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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No.5 Vol. 5 August 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society, Newsletter No. 5 Vol. 5 August 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 5 Vol . 5 produced in August 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961). Topics; South East Regional History Group; 'The Three McQueens' ; This is Newsletter No. 5 Vol. 5 of the CMHS August 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY / President ; Mr R Ashley ...... / editor of Newsletter Mr T.A. Sheehy .... Secretary Mrs F. Neville / / VOLUME 5 No.5 NEWSLETTER August 1965 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 6 Vol. 5 September 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 6 Vol.5 September 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 6 Vol .5 produced in September 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics: AGM of CMHS at Cheltenham State School; MCC install horse trough in Cheltenham Park and Plaque re Toll Gate 1858-70 Cnr Paterson Rd / Nepean Hwy., CMHS purchase plaque to memory of Walter Meeres,first Headmaster Charman Rd School, Hon Don Chipp MHR re Junior Citizens Scheme; Cheltenham Arts & Crafts Display; 'The Three McQueens Contin."This is Newsletter No. 6 Vol. 5 of the CMHS September 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mrs N. Blackman….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy...., Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.6 NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 1965 city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, ashley r, neville f , blackman n , moorabbin city council, moorabbin roads board toll gates, mcqueen malcolm, chipp d mhr, junior citizens scheme moorabbin,meeres walter, horse trough, market gardeners, pioneers moorabin cheltenham, bentleigh, highett -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 7 Vol. 5 October 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 7 Vol. 5 October 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 7 Vol. 5 produced in October 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; RHSV 1st Vic Historical Conference; MCC Mayor Cr. H Stevens; 'The Three McQueens conclude' This is Newsletter No. 7 Vol. 5 of the CMHS October 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x 21x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mr R. Ashley….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.7 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, neville f, ashley r, moorabbin city council, rhsv, stevens h cr mayor, mcqueen m, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 8 Vol. 5 November 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 8 Vol. 5 November 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 8 Vol. 5 produced in November 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; Moorabbin Arts Festival; Memories of old Cheltenham by Jack McCarthy; Park Road Railway Crossing Gate Keeper; 1903 Railway Workers Strike; This is Newsletter No. 8 Vol. 5 of the CMHS November 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 2 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mr R. Ashley….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.8 NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, neville f, ashley r, moorabbin city council, moorabbin arts festival 1965, mccarthy jack, charman road state school, victorian railways. railway workers strike 1903, judd clarrie, phonograph, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 9 Vol.5 December 1965, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No.9 Vol. 5 December 1965, 1965
This is Newsletter No 9 Vol . 5 produced in December 1965 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) Topics ; 1965 in review; fourteen new organizations formed in City of Moorabbin; Moorabbin Community Hospital; CMHS Junior Citizens Scheme; vandalism in Moorabbin, Sport, 'Moorabbin News' Newspaper; This is Newsletter No. 9 Vol.5 of the CMHS December 1965 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 2 x L 26cm x W 21cm page 1 printed both sides CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AFFILIATED WITH THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF / VICTORIA AND THE CHELTENHAM ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY/ President Mrs N. Blackman….Editor of Newsletter Mr T.A.Sheehy Secretary Mrs F.Neville / VOLUME 5 No.9 NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 1965city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, blackman n ,neville f, moorabbin city council, moorabbin community hospital, moorabbin associations, moorabbin arts festival, victorian electoral boundaries 1965, moorabbin news 1965, turner road swimming pool, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter - City of Moorabbin Historical Society Oct 2011, October 2011
