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Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Ann Dowling, c.1857
On the 12th of March 1891 documents show Ann Myer’s application for a dairy. A small addition to the front right side of the house can be seen in the photo of Ann and her two sons. The dairy remained until the house was demolished in 1969. Mary Dowling’s sisters Ann and Eliza appear on the shipping list to Australia arriving in Melbourne as assisted immigrants on the ‘Hotspur’ on the 25th June 1855. Their ages were recorded as 19 and 20 years. Ann Dowling’s records contains receipts for the rent of land in the parish of Kororoit in 1865. In 1867 Ann married Henry Miers at St Patricks Cathedral on the 28th May at age 26 years. Other spelling of the family name have been spelt, Miers, Myres, Mears and eventually became Myers. Henri came from Prussia but little information about his life before he married Ann. Ann and Henri had a small house built c1860 near Ryans Creek also known a Myers Gully. Henry was a labourer. According to notes in Edna’s research the original house consisted of two rooms and was built by Russell, and more rooms were added later built by Paddy Burns, the grandfather of Nick Burns. Additions were made to extend the south veranda and north further skillion rooms were added.Ann and Henri had four sons, Henry born in 1870, Thomas in 1872, George in 1874 and Frederick in 1877. By the December of 1886 tragedy struck again when father Henry fell from the top of a hay wagon at Darlingsford when the driver Ralph Parkinson failed to warn him the horses where about to move. Henry asked to be taken home where he died the next day. Henri Miers was aged 51 years at his death. The Parkinson family paid compensation for causing the death of Henry. Ralph Parkinson died shortly after. The Myers boys received their education at Melton State School. Their handwriting is testament to the benefit of receiving an education to grade 8. Frederick the youngest son gained his Merit Certificate on the 10th of October 1889. They also received books inscribed by the Head Teacher. Ann was illiterate and was aged about 15 years when she arrived in Australia and was dependent on youngest son Frederick. Although at a disadvantage she managed her legal affairs. Frederick Myers married Martha Watson in 1908. Thomas Myers died in November 1909 Ann Dowling Myers died in October 1924. She lived in the family home with Martha Fred, grandson Fred and granddaughters Marjorie and Edna who was aged six at her death. Her son Henry died in 1950 followed by George in 1954 and Frederick in 1963. Ann with two of her children and turkeys at the front of their housepioneer families, local identities -
Melbourne Legacy
Newspaper, Summer's Times. Lord Somer's Camp, 1977
A newsletter printed at Somer’s Camp in 1977. It reflects some of the activities the campers experienced. There was news of sporting events and winners of contests. Also a crossword and some cartoons. The authors are not identified but could be some of the junior Legatees. Legacy has provided camps for junior Legatees for many years. It started in the early years when Legacy organised outings to the property of Legacy founder, Legatee Stan Savige, who had a place in Balnarring close to the beach. In later years children went to camps around Victoria. Occasionally it was to Lord Somers Camp in Somers. Some of the name mentioned in the text: Chaplain Charles Sligo, Fire officer David McPherson, Games director Peter Johnstone, PR Officer Les Phillips, Bursar Robin Kelly. Also section leaders: Keith Williamson, Peter Chapman, Fraser Zielinski, Andrew Russell, John Jones, Campbell Mathieson, John Higgins, Mark Lane. The editorial explains the aims of the camp. "Lord Somer's Camp sets out not so much to teach a method of life as to instil one by example. This may sound rather ominous, as though you are being brain washed - and perhaps in a way you are. The high-powered pressure which is put on you by Slush and by Group Leaders tries to do in less than a week what would take years by any other means. . . In fact what the pressure does achieve may be quite different for different people. . . Cooperation was discussed yesterday. Many of you have possibly already been forced to see that a group of people can achieve nothing unless they work together. Even after one day on the sports field you would realise tag in an event such as the tug-of-war you will never succeed unless every one works together in perfect harmony. . . The second ideal mentioned above was unselfishness. Nearly every problem in the civilised world today, whether it be war, social unrest, inflation, industrial strife it can be traced back to a selfish attitude on someone's part. An unselfish attitude is a very difficult thing to develop but once obtain can not only do good for the individual but for the whole community. Big Camp tries to establish this attitude on in the new participants at camp by the example of others.It is only when one realises that all the organisation of and running of this camp, and indeed of the whole PowerHouse Organisation, is on a voluntary, unpaid level that it impossible to gain some inkling of the extent of this unselfish example, to understand the amount of effort people will make to continue something they believe in." A record of the camp activities at Somers in 1978.Newsletter published at Somers Camp to highlight activities and attendees.Dated 18 January 1977 on second, junior legatee outing, lord somers camp -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Presidents' Collar of Office, Tatura Apex Club, 1959 - 1995
Replacement for original Collar of Office used at Official Ceremonies. Replacement "Presented to the Apex Club of Tatura by Alan Clement and Tony Zappia 13.8.82".Royal blue corduroy velvet collar with 36 oblong badges (each with a pin and clasp on the back). All Presidents' names and year of Presidency of Tatura Apex Club. 1 round medallion with Apex emblem attached1959-60 Keith Avent|1960-61 Jim Uhe, Maurie Goodwin|1961-62 Ron Sloan|1962-63 Frank Mawhinney|1963-64 Geoff Witten|1964-65 Ritchie Trevaskis|1965-66 Bill Connell|1967-68 Clive McPherson|1968-69 Warick Finlay|1969-1970 Lex Carroll|1970-71 Robert Coombes|9171-72 Darcy McVeigh|1972-73 Jan Le Peyre|1973-74 Alan Clement|1974-75 Geoff Loats, Tom Opie|1975-76 Gavin Pogue|1976-77 Ray Carr|1977-78 John Lowe|1978-79 Malcolm Cross|1979-80 Bruce Minns|1980-81 Terry Jones|1981-82 Alan Clement|1982-83 Ivan Pogue|1983-84 Gary Whyte|1984-85 Richard Russell|1985-86 Tony Mason|1986-87 Roy Monte|1987-88 Bill Mouser|1988-89 James Simson|1989-90 Phil Darby|1990-91 Rocky Minicozzi|1991-92 Martin Ward|1992-93 Gavin Keir|1994-95 Geoff Woodhouse|1994-95 Paul Evanservice clubs, civic, memento, regalia, numismatics, badges, tom opie, gavin pogue, ray carr, john lowe, malcolm cross, bruce minns, terry jones, alan clement, keith avent, jim uhe, maurie goodwin, ron sloan, frank mawhinney, geoff winton, ritchie trevaskis, bill conell, clive mcpherson, warick finlay, lex carroll, robert coombes, darcy mcveigh, jan le peyre, geoff loats, ivan pogue, gary whyte, richard russell, tony mason, roy monte, bill mouser, james simson, phil darby, rocky minicozzi, martin ward, gavin keir, geoff woodhouse, paul evan, apex club of tatura, tony zappie -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture et al, Plants, 1957-1963
