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Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Bethany Gallery - Terry & Beverley Jarvis, c.WWI
WALTER WILLIAMS No 1442 enlisted in 2nd reinforcements 2nd Batt AIF on 27.11.1914 aged 23 years 9 months. Embarked for Egypt 11.2.1915, embarked for Gallipoli 5.4.1915. Transferred to Stretcher Bearers 8.4.1915 & hospitalised 9.6.1915 with a twisted instep. Returned to unit 13.7.1915, KIA 29.8.1915. Refer Cat No 1860 & 4342P Original photo of W WILLIAMS with Identity disc and medals mounted beneath. Mid brown colour timber frame with dark green mount & glass.Above photo on white label with black print: W WILLIAMS No 1442 - 1st AIF 2nd Bn Below photo handwritten with grey lead pencil: PT WALTER WILLIAMS nobly FFL THAT WE MIGHT LIVE Attached white printed label: WALTER WILLIAMS Killed in Action 29.8.1915 Refer book 4. photography-photographs, frame accessories, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - MEMORABILIA, FRAMED, Memorabilia for Rupert Henry Treganowan
Rupert Henry Treganowan No 18321. Refer 1862.5 for service history also 1863, 1864. Mounted and framed selection of items relating to Rupert Henry Treganowan, WW1, including photograph, New Testament, memorial card, medals, badge and envelope package. Frame - Timber, mid brown stain, plain moulding. Mount - dark green cardboard, red inner mount, glass front.Below collection, in black print "RUPERT HENRY TREGANOWAN"/SERVICE NUMBER - 18321/RANK - SAPPER/UNIT/SIGNAL SQUADRON ENGINEERS/ December 1916 to October 1919/Ship name -HMAT PORT SYDNEY - NO. A15 - Embarkation - Sydney" photography-photographs, numismatics-medals, military, badges, framed memorabilia, ww1, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Card - CARD, NCO MESS, c.1.1970
The card was used by Peter James Dodd No 217842 while serving in South Vietnam. Refer 2436.2P for his service history.Membership card for Vung Tau N C O / Open Mess, Jan 1970. Cream coloured card with black print. Membership details in blue ink.Jan 1970 No 000840 Member Vung Tau N C O / Open Mess Vung Tau Viet-Nam No 96291 Name: DODD, P J Rank: CPL Unit: 17 Const SQN RAEdocuments - cards, nco mess, vung tau -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - AATTV CERTIFICATE, FRAMED, Post vietnam
Details a brief history of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, reason for the award of the South Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm. AATTV was the highest decorated Unit in the Australian Army during Vietnam being awarded among others 4 Victoria Crosses.Famed certificate for Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation. Award given to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. Frame is brown stained wood.cross of gallantry, aattv, vietnam -
Bendigo Military Museum
Print - PRINT, AATTV FRAMED, Post 1970
Ray Simpson VC, DCM. Refer 630 for his service history, WW2, Korea, Malaya, Vietnam. This portrait came as an extra to a large framed print of Australia’s 96 at the time Victoria Cross winners.Dark brown marbled effect timber frame, with gold inner edge glass, gold metal look name plate glued to glass at lower edge. Coloured print of a water colour painting of soldier RAYENE STEWART SIMPSON in uniform. Black print on gold name plate: SIMPSON Rayene Stewart VC Rank Warrant Officer Class II Unit: Australian Army Training Team: Vietnam Date: 6 and 11 May 1969 Place: Kontum Province, South Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam)portraits, illustrations-watercolour, aattv, vc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document re. "Special General Order. Battle honours-Citation of Units 28 June 51". Document relates to the Battle of Kapyong 24/25 April 51 and the 3rd Btn RAR. The battalion was awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation. Document is in a wooden frame with gold edge.military history-army, korea, kapyong, australia -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS WW1, FRAMED, All three, 19414 - 18
