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Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Gorilla, 19th century
This toy gorilla was part of the cargo from the Fiji and amongst the articles salvaged from the wreck. The three-masted iron barque Fiji had been built in Belfast, Ireland, in 1875 by Harland and Wolfe for a Liverpool based shipping company. The ship departed Hamburg on 22nd May 1891 bound for Melbourne, under the command of Captain William Vickers with a crew of 25. The ship’s manifest shows that she was loaded with a cargo of 260 cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits (whisky, schnapps, gin, brandy), sailcloth, tobacco, coiled fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos (Sweet Hapsburg), concertinas and other musical instruments, artists supplies including brushes, porcelain, furniture, china, and general cargo including candles. There were also toys in anticipation for Christmas, including wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, dolls with china limbs and rubber balls. On September 5th, one hundred days out from Hamburg in squally and boisterous south west winds the Cape Otway light was sighted on a bearing differing from Captain Vickers’ calculation of his position. At about 2:30am, Sunday 6th September 1891 land was reported 4-5 miles off the port bow. The captain tried to put the ship on the other tack, but she would not respond. He then tried to turn her the other way but just as the manoeuvre was being completed the Fiji struck rock only 300 yards (274 metres) from shore. The place is known as Wreck Bay, Moonlight Head. Blue lights were burned and rockets fired whilst an effort was made to lower boats but all capsized or swamped and smashed to pieces. Two of the younger crewmen volunteered to swim for the shore, taking a line. One, a Russian named Daniel Carkland, drowned after he was swept away when the line broke. The other, 17 year old able seaman Julius Gebauhr, a German, reached shore safely on his second attempt but without the line, which he had cut lose with his sheath-knife when it become tangled in kelp. He rested on the beach a while then climbed the steep cliffs in search of help. At about 10am on the Sunday morning a party of land selectors - including F. J. Stansmore, Leslie Dickson (or Dixon) and Mott - found Gebauhr. They were near Ryans Den, on their travels on horseback from Princetown towards Moonlight Head, and about 5km from the wreck. Gebauhr was lying in the scrub in a poor state, bleeding and dressed only in singlet, socks and a belt with his sheath-knife, ready for all emergencies. At first they were concerned about his wild and shaggy looking state and what seemed to be gibberish speech, taking him to be an escaped lunatic. They were reassured after he threw his knife away and realised that he was speaking half-English, half-German. They gave him food and brandy and some clothing and were then able to gain information about the wreck. Some of the men took him to Rivernook, a nearby guest house owned by John Evans, where he was cared for. Stansmore and Dickson rode off to try and summon help. Others went down to the site of the wreck. Messages for rescuing the rest of the crew were sent both to Port Campbell for the rocket rescue crew and to Warrnambool for the lifeboat. The S.S. Casino sailed from Portland towards the scene. After travelling the 25 miles to the scene, half of the Port Campbell rocket crew and equipment arrived and set up the rocket tripod on the beach below the cliffs. By this time the crew of the Fiji had been clinging to the jib-boom for almost 15 hours, calling frantically for help. Mr Tregear from the Rocket Crew fired the line. The light line broke and the rocket was carried away. A second line was successfully fired across the ship and made fast. The anxious sailors then attempted to come ashore along the line but, with as many as five at a time, the line sagged considerably and some were washed off. Others, nearly exhausted, had to then make their way through masses of seaweed and were often smothered by waves. Only 14 of the 24 who had remained on the ship made it to shore. Many onlookers on the beach took it in turns to go into the surf and drag half-drowned seamen to safety. These rescuers included Bill (William James) Robe, Edwin Vinge, Hugh Cameron, Fenelon Mott, Arthur Wilkinson and Peter Carmody. (Peter Carmody was also involved in the rescue of men from the Newfield.) Arthur Wilkinson, a 29 year old land selector, swam out to the aid of one of the ship’s crewmen, a carpenter named John Plunken. Plunken was attempting to swim from the Fiji to the shore. Two or three times both men almost reached the shore but were washed back to the wreck. A line was thrown to them and they were both hauled aboard. It was thought that Wilkinson struck his head on the anchor before s they were brought up. He remained unconscious. The carpenter survived this ordeal but Wilkinson later died and his body was washed up the next day. It was 26 year old Bill Robe who hauled out the last man, the captain, who had become tangled in the kelp. The wreck of the Fiji was smashed apart within 20 minutes of the captain being brought ashore, and it settled in about 6m of water. Of the 26 men on the Fiji, 11 in total lost their lives. The remains of 7 bodies were washed onto the beach and their coffins were made from timbers from the wrecked Fiji. They were buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The survivors were warmed by fires on the beach then taken to Rivernook and cared for over the next few days. Funds were raised by local communities soon after the wreck in aid of the sufferers of the Fiji disaster. Captain Vickers was severely reprimanded for his mishandling of the ship. His Masters Certificate was suspended for 12 months. At the time there was also a great deal of public criticism at the slow and disorganised rescue attempt to save those on board. The important canvas ‘breech buoy’ or ‘bucket chair’ and the heavy line from the Rocket Rescue was in the half of the rocket outfit that didn’t make it in time