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matching murray s.
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, 2001
... Tatura the-murray Lord Stonehaven,s plane at Byrneside 1926 lord ...Lord Stonehaven,s plane at Byrneside 1926lord stonehaven,s plane at Byrnesidelord stonehaven, victory hall, byrneside, photograph, people -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, H. S. Davy, 2001
Funeral of H.S. Davyhs davy, cj mitchell, horse drawn hearse, funerals, hill top orchardist, photograph, people -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Riverbanker Child a Personal Life
The author grew up on the banks of the Goulburn river, where families lived in tents and shanties. His words and memories of growingt up as a Riverbanker in the 1940'sPart of the history of SheppartonSoft cover book, 52 pages, written by Alan H. Scott. White card cover front and back, Black pencil drawing on front of a tent with patches, a person in doorway, a dog . rear vover has a pencil drawing of a person leaning over a light. printing says Shepparton's Shanties, the Argus, Melbourne ,Vic 1848 -1954. Slum Boards Visit. 'Grievous Wrong being Done" plus other comments. The author has autographed page 1.Autographed by authorgoulburn river, shepparton -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Kormoran Crew
Some of the H S K Kormoran crew were house in camp 13. The German cross is a memorial to their fallen comrades.Black and white photograph of 10 men standing and 10 men seated in front of a hut. Between the hut and the men is a large German cross on a stone plymth. A sign is being held by the 5th and 6th men from the left.Sign: Lager Hortebeker 1942 H S A Kormoranh s k kormoran, camp 13, german memorial, erich falk -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - Nurses, Seven Camp Nurses
Sr E Chalmers; Sr M Peck; Sr S O'Shannessy; Sr D Evans; Sr L Danson; Sr Robinson Sr M Morrison. Nursing staff from 28 Camp Hospital Black and White photograph of seven nurses from 28 Camp Hospital Taturanurse, 28 camp hospital, tatura, chalmers, peck, o'shannessy, evans, danson, robinson, morrison -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, F. A. & G. E. Williams, 1900
Copy of original photograph of the Williams family, early house in Tatura. This photograph was reproduced from a glass negative found in the ceiling of the Williams old shop (store) corner Thompson and Hogan St.Copy of original. Black and white photograph of couple in front of house in Tatura, early 1900's. Double front weatherboard house with verandah on two sides.Frank Ernest and Grace Elizabeth Williams at "Gracedale" Hogan Street Tatura. About 1900's near presbyterian church.frank ernest williams, grace elizabeth williams, williams family house, glass negative -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Bluebird to Boomerang Cafe in Hogan Street Tatura, 1920's mid
Original photograph of Myers family and friends shifting from Bluebird Cafe to Boomerang Cafe, mid to late 1920's. Formerly a jewelry shop. Left to right: Sarah (girlie) Colliver, Tom Myers, Nell Myers, Mark Pritchard, Tom Colliver, Bridge Myers and Neil Colliver. Black and white photograph of local identities transfering effects from Bluebird Cafe to Boomerang cafe mid late 1920's.transfer of effects from Bluebird cafe to Boomerang cafe, east of railway crossing. Props. Bridge and Nell Myersnell myers, sarah colliver, boomerang cafe tatura, n. lenehan, bluebird cafe tatura, tom myers, mark pritchard, tom colliver, bridge myers, neil colliver -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document - Folder, Karl Hilgenfeldt, Internee Recollections: Karl Hilgenfeldt, May and June 1994
Karl Hilgenfeldt was a German national working in Persia (Iran) in 1930's, interned by British, transported to Australia in 1941, interned Loveday Camp until January 1944, transferred to Camp 1 Tatura and released in late 1946. Return visit to Tatura in May 1994. News journalist interview/personal recollections.Photos and articles re return visit to WW2 internment camp Tatura Museum German War Cemetery.Karl Hillgenfeldt of Sydney returned to camp 1 Tatura The Museum and German war graves May 1994karl hilgenfeldt, camp 1 internees, ww2 internment camps -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Flying Log Book, 1942
Log bog of Flight Sergeant S. K. Black 1942 - 1944. Lancaster NE 150 failed to return 6 June 1944. Operation Caen.Blue hard covered "Observers" air gunners and W/T operators flying log book. RAAF.67994flight sergeant s. k. black -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, 1889