John James Hindley No 2747 enlisted in the AIF on 2.7.1915 age 26 years 9 months. Embarked for Egypt 15.9.1915 then joined unit on Gallipoli 13.11.1915, hospital 14.12.1915 with Influenza, rejoin unit 22.12.1915, transfer to 4th machine Gun Coy 6.4.1916, embark for France 1.6.1916, reported WIA and missing reincourt 11.4.1917, reported POW, died while POW at Dulmen Germany 6.5.1917. Francis Grant Hindley No 790 enlisted in the AIF on 18.8.1914 age 19 years. Embark for Egypt 19.10.1914, embark for Gallipoli 5.4.1915, WIA 6.7.1915 with shock/concussion and then gets Influenza, rejoin unit 9.1.1916, transfer to 59th Batt 24.2.1916, transfer to 57th Batt 20.3.1916, embark for France 17.6.1916, transfer to 58th Batt 23.7.1916, promoted Sgt 1.4.1917, hospital with Scabies 21.7.1917, rejoin unit 25.7.1917, reverts to ranks 5.8.1917, promoted L/Cpl 15.9.1917, hospital 15.10.1917, with Haemorroids, rejoin unit 22.10 1917, embark for Australia 25.3.1918, discharged medically unfit 21.8.1918. Harold Hindley No 2570 enlisted in the AIF in 8th reinforcements 5th Batt on 8.7.1915 age 30 years 8 months. Embark for Egypt 15.9.1915, on Gallipoli 7.12.1915, embark for France 25.3.1916, hospital 11.7.1916, with I.C.F Heel, rejoin unit 19.7.1916, WIA 16.8.1916 GSW right thigh severe, shell contusions back and shoulder, from there he moves through various convalescent depots and units until embark for Australia for discharge on 19.10.1918, discharged from the AIF 11.2.1919.B&W portraits of the Hindley brothers in uniform. All items have dark green wooden frames. .1) John Hindley, full length standing, hands behind back with flowers and stairs in background. .2) Francis Hindley, full length standing with dog. .3) Harold Hindley, head and shoulders, photo is oval, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, FRAMED, Post 2000
Kenneth Arthur ROBERTS No 4582 enlisted in the AIF in 14th reinforcements 5th Battalion on 6.7.1915 age 21 years 8 months. Embarked for Egypt 28.1.1916, transfers to 57th Bn 20.3.1916, embark for France 18.6.1916, transfers to Aust Flying Corps (AFC) 30.11.1916, promoted 2nd Lt 25.3.1917, hospital with Scabies 27.8.1917, rejoin unit 27.8.1917, to be Lt from 23.8.1917, embark for France 10.9.1917, hospital 25.11.1917 with Nasal obstruction, rejoin unit 29.12.1917, hospital 13.1.1918 Sprained right knee and ankle severe, classed as WIA, rejoin unit 3.7.1918, discharged from the AIF 5.10.1919. B&W photo showing LT KA Roberts in uniform. Under the photo are his details, under that is the AFC emblem. Photo is on a white paper sheet on particle board with black frame.military history, photography-photographs, frame accessories, afc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK OF MILITIA UNITS, Historical Publications, Militia Units of Maryborough 1860-1901 (Victoria, Australia), 2017
Militia Units of Maryborough 1860-1901 (Victoria, Australia). Historical Publications. Included with book - Author's business card and leaflet titled "History of the/LEGION/of/FRONTIERSMEN/of the/COMMONWEALTH"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, black print on front and back, Illustration - front black and white photograph, half portrait of a soldier in uniform. Back - black and white small military coat of arms. 62 pages - cut, white, plain. Illustrated black and white photographs, maps and diagrams.books, military, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE WW1, FRAMED, 30/5/1919
