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matching no. 35
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Exercise Book, Keith Stodden, "Tickets 3", 1980's to 1987
Exercise or Mapping book - Australian Mapping book, yellow cover with mathematical tables on the rear, plain paper, 64 pages holding tickets collected by Keith Stodden. Titled "Tickets 3". Tickets have been positioned using stamp hinges. Pages 1 - 10 - Misc., tickets, airlines, buses, tours and entry - NZ and Australia 11 - Painted tram and Neighbourhood 12 - 17 - ditto, travel cards, theatre and MTA single journey 18 - 21 - Misc. tickets, Canada, 22 - 24 - VLine, NSW, 25 - 34 - Theatre, Transporting Art, VLine Parcels, MMTB and Vic passes, Bendigo, St Kilda Line rail, airlines 35 - 36 - Misc. including Pennyroyal, Tasmania. 37 - Airline, ETRB, Skybus 38 - Theatre 39 - 42 - Airline, Whyalla, Theatre, Travelcard 43 - 44 - Theatre, bus, rail and Sydney 45 - 46 - Neighbourhood, coaches, MTA Travelcard, theatre 47 - 51 - TMSV, theatre, rail Neighbourhood 52 - Ansett, Skybus 53 - 57 - scratch tickets, 58 - 59 - theatre 60 - 61 - Sydney, CityRail, 62 - 64 - Neighbourhood, The Met, short trip and Transporting Arttrams, tramways, tickets, the met, mmtb, adelaide, sec, tmsv, sydney, buses -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Preston Workshops, "Motor Omnibus Acts", 1928 to 1950
Folder with papers - Manila Folder titled in ink "Motor Omnibus Acts" containing copies of the relevant Acts of Parliaments, memos and type extracts regarding the use of buses in Melbourne. Inside front cover - typed list of four Acts Bound with a brass clip: Act 3742 - "Motor Omnibus Acts" - 1928 with amendments Act 3851 - "An Act relating to Motor Omnibuses" Act 4032 - Amending of Section 35 of the 1928 Act] Act 4352 - "Provision with to the Control of Traffic on Roads" - 1935 - allowed State Govt to set regulations to control traffic in various Melbourne and Geelong Municipalities. Loose sheets "Extract from Victoria Gazette - 21/11/1945 - addition to the Metropolitan Motor Omnibus Regulations - re the interiors - seats and bulkheads. Various letters and memo to the Rolling stock Engineer, including a letter from Leyland's 1950 regarding Motor bus weights. Notes on "Motor Omnibus Acts" 3378 - Points to be observed, UK Metropolitan Stage (Motor) Carriages, Three page copy of a memo (last page loose) dated 26/11/1935 - Tenders for the supply of 10 additional motor buses - Leyland Cub buses - issues with the vehicles. See image i2.pdftrams, tramways, buses, leyland, acts of parliament, tenders, preston workshops -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetable, Yarra Trams, Set of 12 laminated tram stop timetables, 2012, 2014
Set of 12 laminated tram stop timetables for various routes and stops. Has customer information line number, PTV and Yarra Tram logos. .1 - Route 6, stop 39 - Auburn Grove - 12/4/2012 .2 - Route 6, stop 36, Park Road - 28/3/2014 .3 - Route 16, stop 59, Malvern Road, 28/3/14 .4 - Route 8, stop 30, South Yarra Station - 28/3/2014 .5 - Route 55, Domain Interchange, stop 20 - 28/3/2014 .6 - Route 72, Prahran market - stop 30, - 31/3/2014 .7 - Route 72, Mathoura Road - stop 35 - 13/1/2014 .8 - Route 72, stop 33, Francis St - 31/3/2014 .9 - Route 72, stop 37, Orrong Road - 31/3/2014 .10 - Route 72, stop 38, Clendon Road - 31/1/2014 .11 - Route 72, stop 72, Glenferrie Road - 31/3/2014 .12 - Route 72, stop 70, Cotham Road - 13/1/2014.trams, tramways, yarra trams, timetables, tram stops, route 6, route 16, route 8, route 55, route 72 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph (Item) - Negative, Wendy Price, In Eltham, art is for everyone, 1988
Eltham Town Park was partially constructed on a tip site. The park and lake were landscaped in 1973-1974. As early as late 1980 a proposal to rename it Alistair Knox Park was met with significant community resistance with a petition of 1600 signatures against however Council ultimately pushed the name through in 1987. Many residents continued to call it Eltham Town Park for some years later. Wendy Price 1988 Entrant No. 147 Ref: Series 34, Items 35, 36, 107, 108 The images in this record were not selected for inclusion. SHIRE OF ELTHAM COMMUNITY PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEY Photography is an artform which many of us practice, sometimes purely for artistic pursuit, sometimes to record the people and events in our lives. In 1988, as part of a local Bicentennial project, the Shire of Eltham conducted the Eltham Community Photographic Survey. Up to 100 entries were to be selected by a panel of photographers for entry into the Eltham Photographic Survey Exhibition. Entries had to be submitted by May 13, 1988. Entrants whose images were selected for the exhibition were contacted and requested to further submit an entry form providing entrant’s name, area of residence, age, and proposed captions. These details were then used to produce labels for the exhibition mounts. Where negatives had not been supplied, these were requested to support the display of printed enlargements mounted on 10” x 8” cardboard. The mounted prints were made available post exhibition for sale at $8.50 each for colour prints and $7.00 for B&W prints. Residents in the Shire were invited to collect a free roll of film and take a photograph of what they either liked or did not like about the area. A total of 160 entrants submitted multiple entries for the exhibition. Of those selected for exhibition, entrants ranged in age from 9 to 70 years. All custom colour and black and white printing for the exhibition was completed by Wattle Studios of Eltham. The Eltham Photographic Survey was jointly auspiced by the Shire of Eltham and Wattle Studios, of 953 Main Road, Eltham. The project was greatly assisted by: • David McRitchie, Media Studies Lecturer Victoria College, Rusden Campus. • Ian and Annette Toohill of Wattle Studios • Tracy Naughton, Eltham Community Arts Officer • Neville Emerson Pty. Ltd. • Superior Press, Eltham • Kodak Australasia Pty. Ltd. • Agfa Gevaert Ltd. • Townsend Colourtech Pty. Ltd. • The Australian Bicentennial Authority • Eleanor Bowers, Secretary, Eltham Arts Council The exhibition was placed on display in the Woolworths Arcade, Eltham between Monday June 6th and Saturday June 11, 1988. It was also intended to hold the exhibition at a venue in the Shire’s North Riding from Monday, June 20 to Friday June 24. It was then displayed at the Were Street Theatre, Montmorency from Friday, June 24 to Thursday, July 7. Series 34: Eltham Community Photographic Survey 1988 - Prints & Documentation Series consists of 117 photographs of Shire scenes taken by members of the community. Items I - 41 are larger photographs mounted on card, which were exhibited. Items 42 - 117 are unmounted copies, alternative takes and other entries. Corresponding negatives contained in Series 35: Eltham Community Photographic Survey 1988 – Negatives which consists of 267 colour and B&W negatives and one colour slide of Shire scenes taken by members of the community. The negatives are arranged by the entrant number of the photographer. The Eltham Community Photographic Survey collection is significant to the local community as it was curated by the local community - ordinary people of all ages - representing what they liked and did not like in the area where they lived. It represents an unfiltered representation of the Shire of Eltham as it was in 1988. It also represents one of many projects as part of the national programme of events and celebrations to commemorate the bicentenary. It is a time capsule of life in the 1980s of this urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north. shire of eltham archives, bicentennial project, eltham community photographic survey, alistair knox park, artist, eltham town park, film - kodak ga 100 5095, scan - 35mm negative, series 35, wendy price -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1988 Community Information Guide, 1988
