Showing 341 items
matching night photo
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - B&W print of donated negative - set of 4, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1938
Yields information about Ballarat 's 23, ex Adelaide when decorated for the 1938 state celebrations, school children on the tram and conductors, a view of the tram at night and the formal launch of the tram by the SECSet of three Black and white photo prints from a collected negative of Ballarat (SEC 1st) No. 23 decorated for the centenary of settlement in the Ballarat district in 1938. 1362.1 - Photographed in the depot fan, showing 'SPECIAL', has depot buildings in the background. 1362.2 - Night photograph of the tram at a loop - showing "Lydiard St. North'. 1362.3 - Night photograph, possibly at the Official Launch, with a large group of mainly hatted gentlemen standing for the photo by the tramcar, with the Motorman at the controls. 1362.4 - same print as 1362.1, but taken from a photograph album - 3 copies, added 15/6/2009, donation ex William F. Scott. See also Reg Items 1021, 1361 and 3813 for other photographs of this tram and 2524 for notes regarding the Official Launch and another photograph.. Copy 2 - of all above photographs added 31/7/2007, ex Alan Bradley 5/2007 - larger size prints. See Reg Item 3909 for an original mounted print of 1362.3. See Reg Item 3910 for an original mounted print of 1362.2. See Reg Item 3911 for an original mounted print of 1362.1. High res scans of negatives changed over 13/5/2020. See page 70 & 71 of "The Golden City and its Tramways" for these photographs and others in use and notes.1362.4 - "Ballarat car 23 / Basil W. Miller Collection"tramways, trams, centenary, decorated trams, special trams, floral tram, tram 23 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Nov. 1965
Set of seven Black and white photographs on Kodak paper for the arrangements and work for the track reconstruction of Commercial Road Prahran. Series of photos show Down track already complete. Probably second half of October or early November 1965. (Electric Traction 11/65) (Unusual to have two jobs at once - see Hawthorn Rd - Reg item 1421). Series show the construction method. Temporary track formed by progressively lifting original track on to side of road each night. Relaying then follows progressively. Pictures show almost completed section (1423.1 &2), concreting (1423.3), new rails in situ (1423.4&5),newly moved track (1423.6&7), excavation taking place (1423.7) 1421.1 - Commercial Rd looking west at Charles St showing ramp to temporary city bound track. 1423.2 Ditto - just west of Charles St. 1423.3 Ditto - corner Perth St on left, Hyland St on right. 1423.4 Ditto - between Perth and Donald Sts. Scrubber car No 9. 1423.5 Ditto - looking east between Perth and Donald Sts. - W5 723 on new track, W5 722 on temporary track. 1423.6 Ditto - looking east. Max Hotel on corner of Donald St. 1423.7 Ditto - looking east at corner of Alfred St. Scrubber car No 9. See P.Winspur note with item 1418.trams, tramways, commercial road, reconstruction, trackwork, mmtb, tram 9, tram 723, tram 722 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "$2m upgrade plan for rail station", 24/01/1996 12:00:00 AM
Article from page 5 of The Courier, Wednesday 24/1/1996 written by Ian Haberfield of the Ballarat City Commissioners adopting a proposal last night for a $2m upgrade to the facilities at Ballarat Railway station, including a major transport interchange for buses, taxis and trains. Has a photo of Acting CEO for Ballarat City Doug Forster, Ballarat West MLA Paul Jenkins and Ballarat Station Master, Jim Hevey looking at the plans. Includes a comment by Mr. Forster that the interchange would work well with any tram proposal in the future. Has a cartoon by Courier cartoonist, Burns, about the Intermodal - see image."X" in blue ink in top right hand corner/trams, tramways, ballarat railway station, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Travis Jeffrey, c1962
Agfa plastic mount (blue base, white cover) of a photograph of No. 20 about to leave the depot. Driver in position? Photo taken c1962. Has other single truck tramcars in the background inside the depot gate. No. 20 has a "Trotting Showgrounds Friday Night" auxiliary board sign on the front of the tram. Photo shows the depot junction lead trackwork in detail. Tram has destination of Sebastopol. Slide rescanned at 3200 dpi 25-10-2020, jpg replaced, tiff file retained. This file was scanned in 2003 and may show colour changes. "BAS 35" in penciltramways, trams, depot junction, depot, auxiliary board, trotting, tram 20 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Travis Jeffrey, c1962
