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matching tram 3
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 17, Earl Ewers, 20/10/2001 12:00:00 AM
Set of 17 colour photographs taken by BTM member, Earl Ewers of the Annual General Meeting 28/10/2001. On Kodak paper. 1961.1 - tram 671 on BTM depot fan. .2 - 33 and 26 on depot fan .3 - ditto .4 - Members on board 671 .5 - trams 33, 45 and 671 at St Aidans Drive .6 - ditto .7 - ditto .8 - ditto .9 - AGM in progress; Len Millar, Warren Doubleday, Stephen Butler, Frank Hanrahan and Richard Gilbert .10 - Warren Doubleday, Robert Paroissien, Peter Winspur, Richard Gilbert and Bill Kingsley .11 - ditto .12 - ditto with Len Millar .13 - 33 at St Aidans Drive .14 - ditto .15 - 45 and 26 on depot fan .16 - ditto .17 - 33, 45 and 671 at St. Aidansst aidans drive, btm, agm, btm depot, tram 33, tram 26, tram 45, tram 671 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 6, Carolyn Dean, 9/19/1994
Yields information about the transportation of horse tram No. 1 for display elsewhere.Series of six colour prints by Carolyn Dean of the offloading of cable tram No. 1 after being displayed at the Central Highlands Historical Association fair on 9 October 1994. .1 - both wheels almost on the rails .2 - ditto .3 - on the rails again .4 - pushing the car up the hill at bit to clear the low loader .5 - waiting by itself .6 - rolling down the hill to the junction. Printed on Kodak paper For additional photographs see Reg Item 4064.1, 4064.2On rear in ink "9.10.94, C. Dean"btm, horse tram, chha, wendouree parade, tram 1 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Annual Report/s, Warren Doubleday, "BTPS Annual Reports", 1990 to 1992
Demonstrates the production method of the BTPS documents, yields information about the BTPS forms and methods and has a strong association with the author of the time.Original copies of the BTPS forms and documents used in printing copies for members. Prepared by Warren Doubleday at the time . Printed by a laser printer or a dot matrix printer and or photocopied. At the time, these were then photocopied to produce the final copies. .1 - Membership Renewal 1990-91 .2 - Proxy form for the 1992 AGM .3 - Membership application form 6/1991 .4 - Minutes of the BTPS 1991 AGM - 2 sheets .5 - Form for the purchase of the 21st anniversary video - Ballarat Tramway's with corrections - would have been reprinted. .6 - Minutes of the BTPS 1990 AGM - 2 sheets .7 - Minutes of the BTPS Co-Operative 1990 AGM .8 - BTPS Collection Policy May 1992 - 4 sheetstramways, trams, btps, forms, collection management, minutes -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, Carolyn Dean, Apr. 1999
Set of 20 photographs taken by Carolyn Dean between 16/4/1999 and 16/5/1999 of moving the ex SEC bike shed to Bungaree and placing the roof back onto the shed and other works at Bungaree and one tram operation photo. On Kodak paper. 1095.1 - Loading the shed at Ballarat East - Alastair Reidier and Peter Winspur. .2 - ditto .3 - truck with shed on approach road to house. .4 - ditto and John Phillips .5 - lifting the shed into position at Bungaree over the power line. .6 - ditto .7 - lowering onto the foundations. .8 - tram 14 in Wendouree Parade near depot junction. .9 - Fixing hole in roof of the house - Bungaree - John Phillips .10 - ditto .11 - its snowing - Darren Hutchesson, Carolyn Dean, Alan Snowball - photo John Phillips .12 - putting roof back on the shed .13 - various cars out front of the house. .14 - nailing weather boards back on - Peter Winspur, Sftnon Jenkins, Alan Snowball .15 - ditto .14 used in the May 1999 Fares Please! .16 - fitting off purlins - Darren Hutchesson and John Phillips .17 - view of house and shed and partially painted fence looking south west. .18 - ditto looking south. .19 - fitting off the sheet metal - John Phillips .20 - cleaning up the tree in frost of the house from breaking off more branches - Alan Snowball and Alastair Reither. .1 > .7-16/4/1999: .8 - 25/4/1999: .9 > .16-15/5/1999: .17 > .20-16/5/1999. See also Reg. No. 1095 for next stage of the move.On rear of each photo in blue ink is date in the upper edge and on lower edge "Photo by Carolyn Dean"btm, sec bike shed, bungaree -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 37, Warren Doubleday, 7/03/2004 12:00:00 AM