Black and white photographs, many labelled. Flowers, trees, propagation, signs, etc. Some for Journal articles. Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture: (1) 2 copies, C.1768A "Camellias Geraniums." (2) c.1262D "Anemone japonica." ((4) c.1262K "Hibiscus Wilder's White." (5) "Peace." (7) D521A Fruit tree. (8) c.1262E "Helenium autumnale." (9) c.1262I "Gerri Hock?" (12) c.1262F "Golden Ash. " (13) Struck cuttings 05 7.6.57. (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence. (16) A479 "Thujopsis dolobrata. Make an excellent tub specimen of the spreading type." (17) A477 "Aucuba japonica variegata. A very good foliage shrub for tubs. Sept '63 Jnl." (18) Struck cutting. (19-22) Arum, different views. (23) 2 copies ? (24) "June garden notes," small tree with roots. (25, 26) Different views ? (27)Pittosporum crassifolium. (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants. (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl" "Dividing the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form." (37) "Buxus sempervirens. he English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) "Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign comparing yield of Jonathons & Democrats with fertilzers. (41) "Russell Lupins." (42, 43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over winter period." (46) "Cyclamen." (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." (48) A478 "Seedlings." (49) A487 2 copies Roses in vase. (50) C.1767.E "Angophora 5-6 years." (51) C.1769.C "Jan '60 Jul. Ginko biloba Maidenhair Tree." (52) C.1768.C "Thuja plicata aurea, Golden Willow, Pinus radiata." (53) C.1762.I Vegetables. (54) A512 ?. (55) C.1767.C 2 copies "Eucalyptus torquata." (56) C.1769C 2 copies "Eucalyptus ficifolia." (57) C.1769.C 2 copies "Callistemon lanceolata( Bottle Brush.) (59) C.1769.B 2 copies "Pepperomias." (58) C.1769.F 2 copies "Melaleuca styphelioides (Paper Bark Tree.) (60) C.1769.D 2 copies "African Violets." (61) C.1768.F 2 copies "Pelargonium." (62) C.1768.B 2 copies "Tilia europea (Linden Tree.) Department of Agriculture Biology Branch: (6) Neg No 06 24.11.59 "A struck cutting of Rhododendron var. Alice. For a rhododendron this popular & beautiful variety strikes readily." (13) 05 5.6.57 Struck cuttings. No provenance: (3) "Araucaria excelsa, ?, ?, Metrosideros tomentosa." (10) "Thuja rheingold." (11) "Border of Geraniums (zonal Pelargoniums." (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence." (18) Struck cuttings. (19-22) Different views of Arum. (23) 2 copies ? (24-26) "June garden notes." Small tree with roots. (27) "Pittosporum crassifolium." (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants." (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl Dividing the the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form. (37) "Buxus sempervirens. The English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign in Orchard giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign in Orchard comparing yield of Jonathans and Democrats with fertilizers used. (41) "Russell lupins. (42-43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over Winter period." (46) Cyclamen. (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." flowers, trees, propagation, signs, camellias, geraniums, anemone japonica, hibiscus, fruit trees, principal's residence -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Cap Liner, Between 1870 and 1908
This Zinc Cap Porcelain Liner was recovered from the (1908) shipwreck site of the FALLS OF HALLADALE. The purpose of cap liners was to assist with the safe preserving and storage of perishable foodstuffs in an age when refrigeration was generally unavailable. These round, coarse-glass inserts formed part of the screw lids used with the Ball Mason style of canning fruit jars. The liner was placed inside the zinc cap to stop the contents of the jar reacting with the zinc. It prevented the metallic tainting of food as well as the corrosion of the metallic lid. On March 30, 1869, Lewis R Boyd was issued with patent # 88439 for an “Improved Mode of Preventing Corrosion in Metallic Caps”. From the 1870s to the 1950s, large quantities of these liners were produced by a number of glass manufacturing companies. They are consequently difficult to date or identify. “It is assumed that most of the earlier versions of these liners have the name ‘BOYD’S’ or ‘BOYD’ embossed on them. Later versions may or may not have the name included in the lettering”. ( Only a few were made of porcelain, the great majority being made first of transparent and later of translucent or opaque glass. The different emblems of triangles, circles, and crosses embossed on the front face of the liners are assumed to signify mould or model types rather than the company that produced them. This particular artefact is one of 14 cap liners that were retrieved from the shipwreck site and are now part of the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village collection. The Maltese Cross and “BOYD’S GENUINE PORCELAIN LINED” lettering are unique to this piece. However, it is evident from the markings and materials of the other cap liners, that they originally formed sets or series. Six are larger (8 mm depth x 85mm diameter), of greenish hue with ground glass texture, and support the raised emblem of a compass needle. Two are medium-sized (75mm diameter) with two raised dots in a central circle and the lettering “Patd. APR 25.82”. This particular cap liner is likely to have also been one of a mass-produced line being imported from America. The iron-hulled sailing ship FALLS OF HALLADALE was a bulk carrier of general cargo en route from New York to Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold, along with 56,763 tiles of unusual beautiful green American slates (roofing tiles), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6500 gallons of oil, 14400 gallons of benzene, and many other manufactured items, were 117 cases of crockery and glassware. The FALLS OF HALLADALE came aground on a reef off the Peterborough headland at 3 am on the morning of the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members all survived, but her valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in1908-09 and 1910. The iron-hulled, four-masted barque, the Falls of Halladale, was a bulk carrier of general cargo. She left New York in August 1908 on her way to Melbourne and Sydney. In her hold, along with 56,763 tiles of unusual beautiful green American slates (roofing tiles), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6500 gallons of oil, 14400 gallons of benzene, and many other manufactured items, were 117 cases of crockery and glassware. Three months later and close to her destination, a navigational error caused the Falls of Halladale to be wrecked on a reef off the Peterborough headland at 3 am on the morning of the 15th of November, 1908. The captain and 29 crew