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matching melbourne city council
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, F.P. Dwerryhouse, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Ringwood Council's Annual Report To The Ratepayers - December 1967, 1967
City of Ringwood community information annual report for 1966, including sections covering Finance, Rates & Charges, Commercial Projects, Municipal Library, Memorial Clock Tower, Private Street Construction, Advisory Service, Litter, Fire Hazards, Home Help Service, Immunisations, Infant Welfare Centres, Native Flora, Dogs, Horse Riding, Fly Control, Garbage Removal, Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Vandalism, Street Lighting, and list of departing and current Council Representatives.Mrs. Elizabeth Penny, representing the East Ward, made history in Ringwood by being the first woman elected to the Council, and subsequently as Ringwood's first lady Mayor.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Ringwood Council's Annual Report To The Ratepayers (December 1963)
City of Ringwood community information report issued December 1963, including financial summary and sections covering Valuations, Private Street Construction, Other New Works, Planning Scheme, Elderly Citizen' Village and Clubrooms, Cool Store Site, Wantirna Road (bridge) Widening, Fire Hazards, Fly Control, Dogs, Refuse, Garbage Removal, Immunization, and List of Council Representatives.Tributes to the late Frank Russell Lucas, original Borough Engineer, and ex-Councillor R.O. Spencer.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Ringwood Council's Annual Report To The Ratepayers - December 1968, 1968
City of Ringwood community information annual report for 1968, including sections covering Finance, General Valuation and Rater Payments, Property Ownership Changes, Refuse, Sanitary Serviced, Sewerage Connections to MMBW, Dandenong Valley Authority, Residential Flat Control Planning Scheme, Immunisation, Home Help, Elderly Citizens' Clubrooms, Library, Civic Centre, Golf Course, Sale of Council Land, Swimming Centre, Holiday Play Centre, Civic Week, Lake Reserve Improvements, Rubbish Dumping, Street Trees, Vandalism, White Ants, Street Construction, Fire Hazards, Dog Nuisance, House Numbering, Citizens' Advisory Service, Infant Welfare Centres, and a list of departing and current Council Representatives. Also includes general reminders regarding rat extermination, free firewood for age pensioners, overhanging vegetation, and spouses voting rights.Obituary - Mr. F.P. Dwerryhouse, Town Clerk for the past 9-1/2 years passed away on 6th December after a short illness.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Appreciate Your City - Information for Residents in the City of Ringwood - November 1971, 1971
Orange coloured community information brochure for Ringwood residents covering Councillors' contact details and local services, sporting, and cultural facilities. Includes two City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1972, Council permit requirements, Nature strips and street trees, Vandalism, Road safety and Parking regulations.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Our City - Ringwood (1972), 1972
Community information brochure issued in 1972 by Ringwood Council outlining local services, sporting, and cultural facilities. Includes names of Ward Councillors, and two City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1973."Frontpiece: New bridge of pressure treated pine over Ringwood Lake." "Ringwood Must Grow, Not Go! With your money, Council provides these vital Services."rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, We Are Proud of Our City - Ringwood (1973), 1973
Community information brochure issued in 1973 by Ringwood Council outlining local services, sporting, and cultural facilities. Includes names of Ward Councillors, and two City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1974."Frontpiece: A quiet corner of the Fred Dwerryhouse Swimming Centre, Jubilee Park." "The staff at the Civic Centre are at your service. Ring 8704311 for guidance on - Town Planning applications, Road and footpath construction, Building matters, Garbage clearance, Connection to sewer by end of 1973, Immunisation times and places, Home help, Rate payments and valuations, Booking of meeting rooms, Clearance of fire hazards, Stray dogs and all nuisance complaints."rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Ringwood 1924-1974 50 Years of Service to the Community, 1974