Agfa plastic mount (blue base, white cover) of a photograph of No. 11 at Mt Pleasant terminus. Photo taken c1962. Tram has destination of "Gardens via Ripon St.", a SEC Briquettes roof advertisement and an advertisement for Dancing (60/40) at Civic Hall every Saturday night on the front dash panel. Slide rescanned at 3200 dpi 25-10-2020, jpg replaced, tiff file retained. This file was scanned in 2003 and may show colour changes."BAS 36" in penciltramways, trams, mt pleasant, tram 11 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black and White photograph/s - mounted, John Phillips, late 1960's or early 1970's
Yields information about the vicinity of the Drummond St south and the Urquhart St Loop.Black and White photograph mounted on heavy cardboard backing. Photo of Ballarat No. 31 crossing two single truckers in Drummond St. South, at Urquhart St. Loop. (Bell St?)) Tram 31 has destination of Sebastopol and has a "Trotting Bray Raceway Friday Night" auxiliary board on the front of the tram. Taken by John Phillips late 1960's or early 1970's. Note image scanned in two runs through a scanner, resulting in the shading in the image file.trams, tramways, sebastopol, drummond st. sth, urquhart st., tram 31 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Peter Moses, Jan. 1966
Photo of Ballarat SEC Wendouree Parade tram depot front with tram No. 14 on No. 1 road, with destination of "Victoria St." and "Trotting Showgrounds Friday Night" auxiliary board on the front of the tram. Note the tram fitted with the white stripe under the dash canopy lights and the use of the large and small numbers of the tram. Kodak cardboard mount slide, taken by Peter Moses January 1966.On back of slide in blue ink "Jan. 1966 / Tram Depot Ballarat No. 14" and bottom right hand corner "P. Moses".tramways, trams, sec depot, tram numbering, depot, wendouree parade, tram 14 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Dave Macartney, 25/07/1961 12:00:00 AM
Black and white photograph of Ballarat No. 32 soon after arrival at the Lydiard St. terminus on 23/7/1961. Tram showing SPECIAL on a Victorian School Railway Clubs Association Tour (VSRCA). Photo taken by Dave Macartney. Date was shown as 25/7, but later corrected - 12/2006 Tram has Cinzano roof advertisements and advertisements for White Horse Whiskey and The Age newspaper on the front dash panel. In the background is the shelter at the terminus. Photo also shows the trolley pole pan placed at a terminus to assist with the location of the trolley pole at night. See Reg Item 7092 for a report and 6668 for the tour booking form.tramways, trams, lydiard st north, vsrca, trolley poles, tram 32 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Trip Back in Time", 10/08/2002 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping in full colour from The Courier Ballarat, 10/8/2002 titled "Trip back in time" about Ballarat District Nursing and Healthcare celebrating its 90th anniversary of operations in Ballarat. Features a photograph of District Nurse Rhonda Kempton on the foot step of Tram 33, and holding a bicycle. (Photo reference 100802iw13a Photo taken by the Courier on 8/8/2002 during a afternoon charter by the Nursing service. Tram has the "Trotting Bray Raceway Friday Night" sign on the front of the tram. charters, district nurses, nursing -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Geoff Grant, 19/06/1955 12:00:00 AM
A set of eight 2 1/4" square photographs mounted onto a sheet of manila cardboard - contact prints of each negative. Numbered from left to right, top to bottom are: 476.1 - SECV Ballarat No. 38, possibly at Victoria St - c1955.; 476.2 - SEC Geelong 8 and 39 at Eastern Park terminus - 2/4/1955 476.3 - SEC Geelong No. 4 out the front of the depot building - 8/1/1956 (Negative No. 368) - See Reg Item 7253 for a large format print. 476.4 - SEC Geelong single trucker and bogie at depot - 8/1/1956 (Negative No. 365) 476.5 - SEC Geelong - No. 18 at East terminus - last day of Chilwell 8/1/56 (Negative No. 366) - See Reg Item 7253 for a large format print. 