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National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mangold, Tom and Penycate, John, The Tunnels of Cu Chi (softcover) (Copy 4)
One of the more remarkable but little known campaigns of the Vietnam War was fought inside the 200 miles of secret tunnel networks around Saigon between Viet Cong guerrillas and special American forces known as "Tunnel Rats".One of the more remarkable but little known campaigns of the Vietnam War was fought inside the 200 miles of secret tunnel networks around Saigon between Viet Cong guerrillas and special American forces known as "Tunnel Rats".guerrillas - vietnam - cu chi, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - vietnam - cu chi, tunnel rats -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Downs, Frederick, The Killing Zone: Vietnam. Platoon Delta One-Six. The Way It Really Was
A story every American shoud tells better than has been told before what is is like to fight in VietnamA story every American shoud tells better than has been told before what is is like to fight in Vietnamvietnam war, 1961-1975 -- personal narratives, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Findlay, P. T, Protest Politics And Psychological Warfare (Copy 2)
The Communist role in the Anti-vietnam and Anit-Conscription movement.The Communist role in the Anti-vietnam and Anit-Conscription movement.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - protest movements - australia, propaganda, communist - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lunn, Hugh, Vietnam, A Reporter's War (Copy 3)
Assigned by Reuters to Vietnam, twenty-five year old correspondent Hugh Lunn left London with just 10 pounds for expenses and a one way ticket to Saigon. Arriving at the height of the war in 1967, he witnessed some of the most bloody and dramatic events, culminating in the 1968 Tet Offensice. Bombed, shot at, and lied to by the military, Hugh Lunn discovered that there was a war of words - and inages - as well as bullets.Assigned by Reuters to Vietnam, twenty-five year old correspondent Hugh Lunn left London with just 10 pounds for expenses and a one way ticket to Saigon. Arriving at the height of the war in 1967, he witnessed some of the most bloody and dramatic events, culminating in the 1968 Tet Offensice. Bombed, shot at, and lied to by the military, Hugh Lunn discovered that there was a war of words - and inages - as well as bullets.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, tet offensive (1968), saigon -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, World Home Bible League, Celebration: New International Version, the New Testament (Copy 3)
Since our withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975 much work has been done to restore faith and hope back into the hearts and minds of our Vietnam Anzus Veterans. many veterans have come forward to help their mates. some of those mates have since passed on, at an early age, with hurt and distrust in their hearts.Since our withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975 much work has been done to restore faith and hope back into the hearts and minds of our Vietnam Anzus Veterans. many veterans have come forward to help their mates. some of those mates have since passed on, at an early age, with hurt and distrust in their hearts.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - casualties statistics, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Estes, Jack, A Field of innocence: A ,Memoir of the Vietnam War (Copy 2)
The tales of battle are chilling and the reader is given a sense of what it is like to fight an unseen enemy who might appear any time, anywhere and start shooting from ambush.The tales of battle are chilling and the reader is given a sense of what it is like to fight an unseen enemy who might appear any time, anywhere and start shooting from ambush.united states. marine corps - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Karnow, Stanley, Vietnam: A History: The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War (Copy 3)
A journalist looking back learns - or ought to learn - that his dispatches from the field were temporal and limited, as befits the nature of his occupation.A journalist looking back learns - or ought to learn - that his dispatches from the field were temporal and limited, as befits the nature of his occupation.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Garland, Albert N. (LTC Ret.), Infantry In Vietnam: Small Unit Actions in the Early Days: 1965-66
It was called a "platoon leader's war". It was like no other war America had ever fought - beneath the dense canopy of jungle, in underground tunnels and foxholes, against an unseen, elusive enemy.It was called a "platoon leader's war". It was like no other war America had ever fought - beneath the dense canopy of jungle, in underground tunnels and foxholes, against an unseen, elusive enemy.vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- campaigns -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, North Africa 1940-1942: the desert war
world war, 1939-1945 - australia, world war, 1939-1945 - campaigns - middle east, world war, 1939-1945 - campaigns - africa, north -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hutchinson, Garrie, Not going to Vietnam: Journeys Through Two Wars
Not Going To Vietnam begins in 1968, telling the story of the boy dho didn't go to war, before taking the road with the Australians who did - both in 1942 in Singapore, Malaya and up the Thailand-Burma Railway, and later Vietnam.Not Going To Vietnam begins in 1968, telling the story of the boy dho didn't go to war, before taking the road with the Australians who did - both in 1942 in Singapore, Malaya and up the Thailand-Burma Railway, and later Vietnam.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - conscientious objector, 1939-1945 - participation. australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Grossman, Dave, On killing: the Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (Copy 1)