Set of 37 photographs taken or arranged by Warren Doubleday on 7/3/2004 during the 2004 Begonia Festival, which was sponsored by Alstom, featuring on the destination boxes, stop signs and tramcars and clothing worn by BTM staff. All taken in Wendouree Parade. .1 - 671 waiting for 27 to enter the crossing loop .2 - 671 and 27 in loop .3 - ditto .4 - people boarding No. 27 with Carolyn Dean observing .5 - ditto, with Peter Winspur in background .6 - 671 in loop .7 - 27 and 671 in loop, with people leaving 671 .8 - 661 in Wendouree Parade, at pedestrian crossing .9 - 671, 27 and 661 in loop .10 - ditto with people leaving 661 .11- 661 in loop passengers boarding, John Clowes in photo .12 - 33 and 671 at pedestrian crossing .13 - ditto .14 - 27 side on .15 - 33, 671, 661 and 27 in or near loop .16 - ditto .17 - 33 at pedestrian crossing .18 - 661 side on .19 - 33 at pedestrian crossing with people board .20 - 33 side on .21 - ditto .22 - 661 near crossing .23 - 27 side on .24 - 27 in loop with people leaving .25 - 27 in loop with people waiting to board .26 - Robert Paroissien standing by 27 with 671 in background .27 - ditto .28 - Sam Boon issuing tickets inside 33 .29 - ditto .30 - Sam Boon giving bells .31 - Len Millar and 27 at Depot Junction .32 - 671 at depot junction .33 - Len Millar at 33 at Depot Junction .34 - 33 at Carlton St, with Ben Shields .35 - 27 at Carlton St from the Prisoners of War memorial .36 - ditto .37 - as for .25btm, begonia festival, alstom, wendouree parade, tram 33, tram 27, tram 661, tram 671 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Print/s - set of 10, Carolyn Dean and Gavin Young, 8/03/2004 12:00:00 AM
... and 6 taken on 6/3/2004, remainder 8/3/2004. .1 - Scrubber...BTM Begonia Festival Alstom Wendouree Parade tram 8 tram 27 ...Set of ten photographs taken or arranged by Carolyn Dean during the 2004 Begonia Festival. On Kodak paper. Nos. 1, 5 and 6 taken on 6/3/2004, remainder 8/3/2004. .1 - Scrubber tram No. 8 showing progress on repainting to MMTB style. .2 - John Phillips photographing John Shaw in front of No. 27, with the destination "Alstom" on depot fan. .3 - John Shaw standing in front of No. 27 .4 - John Shaw attending to the trolley rope of No. 27 .5 - Six BTM standings in front or on No. 27 - John Shaw, Roger Salen, Simon Green, Carolyn Dean, Alastair Reither and John Phillips. .6 - ditto .7 - Wearing their Alstom tops and caps, BTM Crew with 661 and 671 in the background: = left to right - Simon Green, Alastair Reither, John Shaw, Len Millar, Roger Salen , Carolyn Dean, John Phillips, Alan Snowball, Peter Winspur, Stephen Butler and Sam Boon on Monday 8/3/2004. .8 - ditto .9 - as for .3 .10 - as for .1On rear of each photo in ink, date and who took the photograph.btm, begonia festival, alstom, wendouree parade, tram 8, tram 27, tram 661, tram 671 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 25, Warren Doubleday, 26/12/2004 12:00:00 AM
Set of 21 Digital Images of the recommencement or reopening of tram services following the reconstruction of the power supply and substation on 26/12/2004. .1 - Sign announcing free rides today in the front of No. 27 .2 - Peter Winspur and Garry Wood showing Peter the process for turning the power on .3 - ditto .4 - closing the Circuit Breaker .5 - 27 runs across Wendouree Parade .6 - 27 leaves the depot .7 - Peter Winspur removes the sign on the pole saying we were not running .8 - 27 in Wendouree Parade .9 - Carolyn Cleak removing a sign .10 - Placing signs and turning the pole at Carlton St .11 - Carlton St and waiting passengers .12 - Pole sign and bicycle warning sign re tram tracks .13 - Sam Boon and band at Gardens Loop .14 - ditto .15 - ditto .16 - Happy passengers .17 - Richard Gilbert - reopening speech. .18 - No. 26 and happy passengers .19 - 27 and 26 at the loop .20 - No. 26 at the loop, with passengers and the band. .21 - as for 19trams, tramways, btm, substation, wendouree parade, reopening, carlton st, gardens loop, tram 27, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 3, Warren Doubleday, tram 27 decorated for the 2003 Christmas season, 15/12/2003