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1988 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Floral displays at Clock Tower and a scene at Council nursery; Back - Activities at Ringwood Festival held at Ringwood Lake in April each year.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Activities Programme 23 Aged Services 21 Bicentennial 15 Building Information 29 By-Laws and Traffic Regulations 31 Caravans/Mobile Homes 31 Chief Executive's Message 10 Children's Services 22 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 15 Community Services 35 Corporate Management Structure 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 42 Dogs 31 Domiciliary Care 24, 25 & 26 Elderly Day Care 44 Elderly Persons Units 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 53 Employment Opportunities in Ringwood 26 European Wasps 28 Family Day Care 22 Finances 17 Fire Hazards 31 Future Leaders 16 Golf Course 34 Home Handyman Services 25 Home Help 26 Immunisation Programme 27 Incinerators 32 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 22 & 23 Library 30&31 Maternal & Child Health Centre 30 Mayoral Message – Cr. John R. Caffyn 3 Meals on Wheels 24 Members of Parliament 9 Playgroups 33 Pre-Schools 53 Primary Arterial Road Network in Ringwood 13 Rates—New Collection Service 18 & 19 Ringwood Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Ringwood Bypass Road 12 Ringwood Convention & Performing Arts Centre 33 Ringwood District Centre Structure Plan 12 Rubbish Collection Service 35 & 36 Schools 56 Youth Outreach Worker 20 rinx -
Orbost & District Historical Society
May 1900
This is a photograph of the original Orbost / Snowy River Bridge , a suspension bridge which opened in 1893. It has been taken when the Snowy River was in flood. It is similar to other photographs held in The State Library, Victoria. The Snowy River Mail and Tambo and Croajingolong Gazette Sat 12 Aug 1893 records the opening of this bridge as "the most important public event that has yet been commemorated in Eastern ......The Messrs McLeod, with whom the first settlement of this district is generally associated, took up their residence on the eastern bank of the Snowy River about the year 1841 or 42. The late Mr W. Roadknight and Mr T. T. Stirling took possession of the territory on the western side of the Snowy about 35 years ago. During the occupation of the country by cattle owners, very little progress was made in the way of roads and bridges, and except to the hardy and lexperienced bushman, it might have been generally regarded as inaccessible. About the year 1877, however, the late Mr James Robertson eldest son of Mr James Robertson, of Lochend farm, selected land now occupied by his father, about four miles from Orbost on the west bank of the river, Mr John Cameron visited the. district shortly after a .tour of inspection and returned later with his brothers, James and Alick Gameron, but found that during their absence Mr Ernest Watt had found his way on the scene and pegged out a selection, thus anticipating the advent of the Camerons by about 12 hours. We understand that a Mr Kidd, who selected the property now occupied by Mr W. J. Ross, at Pumpkin Point, was one of the earliest batch of settlors.........."This is a pictorial record of an early bridge across the Snowy River at Orbost.A black / white photograph of a suspension bridge with flood waters below the bridge.orbost-bridge suspension-bridge snowy-river -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Centenary of Victoria, Centenary of Melbourne 1935
White metal medal issued to commemorate Melbourne's centenary 1934-35. This medal was given out to Victorian school children; 325,600 white metal medals were struck. There were also a few VIP pieces in other metals, including two in gold. The medal references Portland, the location of Victoria's first settlement. The Henty brothers, entrepreneur farmers and whalers, established the state's first permanent European settlement in Portland in 1834. Melbourne was established the following year by a party of settlers led by John Batman. In 1934, as Melbourne planned to celebrate the centenary of European settlement, it seemed to some that there was little to celebrate. The financial strains of the depression, unemployment and the scandal of the city's slums all undercut claims of unbridled progress. Perhaps because of such troubles, the organisers of the centenary celebrations tried doubly hard to be positive. The themes of the celebrations were conservative, reflecting the desire of some Melburnians for security in troubled times. The widely promoted image of the 'Garden City' and 'Queen City of the South' emphasised the idea of Melbourne as a very British city. A visit by the Duke of Gloucester, son of George V, the ageing king, provided a reassuring strengthening of Melbourne's imperial connections. The presented view of Melbourne's history stressed the 'myth of the pioneer', embodied in the person of John Batman. Elevated to heroic status, he was reinvented as a courageous pioneer whose life exemplified the rewards of self-improvement. Such a portrayal ignored Batman's dubious 'treaty' with local Aborigines and the less savoury details of his personal life. Melbourne's indigenous people were excluded from this triumphant view of Melbourne's past. The centenary celebrations now seem dated, but the image of Melbourne as a conservative city largely influenced by Britain has been more enduring.Details the settlement of Portland, Melbourne and Victoria, 1834 - 1935Double sided round white metal medal, featuring on front face, the bay of Portland showing a ship in the harbour. On the reverse side of the medal is John Bateman overlooking the city of Melbourne and the Yarra river.The front is inscribed, "CENTENARY OF VICTORIA" 1934, across the top, bottom right has the words "PORTLAND 1834". Reverse side shows "CENTENARY OF MELBOURNE 1935", and the date 1835 at the bottom. melbourne, medal, portland, centenary of victoria 1935 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Bass Drum, Ludwig & Ludwig, Early 1920's
This Marching Bass Drum is mid-size at 68 cm; these drums can range from 35 to 81 cm (14 to 32 inches). A Marching Bass Drum is slightly smaller than a Concert Base Drum and larger than a Kit or Drum Set Bass Drum. The drum is supported by a shoulder harness with a pin that connects to the eyelet incorporated on the shell of the drum, which keeps the drumheads vertical. The drum is played with one or two felt-covered drum mallets. The six tension rods connected between the drumheads can be screwed tighter or looser to change the tension of the calfskins on the drumheads, which changes their tune. This Marching base drum was made in the early 1920s by the firm Ludwig & Ludwig of Chicago, Illinois, USA. LUDWIG & LUDWIG: - William F. Ludwig was a professional drummer. He and his brother Theobold established the Ludwig & Ludwig drum factory in Chicago in 1909. They became famous for their invention of a bass drum pedal that could play faster beats on the bass drum. Theobald passed away in 1918. By 1923 Ludwig was the biggest drum manufacturer in the world. William continued on when his business was bought by C.O. Conn, but in 1937 he left to begin his own company; the WFL Drum Company. William and his son Bill purchased the Ludwig & Ludwig name back from Conn, and the name William F. Ludwig II continued on. The brand was sold to the Selmer Company and moved to Monroe, North Carolina in 1998, at the time of the 75th anniversary of the Ludwig name. Ludwig drums are still being manufactured over 100 years later. Many famous musicians and bands played the Ludwig bass drum, including Ringo Star who was the drummer in the 1960’s group The Beatles.This marching bass drum is significant for its connection to Ludwig & Ludwig, a famous and popular drum manufacturer established in 1909. The firm was once the largest drum manufacturer in the world. It is known for supplying drummers of