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Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Joni Eareckson Tada, 1984
Under the heading, "Testimony: A paraplegic talks of her walk with God", Tada recounts her story. She spoke to large crowds in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.Tada is in a wheelchair and accompanied by her husband, Ken.Identification of source and people.tada, joni erickson -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Dr. Jill Tabart, 1984
Dr. Jill Tabart was the first woman Moderator of the UCA in Tasmania. She has also been President of the UCA.(1) Colour photo of Tabart talking to Edna Turner and, possibly, Gordon Powell at Pilgrim Church, Launceston (?); (2)-(5) portrait photos of Tabart, head & shoulders; (6)-(7) Tabart at a lecturn.Identification of Tabart as Moderator of Tasmania 1984; C&N 21/10/84.tabart, jill -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Geoff Glass, 1984
Glass was an Anglican clergyman resident in Lancefield where he taught motorcycle riding skills to others. The article was headed "I'd rather be teaching than burying." The article was a reprint from the Anglican "See".(1) Geoff Glass, head & shoulders, wearing motor cycle helmet; (2) Geoff Glass, cornering on his motocycle.C&N & person, geoff, anglican vicar, motorcycle lessons -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Kirklands Manse and the Rev. & Mrs. Morey, 1984
"They call it 'huffing and puffing' patrol in Tamar-Esk" - article about the Glamorgan-Macquarie patrol with the Rev. Clive Morey and Mrs Margaret Morey. Jean Skerrit and Shona Squire are shown helping the Moreys move into the Kirklands Manse.Jean Skerrit and Shona Squire are shown in Kirklands Manse moving the Moreys in.C&N and persons identification.kirklands manse -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Tom Slater, (1) 1984; (2) - (3) Unknown
Tom Slater Scripture Union co-ordinator of schools work and Founding President of the Camping Association of Victoria.(1) Head and shoulders in conversation at the combined Scripture Union and Teachers' Christian Fellowship meeting; (2) head and shoulder profile; (3) head and shoulders portrait.(1) Tom Slater Scripture Union p.34 C&N 27/6/84; (2) Tom Slater; (3) Tom Slater State Director SU from Dec 89slater, tom, scripture union -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Peter Hoare Vanuatu, 1984
Peter Hoare standing at the lectern during the 1984 Synod of Victoria. Peter is in Vanuatu attire as he shared with Synod his experience of Vanuatu and its people, what Vanuatu as one of our neighbours has to say about faith. Peter asked the synod: "How vital and how living is our UCA faith?""Peter Hoare Vanuatu C&N 17/10/84 p. 18"hoare, peter, synod of victoria 1984, vanuatu -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Wanda Blow, 1984
Wanda Blow is Aboriginal liaison officer of the Victorian Synod, division of Ecumenical Mission. Wanda wrote a C&N article in reply to to an article (C&N 22/8/1984 p.34) and a letter (C&N 22/8/1984 p. 6) that appeared in C&N 22 August 1984. The published photo is a cropped version of the file photo.Wanda Blow seated."Wanda Blow C&N 26/9/84, p.11"blow, wanda -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Christine Gager Backstage work during Synod, 1984
Christine Gager is seated at her desk at Synod."Christine Gager Backstage work during Synod C&N 17/10/1984 p.24"gager, christine, synod 1984 -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, (1) Fred Harman (L) Trevor Byard and Malcolm Frazer at a recent Devonport Men's Breakfast showing copies if two books authored by Rev. Byard February 1986; (2) Head and shoulders photograph, Undated
Reverend Trevor Mansley Byard (14/08/1914 - 27/02/2006) was born in Ulverstone, attended Queen's College, and was ordained in 1944. He wrote many books of an autobiographical nature as well as writing about Methodism.(1) Colour group photograph; (2) B&W head and shoulder photograph.(1) "Fred Harman (L) Trevor Byard and Malcolm Frazer at a recent Devonport Men's Breakfast February 1986"; (2) "C&N 17/10/1984 page 34".byard, trevor, rev., devonport, men's breakfast publications -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rosemary Myers, 13/06/1984
Head and shoulders colour photograph."Rosemary Myers C&N 13/6/1984 page 11"myers, rosemary -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Barry Prior, 25/07/1984
Photograph accompanies an article entitled 'Barry Prior', responding to the recent article on 'Sunrise or Sunset'. Barry Walford Prior (06/01/1938 - 22/06/2013) was born in Carlton and was ordained at Hartwell Presbyterian Church in 1971.B&W head and shoulders."Barry Prior C&N 25/7/1984"prior, barry -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Tasmanian Synod 1984 attendees, 1984
Jensen is mentioned in the report of the Synod meeting talking about stewardship. "Mr Jensen took up the earlier theme of the church's poor record of giving - 'Most people in our church are like Cain, who brought an offering to the Lord. The minority are like Abel, who brought the first fruits to God,' he said, 'Most of us bring to God what we have left over,' and, as with Cain, God cannot bless it."Jensen and Tuimaualuga are shown, seated, in conversation.C&N identificationjensen, david, tuimaualuga, litala, tasmanian synod 1984 -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Carmyl Winkler article: "Sparrows and lions", 1984
