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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Feb 2009, February 2009
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. Tom Sheehy, past President of CMHS, was an Historian and Author of ‘Battlers Tamed the Sandbelt’. 2 x A4 paper printed on 3 sides Issue 10 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in February 2009. The Victorian Bushfire tragedy around Marysville is still unfolding as this Newsletter is written. The first meeting for the year is February 22nd and subscriptions are due. An excerpt is transcribed from the City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter October 1962, “A Piece of History in Ormond” by an unknown eyewitness author, describing the original “Box Cottage” situated in Mr J. Reitman’s cement products factory at 306 Jasper Road, Ormond prior to demolition. The current Editor gives information obtained from further recent research . An Article by Tom Sheehy, past President and Historian, February 1979 “The Vineyards of Moorabbin”. The ‘Brighton Estate” began when Henry Moor brought Vine cuttings from Camden NSW 1848 and they were productive after 3 years. Many Vineyards then appeared from Port Phillip Bay to East Boundary Road and produced 2/3 of the annual Victorian grape crop. Disease or insect caused failure in1858 and the land reverted to market gardens. A coloured photocopied photo of Box Cottage 2005. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FEBRUARY 2009 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, sheehy tom, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, vineyards, fruit growing, vine diseases, winemaking, grapes, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, dairy, port phillip bay, brighton estate, moor henry, cambden estate, reitman j., reitman w., cement, pottery, jasper road ormond, east boundary road brighton, dendy’s special survey 1851, point nepean road, south road brighton, thomas street brighton, north road brighton, county of bourke, box h., box william, bruton william, brighton brewery, parish of moorabbin, parish of prahran, markets, shingle roof, weather-board, downward mr., mckinnon -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Apr 2009, April 2009
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS.2 x A4 paper printed on 4 sides Issue 11 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in April 2009. Notice that Mr Travis Sellars, Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries, will talk about ‘The Tragic 20’s’ at the meeting April 26th . Volunteers are needed to show visitors around on Open Days each month and a Roster will be made on April 26th . Suggestions are requested for the Community Grant Application to be submitted by CMHS. Historical details are condensed from ‘ The Living Harvest’ by W.T Dobson, describing the establishment of St. Peter’s Catholic School East Bentleigh 1865 on land donated by Fred Quinn , in Centre Road, East Brighton ( East Bentleigh). A photo copy of Parts of Country Portion 39 of Dendy’s Special Survey or Brighton Estate showing the Land Sales of Lot 2, & 3 North Road and Jasper Road 1841 – 1869. Interesting note on the origin of ‘Jasper Road’. 3 photocopied photographs of St Peter’s School building 1903, School Children at East Brighton Railway Station, 1903, A Lorry in the parade 1903. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / APRIL 2009 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, dobson w.t., melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, friends of cheltenham and reional cemeteries, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, irish immigrants c1850pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, port phillip bay, brighton estate, jasper road ormond, east boundary road brighton, dendy’s special survey 1851, point nepean road, south road brighton, thomas street brighton, north road brighton, county of bourke, box h., box william, parish of moorabbin, parish of prahran, markets, shingle roof, weather-board, mr., mckinnon, were jonathan, niall rev. fr. patrick, quinn fred, elsternwick, catholic church directory 1878, hibernian society melbourne, brady peter., kennedy mr., boland mr., leary mr., gahan mr., archbishop carr, rev. fr. gough., presentation convent gardenvale, sister mary vincent, charlston john, bavarian dress band, hales jasper -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society June 2009, June 2009
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. Jasper Hale , transported for theft, earned his ‘Ticket of Leave, and purchased land in Dendy’s Special Survey of 1841 later known as East Bentleigh. 2 x A4 paper printed on 3 sides Issue 12 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in June 2009. Notices of the meeting June 28th , an article in ‘The Leader’ newspaper about the Robert Keys ‘Best Fruit Garden 1881 - 82’ Trophy Cup , a large vinyl banner purchased with Grant money, and while acknowledging the Cottage garden volunteer a request for more helpers at Open Days is made. Jan Rigby, CMHS member, has provided research information about Jasper Hale b 1805 in Gloucester, England, transported to NSW 1830, ‘freed man ‘ 1839, purchased land in Dendy’s Special Survey 1844, sold this land 1846 and died 1884 in Parkes NSW. On arrival as a convict in 1830 his occupation is bricklayer and he can ‘ read and write’. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / JUNE 2009 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, rigby jan, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, jasper road ormond, dendy’s special survey 1851, north road brighton, county of bourke, box h., box william, parish of moorabbin, were jonathan, hales jasper, port jackson penal colony, burgess s. william, kemble wiltshire england, stonemason, bricklayer, ‘york’ sailing ship, brummell mary, st. mary’s catholic church sydney, nelson mary ann, ‘george hibbert’ sailing ship, hale james, hale eliza, parkes new south wales gold rush, ballarat gold rush, clunes gold rush, forbes nsw gold rush, parkes historical society -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Aug 2009, August 2009
