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matching side table
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Tray Cloth
White cotton tray cloth with scalloped edges. Centre embroidered pattern of butterfly with two circles on either side.manchester, table linen, handcrafts, needlework -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Tea Cosy
White cotton tea cosy in half circle. Edged in pin tucked lawn with lace border. Double sided with butterflies embroidered in blue on one side with centre piece of crochet. Other side flowers embroidered in blue and crochet centrepiece.manchester, table linen, handcrafts, needlework -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Textile - Table Runner
White cotton crochet table runner. Unusual tassels. round tops.|Consist of two rows of medallions (six per side); two rows of diamonds ( 14 each row) one row of medallions (small 14 Medallions). Seven tassels each end.handcrafts, crocheting or crochet work, domestic items, ornaments / decorative -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 70 - 3 First Year Nurses simulating examination of ear - Senior Demonstration Room
The Northern District School of Nursing opened in 1950 in to address the issues around nurse recruitment, training and education that had previously been hospital based. The residential school was to provide theoretical and in-house education and practical training over three years. The students would also receive practical hands-on training in the wards of associated hospitals. The Northern District School of Nursing operated from Lister House, Rowan Street, Bendigo. It was the first independent school of nursing in Victoria and continued until it closed in 1989.2 Black and White photos - 1 Nurse sitting 1 Nurse bending forward with medical instrument in her hand. Remaining nurse has syringe in her hand standing at table. Medical instruments and table and bottles in cupboard at back right hand side2 photos both have names and inscriptions on back of photosnurse training, nurses uniform, nursing history -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c1990
This photograph is of the viewing room inside the building, this side with windows overlooking the machinery and a video screen with a switchboard to run the video. One of a series of photographs of the Rutherglen Gold Battery. Its purpose was to crush quartz from nearby quartz reefs and extract gold from within. The battery was erected in 1908 and consists of a five-head battery, Wilfrey table, Bergin pan, portable steam engine and shed. The battery was restored in 2011/12 and can be viewed daily between 9.00am and 5.00pm. See website for details.Colour photograph of the interior of a building showing two large windows and a video screen on a corrugated iron battery, gold processing -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c1990
This photograph is a view from the lower side of the stamper, showing amalgam table, box and stampers. This is one of a series of photographs of the Rutherglen Gold Battery. The battery's purpose was to crush quartz from nearby quartz reefs and extract gold from within. The battery was erected in 1908 and consists of a five-head battery, Wilfrey table, Bergin pan, portable steam engine and shed. The battery was restored in 2011/12 and can be viewed daily between 9.00am and 5.00pm. See website for details. Colour photograph of a large piece of machinery inside a buildinggold battery, gold processing -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c1990
This photograph is of the side of the main building of the Gold Battery with workshop at rear (now demolished). Beside building is a hand windlass, along with some old pulleys and various parts. This is one of a series of photographs of the Rutherglen Gold Battery. The battery's purpose was to crush quartz from nearby quartz reefs and extract gold from within. The battery was erected in 1908 and consists of a five-head battery, Wilfrey table, Bergin pan, portable steam engine and shed. The battery was restored in 2011/12 and can be viewed daily between 9.00am and 5.00pm. See website for details.Colour photograph of the side of a corrugated iron building with a smaller building at the left, and a number of pieces of machinery next to the buildinggold battery, gold processing -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c1990
This photograph is of the back end of the side of the main building of the Gold Battery with workshop at rear (now demolished). Beside building is a hand windlass, along with some old pulleys and various parts. This is one of a series of photographs of the Rutherglen Gold Battery. The battery's purpose was to crush quartz from nearby quartz reefs and extract gold from within. The battery was erected in 1908 and consists of a five-head battery, Wilfrey table, Bergin pan, portable steam engine and shed. The battery was restored in 2011/12 and can be viewed daily between 9.00am and 5.00pm. See website for details.Colour photograph of the side of a corrugated iron building with a smaller building at the left, and a number of pieces of machinery next to the buildinggold battery, gold processing -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c1990