Carmyl was a contributor to C&N and her article was under the heading "Prayer". This article had 6 sections relating to prayer.Middle-aged woman's portrait.C&N identification.winkler, carmyl, c&n 11/071984 -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, James Murray & Combined Churches Drought Action in Africa, 1984
At a press conference in Melbourne, the Australian Council of Church, Australian Catholic Relief, the Baptist World Aid and Relief Committee, the Lutheran World Service and the Seventh Day Adventists joined to speak about a combined appeal to relieve drought victims in Africa. One speaker was Anglican priest the Rev. James Murray, who had recently returned from some of the drought-stricken areas with a film-maker, having been sent on behalf of the appeal. The article has three columns and provides more detail about the drought and its effects and how the churches' help will be used.Head & shoulders photo of middle-aged man wearing a beard.C&N identification.combined churches drought action in africa, murray, james -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Freda Whitlam, Moderator-elect NSW Synod, 1984
"Miss Fred Whitlam is the moderator-elect of the NSW synod, a former principal of Pymble Ladies College, she is a lay preacher, elder and member of the NSW synod board of Social Responsibility. After the ballot she told synod: 'With my name I was sure I would not be elected.' Gough Whitlam is her brother."Whitlam is shown standing in a garden, facing the camera.C&N identification.whitlam, freda, nsw synod moderator-elect -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Peter Storey: President-elect of the Methodist Conference of South Africa, 1984
The World Alliance of Reforned Churches had declared the South African Dutch Reformed churches heretical because of their doctrinal advocacy of apartheid. Storey spoke about the situation in South Africa - "Speaking from his non-violence Christian viewpoint, he said that violence was counter-productive. 'When an organisation uses these methods it loses something of its moral case. I understand why people such as the ANC turn to those methods. I will never agree with them.' He saw four main taks for the church in South Africa - to continue to tell the truth in a propagandised society, to continue to bind up the wounds of people who are victims in that society—in this area the church's record is a good one, to demonstrate in its own life an alternative to apartheid, and to try to fashion strategies which would bring about change, in harmony with the teachings of Christ."Storey is shown sitting at a table addressing a meeting.C&N identification.apartheid, storey, peter, south african churches -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Johnny Gray: former wrestler turned Christian, 1984?
Johnny Gray was born in England and came to Australia in 1959, and grew up in Broadmeadows, Pascoe Vale, and educated at Broadmeadows Tech. In 1970 he began professional wrestling, competing in countries around the world. Retiring from wrestling he became a health and fitness consultant. His Christian pilgrimage began with the Leighton Ford crusade and at the time of the interview he was an elder at Moonee Vale UC.One photo is of Gray wearing his wrestling costume and the other is of his head looking sideways.C&N identification on both.gray, johnny, professional wrestler, moonee vale uc -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Lindsay Carey and Theological Hall video equipment, 1984
"Co-ordinator of the equipment is Mr. Lindsay Carey, a candidate for the ministry, who said: 'It is not only the staff's responsibility at the theological hall to take video seriously, but the whole church's. Video is an excellent educational method and a superb medium for communicating the gospel — every parish should have a video cassette recorder.'Carey is shown in the Theological Hall Library with the video equipment.C&N identification.theological hall, video education, carey, lindsay -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, John Williams 'Random Writings' - Christmas begins at midnight, 1984
John Williams was an occasional contributor to C&N under the heading of 'Random Writings'. This article was entitled "Christmas begins at midnight" and it concerns the general theme of Christmas and its origins.Head and shoulders photo of Williams, head slightly turned to his left.C&N identification.williams, john, christmas -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Professor Robert Anderson, (1) 1977; (2) 1984
The 1984 photo was used in a new series introduced to C&N under the heading: "Bible Commentary: The Psalms Today", and this particular article was entitled: "The varying moods of encounter with God." Anderson was Principal of the Theological Hall and Old Testament lecturer in the 1970s and 1980s. His successor as principal was the Rev. Professor Norman Young. See below for more information.Head and shoulders photos of Anderson.C&N and APL identification.anderson, robert, psalms for today -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, The Dorman family - Culture shock for missionaries at home and danger abroad, 1986
The Dormans are pictured in an article entitled "Today's missionaries: they face culture shock at home and dangers abroad". Other people mentioned in the article are Margaret Reeson, Beth Davies, the Rev. Ross Mackay.The photo shows Geoff and Jenny Dorman holding their son Matthew, all facing the camera.C&N identification.dorman family, missionaries -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Colin Knox, 05/1986
