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Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, WEDDING WW2, 2022
The marriage of John (Jack) Raymond Bruns VX88627 to Margaret Joyce Ball (Peggy) "Dad" per inscription is Alan Ball VX85724 refer Cat No5589P. Grandad, Grandma is Arthur & Gertrude Ball. For Jack Bruns service history/collection refer Cat No 5592.Photograph sepia tone shows a wedding party of eight persons in an outside setting, on the rear of original photo was writing in pencil.On the rear in pencil from left to right, "Mr & Mrs Ray Bruns, Dad, Jack, Peggy, Grandad, Dorothy Bruns, Grandma, Jacks wedding 10.3.1942"photographs, -
Bendigo Military Museum
administrative record - Australian - United Kingdom Exchange Mid Tour Report by SSGT NJ Collins RE 1987, SSGT N.J. Collins RE, 29. 03.1987
The document is the Mid Tour Report by SSGT N.J. Collins RE, a British Army Senior NCO on a two-year exchange to the Army Survey Regiment. A4 size, Stapled, Front cover has a reproduction of a painting of Fortuna Villa in bottom half. Back cover has a difficult to see street scene of Pall Mall, Bendigo with a paragraph describing Bendigo's history superimposed. 19 Pages. The actual Report is contained on Pages 1-16. Annex A is 2 x pages plus a contents page.Green Hi-Light on parts of pages 10 and 11.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
photograph - Fortuna - 1st Year of Army Occupation in Bendigo, 1942
This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The photos provide an insight into the preparatory work performed on the Fortuna Villa and surrounding buildings, by the Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot, before its occupation by personnel from LHQ Cartographic Company, Royal Australian Survey Corps. The annotation on the back of Photos .9P and .10P is misspelt. The correct spelling is ‘Nell Gwynne’. The poppet head of the Central Nell Gwynne mine is still an iconic landmark in Bendigo, lying just down the road from the poppet head lookout at Victoria Hill. The Central Nell Gwynne was the premier mine of Bendigo's 1930s mining revival and is of high historical value, due to the extensive and relatively intact features which remain at the site. The annotation on the back of Photo .17P is incorrect. The location of HQ 5th Army Troop was ‘Reynard St, Coburg.’ By late 1941 as Japan extended its control throughout Indo-China, resolving the accommodation problem of AHQ Cartographic Company located in Melbourne became more urgent. The steady Japanese advance made the bombing of Melbourne no longer a remote possibility, and in accordance with a general policy of dispersion, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Major General Sidney Rowell instructed Major William Sarll, in the interests of security of plant and to provide against possible damage of air attack, to investigate suitable safer inland accommodation for AHQ Cartographic Company. Major Sarll inspected many properties before finding one that would meet the requirements of the Cartographic Company. In late 1941, he came to inspect Fortuna, a rambling old mansion with about fifteen acres of ground in central Bendigo. Initially there was no intention to occupy the site beyond the end of the war, although Major Sarll's report to the Director of Survey noted many advantages in moving the Company to Bendigo. Major General Rowell quickly approved the selection of Fortuna before other authorities, which were investigating the evacuation of school children, could get in ahead of the Cartographic Company. On 23 March 1942, the Commonwealth of Australia, under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1939, took possession of the house, the old battery buildings and the fifteen acres of grounds. Under Warrant Officer J. Trist’s direction, over fifty Parks and Works tradesmen completed building works necessary to accommodate the Survey Corps’ military, map making and printing requirements. The building program was still under way when the first officer, Lieutenant Ralph Westgarth, arrived in May 1942 with the advance party which received and positioned all equipment as it came up from Melbourne in semi-trailers. Once the equipment was installed the rest of the Cartographic Company completed its shift to Bendigo by 11th June 1942. The first year of the Survey Corps’ occupation of Fortuna is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 17-22 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army Occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The black and white photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Bendigo Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna. L to R: Cliff Day, Ernie Arnold, Norm? .2) - Photo, black & white, 1942. “Don” - possibly SGT Don Sutcliffe. Fortuna, Bendigo. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen in garden at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Fred & Ernie. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Benny Jack Williams at Fortuna, Bendigo. Accommodation tents were erected above the lake, which later became the parade ground. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working dress - Giggle suits. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Cliff and Harry on big roof. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. Ted on big roof. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Gold crusher battery just behind Fortuna. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine from mullock heap at Victoria Hill near Fortuna, Bendigo. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine and crusher near Fortuna, Bendigo. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo taken from the far side of tennis courts. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo & its reflection from across the lake. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo from the fishpond. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1942. First Fortuna Football Team at unknown location. L to R: 5th Bob Wright, 11th SGT Don Sutcliffe. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working Party from 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot at Fortuna, Bendigo.Some personnel are identified. Annotated with date within photos. .1) – Annotated on back ‘Cliff, Ernie, Norm, Dec ‘42. Cliff Day - dairy farmer, plasterers’ labourer. Ernie Arnold – hard plasterer. Norm? - QM Store for tools etc. QM Store was the Stables.’ .2) - Annotated on back ‘Don. Fortuna 1942’ .3) - Annotated on back ‘Fred & Ernie. Dec 1942. Carpenters. Note the state of the gardens.’ .4) - Annotated on back ‘Benny Jack Williams Fortuna Bendigo. Tents were erected where present day parade ground is above the lake.’ .5) - Annotated on back ‘Working dress - Giggle suits. June 42. Cliff and Harry on big roof. This photo was taken as the ventilating ridge was being installed on the building housing the printing machines. The machines were installed later by civilian labour when building was complete.’ .6) - Annotated on back ‘Ted on big roof Fortuna Bendigo.’ .7) - Annotated on back ‘Gold crusher battery – Bendigo for slay heap – 1942. 12 stamp battery. Just behind Fortuna. Was working at night when the “Army” came to Bendigo. Later removed to “Coolgardie - WA. Present site of Southern Cross TV.’ .8) - Annotated on back ‘Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. June 1942.’ .9) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine from mullock heap (Victoria Hill) Sept 1942.’ .10) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine and crusher September 1942.’ .11) - Annotated on back ‘Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. August 1942.’ .12) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Bendigo 1942. Taken from far side of tennis courts.’ .13) - Annotated on back ‘ “Fortuna” across the lake & reflection.’ .14) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna from fishpond June 1942.’ .15) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Dec 1942.’ .16) - Annotated on front ‘X’ x2. Annotated on back First Fortuna Football Team 1942‘Bob Wright’, ‘SGT Don Sutcliffe’. .17) - Annotated ‘Working Party at Fortuna before one of the drafts’, Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot Showgrounds, now the Sportsground Bendigo’, ‘HQ of 5th Army Troop was Reynards Rd, Coburg.’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Booklet - History of the New Guinea Survey Section 1967 by LT Jack Viccars, Lt Jack Stewart Viccars, Circa 1967
Military surveying in New Guinea began in in WWII with the formation of the New Guinea Force Field Survey Section which later became 8th Australian Field Survey Section and later 2 Field Survey Section of 6th Army Topographical Survey Section. This history was written by LT Jack Viccars and member of the Unit.A4 Booklet, Black and white, 43 Pages, 4 Annexes, Map Indexes, Gloss Paper Cover, Bound by staplesForward by Brigadier D. Macdonald (Retd) AM, Royal Australian Survey Corps 1936-1967, Preface by LT Jack J.S. Viccarsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - New Printing Building foundation preparation, Lithographic Squadron - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1987
This is a set of 18 photographs of contractors preparing the foundations for the construction of Lithographic Squadron’s new Printing Building at Fortuna, Bendigo on the 2nd of October 1987. The building was purpose built to house a new computer-controlled Heidelberg Speedmaster 102 five colour lithographic offset Printing Press. The print room was named Wayzgoose Hall after a medieval printing house festival. Wayzgoose Hall and the Speedmaster Press printing capability was commissioned by the Commander of the 3rd Military District BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC on Wednesday 27th June 1990. This occasion is covered in more detail in page 145 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 18 photograph of the foundations being prepared for Lithographic Squadron’s new Printing Building, Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, 2nd October 1987. Black and white photos .1P to .4P are on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. Photographs .5P to.18P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .9) - Photo, black & white, 1987. Foundations preparation. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1987. Foundations preparation, Paul Baker. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1987. Foundations preparation, Gary Kerr .12) to .17) - Photo, black & white, 1987. Foundations preparation. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1987. Foundations preparation, Gary Kerr No personnel are identified. Annotated with date on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho, printing -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - BELT, BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP 1st AIF, Bendigo Independent Newspaper 1916, 1916
