Showing 3875 items
matching bottling
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Central Bottle Club Newsletter - James Lerk Collection, Vol 4 No 4 (ca. Mar 1979). -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Equipment - Equipment, Army, Alice Pack, US Backpack
Camouflage khaki large backpack with three sewn-on water bottle pouches. Used by most SAS patrol membersalice pack, backpack, sas -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Memorabilia, Glass Bottle
Obelisk shaped bottle of clear glass with orange liqueur inside 'Agent Orange' is written on the label top to bottom,Agent Orangecommemorative bottle, agent orange -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c. 1900-1912. ref. glass makers mark on base
Eno's Fruit Salts.Rectangular aqua tinted clear glass bottle with angled corners for stopper seal with embossed text on side and base.On side 'ENO'S FRUIT SALT'. On base 'M'.eno's fruit salts -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c.1887- c.1903
Victorian Government gazette, Wednesday January 28, 1902, page 20. 'The Pharmaceutical Register cont'd.........No. on register : 140, Date of registration : 30 May 1877, Stokes, William Albert, Balaclava Road, East St. Kilda, Qualification : in business in Victoria before 1 October 1876'. TROVE : Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 7 September 1875, page 1. 'WANTED, a respectable BOY ; must live in the neighbourhood. References W. A. Stokes, chemist, Balaclava'. TROVE : Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1918), Tuesday 1 December 1914, page 5. 'ABOUT PEOPLE. The death of Dr. James Stokes, M.R.C.S., L., occurred at his home, 43 Ebden Street, Elsternwick, on Saturday at the age of 90 years. Dr. Stokes, who was born in London,, arrived in Victoria in 1849 and for many years practiced in different parts of the State. He was the last on the male side of an old family, one of his sons, who predeceased him, being the late Mr. W. A. Stokes, chemist, of Carlisle Street, St. Kilda. The funeral took place yesterday morning, when the remains were in interred in the family grave at St, Kilda Cemetery'. TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tuesday 13 December 1887 p 5 Article " ROUGH ON RATS" POISON.' . PROSECUTION UNDER THE POISONS ACT. At the St. Kilda police court, on Friday, W, A. Stokes, chemist, Carlisle-street, Balaclava, was prosecuted under the Poisons Statute on the charge of selling to one Mrs. Hannah Charlton a poison without having made and signed the entry required by the act. A second charge of selling to Mrs, Hannah Charlton a poison without having obtained the signature of the purchaser to an entry as required by the act was also preferred against the defendant. Both cases were taken together. Mr, Donovan appeared to prosecute, and Mr. Cole for the defence. Senior-constable Connell deposed that he knew the defendant. On the 24th of October last an inquest was held at East St. Kilda relative to the cause of the death of a man named Charlton. A packet bearing the label " Rough on Rats," which was found. in the deceased's bedroom, was produced at the inqiry, and afterwards handed over to Mr. Blackett, Government analytical chemist for analysis. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased died from the effects of arsenical poisoning. Hannah Charlton, a widow, residing in South Yarra, said in September last she purchased a packet of "Rough on Rats" from the defendant's assistant. Witness was not asked her name, place of abode, occupation or for what purpose the poison was required; neither did she observe the assistant make any entry in a book, She did not attach her signature to any document, and was not asked to do so. The packet was purchased for the purpose of poisoning rats. Cuthbert Robert Blackett, Government analytical chemist, stated that Constable Ballantyne handed him the packet produced. Witness made an analysis of the contents, and found it composed of arsenic, slightly coloured with a carbonaceous matter. The mayor announced that there was a doubt in the minds of the magistrates as to whether the defendant could be held guilty under the law, but they thought the prosecution had attained its object by making known the fact that "Rough on Rats" is a poison. They thought that such preparations should be entered by the sellers, but in that case they were inclined to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt and dismiss the case.Aqua tinted clear glass bottle with angled corners for stopper seal with text embossed on one side and on base.On side : 'W.A.STOKES CHEMIST EAST ST. KILDA'. On base : 'K6228'.w a stokes, chemist -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c. 1916 - c. 1923
Aqua tinted clear glass bottle, ellipse in section, for stopper seal, with text embossed on each side and base.Side 1 : 'KRUSES PRIZE MEDAL MAGNESIA'. Side 2 : FELTON GRIMWADE & CO MELBOURNE'. Base : AGM logo used 1912-1923.magnesia, chemist, john kruse -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle lid Press