This photograph is of the side of the Gold Battery building, and is one of a series of photographs of the Rutherglen Gold Battery. Its purpose was to crush quartz from nearby quartz reefs and extract gold from within. The battery was erected in 1908 and consists of a five-head battery, Wilfrey table, Bergin pan, portable steam engine and shed. The battery was restored in 2011/12 and can be viewed daily between 9.00am and 5.00pm. See website for details.Colour photograph of the side of a corrugated iron buildinggold battery, gold processing -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, Robert B Billings, c1953
... Photograph of the Billings children at a picnic table...-country Photograph of the Billings children at a picnic table ...Photograph of the Billings children at a picnic table at the side of Lake King.Black and white photograph of park with trees reflected on the surface of a lake. Several children are seated at a picnic table.Written on back of photo: "Rutherglen Lake. About 1953. (Stopped at [Browning?] Road)billings family, lake king, rutherglen park -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Former Kurting Mechanics' Institute, Victoria, 2016, 10/01/2016
Kurting. Mechanics' Hall OFFICIAL OPENING. SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION. Favored by beautiful weather, the official opening ot the new Mechanics' Hall erected at Kurting proved an entire success. There was a large attendance ol local and district residents, and a sports meeting held during the afternoon in aid of Red Cross funds resulted in a substantial amount being netted. The hall, which stands on ground generously donated by Mr J. Hogan, between the school and the creek, is a substantialyvconcrete building of pleasing design, and was erected at a cost of about £330 by Mr J. H. Secombe, who also materially assisted the committee in the matter of finance. It is 48ft. long by 24ft. wide, with 12ft, walls, and should prove equal to the needs of the district for many years to come. It is well ventilated, and has large windows, these opening outwards on hinges. Doors at each side, and the back, as well as in front, give free means of access, while a fireplace in the back allows of provision being made for supper arrangements, water being laid on from a tank. Provi sion has been made for the partitioning off ot portion of the hall at any time this may be considered desirable. To provide a stage eight tables of a uniform size have been constructed to fit across the width of the hall. By these it will be possible, when euchre parties are being held, to use the full length of the hall. ... (Inglewod Advertiser, 19 July 1918) and also to convert tiie "stage" into card tables. The committee still has work ahead in the provision of a ceiling for the building and seating accomodation, but there is no doubt that the public support accorded them will be sufficient to enable these matters to be dealt with in the near future. A fine floor has been put down.Photographs of the former Kurting Hall, Victoria.kurting, kurting hall, john hogan, kurting mechanics' institute -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Memorabilia - Souvenir Naval Association Flags, Desk ornament, Circa 1940's
It was probably made to be placed on the head table at meetings of the Naval Association of Australia.A cut of the Naval Association of Australia Badge attached to a wooden background set on a wooden base. The badge has a King's Crown on top indicating that it is pre 1954. Provision is made in the side for flags to be inserted. It has the Australian Flag mounted on one side and Royal Navy Flag on the opposite side. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Forest Hill Hall
The Forest Hill Hall was built before the 1960s and is situated on the South East side of the intersection of Canterbury and Springvale Rds.The hall seats 70 and can supply tables chairs and a stove. The floor is timber and there is a disability access. There are no parties allowedColoured photograph of a green building with a yellow door. Forest Hill Hall is printed on a board above the doorforest hill hall, halls -
Monash University Museum of Computing History
Ferranti Sirius mainframe computer, 1961