The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS4 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 24 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in October 2011. Notice of AGM October 30th, resignation of Jamie Hyams, President CMHS 2003 -2011, Box Cottage will be open October 29th and 30th as part of History Week and members have been meeting for a monthly ‘working bee’ to arrange displays and re-label artefacts as suggested by Peta Knott MAV. Items submitted for Glen Eira CC funding have been purchased. Attached are 3 pages of descriptions with photographs of ‘Tiny Treasures in Box Cottage Museum’ that have been catalogued, photographed and entered on MAV website. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / OCTOBER 2011 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, mckinnon, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, city of moorabbin, box william, glen eira city council, museums australia victoria, knott peta, anzac day, medals, world war 1914-1918, tape measure, hatpins, perfume bottle, vesta case, hyams jamie, lawson, nan -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing - Adult, Singlet wool nylon mix, Hospital, c1950
A nylon wool mixture sleeveless singlet with drawstring at neck that was possibly worn by George Reed when a patient at Heatherton Sanitarium c1950 "1909 'Consumption' or Tuberculosis was an infectious, debilitating disease. The main treatment of this ailment was a long period of rest, fresh air, sunshine and good food, so what better place to build a ‘Sanatorium’ than in the rural area they called Heatherton and affiliate it with the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum. After World War II c1947, the Commonwealth Government Health Department took over the Heatherton Hospital to deal with tuberculosis when it became a major problem in Australia. This was during the time when the Government conducted X-Ray surveys on a state by state basis. It was compulsory at that time for everyone to have a chest X-Ray. " ( KCC History Website 2020 , A.Bennett) Heatherton Sanitarium, situated in the City of Moorabbin, was the main rehabilitation hospital in Melbourne for patients suffering from 'Consumption' or Tuberculosis in 1909-1978 A wool / nylon mixture sleeveless Singlet with drawstring at neck that was used by George Reed at Heatherton Sanitarium c1950, Back neck ; ( ? Ward bed) 108Bclothing, singlets, underwear, heatherton sanitarium 1950, consumption, tuberculosis, rehabiltation, tb vaccine c1960, chest x-rays 1950, melbourne benevelont asylum cheltenham, brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, craftwork, bentleigh, lacework, moorabbin shire reed george, dairy farms, fruit orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter - City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 4 Vol. 2 July 1962, 1962
This is Newsletter No 4 Vol 2. produced in July 1962 by Mr T. A. Sheehy President CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash.This is Newsletter No 4 Vol 2. produced in July 1962 by Mr T. A. Sheehy President CMHS for members and visitors CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961Foolscap L34cm x W 21cm paper folded into 4 pagesCITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL / SOCIETY / (Affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria ). President T.A.Sheehy …… Secretary Mrs L. Harvey……. NEWSLETTER No 4 Vol. 2 JULY 1962city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., harvey l, cheltenham & district co-operative society limited, ashley r, moorabbin city council, standard newspapers ltd., bent thomas, aboriginals, shipston -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Whitehead, Graham et al, By The Creek : A Mordialloc History, 2014
Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- By the creek -- Tragedy of the Bunurong people: the Mordialloc connection -- The Muddy creek -- Mordialloc Pier -- They're racing at Mordialloc -- Official opening of Mordialloc Railway Station -- Politicians at Mordialloc -- Mordialloc baths -- Mornington versus Mordialloc: the fateful football match -- FancyDress Carnival at Mordialloc -- The Mordialloc baby murders -- Mordialloc great war memorials -- Spanish flu -- The freemasons at Mordizlloc -- The beginnings of Mordialloc College -- A place to play: Mordialloc's Rotunda -- The Mordialloc brass band -- Mordialloc Carnival 1923-1939 -- Mordialloc Carnival 1940-1968 -- Typhoid outbreak and Mordialloc -- Onion odour at Mordialloc -- Desecration of beach pavilion -- Shindig at the Mordialloc Life Saving Club -- Mordialloc