Showing 6423 items
matching newhaven, phillip island
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Charles (John ...A black and white photograph of John Shay seated and Ivan Phillips 1965 - 1966photograph, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Bien Hoa ...A black and white photograph of Trooping the Colours in Bien Hoa, 1966photograph, bien hoa, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Memorabilia, Men At War And Peace, 2006
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Memorabilias Various ...A paper Memorabilia dated 2007 depicting twenty-two naked men photographed in sepia. each month as the photo of a soldier now and then. Front cover depicts three men on horses being photographed by a fourth man . There are cattle behind the horses. On the top left hand of the Memorabilia "Men at War and Peace"Various supporters: thales, TPI, Herald Sun, PIXLmemorabilias -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Charles (John ...A black and white photograph of a Weapons Pit - 1965 - 1966photograph, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Charles (John ...A black and white photograph of Capt Tom Buckley, unknown and Cpl Bill Charltonphotograph, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Charles (John ...A black and white photograph of Capt Tom Buckley and troops 1965 - 1966photograph, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Bien Hoa ...A black and photograph of soldiers playing volley ball in Bien Hoa 1965 - 1966photograph, bien hoa, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Bien Hoa ...A black and white photgraph of several soldiers playing volley ball in Bien Hoa 1965 - 1966photograph, bien hoa, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Charles (John ...A black and white photograph of Bert Baker and John Shay 1965 - 1966photograph, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Pay Book
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Paybook Charles (John ...Five Soldiers pay books Nos: 11951, 03739, D86293, C48801 and 85248 belong to John Shaypaybook, charles (john) shay -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph 16 coloured ...16 coloured photos of soldiers relaxing, eating & drinking outdoors. 30 b/w photos of various soldiers, landscape & battle machines. 14 coloured &b/w photos of beach and desert.photograph -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, USB
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph White/green ...White/green USB with foolscap x4 pages of description of what is included on the USB.photograph -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Article - Article, Clipping, A Break From Vietnam War
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Newspaper Saigon ...An article from the Kerang New Times newspaper dated January 12, 1968 showing two soldiers in civilian clothing trying on a conical MP hat in Saigon. the soldiers names are Cpl Mal hatch from Fulhana SA and Cpl bernie Storer of Swan Hill. both soldiers are members of the Provost Detachment at Australian Force Headquarters in Saigon.newspaper, saigon, australian force headquarters -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial Update
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Booklet vietnam Memorial ...Black and white printed booklet with thirty-five pages of updated information to do with the construction of the Vietnam Memorial in Canberra.booklet, vietnam memorial -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, MP Vietnam
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Document Military Police ...Information from personal interviews with ex MP Vietnam Veterans Jim Oldfield and Wally Pinch, 2000. Interviews from AFV Pro Organisation in South Vietnam, Vung Tau, Nui Dat and Saigon.There are five pages of type written information.document, military police, 1 div pro coy, south vietnam, vung tau, nui dat, saigon -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, 54157 Cpl Ian Robert Brown
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Document Killed ...Five foolscap yellow pages detailing the life and death of Cpl Ian Robert Brown. Details of an event that led to his death whilst serving in Vietnam. Cpl Brown served with the Royal Australian Army Provost Corps from 11th March to 21st June 1966Story was recounted by Cpl Adrian van Moolenbroekdocument, killed in action, royal australian army provost corps, cpl ian robert brown -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Nui Dat VC ...Six coloured copied Photograph. Two showing patrol vehicles in Nui Dat. Two showing VC prisoner and Sherrif's Office. Two photos of Capitaol Hotel where MP's were billeted. One black and white photograph of Cpl Merv Williams Bien Hoaphotograph, nui dat, vc, bien hoa, military police -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Military ...A collection of twelve black and white Photograph taken around a compound and surrounding compound of Nui Dat. Prisoner Of War compound, checkpoint Charlie Station run by Military Police.photograph, military police, nui dat, prisoner of war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Helicopter Re Supply
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph CH-64 ...Photograph of a CH-64 Skycrane helicopter lifting a box off a supply ship. Sereral other ships are seen in the backgroundShip designation AV1356photograph, ch-64 skycrane helicopter, supply ship -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Print, Advance
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Print SLR's Armoured ...A coloured print of four soliders in greens with helmets and SLR's advancing supported by a tank and an APCOn back of print - 02/6235336print, slr's, armoured personnel carrier -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Print, Drinks Break
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Print Bill Henderson ...Photo of two soliders (Bill Henderson and Trish Ferguson) in jungle greens having a drinkprint, bill henderson, trish ferguson, nui dat -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Two Vets
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Veterans ...Coloured photograph of two Vietnam Veterans holding a North Vietamese Flagphotograph, veterans, north vietnamese -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Three From Leongatha
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph D Coy 8 RAR ...Coloured photograph of three soldiers standing outside a tent. All three hail from Leongatha, Pte Col James & Pte Paul Simpson (D Coy 8 RAR) Sig Doug McLennon (110 Sig SQN)Front of Tent "Support Section"photograph, d coy 8 rar, 110 sig sqn -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Boy Scounts ...Coloured photograph of a soldier in jungle greens talking to six vietnamese boys. Four of the boys are in boy scout uniforms.photograph, boy scounts -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, 12 Platoon D Coy 7RAR 1967
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 12 Platoon D Coy 7 RAR ...Framed coloured photograph of four Soldiers of 12 Platoon taking a break during a search of Long Phuc Hai village. Chris Cannin, Ken Ward, Pat McEwan Dave Pullar12 platoon, d coy 7 rar, long phuc hai -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster, Divas Las Vegas
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Poster Divas Las Vegas ...Framed poster adverstising Annual Vietnam Veterans Museum Fundraiser concert performed by "Divas Las Vegas". Poster is singed by the four artists.poster, divas las vegas, concert -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Dr Zygmunt A Gysycki De Gozdawa Memorial
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Black ...Black and white photograph of three soliders outside barracks. Plaque states photo donated to NVVM in memory of Dr Gizycki by Family Hertiage Foundationphotograph -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Nine Soldiers
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph DR Gizycki ...Black and white photograph of nine shirtless soldiers pose by a landrover. A medical amublance can be seen in the background.Ambulance 61, Registration "112 420"photograph, dr gizycki -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster, 547 Signals Troop
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 547 Signals Troop Poster ...Collection of 547 signals Troop Documents, Audio, CD, Framed Picture of Troop Mascot547 signals troop, poster -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Meeting An Officer
... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Photograph Officer Black ...Black and white photograph of five soliders in dress uniform and slouch hats meeting an officer dressed in jungle greensphotograph, officer