The Ferranti Sirius is an electronic second-generation transistor computer and is one of three remaining examples of this machine left in the world. It was an important addition to the computing facilities at Monash University in the early 1960s and provided access for computer programming and research for many early computer professionals, academics and teachers. The Ferranti Sirius computer was built in a period of rapid growth in computing technology. The first stored program computers appeared in the late 1940s and used individual designs with valve technology. By the mid-1950s valve technology was replaced by transistors and the first mass produced commercial computers became available. The Ferranti Sirius was announced in 1959 and offered a “small” academic computer. It was designed and built by the English company Ferranti Ltd and sold through a local office of the company in Melbourne. The Sirius was manufactured at the Ferranti Ltd.’s West Gorton, England factory from 1959 to 1963 and, in all, the company produced probably 22 installations although only 16 were actually recorded as sold; this included one at Ferranti’s Bureau in London and one at Ferranti’s Melbourne Bureau. Only 7 were exported and 4 of these 7 were located in Melbourne, Australia. All four were associated with computing at Monash University – the Sirius in the MMoCH collection was purchased by Monash University in 1962, a smaller Ferranti Sirius was used on the Caulfield campus (prior to amalgamation with Monash University) from 1963, the Ferranti company had its own Ferranti Sirius initially temporarily installed at Clayton campus in 1962 and then placed in their office in Queens Road, Melbourne. A fourth computer was purchased by ICIANZ (now Orica) in 1962 and was transferred to Clayton campus in 1967. Only two of these Melbourne examples have survived; one in the MMoCH collection and one at Museums Victoria. There is an example of the Ferranti Sirius in the Science Museum Group collection in the UK as well. The Ferranti Sirius in the MMoCH collection was the first computer purchased by Monash University and it was shipped to Australia to be installed by November 1962. The University had a similar model computer on loan from Ferranti Ltd during the first part of the year and it was returned to the office of the company in Queens Road, Melbourne once the University’s own machine was installed. The computer was placed on site at Clayton campus, Monash University. The computer operated from 1962 until 1972 when it was officially decommissioned. The Ferranti Sirius was sold to Mr Paul Stewart in late 1974 and removed from Monash University. Mr Stewart later donated the computer back to the University in 1988 and it was transferred to the collection of the Monash Museum of Computing History after 2001. The Ferranti Sirius is an electronic second-generation transistor computer and is one of three remaining examples of this machine left in the world. It was an important addition to the computing facilities at Monash University in the early 1960s and provided access for computer programming and research for many early computer professionals, academics and teachers. The Ferranti Sirius is of scientific (technological) significance as one of the early transistor digital computers that transitioned computing from first-generation valve computers to second generation commercial installations. This example of the Sirius is of historical significance in its role as a part of the Computer Centre, Clayton campus, Monash University which provided computing facilities in Melbourne in the early 1960s when there were few installations available for academic, administrative and commercial users. Staff and students were able to undertake investigative research and learn programming techniques. The Computer Centre encouraged the use of the computer across all disciplines and this provided the base to establish computer science as a subject offering and, later, a new department in the University. This growth in computer education eventually culminated in the establishment of the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. The Ferranti Sirius in the collection at Monash Museum of Computing History has a main unit with a CPU and memory combined with input/output equipment and one extra cabinet of memory. The Central Processing Unit is a floor-standing unit which contains the computer circuits, power supplies and has a decimal digit display panel and a normal clock. A moveable control panel is placed in front of the Unit (Currently set on a recreated desk/filing cabinet support in the display). The Sirius base unit uses acoustic delay line memory with 1000 word store. An additional 3000 word memory cabinet is set adjacent to the CPU and can be connected to increase the memory. The computer is supported by a range of input/output devices. There is a Ferranti Paper tape reader, located on desk in front of CPU. Red label on front “Ferranti tape reader. Type TR 5. Serial No. 477”. Adjacent to the CPU is a set of Simplified tape editing equipment in three pieces which includes a (1) Table unit with switches on front face. Metal tag on reverse reads “Creed & Co. Model No. S4060. Serial No. 1457. Original Customers Marking GRP7 V706”. The table has a numbered internal tag “Table Serial No. 198579. (2)Creed teletype set on table unit. Metal tag on reverse “Creed & Co. Model No. 75RPR K4M4. Serial No. 5897 Made in England”. (3)Creed paper tape reader set on table unit. This set of equipment could read paper tape and print it, or copy paper tape while allowing it to be edited, or allow a programmer or data preparation person to type and punch a new program or data. It has no electrical connection to the computer. Paper tapes were usually torn off and carried across to the computer. There is also another table unit with switches on front face and changeable setting switch on front right side which holds a Ferranti Westrex paper tape punch set. Label on reverse “Teletype Code BRPE11” This was the Computer’s only output device. BRPE-11 is a teletype model number. -