Community and Youth Centre -- Mordialloc Elderly Citizens' Club -- Unforgettable memories: Mordialloc meals on wheels -- No pipeline across the bay -- Pedestrian bridge across Mordialloc Creek -- Page sources of illustrations and photographers -- Index.256 pages : illustrations, portraits non-fictionForeword -- Acknowledgements -- By the creek -- Tragedy of the Bunurong people: the Mordialloc connection -- The Muddy creek -- Mordialloc Pier -- They're racing at Mordialloc -- Official opening of Mordialloc Railway Station -- Politicians at Mordialloc -- Mordialloc baths -- Mornington versus Mordialloc: the fateful football match -- FancyDress Carnival at Mordialloc -- The Mordialloc baby murders -- Mordialloc great war memorials -- Spanish flu -- The freemasons at Mordizlloc -- The beginnings of Mordialloc College -- A place to play: Mordialloc's Rotunda -- The Mordialloc brass band -- Mordialloc Carnival 1923-1939 -- Mordialloc Carnival 1940-1968 -- Typhoid outbreak and Mordialloc -- Onion odour at Mordialloc -- Desecration of beach pavilion -- Shindig at the Mordialloc Life Saving Club -- Mordialloc Community and Youth Centre -- Mordialloc Elderly Citizens' Club -- Unforgettable memories: Mordialloc meals on wheels -- No pipeline across the bay -- Pedestrian bridge across Mordialloc Creek -- Page sources of illustrations and photographers -- Index.mordialloc, typhoid, mordialloc creek -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Scates, Bruce, A place to remember : a history of the Shrine of Remembrance, 2009
... of remembrance Melbourne War Memorials The history of the Shrine ...The history of the Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne Victoriaxix, 307 p. : ill. (some col.) ; Includes bibliographical references and index.non-fictionThe history of the Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne Victoriashrine of remembrance, melbourne, war memorials -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plaque - Commemorative, circa 1928
This commemorative plaque refers to the religiously themed window situated in the western (weather) wall of the St. Nicholas Mission to Seamen’s Church building in the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. It was crafted circa 1928. ABOUT THE WINDOW The window, to which this plaque belongs was once known as the Dr Connell Memorial Window, which was a feature of an external wall adjacent to the Women’s Children’s Wards of Warrnambool Hospital. Honorary Doctors had played a significant role in the operation of the hospital between the years 1900 to 1939. One of these doctors was Dr. Connell, who passed away in 1928. A paragraph in the book ‘A History of the Warrnambool Base Hospital’ by Forth and Yule describes the role of the Honorary Doctors - “At the start of the period the senior-part time medical officer was replaced by the junior resident medical officer and control of beds and the right to operate were given to the honorary medical officers...and these men dominated the Warrnambool medical world in the years before the Second World War.” Dr. Connell leased ‘Ambleside’, 192 Koroit Street, in the early 20th century, following Dr Teed who had previously run his medical practice there. In 1914 Dr Connell purchased the property and continued his private practice there until his death in 1928. He also took a prominent part in hospital work, both as physician and surgeon, and often acted as spokesmen for the Honorary Doctors. According to colleague Dr. Horace Holmes’ subsequent notes, it was after the close of the First World War, and the following years of the world-wide pneumonic influenza epidemic, that Dr. Connell himself contracted pneumonia and died. His family and friends then recognised his work by gifting the memorial window in his honour to the Hospital. By the mid-1970s the old wards at the hospital had been replaced and there was no obvious place for the window. Discussions between the previous and past Hospital managers, the Anglican Diocese, and Flagstaff Hill Planning Board, led to its installation in its present position in St Nicholas Seamen’s Church. It was installed without the bottom section of stained glass, which was inscribed as a memorial to Dr. Connell. St NICHOLAS SEAMEN’S CHURCH, Anglican Church Flagstaff Hill’s Mission to Seamen was opened in 1981. Its conception was partly motivated by the offer of Stained Glass Memorial Windows from the local Warrnambool and District Base Hospital, which was undergoing multi-storey development in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The Manager/Secretary at the time was keen to see the historical windows installed in an appropriate location. The chapel was designed by a local architectural draftsman in conjunction with members of the