476.6 - SEC Geelong - No. 1 - at a terminus (see also Reg item No. 485) (Negative 367) (See Reg. Item 2610 for colour slide of this terminus and tram and 5898i6) 476.7 - SEC Geelong - No. 1 - at depot - group of people standing in front. (Negative 364) - See Reg Item 7255 for a large format print. 476.8 - SEC Geelong - No. 1 entering depot portal night shot, 8/1/56 (Negative 369) - See Reg Item 7256 for a large format print. Negative envelope has the typed note "Some six views of Geelong trams on the last day of operations of the Chilwell line and East West line" Re 476.7 - See also Reg Item 5898i2 - photo by Keith Kings for a similar or same photograph. Re 476.8 - See also Reg Item 5899i1 - photo by Keith Kings for a similar or same photograph. hi res scan made and image updated 23/5/2020.Niltrams, tramways, geelong, chilwell, ballarat, east, closure , tram 8, tram 39, tram 4, tram 18, tram 1, tram 38 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 2, Geoff Grant, 8/01/1956 12:00:00 AM
Black & White Photograph of Geelong No. 1 with destination "Chilwell", taken at night, on last day of operation of the Chilwell and East - West line of Geelong Trams, 8/1/1956. Tram has "PAY AS YOU ENTER" board on front entry of tram. See also Reg Item 5898i6 - photo by Keith Kings for a similar or same photograph. .1 - Copy large format print from Lloyd Rogers collection via Robert Green 2/2014. Added 4-4-2019Stamped on rear, btm rh corner "Geoff Grant 8 Jan. 1956 Victoria" .1 - in ink in bottom left hand corner "Last day of operation of Chilwell line 8th Jan 1956"trams, tramways, geelong, chilwell, closure , tram 1 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 2, The Courier Ballarat, 16/09/1970 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the incidents/accidents that can occur on a street tramway system - collisions resulting in the rare virtual total demolition of a tram in Ballarat.Black and white photograph of SEC No. 20 after accident on 16/9/1970. See Kings, "Ballarat Tramways" p57 for further details. Taken in Victoria St. by Courier and published the following day. Tram has been almost completely demolished to the floor boards. Published the following day in The Courier. See also Reg. Item No. 1089 for better print of this photograph. See item 1088 for story in The Courier of 17/9/1970., 551.1 - Collected by Alan Bradley from the Ballarat Courier early 1980's. See Excel file "Record of Ballarat Courier Photos SEC era" (Archive Documents) for source of details. Wayne Kell, Pitman SEC 1968-1971 - advised 10/10/2020 that the driver did not work again. Normally two young ladies would travel together on that service and would sit on the right hand side of the car at the front. This night, only one travelled and she sat on the left hand side. See Reg Item 8125 for item. On rear "Copyright, The Ballarat Courier Proprietary Limited" in blue ink stamp.trams, tramways, ballarat, victoria st, accidents , tram 20 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Ian Barkla, Nov. 1964
Black and white photo of Bendigo 21 at SEC depot Bendigo. Tram has been fitted with dash canopy lights, but not the enlarged white strip. Taken 11/64. Tram has destination of "Rly Station", roof ads for SEC and Mamouney's Furniture and Carpets and a small ad on the drivers cab panel for "Dancing" on Saturday night. On Kodak paper.On rear in black biro "11/64 Bendigo Dept No. 21 ex 188 MMTB"trams, tramways, bendigo, depot , tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Glen Mills, Nov. 1970
Agfa plastic mount (blue base, white cover) of a photograph of No. 36 and four single truckers at City or Grenville St Loop, with the buildings at the south east end of Sturt St. in the background is Dickins Food Store. A number of the trams have SEC roof advertisements and one unidentified one. Tram 36 has the "Trotting Bray Raceway Friday Night" auxiliary boards and is showing the destination of "CITY". Photo taken Nov 1970. One of a set of 20 slides made by the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip. Reference Item 2560 details the ARE Film Strip and provide references to other slides. Slide rescanned at 3200 dpi 25-10-2020, jpg replaced, tiff file retained. This file was scanned in 2003 and may show colour changes."BAS 62" in pencil.tramways, trams, sturt st, city loop, grenville st., tram 36 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Story of Ballarat's Horse Trams", 19/06/1937 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 