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Work on paper - Newspaper, The Australian Military Newspaper TABLE TOPS (Australian Newspaper), 15th August 1945 Table tops sun set edition
newspaper laminated, for example, has news printed stories and photographs about the end of the war with a small tear on one side on four pages with single centrefold.Headline: IT'S ALL OVER/ Japan Accepts Allied Termsnewspapers, military press, 1945, japanese surrender, wwii, second world war, world war two -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Communion table, Before 1952
... This is a wooden rectangular communion table, enclosed... rectangular communion table, enclosed on three sides and open ...The table was used in St Martins Anglican Church at Belgrave South, and was removed to the new St Martins Anglican Church in the 1980s. In the 2000s it was donated to the Historical Society.This is a wooden rectangular communion table, enclosed on three sides and open at the back. There is a single shelf extending the full width and depth and accessible from the back. There are mitre-shaped panels on all three sides. On the left side (as viewed from the body of the church) is affixed a metal plaque. See below for inscription.On plaque: "As a thank offering in memory of Mrs A. Truman who worshipped in this church for many years, died 3rd April 1952. This communion table is given by her family and friends. Te Deum Laudamus."st martins anglican church, mrs a. truman -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Textile - Helen Gibson collection - material, cottons, etc
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Lynette Hermon's 4th birthday party
B&W photo of Lynette Hermon's 4th birthday party, 24th November 1954. Four young children are sitting around a table set up in a garden. Lynette is on the right side at the front. She has a doll sitting in a doll-sized deckchair beside her. Behind her is a second girl. Opposite them is a girl (in the front) and a boy. The table has a cloth on and there is a cake with candles. There are also other cups and plates visible.. The sun is shining. There are trees in the garden and also a fence behind them. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - The Johns family of Selby
B&W photo of the Johns family of Selby. Photo appears to date from c. 1930s. They are outside, with a hedge directly behind them. L-r, Martha Johns, a young woman sitting in a wooden chair. She is wearing a floral summer dress with a dark bow at the neckline. Martha was born in 1916. A young man, William David (Dave) Johns, stands, wearing a three-piece suit and tie. His left hand rests on the back of the chair of the next woman. This older woman, Alice, sits at a small table and has her left hand resting on an open book. She wears a dark skirt, light patterned blouse, and dark cardigan flecked with a lighter colour. She is wearing a necklace and she has round-framed glasses. Another young man, Ernest Johns, stands to her right. He is also dressed in three-piece suit and tie. He has his right hand placed on his right hip. A young woman, Florence Johns, sits in a wicker chair. She is wearing a dark outfit with a pale collar. Her hair is parted on the side and braided into two plaits. An older man, William John Johns, sits in a wooden chair. He is wearing a three-piece suit and tie. His waistcoat buttons up high on his chest, more of an old style suit than the two young men. He has grey hair and a moustache. All members of the group are smiling slightly. The photo was taken at the family farm, Hillandale, in Selby. Information provided by Lyn Kershaw, daughter of Dave Johns. -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
The RDNS Sisters are named in the photograph, L-R - Sister Megan Margaret Day who works in the Domiciliary Infant Maternal Care (DIMC) section of RDNS. The next Sister's name is unknown, and on the right is Sister Ruth Eileen McKeon who is a Nurse Educator with RDNS. The photograph is taken in the Education Department of Royal District Nursing Service, and the two Sisters are receiving instruction on the function of the organs of the human body from Sister McKeon. The Sisters are wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Megan Day, who has curled short dark hair and is wearing glasses. She is standing side-on facing to the right of the photograph. The index finger of her right hand is pointing to an area on the internal frontal view of a Human Torso Model which is sitting on a table to her right. Between her and the model