Community information brochure issued in 1974 by Ringwood Council outlining local services, sporting, and cultural facilities. Includes names of Ward Councillors, Council's revenue and expenditure charts, and two City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1975."Frontpiece: Council's Immunisation Programme." "Message from your Mayor, Councillor Stan Morris, J.P. (photo). In this, Ringwood's 50th Year as an independent Municipality another milestone is recorded. It is our hope that the City will continue to develop soundly so as to improve our quality of life. The past achievements have been accomplished by Council/Citizen co-operation and we have no doubt that this co-operation will continue during the next 50 years".rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Ringwood City Community Guide (1976-77), 1976
Ringwood Community Guide containing Council editorial, brief history of Ringwood, local Community Services and Business Listings. Also includes a street directory map of Ringwood Municipality, and a 1976-1977 Calendar."First Edition". "Front cover photograph: Memorial Clock Tower erected in 1928."rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood Report to Ratepayers 1977-1978, 1977
Yellow covered community information booklet for Ringwood residents covering Council Representatives' and Service Organisations' contact details, Major Works, Planning (Ringwood Business Centre), Recreation, Litter, Rubbish Tip, Construction of Private Streets (Greenway/Dickasons Road Group), Health and Community Services, Municipal Elections, Rates, Dog Registrations, Overhanging Foliage, Building By-laws, Vandalism, House Numbering, Fire Hazards, Council Finances, and other points of general interest. and local services, sporting, and cultural facilities. Includes two City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1978.Mayor's Message - Cr. Lawrie Lawrenson.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood - Your Information Guide 1982, 1982
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1982 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: A.C. Robertson Athletic Field. CONTENTS: (page no.) Beautification and Leisure Areas 16 Building — General Information 26 By-Laws 27 Circuit Bus — Ringwood City 54 Commissioners for taking Declarations and Affidavits 31 Council Meeting Dates 6 Council Representation 7 Councillors 4 Cultural Centre 32 Disabled Persons - Facilities 34 Elections for Council 10 Emergency Telephone Numbers 54 Festival 33 Finance — Council 12 Golf Course 30 Health Home Help Service 24 Immunisation Programme 20 Items of Interest 22 Justices of the Peace 30 Library — General 13 Library — Service for our Senior Citizens 26 Major Works Programme 14 Map of Municipality 28 Mayor's Message – Cr. N.J. Hamilton 2 Meals on Wheels 25 Members of Parliament 52 Officers of the Council 8 Property Records 10 Rates 11 Recycling Depots S3 Regulations 27 Roll — Municipal 10 Swimming Centre 21 Voting — Compulsory 10 Welfare and Community Services 35 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1985 Information Guide, 1985
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1985 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: Lionsbrae - Frail Aged Hostel.CONTENTS: (page no.) By-Laws/Traffic Regs. 35 Chief Executive 10 Children's Service 12, 13 & 40 Churches 41 City Map 32 & 33 Committees of Council 7 Community Services 38 Community Services Officer 43 Council Finances 24 Councillors 4 & 5 Council Meeting Dates 6 Council Representatives 8 Cultural Centre 23 Disabled Persons Facilities 44 Eastern Corridor 18 East Ringwood Shopping Centre 22 Emergency Telephone Nos. 63 Garbage Collection 20 Golf Course 15 Health 26 Historical Research Croup 47 Home Help 30 Hospitals 48 Immunisations 27 Incinerators 21 Infant Welfare Centres49 J.P.'s and Commissioners 37 Library 28 & 29 Lionsbrae 17 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 34 North Ringwood Senior Citizens 16 Opportunity Shops 53 Parks and Reserves 53 Parliamentary Representatives 9 Playgroups 55 Pre-schools 56 Public Toilets 56 Rates 25 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 37 Schools 58 Senior Citizens Centres 60 Swimming Pool 14 Unemployment 62 Victoria's 150th Anniversary 36 Works Programme 18 & 19 Youth Outreach Worker 62 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, City of Ringwood, City of Ringwood 1994 Report & Community Guide, 1994