for the rescue: they had been delayed at the Gellibrand River ferry. Communications to Warrnambool were down so the call for help didn’t get through on time and the two or three boats that had been notified of the wreck failed to reach it in time. Much looting occurred of the cargo that washed up on the shore, with nearly every visitor leaving the beach with bulky pockets. One looter was caught with a small load of red and white rubber balls, which were duly confiscated and he was ‘detained’ for 14 days. Essence of peppermint mysteriously turned up in many settlers homes. Sailcloth was salvaged and used for horse rugs and tent flies. Soon after the wreck “Fiji tobacco” was being advertised around Victoria. A Customs officer, trying to prevent some of the looting, was assaulted by looters and thrown over a steep cliff. He managed to cling to a bush lower down until rescued. In 1894 some coiled fencing wire was salvaged from the wreck. Hundreds of coils are still strewn over the site of the wreck, encrusted and solidified. The hull is broken but the vessel’s iron ribs can be seen along with some of the cargo of concrete and pig iron. Captain Vickers presented Bill Robe with his silver-cased pocket watch, the only possession that he still had, as a token for having saved his life and the lives of some of the crew. (The pocket watch came with 2 winding keys, one to wind it and one to change the hands.) Years later Bill passed the watch to his brother-in-law Gib (Gilbert) Hulands as payment of a debt and it has been passed down the family to Gilbert Hulands’ grandson, John Hulands. Seaman Julius Gebauhr later gave his knife, in its hand crafted leather sheath, to F. J. Stansmore for caring for him when he came ashore. The knife handle had a personal inscription on it. A marble headstone on the 200m high cliffs overlooking Wreck Beach, west of Moonlight Head, paying tribute to the men who lost their lives when Fiji ran aground. The scene of the wreck is marked by the anchor from the Fiji, erected by Warrnambool skin divers in 1967. Amongst the artefacts salvaged from the Fiji are bisque (or china) toys, (including miniature animals, limbs from small bisque dolls), rubber balls, a slate pencil, a glass bottle, sample of rope from the distress rocket and a candlestick holder. These items are now part of the Fiji collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, along with Captain Vickers’ pocket watch and Julius Gebauhr’s sheath knife This toy gorilla is classified as Fiji 7 on the SWR Flagstaff Hill’s Fiji collection is of historical significance at a State level because of its association with the wreck Fiji, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S259. The Fiji is archaeologically significant as the wreck of a typical 19th century international sailing ship with cargo. It is educationally and recreationally significant as one of Victoria's most spectacular historic shipwreck dive sites with structural features and remains of the cargo evident. It also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The Fiji collection meets the following criteria for assessment: Criterion A: Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion B: Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history Criterion C: Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria’s cultural history. China toy gorilla salvaged from the wreck of the Fiji. The gorilla is in a standing pose. This solid, moulded toy is made of bisque (sometimes described as bisque or porcelain) and the material is pale creamy colour with a slightly pitted surface.1891, china, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwrecked artefact, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwreck coast, warrnambool, porcelain, moonlight head, wreck bay, cargo, bisque, toys, miniature animals, gorilla -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Cat, 19th century
This toy cat was part of the cargo from the Fiji and amongst the articles salvaged from the wreck. The three-masted iron barque Fiji had been built in Belfast, Ireland, in 1875 by Harland and Wolfe for a Liverpool based shipping company. The ship departed Hamburg on 22nd May 1891 bound for Melbourne, under the command of Captain William Vickers with a crew of 25. The ship’s manifest shows that she was loaded with a cargo of 260 cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits (whisky, schnapps, gin, brandy), sailcloth, tobacco, coiled fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos (Sweet Hapsburg), concertinas and other musical instruments, artists supplies including brushes, porcelain, furniture, china, and general cargo including candles. There were also toys in anticipation for Christmas, including wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, dolls with china limbs and rubber balls. On September 5th, one hundred days out from Hamburg in squally and boisterous south west winds the Cape Otway light was sighted on a bearing differing from Captain Vickers’ calculation of his position. At about 2:30am, Sunday 6th September 1891 land was reported 4-5 miles off the port bow. The captain tried to put the ship on the other tack, but she would not respond. He then tried to turn her the other way but just as the manoeuvre was being completed the Fiji struck rock only 300 yards (274 metres) from shore. The place is known as Wreck Bay, Moonlight Head. Blue lights were burned and rockets fired whilst an effort was made to lower boats but all capsized or swamped and smashed to pieces. Two of the younger crewmen volunteered to swim for the shore, taking a line. One, a Russian named Daniel Carkland, drowned after he was swept away when the line broke. The other, 17 year old able seaman Julius Gebauhr, a German, reached shore safely on his second attempt but without the line, which he had cut lose with his sheath-knife when it become tangled in kelp. He rested on the beach a while then climbed the steep cliffs in search of help. At about 10am on the Sunday morning a party of land selectors - including F. J. Stansmore, Leslie Dickson (or Dixon) and Mott - found