An illuminating account of how soldiers learn to kill and how they live with the experience of having killed.An illuminating account of how soldiers learn to kill and how they live with the experience of having killed.combat - psychological aspects, psychology, military, mental health, combat disorders -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hayes, Roger, OnPpoint: A Rifleman's Year in the Boonies: 1967 - 1968
It was the bloodiest year in Vietnam. For one man, it was the most unforgettable year of his life.It was the bloodiest year in Vietnam. For one man, it was the most unforgettable year of his life.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, On the offensive: the Australian Army in the Vietnam War, January 1967-June 1968, 2003
australia. army - history - vietnamese conflict , 1961-1975, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Donovan, David, Once A Warrior King: Memories of an Officer in Vietnam (hardcover) (Copy 2)
This in an account of one man's remarkable experience in Vietnam which can be compared in intensity with the war writings of Robert Graves.This in an account of one man's remarkable experience in Vietnam which can be compared in intensity with the war writings of Robert Graves. united states army, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Donovan, David, Once A Warrior King: Memories of an Officer In Vietnam (paperback) (Copy 1)
This in an account of one man's remarkable experience in Vietnam which can be compared in intensity with the war writings of Robert Graves.This in an account of one man's remarkable experience in Vietnam which can be compared in intensity with the war writings of Robert Graves.united states army, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bowden, Tim, One Crowded Hour: Neil Davis Combat Cameraman 1934-1985 (Copy 1), 1987
Tim Bowden's One Crowded Hour is the best selling biography of one of the world's greatest cinecameramen and an extraordinary Australian. For over twenty years journalist Neil Davis covered the conflicts in South East Asia. Always at the battle front, he brought enduring images of the full horror of modern war. Ironically, in September 1985, having survived so much war, Neil Davis was killed filming an attempted coup in the streets of Bangkok.non-fictionTim Bowden's One Crowded Hour is the best selling biography of one of the world's greatest cinecameramen and an extraordinary Australian. For over twenty years journalist Neil Davis covered the conflicts in South East Asia. Always at the battle front, he brought enduring images of the full horror of modern war. Ironically, in September 1985, having survived so much war, Neil Davis was killed filming an attempted coup in the streets of Bangkok.journalists - australia - biography, davis, neil , 1934-1985 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bowden, Tim, One Crowded Hour: Neil Davis Combat Cameraman 1934 - 1985. (Copy 2), 1987
Tim Bowden's One Crowded Hour is the best selling biography of one of the world's greatest cinecameramen and an extraordinary Australian. For over twenty years journalist Neil Davis covered the conflicts in South East Asia. Always at the battle front, he brought enduring images of the full horror of modern war. Ironically, in September 1985, having survived so much war, Neil Davis was killed filming an attempted coup in the streets of Bangkok.Tim Bowden's One Crowded Hour is the best selling biography of one of the world's greatest cinecameramen and an extraordinary Australian. For over twenty years journalist Neil Davis covered the conflicts in South East Asia. Always at the battle front, he brought enduring images of the full horror of modern war. Ironically, in September 1985, having survived so much war, Neil Davis was killed filming an attempted coup in the streets of Bangkok. journalists - australia - biography, davis, neil , 1934-1985 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dennis, D.J, One Day At A Time: A Vietnam Diary: "Sometimes you couldn't hear the guns for the laughter..." (Copy 1)
The year is 1968 - The Tet Offensive has begun. Conscript James "Ned" Kelly os one of six men who featured in this dramatic Vietnam story. "Ned" is almost half-way through his sentenced "Tour of Duty", and is part of the specialist aviation unit, the Australian Army's 161 Reconaissance Flight.The year is 1968 - The Tet Offensive has begun. Conscript James "Ned" Kelly os one of six men who featured in this dramatic Vietnam story. "Ned" is almost half-way through his sentenced "Tour of Duty", and is part of the specialist aviation unit, the Australian Army's 161 Reconaissance Flight.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, tet offensive, 161 recce flight, james "ned" kelly -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Crossing the Line 1
A black and white photograph of a digger from 9th Royal Australian Regiment, is found guilty and prepared for his doom by Courtiers of King Neptune during the "crossing of the line" ceremony on board the Vung Tau Ferry, HMAS Sydney, taking the Battalion to war service in Vietnamphotograph, hmas sydney, vung tau ferry, 9 rar, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Refugee Village Construction 2
A black and white photograph of Vietnamese refugees from the war in North Vietnam, mainly women construct a refugee village at Tuy Hoa, in 2 Corps, of South Vietnam. The absence of males amongst the regugees was very notable and to some, even more suspicious. The women are wearing tradional black pyjamas the unofficial uniform of the Viet Cong.photograph, refugee village, tuy hoa, viet cong, gibbons collection catalogue, vietnamese refugees -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Burchett, Wilfred, Vietnam: Inside Story Of The Guerilla War