Edgar James Koch No 2096 enlisted in the 3rd reinforcements 37th Batt AIF on 18.3.16. Embarked for overseas 25.9.16. WIA 4.10.17 GSW's left arm and chest wall. Transfers to the 38th Batt 12.10.18. Hospital 22.10.18 with Influenza. Hospital again 12.12.18 with Debility. Discharged from the AIF 25.9.10 medically unfit. Refer 933P, 1257P.Framed copy, Certificate of Discharge from the AIF re Edgar James Koch No 2096 37th Battalion AIF. Details enlistment date, age, unit, Regt No, days of service home and abroad and discharge date.documents-certificates, military history-service records, frame accessories, koch -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE, 31/1/1919
James Joseph Kirkham No 685 enlisted in the AIF with F Coy 8th Batt on 21.8.1914 age 25 years. Embarked for Egypt 19.10.1914, embark for Gallipoli 5.4.1915, hospital 19.5.1915 with Influenza then Rhuematism, return to Gallipoli 6.8.1915. Embark for France 26.3.1916, hospital 25.4.1917 with Appendicitis, return to unit 10.12.1917, attached to 1st Pioneer Batt 9.3.1918, return to Australia, leave for 1914 personnel 8.10.1918, discharged from the AIF 31.9.19. Refer 1283, 1986P.Certificate of discharge, Register No 1135 for Pte James Joseph Kirkham no 685, 1st Pioneers, 31/1/1919. Details name, rank, regt no, enlistment date, service at home and abroad, reason for discharge and discharge date. Certificate has been laminated.documents - certificates, military history-service records, kirkham -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH RAAF, FRAMED, c.1939 - 1945
ALBERT WILLIAM MALLOY No 428333 RAAF. He enlisted on 10.10.1942 aged 29 years 6 months. During training he was posted to 8 differant units and rose through the ranks from Airman Pilot to W/O on 26.2.1945. Finally embarked from Cairns for New Guinea with No 8 Communications Unit on 7.4.1945, granted a Commission as Pilot Officer (P/O) on 1.7.1945, disembarked Townsville 21.11.1945, discharged from the RAAF on 14.12.1945. No 8 Communication Unit. There were 13 RAAF communication Units during WW2 which provided support roles including transport, supplying isolated Garrisons and support training. No 8 operated in New Guinea from 4.11.1943 to 4.3.1946.Blue wooden rectangular photographic frame with gilded interior & coloured photo of Pilot Officer ALBERT WILLIAM MALLOY RAAF No 428333.On white label: “Pilot Officer ALBERT WILLIAM MALLOY RAAF No 428333” Donor: Yvonne photographs, military history - airforce, raaf, malloy -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS WW1, STEVE FLETT, c.1915 - 1919
Stephen Nicholas Flett No 97 joined the AIF in A Coy 25th Batt on 10.2.1915 age 29 years 7 months. Embarked for Egypt 29.6.1915, embark for Gallipoli 4.9.1915, hospital 20.12.1915 with Jaundice, return to Egypt 30.12.1915, rejoins unit 5.3.1916, embark for France 14.3.1916, hospital 29.3.1916 with Mumps, then Orchitis, rejoin unit 30.4.1916, promoted Cpl 30.10.1916, KIA 14.11.1916 at Flers France. There are 4 statements to the Red Cross re his death all different but appears to be KIA by a sniper..1) To Frances dated 2 May 15 from Steve Flett 25 BN .2) To sister dated 8 Nov 15 from Steve on Gallipoli .3) To sister dated 15 Nov 15 from brother Steve on Gallipoli .4) - .6) To mother dated 29 Oct 16 from Steve, France .7) To sister dated 12 Sep 16 from Steve, France .8) To Frances dated 7 Jun 16 from brother Steve, France .9) To sister dated 9 Apr 16 from S N Flett No 7 Gen Hosp, France .10) To mother from Steve dated 5 Sep 09, Chillagoe .11) Page 2 of above .12) To sister from Steve Flett dated 18 Sep 12, Chillagoe .13) Page 2 of above .14) To Neil & Annie from Uncle Steve, undated .15) Poem headed 'Newhall Busay", 11 lines, no author's namedocuments - letters, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document - CERTIFICATE & DIARY, 1) RAAF Printing Unit, 1) 13.1.1946; .2) 4.3.44 - 1.10.45
The diary is typed from the original, refer 2129. Donald Henry Harris. Refer 2318 for service history..1) Certificate of Service & Discharge RAAF re 141844, LAC DONALD HENRY HARRIS. Parchment paper, yellow colour, black typing, red underlining. Has service dates, musterings, physical description. .2) Diary, typed on 8 pages of A4 white paper re D.H HARRIS, 9 Taylor Street, Castlemaine. Diary dates are from 4.3.1944 to 1.10.1945.documents - diaries - certificates, military history - service records -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - PHOTOGRAPH, Post 1941