... Set of 3 Digital Images of tram 27 decorated for the 2003... Parade tram 27 Set of 3 Digital Images of tram 27 decorated ...Set of 3 Digital Images of tram 27 decorated for the 2003 Christmas season in Wendouree Parade. Dated 15/12/2003. .1 - near Gardens Loop .2 - Leaving depot junction. .3 - Interior - don't be too tall.trams, tramways, btm, decorated trams, christmas, wendouree parade, tram 27 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 4, Warren Doubleday, 3/10/2004 12:00:00 AM
Digital Image of parts of the BTM AGM at the VRI Institute building on 3/10/2004. .1 - AGM General view. .2 - Richard Gilbert and Peter Winspur at the table. .3 - Richard Gilbert and Andrew Mitchell - 25 year member .4 - Richard Gilbert and John Phillips - 25 year membertrams, tramways, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, William. F. Scott, 11/03/1996 12:00:00 AM
Colour Photograph, postcard size of tram 33 at Depot Junction on 11 March 1996. Trolley pole being turned by Peter Winspur, Gavin Young (in shorts) standing by front of tram. Shuttle service for Begonia Festival, 1996. Photo used on rear cover of Ballarat Tramway Museum's Annual report for 1995-96. On rear, remains of a paper label for Trolley Wire use.On rear, in a green label sticker, '3' and on bottom left corner, 'William F. Scott/11.3.1996 24' on a white sticky label.btm, depot junction, 33, begonia festival, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Compact Diskette with photographs, Austin Brehaut, Begonia Weekend 2010
Yields information about the 2010 Begonia Festival, the trams during the Parade and has a strong association with some of the volunteers.CD compact diskette in a paper envelope, containing a set of 14 images of the Begonia Weekend 2010, taken by Austin Brehaut. .1 - Trams on the depot fan on the morning of 6/3 .2 - 671 and 28 at Carlton St - 8/3 .3 - Begonia Festival parade spectators inside 661 - 8/3 .4 - ditto .5 - 671 and people for the Parade 8/3 .6 - The Parade about to happen - 661 and 671 at the loop - 8/3 .7 - 661 and people for the Parade 8/3 ,8 - Peter Winspur views the coming parade 8/3 .9 - Viewing the parade - 8/3 .10 - Peter Bruce viewing .11 - Bill Kingsley viewing .12 - Graeme Cleak using 671 to view the Begonia Festival 8/3 .13 - 661 and 671 laid up at the loop - 8/3 .14 - 27 being prepared for a repaint and repairs.On CD "Begonia Weekend 2010 / A. Brehaut" and on paper case "Peter Winspur"begonia festival, depot, wendouree parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 5, Alastair Reither, 13/05/2012 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the operation of the horse tram by the BTM during the Ballarat Heritage Weekend 2012.Set of 5 digital images taken on Sunday 13 May 2012 of the horse tram operating between Gardens Loop and St Aidans Drive by Alastair Reither. From a batch of 112 photos, stored with BTM Photos, used in the web article "Still at work" for the 2012 update. .1 - Returning from St Aidans Drive, looking south east. .2 - scene at Gardens Loop .3 - Running to St Aidans Drive, across the fairy lands area - similar photo used in Fares Please! June 2012 .4 - swapping the horses around at St Aidans Drive .5 - Running to Wendouree Parade, across the fairy lands area trams, tramways, horse tram, btm, wendouree parade, heritage, tram 1 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 12, Jenny Puls, 13/03/1996 12:00:00 AM