Large Bottle Cap Press The Lever seems to not work properly Foot Pedal still seems to work perfectlyNone to be seen -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c.1880 - 1900
August Vogeler was born in Minden, Germany in 1819, and emigrated to the United States to Baltimore when 20 years old and entered the employ of the wholesale drug firm Smith & Atkinson. Five years later he established the firm of A. Vogeler & Company manufacturing drugs and chemicals and eventually built up a drug business and manufactured products such as St. Jacob’s Oil, Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburg Drops, Koenig’s Hamburg Breast Tea, Diamond Vera-Cura and Dr. Bull’s Family Medicines. Vogeler & Company was located for a long period of time at Liberty and German Streets in Baltimore City and had an impressive multi-block operation. Charles A. Vogeler, August’s son, grew the business and was one of the pioneers of progressive patent medicine advertising and employed many novel schemes. Another son, Jerome Vogeler was also engaged in the drug business. Previously, in 1873, August Vogeler acquired the medicinal compounds of Reverend Dr. Bull (not the Dr. Bull in Louisville). Eventually in 1877, with the help of his partner, Adolph Meyer, the company promoted and sold Dr. Bull’s Family Medicines until shortly after the death of Charles Vogeler in 1882. In 1883, A. C. Meyer purchased all interests of his Vogeler partners and remained in business until his death 0n 4 February 1914. Slender aqua tinted clear glass with three lines of text embossed on half side of bottle, initial on base.On side 'ST JAKOBS OEL', A VOGELER & CO', BALTIMORE MD'. On base 'C'.liniment -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, Between 1872 - 1916 ref: bottle makers mark
TROVE : The Australasian Saturday 8 September 1877, page 20, Town News. 'The first examination of candidates for registration under the Pharmacy Act was held at the Royal Society's Hall yesterday..........The following were passed..........Max Pincus,...........' TROVE : Leader Saturday 2 September 1893 p.4, In: THE LEADER SUPPLEMENT MAX PINCUS, A number of interested spectators are always collected round the stand at which the "Welgel Milk Tester Is being worked by Mr. Max Pincus, of St. Kilda. This milk tester is a little instrument designed for testing the quantity of butter fat In any given sample of milk. The whole manipulation takes only a few minutes, and is so very simple that anyone can work it. A table supplied with the instrument shows at a glance, not only the percentage of butter fat, but also the proportion of same per gallon, the quantity of the milk required to produce each pound of butter, &c., so that there is no calculation ' at all required. Mr. Max. Pincus, who Is tho maker of the "Weigel Tester, shows tho remarkable accuracy of tho instrument. By request he tested a sample of the milk about to be separated, and the result as given to the Government dairy expert showed that the quantity of butter from the churning should be 59 lb. The actual quantity of butter as weighed (after adding 2 lb, of salt) was 61 lb., thus showing that the test agreed perfectly with the churning. In his report to the Minister of Agriculture, the dairy expert expresses himself as very pleased with the working of the Weigel test. The tester has recently been improved so as to measure exactly to tho smallest decimal. Mr. Pincus also shows samples of his butter preservative, called "Salva." In: THE LEADER SUPPLEMENT MAX PINCUS. A number of interested spectators are always collected round the stand at which the Weigel Milk Tester is being worked by Mr. Max Pincus, of St Kilda. This milk tester is a little instru ment designed for testing the quantity of butter fat in any given sample of milk. The whole manipulation takes only a few minutes, and is so very simple that anyone can work it A table supplied with the instrument shows at a glance, not only the percentage of butter fat, hut also the proportion of same per gallon, the quautity of the milk required to produce each pound of butter, &c., so that there is no calculation at all required. Mr. Max Pincus, who is the maker of the Weigel Tester, shows the remarkable accuracy of the instru ment. By request he tested a sample of the milk about to be separated, and the result as given to the Government dairy expert showed that the quantity of butter from the churning should be 59 lb. The actual quantity of butter as weighed (after adding 2 lb. of salt) was 61 lb., thus showing that the test agreed perfectly with the churning. In his report to the Minister of Agriculture, the dairy expert expresses himself as very pleased with the working of the Weigel test. The tester has recently been improved so as to measure exactly to tho smallest decimal. Mr. Pincus also shows samples of his butter preservative, called "Salva." TROVE : MAX PINCUS. A number of interested spectators are always collected round the stand