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS.1 x A4 paper printed on both sides Issue 13 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in August 2009. Notice of next meeting August 30th , and thanking Gary McInnes, CMHS , for his talk ‘The Centenary of the Bentleigh Cricket Club’ and donation of the book to our library. Gary has offered to catalogue our collection of the ‘Standard News’ 1945 – 1984. CMHS member Lesley has audited the Index of the photograph Folios. Glen Eira Council has organised maintenance on ‘Box Cottage. Item of Interest is regarding ‘New Conditions of Employment’ Sydney 1852 CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AUGUST 2009 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, dendy’s special survey 1851, bentleigh cricket club, mcinnes gary, standard news -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Oct 2009, October 2009
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest. Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. 2 x A4 paper printed on 3 sides with attached A4 page of photocopied photographs of St Peter’s Schoolchildren at Box Cottage Issue 14 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in October 2009. Notices of the meeting October 25th , the purchase of a Sign directing visitors to Grace Lewis Room, the maintenance work on Box Cottage by Glen Eira Council and the construction by Dennis Maynard CMHS of bench for the wash-trough in Barn. A report on the visit by Grade 1 pupils from St Peter’s Primary School, East Bentleigh on October 12th and a page of photographs of the event. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / October 2009 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, st peter’s catholic primary school east bentleigh, lewis grace, john keys, keys road -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Feb 2010 pdf, February 2010
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS5 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 15 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in February 2010. Notices for the meeting February 28th , subscriptions due, and this is 50th Anniversary of CMHS. Water flooded Joyce Park, the grounds of the Cottage and a little seeped into Grace Lewis Room in December 2009 when a water main at the neighbouring Bowling Club burst, but little damage occurred and the Glen Eira Council will install drainage pipes between Box Cottage and the Bowling Club. In January, 2 brush tailed possums had taken up residence in the Barn and after failed attempts by Helen and Dennis to move them, Glen Eira Council relocated them. A description of the establishment of Cobb & Co Coaches by Freeman Cobb in 1853, for cartage between Melbourne and the Ports but they soon began transporting people and mail to the gold fields around Victoria. 3 photocopied photographs of Cobb & Co Coaches and 1 photo of the 2 Possums CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / February 2010 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, maynard dennis, melbourne, moorabbin, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, lewis grace, cobb freeman, cobb and co coaches, ballarat, goldfields, gold miners, bendigo, castlemaine, governor latrobe, victoria, sydney road, sutherland alexander, chinese gold miners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Apr 2010 pdf, April 2010
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest. Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS Local newspaper reports about the ‘discovery’ of Box Cottage’ 1977 3 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 16 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in April 2010.. Notice for the meeting on Anzac Day, Sunday 25th , 3 photocopied photographs taken by 2nd Lieutenant Vic Smith aboard the troopship “Port Sydney” coming home from WW1 in 1919. An article ‘Re-visiting some ‘Box Cottage’ Facts recounts the discovery of the ‘Cottage’ in a shed on the property purchased by Mr Laurie Lewis from the Reitman family in 1977. Thankfully Mr Lewis appreciated such a find and donated it to the City of Moorabbin, and together it was dismantled and re-constructed in Joyce Park, Ormond in 1988 – 100 yards from the original site. Excerpts from 3 articles in ‘The Moorabbin Standard’ and ‘Chadstone Progress’ Newspapers 1977 describing the newly discovered early settler cottage on the Lewis Timber Pty Ltd property in Jasper Road, Ormond. A photocopied photograph of the ‘Box Cottage’ June 1977 when used as a storage facility. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / APRIL 2010 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, lewis laurie, lewis grace, lewis timber pty. ltd., melbourne, moorabbin, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, smith vic, ss port sydney, world war one 1914 – 1918, soldiers, aif, reitman j., box john, box william, dendy henry, bullock drays, moorabbin roads board 1862, dendy’s special survey 1841, mclean n, box henry, joyce park ormond, city of moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Jun 2010 pdf, June 2010