is another Sister who has her long dark hair drawn back. She is looking at the internal organs in the Model. To the right of the Model is Sister Ruth McKeon, who has her long light colour hair drawn back into a French Twist. She is standing side-on facing to the left of the photograph, and is smiling as she holds one of the organs taken from the Model. When looking at the photograph, the left side of the Model's face is seen, and on the right side the Internal organs of the face are seen. The internal organs of the neck and torso of the Model are seen. A blackboard with writings about the function of 'The Heart' is In the background. The Sisters are all wearing their RDNS uniforms of a short sleeve white blouse under a V neck tunic style dress which has the RDNS logo on its upper left.Barry Sutton LY 66 namesrdns, rdns education, royal district nursing service, sister megan margaret day, sister ruth eileen mckeon -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
The photograph shows a group of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters receiving a lecture on 'Physical Handicap' given by Sr. Rowley in the Education Department at RDNS Headquarters 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Sr. Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at RDNS.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows the back view of four rows of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters sitting at small tables and looking toward Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley who is facing them. She is in the rear centre of the photograph. The 16 Sisters, some partly hidden, are wearing a variety of summer day clothes. Spectacle cases, pens, sheets of paper, and some books are on the tables in front of them. Sister Rowley who wears glasses; has short straight dark hair, is wearing a white short sleeve blouse under a dark V neck tunic style dress. She is looking at the group and her right hand is pointing to writing on a large blackboard standing to her right. To the left of the blackboard, a draped Human Torso Model sits on a table. A long dark curtain hangs behind part of the blackboard. Running along the left of the photograph is a wooden door with glass panels at the top, some light colour wall with a dark picture rail, and a set of double glass doors with long grey curtains either side. To the right of Sr. Rowley part of a large white board is seen hanging above and below the dark picture rail on the wall.Barry Sutton LY 69rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns education, sister pat (paddy) rowley -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 01.05.1974
This black and white photograph is taken in the Education Department at Western General Hospital. Sr, Nan Deakin is a Nurse Educator with RDNS and is giving a lecture about District Nursing to hospital student nurses before each nurse goes to RDNS Centres. This lecture prepares each nurse before she goes out for a week with an RDNS Sister to visit patients who are receiving nursing care in their home.During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Trained nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 Student nurses who received District field experience with RDNS.This black and white photograph shows the back view of three rows of hospital student nurses in their white uniforms and caps, sitting at small tables facing toward, on the left, Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Nurse Educator, Sister Nan Deakin, and their hospital Tutor Sister who is wearing her white uniform. The Sisters are standing in front of a large blackboard at the rear of the photograph facing the group. A smaller blackboard is attached to the wall to the left. On the right, the Tutor Sister has short dark curly hair and is standing side-on turned toward Sr. Deakin who is to her left. Sr. Deakin has short dark straight hair; is wearing glasses; and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock. She has her hands crossed and is holding sheets of paper in her right hand. There is a dark table to her left with a book and a short collapsible lectern on it. To the left of that is a row of short wooden cupboards and above that an open window with a horizontal striped curtain on the far end. The metal framed tables in front of the nurses have white wooden tops and have books, papers, pens and rulers on them.Barry Sutton MA 75royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, western general hospital students, sister nan deakin -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1972