Set of twelve colour photographs of the derailment of Tram No. 18 on the depot fan (2 and 3 road points) on 13 March 1996. Included within the cataloguing sheet are a copy of the report to the traffic manager and the envelope from Frank Puls. Photographs by Jenny Puls, on Kodak paper. The report is a photocopy of the original held by the Traffic Manager. .1 - Frank standing by No. 18 .2 - No. 1 end showing derailed wheel .3 - From the south side .4 - Close up photo showing marks on rail from the wheel. .5 - From the north side .6 - Dave Macartney locating jacks .7 - Looking west towards the depot .8 - From the northside during rerailing .9 - Alan Snowball holding towbar with 661 in the background .10 - 18 and 661 .11 - Being coupled to No. 38 .12 - Being towed back on with Alan Snowball observing. On rear of each photo in stamped in black ink "13 March 1996"accidents, btm, derailments, depot fan, tram 18, tram 661, tram 38 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s set of 5, Warren Doubleday, 17/03/2001 12:00:00 AM
Set of five colour photographs taken on 17/3/2001 by Warren Doubleday of the commissioning of Scrubber tram No. 8 (8W) in Wendouree Parade. On Agfa paper. 1827.1 - BTM tram No. 13 and No. 8 at Carlton St. .2 - Paul Mong cleaning points at depot junction, with Neil Lardner on bumper bar and Sam Boon alongside. .3 - 8 at St. Aidans Drive, Neil Lardner, Sam Boon, Alastair Reither, Dave Macartney, Daniel Edwards and Paul Mong. .4 - 8 (8W) crossing 13 at Gardens Loop .5 - 8 at Gardens Loop See Fares Please! March 2001commissioning, scrubber tram, btm, gardens loop, carlton st, st aidans drive, wendouree parade, tram 8, tram 13 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tourist Tram May operate in time for the Festival", 26/12/1972 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the construction of the Trackwork on the depot fan and some of the people who undertook the work.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 26/12/1972 about the BTPS's hopes to have the tramway operable in time for the Begonia Festival in March! Quotes Richard Gilbert, Society Secretary about the work being carried out, progress so far and that the work is being done by Volunteers. Features a photo of Richard Gilbert, Stuart Lodington and Warren Doubleday in front of the depot, laying 2 to 3 road points. See Reg Item 3822 for a print of the actual photograph.In red ink in top right hand corner "26/12/72"trams, tramways, ballarat, access track, btps, begonia festival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 13, Carolyn Dean and Craig Tooke and John Phillips, 20/09/2001 12:00:00 AM
Set of 13 colour prints or photographs taken on the day of the Ballarat Tramway Museums 30th anniversary dinner, celebrations on 22/9/2001 by Carolyn Dean, or others as noted on the back of the photograph. All on Kodak paper. 1959.1 - Depot scene in the afternoon with signs being transferred from tram 45 to tram 18 by Alastair Reither and Dave Macartney, watched by Gavin Young. (image used in Jan. 2002 Fares Please!) .2 - Bruce Worthington, Peter Winspur, Stephen Butler, Greg Rodgers and Carolyn Dean - Photo John Phillips .3 - Craig Stephenson, Richard Gilbert and Warren Banfield .4 - John Phillips, Allison Tooke and Craig Tooke .5 - Bruce Worthington and Bob Merchant .6 - Stephen Butler - organiser speaking .7 - Stephen Butler and Peter Winspur .8 - Stephen Butler and Carolyn Dean - photo Craig Tooke .9 - Richard Gilbert, Stephen Butler, Gavin Young and Carolyn Dean - photo Craig Tooke .10 - Stephen Butler, Bill Kingsley, Gavin Young, Carolyn Dean, Austin Brehaut and Peter Winspur - photo Craig Tooke .11 - Richard Gilbert .12 - Holding their 30 year plaques - Austin Brehaut, Gavin Young, Richard Gilbert, Carolyn Dean, Bill Kingsley, Peter Winspur and Warren Doubleday - photo John Phillips .13 - ditto On rear of photograph in black ink "22.9.01" "Photo by Carolyn Dean" - except forbtm, dinner, 30th anniversary, lake lodge, tram 18, tram 40, tram 45, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 10, William. F. Scott, 5/11/1990 12:00:00 AM