It contains a great number of important truths.It contains a great number of important truths.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - vietnam, vietnam - politics and government - 1945-1975, guerilla war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mortenson, K.G, Vietnam: Target For 1972 Blitzkrieg (Copy 1)
This booklet is based on four articles which first appeared n the Melbourne ADVOCATE (17 February to 9 March 1972) under the title "Vietnam Today". It describes life in the Republic of Vietnam (SVN) prior to the attacks launched by the North Vietnamese Army in 1972.This booklet is based on four articles which first appeared n the Melbourne ADVOCATE (17 February to 9 March 1972) under the title "Vietnam Today". It describes life in the Republic of Vietnam (SVN) prior to the attacks launched by the North Vietnamese Army in 1972.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - social conditions -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mortenson, K.G, Vietnam: Target for 1972 Blitzkrieg (Copy 2)
This booklet is based on four articles which first appeared n the Melbourne ADVOCATE (17 February to 9 March 1972) under the title "Vietnam Today". It describes life in the Republic of Vietnam (SVN) prior to the attacks launched by the North Vietnamese Army in 1972.This booklet is based on four articles which first appeared n the Melbourne ADVOCATE (17 February to 9 March 1972) under the title "Vietnam Today". It describes life in the Republic of Vietnam (SVN) prior to the attacks launched by the North Vietnamese Army in 1972.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - social conditions -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pimlott, John, Vietnam: The Decisive Battles (Copy 1)
In the mid 1960' the youth of the Western world were largely preoccupied with "flower power" and the music of the Beatles. Meanwhile, in distant Indochina, young American GIs were engaged in a savage war of attrition in the jungles of a small divided country that had been a French colony.In the mid 1960' the youth of the Western world were largely preoccupied with "flower power" and the music of the Beatles. Meanwhile, in distant Indochina, young American GIs were engaged in a savage war of attrition in the jungles of a small divided country that had been a French colony.vietnam war, dien bien phu, ap bac, the gulf of tonkin, operation starlite, the ia drang campaign, long tan, battle of long tan, operation attleboro, operation bolo, operation junction city, rach ba rai river, tet offensive, hamburger hill, operation lam son 719, an l, an loc, thanh hoa bridge -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Appy, Christian, Vietnam: The definitive Oral History Told From All Sides (Copy 1)
I thought the war in Vietnam would never end, and after it did I never wanted to hear or think of it again, until someone I trust told me to read this book.I thought the war in Vietnam would never end, and after it did I never wanted to hear or think of it again, until someone I trust told me to read this book. vietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Appy, Christian, Vietnam: The Definitive Oral History Told From All Sides (Copy 2)
I thought the war in Vietnam would never end, and after it did I never wanted to hear or think of it again, until someone I trust told me to read this book.I thought the war in Vietnam would never end, and after it did I never wanted to hear or think of it again, until someone I trust told me to read this book. vietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Beesley, Stanley, Vietnam: The heartland remembers
the came from small towns and rural communities. they were black, white, American Indian and Chicano. Mem and women, they left their homes and families to fight a distant war.the came from small towns and rural communities. they were black, white, American Indian and Chicano. Mem and women, they left their homes and families to fight a distant war.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, american, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Maclear, Michael, Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War (Copy 1)
At 7.53 on the morning of 30 April 1975, the last helicopter took of from the United States embassy compound in Saigon, bound for a waiting aircraft-carrier in the South China Sea. After thirty years - more that ten thousand days - the Vietnam War was over.At 7.53 on the morning of 30 April 1975, the last helicopter took of from the United States embassy compound in Saigon, bound for a waiting aircraft-carrier in the South China Sea. After thirty years - more that ten thousand days - the Vietnam War was over.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - history - 1945-1975, saigon, united states embassy, south china sea -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Maclear, Michael, Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War (Copy 2)
At 7.53 on the morning of 30 April 1975, the last helicopter took of from the United States embassy compound in Saigon, bound for a waiting aircraft-carrier in the South China Sea. After thirty years - more that ten thousand days - the Vietnam War was over.At 7.53 on the morning of 30 April 1975, the last helicopter took of from the United States embassy compound in Saigon, bound for a waiting aircraft-carrier in the South China Sea. After thirty years - more that ten thousand days - the Vietnam War was over.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - history - 1945-1975, saigon, united states embassy, south china sea -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Buttinger, Joseph, Vietnam: The Unforgettable Tragedy (Copy 1)
Joseph Buttinger is one of the leading Western experts on Vietnam; not only on the recent tragic war, but on the entire history and culture of the country.Joseph Buttinger is one of the leading Western experts on Vietnam; not only on the recent tragic war, but on the entire history and culture of the country. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states, vietnam - politics and government