members all survived, but her valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. ABOUT THE ‘FALLS OF HALLADALE’ (1886 - 1908) Built: in1886 by Russell & Co., Greenock shipyards, River Clyde, Scotland, UK. The company was founded in 1870 (or 1873) as a partnership between Joseph Russell (1834-1917), Anderson Rodger and William Todd Lithgow. During the period 1882-92 Russell & Co., they standardised designs, which sped up their building process so much that they were able to build 271 ships over that time. In 1886 they introduced a 3000 ton class of sailing vessel with auxiliary engines and brace halyard winches. In 1890 they broke the world output record. Owner: Falls Line, Wright, Breakenridge & Co, 111 Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Configuration: Four masted sailing ship; iron-hulled barque; iron masts, wire rigging, fore & aft lifting bridges. Size: Length 83.87m x Breadth 12.6m x Depth 7.23m, Gross tonnage 2085 ton Wrecked: the night of 14th November 1908, Curdies Inlet, Peterborough south west Victoria Crew: 29 The Falls of Halladale was a four-masted sailing ship built-in 1886 in Glasgow, Scotland, for the long-distance cargo trade and was mostly used for Pacific grain trade. She was owned by Wright, Breakenridge & Co of Glasgow and was one of several Falls Line ships, all of which were named after waterfalls in Scotland. The lines flag was of red, blue and white vertical stripes. The Falls of Halladale had a sturdy construction built to carry maximum cargo and able to maintain full sail in heavy gales, one of the last of the ‘windjammers’ that sailed the Trade Route. She and her sister ship, the Falls of Garry, were the first ships in the world to include fore and aft lifting bridges. Previous to this, heavily loaded vessels could have heavy seas break along the full length of the deck, causing serious injury or even death to those on deck. The new, raised catwalk-type decking allowed the crew to move above the deck stormy conditions. This idea is still used today on the most modern tankers and cargo vessels and has proved to be an important step forward in the safety of men at sea. On 4th August 1908, with new sails, 29 crew, and 2800 tons of cargo, the Falls of Halladale left New York, bound for Melbourne and Sydney via the Cape of Good Hope. The cargo on board was valued at £35,000 and included 56,763 tiles of American slate roofing tiles (roof slates), 5,673 coils of barbed wire, 600 stoves, 500 sewing machines, 6,500 gallons of oil, 14,400 gallons of benzene, plumbing iron, 117 cases of crockery and glassware and many other manufactured items. The Falls of Halladale had been at sail for 102 days when, at 3 am on the night of 14th November 1908, under full sail in calm seas with a six knots breeze behind and misleading fog along the coast, the great vessel rose upon an ocean swell and settled on top of a submerged reef near Peterborough on south-west Victoria’s coast. The ship was jammed on the rocks and began filling with water. The crew launched the two lifeboats and all 29 crew landed safely on the beach over 4 miles away at the Bay of Islands. The postmistress at Peterborough, who kept a watch for vessels in distress, saw the stranding and sent out an alert to the local people. A rescue party went to the aid of the sailors and the Port Campbell rocket crew was dispatched, but the crew had all managed to reach shore safely by the time help arrived. The ship stayed in full sail on the rocky shelf for nearly two months, attracting hundreds of sightseers who watched her slowly disintegrate until the pounding seas and dynamiting by salvagers finally broke her back, and her remains disappeared back into deeper water. The valuable cargo was largely lost, despite two salvage attempts in 1908-09 and 1910. Further salvage operations were made from 1974-1986, during which time 22,000 slate tiles were recovered with the help of 14 oil drums to float them, plus personal artefacts, ship fittings, reams of paper and other items. The Court of Marine Inquiry in Melbourne ruled that the foundering of the ship was entirely due to Captain David Wood Thomson’s navigational error, not too technical failure of the Clyde-built ship. The shipwreck is a popular site for divers, about 300m offshore and in 3 – 15m of water. Some of the original cargo can be seen at the site, including pieces of roof slate and coils of barbed wire. The Falls of Halladale shipwreck is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (No. S255). She was one of the last ships to sail the Trade Routes. She is one of the first vessels to have fore and aft lifting bridges. She is an example of the remains of an International Cargo Ship and also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping industry. The wreck is protected as a Historic Shipwreck under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act (1976). A circular translucent glass disc in good condition with raised upper case lettering around 8mm rim – “BOYD’S GENUINE PORCELAIN LINED” - and a raised central emblem of a Maltese Cross. On the reverse face in the centre of the disc, there is a raised numeral “3”. falls of halladale, wright, breakenridge & co of glasgow, unusual beautiful green american slates (roofing tiles), warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, zinc cap porcelain liner, boyd’s genuine porcelain lined, glass lid, opaque disc, food preserving, fruit bottling, cap liner, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck artefact, 1908 shipwreck -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Miniature Guidon, 2017
See inscriptionSee inscriptionFramed miniature guidon of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment. Wood frame with glass front.Certificate on back of frame - "On the 10 October 2006, Lieutenant General P.F. Leahy, AO, then Chief of the Army, authorised the commencement of work for the procurement of a new Guidon for the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment. This new Guidon is historically significant being be (sic) the first single Guidon for a linked unit of the Australian Army. The Guidon proudly shows the unit Colour Patches, Battle and Theatre Honours of: 4th Light Horse Regiment 8th Light Horse Regiment 13th Light Horse Regiment 17th Light Horse Regiment 19th Light Horse Regiment 20th Light Horse Regiment 2nd/8th Armoured Regiment 2nd/4th Armoured Regiment The Guidon was formally presented to the Regiment by His Excellency, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove. AK, MC, (Retd) during a parade held at Puckapunyal on the 26 November 2016. Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel John Molnar Regimental Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer Class 1 Russell Earl The makers of the Guidon, Spear of Fame Pty. Ltd., developed this limited edition miniature in conjunction with the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment for all members past and present to commemorate this occaison Certified by (signature) 62/250 Spear of Fame Pty Ltd 6 King Street, Blackburn. Ph 03 98771111 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Domestic object - Bottle, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) Graduate Port, c1988