B & W photograph of Rev Colin Knox sitting in an armchairNew Spectator identification knox, colin, uniting church minister -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, World Methodist Peace Award - Rev. Sir Alan Walker & Lady Winifred Walker, 1986
"Stop the nuclear arms race - Walker." Article about the Walkers being awarded the World Methodist Peace Prize for 1986.B & W photograph of Sir Alan and Lady Winifred Walker standing together.C&N identification.walker, alan, walker, winifred, world methodist peace award -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Barry Baker - exit appointment, 1985
The class of '84 – Happily Settled. "Barry Baker has been mixing wheat farming with theological studies for several years. And now from his Rupanyup farm he's moving to Cavendish. He's 48, married with three children. His wife, Helen, married a farmer, and is working through her new role as a minister's wife. Barry is looking forward to going back to the country. He found the five years of study, the first three as a private student, a pretty long drag, although he's immensely enjoyed the privilege of theological study. He considers the ministry will be very much a pastoral one. "I've go to know my people before I can preach to them," he told me. He's interested in cricket and music."B & W head & shoulders photo of Rev. Barry Baker, wearing a skivvy and jumper.C&N identification.baker, barry, theological hall graduates 1984 -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, William Clark - theological hall graduate 1984, 1985
"William (Bill) Clark was engineering manager with Fruehauf tractors, and now starts life as a minister at Kaniva. He'd been in transport engineering for almost 30 years before studying for ordination. The children, both grown up, one married, will remain in Melbourne. Bill told me he enjoys working with people and looks forward to the opportunity to share with lay people who know their community, in communicating toward and with the whole community the love and concern of the gospel. Margaret, his wife, enjoys gardening, crocheting, reading and walking. Bill says his other interests are practical work, including welding." 2017 - retired minister.The two photos show head and shoulders of a middle-aged Clarke.C&N identification.clarke, william, margaret clarke, uniting church minister -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Trevor Byard, 1988
B & W head and shoulders photograph of Rev. Trevor ByardC&N identificationbyard, trevor, uniting church minister -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Sara Heilbronn - Ecumenical Mission librarian, 1986
"Videos reveal church at work - Fourteen video cassettes which reveal the church community at work both in Australia and abroad are being offered for the establishment of video libraries…"B & W photograph of SaraHeilbronn standing behind a pile of videos and a telephone.C&N identification.ecumenical mission, video library, heilbronn, sara -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Opening of Canterbury Family Centre Day Care Unit, 1985
See the description.B & W photograph of Dr. John Morris and Frank Leigh, President of Camberwell Rotary, standing beside a brass plate acknowledging the opening of the Day Care unit and the financial support of Camberwell Rotary, Jack Brockhoff Foundation, R. E. Ross Trust, and Helen M. Schutt Trust in March 1985.C&N identification.canterbury family centre day care unit, john morris, frank leigh -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Mitiamo UC Centenary & Rev. V. Raymond Hicks 11/11/1984, 11/11/1984
Victor Raymond Hicks (11/8/1903–19/11/1995) born at Ballarat. Trained at Otira and accepted as candidate for the ministry in 1927. Ordained 1934. Married Lillian Harvey, 4 children. Appointments to Mitiamo, Matimuk, Woomelang, Wodonga, Kerang, Springvale, Brunswick, North Fitzroy, Geelong West, Kyneton and Brown Hill (Ballarat). Chaplaincy in WW2 and at Box Hill hospital. The article about the Mitiamo church: "Fifty years ago the Rev. Raymond Hicks was minister at Mitiamo as it celebrated its Golden Jubilee. He returned for the centenary this year and powerfully preached on 'Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes' (Isaiah 54:2). He spoke of the great need of the church today to have a passion to lead men and women to Christ. Also sharing in the service were the Rev. Ray Scholl, a Mitiamo member before entering the ministry, and present minister, the Rev. M. Thalheimer. The centenary weekend began with an old fashioned tea meeting and concert. The Sunday school hall housed a comprehensive display of photos and historical records dating back to the Bible Christian days of 1884. Mrs Thirza Phelan has researched and written the church history. FOOTNOTE: The first minister, Mitiamo's the Rev. Daniel Daley, preached at the Golden Jubilee service—Mr Hicks has followed an ancient tradition."Colour photograph of Rev. V. Raymond Hicks standing outside the front of a wooden church porch.C&N identification.rev raymond hicks, home missionary, methodist ministry, otira -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Norman Young, 20/02/1985
The photograph accompanies a C&N article on baptism.B & W head and shoulders photograph of Rev. Norman Young."Norman Young C&N 20/2/1985"young, norman, uniting church minister