fame, such as Ringo Star of The Beatles. This is the only drum in our collection. It is also rare, having only six tension rods, where most have from eight to twelve.Marching Bass Drum; the polished shell around the body is one continuous sheet of timber that has been steamed, shaped into a cylinder and joined together. The drumheads on the sides of the shell are strong timber strips joined into hoops that hold stretched, hand-painted white calfskin. Six Long Tube threaded nickel-plated brass tension rods are evenly spaced around the drumheads between the drumheads. A brass eyelet is fitted into the shell halfway between each drumhead, providing a connection point for the drummer’s shoulder harness. The eyelet has an indecipherable inscription. An oval brass plaque with a central formed hole has a stamped inscription. The imperial size is 27 x 13 inches. The drum was made by Ludwig and Ludwig, Chicago, Illinois, in early 1920's. On brass plaque; “LUDWIG / TRADE MARK / LUDWIG & LUDWIG / CHICAGO”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, marching drum, bass drum, marching bass drum, pitched drum, band drum, drum mallet, marching band, military band, percussion instrument, calfskin, shoulder harness, ludwig & ludwig, wfl drum company, william f. ludwig, chicago, north carolina, the beatles, tension taps, tension rods, drum pedal, long tube tension rods -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, C1947
Hilda Charlotte Foster, 1902 - 1990, was a Double Certified Nurse when, at the age of 35, she successfully applied to the board of the Australian Inland Mission (AIM) to work at an outback field centre in South Australia. Born and raised in suburban Melbourne, she had been inspired by stories told to her by other missionaries about the fulfilment to be gained working amongst Aboriginal communities. Given her religious faith and nursing skills, she believed she could make a difference. She worked in Oodnadatta in South Australia for two years (1937-1939), followed by a stint in Innamincka in New South Wales in 1940 -1942. Before she became a nurse, Hilda Foster trained to be a Sunday School teacher and was a member of the Sunday School Council of Victoria. She completed first aid courses run through the Presbyterian Deaconesses Institute in Carlton, Victoria, and in 1930 successfully applied to become a trainee nurse at the Austin Hospital for Incurables, in Heidelberg. She commenced her training there in 1931, before moving to the Women's Hospital in 1933. In 1934 she had six months at the Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital, before returning to the Austin, where she was employed when she sat her final exams in November 1934. Her combined skills made her a most attractive option for the Australian Inland Mission. As well as being multi-skilled as a nurse, she provided religious instruction and spiritual ministry to members of the community. Sister Foster nursed at Toora Bush Hospital prior to leaving for the Paton Memorial Hospital, Vila, New Hebrides in 1944. She left the New Hebrides in 1946.Matt, black and white, head and shoulders, studio portrait of Sister Hilda Charlotte Foster on card.australian inland mission, presbyterian deaconess, sister hilda charlotte foster, paton memorial hospital vila new hebrides -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Miss Congue's Costumier Shop, Bay Street, Port Melbourne, c. 1900
This laser print is a copy of a photo which has been in the Congues/McKenzie family collection since early this century. Mrs Marie Vernon of Doncaster showed the photo to her cousin, Elva Mason, also of Doncaster but formerly of 35 Cruikshank Street. Elva had the copy done and passed it on to Barbara Gardiner. Mrs Vernon was unable to give us much information but could tell us that her mother, Mrs Mary Jane Congues (known as Ruby) was a tailoress who started her apprecticeship at age 13 and later established the shop which was next to Earl's hardware shop. We think that she was born in the 1880s. The Congues family lived at 36 Cruikshank Street, and their landlord in later years was Mr Sullivan, who supplied horse and drays for rubbish collection for the Council. Simon McKenzie was the loca policeman who patrolled up and down Bay Street and became interested in Ruby. She later visited a fortune teller who told her she would marry a man with numbers on his hat. They married and lived in Brunswick East, Carrum Downs and later Calligee (near Traralgon). LIfe was tough but Mrs Vernon remembers that her talented mother was able to teransform garments and hats so that her daughters always felt that they had a new dress for each special occasion. Mrs Vernon also remembers when a member of the famly needed dental care, they wee put on the train to stay with Grandma at Port Melbourne, who took them to Frost the Dentist (on the corner of Graham and Bay Strees), who pulled teeth for one shilling each. Miss Gongues is the lady in skirt and blouse on the right; other people unknown.Laserprint of four women in entrance to Miss Congue's Costumier shop in Bay Streetbusiness and traders - tailors and clothing, mary jane (ruby) congues, mary jane (ruby) mckenzie, simon mckenzie, mr sullivan, frost the dentist -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetable/s, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB Tram Timetables", 1975
Set of 9 MMTB Tram timetables, folded sheets, generally 10 sections, providing timetables for specific routes, day of week giving information on tram times at specific time points, route map, sections and fares and organisation address - 616 Little Collins St. Melbourne. All printed on yellow paper unless noted otherwise. .1 - Route 3 - East Malvern 3 - Bus Route Sundays Only, Feb. 1975 .2 - Route 5, 35 - Malvern - City .3 - Route 6, 7, 36 - Glen Iris - City .4 - Route 19, 18, 20 - North Coburg - City and Sundays only - Fawkner to Gowrie, Upfield - May 1975 .5 - Route 55, 56, 68 - West Coburg - City - Domain Road - May 1975 .6 - Route 57, 54, 60, 58 and 50 - West Maribyrnong - City - Feb. 1975 .7 - Route 64, 65, 62, 61 - East Brighton - City - June 1975 .8 - Route 66, 67 and 37 - Carnegie - City - June 1975 .9 - Route 82 - Footscray - Highpoint West - Moonee Ponds (Bus service Saturday afternoons and Sundays - November 1975. See Reg Item 2886 for a tramway check ticket for use on the Upfield line.trams, tramways, mmtb, timetables, melbourne, fares, upfield, bus replacement, route 3, route 5, route 6, route 7, route 18, route 19, route 20, route 35, route 36, route 37, route 50, route 54, route 55, route 56, route 57, route 58, route 60, route 61, route 62, route 64, route 65, route 66, route 67, route 68, route 82 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - 7 Editorial - 9 Matthew Flinders' Anchors - 11 The Diary of a Matelot in HMAS Perth - 17 Southern Hospitality - 31 With "Pamir" in the Pacific Ocean - 35 Newcastle Memories 1903 - 45 The Very Expensive Sea Serpent - 51 Reflections Around a Swiss Lake - 52 The Pearling Disaster of 1899 - 53 The Purchase of "Fearless" - 59 Total Eclipse - 63 Battle of Savo Island - 67 Shipboard Education - 73 A Freak of Navigation - 75 "Polly Woodside" War Record - 77 Drama at Niagara - 85 Pilot Ship and War Veteran - 87 Captured by Pirate Raiders in the Pacific 1940 - 91 Errata The Editors Regret - 105 Book Reviews - 107 Barkentine "Bear" - 113 Anchors Round the World - 115 Scrap Iron Flotilla - 117 The Man from Timbuctoo - 118 The Loss of the "Posen" - 123sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch, captain matthew flinders -
Federation University Historical Collection
Handbook, The School Paper Grades V and VI Victoria Education Department, 1964-1966