Graduation port bottled for the Diploma of Applied Nursing class 1986-1988Empty brown glass wine bottle Includes original plastic screw top lid and collar (gold colour) with printed labelFeatures printed self adhesive label which reads: 'Ballarat C.A.E. Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) Graduate Port 1896-1988 J. Avard ; M. Bardwell ; N. Bath ; J. Brown ; G. Coad ; B. Conrick ; M. Devlin ; S. Dohle ; J. Drennan ; J. Dunne ; K. Fort ; H. Fraser ; R. Green ; J. Grose ; L. Hamer ; L. Harrison ; J. Henry ; M. Hill ; C. Hoffman ; J. Hogan ; A. Huynh ; T. Johnston ; B. Jones ; P. Knott ; M. Kopp ; W. Leigh ; C. McGeachin ; S. McLaren ; D. McNaught ; J. McTavish ; K. Melih ; K. Moore ; D. Mould ; S. Neil ; D. Nicholson ; A. Norman ; M. O'Rourke ; L. Orr ; L. Phyland ; S. Richards ; M. Roberts ; F. Russell ; M. Sahajdak ; A Schuurmans ; I. Simcic ; H. Simcocks ; V. Sims ; P. Smith ; I. Snow ; J. Spink ; C. Spinks ; J. Stokes ; A. Symonds ; A. Talwar ; L. Taylor ; g. Tennant ; K. White ; J. Williamson ; L. Windust Produced & Bottled by Best's Wines Pty Ltd Great Western, Australia 750ml Preservative (220) added 18% alcohol/vol' Bottle features embossed details around its lower edge: '14 [?] M 15555-D'ballarat college of advanced education, j williamson, p smith, w, j, ballarat c a e diploma of applied science nursing, graduate port 1896 1988, j avard, m bardwell, n bath, j brown, g coad, b conrick, m devlin, s dohle, j drennan, dunne, k fort, h fraser, r green, j grose, l hamer, l harrison, j henry, m hill, c hoffman, j hogan, a huynh, t johnston, b jones, p knott, m kopp, leigh, c mcgeachin, s mclaren, d mcnaught, j mctavish, k melih, k moore, d mould, s neil, d nicholson, a norman, m o rourke, l orr, l phyland, s richards, m roberts, f russell, m sahajdak, a schuurmans, i simcic, h simcocks, v sims, i snow, j spink, c spinks, j stokes, a symonds, a talwar, l taylor, g tennant, k white, l windust, bcae -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Teacher Service Honour Board, 1919-1989
Bialik College
Ceramic - Class of 1996, Grade 6 plate
Created to commemorate the 1996 (grade 6) class Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. A large dish, possibly made from China 44cm in diameter.The Bialik school emblem is central to the upper area of the plate. Words in Hebrew and English are painted and scratched into the plate. ‘Step Forward With Courage’ ‘We will always be proud to be part of the Bialik Family. With thanks from the Class of 1996. Students names appear on blue leaves which curve in two lines around the bottom part of the plate. Students’ names: Jeremy Gomo, Carly Goldston, Ben Gold, Jeremy Glick, Boris Garber, Melissa Gaddie, Ben Fridman, Matt Fishman, Yariv Field, Paul Benet Elise Biaylew, Efrat Bogaty, Tali Budlender, Benjamin Czapnik, Daniel Dobos, Steven Czarny, Guy Albeck, Caroline Banky, Mark Blashki, Naomi Buchner, Adrian Chazan, Marty Dodge, Ittay Ekstein, Simon Feldman, Joel Fetter Becky Litwinow, Paulina Leibovitch, Dina Kluska, Michael King, David Januszewicz, Steven Harris, Dean Harris, Amy Grossbard, Michael Sadovsky, Tali Plotnik, David Serry, Anna Shaked, Cassie Rosenberg, Slava Shklyarevsky, Irina Roshkovan, Henry Shoyket, Benj Snyder, Warren Rozen, Yuliya Perchyonok, Renata Zilberg, Suzannah Palmer, Elijah Yeo, Elly Meltzer, Adina Trainor, Anthony Marget, Amanda Teitel, Tamar Sztal, Tomas Lopata, Russell Sochen. The reverse, base side, has painted in the centre point The Class of ’96 Handpainted by Rochelle Weinman Melbourne. grade 6, graduation, school, bialik -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Certificate stub book, School of Mines Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines Certificate Stubb Book, 1938-1964
This certificate stub book contains the subject certificates of the graduates of the School of Mines and Indutsries, Ballarat, a predecessor of Federation University Australia.This item highlights the subjects studied and graduates of the School of Mines between 1938 to 1964. It also records the change of cursive over that time.This book includes stubs of subject certificates from the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat. This also contains a number of uncollected certificates. It is a brown hardback book with black binding. Its contents covers certificates between 1938 to 1964. Names of recipients include: Charles Holt, Henry Elford, Irvin Singleton, J. H. Hughes, John Morcom, Alfred Amor, John Wastell, John Rudwick, Jared Hines, Harry Allan, L. F. J. Hillman, Arthur Davies, Letitia Stanley, Victor Wright,Raymond Ball, Mary O'Callaghan, Ethna Burke, Alec Foyster, James Duggan, Leonard Auchettl, Reeves Collins, James Patterson, Stanley Douglas Webb, Oswald Lyle, Marvis Orr, Eric Roberts, Jack Clennell, A. R. Millar, Heith Smyth, Walter Hines, Harold Leslie, Joseph Fisher, Geoffry Burns, Alick Dait, George Hill, Raymond Wines, Robert Manson, Albert O'Neill, Thomas Green, William Stargatt, William Harrison, Reginald Allen, Albert Wilson, Allan Curtis, Arthur Donald, John Wynn, Sydney Robinson, John Blackic, Percy Elsdon, Hubert Jenkins, Kingsley Callister, Douglas Hall, Norman Lawson, Winfield Tonkin, Artuhur Williams, Allan Curtis, Ernest, Billinge, John Daelon, Harold Bunting, Stanley Wilton, Robert Sugden, Heith Foster, Winsome Stevens, Herbert Stanbridge, Robert Pittard, Henry Brew, Ernest Berriman, Carlyle West-Onley, William Blackic, Lorna Dunstan, Cedric Pike, Stanley Jephson, Hugh Hendrick, Joseph Fisher, Ernest Grove, Ronald Fisher, Heith Halsall, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Stanley Trengove, Donald Trescowthick, Harold Tolliday, Russell Lucas, John Boyd, John Keys, Stanley Betteridge, Ernest Betteridge, Michael Ross, Robert Stewart, Joseph Beasley, William Beasley, Ray Deveson, George Hennessy, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Moorhouse, Hector Tonks, John Donald, Hugh Hendrick, Stanley Jephson, Ian McIntosh, Robert Nice, Ralph Scott, Walter Martin, Grant Coutts, Lindsay Hannah, John Tainsh, Hubert Robinson, John Donald, George Beaton, Heather Harris, Brian McCarthy, Samuel Perry, Valentine Pascoe, Philip McLean, Geoffrey Hewish, Hubert Robinson, John Borch, Frederick Gale, Ian Grundell, Albert Perry, Frank Hutchinson, Horace Shuttleworth, Kenneth Mason, David Hatt, Malcom Foster, George Jones, Graham McKinnon, Ronald Newton, John Betts, Leonard Wade, Robert McClure, David Beaumont, Leslie Powell, Samuel Perry, Donald Treweek, Edgar McArthur, Russell Fraser, Edgar McArthur Bartrop, Clive Carmichael, Leslie Fuhrmeister, Lindsay Coon, Zigurds Plavina, Victor Gingell, Rupert McKenna, Graham McKinnon, David Fairley, Johannes Meennen, Ronald Murphy, Johannes Naus, John McConville, Graham Melonie, William Cutter, Thomas Chalkley, Kenneth Morton, Stanley Shears, Robert Auld, Donald Campbell, John Cofield, Brian Whykes, William Milford, Noel Richards, Stewart Jacobs, James Robertson, Clement Rose, Eric Brown, Allan Raworth, Ernest Salter, Neville Cartledge, Peter Stacey, Robert McClure, Antonius Goossens, Rodney Cartledge, Rodney Hayes, Bevan Grigsby, James