Planning Board of Flagstaff Hill, and built by Mr Leon Habel. The vision of the designers included the hope that the church be used for formal worship such as weddings and funeral, and for multi-denominational special services such as War commemorations. The design is based on the ‘Mission to Seamen’ buildings in both Portland and Port Melbourne. These types of buildings were often erected to house social and worshipful activities for seamen. The materials used in the building include sandstone recycled from nineteenth-century buildings demolished in Warrnambool and American slate tiles retrieved from the 1908 wreck of the FALLS OF HALLADALE. Most of the chapel furnishings came from the Williamstown Missions to Seamen, which was consecrated in 1946 but later decommissioned. These artefacts range from the altar cloth to the hymn board and include a visually stunning round stained glass widow called ‘Christ Guiding the Helmsman’. However the provenance of this particular artefact, large western window, is local.This plaque is significant because of its association with stained glass memorial window is of local, historical and social significance, linking local history and heritage with one of Warrnambool's doctors, Dr. Egbert John Connell (d. 1928), who gave 30 years of dedicated, medical service to the local citizens.Plaque, opaque, pale green glass rectangle mounted on white timber board and held in place with six decorative silver coloured clasps. Five rows of printed, capitalised text are fixed on the top surface. The plaque is companion to the commemorative, stained glass window installed in the St. Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church at Flagstaff Hill. (The window was previously known locally as the Dr. Connell Memorial Window.)"A TRIBUTE TO / EGBERT JOHN CONNELL, M.B.B.S. / WHO FOR 30 YEARS RENDERED DEVOTED AND / VALUABLE SERVICE TO THIS INSTITUTION / OBIIT APRIL 4th 1928, A.D."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, chapel window, stained glass window, warrnambool and district base hospital, st nicholas mission to seamen’s church, williamstown mission to seamen, dr egbert connell, ambleside warrnambool, leon habel builder, falls of halladale slate, memorial window, commemorative window, dr connell, commemorative plaque, plaque, edgar mcconnell -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Clothing - Leather Leggings, 1899 to 1920
The subject leather leggings are associated with mounted troops known as the Australian Light Horse that served in the South African War from 1899 to 1902. After the war, Britain wanted to use fewer mounted troops and restructured its force around a style of combat that needed more infantry. But the defence of Australia still relied upon mounted military units as these were more mobile than infantry and could travel faster over long distances. Light Horse brigades in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) mostly contained recruits who served in the Light Horse regiments of the Citizen Forces. Many young men from rural areas of Australia volunteered for the Light Horse regiments. They had to pass a riding test to join, this test was easier for men from the bush because horses were still the main method of transport on farms and in country towns. The army did not officially accept First Australians into the AIF until May 1917 when enlistment standards were relaxed to include 'half-castes' with a parent of European origin. Indigenous soldiers served as valuable members of the Light Horse and many possessed excellent horse handling skills and specialist tracking knowledge.The subject items are part of the uniform for the Light Horse Units that served in the Australian army from 1899 until 1918. These leggings were worn by soldiers on horseback and are significant as they represent a noteworthy time in Australia's early military history. It was a time when many young men gave their lives during the South African and First World Wars in the defence of the then British Empire as part of the Imperial Forces that were gathered from many British-controlled Colonial countries.A pair of two Leather Leggings used by Mounted Australian soldiers during the first world war. The leggings are dark tan in colour with stitching to attach buckles and fastener straps. The strap buckles are made of brass and the leather legging straps are of same leather as leggings. Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, leggings, leather leggings, protective leggings, protective clothing, australian mounted light horse units, military equipment -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Wallace Hughes Paper Shopping Bag, c. mid-20th century