at which the Weigel Milk Tester is being worked by Mr. Max Pincus, of St Kilda. This milk tester is a little instru ment designed for testing the quantity of butter fat in any given sample of milk. The whole manipulation takes only a few minutes, and is so very simple that anyone can work it A table supplied with the instrument shows at a glance, not only the percentage of butter fat, hut also the proportion of same per gallon, the quautity of the milk required to produce each pound of butter, &c., so that there is no calculation at all required. Mr. Max Pincus, who is the maker of the Weigel Tester, shows the remarkable accuracy of the instru ment. By request he tested a sample of the milk about to be separated, and the result as given to the Government dairy expert showed that the quantity of butter from the churning should be 59 lb. The actual quantity of butter as weighed (after adding 2 lb. of salt) was 61 lb., thus showing that the test agreed perfectly with the churning. In his report to the Minister of Agriculture, the dairy expert expresses himself as very pleased with the working of the Weigel test. The tester has recently been improved so as to measure exactly to tho smallest decimal. Mr. Pincus also shows samples of his butter ✏Fix this text preservative, called "Salva."Rectangular pale blue tinted clear glass bottle with angled corners and embossed text on one side and base.'MAX PINCUS LATE JOHNSON ST KILDA' on side. 'M' on base. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, Between 1872-1916 ref: bottle manufacturers mark
Advertisement. 'The Argus' newspaper (Melbourne, Victoria 1848-1957) Saturday 4 November 1882, page 8. 'Simpson & Davenport Pharmaceutical Chemists, (14 years with Mr. W. Bowen, successors to Mr. John Ross, formerly the business of Mr. R Hill, 63 Collins Street, East.' source TROVE. Also at 228 Collins Street, Melbouren at some date ref: cream pot lids with Simpson & Davenport Chemists advertisement, offered for auction.Rectangular pale blue tinted clear glass bottle with angled corners. Embossed text on one side and base.'SIMPSON & DAVENPORT CHEMISTS MELBOURNE' on side. 'M' on base. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass
Round clear glass bottle with cork stopper and remnant paper cover seal. Vestiges of a paper label on side.nil -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, 1914-1916
TROVE : Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Monday 5 January 1914 p 4 Advertising 'QUALITY EXCELS. H. S. COPE & CO., STATION BRAND. REFINED EUCALYPTUS OIL ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED. H. S. COPE & CO, MARYBOROUGH.' TROVE : Ararat Chronicle and Willaura and Lake Bolac Districts Recorder (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Tuesday 5 September 1916 p 2 Article 'H. S. Cope and Co., of Mori Mori, was badly injured by being kicked on the thigh by a young pony whilst he was endeavoring to catch his own for the purpose of driving to his home. He was unable to walk without assistance as a result of the kick, and it will be some time before he completely recovers from the effects.'Clear green tinted glass bottle , oval in section with text on side and monogram on base embossed onto the glass.'H S COPE & CO MARYBOROUGH' on side. A G M on base. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, Standard Oil Company, c.1916-1940
Clear glass squat rectangular shaped bottle with wide shoulder. Text embossed onto glass on side and base.'Nujol' on side. 'JH 6' on base. J attached to H in the form of a monogram.constipation, mineral oil -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, Early 20th century
Clear blue tinted glass rectangular shaped bottle with angled corners and text embossed on one side and the base.'F. W. ANDREW St KILDA' on the side. 'M' on the base. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Container - Atkinson Barker medicine bottle & stopper, Atkinson & Barker, c.1900
Atkinson &* Barker's Royal Infants' Preservative was described as 'the best medicine in the world for infants and young children'. Despite its claims the medicine contained opium!Small round glass bottle with Atkinson & Barker embossed on one side. The glass stopper has a fluted edgeatkinson & barker, built environment - domestic, business and traders - chemists -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle of preserver, Douglas Packing Company Ltd, 1927
Small brown glass bottle with aluminium lid and damaged paper label depicting jars and fruit in black and yellow.Certo For Making Jams & Jellies concentrated fruit pectin. 8 oz net. Douglas Packing Company Ltd Coburg. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Ink bottle, Simpson's Ink Pty Ltd
Rectangular shaped clear glass bottle with cork stopper containing ink and with a small light blue and white label.Simpson's Super Refined blue black ink. Fountain pen ink. Suitable for all pens. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Ink bottle, Angus and Co Pty Ltd