Refer to Cat 6631P J.A. Fleming for his service history. Pte Condic. This would be Pte James Andrew Condick No 15, enlisted 26.2.1916 age 30 years 7 months in D Coy 38th Bn, embark for England 20.6.1916, hospital in England he rejoins 38th Bn in the field on 15.1.1917, transfers to 3rd Div Salvage Coy 21.1.1917, WIA 30.4.1918 Gassed, he returns to Australia late 1919.This is a broad leather belt, made in 2 pieces, hemmed at top and bottom edge. It has a large rectangular buckle which is engraved. The belt has three tarnished silver shields which are engraved. Between the shields are diamond shaped "holes", red, white and blue alternatively. The buckle is engraved. There are blank spaces of 5 missing winner's or other shields.The buckle is engraved: - "Presented to Champion Boxer of 38th Regiment A.I.F. by the Bendigo Independent Pty Ltd. Victoria Australia." On three shields:- 1.”Won by Pte Condic, June 1916, Bendigo” 2. “Won by WO Fleming J.A. HMAT Ronic August 1916” (“Ronic” This should be "Runic"'). 3. “Won by 2 LT Fleming J.A. Salisbury November 1916”boxing belt, aif, passchendaele barracks trust, 38th -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - Fortuna Pipes and Drums Request for Donation, PSJ Barker, Secretary Fortuna pipes and Drums, 06.08.1995
This is a document requesting a donation for the Fortuna Pipes and Drums for the update of some of their equipment. The members of the band are shown and named in the accompanying photo. Information about the Fortuna Pipes and Drums is also in Valerie Loyejoy's book " Mapmakers of Fortuna, A History of the Army Survey Regiment" ISBN 0-646-42120-4 and included in the Victorian Collection as item 6000. The Band was originally formed in 1993 from members of the local Masonic Lodge and first played for the Survey Corps Day Parade in 1994 after a request from the then RSM WO1 Phil Meagher. The Army was able to provide the original "Black Watch" tartan kilts. Using an original Survey Corps Badge c. 1915 provided by former WO1 Keith "Aki" Barber, a number of replica metal Survey Corps theodolite badges were struck and used along with the purple Survey Corps lanyard by the band. The Fortuna Pipes and Drums continued to actively support the Army Survey Regiment until its disbandment in 1996.A 4 x Page letter, A4 Pages, Typed document, PhotocopyAddressed to Mr Tony Spurling, Manager Technical Services, Army Svy Regt, Fortunaroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, FLYING FORTRESS WW2, W. L. WHITE, "Queens Die Proudly", 1944
Book - account of the Flying Fortresses in the South West Pacific War WW2,Hard Cover book. Cover - cardboard, orange colour paper with black print on spine. 223 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. End papers - Illustrated, black and white map South-West Pacific. Front end paper and Title page - owner's stamp.Front end paper and Title page - black ink owner's stamp - "BENDIGO DISTRICT/ RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 449/ BENDIGO, VIC, 3552. Opposite Title page - handwritten black ink - "Donated by/ Peter Morrison".books, mikitary history, ww2, flying fortresses -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS, RAAF WW2, C. March 1944
Items in collection re Allan Frederick Goodall DFC, RAAF, refer Cat No 543.2 for his service history..1) Photograph sepia tone showing three Airmen with two local children in the Middle East. .2) Photo showing two Airmen with 10 rabbits lined up on a table. .3) Photo showing Allan Goodall sitting astride a large bomb, tent in back ground..1) On rear in pen, "Bob, self, Johnny". .2) On rear in pencil, "Myself, Wilma, Shifty, Ginger, Penny, Goodall, Snowy, Taffy, Snowy the second, un named, Charlie & the old man Elna, taken March 44". Self & Myself relate to Allan Goodall. photographs, rabbits, middle east, dfc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Currency - COINS, 1) 1941, .2) possible WW2
Items in the collection re Allan Frederick Goodall DFC, RAAF, refer Cat No 543.2 for his service history..1) Coin round shape United States, "One Dime". .2) Coin round shape British, wording is very hard to read on one side.coins, british, u.s -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Multiplex mechanical stereoplotting equipment, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Bendigo, c1950s