Gebauhr. They were near Ryans Den, on their travels on horseback from Princetown towards Moonlight Head, and about 5km from the wreck. Gebauhr was lying in the scrub in a poor state, bleeding and dressed only in singlet, socks and a belt with his sheath-knife, ready for all emergencies. At first they were concerned about his wild and shaggy looking state and what seemed to be gibberish speech, taking him to be an escaped lunatic. They were reassured after he threw his knife away and realised that he was speaking half-English, half-German. They gave him food and brandy and some clothing and were then able to gain information about the wreck. Some of the men took him to Rivernook, a nearby guest house owned by John Evans, where he was cared for. Stansmore and Dickson rode off to try and summon help. Others went down to the site of the wreck. Messages for rescuing the rest of the crew were sent both to Port Campbell for the rocket rescue crew and to Warrnambool for the lifeboat. The S.S. Casino sailed from Portland towards the scene. After travelling the 25 miles to the scene, half of the Port Campbell rocket crew and equipment arrived and set up the rocket tripod on the beach below the cliffs. By this time the crew of the Fiji had been clinging to the jib-boom for almost 15 hours, calling frantically for help. Mr Tregear from the Rocket Crew fired the line. The light line broke and the rocket was carried away. A second line was successfully fired across the ship and made fast. The anxious sailors then attempted to come ashore along the line but, with as many as five at a time, the line sagged considerably and some were washed off. Others, nearly exhausted, had to then make their way through masses of seaweed and were often smothered by waves. Only 14 of the 24 who had remained on the ship made it to shore. Many onlookers on the beach took it in turns to go into the surf and drag half-drowned seamen to safety. These rescuers included Bill (William James) Robe, Edwin Vinge, Hugh Cameron, Fenelon Mott, Arthur Wilkinson and Peter Carmody. (Peter Carmody was also involved in the rescue of men from the Newfield.) Arthur Wilkinson, a 29 year old land selector, swam out to the aid of one of the ship’s crewmen, a carpenter named John Plunken. Plunken was attempting to swim from the Fiji to the shore. Two or three times both men almost reached the shore but were washed back to the wreck. A line was thrown to them and they were both hauled aboard. It was thought that Wilkinson struck his head on the anchor before s they were brought up. He remained unconscious. The carpenter survived this ordeal but Wilkinson later died and his body was washed up the next day. It was 26 year old Bill Robe who hauled out the last man, the captain, who had become tangled in the kelp. The wreck of the Fiji was smashed apart within 20 minutes of the captain being brought ashore, and it settled in about 6m of water. Of the 26 men on the Fiji, 11 in total lost their lives. The remains of 7 bodies were washed onto the beach and their coffins were made from timbers from the wrecked Fiji. They were buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The survivors were warmed by fires on the beach then taken to Rivernook and cared for over the next few days. Funds were raised by local communities soon after the wreck in aid of the sufferers of the Fiji disaster. Captain Vickers was severely reprimanded for his mishandling of the ship. His Masters Certificate was suspended for 12 months. At the time there was also a great deal of public criticism at the slow and disorganised rescue attempt to save those on board. The important canvas ‘breech buoy’ or ‘bucket chair’ and the heavy line from the Rocket Rescue was in the half of the rocket outfit that didn’t make it in time for the rescue: they had been delayed at the Gellibrand River ferry. Communications to Warrnambool were down so the call for help didn’t get through on time and the two or three boats that had been notified of the wreck failed to reach it in time. Much looting occurred of the cargo that washed up on the shore, with nearly every visitor leaving the beach with bulky pockets. One looter was caught with a small load of red and white rubber balls, which were duly confiscated and he was ‘detained’ for 14 days. Essence of peppermint mysteriously turned up in many settlers homes. Sailcloth was salvaged and used for horse rugs and tent flies. Soon after the wreck “Fiji tobacco” was being advertised around Victoria. A Customs officer, trying to prevent some of the looting, was assaulted by looters and thrown over a steep cliff. He managed to cling to a bush lower down until rescued. In 1894 some coiled fencing wire was salvaged from the wreck. Hundreds of coils are still strewn over the site of the wreck, encrusted and solidified. The hull is broken but the vessel’s iron ribs can be seen along with some of the cargo of concrete and pig iron. Captain Vickers presented Bill Robe with his silver-cased pocket watch, the only possession that he still had, as a token for having saved his life and the lives of some of the crew. (The pocket watch came with 2 winding keys, one to wind it and one to change the hands.) Years later Bill passed the watch to his brother-in-law Gib (Gilbert) Hulands as payment of a debt and it has been passed down the family to Gilbert Hulands’ grandson, John Hulands. Seaman Julius Gebauhr later gave his knife, in its hand crafted leather sheath, to F. J. Stansmore for caring for him when he came ashore. The knife handle had a personal inscription on it. A marble headstone on the 200m high cliffs overlooking Wreck Beach, west of Moonlight Head, paying tribute to the men who lost their lives when Fiji ran aground. The scene of the wreck is marked by the anchor from the Fiji, erected by Warrnambool skin divers in 1967. Amongst the artefacts salvaged from the Fiji are bisque (or china) toys, (including miniature animals, limbs from small bisque dolls), rubber balls, a slate pencil, a glass bottle, sample of rope from the distress rocket and a candlestick holder. These items are now part of the Fiji collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, along with Captain Vickers’ pocket watch and Julius Gebauhr’s sheath knife.This toy cat is classified as Fiji 10 on the SWR Flagstaff Hill’s Fiji collection is of historical significance at a State level because of its association with the wreck Fiji, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S259. The Fiji is archaeologically significant as the wreck of a typical 19th century international sailing ship with cargo. It is educationally and recreationally significant as one of Victoria's most spectacular historic shipwreck dive sites with structural features and remains of the cargo evident. It also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The Fiji collection meets the following criteria for assessment: Criterion A: Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion B: Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history Criterion C: Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria’s cultural history. China toy cat salvaged from the wreck of the Fiji. The cat is in a resting pose. This solid, moulded toy is made of bisque (sometimes described as bisque or porcelain) and the material is tan in colour with a slightly pitted surface.1891, china, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwrecked artefact, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwreck coast, warrnambool, porcelain, moonlight head, wreck bay, cargo, bisque, toys, miniature animals, cat -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Rubber ball, 19th century
This rubber ball was part of the cargo from the Fiji and amongst the articles salvaged from the wreck. A press report notes that the balls collected from the Fiji’s cargo were originally red and white. The three-masted iron barque Fiji had been built in Belfast, Ireland, in 1875 by Harland and Wolfe for a Liverpool based shipping company. The ship departed Hamburg on 22nd May 1891 bound for Melbourne, under the command of Captain William Vickers with a crew of 25. The ship’s manifest shows that she was loaded with a cargo of 260 cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits (whisky, schnapps, gin, brandy), sailcloth, tobacco, coiled fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos (Sweet Hapsburg), concertinas and other musical instruments, artists supplies including brushes, porcelain, furniture, china, and general cargo including candles. There were also toys in anticipation for Christmas, including wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, dolls with china limbs and rubber balls. On September 5th, one hundred days out from Hamburg in squally and boisterous south west winds the Cape Otway light was sighted on a bearing differing from Captain Vickers’ calculation of his position. At about 2:30am, Sunday 6th September 1891 land was reported 4-5 miles off the port bow. The captain tried to put the ship on the other tack, but she would not respond. He then tried to turn her the other way but just as the manoeuvre was being completed the Fiji struck rock only 300 yards (274 metres) from shore. The place is known as Wreck Bay, Moonlight Head. Blue lights were burned and rockets fired whilst an effort was made to lower boats but all capsized or swamped and smashed to pieces. Two of the younger crewmen volunteered to swim for the shore, taking a line. One, a Russian named Daniel Carkland, drowned after he was swept away when the line broke. The other, 17 year old able seaman Julius Gebauhr, a German, reached shore safely on his second attempt but without the line, which he had cut lose with his sheath-knife when it become tangled in kelp. He rested on the beach a while then climbed the steep cliffs in search of help. At about 10am on the Sunday morning a party of land selectors - including F. J. Stansmore, Leslie Dickson (or Dixon) and Mott - found Gebauhr. They were near Ryans Den, on their travels on horseback from Princetown towards Moonlight Head, and about 5km from the wreck. Gebauhr was lying in the scrub in a poor state, bleeding and dressed only in singlet, socks and a belt with his sheath-knife, ready for all emergencies. At first they were concerned about his wild and shaggy looking state and what seemed to be gibberish speech, taking him to be an escaped lunatic. They were reassured after he threw his knife away and realised that he was speaking half-English, half-German. They gave him food and brandy and some clothing and were then able to gain information about the wreck. Some of the men took him to Rivernook, a nearby guest house owned by John Evans, where he was cared for. Stansmore and Dickson rode off to try and summon help. Others went down to the site of the wreck. Messages for rescuing the rest of the crew were sent both to Port Campbell for the rocket rescue crew and to Warrnambool for the lifeboat. The S.S. Casino sailed from Portland towards the scene. After travelling the 25 miles to the scene, half of the Port Campbell rocket crew and equipment arrived and set up the rocket tripod on the beach below the cliffs. By this time the crew of the Fiji had been clinging to the jib-boom for almost 15 hours, calling frantically for help. Mr Tregear from the Rocket Crew fired the line. The light line broke and the rocket was carried away. A second line was successfully fired across the ship and made fast. The anxious sailors then attempted to come ashore along the line but, with as many as five at a time, the line sagged considerably and some were washed off. Others, nearly exhausted, had to then make their way through masses of seaweed and were often smothered by waves. Only 14 of the 24 who had remained on the ship made it to shore. Many onlookers on the beach took it in turns to go into the surf and drag half-drowned seamen to safety. These rescuers included Bill (William James) Robe, Edwin Vinge, Hugh Cameron, Fenelon Mott, Arthur Wilkinson and Peter Carmody. (Peter Carmody was also involved in the rescue of men from the Newfield.) Arthur Wilkinson, a 29 year old land selector, swam out to the aid of one of the ship’s crewmen, a carpenter named John