Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society ''The Countess Maritza'' for Five Nights Commencing Friday 25th November 1966 at the Capital Theatre, View Street. Producer: Mr. Cid Ellwood - Musical Director: Max O'Loghlen - Assistant Producer, Ballet Mistress and Wardrobe Mistress: Miss Madge Welch - Society Pianist and Chorus Mistress: Mrs. Gwen Grose. Cast in Order of Appearance: Bert Donovanas Cheko (Butler to Countess Maritza) - Brian Axford as Berko (Peasant in Love with Manya) - Terry Carr as Josef (Peasant at Maritza's Estate) - Nigel Wright as Akos (Peasant at Maritza's Estate) - Ruth Iredale as Manya (Gypsy Fortuneteller) - Leonard Carr as Belo Torok (Alias Count Tassilo) - Reginald Boromeo as Captain Karl Stephen (Tassilo's Friend) - Ferd Lorenz as Prince Koloman Zoupan - Valerie McCracken as Countess Maritza - Rhonda Osborne as Ilka Grasuvenko (Friend of Maritza) - Patricia McCracken as Countess Lisa Erody (Sister of Count Tassilo) - Fred Trewarne as Baron Moritz Dragomir Populescu (Mayor of Verasdin) - Joan Crane as Baroness Bozena Populescu (Aunt of Tassilo) - Nigel Wright as Penizek (Her Secretary) - Brian Axford as Raimund - Joan Mellis as Sari - Yvonne Hopkins as Mitzi.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society