Photo is Kingsley William Allen VX109839 2nd AIF. Refer 2192.4, 2195 for service history also 2193. Same photo as in 2121.2P.Photo, sepia tone, Soldier in uniform with peak cap, uniform shows unit colour patches, crossed tongs and hammer on one arm and two Service Chevrons on the other. Soldier is leaning on a, military -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, MEMORIAL, The All-Australia Memorial Book (Vic Ed.), 1917
Pictorial book contains the names of Victorians K.I.A 1914 - 1916 and those who enlisted during the same period. Also stories and a list of bravery awards. Each book has a place for a photo inside The MULLER Brothers. Two of the three boys photos are in the book, Albert & Edgar. They All came from Nhill Victoria. Albert Herbert Muller No 448 enlisted in the 4th L.H.Regt C Sqd on 19.8.1914 age 21 years 7 months. Embarked for Egypt 19.10.14 and then to Gallipoli on 20.5.15, KIA by a sniper on 1.8.1915 at Gaba Tepe Gallipoli. Buried Shell Green Gully 2.8.1915. John Herman Muller No 1102 enlisted in 8th reinforcements 8th L.H Regt on 2.7.15 age 22 years, embarked for Gallipoli 20.8.1915, hospital with Mumps 25.10.15, return to unit 17.11.1915, embark for Alexandria 25.12.1915, hospital 16.9.1916 with Tonsilitis, WIA 19.4.1917 GSW to chest, left leg & arm, hospital 28.11.1917 with Diarrheoa, hospital 1.9.1918 (unclear), promoted T/Sgt 13.3.1919, discharged from the AIF 9.12.1919. Edgar Percy Muller No 3227 enlisted in 26th reinforcements 8th L.H.Regt on 9.11.1916 age 18 years 7 months. Attended Signal School 10.11.1916 to 14.2.1917, embarked for Egypt 20.2.1917, hospital 26.6.1917 with Debility, return to unit, WIA 1.12.1917 GSW to Chest, return to unit 9.1.1918, hospital 4.6.1918 with Malaria, return to unit 31.7.1918, hospital again 9.8.1918 (appears to be Malaria severe), return to unit 29.10.1918, discharged from the AIF 20.10.1919.Memorial Book Australia's Roll of Honour 1914 - 1916. History, Heroes and Helpers. Includes illustrations, photos, drawings, maps, portraits, personal records. Includes fold out pictures inside front cover. Photo and details of A. H. MULLER pasted onto first page. Gilt edged pages. Leather bound cover.books - military - reference, memorials -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, C.1917 - 18
Kenneth Meadowbank McLeod initially enlisted as No 4150 in 10th reinforcements 23rd Batt AIF on 5.8.1915. He was discharged on 10.8.1916 not due to misconduct medically unfit. He had refused to have a Varicose vein operation. He then re enlisted in the AIF No 3840 in 30th reinforcements 4th L.H.Regt on 28.5.1917 age 24 years 8 months. Embark for Egypt 2.11.1917, hospital 22.1.1918 (unclear), rejoin unit 7.3.1918, hospital 24.4.1918, with Tonsilitis, rejoin unit 19.5.1918, hospital 6.10.1918 with Pyrexia then later diagnosed Pluerisy and then Influenza, rejoin unit 4.3.1919, embark for Australia 15.6.1919, discharged from the AIF stating disability Malaria B.T.Sepia tone photo copy of original for display of Kenneth Meadowbank McLeod. Subject is in full kit on Horseback. Under photo is name, Regt No and unit.military history, photographs- photography, light horse -
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - DOCUMENTS 3 CAV REGT, 14.5.1986
Items relate to Geoff Murray No 3411521, Vietnam 3 Cav Regt 27.11.67 to 22.10.68, Survey Corp 15.10.69 to 15.10.70. Refer Cat No 638P.1) Document showing the Guidion of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment and that unit's honour roll Vietnam. .2) Document relating to the presentation of the 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment's Guidion at Ennogerra Barracks QLD by the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Phillip. .2) "Wed 14 May 1986"documents, military history-army, 3 cav regt, guidions -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - DRIVING LICENSE, 16/9/1942