The City of Ringwood and the City of Croydon merged in December 1994 and became the City of Maroondah.Community information book issued by City of Ringwood for 1994 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Includes Ringwood Public Golf Course discount vouchers and two Ringwood Aquatic Centre bonus entry vouchers.CONTENTS: (page no.) Contents A Message from the Mayor - Cr. Margaret Cheevers 3 Your Council 4 Local State and Federal MPs 5 Council Meetings and Elections 6 History of Ringwood 7 City Manager's Report 8 Organisational structure 9 Human Services 10-19 Environmental Health 20-21 Ringwood Library 22 Parks and Gardens 23 Ringwood's Parks and Reserves 24 Building 25 Engineering Planning Services 26-28 Waste Management 29 Town Planning 30 Traffic and Local Laws 31-33 Roads, Drainage and Major Works 38-39 Halls and Facilities 40-41 Aquatic Centre 42 Convention Centre/Karralika Theatre 43 Golf Course 44 Free Swim & Golf Discount Vouchers 45 Community Organisations 46-64 Finance 65-66 Administration 67 Community Liaison 68 Information Systems 69 Personnel 70-71 Risk Management 71 Rates and Valuations 72 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book - Annual Report, City of Ringwood Annual Report 1989/90, 1990
Third Annual Strategic and Organisational Management Plan Report to Council, outlining the activities of the organisation from 1st October 1989 to 30th September 1990. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Plastic packet, PTC - Maroondah City Council, Public Transport Commission, Ringwood Railway Station Development Study, Interchange Upgrade, Community Workshops - various printed documents 1995-2013, 1995 to 2013
The urban consulting group commissioned Maroondah City Council and the Public Transport Feasibility Study, Ringwood Railway Station to be upgraded October 1995Various printed documents relating to PTC (Public Transport Commission), Maroondah City Council, Department of Transport - Ringwood Railway Station Redevelopment Study October 1995, Ringwood Station Bus interchange upgrade, designing new look Ringwood Station. Workshops were held for the community. +Additional Keywords: Ringwood Station Bus Interchange upgrade feed back sheet October 2011 / Ringwood Station Precinct Redevelopment Workshop held 26 July 2011 / Ringwood Station and bus upgrade December 2011 / Ringwood Town Centre South Project / Precinct Plans Planning Report. / Ringwood Town Centre Draft Report November 2000 / Ringwood Activities Community Newsletter August 2011 - Ringwood Station Update / State Government to sell Central Ringwood Railway land - Herald Sun 30 December 2013 / Ringwood Town Centre Precinct 4 Station Superblock for Railway Station July 2009 / Media release $66m station 15 April 2015 / Ringwood Station and Interchange Upgrade, Wednesday 27 August 2014 / Lifts left off upgrade plan - Leader Community Paper, 10 December 2013 / How to submit your feedback - Ringwood Station Precinct proposed concept, December 2011 / Designing a new look Ringwood Station workshop handout / State Government announces $66 million redevelopment of Ringwood Train Station, Herald Sun 6 June 2013 / Ringwood Station and bus interchange upgrade project update July 2012 / Set Concept design plans of $66 million Ringwood Railway Station over the years / Set photos of Ringwood Station taken between 2004 to 2005 / A3 drawing - Plan of Ringwood Station / A3 drawing - Ringwood Station proposed layout / A3 drawing - Old Station, Ringwood / A3 drawing - Proposed plan 2011 / A4 drawing - Final plan of Ringwood Station 2014 / A4 drawing - Proposed plan 2010 Ringwood Railway Station / A3 drawing - Proposed plan Ringwood Station with bridge across Maroondah Highway -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - (Multiple), Maroondah City Council Award to Ringwood Historical Society 26 January 2019 - Community Event of the Year - 60th Birthday Open Day, 26/1/2019
This award is in recognition for the Society's 60th Birthday Open Day ExhibitionRDHS was nominated for an award for our Ringwood and District Heritage Open Day, held on 27 October 2018. The Society was announced as the winner at the Maroondah City Council Australia Day Awards Ceremony held at Ringwood Lake Reserve on 26th January 2019. It was accepted by RDHS President Russ Haines. This catalogue item consists of 4 photographs taken on the day by Ken Briscoe. (Edited/Cropped). See Item 11000 for the actual award certificates and BookletNone -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Multiple, Maroondah City Council water fountain located in Melbourne Street, Ringwood in 2008. Opened on 13 March 1997, 2008