Copy of original photograph of first commissioners of Rodney Irrigation Trust. Approx 1889Black and white photograph of first Rodney Trust Irrigation Commissioners. Names on backBack left to right - J.A, Sec. Walter Scott(Engineer), Coms. S. Lancaster, W. Bray, John Morrissy, M. Kavanaugh, C.W. Wilson, Gerald Byrne. Front Row - Coms. John McKenzie, Thomas Hogan, M. Cussen(First Chairman), M. Winter, John Stewart, R. Teese. 1st Commissioners of Rodney Irrigation Trust, 1889.rodney irrigation trust, tatura, irrigation -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, D. Walker, Victoria Hotel Tatura 1987, 1987
Photograph of Sarah's Victoria Hotel, Hogan Street, Tatura. In 1894 William Isaac Maskell, Inn keepers conducted the hotel. Later owners were Thomas Bazeley 1896, Leo Bourke, P. Flanvin, G. Phillips, S. Phillips, Quinn, B. and G. Moroney, R. Barkus.Black and white photograph of Victoria Hotel Tatura.on back: Victoria Hotel Tatura 1987thomas bazeley, leo bourke, p. flanvin, g. phillips,, s. phillips, b. and g. moroney, r. barkus., victoria hotel tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, D. Walker photographer, Victory Hall 1987, 1987
The Victory Hall, Tatura, was opened on 9 March 1926 by the Governor General Lord Stonehaven. The architect was Mr A. S. Eggleston.Black and white photograph of Victory Hall Hogan Street Tatura 1987on back: Victory Hall Tatura 1987lord stonehaven, a. s. eggleston, victory hall tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, D. Clark, Royal Visit 1954, 1989 copy
Photograph of decorations on Criterion Hotel building, Royal visit 1954. Showing bar, Williams Shoe Shop, D. Phillips hair dressers. Group of people, post office, extreme left on Holden car, two others, 50's cars in foregroundBlack and white photograph of flags, palm leaves, bunting, decorations on balcony of Criterian Hotel. Royal Visit 1954. 3 cars at kerb. Hogan Street Taturaon back: Royal visit 1954 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, McNamara's saleyards
Photograph looking west along Hogan Street, of Tatura's first saleyards, run by McNamara's.Black and white photograph of 's original saleyards, Tatura. Approx 1920.on back: McNamaras Hogan Street. Original saleyards.old saleyards, tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Daryl Walker, Tatura Saleyards, 1987
The first saleyards in Tatura were at west end of Hogan Street in 1920's. Municipal saleyards were opened in Ross Street in 1937.Black and white photograph of transport unloading cattle at Tatura Saleyardson back: saleyards, Tatura 1987 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Nightingale M/S Jill, Wartime Art Murals Camp 13, 18 June 1972
The large twelve murals are caricatures mostly depicting Army personnel from various parts of the world. Painting high on the walls of the garrisons recreation hut by Von Gruenwaldt. The hut was later transported to Murchison and became the RSL Hall. M/s Diane McLeod, Shepparton Art Gallery insisted they be preserved as the RSL was to be demolished and Loel Thompson was unable to preserve the building as a museum. The murals have been preserved and decorate the community centre and D Jones Nursing Home.clear plastic cover with a red margin and back coverWartime Art Murals PG 40 - News Friday 18 June 1972camp 13 murals, rsl hall murchison, david jones nursing home murchison victoria, hans von gruenewaldt, jill nightingale -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Toy Truck, Rev. Friedrich Schroettler
This fire truck was made by Rev. Friedrich Schoettler, a Missionary with Lutheran Mission at Ammele and Wanjma in New Guinea. He fled to Australia, from the Japanese, during WW2, being a German national. He was interned at Tatura, Victoria, where the internees made toys to sell for spending money. This truck was given to me, Don Kuhne, by my parents for Christmas about 1944. I am surprised that it lasted as long. My brothers used it. We towed it around the farm behind push bikes, etc. In the early 1960's I worked with Lutheran Mission New Guinea and had the pleasure of knowing Rev. Schoettler, helping with aerial food drops to his small mission station.Maroon truck, yellow radiator, black running boards and mudguards, green tray, 2 wind up handles with a pulley and cord which operates an extension ladder mounted on the tray of the truck. SA 3012 SA 3012 on back of truck.rev. friedrich schoettler, lutheran missions new guinea, don kuhne, camp 3 internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Functional object - Handkerchief, 1940's