Three handbooks with green patterns on recto and verso. Linen tape is on the spine. Paper is bound by string, connected at the top and bottom. .1)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1964. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors such as "Beside the Road" by Louis H. Clark, information regarding the events of the time such as Air Force Commemoration Week, writings such as piece regarding self-control while using alcohol. and sheet music for various songs, such as "God save the queen". A history of Port Melbourne is included on page 2. A history of Australia's cattle trade is included on pages 11-12. In addition, A biography of Sid Kidman, Australia's "cattle king" is included between pages 36-37. .2)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1965. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors, such as "Pit-Pony" by S.A. Bainbridge, information regarding the events of the time such as the Fig Harvest at El-Flaye, and sheet music for various songs, such as "Old John Braddleum". The short story "The ANZACS at Gallipoli" includes a photograph of James Simpson Kirkpatrick with his donkey, bearing a wounded soldier (Page 33). A piece titled "A good-bye and a welcome" on pages 50-51 details the farewell to Alex McDonell, the director of Education for Victoria from 1960 to 1965, and the welcoming of Frederick H. Brooks as the new Director of Education in Victoria. A supplement is included in regards to "Scholarships and Allowances available for further education" for July 1965. A biography of Rudyard Kipling is on pages 103-105. A monthly series titled "The Seed from which they grew" detailed the history of some of Victoria's historical institutions: Victoria's Government House, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Victorian Railways, School Broadcasts, (Victorian) Public Libraries, The Forests Commission of Victoria, The Correspondence School, The Royal Mint, Her Majesty's Mail, Victoria Police, and Fire brigades. .3)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1966. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors such as "The Emu" by Joan Wise, information regarding the events of the time such as Australian Literature Week, and sheet music for various songs, such as "Potatoes"'. "The Nation Builders" was a monthy series serialised in the paper about explorers who helped to found Australia, such as Matthew Flinders, Baron Sir Ferdinand Von Mueller, Patrick ("Paddy") Hannan, Charles Yelverton O'Connor, John Ridley, Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, Sir Sidney Kidman, Hugh Victor McKay,Robert Hoddle, and Charles Kingsford Smith. A supplement is included in regards to "Scholarships and Allowances available for further education" for July 1966..1) , "Grade 5 Classroom Copy" and "1964" recto. Pages 17, 32, 81, 97,113, 129 features the text "A.J. Mathieson".Page 49 has the text "Grades 5/6 Staff Copy A.J. Mathieson". Page 17 has tick marks on lower right hand corner. Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.1" in pencil. .2)"Grade 5 Classroom Copy" and "1965" recto.Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.2" in pencil. .3)"Classroom Copy", "1966", "5" and a black curved line in the middle of the page recto. Page 1 has "A.J. Mathieson" on the top right hand side in red marker. In the middle of Page 35, there is some text underlined, and the comment "Quote Governor King" in green ink.Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.3" in pencil.1964, handbook, alex ball, victorian education department, school paper, grade v and vi, hymns, poetry, songs, short story, charles kingsford smith, 1965, 1966, matthew flinders, baron sir ferdinand von mueller, patrick hannan, paddy hannan, charles yelverton o'connor, john ridley, thomas sutcliffe mort, sir sidney kidman, hugh victor mckay, robert hoddle, james simpson kirkpatrick, alex mcdonell, frederick h. brooks, rudyard kipling, victorian government house,, royal botanic gardens, victorian railways, school broadcasts,, victorian public libraries, forests commission of victoria, correspondence school, royal mint, her majesty's mail, victoria police, fire brigades, port melbourne, sid kidman, cattle king, cattle trade -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Conference (Federal) at Melbourne Oct. 1961, 1961
Exact contents are unknown. From the title it is a recording from the Annual Federal Conference of Legacy Clubs held in Melbourne in October 1961. Photo is a sample and will be updated when the tape has been located again. Photo TBA.A record that the conference proceedings were worthy of being recorded for future reference.An audio tape on a clear spool in a red square cardboard box with the brand BASF. Plastic red keeper attached to spool and green leader tape.Container, Magnetophoneband, BASF, TYP LGS,black print, front and rear. Langspielband Long playing tape, green print on white background. Front and rear. 540m, 1800 feet red print on white background. BASF plus logo 1865, white print on green background. Green edge, made in W-Germany, 540m Langspielband in black print. 1800 feet Long playing tape, BASF in white print. Inner container black print, title, date, 2, handwritten in blue biro. Spool, clear. Magnetic tape, brown. Leader green. Keeper, red. Spool, BASF, black type on red background. White circles in ascending order on red background. White sticker with blue border, handwritten ll 2- 1. Magnetic tape, brown with green leader, langspiel LGS 35, Longplay. conference, legatee -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Plans from the Dept. Works Ararat
Archive 4262 Plans For Pleasent Creek 4262 - Existing Plans for Pleasent Creek 4262A - 2A Bellfield Unit 4262B - 2B Fyans Unit 4262C - 2C Nurses Unit 4262D - Biala Unit 4262E - Hostel Unit 4262F - Residence 3 & 4 (X2) 4262G - Residence 5 & 6 4262H - Nara Unit 4262I - Syme Unit 4262J - Lonsdale Unit 4262K - School Buildings 4262L - Recreation Building 4262M - Administration Building 4262N - Alexandra Building 42620 - L.T.O. building 4262P - Engineers Workshop & Laundry 4262Q - Sewing Room & Stores 4262R - Carpenters, Painters & Gardener's Workshops 4262S - 3 Existing Plans for Pleasent Creek Centre Stawell & Emergency Water Legend 4262T - 7 Existing Plans for Plesent Creek Stawell Centre Stawell Inc: Grid Squares 4262-1 73.5 X 56 CM Sheet No.1 New Dining Room Special School Amended Setout of Windows 4262-1A - 73.5 X 56 CM Sheet No. 2 Special School Stawell Joiners details 4262-1B - 73.5 X 56 CM Sheet No. 3 Pleasant Creek School: New Dining Room 4262-1C -73.5 X 56 CM Sheet No. 4 Pleasant Creek School Joinery details 4262-1D - 73.5 X 56 CM Sheet No. 5 Pleasant Creek School Joinery Details 4262-1E - 48 X 39 CM Section AA Pleasant Creek School Dining Room Stainless Steel Sinks & Drains 4262 -1F 50 X 69X5 CM School for Subnormal Children - Stawell Mental Hospital Elvation and Accordion 4262-1G 56 X 40 CM Sheet 6 Stawell Pleasant Creek School - Joinery Detail 4262-1H 75 X 54 CM Stawell Pleasant Creek School - Detail of Serving Window 4262 -1I 75 X 54 CM Stawell Hospital for the Insane - Cills to Windows, Store and soon to be Male Division 4262 -1J 50.5 X 24 CM Stawell Pleasant Creek School - deatils of Serving Window 4262 -2 39 X 34 CM Concongella School 1136 Sundry Works etc. 4262-2A 20 X 35 CM State School 1702 Joel Joel - Remodeling & Repairs Painting etc. 4262-2B 36 X 44.5 CM Mokepilly School Remodelling 4262-2C 21 X 34 CM 2951 Marnoo East - Sketch of Proposed Cloak Room 4262-2D 21 X 34 CM SS 2951 Marnoo East Elevation Showing New Cloak Room 4262-2E 40 X 39 CM Additions & Alterations to Concongella School 1136 4262-2F 21.3 X 33.5 CM School 2951 Marnoo East Elvation and Ground Plan 4262-2G 38 X 33.5 CM School 1554 Marnoo & Residence 4262-2H 21.5 33.5 CM Marnoo SS No 1554 Repairs and Painting 4262-2I 205 X 32 CM Marnoo School 1554 Alternative Drawingsfor building In Brick 4262-2J 50 X 43.5 CM New Concrete School 1554 Marnoo 4262-2K 62 X 56 CM Removal & Alterations to Marnoo's School No. 1554 4262-2L 49.5 X 33.5 CM Great Western School 860 - Teacher's Residence 4262-2M 20.5 X 33.5 CM Great western School 860 - Elevation & Ground Plan 4262-2N 20.5 X 33.5 CM Great Western School 860 - Shelter Sheds & Tank Stand 4262-2O 25.5 X 30 CM Great Western School 860 - Floor Plan 4262-2P 20 X 34 CM Residence to Great Western Schhool - Plastering & Painting etc,. 