The paper shopping bag was most likely used for carrying garments, silk or woollen fabrics home from the Wallace Hughes department store. This substantial drapery operated from the late 19th-century-to the mid-20th century, and had 30 departments and stood at 464 - 470 Brixton Road, south London, U.K. The building was destroyed during the second World War and rebuilt in the 1950s. Brixton was once home to several large department stores, none survive today. History of shopping bags: Before the late 1800s, shopping bags didn’t exist. Shoppers would either carry their goods home in baskets, or have the merchant deliver them to people's homes, until 1852 when Francis Wolle, a schoolteacher in Pennsylvania, invented a machine to produce paper shopping bags. This invention would allow customers to carry items home in disposable paper bags. Soon after, owners of department stores and retailers began to realise that paper shopping bags could be used to help market their brands, and as such custom shopping bags with printed logos became common place. Carrying a shopping bag from certain shops became a type of status symbol for consumers, providing evidence that one was well-off, had good taste, or both.The paper shopping bag is a rare survival of ephemera related to a department store owned by Wallace Hughes in Brixton, South London, Britain that operated during the early-20th century, The arrival of waves of more than ten million migrants by boat is one of the major themes in Australia’s history. The paper shopping bag is representative of personal items purchased for migrant journeys as markers of domesticity, warmth and making oneself at home in a new land that speaks of the transnational lives embedded in threads of migration.The green coloured paper shopping bag with a printed logo and store information in red ink.Wallace Hughes, Brixton; For jumpers; For blouses; brixton's most fashionable draperwallace hughes, shopping bag, draper, migration, brixton, flagstaff hill -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from Monday, May 6, 2002. Service with a smile: this group of women prepared the dinners and afternoon teas at the Bendigo Show in 1940 during World War 2. The soldiers changed the guard at the Park Street entrance during the day. The caterers were Cornell and Wild, of Coburg. Mr and Mrs Wild are pictured on the right with Violee, who was in charge of the staff, standing fifth from the left. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from Monday, March 11, 2002. Remembrance: veterans of World War 1. The names of these men and the details surrounding the photo are unknown. The clip is in a foldernewspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from Tuesday, January 1, 2002. Good deeds: Golden Square Primary School pupils and teachers pack parcels of clothing to be sent to needy countries during the war; circa 1944. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
G. Alice Jones Collection; Envelope. Hand printed in black ink on a white envelope is "War Time Petrol Ration Tickets". The envelope is lined inside with blue ink. On the back is strips of dry glue for sealing. Box 625petrol ration tickets -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from 2002. For old times' sake: a reunion of pre and post-war YMCA Harriers in 1996. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from Saturday, March 20, 2004. At sea: George Healey, then 18, was off to serve in World War 1, but never survived. He sent this card to his sister, May Healey, in Golden Square in 1916. The card was to show her as his ''home at sea''. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from Wednesday, March 17, 2004, War time: Easter 1948, from left, Barbara Mason, Bendigo mayoress Mrs. Grainger, Betty Thompson, Kath Fitzpatrick and Ida Farnell. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of James Madden in uniform resting his right arm on a ledge and his right leg hooked behind his left leg. James is wearing a red shirt, with gold buttons and braid, dark navy pants with white sash from left to right, belt and gloves. James also has his sheathed sword being held in the crook of his left arm. His right boot indicates that he is wearing spurs.13 page typewritten letter written whilst aboard the SS. Orion on the Mediterranean Sea , 28 march 1938. The letter gives details of the sights and goods able to be purchased in the area. Small letter envelope with the name of Harcourt Granite Quarries J. Blight and Co., Proprietors, if not claimed within ten days to be returned to the Manager, printed in the bottom left corner.S. T. King Williamson Sandhurst.military, world war 2, james madden -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Clothing - TABLE CENTRE, 1914-18