Before Stage 5 of the expansion of Eastland and REALM.Digital photographs only -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Administrative record - Parent Record, Borough of Ringwood Rate Books for 1924-49
The rate books are a primary source about Ringwood ratepayers, as well as indicating street and estate names.This is the parent record for the Borough of Ringwood Rate Book collection. The VC Reference Number range 33001-34999 has been reserved. The Borough of Ringwood was created in December 1924, formally part of the South-West riding of the Shire of Lillydale. Ringwood was proclaimed a city on 19 March 1960. On 15 December 1994, the City of Ringwood was amalgamated to form part of Maroondah City Council. The detailed years are: 1924-25, 1926-27, 1928-29, 1930-31, 1932-34, 1934-35 and 1944-49. For researchers, the rate books are in assessment number sequence. Occasionally, they is also in surname or estate sequence but do not rely on this. The original records are kept at PROV, North Melbourne. At 13/3/2021 the bulk of the collection is being processed ready for a bulk load to Victorian Collections. Digitised by Mark Grealy c/o Archival Access Victoria ( book, borough of ringwood, rates, street names, ratepayers -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newsletter, J.N. Webster, Town Clerk, City of Ringwood News Sheet - February 1970, 1970
Newspaper-style 1970 community information newsletter for Ringwood residents covering local council news, activities, and outline of funds received and expended in 1968-69.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Jozsef Benzinger -Superintendant Parks and Gardens Ringwood City Council-Circa 1960s
Black and white photograph showing Jozsef Benzinger presenting two potted plants to lady (unknown)Written on back of photo "Jozsef Bensinger-Supt Parks and Gardens-circa 1960s -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Coburg Historical Society, Recognising House Styles 1880s-1990s - Laurie Burchell, 1991
Architectural references aimed at assisting researchers in describing, understanding, dting and comparing individual buildings in the Coburg area in Victoria.Foreword by Miles Lewis -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Victorian Schoolboy Cycling Championships Souvenir Book of 1962, 1962
Magenta coloured soft covered souvenir booklet.provided by Nicki Shea, Granddaughter of Stan & Jo Bridgman of Eastwood Cycles Editorial introductions by Alf Stumbles, President, Federation of Wholesale Cycle Traders and Manufacturers' Association of Australia, Ted Waterford, Director of Promotions, and Owen R. Browne, Chairman of Victorian Milk Board. -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Financial record - Ledger Warrnambool City Council cash book 1940-1946, Circa 1940
This cash book contains details of payments made and money collected from the period 1940-1946 There are expenses such as road maintenance, stationery, Abattoirs, ice, Botanic Gardens, Booval Gardens, beach improvements, sanitary services, salaries and wages.This cash book provides a detailed description of the day to day expenses of running a city council in the 1940’s. Large green cloth hard cover with tan point and spine. Inside front and back covers is patterned red and blue with thick black diagonal lines. It has binding tape inside front and rear covers. 201 pages edged in pink, green, yellow, and white. The pages have the heading in black print, “City Of Warrnambool.”Label inside front cover,” E. Whitehead & Co, Pty Ltd, Stationers, general Printers and Account Book Manufacturers, Griffin House, 21 Equitable Place, Melbourne. Ref No. 16380. warrnambool city expenses 1940, warrnambool city ledger 1940-1946, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - 1st place Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic 2012, 2012