Plunken. Plunken was attempting to swim from the Fiji to the shore. Two or three times both men almost reached the shore but were washed back to the wreck. A line was thrown to them and they were both hauled aboard. It was thought that Wilkinson struck his head on the anchor before s they were brought up. He remained unconscious. The carpenter survived this ordeal but Wilkinson later died and his body was washed up the next day. It was 26 year old Bill Robe who hauled out the last man, the captain, who had become tangled in the kelp. The wreck of the Fiji was smashed apart within 20 minutes of the captain being brought ashore, and it settled in about 6m of water. Of the 26 men on the Fiji, 11 in total lost their lives. The remains of 7 bodies were washed onto the beach and their coffins were made from timbers from the wrecked Fiji. They were buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The survivors were warmed by fires on the beach then taken to Rivernook and cared for over the next few days. Funds were raised by local communities soon after the wreck in aid of the sufferers of the Fiji disaster. Captain Vickers was severely reprimanded for his mishandling of the ship. His Masters Certificate was suspended for 12 months. At the time there was also a great deal of public criticism at the slow and disorganised rescue attempt to save those on board. The important canvas ‘breech buoy’ or ‘bucket chair’ and the heavy line from the Rocket Rescue was in the half of the rocket outfit that didn’t make it in time for the rescue: they had been delayed at the Gellibrand River ferry. Communications to Warrnambool were down so the call for help didn’t get through on time and the two or three boats that had been notified of the wreck failed to reach it in time. Much looting occurred of the cargo that washed up on the shore, with nearly every visitor leaving the beach with bulky pockets. One looter was caught with a small load of red and white rubber balls, which were duly confiscated and he was ‘detained’ for 14 days. Essence of peppermint mysteriously turned up in many settlers homes. Sailcloth was salvaged and used for horse rugs and tent flies. Soon after the wreck “Fiji tobacco” was being advertised around Victoria. A Customs officer, trying to prevent some of the looting, was assaulted by looters and thrown over a steep cliff. He managed to cling to a bush lower down until rescued. In 1894 some coiled fencing wire was salvaged from the wreck. Hundreds of coils are still strewn over the site of the wreck, encrusted and solidified. The hull is broken but the vessel’s iron ribs can be seen along with some of the cargo of concrete and pig iron. Captain Vickers presented Bill Robe with his silver-cased pocket watch, the only possession that he still had, as a token for having saved his life and the lives of some of the crew. (The pocket watch came with 2 winding keys, one to wind it and one to change the hands.) Years later Bill passed the watch to his brother-in-law Gib (Gilbert) Hulands as payment of a debt and it has been passed down the family to Gilbert Hulands’ grandson, John Hulands. Seaman Julius Gebauhr later gave his knife, in its hand crafted leather sheath, to F. J. Stansmore for caring for him when he came ashore. The knife handle had a personal inscription on it. A marble headstone on the 200m high cliffs overlooking Wreck Beach, west of Moonlight Head, paying tribute to the men who lost their lives when Fiji ran aground. The scene of the wreck is marked by the anchor from the Fiji, erected by Warrnambool skin divers in 1967. Amongst the artefacts salvaged from the Fiji are bisque (or china) toys, (including miniature animals, limbs from small bisque dolls), rubber balls, a slate pencil, a glass bottle, sample of rope from the distress rocket and a candlestick holder. These items are now part of the Fiji collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, along with Captain Vickers’ pocket watch and Julius Gebauhr’s sheath knife. This toy rubber ball is classified as Fiji 3 on the SWR Flagstaff Hill’s Fiji collection is of historical significance at a State level because of its association with the wreck Fiji, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S259. The Fiji is archaeologically significant as the wreck of a typical 19th century international sailing ship with cargo. It is educationally and recreationally significant as one of Victoria's most spectacular historic shipwreck dive sites with structural features and remains of the cargo evident. It also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The Fiji collection meets the following criteria for assessment: Criterion A: Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion B: Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history Criterion C: Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria’s cultural history. Rubber ball salvaged from the wreck of the Fiji. The rubber is perishing and the surface is pitted and bumpy. The material is tan in colour with a slightly pitted surface. 1891, china, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwrecked artefact, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwreck coast, warrnambool, porcelain, moonlight head, wreck bay, cargo, bisque, toys, miniature animals, rubber ball -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Rubber ball, 19th Century