25 and 27, from The Courier, Sat. 19 June 1937, titled "Story of Ballarat's Horse Trams", 1887 to 1913. Report of a paper presented to the Ballarat Historical Society by Inspector H. P. James the previous Tuesday night. Comprises four columns of text, pasted into the book titled "Of Other Days". General image of page 25 - see image btm2489i1.jpg. For page 27, see image btm2489i3.jpg - shows positioning of Reg. Items 2490, 91 and 92. Notes details of the genesis of the system, personalities involved with the construction, details of the works, depot, Duncan and Fraser car builders, early workers, formal opening, services, extension to Sebastopol, the horses, drivers, uniforms, (and on page 27) collection of fares, housing for the staff, horse feed (chart), passenger loads, conductors, rail and track cleaning and general operational notes. Has photo of a horse tram, with two drivers and conductors and handwritten note, remarking about the Conductor's "Receivers" in the photograph. See image btm2489i2.jpg Two hand written notes in ink, give details of Mr. Bob Haines and Matthew Buckley. Note Item Not formally Numbered.Numerous on page, mainly in trams, sebastopol, crews, depot -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Illustration/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Ballarat SEC illuminations, Apr. 1938
Illustration contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 45, from the April 1938 issue of SEC Magazine, page 31 showing the launch of the illuminated and decorated tram (No. 23) for the 1938 Ballarat state centenary celebrations. Shows the Mayor of Ballarat, Cr. J. H. Trekardo boarding the tram and identifies in the caption the SEC Branch Manager, Mr. T. Farr. A second photo of Sturt St. from Lydiard St. looking east at night. Note Item Not formally Numbered. Image btm2523i2 shows position on page relative to items 2523 and 2524. See also Reg item 1362.3 for a print of the official launch. See Reg Item 3909 for an original mounted print of 1362.3..trams, tramways, sec, centenaries, illuminated trams, decorated trams, floral tram -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Chris Wurr, 1971
Yields information about the streetscape and the trams at night outside the Royal Mail Hotel Sebastopol, the tram terminus.Black and White photograph of a single trucker (No. 21 - five windows) at the Sebastopol terminus, Albert St, outside the Royal Mail Hotel, just prior to the changeover from trams to buses. The tram has the destination of City. The pole with the tram stop signage is behind the tram while the new? bus stop sign is on the pole adjacent to the tram. Note that the pole has been condemned by the SEC. In the background is the hotel, with Melbourne Bitter and Fosters Larger advertised on the wall.Stamped on rear in black ink "Donated to BTPS by and Photo By" / "Chris Wurr 12 Truscott Street, Ararat 3377 (053) 52 3403.tramways, trams, sebastopol, albert st, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black and White photograph/s - mounted, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1939
Yields information about the tram decorated for the Ballarat Floral Festival of 1939 at night. Original print of this photograph.Mounted photograph on black light weight card, of the Ballarat (SEC 1st) No. 29 decorated for the 1939 Ballarat Floral Festival - night photograph. Has a label, black ink on white paper "Decorated Tram-car. Ballarat Floral Festival. 1939". Photo glued to card. Photo early 1939. On rear of item is Reg Item 3911. In bottom left hand corner in ink "SEC photo"trams, tramways, secv, illuminated trams, decorated trams, floral tram, tram 29 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), MMTB Reports 1979 to 1981, 1980 to 1982