4262-2Q 59 X 50.5 CM Great Western School860 - Additions 4262-2R 21 X 33 CM Plan school 263 Glenorchy 4262-2S 21 X 33 CM Plan School 263 Glenorchy 4262-2T 35 X 38 CM Glenorchy School 263 Remodelling etc,. to Teacher's Residence 4262-2U 33.5 X 22 CM Repairs & Repainting School & Residence Glenorchy SS 263 4262-2V 53 X 34 CM Proposed Sleepout for Teachers Residence Glenorchy School 4262-2W 53.5 38 CM Glenorchy School No. 263 and Residence Raising School buildings etc,. 4262-2X 29 x 56 CM Glenorchy School 263 New Cloak Room etc. 4262-3 22 X 31 CM Drawing of Part of Builing 4262-3A 35 X 46 CM Stawell Roof Plan & Side Elevation 4262-3B 48 X 65 CM State School Drawing No 1 4262-3C 32 X 27 CM Renewal of Existing water Supply 4262-3E 61 X 40 CM Stawell Infant State School 503 - External Repairs & Renovations 4262-3F 48.5 X 53 CM Education Department Stawell State School Drawig No 2 Contract 181 4262-3G 73 X 55 CM Alterations & Additions S.S. 502 Stawell Drawing No.1 4262-3H 73 X 55 CM Alterations & Additions S.S. 502 Stawell Drawing No.2 4242-3I 73 X 55 CM Alterations & Additions S.S. 502 Stawell Drawing No.3 4262-3J 56 X 34 CM State School 502 Plan Clarifying & Chlorinating Chamber 4262-3K 33 X 21 CM Part Ground Plan StawellSchool 502 - Accordion Doors etc. 4262-3L 60 X 54 CM Accordion Door details for School at Stawell 502 4262-3M 69 X 52 CM Stawell State School No 502 External repairs - Renovations 4262-3N 72 X 55 CM Altereed & Additions State School 502 Drawing No 1 4262-30 35 X 21 CM Stawell School 502 New Wood Shed etc 4262-3P 68 X 34 CM Main School - New Gutters shown thus. State School 502 Stawell Renewals Eaves Guttering 4262-3Q 58 X 34 CM State School No 502. Stawell Block Plan 4262-3R 73 X 55 CM State School 502 Drawing No.2 4262-4 99 X 79 CM State of Victoria Public Works Department - Layout of heating System Administration Block and Toddlers Playroom. Pleasant Creek special School (2 Copies) 42624A 86 X 89.5 CM Existing Layout of Peasnt Creek Centre Fire Service Water Mains 4262-4B 87X 59.5 CM Department of Human Services Victoria Emergancy Schematic Palns Pleasant Creek Centre ( Plans also in 4262 & 4262-1?) Cover Sheet. Former Pleasant Creek Hospital site. Sometimes referred to as Pleasant Creek Special School and sometimes Pleasant Creet Training Centre.Plans of Schools and other Buildings -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Joseph At Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat, c1990
A student production of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Possibly dating c. 199039 Colour Photographs of a Student Production of Joseph At Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat c. 1990s .1) Len Bauska (Technician) on a red ladder .2) Len Bauska .3) Unknown Student .4) Unknown Student .5) Older woman .6) Rehearsals in Progress .7) Students in Dressing Room .8) Two students .9) Student .10)Rehearsing in Orchestra Pit .11) Rehearsing In Orchestra Pit .12)Rehearsing in Orchestra Pit .13) Set Design .14)Student .15) Two Students .16) Green Room at Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat .17)Directors and students .18)Len Bauska with Disco Balls .19)On set with ladder .20)Rehearsals .21) Making the Technicolour Dreamcoat .22)Making the Technicolour Dreamcoat .23) Student making costume .24)Students making costumes .25)Student .26)Students making costumes .27)Making costumes .28) Students making costumes .29) students making costumes .30) Younger members of the cast .31) Hair and Makeup .32)Preparing for a performance .33)Male cast members .34) Three cast members .35) Male cast members in dressing room .36) Student on phone .37)Student on phone .38) Courier poster announcing 6 more nights .39) Promotional banner for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat - Students in dressing room - Children on stairs -Male actor's headshot joseph, joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat, performing arts, alumni, her majesty's theatre ballarat, ballarat, rehearsals, costume design, stage, mirror ball, orchestra pit, band, 1990, balllarat university college, bapa, ballarat academy of performing arts -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative, Bruce Herbert, "Bendigo and Ballarat Trams (AETA Convention) 30 Mar 1975", 30/03/1975 12:00:00 AM
Negative folder - made by ROW1 International of West Germany containing 40 No. 35 mm negatives of the AETA 1975 Convention visit to Ballarat and Bendigo on 30-3-1975. 17 photos of Ballarat and 23 of Bendigo. Bendigo photos: 1 - No. 28 at the depot 2 - ditto 3 - 24 and another bogie tram in side the depot 4 - No. 3? inside the depot 5 - 12, scrubber - 17 and two bogie trams 6 - scrubber and other bogie trams. 7 - general view with 24 and other bogie trams 8 - ditto 9 - Four trams at the Gold Mine, lead by 28. 10 - 19 at the Gold Mine 11 - single trucker with "tram tours" sign on the front 12 - 28 and two other cars at the Joss House, North Bendigo 13 - 19 and two other cars at the Joss House 14 - 30 at depot junction and loop 15 - 28 and 18 16 - 18 in the loop 17 - 28 and 18 McCrae St 18 - 28, 18 and 30 ditto 19 - 19 20 - No. 18 and 28 in Pall Mall with The Beehive in the background. Outside the building is an American Doughnut Kitchen van. The junction trackwork for the Eaglehawk lines remain in position. 21 - No. 30 northbound, with the City Family Hotel and other shops in the background. 22 - ditto and the cenotaph, 23 - B74 on a train at Spencer St. trams, tramways, btps, ballarat, aeta, bendigo, bendigo trust, depot, mccrae st, tram 28 tram 19 tram 30 tram 18 tram 24 tram 3 tram 12 tram 17 tram scrubber -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - Various articles, photo's and cards (in some cases multiple copies). See description for more details, Various articles, photo's and cards. See description for more details
Post WW2, PR, brochures , pamphlets, photos, newspaper articles, drawings. Includes G.T. Hudson's Aristo Aviat Flight computer, drawing of S.N.E.C.M.A turbo engine, Notar no tail rotor helicopter, A4 photos of Mustang, Messerschmitt 109, Boeing jet transport design, Dassault Dornier Alpha jet 2, RAN naval aircraft, Yak-Aem 130, Aermacchi MB-339C,Saab 304, geometrical tolerancing BS 308, CA15, Hawker Harrier, Jaguar GR Mk 1, Pratt % Whitney PW4000, 8000, F100 and F117 engines, Saab AJ37 Viggen, F-16, AIAA publications catalog 2004, Micro dot inserts, Kaynar locknuts, K-Fast tools, AH-1 Cobra, F-14, Concorde, SR-71, B-17, XB-70, F-4 Phantom, Panavia tornado, Allison turboprop 250 engine, Gas turbine performance, F-117, -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 10, Tony Smith, 19/09/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about Ballarat Tramways and trams prior to the closure of the tramway system.Set of 10 digital images of Ballarat trams prior to closure, scanned from original slides by Tony Smith, 1971 prior to closure of the system. This set of slides appears to be the last day of operations - 19/9/1971 .1 - 40 in Drummond St Nth. near Macarthur St, showing Sebastopol. .2 - 35 turning from Drummond St north into Sturt St with the Southern Cross hotel in the background. Note the shoes in the overhead. .3 - 42 in Drummond St North, showing Special, nearing Sturt St. .4 - 42 turning into Sturt St, with the Shell Service station on the left. .5 - 42 reversing on the Lydiard St Nth crossover with the post office in the background. Tram showing Sebastopol. .6 - 39 reversing at Grenville St, tram showing Special. Has the Dickins and the Gasometer in the background. the conductor adjusting the trolley ropes. .7 - 39 running from Bridge St into Sturt St - as above. .8 - 34 and 39? parked in the City Loop. Has Patersons furniture, Gear Chemist and Edments stores in the background. .9 - 43 showing special at the Sturt and Lydiard St stop with 39? about to leave Lydiard St Nth. Has the post office in the background. .10 - 40 at the Lydiard St North terminus, with passengers boarding. Cemetery gates in the background.trams, tramways, drummond st nth, macarthur st, sturt st, closure, lydiard st nth, grenville st, city loop, closure, tram 40, tram 35, tram 42, tram 39, tram 34 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Exercise Book, Keith Stodden, "Tickets 2", 1950's to 1980's