Small round clear glass bottle containing blue black ink with cork lid and a blue and white label.Angus and Co Pty Ltd. School ink. Blue Black. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, essence
Square shaped glass bottle tapering to neck at top, with metal lid, label with text is red, white and blue.Club Brand Essence of coffee and chicory, prepared by A/Asia (?) Ltd. Contents 8 fluid ozs. Contains not less than 50% coffee extract. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white sketch on stiff paper - Bottle Kiln, Bendigo Pottery, Epsom, 1972 Artist - Jan NeilJan Neil -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Bottle, Blood transfusion
Dr Alan Holmes á Court enlisted in the Australian Army in 1916 as a medical officer with the rank of Captain. In 1918, Holmes á Court was promoted to Major and attached to the 4th Australian Field Ambulance on the Western Front. As the front advanced, the Casualty Clearing Stations became further removed from the battlefield, creating an urgent need for immediate resuscitation prior to transfer back to the CCS. In June 1918, Holmes a Court and his colleagues established a forward resuscitation team. The team consisted of one doctor trained in surgery, blood transfusion and resuscitation, another doctor trained in anaesthesia, resuscitation and blood classification, and four other assisting staff. This team moved out to the wounded, rather than waiting for them to be stretchered back. They provided on-the-spot, life-saving resuscitation. The wounded were then transported back to the Casualty Clearing Station or Regimental Aid Post for further treatment. Among the assorted surgical and resuscitation equipment carried by the forward resuscitation team, were a number of Kimpton-Brown flasks. Blood was collected from patients with minor injuries using the flask. It was then administered to those in need, after establishing their blood type. Citrated blood was introduced by the Americans in 1917. This allowed blood administration to be delayed for up to two hours but there were many problems with transport, storage and infection in these early experimental days.Round, clear glass bottle with white [discoloured] paper label, with red printed, and metal screw-top lid.Handwritten on white [discoloured] paper label: Phillip HARRIS Moulded into the top of the screw-top lid in red ink: RED CROSS BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICEblood transfusion, red cross, world war one -
Benalla Art Gallery
Painting, Peter PURVES SMITH, Burke and Wills, c. 1937
Born: East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1912; Lived and worked: England 1935-1949; Died: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1949SurrealismBennett Bequest, 1999 Explorers Burke and Wills rest against a large rock with a bottle at their feet. Gold and grey brushed timber frameRecto: Not signed, not dated, not titled painting, figures, abstract, rock, water, bottle -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Hot Water Bottle, 1940's
Used by internees Camp 3 TaturaOval shaped metal hot water bottle with screw in thread. Removable plug and wire carrying handle attachedhot water bottle, oval, beck h, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, domestic, items, heating -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Decorative object - Bottle
This was bought by Robin and Patricia Boyd. There was once another green squat one. The Boyd family think it may have Mexican origins and purchased from either Georges (Collins St, Melbourne) or Gillam Quigley (Toorak Rd, South Yarra).Yellow glass bottle. Hand blown with bubbles. Narrow neck, bulbous centre, narrows into base. Slanted opening. walsh st furnishings, robin boyd, ohm2022, ohm2022_12 -
Clunes Museum
Container - BOTTLE, Cannington, Shaw & Co
Glass bottle, slightly tinted green, no stopper. Label partly removed - illegible. Sticker attached marked "73".Markings on base CS&Cold "100", "208".bottle, empty bottle -
Clunes Museum
Clunes Museum
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Pen and Ink Stand
From the Betty McPhee CollectionGlass tray to stand two ink bottles and a space for paper clips etc, and for pens and pencils. Rectangular in shape.domestic items, writing equipment -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia - Perfume Box including 2 perfume bottles .With booklet "The History of Perfume" .Four photographs with cotton bag with addressees name
Leatherette case with 2 perfume bottles. Booklet "The History of Perfume". 4 Photographs. Cotton bag with receivers name.Miss Frances O'Toole. Somerville Victoria. Australia. Personal messages to addressee. -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Souvenir Navy Port Bottle, Brown Bros
Port bottle Royal Australian Navy. Light brown body with dark brown top with a picture of a ship on the front.HMAS Derwent Recommissioning Port. Contained 750ml. Wine made in Australia by Brown Bros Pty Ltd at Milawa Vict. Also has a navy coat of arms on reverse.