This photograph is taken in the Education Department at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). Principal Nurse Educator, Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley is instructing the group in the Anatomy of the Brain. Jan Turski is a Trained nurse (Sister) working in the Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC) section of RDNS. Pat Walker is a Sister from Geelong, Lynne Lambert is a Sister from Qld, Paula McBreen is a Sister from St. Vincent's Hospital and Liz Seymour-Smith is a Sister from Qld. Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style frock made out of herringbone winter material.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Sisters could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows, standing L-R, a side-on view of Jan Turski, who has short, straight light hair and is wearing a dark cardigan and white and black hound's-tooth check skirt; she is facing right. Next is Pat Walker, who has short dark hair and is wearing a grey jumper over a check skirt. Then, Lynne Lambert, who has short wavy dark hair, and is wearing a white jumper, with a pendant hanging down it, over grey slacks. She is holding half of an Anatomical brain in her right hand. Next is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Principal Nurse Educator, Pat (Paddy) Rowley, who is looking towards the left of the photograph at the Anatomical brain held by Lynne Lambert. She is wearing glasses, has short dark hair and is wearing a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock. She is holding an open book in her hands. Next is Paula McBreen, who has shoulder length dark hair and is wearing a dark cardigan over a grey skivvie, with a pendant hanging down it, and a check skirt. She is smiling and looking to her right toward the others. On the far right, side-on and facing the others on the left of the photograph, is Liz Seymour-Smith who has shoulder length dark hair and is wearing a dark grey skivvie, and white, with dark check, slacks. In front of the group is a round dark wooden top table, which has a book and open folder on it, as well as a round white plastic base with the other half of the anatomical brain sitting in it.Barry Sutton MB 30royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister jan turski, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister lynne lambert, sister pat walker, sister paula mcbreen, sister liz seymour-smith -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Model - Toy Tram in the style of a Japanese tram, 2003
Donated to Museum by an autistic young man, who as a boy would play at the museum toy tram tables. He donated it so that other young boys could play with it. Ha a strong association with the donorToy Tram in style of a Japanese tram, with 'friction' motor. Is dark green in colour with a wide cream band around windows; grey roof; silver pantograph; grey wheels; black chassis. Has eyes on front that move from side to side. Has '6125' on all sides (probably tramcar number) and '27' on front and rear (probably route number). Has plastic pantograph on roof.tramways, toy, models -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, Kym Westwood, "Tram Feasibility Study for the Ballarat Tourism Board", Jul. 2000
Photocopy of a bound (comb binding) report titled, "Tram Feasibility Study for the Ballarat Tourism Board". Was originally 96pages, has been photocopied using both sides of an A4 sheet. Stored as a 48 pages with a metal fold back clip to hold sheets together. Front cover featured a photograph of ESCo No. 1. Contains information on research design, data analysis, results, conclusions and recommendations, list of references, exhibits, tables, data summaries, copies of newspaper items and background material. Compiled by Kym Westwood of the University of Ballarat - 1997. Copy of report made 7/2000 for BTM files.trams, tramways, city tramway, ballarat tramways, tramway revival, university of ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
document - Conservation Plan, Warren Doubleday, "Conservation Plan for ESCo. Ballarat Tram No. 12" - V6, 1.6.1997, "Conservation Plan for ESCo. Ballarat Tram No. 12" - D3, 7.7.1994, 1994-1997
781 - 45 Page printed/photocopied document within a black covered display folder with individual plastic sheets containing the Conservation Plan for ESCo Ballarat Tram No. 12. Prepared by W.Doubleday by the BTM from early 1994. Version No. V6 dated 1/6/97. Contains black and white photographs and colour photocopies of photographs. Has Table of Contents. 781.1 - photocopied version D3, draft of 7.7.1994, 37 pages, with three staples on left hand side.tram, trams, esco, conservation planning, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, H.P. James, "In Other Days", late 1930's
