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University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet - Brochure, Department of Agriculture, Plant diseases and insect pests: Notes by the Biological Branch, 1943-1951
Brochures reprinted from Journal of the Department of Agriculture as Advisory Pamphlets. Refer to paper cataloguedepartment of agriculture, journal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, G.C.Wade, The control of Botrytis corm rot of the Gladiolus, 1948
Reprint of article by G.C.Wade from Journal of the Department of Agricultureg.c.wade, department of agriculture, journal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, James Leslie Provan, Budding citrus trees: methods described, 1933
Reprint of article by J.L.Provan from Journal of the Department of Agriculturej.l.provan -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, C.R. Millikan, Maize diseases in Victoria, 1943
Reprint of article by C.R. Millikan and W.V. Ludbrook from Journal of the Department of Agriculturec.r. millikan, w.v. ludbrook, department of agriculture, journal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, Intensity of rural production in Victoria 1936-37, 1937-1938
Article by S.M. Wadham reprinted from "The Age" as a brochures.m. wadhamm, the age -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, J.A. Plumridge, Cone-bearing trees, 1955
Reprint of article by J.A. Plumridge from Journal of the Department of Agriculture, 2 copiesj.a. plumridge, department of agriculture, journal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Invitation, Annual Speech Day, End of Year Luncheon, Graduation Ceremony, 1952-1963
Invitations, 18 items -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book, Department of Agriculture, Diploma of Horticultural Science Curriculum and Syllabi, 1967
Book produced by Dept. of Agriculture, with some annoatations and insertsdepartment of agriculture, journal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, G.B.Tindale, Overseas export of apples: suggested improvements, 1948
Reprint of article by G.B.Tindale from Journal of the Department of Agriculture, 2 copiesdepartment of agriculture, journal, g.b.tindale -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, F.M Read, A census of Goulburn Valley canning fruit trees, 1953
Reprint of article by F.M Read from Journal of the Department of Agriculture No.167/53. 2 copiesdepartment of agriculture, journal, f.m. read -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, H.B Wilson, Termites (White Ants) and their control, 1946
Reprint of article by H.B Wilson from Journal of the Department of Agriculturedepartment of agriculture, journal, h.b. wilson -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, CSIRO, Pruning the sultana, 1961
Booklet produced by CSIRO, etc. 5 copiescsiro -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, K. Harrison, The Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), 1942
Reprint of article by K. Harrison from Journal of the Department of Agriculture. Multiple copiesdepartment of agriculture, journal, k. harrison -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, F.R Drake et al, 1.Lawns and playing fields; 2. Pests and diseases of lawns, 1957
Reprints of articles by 1. F.R Drake; 2. C.J.R. Johnston and C.R. Millikan from Journal of the Department of Agriculture. Multiple copiesdepartment of agriculture, journal, f.r. drake, c.j.r. johnston, c.r. millikan -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, J.A. Plumridge, Propagation of native plants, 1963
Reprint of article by A.J. Plumridge from Journal of the Department of Agriculture, 6 copiesdepartment of agriculture, journal, j.a. plumridge -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, Department of Agriculture, Growing espalier and cordon fruit trees
Booklet issued by Dept. of Agriculture, 6 copiesdepartment of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, J.R.D. Jones, Berry culture
Booklet by J.R.D. Jones, issued by Dept. of Agriculture. Roneoed, 10 copiesdepartment of agriculture, j.r.d. jones -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Advertisement, G.R. Cochrane et al, Australian flora in colour: flowers and plants of Victoria
Advertisement for book by Cochrane, Fuhrer, Rotherham and Willisg.r. cochrane, b. a. fuhrer, e.r. rotherham, j.h. willis, flowers, plants, victoria, australia -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, African Violet News and Views, 1964
African Violet Society of Victoria, Vol. 1, No.1african violet -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Pamphlet - Leaflet, Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Board, Victoria - Leaflets, 1965-1970
Series of leaflets describing different noxious weeds., Leaflets 1 - 17, some duplicatesweeds -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, W.T. Parsons, Water Hyacinth a pest of world waterways, 1964
Reprint of article by W.T. Parsons from Journal of the Department of Agriculture. 3 copiesdepartment of agriculture, w.t. parsons -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, R.J. Cantrill, The Flower Garden: Dahlias, 1966
Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 64, Part 11, Nov. 1966, including article by R.J. Cantrillr.j. cantrill, journal of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, R.J. Cantrill, The Flower Garden: Cultivation, mulching, watering, 1966
Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 64, Part 12, Dec. 1966, including article by R.J.Cantrillr.j. cantrill, journal of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, Chief of Agricultural Education Division retires, 1967
Journal of Agriculture, Vol.65, Part 6, June 1967, including artilce about retirement of E.T. Beruldsene.t. beruldsen, retirement, journal of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, R.J. Cantrill et al, The Flower Garden: the world plants live in, etc, 1970
Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 68, Part 7, july 1970, including articles by R.J. Cantrill and Gwen McCroreyjournal of agriculture, r.j. cantrill, gwen mccrorey -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, The Department of Agriculture is 100 years old this month, 1972
Journal of Agriculture, Vol.70, Part 6, june 1972: Centenary articles, incl. front cover photograph of group of employees c. 1913. 2 copiesjournal of agriculture, centenary -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, G.W. Gayford, The Flower Garden: planting deciduous trees, c. 1949
Dept. of Agriculture notes on passionfruit by G.W. Gayford. Also reprint of similar text from Journal of Dept. of Agriculture, 1949passionfruit, fruits, g.w. gayford -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, "Doing something about flies". etc, 1975-1976
2 journal articles, Dept. of Agriculturedepartment of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, George Hyam, Passion fruit culture
Course notes by George Hyam. 7 roneoed pages - 5 [8?] copiesgeorge hyam -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, Department of Agriculture, Growing espalier and cordon fruit trees, 1966
Journal issued by Vic. Dept. of Agriculture, No. 20, 1966department of agriculture