Three copies of the Annual report of the MMTB for the years end 1980, 1981 and 1982 3953.1 - "Annual Report 1979-80" - white gloss paper with colour card covers with 36 pages, gloss, on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Operations report, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include; Z 117 in Bourke St, Z 31 Burwood terminus, new safety tower wagon, Z118 in Bourke St, W2 528 High St Kew, reconstruction of High St Kew, Z3 120, cable and electric trams at Flemington Bridge, Z3 117, fitting trams to bogies at Preston workshops, Queens Bridge roundabout, MAN bus, Burwood substation, Z111 in Bourke St and Z's enter Elizabeth St service and Z3 129 on rear cover at night. 3953.2 - "Annual Report 1980-81" - white gloss paper with colour card covers with 36 pages, on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Operations report, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include; image of Park St, Domain Road Jtn before changes, Museum station entrance, Flinders and Swanston St, CDB City Ring bus service, Swanston St, Westgate bus route, Park St, new substation, Swanston and Flinders St, Flinders land, and give way to buses pulling out of stops. 3953.2 - "Annual Report 1981-82" - white gloss paper with colour card covers with 36 pages, on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Operations report, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include images of a z class crossing the Maribyrnong bridge, Footscray bus workshops, track renewals, a wedding at Wattle Park, a W2 arriving at Museum Station, Clifton Hill interchange, buses, Z class in Elizabeth St (Nos 158 and 43), Z89 in Mt Alexander Road North Essendon and a W2 loaded on a truck for New Zealand.3951.1 - has Graeme Breydon's address stamp on front cover., 3951.2 - ditto, 3951.3 - ditto and on inside of front cover., 3951.6 - "G. Breydon" in pencil on front cover and pencil comments on balance sheet., 3951.7 - dittotrams, tramways, mmtb, melbourne, annual reports, operations, trackwork -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Ben Parle, Apr. 1956
Kodachrome Transparency - 35mm slide - cardboard mount, with one side with red border and words "Kodachrome Transparency" top and bottom. On the other side is "Made in Australia" and "View from this side". Photo taken by Ben Parle 4/1956. Has slide No. "3" stamped in red in top corner. Photo taken from the Ballarat Post Office steps, looking across to the post office at night. Has the Town Hall and Sturt St. decorated with lights. "Sturt Street Ballarat" "4/56"tramways, trams, sturt st, royal visit, illuminations, town hall -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, Ballarat No. 29 decorated for the 1939 floral festival, 8/03/1939 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping from the Courier, 8 March 1939 of Ballarat No. 29 decorated for the 1939 floral festival. Paper flowers made by the wives of the tramway staff members. Photographed with four SEC hostesses standing along side the tram and another four inside the tram. Photo caption noted that the tram is illuminated at night. See Reg. Item 1363 and 1369 for SEC photos of the tram and Reg. Item 2915 for another newspaper photo of the tram. See Reg Item 3575 for a copy negative of the same photograph. floral tram, 1939 floral festival, decorated trams, special trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB News", 1967
Eight issues of "MMTB News" - The Magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board. No. 1 not in bag 11/9/2016 when checked - further checking to be done. All issues printed with an cream colour paper cover with the rest of the magazine white glass paper. 2721.1 - Vol. 4, No. 1 - 16 pages, January 1967, with a photo of the W7 1031 prior to running out of Preston Depot with its crew and depot starter, photo of opening of Glenferrie Rd Malvern, "Like to Drive a Tram?" - Hawthorn driver training school with photos, intake of new conductors, Stores - The Board's Housekeeper - Mr. D. Tatam, extension of the East Preston route, Children's Christmas party, trackwork and duplication of East Coburg to Bell St, laying of a cable tram cable. 2721.2 - Vol. 4, No. 2 - 16 pages, February 1967, with a photo of North Fitzroy bus crews prior to running out, "Sixty years of Essendon Tramways", R. Risson's speech to the ANA on 26/1, Annual report highlights, Tramways band, retirement of Max Jones. Photo of Mr. Risson scanned - see i9 2721.3 - Vol. 4, No. 3 - 16 pages, March 1967, with a photo of a model of the proposed St. Kilda junction arrangements, "Trams and Buses - they keep them rolling", St. Kilda Junction scheme, Overhead crews, Conductresses Uniforms, new conductors, sports and social club news. 2721.4 - Vol. 4, No. 4 - 16 pages, April 1967, with a photo of the reconstruction of Camberwell Road, "Melbourne Needs Trams", Tramways Band, Long Service awards, retirement of Roy Allen, Jack Moffatt World wide TV broadcast from South Melbourne depot, sports and social club news. 2721.5 - Vol. 4, No. 5 - 16 pages, May 1967, with a