ESCo Employee Hours Work Record book that has been used by an ESCo/SEC inspector, H. P. James as a record / note book for his personal collection or papers or journal titled "In Other Days". Book sewn with string in 36 page sections, blank end papers, board covers with stipple paper out sides and Rexene cloth binding. Comprising plain paper end papers and 104 printed pages (52 leaves), with each sheet printed in black on feint ruled paper for recording the hours worked and other details of drivers and conductors employed by ESCo. Printed for daily use, with Day and date page headings - made out for the 1930's. Text generically printed feint ruled paper. Images: Book - i1 Inside front cover - i2 Members Certificate - i3 Photo of H.P. James and index page - i4 Has been used to gather mementos such as photos, articles, newspaper clippings, letters and other miscellaneous documents on Ballarat local history. Newspaper cuttings etc often have side notes written by Mr. James. Inside front cover has certificate recording Mr. James membership to the Ballarat Historical Society (on Australasian Historical Record Society paper) for 1937 - 1938. A side note records Mr. James elected as Vice President in 1939. Receipt signed by Edward Crimmins (See Reg. Item 2486) Has a table of contents for pages 1 to 65. Opposite is a photograph of Mr. James dressed for the Ballarat Tramways Social Club function - See Reg. Item No. 506 Primary items are: 1 - Newspaper cutting "A stroll along Bridge St. 50 years ago" - Nathan F. Speilvogel. 3 - Newspaper cutting "What I Remember of Early Ballarat" - James Sainsberry. 4 - Newspaper cutting "Magnet that Made Ballarat - New Monument Marks Gold Discovery" 7 - Newspaper cutting "Romance of a Ballarat Street Block" - Speilvogel 9 - Newspaper cutting "Sixty years of Dana St. School"- Speilvogel 11 - Newspaper cutting "The White Flat - its Transitions of Service - Historical Review" - J. Hargreaves 15 - Newspaper cutting "Memories of Russell Square - Fireman's Carnivals" - James 16 - Notes on the Alfred Hall 17 - Newspaper cutting - "Alfred Hall" - James 21 - Letter re Russell Square dated 24/2/38, J. McLeish 23 - Newspaper cutting "The First Train to Ballarat" 25 - Newspaper cutting "Story of Ballarat's Horse Trams 1887 to 1913", James - see Reg. Item 2489. 27 - Photos and Newspaper cutting of items re horse trams, and photo of ESCo No. 18 - See Reg. Items 2490, 2491 and 2492. 28 - ESCo opening ticket (See other Reg. Items 608 for examples of this) ticket No. 1595. 29 - Newspaper cutting "Story of Ballarat's Electric Trams", James, See Reg. Item 2493. 30 - Poster - SEC - Ballarat "The New System of Fares and Sections" - 3/10/1997 - See Reg. Item 2494. SEC - Tourist Ticket - See Reg. Item 2495 ESCo - 3d check ticket - See Reg. Item 2496 31 - Tickets and handwritten notes - with reference to page 51 ESCo 1d - See Reg. Item 2497 (2 No.) ESCo/SEC? - lunch hour weekly ticket - See Reg. Item 2498 ESCo/SEC? - Morning and evening weekly ticket - See Reg. Item 2499 ESCo/SEC? - 3d Adult Transfer - See Reg. Item 2500 ESCo/SEC? - 2d child Transfer - See Reg. Item 2501 ESCo - 1.1/2 child ticket - See Reg. Item 2502 ESCo - 3d Adult ticket - See Reg. Item 2503 Extract of an item titled "History of Ballarat Tramways", SEC Magazine, Feb. 1939 - See Reg. Item 2504 2d ESCo token (See other reg items 1794 and 1943 for details of this object) - sewn into page. 33 - Handwritten notes "Alfred Hall" 35 - Handwritten notes "Russell Square" 36, 37 - miscellaneous cuttings from the Courier for 1939 and 1940 39 - Newspaper cutting "South Street Band Contests" - cutting dated 27/10/1932. (See images - i5 to 41, 43, - ditto - contest results 44 - Photo of the Tramway Shelter in Sturt Street being removed - Courier dated 18/12/1923 - see Reg Item 2523. 45 - Extract of April 1938 from SEC Magazine, photos of the launch of the illuminated Ballarat Centenary tram - see Reg Item 2524. 47 - Newspaper cutting "Peeps into the Past" 48 - Listing of "Members of Returned Soldiers Band", Ballarat, dated 18/11/1919. 49 - Newspaper cutting "Ballarat, The Home of the Band Contests", dated 27/10/1932. 51 - Handwritten notes - "Tram Fares methods of collection" - See Reg. Item 2505. 53 - Newspaper cutting "100 years ago", Port Phillip Herald for 1840. 54 - Black and white photo of a gathering of people (tramway?) at the Showgrounds - See Reg. Item 2506 55 - Six black and white photos with handwritten notes ESCo 19 or 20 - See Reg. Item 2507 Group of ESCo employees by ESCo tram - See Reg. Item 2508 Photo of ESCo employee, Si Barker - See Reg. Item 2509 Photo of ESCo company bus - See Reg. Item 2510 (See also Reg Item 3813) Photo of No. 25 - Barkly St - See Reg. Item 2511 Photo of two ESCo employees - See Reg. Item 2512 56 - Loose newspaper cutting "San Francisco Struggle Buggies" - cable trams - The Age 15/3/1947 57 - Letter from Mr. Pringle of ESCo to Inspector James and Handwritten notes on ESCo management - See Reg. Item 2513 Handwritten notes on the token systems - See Reg. Item 2514 59 - Page titled "Bundy clocks and meters" but no notes 61 - Hand drawn map of Ballarat tramways with notes on tracks - horse, SEC and ESCo and loops - See Reg. Item 2515. 63 - Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings and photo of the Arch of Victory 64 - Photo of W. J.K. Dunstan ??? (has notes written on back, but difficult to read)* - Notes on rear of photo p64. "49 years in service W.J.K. Dunstan Office Manager Ballarat Branch Retired 18/3/46" 65 - Newspaper cutting "Old Victorian Schooldays, letters and reminiscences by past scholars". 