The first Warrnambool to Melbourne cycling race was held in October 1895. 24 riders started with only 7 finishing the race. W. Nicol was the winner of the inaugural race. Two months later on 14/12/1895 the race was run in reverse. For the ensuing 43 years it was mainly Melbourne to Warrnambool. Since 1939 it has been run mainly Melbourne to Warrnambool. The 2012 winner of this race was Floris Goesinnen from the Netherlands. He finished in a time of 7 hours and 23 seconds. He retired from cycling in 2014 to pursue further study in the Netherlands.The Melbourne to Warrnambool cycling race remains one of the longest and toughest one day cycling events in Australia. This medal therefore carries with it considerable importance and prestige in the sporting world. This event holds considerable importance for the sporting and social life in Warrnambool.Gold metal oval shaped medal with City of Warrnambool crest in dark blue and red with gold lettering and figures. On black and gold woven ribbon. On front: Road Race time medallion surround oval medallion with Warrnambool City Council Victoria, City Motto “By these we Flourish “in gold on red. On the reverse: Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic 2012 1st place. Stamped Stokes. warrnambool, melbourne to warrnambool cycling classic, warrnambool cycling race, floris goesinnen, floris goesinnen 2012 cycling -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Warrnambool City Council Citizenship Award -Cyril Hayward, Mid 20th century
Cyril Hayward came with his wife Joyce to Warrnambool from England in 1955. For 30 years he and his wife were dominant figures in the performing arts organizations in Warrnambool. Cyril Hayward was a leading figure in the Warrnambool Theatre Company as an actor, stage manager, electrician, technician and the person who did any other job that needed to be done. He was a Life Member of the Theatre Company and President of the Warrnambool branch of the Victorian Arts Council, organizer of the weekly talking newspaper for the visually impaired, a tutor for the local Adult Literacy Scheme, a founding member of the Warrnambool Probus Club and was on the building committee for the development and building of the Performing Arts Centre in Warrnambool. The Warrnambool City Council gives Citizenship Awards annually.This is a significant item because it was an award received by Cyril Hayward, a prominent person in the Warrnambool Arts scene for 30 years.This is a bronze-coloured medallion presented to Cyril Hayward as a citizenship award in 1982. It is circular in shape with the crest of the City of Warrnambool on one side and a laurel wreath with inscriptions on the other. It has a ring at the top for hanging the item. It is in a black leather box lined with red velvet and white silk and includes a small metal stand to display the medallion. Medallion – City of Warrnambool, Dieu et Mon Droit, By These We Flourish Citizenship Award, Cyril Hayward, 1982, Stokes Melb. Box – Stokes(A/Asia) Limited, Melbourne, Australia, estd. 1856 cyril hayward, warrnambool city council -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Tea Set, Tea and Coffee Set, 1898
This set was given by the Warrnambool City Council Councillors to Horace Lawson on the occasion of his marriage in 1898. Horace Edward Lawson was the son of Susan and Thomas Lawson. The latter at one time had a drapery business in Liebig Street. Horace Lawson was the Town Clerk of Warrnambool from 1893 to 1918. He was a keen cyclist and a member of the Warrnambool Volunteer Artillery Corps. In 1918 Lawson was appointed the Secretary of the Municipal Association of Victoria, a Melbourne appointment. This set is of considerable interest as it was presented to Horace Lawson, notable in Warrnambool’s history as a long-serving and successful Town Clerk. This silver-plated tea and coffee set has four items – coffee pot, tea pot, sugar basin and milk jug. All have the same etched decorative patterns on the sides and the lids and all have handles attached with a nut and a bolt. The tea pot and the coffee pot have the maker’s marks on the bases and there is an inscription on the side of the sugar basin. The lids of the coffee pot, tea pot and milk jug are hinged. ‘W. Mammatt & Sons Sheffield’ ‘Presented to H. E. Lawson Esq. Town Clerk by the Mayor & Councillors of Warrnambool on the Occasion of his Marriage Sept. 1898’horace lawson, history of warrnambool, silver tea set -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plate, City of Warrnambool, Late 20th century