Set of 10 photographs of the recovery and loading of the body of ESCo No. 12 from Nerrina on Monday 5/11/1990. See November 1990 for further details. Photos by Bill Scott, and given to VicRoads who returned them to the Museum. On Fujicolor paper. 1 - tram after adjoining buildings demolished. 2 - ditto more front on view 3 - view of remains of house with pile of timber in foreground and Barry James crane in background 4 - close up of east end of tramcar body showing driver's cabin portion 5 - close up of body looking towards house. 6 - ditto, but looking opposite way, shows number of tram. 7 - as for 5 8 - moving crane slings into position 9 - ditto 10 - tram being lifted out of position and about to loaded onto truck. People in photograph are David Frost, David Tidy, Andrew Cox, Andrew Mitchell and Warren Doubleday. See Fares Please! Nov. 1990.esco, recovery, btps, loading trams, tram 12 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "People and Places", 22/06/2001 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, 22 June 2001 in the People and Places Section of the Courier, featuring four photographs of people travelling on the Gold Tram, No. 45, on Thursday 14 June 2001 during the launch of the Gold Tram. Featured on the four photos are: 1. Wendy Taylor, Alan Bradley, Ian Rossiter and Jeanette Horsley 2. Warren Doubleday and Ian Stanley 3. Dianne Smith and Col Wilkie 4. Hedley Thomson and Ballarat Mayor, David Vendy See Reg. Item 1778gold tram, people and places, btm, ballarat tourism -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Print/s - set of 9, 29/09/1972 12:00:00 AM
Set of nine colour prints of the drainage works and initial track construction carried out by the BTPS outside the depot on 29/9/1972. Photos with hand written captions on rear. .1 - Drainage works No. 2 Road, BTPS Depot .2 - ditto .3 - ditto .4 - ditto .5 - ditto, working in the pit by the level crossing .6 - Drivers eye view from Car 27, No. 2 road construction commencing - sleepers laid out with rail alongside. .7 - Construction of No. 2 road BTPS depot proceeds .8 - Time: 5.46 3/4 - Subject "The first blow" R. Gilbert, Sec BTPS drives the first "doggie" on the track connecting No. 2 road of the depot to Wendouree Parade. .9 - Time: 5.47pm. Subject: R. Gilbert, Sec BTPS drives the first doggie on the track connecting the depot to Wendouree Parade. Picture take of the first "doggie" being driven home.In ink on rear of each photo "23/9/72" and details - see abovetrams, tramways, depot, construction, gardens, buildings, btps -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 3, Eldon Hogan, 16/06/1973 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the delivery of the installation of the wooden poles around the depot fan in June 1973. Has a strong association with those involved.Set of three colour slides of the installation of the wooden overhead support poles at the depot. No. 26 in the background, note the construction of the overhead troughing in the background as well. Date possibly 16 June 1973 - based on the list of dates in the 1972 - 73 Annual Report. Photographer Eldon Hogan, AGFA Slide, blue plastic with white plastic on reverse. See also Reg Item 4760 for black and white photos.tramways, trams, btps, depot fan, construction, overhead, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 2, post June 1973
Yields information about the construction of the track and depot fan c 1972.Black and white photographs of the construction of the access track and depot fan at the new BTPS depot, involving he carting of gravel etc in wheel barrows. The poles have been positioned and the track extended over the level crossing indicating 1973, prior to the installation of one road. See - 1972 - 73 Annual Report page 3 for a list of dates.trams, tramways, depot, btps, construction -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Timetable, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Timetable as from Mon. 16 March 1970 - Ballarat, 1970 or 1971