This is a set of five photographs of Multiplex mechanical stereoplotting equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Bendigo. c1950s. Multiplex equipment was imported from the UK in 1951 and introduced in the following year, to accelerate map production output covering CMF training areas at 1:25,000 map scale. Multiplex plotting was a productive advancement replacing the ‘Arundel’ method of graphical plotting planimetric detail that was expensive and slow, especially in timbered mountainous terrain. Air photos were made into small diapositives and mounted on racks in the exact position relative to when the aerial photos were taken. The technicians operated the Multiplex in a darkened room, with one photo projected with a green filter and the other through a red filter to form a 3D view of the overlapping photos. The 3D model projected onto a platen, which was a small platform that was raised up and down. The technician viewed the 3D image with special glasses fitted with red and green lenses. In the centre of the platen was a small pinhole that served as a floating mark, with a vertical pencil located exactly below the pinhole. This tracing table was moved to follow the topographic feature or contour line and draw it on the paper underneath. The technician raising or lowering the platform’s floating mark to match the height of the 3D terrain. It also replaced the slotted template method of mechanical adjustment of strips of aerial photography, however was restricted to each strip rather than between strips in the block. Although the Multiplex was phased out of production in 1968, it was used in the training of photogrammetry and aero-triangulation at the School of Military Survey located at Bonegilla, Victoria until the early 1990s. The history of the Multiplex is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 50 to 51 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of five photographs of Multiplex mechanical stereoplotting equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. c1950s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified personnel operating Multiplex equipment. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, Multiplex equipment. .3) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, Multiplex components identified. .4) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, Multiplex optical components. .5) - Photo, black & white, c1950s. Unidentified technician laying down individual Multiplex plots..1P to .2P, .4P – No annotations. .3P annotations identifying Multiplex components on front of photo. .5P annotated on front ‘Lay down of individual Multiplex plots at 1/14000 to framework of master grid to form Composite Compilation Sheet – Material Duralex.’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, photogrammetry -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Royal Australian Survey Corps Field Survey Vehicles, c1950s
This is a set of five photographs of vehicles used by field survey parties. c1950s. The first two photos show unidentified surveyors and field survey vehicles departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. The third photo of LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood and CAPT Jim Stedman was taken at a field survey camp at Camooweal, QLD. LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood was the CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1951 to 1962. As the longest serving commanding officer of the unit, there was many changes implemented. LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood’s period as CO is covered in more detail in pages 48-49 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. CAPT Jim Stedman later reached the rank of Colonel, was Director of Military Survey from 1975 to 1978 and was appointed as Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment, Retd) of the Royal Australian Survey Corps from 1978 to 1983. The truck and semi-trailer loaded on a flatbed Photo .4P was probably towing RA Svy’s field deployable printing press, the MANN Double Crown. See pages 44 -45 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book for more information on how this trailer mounted printing press was used in a recruitment drive in 1948.This is a set of five photographs of vehicles used by field survey parties. c1950s – 1960s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyors in a field survey vehicle departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyors in a Humber 1 ton survey vehicle departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1958, L to R: LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood and CAPT Jim Stedman at Camooweal, QLD., .4) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyor, field survey truck and trailer. .5) – Photo black & white, c1950s. Unidentified surveyor undertaking vehicle recovery..3P on back – Lindsay Lockwood (LT COL) Jim Stedman (Capt) 1958 Camooweal .4P on back – Early vehicles for field trips. .5P with card strip annotation’ Survey field parties often strike difficult terrain when driving’.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, surveying -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE, 1914-1919
Refer Cat No 2698.2 for A.S.Loams service history.Certificate - cream coloured, heavy paper, black print handwriting.Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force. CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE of No. 929 rank PRIVATE ARTHUR STEDMAN LOAM, Regimental Corps 38th Bn. 1280 days service. Service abroad 1127. Medially unfit, not due to mis-conduct. Signature of Officer Commanding Regiment or Corps. E. W. Wright Capt. SOI and RS 3rd MD Melbourne. 21 September 1919 Discharge confirmed Melbourne, Victoria E.W. Wright Capt. 3MD 21 September 1919. passchendaele barracks trust, certificate of discharge, a.s. loam, 38th battalion -