Robert Osborne Temple No VX134542 enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 10.12.1942 aged 21 years. At discharge on 25.3.1946 he held the rank of Sgt in the 16th Australian Infantry Battalion. As above his enlistment date from the nominal roll is 10.12.1942 and the date on the licence is 16.9.1942. He was most likely in a CMF unit at that time and transferred to 16 Battalion which was given AIF status. Not to be confused with 2nd /16th Batt AIF. Driver's license, No 237375, cardboard with vinyl coating, dark brown colour, folds in three. Issued by Australian Army to R.O Temple.“VX134542 Sgt R.O Temple”documents-licenses, military history-army, drivers -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTER WW1, 1/3/17
The letter is mostly about the training for and the raid which was carried out by a large group made up from the 37th and 38th Battalions AIF on the 27th February 1917. The raid which only lasted some 35 minutes was very successful and was known as the “Armentieres Raid”. Suggett was part of the raid. Robert John Suggett No 378 enlisted in A Coy 38th Batt on 24.2.1916 age 35 years 4 months. Embarked for England 20.6.1916, embarked for France 22.11.1916, hospital with Mumps 25.11.1916, return to unit 3.12.1916, promoted to Sgt 26.1.1917, Transfer to 3rd Div HQ 13.4.1917 to become part of Gas instruction and later Gas NCO, reverts to rank of Cpl 6.5.1917, WIA accidentally 24.9.1917 bombs wounds to right hand and knee, promoted Sgt 4.11.1917, hospital 9.2.1919 with Arthritis and then Tuberculosis, returns to Australia 6.5.1919 on Hospital ship classed incapacitated, discharged from the AIF 21.6.1920.Four page letter from Robert Suggett to his wife. Cream coloured paper with faint lines. Left edge of pages decorated with eight coloured flags on a flagpole. Letter is written in pencil and dated 1/3/17.documents-letters, military history, 38th -
Bendigo Military Museum
John Stanley HOWLETT, refer Cat No 41 for his service history. James Rueben HOWLETT No 3043 enlisted in the AIF in the 5th Field Coy Engineers as a driver on 19.8.1915 age 22 years 10 months. Embarked for Eygpt 24.11.1915, hospital 31.1.1916 with Gastro Enteritis, embark for France 17.3.1916, hospital 26.4.1916 with PUO, rejoin unit 30.4.1916, hospital 21.1.1917 with Gastritis, reclassified as Nephritis severe 4.2.1917, Died of Disease (DOD) England 2.6.1917 classed as Nephritis Uraemia. Buried Harefield Parish Churchyard Anzac section 5.6.1917.Frame. Tan wooden, glass front, white cardboard backing. Certificate: Coloured, painted with photo of each brother featured - PRIVATE S HOWLETT 1916 PRIVATE P R HOWLETT 1915On front: TWO MEN WENT FORTH FROM THIS HOME PRIVATE S HOWLETT 1916 PRIVATE P R HOWLETT 1915 To fight for Australia in the 1914 - 1918 World War On rear in black texta: Mrs R Cheynedocuments - certificates, frame accessories -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, FRAMED, c.1964
FRANK THOMAS DUNPHY No 4485 enlisted in the AIF on 12.7.1915 in 14th reinforcements to 6th Batt age 22 years. Embarked for Egypt 28.1.1916, embarked for France 29.3.1916, hospitalised 7.9.1916 with varicose veins, while recovering was hospitalised again with mumps. Returned to unit 19.2.1917, WIA 5.10.1917 with GSW’s chest & right arm - severe, returned to Australia and discharged medically unfit on 1.10.1918.Frame. Timber, cream painted with glass front. Certificate. Black, white, blue, red & yellow ink, hand written certificate on beige paper. Battalion colour patch at the top & RSL badge at bottom with printed blue ink: 28th Day of October 1964. "From 6th Battalion AIF Social Club Bendigo - To Frank Thomas Dunphy Esq" Signed in black ink bottom RH: "Les Bennetts- R C Wright - W Green"documents - certificates, frame accessories, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Gunner Harry F Midgley, System generated