Exercise or Mapping book - Australian Mapping book, decorative cover with mathematical tables on the rear, plain paper, 48 pages holding tickets collected by Keith Stodden. Titled "Tickets 2". Tickets have been positioned using stamp hinges. Pages 1 - Sydney 2 - 5 - mixed VR Bus, MMTB, railway tours, National Trust, and other admission tickets 6 - 8 - Brisbane 9 - BTMS, TAA 10 - TMSV, Sydney 11 - MMTB 12 - Sandhurst Town, National Trust, mixed admission 13 - Sydney 14 - MMTB Bus 15 - Adelaide 16 - 19 - Brisbane 20 - 21- Melbourne Rail, 22 - Melbourne Pageant 23 - 24 - Melbourne Rail and Tram - Travel cards 25 - 26 - Auckland, MOTAT 27 - 28 - Travelcards, Ballarat, Bendigo, Perth, MMTB Swimming ticket 29 - Melbourne rail 30 - Ansett bus, rail and MTT Perth 31 - 32 - Rail travel cards 33 - CRB Westgate bridge toll, Neighbourhood tickets 34 - ARHS ACT, Westgate bridge toll vouchers, 35 - 37 - MMTB, Rail travel cards, ACT bus 38 - Muni, and Travelcard 39 - 40 - Rail, 41 - 42 - travel cards, ARHS ACT 43 - 44 - Travelcards, Santa tram Bendigo 45 - blank 46 - VicRail country ticket, Ansett boarding pass 47 - Levers coachlines.trams, tramways, tickets, the met, mmtb, adelaide, sec, tmsv, sydney, buses -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
Property - Ford Street Beechworth - Section 1, Town Allotment 14 & 15 - 100' x 250' each Ownership details and history - 28 Oct 1853 - C. Williams - 11 Nov 1855 - H. Wyse 1-15&14 - 1861 - Fisher, John Duncan - publican, same. Land 66'x165' + 25'x130' (rear) Hotel 45'x21' 2 stories, deal front WB. sh. rf. Do 18'x12' 2 stories WB & Do. Kitchen 38'x13' slab + ir rf. Stable & Hayloft 54'x25' WB & sh. Store 50'x18' bark. Billiard room 35'x25' WB + sh. Oddfellows Lodge 26'x29' deal front WB + sh. rf. Open shed. 56'x17' sh. rf. Laundry 54'x12'. 1861 - Jecks A.G. barber, J.D. Fisher barbers shop 9'x8' 1-14 - 1861 - Melrose, John, unlisted J.D. Fisher shop 13'x25' WB + sh. 1-14 - 1861 - Ramsay, Peter Donald, unlisted, same, land 41'x165' store 18'x60' sawn slab boards sh. rf. store 32'x 16'6"deal WB Front Shed 38'6"x 22' ir rf. 1-15+14 - 1863/4 J.D. Fisher, Hotel as 1861 except store 50'x18' is detached and a shop above De Jecks & Kaliton of a 2 storey residence. 1863/4 - Jecks as above 1-14 - 1863/4 Ramsay - as 1866 1-14 - 1866 - Fisher J.D. - publican, same, "Commercial Hotel" 45'x21' 2 stories deal fr. WB+ corr. Iron roof..... store 50'x18' slabs + bark .... laundry 54'x12' WB + sh. rf. ..... prem. in yard 24'x15' 2 stories WB = sh. (after Oddfellows entry) 0/wise as 1861. £330 1-14 - Jecks A.G. barber, J.D. Fisher, barbers shop 9'x8' £28 1-14 - 1866 - Muirhead, George, Tailor, J.D.Fisher prem 13'x12' WB + Sh. £26 1-14 - 1866 - Ramsay P.D. Spirit dealer, same land 41'x165' front prem 23'x54' bk & ir. rf. Do in rear 32'x16'6" deal fr. WB + sh. rf. Do 8'x8' do---do. Stables + shed 51'x40' slabs, sh+ir. rf. (as1861) £35 1-15+14 1871 - Tanwell, Thomas, publican, same - Hotel as above except. Kitchen 40'x15' bk+iron roof as 1863/4 1861 1-14 - 1871 - Jecks, A.G., T. Tanswell, shop 11'x9' £15 1-14 - 1871 - Goodwin, George, watchmaker, T. Tanswell, sh. 12'x11' £19 [these two were actually entered before 1-14+15] 1-14 - 1871 - Scott, Robert, Wine & Spirit Merchant, P.D. Ramsay land 41'x165' deal fr. WB + sh. rf. Stable & shed 51'x40' slabs + iron roof. 1-15+14 - Tanswell, Thomas, publican, same, land 66'x135' + 25'x130' Hotel front buildings. 65'x35' brick, Back do. 42'x30' brick 2 stories iron roof. Kitchen 40'x15' bk. iron roof. Club room 26'x29' WB. sh. rf. Billiard room 35'x25' WB ir. rf. Prem in yard 24'x15' 2 stories WB sh. rf. Laundry 54'x12' WB sh. rf. Store 50'x18' slabs bark rf. Stables 54'x25' WB sh. rf. Shed 56'x17' £250 1-14 - 1876 - Jecks, A.G. barber T. Tanswell shop £15 1-14 - 1876 - Tanswell, T. publican, same, shop & room in rear £20 1-14 - 1876 - Crawford, Hiram Allen, Connelly, Michael, coach proprietors, Beechworth U.S. Council. Weighbridge £10 1-14 - 1876 - Crawford & Connolly, as above, T. Tanswell. prem as 1871. "23'x55'" & no deal fr. ou prem in rear £52 1-15+14 - 1884 - Tanswell E. Tanswell T. Hotel as above, hotel, billiard clubrooms etc. 1-14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. - Jackson P.W. - McCurdy W. coach props., B.U.S.C., Weighbridge 1-15+14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. coach props, T. Tanswell, Commercial stable (at rear) 1-14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. coach prop, same, office, store, cellar & prem. 1-15+14 - 1889 - Tanswell, Edward. Hotel keeper, T. Tanswell, Comm Hotel Billiard Club + sample rooms, prem + land £175 1-15+14 - 1889 - Crawford, H.A. - Connolly, Thomas - McCurdy, William, coach props, same, Stables, Coach sheds, prems + land £80 1-14 - 1889 - Crawford & Co Ltd., coach props, T. Tanswell, office, store, prem + land £50 1-14 - 1889 - As above. B.U.S.C. Weighbridge £10 1-15+14 - 1900 - Crawford & Co ltd. coach proprietors, excecutors of Tanswell's, stables, offices, coach sheds, factory, land £130 1-15+14 - 1906 - Tanswell, Jane, hotelkeeper, same, hotel, prem + land £150 1-15+14 - 1906 - Tanswell, Jane, Clubrooms, Comm. Hotel £20 1-15+14 - 1906 - Crawford & Co LTD. coach props, Jane Tanswell, stables offices, coach sheds, factory + land £85 Architectural Index Card - Brian Pump and Tony Dugan - Photographers beechworth, george tibbits -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Packet: Municipal Baths, Borough of Ringwood- Cuttings, Certificates, Correspondence. 1928-1977
Miscellaneous documents related to the Ringwood Baths in Ringwood Street and the Ringwood Swimming Club.Packet includes: . 3742a- Season Ticket No 1 for the Municipal Baths, Ringwood Street, belonging to Cr A Temple Miles, dated 19.10.34 Season 1934-35. . 3742b- Typed document advertising the First Grand Aquatic Carnival at the Public Swimming Pool at dublin Road, Ringwood East. . 3742c- Invitation to Mr & Mrs R Pullin from the City of Ringwood for the Official Opening of Fred. Dwerryhouse Swimming Pool at Jubilee Park on 31st October, 1970. . 3742d, e, f- Early correspondence and reports on running of the Baths 1934 to 1937. . 3742g- Letter dated 19.9.1936 from the Ringwood Swimming Club to Ringwood Council requesting Clubrooms at the Baths. . 3742h- Two cards listing monthly items of interest dated 1925 to 1942. . 3742i- Ringwood Swimming and Life Saving Club Membership Cards for Kaye Maidment and William Maidment dated 9.11.58. . 3742j- Newspaper cuttings from 1928 to 1946. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, City of Ringwood, City of Ringwood 1993 Community Guide, 1993
Community information book issued by City of Ringwood for 1993 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Includes two Ringwood Aquatic Centre bonus entry vouchers valid until June 30th, 1993. Cover photographs: Front - Poppet Head, Ringwood Lake; Back - Opening of North Ringwood Child Care Centre. CONTENTS: (page no.) Message from the Mayor – Cr. Greg Adkins, J.P. 3 Councillors 4 Council & Committee Cycle 5 Council Elections 6 History of Ringwood 7 Chief Executive's Report 8 The Management Team 9 Functional Responsibilities 10 Community Liaison 11 Council Expenditure for 1992/93 12 Rates and Valuations 13 COUNCIL SERVICES Community Services 14 Protecting the Environment 17 Protecting Our Community 19 Town Planning 21 Building 22 Design and Investigation 23 Works 24 Street Index - Electoral Wards 25 Neighbourhood Map 26 and 27 COUNCIL RECREAION AND LEISURE FACILITIES Ringwood Golf Course 29 Aquatic Centre 30 The Ringwood Convention Centre 32 Ringwood Library 34 Ringwood Recreation 35 Parks and Reserves 30 Community Directory 38-50 Community Information Data Bank 51 Aquatic Centre Vouchers 51rinx -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Poster - Shipping Timetable, Barclay and Fry Ltd. London, Time Table of Australian Sailings, circa 1939