This plate would have been part of a crockery set used by the Warrnambool City Council at civic functions and receptions. It probably dates from the late 20th century. It was made by Westminster China which was a business established by Stanley Rogers and Sons Limited in Cheltenham, Melbourne in 1954. In 1977 the business was moved to Sandringham, Melbourne and by the 1990s it was mainly producing items for the hospitality sector. Warrnambool became a Municipality in 1865, a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1883 and a City in 1918. The seal and motto, ‘By These We Flourish’ were designed and drafted by John Macdonald, an original member of the Municipal Council in 1856 and the first Head Master of Warrnambool’s National School in 1850. This plate is of interest as one of a set used by the Warrnambool City Council in the late 20th century. This is a white china plate, slightly bowl-shaped, with a gold strip around the rim. The gold is partly fading. The plate has the City of Warrnambool crest in blue and yellow on one outer edge of the plate. ‘City of Warrnambool Victoria’ ‘By These We Flourish’ warrnambool city council, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper, Warrnambool Examiner 1/10/1867-31/3/68, 1867,1868
The Warrnambool Examiner was founded by John Wilkinson and Richard Osburne in 1851. After a gap of a couple of years Richard Osburne resumed publication in October 1853 and continued until October 1867. William Fairfax and Henry Laurie then leased the paper (1867 to 1872) before Richard Osburne again became the proprietor from October 1872 to April 1878 and from December 1879 to December 1880 when publication ceased. Richard Osburne was a pioneer settler in Warrnambool, arriving in 1847. He was prominent in community activities in the town and was a most important early historian, publishing his seminal work, ‘The History of Warrnambool’ in 1887, using the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers to assist with this history. Fairfax and Laurie were the proprietors when these papers were printed. William Fairfax was a member of the Fairfax family that were, and still are, associated with the publication of many Australian newspapers and Henry Laurie later became well-known as a Melbourne University Philosophy Professor. These original newspapers are most important because they contain much information on Warrnambool’s early history and are a primary source for historians. These papers are also of importance to historians today as some parts of these newspapers were not filmed and are not currently available on microfilm. These papers were in a Warrnambool City Council storage area and it is surmised that they have come from the old Warrnambool Museum which no longer exists.These are the original Warrnambool Examiner newspapers from 1st October 1867 to 31st March 1868. They are bound with a tattered cardboard cover, dark blue binding and string. These broadsheet papers are of two pages printed back to back and were published on Tuesdays and Fridays. They are unmarked and generally in good condition but there are some torn pages. There is one loose page. warrnambool examiner, richard osburne, william fairfax, henry laurie, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
News Sheet, Warrnambool Examiner 1/10/67 - 31/12/67 : 3/1/68 - 31/3/1868, 1867-8
The Warrnambool Examiner was founded by John Wilkinson and Richard Osburne in 1851. After a gap of a couple of years Richard Osburne resumed publication In October 1853 and continued until October 1867. William Fairfax and Henry Laurie then leased the paper (1867 to 1872) before Richard Osburne again became the proprietor from October 1872 to April 1878 and from December 1870 to December 1880 when publication ceased. Richard Osburne was a pioneer settler in Warrnambool, arriving in 1847. He was prominent in community activities in the town and was a most important early historian, publishing his seminal work, ‘The History of Warrnambool’ in 1887, using the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers to assist with this history. Fairfax and Laurie were the proprietors when these papers were printed. William Fairfax was a member of the Fairfax family that were, and still are, associated with the publication of many Australian newspapers and Henry Laurie later became well-known as a Melbourne University Philosophy Professor. These original newspapers are most important because they contain much information on Warrnambool’s early history and are a primary source for historians. These papers are also of importance today as some parts of these papers were not filmed and are not currently available on microfilm. These papers were in a Warrnambool City Council storage area and it is surmised that they have come from the old Warrnambool Museum which no longer exists.These are two sets of original Warrnambool Examiner newspapers (1st October 1867 to 31st December 1867 and 3rd January 1868 to 31st March 1868), bound with cardboard, dark blue binding and string. There are six loose pages in front of the first bound set. These are broadsheets of two pages printed back and front. The papers are heavily marked with red and blue pencil and are marked, ‘private copy, F.& L.’ indicating that they are the copies the proprietors, Henry Laurie and William Fairfax, used to annotate the papers for the next edition. The pages are in good condition with some ragged edges. ‘F & L’ ‘Private copy’ warrnambool examiner, henry laurie, william fairfax, richard osburne -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