Robertson, Neil Stephens, John Riddle, Andreas Aaus, Bruce Fletcher, Keith Pedler, Allen Flavell, Robert Cartledge, Ronald Shaw, Kenneth Hibberd, William Lockland, Percival Bilney and Petrus Damen. Uncollected certificates for James Patterson, Robert Sugden, Ernest Berriman, Stanley Jephson, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Joseph Beasley, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Hewish, Robert McClure, Kingsley Callister, Winfield Tonkin, Raymond Wines, Oswald Wilde and Kenneth Mason are included within. The subjects covered include: Printing, mining, geology, metallurgy, mining geology, mine surveying, mechanics applied to mining, electric welding, machine shop practice, algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat treatment, graphics, oxywelding, engineering drawing, blacksmithing, shorthand theory advanced, shorthand speed, commercial English, intermediate English, plain dressmaking, dressmaking advanced, electric wiring, physics, electric technology, carpentry, machine shop, plumbing, trade science, carpentry and joinery, building construction, heat treatment, wiring, oxyacetylene welding, foremanship, turning and fitting, electric wiring, arithmetic, social studies, commercial correspondence, office routine, bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand, electric refrigerator servicing, refrigeration, radio mechanics, trade maths, sheetmetal, wool sorting, motor mechanics, human relations in management and industrial supervision. Many of the stubbs are signed by principal Dick Richards. Each certificate is signed by the current principal of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, and a number have also been signed by the of mines, school of mines andindustries, certificate, richard w. richards, horace william shuttleworth, dick richards, charles holt, henry elford, irvin singleton, j. h. hughes, john morcom, alfred amor, john wastell, john rudwick, jared hines, harry allan, l. f. j. hillman, arthur davies, letitia stanley, victor wright, raymond ball, mary o'callaghan, ethna burke, alec foyster, james duggan, leonard auchettl, reeves collins, james patterson, stanley douglas webb, oswald lyle, marvis orr, eric roberts, jack clennell, a. r. millar, heith smyth, walter hines, harold leslie, joseph fisher, geoffry burns, alick dait, george hill, raymond wines, robert manson, albert o'neill, thomas green, william stargatt, william harrison, reginald allen, albert wilson, allan curtis, arthur donald, john wynn, sydney robinson, john blackic, percy elsdon, hubert jenkins, kingsley callister, douglas hall, norman lawson, winfield tonkin, artuhur williams, allan curtis, ernest billinge, john daelon, harold bunting, stanley wilton, robert sugden, winsome stevens, herbert stanbridge, robert pittard, henry bre, ernest berriman, carlyle west-onley, william blackic, lorna dunstan, cedric pike, stanley jephson, hugh hendrick, joseph fisher, ernest grove, ronald fisher, heith halsall, henry harris, maxwell silvey, stanley trengove, donald trescowthick, harold tolliday, russell lucas, john boyd, john keys, stanley betteridge, ernest betteridge, michael ross, robert stewart, joseph beasley, william beasley, ray deveson, george hennessy, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey moorhouse, hector tonks, john donald, hugh hendrick, stanley jephson, ian mcintosh, robert nice, ralph scott, walter martin, grant coutts, lindsay hannah, john tainsh, hubert robinson, john donald, george beaton, heather harris, brian mccarthy, samuel perry, valentine pascoe, philip mclean, geoffrey hewish, hubert robinson, john borch, frederick gale, ian grundell, albert perry, frank hutchinson, horace shuttleworth, kenneth mason, david hatt, malcom foster, george jones, graham mckinnon, ronald newton, john betts, leonard wade, robert mcclure, david beaumont, leslie powell, samuel perry, donald treweek, edgar mcarthur, russell fraser, edgar mcarthur bartrop, clive carmichael, leslie fuhrmeister, lindsay coon, zigurds plavina, zig plavina, victor gingell, rupert mckenna, graham mckinnon, david fairley, johannes meennen, ronald murphy, johannes naus, john mcconville, graham melonie, william cutter, thomas chalkley, kenneth morton, stanley shears, robert auld, donald campbell, john cofield, brian whykes, william milford, noel richards, stewart jacobs, james robertson, clement rose, eric brown, allan raworth, ernest salter, neville cartledge, peter stacey, robert mcclure, antonius goossens, rodney cartledge, rodney hayes, bevan grigsby, james robertson, neil stephens, john riddle, andreas aaus, bruce fletcher, keith pedler, allen flavell, robert cartledge, ronald shaw, kenneth hibberd, william lockland, percival bilney, petrus damen, james patterson, robert sugden, ernest berriman, stanley jephson, henry harris, maxwell silvey, joseph beasley, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey hewish, robert mcclure, kingsley callister, winfield tonkin, raymond wines, oswald wilde, kenneth mason, trades -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Mackenzie, Andrew
Andrew Mackenzie OAM (1952-), librarian, expert on the life and paintings of Walter Withers and Frederick McCubbin; compiler of "The Etchings, Lecture Notes and Writings of Victor Cobb" and "Walter Withers: The Forgotten Manuscripts", author (for the Famous Australian Art Series) of "Hans Heysen", "Albert Namatjira" and "Walter Withers"; author of "Holesch 1910-1983: Horse Paintings" and of "Frederick McCubbin 1855-1917:"The Proff' and his art"; curator of exhibition "A Tribute to Victor Cobb" and exhibition of artworks of City of Box Hill; co-curator of exhibition "Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and other Fairy Folk of the Australian Bush"; member of the Victorian Artists' Society, Old Water Colour Society's Club and Pastel Society of Victoria. Contents Letter from Andrew Mackenzie to Russell Yeoman, 19 December 1987, regarding planned exhibition of Walter Withers material and lecture to Eltham Historical Society. Nomination from Sue Law, President Eltham Historical Society, 23 January 1990, for Andrew Mackenzie to receive an Australian Heritage Award. Newspaper article: "Eltham honors artist", Diamond Valley News, 16 October 1990, re unveiling of commemorative plaque to Walter Withers in Eltham, designed by John Ebell. CV for Andrew Mackenzie undated but post 1990. Newspaper article: "Artist's mystery pioneer revealed", The Australian, 6 July 1991, Andrew Mackenzie identified the bushman, wife and child in the second panel of Frederick McCubbin's triptych "On the Wallaby Track"; the bushman model was James Edward; McCubbin's daughter Kathleen Mangan said her mother Annie McCubbin was the woman in the second panel; the baby was Jimmy Watson, nephew of Patrick Watson. Newspaper article: "McCubbin talk of immense interest", The Courier Ballarat, 9 January 1992, report of lecture at Ballarat Fine Art Gallery by Andrew Mackenzie on Frederick McCubbin. Magazine article: "Art on show", The Australian Women's Weekly, January 1993, photographs of people attending exhibition of works of Frederick McCubbin, Queensland Art Gallery, including Andrew Mackenzie author of a new limited edition book on McCubbin. Newspaper article: "Meet Andrew Mackenzie", The Heidelberger 23 February 1994, his background and interests, his next project to research Hayward Veal. Letter from John Withers to Sue Law (Eltham Historical Society), 4 August 1994, notifying that he had nominated Andrew Mackenzie for a future Australia Day Award (attaching his documentation). Newspaper article: "Artist's portrait of tragic child is a special find", no publication details, details of forthcoming Sotheby sale which included Frederick McCubbin's portrait of daughter Mary who died in 1894 following an accident, with comment by Andrew Mackenzie. Notice of General Meeting of Eltham District Historical Society, 10 September 2014, speaker Andrew Mackenzie on Walter Withers. Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcwalter withers, frederick mccubbin, annie mccubbin, mary mccubbin, john withers, john ebell, kathleen mangan, james edward, on the wallaby track, fontainbleau eltham, william mcgregor of mount macedon, patrick watson, ballarat fine art gallery, margaret rich, sotheby's, justin miller, russell drysdale's "the outrider", hugh ramsay's "portrait of a young girl", benjamin duterrau's "portrait of matilda stanfield", eugene von guerard's western district landscape, jimmy watson, queensland art gallery, shirley florence, bettina macaulay, graham drummong, valerie drummond, susan anderson, jane henderson, maria poulos, hayward veal, andrew mackenzie -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Graves of George and Janet Bird and family, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
George Bird was born in England in 1845 and arrived in Australia in 1856 as a child of assisted migrants. Soon afterwards he came out to Eltham to live with his uncle George Stebbings, working for him as bricklayer's assistant in building, amongst others, Shillinglaw Cottage and the Anglican and Methodist Churches in Eltham. He later purchased 72 acres at the eastern end of Pitt Street (bounded by Eucalyptus Road, Mount Pleasant Road and present-day Rockliffe Street) and established the property ‘View Hill’, which was worked as a mixed farm and orchard (including berries). In 1878 he married Janet Kilpatrick, who had emigrated from Scotland. They had ten children, three of whom died in infancy. The wedding in 1904 of their eldest surviving daughter Sarah (‘Sis’) to Edward Pepper appears to have been quite a society event. George was a staunch Methodist and was a Church Steward and a Sunday School Superintendent in about 1890. Janet died in 1915 and George died in 1920 (though his gravestone says 1921). George's will stated that his property was to be divided between all his children in equal shares. This necessitated subdivision of the View Hill property, which took place progressively between 1922 and 1926. One son, George Hugh Bird, operated a drapery store in Main Road (near Bridge Street) in around 1915. Later, in the 1920s, he ran a greengrocer's shop (also selling confectionery) in Main Road opposite Eltham Station. It was the first shop in Eltham to have plate glass windows. At the same time, his brother Reg had a grocery store on the station side of Main Road. George and Janet are buried together in a family plot in Eltham Cemetery. Several descendants are also buried in the cemetery. In Loving Memory Of George Bird Died 5 December 1921 aged 76 years And his beloved wife Janet Bird Died 5 Sept 1915 aged 57 years Also their children William James Bird Died 25 Feb 1888 aged 8 years Mary Jane Bird Died 8 Oct 1891 aged 7 years Pte Edwin John Bird Killed in action in the Great War 11 Aug 1918 aged 30 years Buried in France And on the base stone George Hugh Bird Died 26 Feb. 1965. Aged 79 years Arthur Andrew Bird Died 25 Mar. 1970 Aged 75 years To the left In Loving Memory of Dr. J. R. (Roger) Bird 1927 2001 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Betty Father of Janet & Alison Grandpa of Evan & Helen Scientist & Gentleman To the right In Loving Memory of Harold Edwin Bird OAM 1922 - 2015 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Yvonne Father of Estell & Russell In our hearts Forever moreBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, arthur andrew bird, arthur bird, edwin john bird, george bird, george hugh bird, harold edwin bird, helen bird (nee lyon), j. r. (roger) bird, janet bird (nee kilpatrick), william james bird, yvonne bird -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Christopher Watson, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 1 Aug 2007
George Bird was born in England in 1845 and arrived in Australia in 1856 as a child of assisted migrants. Soon afterwards he came out to Eltham to live with his uncle George Stebbings, working for him as bricklayer's assistant in building, amongst others, Shillinglaw Cottage and the Anglican and Methodist Churches in Eltham. He later purchased 72 acres at the eastern end of Pitt Street (bounded by Eucalyptus Road, Mount Pleasant Road and present-day Rockliffe Street) and established the property ‘View Hill’, which was worked as a mixed farm and orchard (including berries). In 1878 he married Janet Kilpatrick, who had emigrated from Scotland. They had ten children, three of whom died in infancy. The wedding in 1904 of their eldest surviving daughter Sarah (‘Sis’) to Edward Pepper appears to have been quite a society event. George was a staunch Methodist and was a Church Steward and a Sunday School Superintendent in about 1890. Janet died in 1915 and George died in 1920 (though his gravestone says 1921). George's will stated that his property was to be divided between all his children in equal shares. This necessitated subdivision of the View Hill property, which took place progressively between 1922 and 1926. One son, George Hugh Bird, operated a drapery store in Main Road (near Bridge Street) in around 1915. Later, in the 1920s, he ran a greengrocer's shop (also selling confectionery) in Main Road opposite Eltham Station. It was the first shop in Eltham to have plate glass windows. At the same time, his brother Reg had a grocery store on the station side of Main Road. George and Janet are buried together in a family plot in Eltham Cemetery. Several descendants are also buried in the cemetery. In Loving Memory Of George Bird Died 5 December 1921 aged 76 years And his beloved wife Janet Bird Died 5 Sept 1915 aged 57 years Also their children William James Bird Died 25 Feb 1888 aged 8 years Mary Jane Bird Died 8 Oct 1891 aged 7 years Pte Edwin John Bird Killed in action in the Great War 11 Aug 1918 aged 30 years Buried in France And on the base stone George Hugh Bird Died 26 Feb. 1965. Aged 79 years Arthur Andrew Bird Died 25 Mar. 1970 Aged 75 years To the left In Loving Memory of Dr. J. R. (Roger) Bird 1927 2001 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Betty Father of Janet & Alison Grandpa of Evan & Helen Scientist & Gentleman To the right In Loving Memory of Harold Edwin Bird OAM 1922 - 2015 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Yvonne Father of Estell & Russell In our hearts Forever moreeltham cemetery, gravestones, memorials, arthur andrew bird, arthur bird, edwin john bird, george bird, george hugh bird, harold edwin bird, helen bird (nee lyon), j. r. (roger) bird, j.r. (roger) bird, janet bird, janet bird (nee kilpatrick), william james bird, yvonne bird -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 672 Main Road, Eltham