photo of bus maintenance work at North Fitzroy, Tram track maintenance procedures, retirement of Arthur Battye, death or Harold Wallace, sports and social club news. 2721.6 - Vol. 4, No. 6 - 16 pages, June 1967 with a photo of the World TV broadcast, "Our World" that featured South Melbourne Depot, tram track maintenance procedures, TMSV Visit to Rubicon with bus 570, staggered working hours, first MMTB built tramcars (T166), TMSV all night tour, retirement of Bill Trickey, sports and social club news. 2721.7 - Vol. 4, No. 7 - 16 pages, July - August 1967 with a photo of visiting US Sailors on a tramcar, changes to tramways routes (Norm Cross), retirement of Val Marchesi, Tom Addison, J. J. McKenzie, Gordon Mitchell, sports and social club news. 2721.8 - Vol. 4, No. 8 - 16 pages, September - October 1967 with a photo of Ray Harvey working on a RC2 Controller, tram charter by Bob Wilson, Essendon reunion, sports and social club news. Two copies of each other than No. 1, No. 3 and No. 8 as at 12/9/2016.-Each issue has stamped on the front cover or inside "The Australian Railway Historical Society (S.A. Branch).trams, tramways, mmtb, hawthorn, essendon, tramways band, st kilda road, trackwork, tmsv, tv broadcasts, tramcars -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 20, 1971-72
Set of 20 digital images of Bendigo Tramways, 1972 at or before closure while on a tram tour by Stuart Lodington. .1 - No. 7 at Golden Square terminus .2 - ditto .3 - No. 26 in bound on the Eaglehawk line with a crossing loop behind. .4 - Birney crossing the bridge by the tram depot. .5 - No. 29 running a special on the Eaglehawk line with a HBA billboard in the background. .6 - No. 29 with a driver walking in front of the tram at the above location. .7 - No. 29 on the Eaglehawk line .8 - ditto waiting for a tram at Manchester Loop with poppet head in the background. .9 - No. 29 on the Eaglehawk line .10 - Eaglehawk Town Hall at night. .11 - No. 7 at the depot junction in McCrae St, with Golden Square destination. .12 - No. 29 with the Camp Hotel Eaglehawk in the background. Also a Newsagent with The Sun, The Bendigo Advertiser and The Age signs on the building, High St .13 - No. 29 Mt Korong Rd, with the railway overbridge in the background. .14 - interior photo of Birney tram roof .15 - interior view of controls of Birney at Eaglehawk .16 - No. 29 outbound at the Depot Junction McCrae St. .17 - No. 18 at the Eaglehawk terminus .18 - close up view of No. 29 front. .19 - No. 29 in Nolan St, crossing the bridge, outbound. .20 - No. 18 at the Eaglehawk terminus with the Eaglehawk Town Hall, Post Office in the background. Has a circus banner on the side.trams, tramways, bendigo, eaglehawk, quarry hill, golden square, depot, mccrae st, nolan st, tram 7, tram 26, tram 29, tram 18 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 8, 21/08/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the SEC Ballarat trams in the months before the closure of the SEC Tramway system. Yields information about the streetscape. Set of 8 Digital images, scanned from slides by Graeme Cleak, scanning by Peter Winspur 9/2011. .1 - Slide FS14 - No. 31 and 32 crossing at the High St Loop in Macarthur St. Tram 31 has the destination of Victoria St. Geoff Dean and his mini on the right hand side of the photograph. Another depot bound single trucker in the photograph, .2 - Slide FS3 - 31 outbound in Victoria St, with St Alipius church in the background. .3 - Slide FS5 - No. 31, and four other trams, some running special at Sturt and Lydiard Sts during the ARHS tour of that day. Has the ANZ Bank and SEC offices in the background. .4 - Slide FS9 - Nos. 39, 26 and two other trams in Lydiard St for the ARHS tour with Reid's Palace, Macleod & Co and J.J. Collier buildings in the background along with other buildings in Lydiard St North. Taken from the Provincial Hotel. .5 - Slide FS11 - No. 26 northbound showing Special running through the level crossing at Ballarat with the Kennedy Murray General Carrier in the background. Taken from the Provincial Hotel. .6 - Slide FS13 - No. 32 turning from Sturt St into Drummond Street North showing Depot via Drummond North, with the Southern Cross Hotel, Rimmington Bros and J.A, Malpass(?) buildings in the background. .7 - Slide FR35 - night shot of No. 17 (with Twin Lakes sign) and No. 32 in Nos 3 and 4 roads at the depot. .8 - Slide FR34 - night shot of the front of the depot - as above and No. 43 on "0" road. All photos 21-8-1971 trams, tramways, railway station, macarthur st, victoria st, sturt st, lydiard st north, level crossings, depot, tram 31, tram 32, tram 39, tram 26, tram 17, tram 43 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Adelaide Advertiser, "Have you seen this before?", "Rail Crash heroism", Apr. 1955