News Sheet, Warrnambool Examiner 12/11/1867 - 28/1/1868, 1867, 1868
The Warrnambool Examiner was founded by John Wilkinson and Richard Osburne in 1851. After a gap of a couple of years Richard Osburne resumed publication in October 1853 and continued until 1867. William Fairfax and Henry Laurie then leased the paper (1867 to 1872) before Richard Osburne again became the proprietor from October 1872 to April 1878 and from December 1879 to December 1880 when publication ceased. Richard Osburne was a pioneer settler in Warrnambool, arriving in 1847. He was prominent in community activities in the town and was a most important early historian, publishing his seminal work, ‘The History Of Warrnambool’ in 1887, using the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers to assist with this history. Fairfax and Laurie were the proprietors when the papers herein described were printed. William Fairfax was a member of the Fairfax family that was , and still are, associated with the publication of many Australian newspapers and Henry Laurie later became well-known as a Melbourne University Philosophy Professor.These original newspapers are most important because they contain much information on Warrnambool’s early history and are a primary source for historians. These papers are also of importance because some parts of these papers were not filmed and are not currently available in microfilm. These papers were in a Warrnanmbool City Council storage area and it is surmised that they have come from the old Warrnambool Museum which no longer exists. These are original copies of the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers from 12th November 1867 to 28th January 1868. They are broadsheets printed twice a week with two pages containing four pages of printing for each edition. They are unbound and contained in two pieces of plain cardboard. They are unmarked and in good condition.warrnambool examiner, richard osburne, henry laurie, william fairfax -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
News Sheet, Warrnambool Examiner 3/4/1868 - 29/9/1868, 1868
The Warrnambool Examiner was founded by John Wilkinson and Richard Osburne in 1851. After a gap of a couple of years Richard Osburne resumed publication in October 1853 and continued until 1867. William Fairfax and Henry Laurie then leased the paper (1867 to 1872) before Richard Osburne again became the proprietor from October 1872 to April 1878 and from December 1879 to December 1880 when publication ceased. Richard Osburne was a pioneer settler in Warrnambool, arriving in 1847. He was prominent in community activities in the town and was a most important early historian, publishing his seminal work, ‘The History of Warrnambool’ in 1887, using the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers to assist with the history. Fairfax and Laurie were the proprietors when the papers describe herein were printed. William Fairfax was a member of the Fairfax family which were, and still are, associated with the publication of many Australian newspapers. Henry Laurie later became well-known as a Melbourne University Philosophy Professor.These original newspapers are most important because they contain much information on Warrnambool’s early history and are a primary source for historians. These papers are also of importance because some parts of these papers were not filmed and are not currently available on microfilm. These papers were in a Warrnambool City Council storage area and it is surmised that they have come from the old Warrnambool Museum which no longer exists. These are original copies of the Warrnambool Examiner newspapers from 3rd April 1868 to 29th September 1868 inclusive (two copies of each). They are broadsheets of two pages per newspaper printed on the four sides. Both sets are bound with plain cardboard folders, green binding and string. One set cover is broken and this set is unmarked and a bit crumpled. The other set is marked with the editor’s red and blue pencil marks but otherwise the papers are in good condition.warrnambool examiner, richard osburne, henry laurie