67 - Newspaper cuttings - photo of Ballarat Choral Union and Urquhart St. school 69 - Newspaper cutting "Saint with a top hat" 71, 73 - Newspaper cutting "District Mining Disasters of By-Gone Days" - John Hargreaves 75 - Newspaper cutting "The Ballarat Courier" banners for 2/9/1939 - outbreak of World War Two - normal and a special edition. 77, 79 - Newspaper cutting "My Youth in Ballarat" - T.P. Long. 81 - Two photos and handwritten notes showing trams in Sturt St and the line up of horse trams - See Reg Item 2516. 83 - Newspaper cutting "Theatrical History - The Charlie Napier" - Speilvogel 85, 87 - Newspaper cutting "Story of the Eureka Stockade Monument" - Speilvogel 89 - Newspaper cutting "The Beginning of Buninyong" - Speilvogel 91 - Newspaper cutting "St. David's Day" 93, 95 - Newspaper cutting "From 1856 to 1894, Ballarat's Foremost Citizen Major (William Collard) Smith Recalled - J. Hargreaves. 97 - Newspaper cutting "All Electrical Exhibition / Ballarat's Electric Supply, its development" - 1936, See Reg. Item 2517. 98 - Loose photo of the ESCo Power station chimney and steeplejacks - See Reg. Item 2518. 98 - Loose sheet of paper about the origin of the ESCo trams - See Reg. Item 2525. 99 - Newspaper cutting - about Electricity in Ballarat and tramway services, and handwritten notes on ESCo Inspectors - See Reg. Item 2519 100, 101 - Newspaper cuttings - "Mr. Melbourne Day by Day" cartoon series and the artist's death notice dated 22/8/1939. 102 - Poster - Dana Street School Jubilee Re-union, has N. Speilvogel and H. James as joint secretaries. 103 - Newspaper cutting of various photos and a scene of a gold train at Bendigo 104 - Newspaper cuttings - Bob Menzies and Adolph Hitler and backs of Melbourne tram tickets - "School Boy Howlers". 105 - Letter in an envelope to H.P. James dated 11/10/1937, by a person about the building of the tram sheds at Wendouree - See Reg. Item 2520. Newspaper cutting of the opening of the tramway to Lydiard St. North from Gregory St. - See Reg. Item 2521 Loose item - 1/- SEC Tourist Ticket No. A2676 - See Reg. Item 2522.Many in pencil and inktrams, tramways, h.p. james, esco, horse trams, ballarat, civic history -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera, The Commercial Notebook, Ballarat tram timetables, 1913
Notebook, green cloth covered, with end papers, five sections ruled sheets sewn fitted with a black cotton tape strap. On side of notebook, in the same cloth, a holder for a short pencil has been provided. On inside end paper, has a sticker of the "The Commercial Notebook", discount table. In pencil is "J.H. Prisk / 516 Drummond / Ballarat" On first pages inside are details of change float, tickets sold, type , returns commencing "Monday 15/12" (1913) through to March 10 (1914), then many pages with monetary calculations, then sketches of tramcar lighting circuits, noes on cabling, roses, switches, current densities, and conduits lengths etc. Last page in notebook has notes re times of cards ex Sheds and Sebastopol and working hours on various runs. See worksheets in Reg. Item 3140 for details about Jack and his SEC driving career.On back of photograph in black ink "Jack Prisk Sec. Driver & Daughter Marg."trams, tramways, sec, drivers, esco, crews -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Poster, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Alteration to Time-Table", Mar. 1970
Significant in being a poster distributed by the SEC in Ballarat to advise passengers of the new timetable to apply from March 1970, reduction in services prior to closure, due to reducing crew numbers and to save money.Foolscap Sheet, glossy one side only, titled "Alteration to Fares", under the SEC and "Ballarat Tramways" heading. Gives details of timetable changes for Ballarat, commencing 16-3-1970. Gives details of service frequencies. Printed by Alex King & Sons Print, Ballarat and signed by F. K. White Manager. 21 copies held. See Reg Item 2474 for a mounted version of this poster.On rear in black ink 'BTPS 617"trams, tramways, timetables, sec, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera, Ray Hall, Ballarat tram timetables, c1970
Has a strong association with tram crews and the rosters crew workings, Ray Hall. Prepared by crews from sheets to enable them to know what service times to run, meal times, details of crew changes etc, based on their allocated shift or run from the roster.Sixty (60) page notebook with brown card board covers. Each sheet faint ruled, both sides, with some additional pages fixed in. Right hand side only has the hand written details of each SEC Ballarat runs - giving sign on times, notes, timetables, which run taken or taken by, meal times, notes with regard to special instructions, finish times notes with corrections and changes. Includes weekday and Saturday runs. Sunday timetables not included in the notebook pages. Image 1 shows covers and image 2, one of the sheets with the runs printed on both side of the page. On a scrap paper, formally summary time sheets of crews, additional tables have been written in for Sat and Sun runs.trams, tramways, ballarat, rosters, employees, shifts, timetables