.1 - Newspaper clipping from The Sunday Advertiser, Saturday Night, 9/4/1955 (Adelaide) with a photo of a rail crash and a query about the photograph titled ""Have you seen this before?" .2 - Newspaper clipping from The Sunday Advertiser, Saturday Night, 16/4/1955 (Adelaide) with information about the photograph - a collision between two trains, at Walloway siding, near Orroroo, on 16/11/1901. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdfin pencil on bottom of .2 "16th August"sar, accidents -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "No trams for at lease a decade", Aug. 2002
Yields information about the view of the City of Ballarat Mayor about the proposal for a Ballarat Tourist based tramway in 2002.Newspaper clipping from the Courier, Thursday 1 August 2002, with the title ""No trams for at lease a decade", reporting on comments made by Mayor David Vendy about the possibility of trams in Ballarat, at least 10 years and following up on the Tuesday night meeting at the Town Hall with the consultants and residents. Has a photo of David Vendy on BTM Tram 13 (has the signs inside) superimposed on Sturt St with the Town Hall and Myers store in the background. Article written by Andrew Molloy. Item has the date, source and page written in ink.ballarat revival, btm, city tramway, town hall -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Print, Lilian Butler, Sep. 1971
Has a strong association with SEC Ballarat tram crews and the closure of the SEC operated Ballarat system.Colour print of Conductor (No. 35) H. M. Van Oorschot on Tram No. 42, Sunday 19th September 1971, final night of the tram service along with a group of other passengers. Photo printed on Kodak Paper. Photograph by Lilian Butler? in ink on rear "On Tram No. 42, Sunday 19th September 1971, final night of the tram service in Ballarat. With my compliments Lilian Butler".trams, tramways, crews, conductors, closure, last tram, passengers, interiors, tram 42 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Roster, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Ballarat - Weekdays, Saturday and Sunday Rosters, 1971
Demonstrates aspects of the Ballarat Tramways management system of Motorman's' rosters interfacing during the last full period of operation of the tramway. Shows the services and how the various run or crew tables were arranged in relation to the overall timetable. Photo copy on heat sensitive paper of a handwritten sheet on graph paper for the arrangement of the Weekdays, Saturday and Sunday Rosters on the various Ballarat routes. Gives the various run numbers, sign on location, trip take times, notes on what to do with trams, sign off times, interface with other runs. Shows the full or basic 20 min service during the day and 30 mins at night. Show how the various run or crew tables were arranged to provide the service overall. Undated, possibly August 1971 when services were revised prior to closure after the closure of the Victoria St line as it is not mentioned. 2nd copy added 3/1/2020trams, tramways, ballarat, rosters, crews, employees, shifts, timetables -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, "City that loves its cable trams", 1950's
Newspaper clipping from a Melbourne paper, no date marked titled "City that loves its cable trams", written by Journalist Don Iddon visiting San Francisco. Discusses the social mix and cultures of the city, its cable trams, politicians, night life, and its position in world politics. Has a photo of a California St cable car. Item was contained within the back cover of Reg Item 5485 - Service Exercise Book, black covers, with label, red binding titled "No. 2 - Ballarat Tramways & S.E.C. Systems" - see list. cable trams, san francisco, usa -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black & white photograph, Bert Graham Collection, two ladies and a gentleman standing in the hall are from left to right Mrs. Canavan, Bert Graham, Mrs. Robinson all at the Progress Bowls Night. All names are on back.bendigo, clubs, bendigo east progress association