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest. Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. Photocopied Plan of ‘Two Acre Village c1853’ and notes about the Colonial City Morgue Melbourne c1888 7 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 17 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in June 2010. Notice of meeting June 17th and recent death of Mrs May Curtis,CMHS member. June 5th , Robina Naughton, CMHS, represented Box Cottage at the 'Fun4over50s' expo at Moorabbin Town Hall. Mr Laurie Lewis donated the 'original water pump' from the first Box Cottage and has provided a list of the commercial properties around Box Cottage c 1900, as he remembers. An application to Glen Eira City Council for a Public Toilet at Box Cottage for visitors and volunteers. A volunteer has joined CMHS following our enrolment with 'Volunteering Glen Eira'. State Library of Victoria has approved CMHS for the 'Vicnet' program where Box Cottage Museum can be promoted. Helen provides a précis, of 4 A4 pages, describing ‘The City Morgue in Colonial Melbourne’ printed in Provenance Journal No3 November 2004.CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / JUNE 2010 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, curtis may, graham street mckinnon, curtis geoff, moorabbin town hall, lewis laurie, lewis grace, lewis timber pty. ltd., melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, water pump, elster creek, volunteering glen eira, state library of victoria, vicnet, dendy henry, dendy’s special survey 1841, mclean n, box henry, joyce park ormond, city of moorabbin, box william, jasper road east brighton, melbourne city morgue, cooke simon, brown mwy andrew -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Oct 2010 jpg, pdf, October 2010
... Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest. This Issue celebrates the 50th Anniversary of CMHS Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS and this month Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of CMHS.Issue 18 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in October 2010. . Notice of AGM October 30th and Celebration of 50th Anniversary of CMHS. The Founding Members of CMHS are thanked and praised for their foresight, generosity of time and energy and for organising the collection of historical artefacts that created ‘Box Cottage Museum” as it is today. Mrs Dorothy Booth, FoMRGS, has donated her mother’s wedding dress to Box Cottage Museum, and John O’Callaghan, Glen Eira Historical Society, will donate a rebuilt computer. We are now commencing a Catalogue of our Library Books. The Story of the Elster Creek is attached.CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / OCTOBER 2010 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, booth dorothy, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, elster creek, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, state library of victoria, vicnet, city of moorabbin, box william, clothing, wedding dress, friends of mentone railway gardens, glen eira historical society, o’callaghan john -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Aug 2010 pdf, August 2010
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS The issue of Chinese migration was very inflamed and caused much distress to local market gardeners c1900. Issue 18 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in August 2010. Notice re meeting august 29th. Items of Interest explain that volunteer Ronnie has completed The CMHS site on Vicnet, Dennis Maynard has built display benches for the Barn and repaired school desks, Mr Neil Follett has donated a photograph of the Tuck family and ‘Baydon Hill’ c1800, Trish Smythe, manager Kingston Library, has displayed Posters and Flyers about Box Cottage Museum, and 3 bridal gowns are now on display at Box Cottage. Robina Naughton has researched a photograph , 1906, of His Excellency Hwang Hon Cheng, Chinese Commissioner, donated by Frank and Lorna Thatcher. A copy of this photograph has been sent to Sophie Couchman, Curator of Museum Of Chinese History. Helen has compiled a 3 page history of Hwang Hon Cheng and the Chinese in Victoria 1840- 1906.CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AUGUST 2010 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, mckinnon, kingston, clothing, bridal gowns, weddings, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, city of moorabbin, box william, glen eira historical society, vicnet, brighton historical society, museum of chinese history, hwang hon cheng, follett neil, thatcher frank, thatcher lorna, smythe trish, city of kingston library, the grange, baydon hill, tuck family -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Feb 2011, February 2011