Cream cotton table centre. Silk World War 1 embroidered motif in centre. (maybe added later? From old silk postcard) Silk embroidered floral motifs surrounding centre motif. Cotton machine made fringing machine stitched. Motif: British and ?flags. Forget me not. Old Box 85.2 flags - Union Jack and red flag with 'Forget me Not' Union Jack in corner., Blue floral forget-me-not embroidery.manchester, table linen, cotton and silk table runner -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2000. Honoured: memorial gates and entrance steps to the Bendigo High School commemorating ex-students who gave their lives in World War I and World War II were officially opened on March 22, 1957. A blue and gold ribbon was cut and a commemorative plaque unveiled. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2000. World War 1: Bendigo soldiers pose for a group photo in England before sailing for the battlefield of France in November 1916. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Historical Series history Afghanistan Afghan war war biography ...A book titled ' Dost Mahomed and Akbar Khan.The Story of the First Afghan War. One Man only returns Home, out of Sixteen thousand.' Published London: Ward, Lock & Co., Salisbury Square, E.C. New York: 10 Bond Street. 562 - 576 pgs. (ill.) This book is one of a series of 37 Ward & Lock Penny Books for the People. Price one penny. There are advertisements of note.books, biography, afghan war, lydia chancellor, collection, ward & lock's penny biographies, ward & lock's penny books for the people, historical series, history, afghanistan, afghan war, war, biography, biographies, book, books, advertisements, penny books -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... in the forty-five Charles Edward England English history civil war book ...A book titled ' Out in the forty-five: The story of Charles Edward, the Young Pretender. The last of England's Civil Wars. Published London : Ward, Lock & Co., Salisbury Square, E.C. New York : 10 Bond Street. 65 - 80 pgs, (ill.) This book is one of a series of 37 Ward & Lock Penny Books for the People.' 'Historical Series.' Price one penny. There are advertisements of note.books, biography, english history, lydia chancellor, collection, ward & lock's penny biographies, biographies, penny books, ward & lock's penny books for the people, historical series, history, out in the forty-five, charles edward, england, english history, civil war, book, books, advertisements -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
From The Sun of Wednesday Sept 12 1945, a, page 6, Coding of Names criticised ARMY GIVES LISTS OF FREED VICTORIANS listing names so identified, and message to relatives, included a reference to J. F. Dale to his parents H. C. Dale of 47 Joseph Street Bendigo. Item re radio expert got news for P.O.W.s and on b, page 5 HIGH PRODUCTION COSY INVESTIGATION; RSL Wants clinics for War Neurosis; BRAVERY EARNS MM; LAND LEASES ADVOCATED Assembly Discussion on Settling Soldiers; WOOL BUYING SCHEME CHANGE SOON; CWA makes Requests; Good homes needed; Decentralization Urged; Peck killed in air accident. C Page 27 of the Advocate April 13 1939, Requiem for Late Father Ronan, popular Bendigo Priest. This page also has advertisements for the Beehive, Davey & Waddington, Matthews Bros, Sandhurst and northern district Trustees, W. Ewing & Son, H & C Styles, McEncroe Milk Products. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A magazine titled ' Heritage Australia.' Volume 5. Number 2. Winter 1986. Publication of Heritage Australia. ACNT 1986. Restoration of the Bendigo Post Office.australia, history, heritage places, heritage, australia, bendigo, bendigo history, restoration, bendigo post office, australian history, hotels, trade unions, gallipoli, war, place, magazine, magazines -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A,B. Blue hard covered book titled ' The Silent Cities. An Illustrated Guide to the War Cemeteries and Memorials to the missing in France and Flanders 1914 - 1918.' Compiled by Sidney C. Hurst, P.A.S.I. With a preface by Major-General Sir Fabian Warem K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. Vice-Chairman of The Imperial War Graves Commission.' Methuen & Co. LTD. 36 Essex Street W.C. London, 1929. 407 pgs. First published 1929. (ill.) C. Also included is a newspaper article titled 'Memorial to our War Dead.' dated 25-6-38. D.dust cover of the book, incomplete missing back page.Sidney C. Hurstbooks, military, world war 1, book, books, war, wars, world war 1, cemeteries, memorials, france, flanders, soldiers, history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2001. Help on the way: ambulance drivers during World War I. Les and Ron Nixon, of Inglewood, are two of the men in the photo. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were