Bendigo Military Museum
Uniform - NAVY - JACKET, TIE & CAP, ADA - Australian Defence Apparel, 1996/98
Items belonging to; DAVID DIXON RAN R112262. Refer Cat No 5215.5 for his service history.1. JACKET, BOMBER - WOOL/POLYESTER, BLACK. 2. TIE - POLYESTER, BLACK. 3. CAP or 'LID' - PLASTIC, WHITE, BLACK TALLY BAND, GOLD EMBROIDERY, BLACK CHIN STRAP. 3. HMAS KUTTABUL.uniform, navy, ran -
Bendigo Military Museum
'EXPLORING/ GALLIPOLI - / AN AUSTRALIAN ARMY BATTLEFIELD GUIDE"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, blue, grey and black print on front, spine, back and front and back flaps of cover. Front and back illustrations - montage of grey with black and white photographs of soldiers and War Memorial. Back flap - illustrations in colour - maps. 136 pages, paper, cut, plain, semi gloss white, illustrated - colour and black and white photographs, diagrams, maps, illustrations.books, ww1, gallipoli, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Keith Payne VC/ NO ONE LEFT/ BEHIND. A Memoir of Korea, Vietnam and Life Beyond the Battlefield. Foreword by Mark Donaldson VC Author - Keith Payne VC with Tony Park.Hard cover book with dust cover. Hardcover - cardboard, black colour buckram, white print on spine. Dust cover - paper, gold, white, black, pink print on front, spine, back and front and back flaps. Front and back illustrated with collection of three portrait photographs, two front, one back. 432 pages - paper- cut, plain, off white, illustrated colour, black and white photographs. End papers - crimson colour.books, history, autobiography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY & NARRATIVE of a PHOTOGRAPHER, BOWDEN Tim, "The Changi Camera", 2012
"THE CHANGI CAMERA/ A UNIQUE RECORD OF CHANGI AND THE THAI-BURMA RAILWAY" A unique story of an Australian soldier - GEORGE ASPINALL - a keen photographer.Hard cover book with dust cover. Hardcover - cardboard, black buckram with gold print on spine. Dust cover - paper, grey, red and gold print on front, spine, back and flaps. Illustrated sepia toned photographs. Front - Barracks with large crowd of troops. Back - Beach scene. 242 pages, cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated - collection of black and white photographs. End papers illustrated - black and white photographs.books, history, ww2, biography, photography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY & NARRATIVE of a POW. WW2, Peter REES and Sue LANGFORD, "A Week in September", 2021
Book - "A WEEK/ IN/ SEPTEMBER/ - A STORY OF ENDURING LOVE/ FROM THE BURMA RAILWAY."Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, white, gold and yellow print on front, spine and back. Illustrated in colour, sky and jungle in silhouette. 356 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated - black and white photographs. End papers - on back of front and back - illustrated, hand writing - in colour yellow.biography, ww2, history, books -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, KOKODA BATTLEFIELD DISCOVERY, Brian FREEMAN, The Lost Battlefield of Kokoda, 2012
"The Lost/ Battlefield/ Of Kokoda/ The extraordinary story/ behind the discovery of a forgotten/ World War Two Battlefield."Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, gold, white and dark green print on front, spine and back. Illustrated - green tones - photograph of jungle scene with 2 timber crosses in foreground. 269 Pages - paper, plain, cut, white, illustrated - colour photographs.books, history, ww2, kokoda -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, AUSTRALIAN WW2 NEW GUINEA CAMPAIGN, Phillip BRADLEY, "The Battle for Shaggy Ridge", 2021
"THE BATTLE FOR/ SHAGGY RIDGE/ The extraordinary story of the Australian Campaign against the/ Japanese in New Guinea's Finisterre Mountains in 1943-44"Soft Cover Book Soft cover - cardboard, gold, dark green and grey colour print on front, spine and back. Illustrated - in - colour - front two photographs, at top, troops resting, bottom soldiers in dug out positions. Back - troops marching out of the foothills. 318 pages - paper, cut, plain, off white. Illustrated - colour and black and white photographs and map diagrams.books, history, ww2, new guinea -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, THE KOKODA TRACK & WOUNDED SOLDIERS, Brian FREEMAN with Tony PARK, "Walking Wounded", 2013
"Walking Wounded/ The Inspirational Story of how/ the Kokoda Track is helping our/ wounded soldiers"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, white, gold and black print on front, spine and back. Illustrated in colour photographs - front top silhouette of soldier. Bottom - a group walking along a track. Back - a group crossing a water course. 265 pages - paper, - cut, plain, off white. Illustrated colour photographs.books, history, ww2, new guinea -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, FIFTY YEARS Of RAAF, Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra for the Dept of Defence, The Golden Years. The Royal Australian Air Force 1921-1971, 1971