This rubber ball was part of the cargo from the Fiji and amongst the articles salvaged from the wreck. A press report notes that the balls collected from the Fiji’s cargo were originally red and white. The three-masted iron barque Fiji had been built in Belfast, Ireland, in 1875 by Harland and Wolfe for a Liverpool based shipping company. The ship departed Hamburg on 22nd May 1891 bound for Melbourne, under the command of Captain William Vickers with a crew of 25. The ship’s manifest shows that she was loaded with a cargo of 260 cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits (whisky, schnapps, gin, brandy), sailcloth, tobacco, coiled fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos (Sweet Hapsburg), concertinas and other musical instruments, artists supplies including brushes, porcelain, furniture, china, and general cargo including candles. There were also toys in anticipation for Christmas, including wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, dolls with china limbs and rubber balls. On September 5th, one hundred days out from Hamburg in squally and boisterous south west winds the Cape Otway light was sighted on a bearing differing from Captain Vickers’ calculation of his position. At about 2:30am, Sunday 6th September 1891 land was reported 4-5 miles off the port bow. The captain tried to put the ship on the other tack, but she would not respond. He then tried to turn her the other way but just as the manoeuvre was being completed the Fiji struck rock only 300 yards (274 metres) from shore. The place is known as Wreck Bay, Moonlight Head. Blue lights were burned and rockets fired whilst an effort was made to lower boats but all capsized or swamped and smashed to pieces. Two of the younger crewmen volunteered to swim for the shore, taking a line. One, a Russian named Daniel Carkland, drowned after he was swept away when the line broke. The other, 17 year old able seaman Julius Gebauhr, a German, reached shore safely on his second attempt but without the line, which he had cut lose with his sheath-knife when it become tangled in kelp. He rested on the beach a while then climbed the steep cliffs in search of help. At about 10am on the Sunday morning a party of land selectors - including F. J. Stansmore, Leslie Dickson (or Dixon) and Mott - found Gebauhr. They were near Ryans Den, on their travels on horseback from Princetown towards Moonlight Head, and about 5km from the wreck. Gebauhr was lying in the scrub in a poor state, bleeding and dressed only in singlet, socks and a belt with his sheath-knife, ready for all emergencies. At first they were concerned about his wild and shaggy looking state and what seemed to be gibberish speech, taking him to be an escaped lunatic. They were reassured after he threw his knife away and realised that he was speaking half-English, half-German. They gave him food and brandy and some clothing and were then able to gain information about the wreck. Some of the men took him to Rivernook, a nearby guest house owned by John Evans, where he was cared for. Stansmore and Dickson rode off to try and summon help. Others went down to the site of the wreck. Messages for rescuing the rest of the crew were sent both to Port Campbell for the rocket rescue crew and to Warrnambool for the lifeboat. The S.S. Casino sailed from Portland towards the scene. After travelling the 25 miles to the scene, half of the Port Campbell rocket crew and equipment arrived and set up the rocket tripod on the beach below the cliffs. By this time the crew of the Fiji had been clinging to the jib-boom for almost 15 hours, calling frantically for help. Mr Tregear from the Rocket Crew fired the line. The light line broke and the rocket was carried away. A second line was successfully fired across the ship and made fast. The anxious sailors then attempted to come ashore along the line but, with as many as five at a time, the line sagged considerably and some were washed off. Others, nearly exhausted, had to then make their way through masses of seaweed and were often smothered by waves. Only 14 of the 24 who had remained on the ship made it to shore. Many onlookers on the beach took it in turns to go into the surf and drag half-drowned seamen to safety. These rescuers included Bill (William James) Robe, Edwin Vinge, Hugh Cameron, Fenelon Mott, Arthur Wilkinson and Peter Carmody. (Peter Carmody was also involved in the rescue of men from the Newfield.) Arthur Wilkinson, a 29 year old land selector, swam out to the aid of one of the ship’s crewmen, a carpenter named John Plunken. Plunken was attempting to swim from the Fiji to the shore. Two or three times both men almost reached the shore but were washed back to the wreck. A line was thrown to them and they were both hauled aboard. It was thought that Wilkinson struck his head on the anchor before s they were brought up. He remained unconscious. The carpenter survived this ordeal but Wilkinson later died and his body was washed up the next day. It was 26 year old Bill Robe who hauled out the last man, the captain, who had become tangled in the kelp. The wreck of the Fiji was smashed apart within 20 minutes of the captain being brought ashore, and it settled in about 6m of water. Of the 26 men on the Fiji, 11 in total lost their lives. The remains of 7 bodies were washed onto the beach and their coffins were made from timbers from the wrecked Fiji. They were buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The survivors were warmed by fires on the beach then taken to Rivernook and cared for over the next few days. Funds were raised by local communities soon after the wreck in aid of the sufferers of the Fiji disaster. Captain Vickers was severely reprimanded for his mishandling of the ship. His Masters Certificate was suspended for 12 months. At the time there was also a great deal of public criticism at the slow and disorganised rescue attempt to save those on board. The important canvas ‘breech buoy’ or ‘bucket chair’ and the heavy line from the Rocket Rescue was in the half of the rocket outfit that didn’t make it in time for the rescue: they had been delayed at the Gellibrand River ferry. Communications to Warrnambool were down so the call for help didn’t get through on time and the two or three boats that had been notified of the wreck failed to reach it in time. Much looting occurred of the cargo that washed up on the shore, with nearly every visitor leaving the beach with bulky pockets. One looter was caught with a small load of red and white rubber balls, which were duly confiscated and he was ‘detained’ for 14 days. Essence of peppermint mysteriously turned up in many settlers homes. Sailcloth was salvaged and used for horse rugs and tent flies. Soon after the wreck “Fiji tobacco” was being advertised around Victoria. A Customs officer, trying to prevent some of the