Flyer, Neville Emerson Pty Ltd, for sale Wingrove Cottage. Shire of Eltham Heritage Study, nd but post 1989: Wingrove Cottage. Note: June 1997 re Judy David, descendant of Mr Wingrove. Note: 2 September 2003: Greg Johnson description of building. Statement 2 September 2003 from Francis Percival (Jock) Read of memories of Wingrove Cottage. Copy letter 21 October 2002 from Value Creating Environments (recent purchasers of Wingrove site) to John Karageorge Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire re planned work; also attachment re possible site development. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 23 October 2002, Angry crowd stops demolition, photograph of part demolition. Letter 30 December 2002 from Stephen Coleriro Acting Manager Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire re consultation on illegal demolition works at Wingrove Cottage. Letter 24 February 2003 from Allom Lovell & Associates to John Karageorge Shire of Nillumbik commenting on Wingrove Cottage work. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 17 September 2003, Court orders restoration at cottage. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 25 February 2004, Health vision for Eltham's 1800s home, Wingrove Cottage will be restored as health and wellness centre if plans approved. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 7 July 2004, 1850s bricks in debris, Jim Cummane owner ordered to prepare conservation plan, photograph of site and Harry Gilham president Eltham District Historical Society. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 1 December 2004, Cottage heritage plan crucial to sale success, site to be sold, photograph of Wingrove Cottage. Letter 14 April 2005 from Gaye Van Donkelaar Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire to Russell Yeoman Eltham District Historical Society re meeting of key stakeholders 27 April 2005. Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 28 March 2007, Cottage work on hold, recent purchasers Cameron Construction restored Cottage, open as photographic studio, applied for permit to build office and 7 homes on site. Letter 13 August 2007 from Senior Registrar VCAt to Eltham District Historical Society enclosing VCAT order re application for 672 Main Road. Letter 24 August 2007 from Colin Bowden Planning and Development Consultants to VCAT enclosing response prepared by O'Brien Traffic for VCAT. Letter 14 February 2007 from Jeremy Livingstone Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire, invitation to review re planning application.main road, eltham, property, houses, wingrove cottage -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Murchison Gap, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Three colour photographsactivities, murchison gap, murchison valley -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Hume and Hovell Monument, Broadford, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, broadford, hume and hovell, monument -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Hume and Hovell Monument, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Two colour photographsactivities, hume and hovell, monument -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Hume and Hovell Monument, Broadford, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, broadford, hume and hovell, monument -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, monument, hume and hovell, murchison valley, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Murchison Gap viewed from Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell, murchison valley, murchison gap, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Murchison Gap viewed from Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell, murchison valley, murchison gap, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Murchison Gap viewed from Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell, murchison valley, murchison gap, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Murchison Gap viewed from Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell, murchison valley, murchison gap, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sign to Hume and Hovell Cricket Ground, at Allandale Road, Strath Creek, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell, allandale road, strath creek -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Autumn Excursion, Hume and Hovell's 1824 expedition, 26 May 1996, 26/05/1996
[article by Bettina Woodburn in EDHS Newsletter No. 109, July 1996:] ON THE TRAIL OF HUME AND HOVELL - REPORT ON THE AUTUMN EXCURSION - On a green and fresh morning (Sunday 26th May 1996) the Cobb and Co coach (driven by the most obliging Peter Tampion) set off in a north easterly direction from Eltham to connect with Hume and Hovell's route on their 1824 explorations of central Victoria. The Society would follow a series of monuments erected for the 1924 centenary of the expedition from King Parrot Creek (Tuesday 7th December 1824), through Strath Creek, over Sunday Creek (Sunday 12th December 1824) at Broadford, Tullamarine, St Albans, Deer Park, through Werribee, skirting east of the You Yangs to Lara and Avalon Beach. Because their distance-measuring wheel had broken and a one degree mistake was made in calculations, the two leaders of the original group of six convict-companions arrived at Corio Bay, instead of the expected Western Port, discovered earlier by Flinders. From below Mt. Disappointment (Hume and Hovell's difficulties in "scrambling over brush and rock", "leeches in forest, as well as no water", "cutting grass 4-5 ft. high", dreadful scrub", "devil flies") we took an easier route, saw the Strath Creek memorial in ground fog and a wonderful "field of dreams", the Hume-Hovell privately owned cricket ground with its white picket boundary fence. Now, after a steep climb, in sunshine under gums we stretched and viewed magnificent rolling hills and fog-filled valleys - not "smoke from Aborigines' bush fires". After morning tea at Broadford we followed the Sunday Creek valley beside the Hume Freeway, passed the Wallan Wallan Rest Area (more appropriately Hume and Hovell Rest Area) to tum right at Beveridge. In Gellibrand Hill Park, near the headwaters of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we experienced the landscape the first European settlers saw - huge river red gums and rolling pastures. The gardens and sheltered courtyard of the 1840s, timber, brought from .....[?] prefabricated Woodlands Homestead, provided a pleasant lunch stop. We enjoyed a private tour, panoramic views over Melbourne and surroundings and the excitement of arriving and departing aircraft. Our next river crossing was at Werribee, "in a vast treeless plain", then we drove on by-ways no coach had previously travelled, to find "an immense sheet of water" salty Corio Bay, off-course to the west. In late afternoon of a super, calm, late autumn day we headed homewards. Back at Eltham we were rather surprised to find that we had travelled a total of 347 km. Thanks again to Russell Yeoman for his research and organization. What a wonderful day! Colour photographactivities, hume and hovell -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Work on paper - Bakeries in Surrey Hills