Harry Foster Midgley No 3414 enlisted in the AIF in 11th reinforcements 14 th Batt on 14.7.1915 aged 21 years 4 months. Embarked for Egypt 11.10.1915, hospitalised 14.12.1915 with Dysentry, returned to unit 4.2.1916, transferred to 46th Batt 3.3.1916 then 12th FAB as a gunner 17.3.1916. Embarked for France 2.6.1916, transferred to 11th FAB, WIA GSW to left ear, transferred to 4th Div Ammunition column 25.6.1917, WIA 1.8.1917 with GSW’s to chest, back, right arm, right leg. DOW’s in 41st Casualty Clearing Station Belgium 2.8.1917.Black & white photocopied photograph of soldier, button up uniform from waist up with Rising Sun badges on lapels. Peeked cap with badge in front, faux timber frame with glass front, cardboard back. 3414 Gunner Henry Foster Midgley, Bendigo 11th Field Artillery Brigade on top. Died of wounds - 02 August 1917 at bottom. On back: Brenda Chambers in, military history, midgley -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - MEDAL SET WW1, post WWI
Charles James Todd No 2881 enlisted in the 9th reinforcements 14th Batt AIF on 20.7.15, embark for Eygpt 27.9.1915, transfers to the 46th Bn, embark for Marseilles 2.3.1916, WIA 14.8.1916, rejoin unit 17.8.1916, WIA 2nd occasion 31.8.1916 SW left Thigh serious, he never returned to France and died of Pnuemonia 18.7.1917.Medal set, court mounted, set of 3 re C. Todd. 1 1914-15 Star. 2 War medal 1914-19. 3 Victory Medal."2881 Pte C. Todd 14 Bn AIF"metalcraft, medals, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, PORTRAIT WW1, 1914-1818
Gilbert Turner "MM", No 1410. Refer Cat No 1038 for his service details.Photograph, sepia tone, portrait of Gilbert Turner. Shows no unit or rank, military history-army, turner -
Bendigo Military Museum
70th Infantry - Pre WWI Militia unit based in Ballarat. Item in the collection re E.J Jones No 3511 and T.R Jones No 1982 AIF. refer 1377 and 1367.5.Badge, pressed brass. Scroll top and bottom, each side boomerang, centre is eagle over depiction of gold nuggets? with " Welcome 2195 025""70th infantry, Ballarat Regiment, swift and Bold”numismatics - badges, metalcraft - brassware, military history - army, 70th, jones -
Bendigo Military Museum
The top Association badge is 46th Batt AIF. The bottom badge appears to be 14th Batt AIF. When the AIF was doubled in Egypt in 1916 the 14th Batt was split to form the 46th Batt. Badges were in the collection of Edwin James Jones No 3511 AIF. refer 1367.5 for his service history..1) Brass civilian badge with yellow and blue enamelled face and pin attachment on rear. 46th Batt AIF. .2) Brass civilian wishbone shaped badge with yellow and blue enamelled rectangular section and attachment pin on rear.societies-service clubs, metalcraft-brassware, unit association, jones -
Bendigo Military Museum
Accessory - NAME TAG, 1915-1918
Edwin James Jones No 3511, 9th reinforcements 46th Batt AIF. Refer 1367.5 for his service history. Aluminium strip with one small hole at each end and stamped name, unit etc re. EJ Jones."Pte EJ Jones 9-46 Batt A(unclear)"military equipment-identity, metalcraft-aluminium, jones -
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - SHIELD 3 CAV, C.1960’s
Item in the collection re Geoff Murray No 3411521, served Vietnam with 3 Cavalry Regt 27.11.1967 to 22.10.1968, Survey Corp 15.10.1969 to 15.10 1970. refer Cat No 638P.Wooden shield shape with metal plaque reading "A Squadron 3 Cavalry Regiment" and that unit's badge in silver coloured metal.military history-regimental shield, 3 cav -
Bendigo Military Museum
Uniform - UNIFORM ACCESORIES, C.1960’s
Belonged to Geoff Murray, refer Cat No 638P for his service history..1 Yellow lanyard. .2 Yellow and red felt 3rd Cavalry Regiment unit patch. with pin on back.uniforms-badges, cloth, 3 cav