"Freight forwarding" is the arranging of the shipping of goods from their point of origin to their final destination. Freight Forwarders worked as an intermediary between companies that needed to ship products and the shipping and transportation firms that could ensure delivery. A key element of "freight forwarding" was the advice and professional handling of documentation and customs requirements provided. Early "freight forwarders" tended to be innkeepers who forwarded on the luggage of their hotel guests. One of the first "freight forwarding" companies was established by Thomas Meadows in 1836 which made it one of the earliest freight companies in Europe. More reliable rail and steamships were beginning to be used to transport goods and this created a demand for the new "freight forwarding" industry. The combination of railroads and steamships became very important in the late 19th and early 20th century. International shipments became common and freight forwarding that could handle their complexity became an integral part of the manufacturing and shipping landscape. Thomas Meadows & Company Ltd moved to offices in Milk Street, London in 1854 (where they remained until 1969 when they moved out of the city to Leytonstone) and continued in the freight business until 1987 when the company was acquired by Rockwell International Freight. The growth of Thomas Meadows & Company Ltd coincided with the growth and development of the colony of Victoria with an increasing need for the transporting of large numbers of people as well as important goods required by the growing colony - furniture, spirits, food, clothing, agricultural implements, household items etc. In the late 1840's only two or three overseas ships a month visited Melbourne but by late 1852 (after gold was discovered) more than a dozen ships arrived each week. By 1939, Thomas Meadows & Co. Ltd. had offices in Canada, U.S.A., New Zealand, France, Belgium and in Flinders Street Melbourne. This poster was sold by "Smarts Authorised Newsagency" in 1988 in Warrnambool - a business that had been owned by Neil and Shirley Smart at 168 Timor Street, Warrnambool since 1976. Previously it had been "Reed's Newsagency and Book Shop" (a local business established by William Reed circa 1912 and known as "William Reed Bookseller and Stationer"). The original owners, Reed's Newsagency and Bookshop were operating the shop in 1939 which suggests the poster may have been on display (for the information of their customers) in their shop at that time. This poster is significant through its association with Thomas Meadows and Co. Ltd. who is considered to be the founder of the "freight forwarding" industry in the early 19th century. It is an example of advertising used by shipping agents in the mid-19th to early 20th centuries. Its information includes the addresses of the firm's different offices in the U.K. and abroad, ships, shipping lines and ports used and the timetable the vessels were likely to follow. It is also significant through its association with a well known and long standing local Warrnambool business.A 1939 Timetable of "Australian Sailings" produced by the shipping agents Thomas Meadows and Co Ltd. It lists all their ships (plus dates and ports) sailing from the UK to Australia as well as the addresses of their offices in other cities in the U.K., Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, France and Belgium. It has three vertical columns depicting (from left to right) January to June sailings, a simple 1939 calendar and their July to December 1939 sailings. The poster is attached on the top and bottom to two thin black metal strips. The top strip has a metal ring with a hole. A stamped label on the back of the poster has the name, telephone number and address of Smarts newsagency plus the date.Front of poster - "FORWARDING AGENTS. INSURANCE BROKERS.PASSENGER AGENTS.CARTAGE CONTRACTORS / MOTOR CAR AND MACHINERY PACKERS.FURNITURE AND GENERALEXPORT PACKERS" "THOMAS MEADOWS & CO Ltd." "ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS" "SHIPPING AGENTS / 35 MILK STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C.2" "PACKING WAREHOUSES IN LONDON & MANCHESTER" "1939" "TIME TABLE OF AUSTRALIAN SAILINGS" "JANUARY TO JUNE, 1939/ FROM LONDON" "JULY TO DECEMBER, 1939 / FROM LONDON" "HAVE YOUR SMALL PACKAGES SENT BY OUR SPECIAL "SMALLS" SERVICE AT LOWER RATES/RATES TO PORT ONLY OR INCLUDING DELIVERY THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA" "INSURANCE AGAINST ALL RISKS EFFECTED WITH CLAIMS PAYABLE DESTINATION" "ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA THOMAS MEADOWS & CO LTD. FOR PROMPTNESS AND ECONOMY" Stamp on back of poster - "SMART'S AUTHORISED NEWSAGENCY' "168 Timor Street, Warrnambool 3280" "Telephone: (055) 62 2092" "12 DEC 1988" Sticker at bottom - "51"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, great ocean road, shipping, shipping agents, freight forwarding, freight, shipping time table, thomas meadows & co. ltd., thomas meadows shipping agent, shipping and forwarding agent, smart's newsagency, warrnambool, warrnambool newsagency, chart, poster, smart's authorised newsagency, neil and shirley smart, william reed, reed's newsagency and bookshop -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Western Mining Corporation, Western Mining Corporation Reports 1951-1976, 1951-1976
10 Yellow Card and Black Plastic Spine With W.M.C Logo13: Western Mining Corporation Limited G Report No. 34 & 35 14 Western Mining Corporation Limited. The Relationship of Structure and Ore Deposition at Stawell Goldfield, Victoria. 15: Western Mining Corporation Limited. Enviroment Suitable Mining Development Proposal Stawell, Victoria 16: Western Mining Corporation Limited.. K report No 1832 Victorian Drilling Problems 1950 -1965 17: Western Mining Corporation Limited. Exploration for Structural Repetitions at Stawell Victoria A Case History By R.J.S. Clappison 1974 18: Western Mining Corporation Limited. K Report No. 1830 Stawell Prospecting 1958-1965 19: Western Mining Corporation Limited.. Stawell Feasibility Study By K.E. Higgs, J.H. Lalor, J.A. Heycroft & Stawell Start up Gold Price R.A. Nichols. 20: Western Mining Corporation Limited. Proposed Percussion Drilling at Stawell 1975 By D.R. Quick. K Report No 2211 1974-1976stawell gold mining -
Australian Queer Archives
Audio, 2SER 107.3 FM (Radio Station : Sydney, NSW) : Gaywaves : 4/8/1983 : Enola Gay special on disarmament, 1983
Produced for Enola Gay's participation in Hiroshima Day, Sat 6 August 1983, assembling at Belmore Park at 10 am under the Enola Gay banners. 0:00: Introduction and song; 3:50: Japanese instrumental music; 9:08: Commentary resumes - history of the bombing of Hiroshima, 6 Aug 1945, and Nagasaki 3 days later; 15:30: Music Tomorrow never comes until it's too late; 19:45: Commentary including accounts from survivors; 26:58: Music, Take the toys from the boys; 29:25: Commentary regarding arms race, including voice of Fabian LoSchiavo regarding dissident religious views in the USA; 33:05: Music, California dreaming; 36:10: Commentary re the practicalities of bomb shelters; 38:00: Music, Cancer, cancer; 41:40: Commentary re peace marches in Europe, health effects of radiation, civil defense in nuclear war, music; 47:35: Music, Universal soldier (cut off towards end), anti-war parody of Yankee Doodle Uncle Sam with Australian refs (Omega, Pine Gap etc); 59:10: Commentary regarding nuclear bomb testing at Marilinga (SA) and Monte Bello islands; 1:01:15: Music, 'But I aint a marchin' any more'; 1:04:05: Commentary re costs of arms race - refs to gay and feminist anti-war groups overseas; 1:05:58: Music, Down by the riverside/Aint gonna study war no more, promo for Enola Gay and prep for Hiroshima Day, instrumental music, music US forces (Midnight Oil), Soft touch (Poison Girls); 1:26:56: Music, Thank Christ for the bomb, eerie instrumental music, Maralinga (Midnight Oil), Not another bomb song, ending at 1:39:00.Maxwell UD XL I - C90 cassette tapeInscribed in biro on label: "ENOLA GAY Disarmament Special - Gaywaves 2SER 4/8/83."anti-nuclear activism, gay and lesbian activism, hiroshima day -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and photograph / postcard, 1.4.1908