A vertical file with the following items: 1. Bakers in Surrey Hills from Sands and Mac’s directories 1885-1960s (1 page). 2. Bakers in Surrey Hills at 108 and 118 Union Road, 1900-1950 (1 page). 3. M.F. Conlan’s new bakery, Box Hill Reporter, 3.1.1930 (1 page). 4. M.F. Conlan – bakery 410-412 Canterbury Road, note from Miss E. Conlan (undated) (1 page). 5. 108 Union Road history, prepared by Lisa Gave, March, 1997 (2 pages). 6. Bakery – Slavin: undated notes on G.I. Garner & M. Conlan by Mrs. E. Sneddon (1 page). 7. ‘Conlan’s bakery’ by Eileen Conlan for a talk at S.H Neighbourhood Centre, 1985, (2 pages with 3rd answers to questions). 8. Advertisement ‘Conlan’s bread’, The Argus, 24.2.1933 (NLA) (1 page). 9. Bakery 118 Union Road various notes 1890-1980 (1 typed and 1 handwritten page). 10. Russell Slavin death notice, 31.1.2001 (1 page). 11. 2 photos, back to back, of baking equipment made by Joseph Baker and sons (unknown newspaper) (1 page). 12. Rowe family information, 2004 (1 page). 13. ‘New ways for cake fillings and frostings’ compiled by Davis Gelatine (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (undated) (1 page folded into booklet). 14. ‘Diabetic recipes’ compiled by Davis Gelatine (undated) (32 page booklet & covers). 15. Catering competition held by the Victorian Master Pastrycooks’ Association: prize awarded to D.H. Rowe July, 1938 (1 page). 16. 2 photocopies of no. 11 (2 pages). 17. Edible Oil Industries Pty. Ltd. Bakery service department 14 recipes (undated) (14 pages). 18. The E.O.I. bakery service Kaykee 10 minute mixing method (undated) (1 page). 19. Casely’s ice block mixes (undated) (15 page booklet & cover). 20. Imperial Margarine Digest, October, 1942, W. Angliss & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. (1 page). 21. Imperial Margarine Digest, July, 1942, W. Angliss & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. (1 page). 22. Nycander & Co. Pty. Ltd. Bun recipes, (3 page booklet). 23. ’Bakery focal point of festival’, Progress Press, 12.4.1999 (1 page). 24. Pure Bread Bakery – business card for Terry Seaman (undated) (1 page). bakeries, recipes, 118 union road, 108 union road, lisa gave, m f conlon, 410-412 canterbury road, eileen conlon, g i garner, conlon's bakery, russell slavin, joseph baker and sons, rowe family, davis gelatine (australia) pty. ltd, victorian master pastrycooks’ association, d h rowe, edible oil industries pty ltd, casely's ice block mixes, imperial margarine digest, nycander & co pty ltd, terry seaman, pure bread bakery -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, Herald, Seamen's Institute for the Victoria Missions to Seamen, 30 August 1917
SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE FOR THE VICTORIA MISSIONS TO SEAMEN In architectural style, the new Seamen's Institute for the Victorian Missions to Seamen, in Flinders street Extension which is to be opened early in September by Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, the Governor-General, may be said to resemble the type adopted by the early settlers in California, and known in recent years by the name of Spanish Mission architecture. This character is particularly sympathetic with the object for which the building has been erected, and is exemplified in a marked degree in the unique chapel tower of oblong shape with its four pinnacles and open bell turret, with an almost rustic cross as terminal point: also in the arcaded Eastern Court cloisters, with simple round arch arcading, and in the chapel roof, which is framed of heavy rough-hewn hardwood timber work left as it came from the saw, and erected green from the forest. but so well framed and bolted that no harm can result from shrinkage. The foundations are constructed of reinforced concrete, and in some places are nine feet wide. The ground is very treacherous, and considering the irregular weights of the one story, two-story, and three-story parts of the building, the result achieved in sta bility is eminently satisfactory. The main hall has a vaulted ceiling of reinforced concrete construction, and, spanning 35f., is the widest span of any floor in Melbourne of similar construction. The chaplain's residence is built above the lecture hall, and consists of a most complete, up-to-date dwelling-house of eight rooms. It is fitted with every modern convenience and labor-saving device. The cupboard in the pantry, for instance, has two faces — one in the diningroom and the other in the pantry. Dishes are washed in the pantry, put into the cupboard, and taken out in the diningroom, ready for the next meal. Special rooms are designed for the many and various works carried out for the sailors by the industrious workers of the mission. One room is shelved and fitted for the reception, sorting, and distribution of books, periodicals, and other reading matter that is parcelled up by willing hands and given to sailors as ships leave port, to beguile the weary hours of leisure on the sea. Any old books or magazines, illustrated papers, and the like are always welcome at the insti tute. Reading matter of this kind can easily be saved and sent along in bundles. The gymnasium is not yet built. This is the only part of the building required to complete the block; and when its concrete dome, with open eye at summit like the Pantheon at Rome is erected, the whole effect of the groups of buildings will be most striking. In the entrance hall is a floor of marble mosaic, with a central feature of a mariner's compass seven foot in diameter, well executed by the Adamant Pavement Company, and the gift of Mr George Russell. The architect has designed a copper ship as a finial for the main gable of the building, and it, like the gymnasium, is awaiting the collection of more funds or the generosity of a special donor. The whole of the woodwork of the in terior of the building, including high dados round the walls of halls, stair cases, billiard and other rooms is car ried out in Tasmanian hardwood, fin ished in a dull beeswax polish, and the floors of the entire building, except the lavatories, which are tiled, are also executed in Tasmanian hardwood. Mr Walter R. Butler, F.R.I.B.A., was the architect, and the work was carried out by Mr A. B. Robertson, builder. PICTURESQUE BUILDING AMID SOMBRE SURROUNDINGSThe article gives a valuable description of the Mission at the end of its construction and before its opening.4 columns article with photograph of the front of the Missionlady fraser, walter richmond butler (1864–1949), architecture, spanish mission, california, reinforced concrete, tasmanian hardwood, gymnasium, norla dome, pantheon, adamant pavement company, george russell, compass, finail, weathervane, chaplain's residence, manse, chapel, courtyard, cloisters, main hall, spannig