Demonstrates the last timetable issued for Ballarat Tramways and yields information about tram services.285 - Three page photo copy of the final timetable for tram services in Ballarat for the SECV issued March 1970. Page 1 - Sunday, p2 - Saturday, p3 - weekdays. Gives IN and OUT times for each route and notes if from depot etc. Understood to be SECV photocopy. 285.1 - ditto, but actual wax stencil copy on duplicating paper used by Driver / Conductor J. Everett. Has been folded into 8. This copy used in image files. Item added 2/2/2003. 285.2 - ditto - three copies of SECV copies given to the BTPS at the time of closure. Staple horizontally in top left hand corner and marked in ink - see Inscriptions. Items added 9/3/2004. 285.3 - ditto wax stencil or duplicated copy - unmarked. Item added 22/08/2004. 285.4 - ditto but Saturday timetable sheet marked in red or blue ink to show run numbers? Item added 22/08/2004. Two staples in top left hand corner. 285.5 - ditto wax stencil or duplicated copy - unmarked. Item added 17/05/2006 See pdf documents for good quality scans and history of record for details of source.ballarat, secv, timetables, tram services -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 9, John Theodore, 1972 - 1974
Yields information about depot activities of the BTPS in building the depot fan and access track.Set of 9 AGFA blue and white plastic mount 27mm sq slides of various works at the BTPS depot during 1973 / 1974. .1 - Campbell Duncan operating a rail hole drill. .2 - Track construction - installation of No. 1 roadway commenced. .3 - ditto with overhead works - Warren Doubleday, Bill Kingsley, Clyde Croft and Noel Gipps .4 - ditto .5 - ditto .6 - overhead work .7 - laying a drainage pipe at the rear of the depot .8 - ditto - Loddington .9 - forming the cut off walls at the front of the depot.Various notations by John as to the slide number and the trams in pencil and ink.tramways, trams, btps, depot, track construction -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 6, John Theodore, c1973
Yields information about the BTPS placing poles for the overhead along the access track and working on them.Set of 6 digital images scanned from 35mm slides of the installation of poles and bracket arms on the access track mid 1973. .1 - Warren Doubleday about to climb the ladder to work on a pole on the access track - note the access track which had yet to be jointed. .2 - positioning the truck etc. .3 - ditto with Geoff Cargeeg .4 - drilling holes for the poles on the access track .5 - access track looking west with the poles installed and a rather muddy area - winter 1973? .6 - drilling holes for the polestrams, tramways, btps, trackwork, depot, tramcars, overhead -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 3, Richard Gilbert, BTPS volunteers shunting trams 27 and 28 at the former SEC Depot, Jan. 1972
.1 - tram 27 in Wendouree Parade .2 - tram 28, damaged being towed across Wendouree Parade, with Rolf Jinks holding a point bar. .3 - ditto with Warren Doubleday in shorts and Clyde Croft in the drivers cabin. Was part of the process of setting up the depot for the Begonia Festival open day the BTPS held.Yields information about early BTPS activities at the former SEC Tram depot.Set of three digital images of the BTPS volunteers shunting trams 27 and 28 at the former SEC Depot, Wendouree Parade Jan. 1972. trams, tramways, btps, depot, wendouree parade, tram 27, tram 28 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Postcard, Nu-color-Vue, Cable car set, c1980's
.1 - Postcard - full colour with serrated edge - Nu-color-Vue - co produced with the TMSV - of the A. E. Twentyman cable set at his Northcote home. The rear is printed in brown ink - card number NCV 234, with place for stamp. gives detail of the tram, the photograph location, the TMSV logo and the Nucolorvue on the left hand side and that photo is courtesy of Wrappings Pty Ltd. .2 - similar photo but with Alf's second saloon tram in the view and details but with card number NCV 905 and photo credited to A. E. Twentyman. .3 - same photo as .1, but glued into a Nu-color-Vue produced greeting card with a cut out for the caption on the rear of the card - has the Wrappings Pty Ltd. photograph credit with raised gold printing. Has been used to send Christmas Greetings to Brian Weedon, signed by Ron Scholten and has the TMSV Sales stamp on the inside. .4 - 2nd copy of postcard - on rear - Has 33 cent stamp, postmarked for the Centenary of Cable Car Services, 11/11/1985 with a grip included and stamped "100 years of Melbourne trams carried on Commemorative official trip from Flinders St, Melbourne to Richmond Town Hall, November 11, 1985" in blue ink in the bottom right hand corner.trams, tramways, postcards, cable trams, northcote, tmsv, greetings cards, centenary, stamps -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Uniform - Coat Button/s, Stokes and Sons, Buttons of Birmingham, A Meyer of Vienna, 1920's