Square white linen handkerchief with "S" inside an oval shape design, hand worked in one abovecamp 3 hand crafts, handkerchief, dr silke hesse, beinssen family -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
DVD, Rise and Fall of Whroo, 2007
Over 200 photos of Balaclava mine and Whroo buildings from 1850's to 2007 when book "Families of Whroo" was launched.DVD featuring black and white gold mine scene on top half, coloured forest scene on bottom. Half plastic cover, clear front, black bacmwhroo, families of whroo -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Arthur Knee, 1989
Camp 13 goal. Towards s-sw of whole area. Ruins.Camp 13, Camp Road, Murchison, Victoria. Brick, timber, cement sheeting, wire fencing, ruins of POW 13, murchison victoria, pow, ruins, internment camp -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Under the Water Under the Wire and the Men who sank the Sydney, 2017/2018
Fact based story that deals with German U-Boat 862's journey from Norway around to Indonesia and Australia.Black Paperback with sun rays coming from the ocean surface in bluegrahame wilson, u-boat, syndey -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document - Envelope, 1989 copy
The envelope was sent to Mr S. Asboth at Camp 1 Tatura, dated 25 July 1946. Stefan Asboth was an internee in Camp 1. Stefan was an engineer and was working in Persia when the war broke out. He was sent to Britain, then to Loveday in South Australia and then to Camp 1 where he stayed for the duration of the war. A black and white photocopy of an envelope sent to Mr S. Asboth at Camp 1 Tatura Victoriastefan asboth, camp 1 tatura, war time correspondence, internment camps in australia, shire engineers, rodney shire council -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Tatura Museum - Opening Day, 1988
Photograph of Museum opening day. Waterwheel also pictured Cr Ian Caldwell and family from Merrigum, his mother Mrs S. Caldwell, Mrs A. Knee and StephanieColour photograph of Museum opening day 6 November 1988.on back: original wooden waterwheel on loan from Rural Water Commission.tatura museum opening -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, V. Russell Photographer, Thistle Conference Rochester 1907, 1907
Original photograph of 39 men from G. V. Region at Thistle Conference, Rochester, 30 May 1907. Men would have been Councillors. Thistles on the land were a great problem in the early 1900's. Unemployed were often given the job of digging them out.Sepia photograph of 39 men outside Council Chambers, Rochester, 1907.on back: Thistle Conference Rochester 30 May 1907 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, N. R. McGeehan photographer, Tatura Coursing Club 1933, 1933
Original photograph of Committee and stewards of Tatura Coursing Club 1933. There has been a Coursing Club in Tatura since early 1900's.Original photograph of members of Tatura Coursing Club 1933.on back: Committee and stewards Tatura Coursing Club 1933 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Working on Chaff Cutter, 1920's
Photograph possibly of Jim Browns chaff cutter working around Tatura.Black and white photograph of 3 men working on chaff cutter c 1920's. 2 copies. L0413on back: Post Card; Alice Youngchaff cutting tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Working on Chaff Cutter, 1920's
Photograph possibly of Jim Browns chaff cutter working around Tatura.Black and white photograph of 3 men working on chaff cutter c 1920's. 2 copies. L0412on back: Post Card; Alice Youngchaff cutting tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Colliver Cottage, 1991
Photograph of cottage, built in 1920's, for Walter and Ann Colliver. Now owned by Erica Poulson.Colour photograph of exterior of cottage in O"Reilly Road, Tatura, showing trees, and ann colliver, erica poulson, early tatura buildings -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Tatura Butter Factory, 1900's
very early buildings of Tatura Butter Factory, farmers produce. Now Tatura Milk Products.Black and white photograph of Tatura Butter Factory early 1900's -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Milk Bottle, Midland Milk Bottle, 1960's
went out of production in the 1960'sGlass 1/2 pine milk bottle from Midland Milk. Sloping at neck.MM - pasteurized milk. This bottle is the property of Midland Milk Pty Ltd. Imperial Half Pint.