This postcard was sent to Annie Gilbert (Mrs John Gilbert) of Tullagoota, Orbost. It was written by "Grace", probably her sister, Grace Cameron Annie Gilbert was the daughter of John Cameron who selected the first land on the Snowy River flats. This is a photograph of the original Orbost / Snowy River Bridge , a suspension bridge which opened in 1893. It has been taken when the Snowy River was in flood. It is similar to other photographs held in The State Library, Victoria. The Snowy River Mail and Tambo and Croajingolong Gazette Sat 12 Aug 1893 records the opening of this bridge as "the most important public event that has yet been commemorated in Eastern ......The Messrs McLeod, with whom the first settlement of this district is generally associated, took up their residence on the eastern bank of the Snowy River about the year 1841 or 42. The late Mr W. Roadknight and Mr T. T. Stirling took possession of the territory on the western side of the Snowy about 35 years ago. During the occupation of the country by cattle owners, very little progress was made in the way of roads and bridges, and except to the hardy and lexperienced bushman, it might have been generally regarded as inaccessible. About the year 1877, however, the late Mr James Robertson eldest son of Mr James Robertson, of Lochend farm, selected land now occupied by his father, about four miles from Orbost on the west bank of the river, Mr John Cameron visited the. district shortly after a .tour of inspection and returned later with his brothers, James and Alick Gameron, but found that during their absence Mr Ernest Watt had found his way on the scene and pegged out a selection, thus anticipating the advent of the Camerons by about 12 hours. We understand that a Mr Kidd, who selected the property now occupied by Mr W. J. Ross, at Pumpkin Point, was one of the earliest batch of settlers.........."This item is associated with Annie Gilbert (nee Cameron) reported to have been the first white girl to be born in Orbost. It is a pictorial record of the suspension bridge over the Snowy River which has since been replaced twice.A faded black / white postcard of a bridge across a river. There are cattle in the river and the banks are tree-covered.on back - a hand-written letter addressed to Mrs J. Gilbert Tullagoota Orbost.cameron-annie suspension-bridge-orbost snowy-river-orbost -
Puffing Billy Railway
Functional object - Billabong Ram Pump Size #5, Unknown
Pump - Billabong Ram Pump Size #5 Based on available historical data, the Australian-made Billabong Hydraulic Ram is one of the oldest rams produced anywhere in the world The Billabong Hydraulic Ram was first introduced into Australia in 1855 by John Danks and Son Limited, John Danks & Son Pty Ltd began as a plumbing business in 1859, established by brothers John and Samuel. It occupied a prominent site in Bourke Street, Melbourne, for 100 years. The business quickly grew to include factories in Melbourne and Sydney which manufactured and supplied a variety of plumbing and engineering products such as brassware, pumps, windmills and bells. The company was registered in Victoria on 25 January 1889 to continue the hardware manufacturing and supply business founded by brothers John and Samuel Danks in 1859. The head office was based in Bourke Street, Melbourne while another branch was established in Sydney in the 1880s. The company had factories in Melbourne and Sydney. The John Danks and Son Limited catalogue published in 1890, listing Billabong Hydraulic Rams as one of its major machinery products. The catalogue also provides reference to the company’s ram experience and manufacture, beginning by stating that in 1890 they already had 35 years of experience with Billabong Hydraulic Rams. The Hydraulic Ram has stood the test of time and it remains one of the few really practical and efficient uses of natural energy today. It operates without almost any cost, will last indefinitely and, with only two moving parts, is simplicity itself. It requires minimum maintenance and minimum replacement of parts. It is not uncommon to find rams working continuously for many years without any attention. • The Rams do not require electricity, fuel or steam to operate. • They possess simplicity of construction and operation – only 2 moving parts. • Powered only by running water. • Require very minimal or almost no maintenance. • Heavy duty cast Iron base and Dome. This Pump recovered from the Clematis Creek in the Mid 1970's Used to pump water from the creek to the Paradise (Clematis) Hotel. Historic - Farm Equipment - Used to pump water from the creek to the Paradise (Clematis) Hotel.Cast Iron Bronze valveBillabong 5billabong, puffing billy, ram pump -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Document (1948), Helen Keller, Polly Thomson, Marion Fatuson, Signatures of Helen Keller, and her companions Polly Thomson and Marion Fatuson, 1948
In 1948 during her Australian tour Helen Keller visited the west suburban SUNSHINE GIRLS TECHNICAL SCHOOL, to express her thanks for a letter written by the students in support of her work with deaf and blind people. She and her travelling companions presented the school with their signatures. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 and due to an illness at the age of 20 months lost both her sight and hearing. Helen was taught to communicate by Anne Sullivan who wrote words into her hand, and she also learned to speak by touching the throat and lips of people as they spoke. In June 28, 1904 Helen Keller graduated from Radcliffe College with a Bachelor of Arts degree, being the first deaf and blind person to do so. In October 1914 Polly Thomson joined up with Helen and Anne. Helen published an account of her religious beliefs and an autobiography, and in 1930 the three women travelled to Scotland, England and Ireland. In 1931 they participated in the first World Council for the Blind. After Anne Sullivan Macy died in 1936 Helen and Polly continued to travel to several countries. In 1943 Helen visited blind, deaf, and disabled soldiers in a USA military hospital, which she described as "the crowning experience of my life". In 1946 Helen and Polly made their first world tour for the American Foundation for the Overseas Blind and over the next 11 years visited 35 countries. In 1955 Helen became the first woman to be honoured with an honorary degree from Harvard University. In 1960 Polly Thomson died, and in 1961 Helen suffered her first stroke and so retired from public life. In 1964 President Johnson conferred the Presidential Medal of Freedom however she was unable to attend the ceremony. On June 1, 1968 Helen died in her sleep, and her ashes have been interred with those of Anne and Polly at the National Cathedral. Over 1200 mourners attended the funeral.It is significant that Helen Keller actually took the time and effort to visit the Sunshine Girls Technical School to thank the students for their supporting letter. Helen Keller's many achievements show that a severely handicapped deaf and blind person can make significant contributions to society, if they apply themselves and receive assistance from dedicated friends. Brown stained wood frame with glass face enclosing a beige paper with three signatures and a typed white paper section describing reason for the signatures. Helen Keller, Polly Thomson, Marion Fatuson, 11.5.48helen keller, polly thomson, marion fatuson, anne sullivan macy, deaf, blind, signatures, radcliffe college, sunshine girls technical school