling in small satellites.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Handwritten in pencil, foolscap, 2 pagesThe title is crossed out and it is noted that this is a contraction (eliminating sound effects) of Episodes 23, 24, and 25. Many edits.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 24 The Shrinking Snake, 1963
Crafty drank all of the mixture by the time they unlocked Room Z, and felt himself deflating down and down, shorter and shorter, thinner and thinner, to the size of a centipede. The Dogtor saw a little black wriggling thing slipping out the crack under the door. Crafty was swept up into the moving vacuum cleaner by the cleaning lady. The Dogtor took the package of dust form the cleaning lady so he could drop it off at the police station.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Handwritten, foolscap, 2 pagesThe title is crossed out. Many edits.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 25 The Countdown, 1963
Major Minor, the space mouse, was feeling well again now that no-one was poisoning his food and plans were made to send him up in the satellite that afternoon. The countdown began. Major Minor was strapped in and given his camera, notebook and cheese lunch packages for seven orbits. The Flying Dogtor thought his work in Woomera had been completed when he realised they’d given the space mouse the wrong package. The Dogtor and the Secret Service Man looked at each other in horror because that meant that Crafty was onboard the rocket!The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Handwritten, foolscap, 2 pagesThe title is crossed out. Many edits.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. A contraction of Episodes 23, 24 and 25, 1963
This is a summary of Episodes 23-25. See items D214, D215 and D216 for full summaries.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, foolscap, 4 pages. This is typed version of items D214-216.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 29 Mystery Mansion, 1963
The Flying Dogtor noticed that someone seemed to be living in Mangrove Mansion, an old homestead not far from Granny Goanna's house. The homestead had not been lived in for a hundred years, except when the famous bushranger Danny O'Canny used it for a hideout. The bush children went to investigate and find out who had moved in, so that they could tell their friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 30 Anyone Home, 1963
The bush children called at Mangrove Mansion to visit the new owner, who no-one has yet seen. The old house had not been occupied by anyone except Danny 0 'Canny, a bushranger, 100 years ago. The children got no answer to their knocking or ringing, except that they heard somewhere inside the house, a faint nasty laugh. They were beginning to feel a little scared. They were alone and far away from their faithful friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1 & 2: minor handwritten editsthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 31 Crafty Returns, 1963
Crafty Carson Carpetbag escaped from the police after the Flying Dogtor had arrested him, and he slipped back home to the old shearing shed. There he found a message from the Redback family. They had gone to Mangrove Mansion, an old deserted homestead. Meanwhile, the bush children were exploring around Mangrove Mansion following a message they received from their friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 32 Spooks, 1963
The bush children were exploring around an old deserted house called Mangrove Mansion when they received a number of nasty shocks: strange signs; spiderwebs; and spooks. Then they were chased by a great white creepy-looking floating monster spook and driven into a corner from which there seemed to be no escape. How they wished they were not so far from their friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 3 pages. Middle page has one cm cut from the bottom.Handwritten pencil additions re telestrip.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 33 The Strange Door, 1963
The bush children, exploring an old deserted house, were chased by a spooky-looking creature. They escaped into a cellar under the courtyard. Then Polly Possum found a strange, heavy door in an archway in the cellar wall. Meanwhile, their faithful friend had become worried about them and was flying to their help, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 3 pages. Middle page has one cm cut from the bottom.Handwritten pencil additions re telestrip, and other edits.the flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 34 The Bushranger, 1963
The bush children, exploring an old mansion, were chased by 'spooks' into a cellar. Beside the cellar, they found the room where Danny O'Canny, the famous bushranger, used to hide from the police 100 years ago. Meanwhile, the Dogtor was looking for the children and called at the front door of the mansion. When the door opened, an extraordinary show of ghostly apparitions greeted our hero, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 35 Treasure, 1963
Crafty Carson Carpetbag dressed as a spook and pretended to 'haunt' an old mansion. The Flying Dogtor uncovered him but he escaped. Meanwhile the bush children found an old cellar in which Danny O'Canny, the bushranger, once hid from the police. A hundred years ago, this famous bushranger had hidden a treasure-trove of stolen gold and jewels. And this treasure had never been discovered to this day, the children were told by The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 36 The Secret Room, 1963
The bush children found a map drawn 100 years ago by Danny 0'Canny, the bushranger, showing where he had hidden his treasure of stolen gold and jewels. As they studied it, they did not know that they were being watched by Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback. And there was no-one near to help them now, for they had just said goodbye to their protector, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 37 The First Clue, 1963
The bush children found a bushranger's secret map containing mystery clues in the form of a rhyme. They solved the first clue, but while they were working on the next, Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback were lying in wait to pounce on them. They did not realise the danger they were in. And they were a long way from the protection of their faithful friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 2: minor handwritten edit, bottom of pagethe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 38, 1963
The bush children were following a mysterious map leading to a bushranger's hidden treasure when they were attacked by Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback. The map fell out of Colin's pocket and was pulled into the bushes. Meanwhile, Granny Goanna worried that the children had not returned home and she radioed The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1: top of page, episode number and title cut offthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 39 The Second Clue, 1963
The Flying Dogtor and the bush children followed the clues on a mysterious map leading to a bushranger's buried treasure. Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback stole the map and separately worked out its message. Then they set out to find the treasure ahead of The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1: handwritten pencil addition, left hand sidethe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Martin Boyd, Nuns in Jeopardy, 1973
Softcoverwalsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 40 Mystery Solved, 1963
The Flying Dogtor and the bush children followed clues on an old map they found which led them to the place where a bushranger had buried treasure 100 years ago. Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback stole the map, and followed the same clues to the same spot. Crafty started digging immediately but Wilbur Wombat, who was doing the digging for the Dogtor's party, wanted to wait until night. He was the sort of animal who worked better at night, explained The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesPage 1 & 2: minor handwritten editsthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Script, Robin Boyd, The Flying Dogtor. Episode 41 Golden Trail, 1963
The Flying Dogtor and the bush children found out where a bushranger had hidden treasure 100 years ago. Unfortunately, Crafty Carson Carpetbag and Old Man Redback found out just a little sooner, dug up the treasure first, and disappeared with it. But there must have been a hole in the chest, for the children found a gold coin on the ground, and then another and another. They set out to follow the trail with their faithful friend, The Flying Dogtor.The Flying Dogtor" series was broadcast on Australian Television Network (later becoming the Seven Network) between February and April 1964 (see item D254 for schedule).Typewritten, carbon copy, foolscap, 2 pagesthe flying dogtor, robin boyd, crawford productions, manuscript