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS and this month Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of CMHS. The puzzle around the naming of the suburb McKinnon tells the story of Daniel, Donald and Laughlin MacKinnon. 5 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 20 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in February 2011. Notice for meeting February 27th and the Subscription $5 is due. Despite the recent heavy rain the Cottage and grounds were unaffected, however an possum / rat appears to have entered the Cottage via the Chimney and caused the breakage of 2 glass kerosene lamps that were on the mantelpiece and lots of droppings before escaping. Teresa Murphy, editor of ‘The Moorabbin Leader’ Newspaper, visited Box Cottage and discussed a proposed regular feature ‘Down Memory Lane’. Volunteers are requested for Open Days, and are reminded of the Visitors’ Book, Children’s Treasure Hunt Cards and the Volunteer Hours Record. Accompanying it is the Story of Daniel MacKinnon b Glasgow arrived Port Phillip 1839 died 1889, his son Donald MacKinnon b 1859 Terang, Victoria – 1932 and Laughlan MacKinnon b1817 Isle of Skye -1888 no relation to eitherCITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FEBRUARY 2011 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, mackinnon daniel, mackinnon donald, mackinnon laughlin, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, mckinnon, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, city of moorabbin, box william, glen eira historical society, the moorabbin leader newspaper, murphy teresa, the argus newspaper -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Feb 2012, February 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. 6 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 25 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in February 2012. Notice of meeting February 26th, subscriptions are due, reminder to all members to encourage visitors to ‘sign in’, offer all children the ‘Treasure Hunt Quiz’ cards, and to complete the Volunteer Hours Record Book. Members are asked to help on the monthly Roster for Open Days. Unfortunately Jim Dale, President, found a disposable lighter and water bottle and at the working bee members found a ‘bong’, so Glen Eira Property Manager, Amanda Mills was notified. Thankfully there was no damage to our property. As May 2012 will be the 150th Anniversary of ‘The Moorabbin Roads Board’, Ms Elizabeth Triarico, Glen Eira CC History & Heritage , has requested a CD of photos, which has been sent, and Ms Suzanne Snooks, Arts & Culture Manager Kingston CC, invited CMHS to assist with a Celebration of this event. Helen has given a précis of The William Green Family History which has been given to CMHS Library by Ms Denise McAvoy , a descendant CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FEBRUARY 2012 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, green william, convicts, convict ship asia, eyre edward john, mair william -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Apr 2012, April 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. 5 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 26 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in April 2012. Notice for meeting April 29th , expected visit by Box family descendants 29th, reminder that subscriptions are due, and proposed Open Days June 16th and 17th to celebrate Moorabbin Roads Board 150th Anniversary. The Anvil was delivered from Heathcote on April 17th and it will enhance the Barn display. Helen recalls the story of Private Robert Mitchell, one of the 17 ‘Bentleigh Boys’ who died during World War 1, with 6 photocopied photographs CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / APRIL 2012 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, mair william, anvil, blacksmith, mitchell robert, mitchell charles, mitchell catherine, bicycle penny-farthing, bicycle races, smith frank, grocer, centre road bentleigh, foucaucourt france, somme france, world war 1 1914-1918, anzac, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Jun 2012, June 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts that are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum. Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS.4 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 27 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in June 2012. Notice for the meeting June 24th , an interesting visit to Box Cottage Museum by members of The Brighton Antiques Club May 30th , and Jessica Bennett, Reporter for Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader Newspaper, will publish a photo and brief article about the Open Day June 17th for the Celebration of 150th Anniversary of The Moorabbin Roads Board. A new volunteer photographer has assisted our efforts to catalogue the artefacts in the museum for MAV website. A note explaining the timeline of the Moorabbin Roads Board. Helen also sends 3 x A4 pages of an interesting essay about the ‘Baptist Church Pioneers in East Brighton ( now known as Bentleigh)’, referring to the ‘Historical Reflection Notes’ of Dr. Robert Bell, that have been donated to CMHS, and the ‘Box Family History’ with 4 photocopied photos. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / JUNE 2012 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, mair william, baptist church, vickery street bentleigh, bell dr. robert, box henry, box william, box martha, box rebecca, grewar, religion, vickers street -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Aug 2012, August 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts that are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum. Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS1 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 28 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in August 2012 with photographs of the Ceremony celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the formation of The Moorabbin Roads Board. The Mayors of Glen Eira, Kingston and Brighton unveiled a Plaque at the corner of Cummins Road and Nepean Highway near the original site of the 'Toll gate' . Members of each Historical Society were present including past president of CMHS, His Worship the Mayor of Glen Eira Jamie Hyams. Notes of life at Box Cottagec1918 - 1950 by Stefanie Rennick, nee Reitman, that she donated to CMHS. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AUGUST 2012 NEWSLETTER city of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, mair william, jessse morleys hotel, box henry, box william, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Oct 2012, October 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts that are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum. Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interestHelen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS.4 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 29 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in October 2012. Notice of AGM October 28th , and Box Cottage Museum will be Open on 27th and 28th for History Week. Jessica Bennett, Reporter for The Leader Newspaper, has been asked to promote the History Week Open Days, volunteers have distributed fliers, and Glen Eira CC Parks and Gardens officers have removed the dead tree. Volunteer photographers from Caulfield Photography Group have helped our members to catalogue the Museum artefacts and we are progressing well.. An unfortunate electricity account was referred to GECC for advice. Helen has given an essay, of 3x A4 pages, about The Lees Family pioneer market gardeners as researched by Jan Rigby, a descendant. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / OCTOBER 2012 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, mair william, jessse morleys hotel, lees james, lees william, convicts, jamison john, bent james, lees james henry, lees joseph, lees jack allen, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Feb 2013, February 2013, December 2012
... from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts that are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum. Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS.5 x A4 paper printed on 1 side Issue 30 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in February 2013 includes a Calendar of Dates for Open Days and meetings in 2013. and notes from 'A History of Market Gardens in Victoria 1850 - 1939' by Joanne Monk in1992 CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FEBRUARY 2013 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, monk joanne, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, the moorabbin roads board 1862, city of glen eira, city of kingston, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, brighton east, south brighton, bent tommy, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, baby feeding bottle, c1950
A baby bottle is a bottle with a rubber or latex teat attached so that baby can drink directly from it by sucking on the teat. It is typically used by infants and young children ,when a mother does not breastfeed, to feed infant formula, expressed breast milk or paediatric electrolyte solution. Australian Glass Manufacturers produced glass bottles for pharmacy, brewery, dairy and domestic use 1913 – 1970 . Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co Pty Ltd Registered in Victoria in 1903 amalgamated with the Waterloo Glass Bottle Works Ltd in 1915 to form Australian Glass Manufacturers Company, Limited. .Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Spotswood 1872- 1970 comprising a complex of buildings constructed between 1880 and 1940, (at Booker Street, Douglas Parade, 2-38 Hudson Road, Raleigh Street and Simcock Avenue, Spotswood ) originally made bottles for druggists Felton Grimwade before it was sold to the State Government by US multinational, OI glass manufacturers. . The Baby feeding bottle has graduated markings in 1- 6 ounces which shows that it was made prior to the introduction of Decimal Currency in Australia 14/2/1966. A clear glass feeding bottle. It is 'banana shaped' and open both ends with graduated measurements - 1-6 ouncesAGEE/ THE PERFECT FEEDING BOTTLE / OUNCES 1-6* bottles, feeding bottles, infants, breastfeeding, moorabbin, bentleigh, ormond cheltenham, glass, australian glass manufacturing company ltd, decimal currency, imperial measurements, ounces, milk, dairy, baby formulae, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 3 B/W August and Frieda Rietman c 1939 and Gravestone c 1990, 1939
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x 2 Black & White, of August and Frieda Rietmann World War 11 Registration 1939; Photograph x1 Black & White of the Rietmann Memorial at Cheltenham new Cemetery c1990Hand written informationrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x3 B/W August Rietmann working at Corbens Ltd c1915-22, c1915 -1922
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/2/1878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph Black & White, August working at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill c 1915-1922 b) Photograph, Black & White, August with sculpture of Jack Eugene Riva, 1922 c) Photograph, Black & White, August carving a WW1 Soldier Memorial c 1922Handwritten August at Corbens Ltdcorbens ltd clifton hill, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Colour , WW1 Memorial at Coleraine, Letter to August Rietmann, c1921, c 1990