looting, was assaulted by looters and thrown over a steep cliff. He managed to cling to a bush lower down until rescued. In 1894 some coiled fencing wire was salvaged from the wreck. Hundreds of coils are still strewn over the site of the wreck, encrusted and solidified. The hull is broken but the vessel’s iron ribs can be seen along with some of the cargo of concrete and pig iron. Captain Vickers presented Bill Robe with his silver-cased pocket watch, the only possession that he still had, as a token for having saved his life and the lives of some of the crew. (The pocket watch came with 2 winding keys, one to wind it and one to change the hands.) Years later Bill passed the watch to his brother-in-law Gib (Gilbert) Hulands as payment of a debt and it has been passed down the family to Gilbert Hulands’ grandson, John Hulands. Seaman Julius Gebauhr later gave his knife, in its hand crafted leather sheath, to F. J. Stansmore for caring for him when he came ashore. The knife handle had a personal inscription on it. A marble headstone on the 200m high cliffs overlooking Wreck Beach, west of Moonlight Head, paying tribute to the men who lost their lives when Fiji ran aground. The scene of the wreck is marked by the anchor from the Fiji, erected by Warrnambool skin divers in 1967. Amongst the artefacts salvaged from the Fiji are bisque (or china) toys, (including miniature animals, limbs from small bisque dolls), rubber balls, a slate pencil, a glass bottle, sample of rope from the distress rocket and a candlestick holder. These items are now part of the Fiji collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, along with Captain Vickers’ pocket watch and Julius Gebauhr’s sheath knife. This toy rubber ball is classified as Fiji 3 on the SWR Flagstaff Hill’s Fiji collection is of historical significance at a State level because of its association with the wreck Fiji, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S259. The Fiji is archaeologically significant as the wreck of a typical 19th century international sailing ship with cargo. It is educationally and recreationally significant as one of Victoria's most spectacular historic shipwreck dive sites with structural features and remains of the cargo evident. It also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The Fiji collection meets the following criteria for assessment: Criterion A: Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion B: Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history Criterion C: Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria’s cultural history. Rubber ball salvaged from the wreck of the Fiji. The rubber is perishing and the surface is pitted and bumpy. The material is tan in colour with a slightly pitted surface. warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, wreck bay, moonlight head, 1891, cargo, rubber ball, toy, fiji, captain vickers, william vickers -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Bureel (Kooyong Road), Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From: Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan 1996 by Andrew Ward In 1856, John Allee, a builder from Brighton, purchased C.A. 37 on the south-west corner of Glenhuntly and Kooyong Roads. The land comprised just over 45 acres. By 1863, Francis John Sidney Stephen, a lawyer and cousin of J. Wilberforce Stephen, owned most of lot 37. By 1866, Stephen had a built a "small mansion" named ''Burreel". It was a brick house and Stephen lived there until 1882. By 1884, Mrs Buxton of Hillside Terrace, East Melbourne, had purchased the property. Richard Buxton, a gentleman was listed as occupant and the house described as "brick, eight rooms". NAV was £300. Richard Buxton continued residency in 1887 however in 1888, George Allen, music seller, became occupant. At that time the house had thirteen rooms on twenty-three acres of land. Twelve people lived there and NAV was £920. In 1900, Daniel Luxton, stock and sharebroker and the Honourable John Taverner, M.H.A. leased the property. Fourteen people lived there. Mrs Buxton continued as owner. By 1910, ownership had passed to Mrs Mary Neate, who converted the house to a nursing home. The land had been subdivided by 1913 and sold by ''Buxtons Estate". Burreel Avenue, Baxter, Buxton and Hoddle Streets were created. "Burreel" was rated to Burreel Avenue and stood on lot 13 with frontages to Burreel Avenue and Kooyong Road of 198' and 214'. The house had ten rooms. NAV was £60. Mary Neate, a nurse, continued as owner/ operator of ''Burreel" nursing home in 1927. At that time there were sixteen rooms and fourteen residents. NAV was £100. Mrs Neat remained there until 1947. In 1948, the house was turned into apartments. In the 1980's, the Alexander family purchased it and restored it to a private residence.Burreel 331 Kooyong Road, ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 - Property No B4950 National Trust This is a large and substantially intact example of the grand villas of nineteenth century Melbourne. The bulk of the house most probably was built in 1866-1868 for Francis John Sidney Stephen, a prominent and highly regarded Melbourne solicitor and a member of an illustrious legal family. Stephen conducted a lucrative private practice and in 1845 was appointed first solicitor to the City of Melbourne; a position he held until his death in 1895. He took an active part in the development of Caulfield and was Shire President in 1874 and 1877. He was a resident at Burreel from 1868 to 1882. The house has evolved in stages, the rear wings possibly remaining from a house built during the 1850s. The existing ornate cast iron verandah was probably built between 1882 and 1888 during the residence of Richard Buckhurst Buxted, a notable boom period auctioneer and real estate agent. George Allan, the founder of Allan's music store, was another important occupier from 1888 to 1991. Bureel's essentially residential quality has been retained and the interior has been well preserved. The significance of this building does not rest in any single unusual outstanding architectural feature, or in its