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National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pisor, Robert, The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sanh, 1982
A war correspondent's compelling account of a crucial battle in the Vietnam WarA war correspondent's compelling account of a crucial battle in the Vietnam Warsiege of khe sanh, general westmoreland, president lyndon johnson, dien bien phu, tet offensive -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Liska, George, War and Order: Reflections on Vietnam and History, 1968
A proponent of the war, Professor Liska here offers an original conceptual perspective for assessing our involvement, based on an imperial obligation for the United States to uphold world order, as distinct from the quest for colonies. His central thesis is simple: like it or not, the power and wealth of the United States force her to have world-wide interest and responsibilities.A proponent of the war, Professor Liska here offers an original conceptual perspective for assessing our involvement, based on an imperial obligation for the United States to uphold world order, as distinct from the quest for colonies. His central thesis is simple: like it or not, the power and wealth of the United States force her to have world-wide interest and responsibilities.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- united states, united states -- foreign relations -- 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Martini, Edwin A, Invisible Enemies: the American War on Vietnam, 1975-2000, 2007
Original, lucid, and convincing - a powerful indictment of the vindictive postwar policies the United States leveled against the one nation that successfully resisted the heaviest bombing in world history.Original, lucid, and convincing - a powerful indictment of the vindictive postwar policies the United States leveled against the one nation that successfully resisted the heaviest bombing in world history. united states - foreign relations - vietnam, vietnam - foreign relations - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Boyle, Brenda ed. and Lim, Jeehyun ed, Looking Back on the Vietnam War: Twenty-first-Century Perspectives, 2016
Looking back on the Vietnam War is haunting in its unflinching critique and intervention to denaturalize warfare and disentangle its afterlife.Looking back on the Vietnam War is haunting in its unflinching critique and intervention to denaturalize warfare and disentangle its afterlife.vietnam war (1961-1975), 1961-1975-peace -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Ford, Harold P, CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers: Three Episodes 1962-1968, 1998
This study examines three episodes between 1962 and 1968 when US policymakers faced critical points in the evolution of US involvement in Vietnam.This study examines three episodes between 1962 and 1968 when US policymakers faced critical points in the evolution of US involvement in Vietnam.united states. central intelligence agency, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- secret service -- united states, united states -- foreign relations -- vietnam, cia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, The Battle for Khe Sanh, 1969
united states. marine corps -- history -- vietnam war, 1961-1975, khe sanh, battle of, vietnam, 1968., vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- campaigns -- vietnam -- khe sanh -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bell, T.E, B-57 Canberra Units of the Vietnam War, 2011
While not receiving as much publicity as the F-105 and F-4 fighter-bombers, which took the fight into the heart of North Vietnam, the B-57 Canberra was nevertheless the first jet-powered American attack aircraft committed to the conflict.While not receiving as much publicity as the F-105 and F-4 fighter-bombers, which took the fight into the heart of North Vietnam, the B-57 Canberra was nevertheless the first jet-powered American attack aircraft committed to the conflict.canberra (military aircraft) -- history., vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, airplanes, military -- markings -- united states, canberra bomber -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, F-105 Thunderchief Units of the Vietnam War, 2010
thunderchief (jet fighter plane) -- history., vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Conboy, Kenneth and Andrade, Dale, Spies and Commandos: How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam. (Copy 1), 2000
A major work that goes beyond what is in any other books that touch on these aspects of the Vietnam warA major work that goes beyond what is in any other books that touch on these aspects of the Vietnam war 1961-1975 -- military intelligence -- united states, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- commando operations -- vietnam (democratic republic) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Heard, Barry, Well Done, Those Men: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran (Copy 1)
In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, soldiers - australia - biography, conscription -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Heard, Barry, Well done, Those Men: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran (Copy 2)
In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, soldiers - australia - biography, conscription -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Well Done, Those Men: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran (Copy 3)
In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, soldiers - australia - biography, conscription -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Well Done, Those Men: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran (Copy 4)
In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.In this intensely personal account, Barry Heard draws on his own experiences as a young conscript, along with those of his comrades, to look back a life before, during, and after the Vietnam War.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, soldiers - australia - biography, conscription -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tregoning-Lawrence, Heather, We'll meet again: Australian stories of love in war
It involves strategies, operation, and technology, but it affects individuals, families, communities , and nations and brings out many emotions in those caught up in it.It involves strategies, operation, and technology, but it affects individuals, families, communities , and nations and brings out many emotions in those caught up in it. war and society - australia, australia - armed forces - social life and customs, sociology, military - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Anderson, Paul, When the Scorpion Stings: The History of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, Vietnam, 1965-1972
The Regiment was the first unit involved in the establishment of the Australian Task Force in Nui Dat and the last to leave when the Task Force was finally disbanded.The Regiment was the first unit involved in the establishment of the Australian Task Force in Nui Dat and the last to leave when the Task Force was finally disbanded.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, 3rd - history, australian task force, nui dat -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Krasnoff, Stan, Where To? For Valour: The Keith Payne Story (Copy 1)