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878- 1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 In August 8th 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne August and Frieda leased the Box Cottage in 1917 and raised 2 children Stefanie 1918-2006, and William 1920– 1997. August was a Monumental Mason / Potter / Sculptor and he was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to make the World War 1 Memorials for many Victorian towns c1920. This Soldier Statue at Coleraine was typical of many carved by August, however it was not usual for him to sign this work .Records have only been found for the Towns of Boort, Morewell and Coleraine. Other Soldier statue memorials in the same style are at Myrtleford, Benalla, Bonnie Doon and Yarck and possibly other towns. August purchased the property 1935,and established a pressed concrete business using the cottage as a workshop and storeroom After August died in 1951, William, his son, continued to work in the business from the site until the land was sold to Lewis Co. Ltd Timber Merchants in 1970. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett 1953 and later to Carrum. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph , colour of the WW1 Memorial at Coleraine, Victoria carved by August Rietman st Corbens Ltd. c1921. b) Letter from The Secretary of the Coleraine Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Funda) Handwritten information b) Typed letter signed by Goldbergrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond, box elizab -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W, WW1 Memorial Stonnington( Malvern ) Town Hall by P Montford, August Rietmann 1931, c1931
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf, Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878-1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 8/8/1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lamp-stands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists . Around the same time, prestigious sculptor, Paul Raphael Montford (1868–1938), who had won the competition to sculpt the Malvern War Memorial in 1928, asked August to ‘rough carve’ the marble figures destined for the foyer of Stonnington ( former Malvern) Town Hall — unveiled 1931. August built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photograph, Black & White of the WW1 memorial in Stonnington (Malvern) Town Hall carved by August Rietmann c1931rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs x 2 B&W, August Rietmann with sculptures at Box Cottage Ormond c1931, c1931
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878-1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 I8/8/1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lamp-stands. 1930s he continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Montford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) & b) Photographs Black and White showing August Rietmann working on sculptures at Box Cottage Ormond c1931handwritten informationrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, montford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W Stefanie Rennick nee Rietman c1999; Newspaper clipping 1996, 1996, 1999
August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (1878-1942) of Baden Baden, in Germany on 6/8/1910 8/8/1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sailing on the Steam Ship ‘Osterley’ from Marseilles to Melbourne They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietmann Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. Stefanie Rietman, grew up living in Box Cottage until 1935 when she began a Teaching career. Stefanie married Alan Francis 1941 but he was killed in WW2 Air operations over Germany 1944. Two sons were born 1942, 1944. Stefanie returned to live at the cottage until 1958. She married Herbert Rennick 1946 and two sons were born 1947, 1952. Stefanie also established a native grasses garden in Joyce Park, and designed and made resin jewellery. Stefanie died 2006 In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. Stefanie was a talented artist , school teacher, and jewellery designer and raised 4 sons. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and a) Newspaper clipping, Moorabbin Standard 17/9/1996 Stefanie Rennick ( nee Rietman) by N. Strahan b) Photograph Black & White, Stefanie Rennick ( nee Rietman) 1999a) printed article b) handwritten informationresin jewellery, australian native grasses, schools, education, craftwork, pottery, ceramics, ormond state school, rietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, montford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, box cottage ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Manufactured Object, Rabbit trap, c1930
Rabbits were introduce to Australia by a settler in Geelong. Victoria. They spread widely and quickly and became a menace to farmers, graziers. Blacksmiths made various types of traps and various business were established to produce many different types of traps.typical rabbit trap made by a blacksmith in Moorabbin Shire c1930Steel rabbit trap c1930Defiance UK / C.Homes / GILPA / rabbits, vermin, early settlers, farmers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, traps, , -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
World War 1914-1918, Medal Alonzo Sheldrake Box, 1914