Set of four types of coat buttons: 1 - MMTB button or Badge - brass - made by Buttons of Birmingham UK - approx. 25mm dia. 2 - MT - (Cable tram) button - brass - made by Stokes and Sons Melbourne - approx. 25mm dia. (this is to be clarified as at 24/6/2018, though see detailed image of a conductor in uniform - Reg Item 1961.) 3 - Dept of Govt Transport - Tasmania? - has a crown in the centre, - nickel silver with brass back and formed loop to sew onto a jacket or be pinned. 4 - Two badges both with the Islamic symbol and star (5 points) - brass, one marked "Tramways" and the other "Tramways Caire" - Cairo. The first badge made by "A. Meyer & Co. Wien".trams, tramways, melbourne tramways, uniforms, buttons, cairo, tasmania, cable trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), Set of six Scratch type tickets, 1989
Set of six Scratch type tickets, with black printing on yellow / blue printed card and areas where a person could scratch out the month and day of the month areas to validate the ticket. Has the number on the base of the ticket. .1 - 3 hour adult, zone 1 + 2, has been scratched for Feb 6, 4 pm - AO 00210226 .2 - 3 hour concession zone 2, used 9am, 21/6 - CB 02881924 .3 - Daily Adult zone 1+2, used for 9/3, - AK 00207803 .4 - 3 hour concession zone 1, used 4pm, 21/2 - CA 01244046 .5 - Daily Adult zone 1, used 5/6 - AG 021881129 .6 - Daily Adult zone 1 used 24/6 - no year provided as on .5, and different layout - number 200264204 On the rear of four are the conditions of travel for both types of tickets with information about the ticket type, The Met logos, Transport Information and Transit Patrol telephone numbers. The other two have similar information, with a statement that "The Met supports Olympics for Melbourne 1996" with the Olympics logo. See also Reg Item Nos. 574, 1069 and 979, 4624 for other examples.trams, tramways, the met, scratch tickets, olympics -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), Set of 7 The Met travel cards, 1986 to 1989
Set of 7 The Met travel cards, large size, printed on card, weekly tickets, student cards and annual tickets for the 1987 to 1989 era. Availability dates printed on ticket. Conditions of use printed on rear. .1 - 1 Month (monthly), Anywhere Travelcard for March 1985, required a photocard to be shown, number 2029, priced at $55.00 - has special security printing on front, has been folded in half. .2 - Inner Travelcard - used for 25/8, number 1024, printed on yellow card - has the MTA concession market sales office stamp on the rear. .3 - Anywhere weekly Travelcard - stamped for 4 March 1987, No. 603365 - with Flinders St stamp on rear. .4 - Zone 1 travel card - $2, used 16/2 - No. Ab 13199. .5 - Weekly Zone 1 travel card - not used, has been removed from a pad with original part remaining, No. 738867 - has the West Footscray 24 stamp on rear. .6 - Zone 1 and 2 Travelcard, used 16/3, $2.60, No. Ba69734 .7 - Weekly Zone 1 & 2 travel card - not used, has been removed from a pad with original part remaining, No. 90054.trams, tramways, tickets, the met, ptc, travel cards -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), Set of 3 The Met Weekly Tickets and 1 Monthly ticket, 1989 to 1990
Set of 3 The Met Weekly Tickets and 1 Monthly ticket printed card, with the availability date stamped onto the card. .1 - Zone 1, yellow card, stamped 5 Nov. 1989 - No. 106515 - stamped "Gardiner 2193" on rear. .2 - Zone 2, white card overprinted with small "The Met" in blue, stamped 22 Jan. 1990 - No. 28430 - stamped "Lalor 1530" on rear .3 - Zones 1 + 2, yellow and blue, weekly ticket stamped 19 Aug 1990, No. 503952 .4 - Zone 1 + 2, yellow and blue, month ticket stamped 30 Sep 1999 - - stamped "Lalor 1530" on rear Have two different styles of conditions on rear.trams, tramways, tickets, the met, ptc, travel cards