"The Golden Years/ The Royal Australian Air Force 1921-1971.Soft cover book - folio binding. Soft cover - cardboard, mid blue colour, embossed, Gold and Navy blue print on front and spine. Illustrated RAAF Crest. 124 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated, colour and black and white photographs and diagrams.books, history, raaf -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR NARRATIVES, Gary McKAY, "Vietnam Fragments", 1992
"Vietnam Fragments/ An oral history of Australians at War"Soft cover book Soft cover - cardboard, white, yellow and black print on front, spine and back. Background - blue, red and light blue colours. Illustrated with campaign ribbon and black and white photograph of two soldiers in a jungle setting - on front. 307 pages - paper, cut, plain white, illustrated black and white maps. front and back end papers - illustrated black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR FROM BOTH SIDES, Michael CAULFIELD, "The Vietnam Years", 2007
"THE VIETNAM YEARS/FROM THE JUNGLE TO THE AUSTRALIAN SUBURBS". The Vietnam Years is the story of both sides of that war."Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, red and white print on front, spine and back. Illustrated on front, top colour photograph of soldiers. Bottom black and white photograph of a civilian crowd. 493 pages, paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated, black and white photographs and maps.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM CONFLICT BIOGRAPHY, Frank WALKER, "The Tiger Man of Vietnam", 2009
"THE TIGER MAN OF VIETNAM/ THE HILL TRIBES MADE HIM A DEMI-GOD/ THE CIA WANTED TO KILL HIM/ THE REMARKABLE TRUE STORY OF/ AUSTRALIAN WAR HERO BARRY PETERSEN"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, gold and black print on front, spine and back. Illustrated, front montage photo of sepia toned soldier with jungle scene behind. Back - sepia toned photograph - portrait of a man with an animal skin. 356 pages, paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white photographs.books, history, biography, vietnam conflict -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR SOLDIERS, Frank WALKER, "Ghost Platoon", 2011
"GHOST PLATOON/ 39 AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS, VIETNAM, 1969/ THE ARMY DENIED THEY EXISTED/ WHAT WERE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, maroon and black print on front, spine and back. front cover illustration - photograph in muted tones of green and grey, soldiers receiving supplies by helicopter. 338 pages - paper - cut, plain, white. Illustrated, colour and black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR BATTLE, David W. CAMERON, "The Battle of Long Tan", 2016
"The Battle of Long Tan/ Australia's Four Hours of Hell in Vietnam".Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, white and light gold print on front, spine and back. Illustrated - colour photograph from front to back of soldiers resting in foreground, helicopter in background, with jungle vegetation. 392 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated colour, sepia and black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY - Facsimile, The Education Department, Victoria, "The Education Department's Record of War Service Victoria 1914-1919", c1921
Book - Facsimile - Hard cover, cloth tape binding. Cover - cardboard, front black print on white background. Blue cloth tape binding. 304 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white copies of photographs and illustrations. Handwritten marking top front cover> Owners stamp top front cover.Front cover - top, handwritten, grey lead pencil "50-" Front cover - Owners stamp, black ink. "Mr. W.J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./PO Box 76, Kangaroo Flat/ Victoria, 3555, Australia"books, history, war service, ww1, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY - Facsimile, The Education Department, Victoria, "War Service Record 1939 - 1945", 1959
Facsimile - hard cover, cloth tape binding. Cover - cardboard, front - black print on white background. Green cloth tape binding. 313 pages, paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white copies of photographs and illustrations. Handwritten marking, top front cover. Owners stamp top front cover.Front cover top - handwritten, grey lead pencil "50--" Owners stamp, black ink. "Mr W.J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./PO Box 76, Kangaroo Flat/Victoria, 3555, Australia"books, history, war service, ww2, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK - facsimile, Sunday Sun Newspaper - ANZAC Anniversary Souvenir April 22, 1990, "ANZAC 75th ANNIVERSARY SOUVENIR ROLL OF HONOR", 1990
ANZAC Roll of Honor. Published in Sunday Sun - 75th Anniversary of one Gallipoli campaign - Lists 7594 dead.Soft cover book - facsimile. Front cover - light cardboard, front cover black print on white background includes copy of newspaper article. Back cover - beige colour, yellow cloth tape binding. Pages - paper, cut, plain, white. One illustration - black print. Front cover top - owner's stamp.Front cover top - owner's stamp, black ink - "MR. W. J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./P.O. BOX 76, KANGAROO FLAT/VICTORIA, 3555, AUSTRALIA"books, history, anzac, ww1