World War 1 1914-18 affected most families in Moorabbin Shire with large numbers of young men enlisting in the Australian Infantry Force. Alonzo Sheldrake Box , a pavier of Oakleigh, Victoria served at Gallipoli, France and Somme . When he returned home Oakleigh, like many Australian Towns, celebrated his safety and courage by presenting him with this Gold Medal. Each town also mourned the loss of so many soldiers and collected money from the residents to build War Memorials on which were engraved the names of the deceased soldiers. Alonzo Sheldrake Box (1851 - 1958) was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box who lived in Box Cottage , East Brighton - now Ormond -. He married Mary Louisa Closter on June 12th 1918 at Holy Trinity, Church of England, Oakleigh.Alonzo Box was the son of John Box, who migrated from Sussex, England with his brother William Box c1855 , and established a market garden in East Brighton that was part of the Henry Dendy ' Special Survey Brighton 1841'A gold metal medal with top crest , 2 attachment rings, engraved on both sides presented to Alonzo Sheldrake Box 'For God King and Country. Aus. 1914 'Front ; outer circle - FOR GOD KING AND COUNTRY AUS. 1914 inner circle - tableau of a woman, rising sun and fighting soldiers Back : outer circle - PRESENTED BY THE CITIZENS OF OAKLEIGH centre - IN / RECOGNITION OF / SERVICE RENDd./ A.S.BOX / AIF / laurel wreathworld war 1914-18, moorabbin shire, early settlers, pioneers, box alonzo, box william, australian military medals, anzac, gallipoli, sheldrake martha, box elizabeth, box mary louisa, closter mary, war memorials, wedding dress, box john, viloudakia - box rebecca, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, 'the edmay' Pot mender, c1930
Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire used large cast iron pots, pans and kettles, that were suspended over the open fire in the kitchen, for cooking meals. They had to be frugal and self-sufficient and so repaired the equipment to prolong its useful lifetime. Blacksmiths also made and repaired household equipment. James McEwan & Co 1852 - 1993 once dominated the the hardware retailing scene in Victoria. Established in 1852 to service the booming gold rush in Victoria the company went on to become one of the longest established retailers in Australia. Over it’s 140 year history the company went through many booms and busts. The McEwans name finally left the Australian retail scene with little fanfare when the last store was re-badged Bunnings in 1993Early settlers were frugal and self sufficient so they repaired their kitchen equipment when possible . McEwans Pty Ltd. was an established hardware company in Melbourne 1852-1993. Bunnings Pty Ltd is currently a successful hardware retailer for trade and public customers.Two metal discs with screw and nut for mending holes in cast iron pots, pans and kettles c1930 packing strip; THE edmay POTMENDER / Price tag ; McEWANS 77 - 11early settlers, market gardeners, cooking utensils, kitchenware, castiron cooking pots, blacksmiths, slow cooking, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Magazine - The School Paper, Albert J Mullet, For Grades VII and VIII (1916), c1916
Issue no 206 of The School Paper December 1916. This School Paper was owned by, Roy Marriott, a child of one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin.Issued by the Education Department of Victoria, printed Albert J Mullett, Government Printer, MelbourneA 16 page magazineEDUCATION DEPARTMENT VICTORIA / SCHOOL PAPER / For Grades VII and VIII (1916); Issue no 206 Ed. Dept of Victoria education, victoria, australian history, victorian education department, marriott, moorabbin, bentleigh, school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Magazine - The School Paper for Grades V and VI (1918) No 233 - 229 Jan 1918- Nov 1918, Albert J Mullett for Department of Education Victoria Australia……………………………………………………, The School Paper for Grades V and VI (1918), c1918
Issue no 233 - 229 of The School Paper Jan - Nov 1918, 11 Editions. This binder with copies of The School Paper was owned by Roy and Wilfred Marriott, children of one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin.Issued by the Education Department of Victoria, printed Albert J Mullett, Government Printer, Melbourne 1918 Issue No 223-229 of The School Paper January – November 1918 This School Paper was owned by one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin, EDUCATION DEPARTMENT VICTORIA / SCHOOL PAPER / For Grades V and VI (1918); Issue no 233-229 Ed. Dept of Victoria / Poetry Number Signed W Marriott education, victoria, australian history, victorian education department, marriott, moorabbin, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Magazine - The School Paper for grads VII and VIII (1920)
Issue no 242 - 253 of The School Paper Jan - Dec 1920, 12 Editions. This binder with copies of The School Paper was owned by W Marriott child of one of the pioneer families of City of Moorabbin,Issued by the Education Department of Victoria, printed Albert J Mullett, Government Printer, MelbourneThe School Paper For Grades VII and VIII (1920)EDUCATION DEPARTMENT VICTORIA / SCHOOL PAPER / For Grades V11 and VI11 (1920); Issue no 242 Ed. Dept of Victoria / Poetry Number education, victoria, australian history, victorian education department, marriott william, marriott geoff, market gardeners, pioneers, moorabbin shire, henry dendy special survey brighto 1841, east bentleigh state school no. 2083, wilfred marriott