A True Story...Keith Payne's citation for the Victoria Cross, the highest decoration awarded in the British Commonwealth for valour, reads like a touch of madness.A True Story...Keith Payne's citation for the Victoria Cross, the highest decoration awarded in the British Commonwealth for valour, reads like a touch of madness.australia. australian army - officers - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - fiction, keith payne, victoria cross, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Krasnoff, Stan, Where To? For Valour: The Keith Payne Story (Copy 2)
A True Story...Keith Payne's citation for the Victoria Cross, the highest decoration awarded in the British Commonwealth for valour, reads like a touch of madness.A True Story...Keith Payne's citation for the Victoria Cross, the highest decoration awarded in the British Commonwealth for valour, reads like a touch of madness.australia. australian army - officers - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - fiction, military decorations, keith payne, victoria cross, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Fitz-Enz, David G. Col. US Army (Ret.), Why a Soldier? Aa Signal Corpsman's Tour from Vietnam to the Moscow Hot Line
He was one of the best, Airborne,proud to serve his country and fight its toughest war - in the hell that was VietnamHe was one of the best, Airborne,proud to serve his country and fight its toughest war - in the hell that was Vietnamvietnam war, 1961-1975- personal narratives, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Culhane, Claire, Why is Canada in Vietnam? The truth About our Foreign Aid
The very least we should do in this instance is to air the facts in the way the American facts have been coming out and allow the people of this country to know the truth of Canada's roll in the Vietnam War.The very least we should do in this instance is to air the facts in the way the American facts have been coming out and allow the people of this country to know the truth of Canada's roll in the Vietnam War.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - canadian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Evans, Carla, Wings of Support
There are stories of humour, of fear, of sadness: all told in their own individual way.There are stories of humour, of fear, of sadness: all told in their own individual way. 1961-1975 - aneaudio, cdotes, 1961-1975 - aerial operations, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mertel, Kenneth D. (Col), Year of the Horse - Vietnam: 1st Air Cavalry in the Highlands (hardcover) (Copy 1)
Swooping down onto the Vietnamese side of the Ton Le San Rier which forms the border with Cambodia went four sizeable units of the 1st Air Cavalry Division.Swooping down onto the Vietnamese side of the Ton Le San Rier which forms the border with Cambodia went four sizeable units of the 1st Air Cavalry Division.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american, 1st air cavalary, cambodia, ton le san river -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mertel, Kenneth D (Col), Year of the horse - Vietnam: 1st Air Cavalry in the highlands (softcover) (Copy 2)
Swooping down onto the Vietnamese side of the Ton Le San Rier which forms the border with Cambodia went four sizeable units of the 1st Air Cavalry Division.Swooping down onto the Vietnamese side of the Ton Le San Rier which forms the border with Cambodia went four sizeable units of the 1st Air Cavalry Division.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american, year of horse - vietnam, 1st air cavalary, camb, cambodia, ton le san river -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Year of the tigers: the second tour of 5th Battalion (Copy 3)
vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, australia. army. battalion, 5th -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Burke, Di,Small, Mary, Seek!: An Illustrated and Pictorial tribute to Australia's tracker dogs in the Vietnam War
Dedicated to the eleven faithful war dogs that served Australia as members o the combat tracking teams during the Vietnam War. they did not return home but are not forgotten.Dedicated to the eleven faithful war dogs that served Australia as members o the combat tracking teams during the Vietnam War. they did not return home but are not forgotten.dogs - war use, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, australian - pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Sabben, Dave, Through enemy eyes (Copy 3)
On 19 August 1966, the war in Viet Nam became a reality to the Australian people. It was announced in the press, and later in the parliament, that a battle had occurred near Task Force Base at Nui Dat.On 19 August 1966, the war in Viet Nam became a reality to the Australian people. It was announced in the press, and later in the parliament, that a battle had occurred near Task Force Base at Nui Dat. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - fiction, australia -- armed forces -- fiction -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Karnow, Stanley, Vietnam: A History: The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War (Copy 1)
A journalist looking back learns - or ought to learn - that his dispatches from the field were temporal and limited, as befits the nature of his occupation.A journalist looking back learns - or ought to learn - that his dispatches from the field were temporal and limited, as befits the nature of his occupation.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Macklin, Robert, Bravest: How some of Australia's greatest war heroes won their medals
The Victoria Cross is the highest award for valour that can be won by an Australian; just 96 Australians have been awarded the VC in conflicts from the boar War to the Vietnam War.The Victoria Cross is the highest award for valour that can be won by an Australian; just 96 Australians have been awarded the VC in conflicts from the boar War to the Vietnam War.australia. army - medals, badges, decorations etc. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Allen & Unwin, with Australian War Memorial, Crises and commitments: the politcs and diplomacy of Australia's involvement in Southeast Asian conflicts 1948-1965, 1992
Peter Edwards splendidly researched, authoritative study is official history at its best. By explaining the sources of Australia's commitment in Vietnam, and the impact of that commitment in Australia, it does a great deal to elucidate the larger, international dimensions of a war that is too often discussed only in terms of the primary participants.Peter Edwards splendidly researched, authoritative study is official history at its best. By explaining the sources of Australia's commitment in Vietnam, and the impact of that commitment in Australia, it does a great deal to elucidate the larger, international dimensions of a war that is too often discussed only in terms of the primary participants.australia - foreign relations - southeast asia, south east asia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bevan, Scott, Battle Lines: Australian Artists at War
You hope your art will stop them for a second, anyway, and the say, 'Well, that's what is was like there at that time"You hope your art will stop them for a second, anyway, and the say, 'Well, that's what is was like there at that time"war in art, war artists -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hamilton, Robert, The Vietnam War: History In Pictures
A collection of black and white photographs with a story about each one.A collection of black and white photographs with a story about each one.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - history - 20th century