association with a particularly prominent member of society in the past, but rather in the consistent integrity of both the interior and exterior, which results in the survival of an outstanding example of this type of residential building and its associations with two notable citizens. Classified:11/08/1990Page 113 of photograph album with 1 photograph of Burreel in its garden.Handwritten: Bureel [top left] / 113 [bottom left]trevor hart, caulfield, caulfield north, kooyong road, thomas king, mansion, 1860's, bureel, burreel, francis john sidney stephen, city of melbourne, shire president, 1850's, verandah, nursing home, john allee, ornamented corner stones, new orleans manner, plaster rendered, mrs luxton, vincent willis, alexander family, victorian architectural style, ornate cast iron work, lawyers, brick houses, richard buxton, richard buckhurst buxton, george allen, george leavis allan, allans music, daniel luxton, john taverner, mary neate, buxtons estate, land subdivision, mary neat, gardens -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - correspondence, Steane: Woodwork Training Class - acceptance to attend, 1900, 14/11/1900
Type written letter. Paper yellowed with age. Outlines list of requirements to be provided for classes. Blue ink and black penDate written 1900. Signed A James on behalf of the Secretary.albert steane, a james, woodwork training class, queensberry street, bendigo central, classified roll, pension rights -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Cesare Salmaggi et al, 2194 days of war : an illustrated chronology of the Second World War, 1977
Illustrated with 620 photographs and 84 maps, this is a classified diary of the military events of World War II.Index, ill, maps, p.760.non-fictionIllustrated with 620 photographs and 84 maps, this is a classified diary of the military events of World War war 1939-1945 - pictorial works, world war 1939-1945 - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dockery, Kevin, Operation Thunderhead: The True Story of Vietnam's Final POW Rescue Mission - and the Last Navy Seal Killed in Country, 2008
As the Vietnam War ground to an end, American forces were being withdrawn from combat duty. But some were still fighting for their lives: the prisioners of war. There were two operations lauched to rescue the POWs. One - the legendary Son Tay Raid - was revealed to the public. The other was classified as Top Secret. This is the incredible true story of that almost-forgotten mission..As the Vietnam War ground to an end, American forces were being withdrawn from combat duty. But some were still fighting for their lives: the prisioners of war. There were two operations lauched to rescue the POWs. One - the legendary Son Tay Raid - was revealed to the public. The other was classified as Top Secret. This is the incredible true story of that almost-forgotten mission.. 1961-1975 - prisoners and prisons, north vietnamese, prisoners of war - united states, vietnam war - 1961-1975 - search and rescue operations, u.s. navy seals, operation thunderbird, pows, son tay raid -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Shepperd, Don Major General, USAF (Ret.), Misty: First Person Stories of the F-100 Misty Fast FACs in the Vietnam War
The Vietnam War years are officially classified as the period between 5 August 1964 and 7 May 1975. During that time over nine million Americans were on active duty. Over 3.4 million personnel served in Southeast Asia.The Vietnam War years are officially classified as the period between 5 August 1964 and 7 May 1975. During that time over nine million Americans were on active duty. Over 3.4 million personnel served in Southeast Asia.vietam, misty, american servicement -
Jewish Museum of Australia
diary, Diary of Rainer Radok, 6/1940 - 5/05/1942
Diary kept during Prof. Rainer Radok's internment in Australia, following his arrival by ship on the HMT Dunera.At the end of August 1940 the Hired Military Transport Dunera, a boat carrying around 2,500 European male internees, the majority of which were Jewish, arrived on Australian shores after two arduous months at sea. Although many had made England their home, their German or Austrian background caused these men to be classified as ‘enemy aliens’ by the British Government and sent to Australia without their families. The ‘Dunera Boys’ were interned in camps at Tatura and Hay. Although some internees were released after two years because they possessed specific industry skills which would aid the nation, others were interned for the entire duration of the war. This collection brings together objects, personal effects and documents relating to the journey, internment and subsequent military service in the 8th regiment experienced by the ‘Dunera Boys’. Also included are artworks and poems created by the internees during their interment, which express the thoughts and feelings of the men and document the daily life in the camps.This is an A5 size notebook of 90 pages, all handwritten in German. Pages are numbered on the upper corners and each entry is dated. Back cover is titled: "Arithmetical Tables" and "Multiplication Table". The blue cover is attached with yellow adhesive tape and is very loose from the inner pages. There are a few drawings throughout.Handwritten in ink on the front cover is the inscription "Radok 1940-1941." Written below in pencil is the address "16 Grove St. Passaie N.J." -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Carlo Benzoni, The Flight From Pompeii, Circa 1885
The Flight from Pompeii was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers, one of five white marble statues housed in the Statuary Pavilion, Ballarat Botanical Gardens.The Pavilion and its statues were unveiled in 1888 by Premier Duncan Gillies, a former colleague of James Russell Thompson whose bequest to the City enabled the purchase, in Italy, of the statues. The Flight from Pompeii and the four accompanying statues are housed in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Flight from Pompeii, in the centre, was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers while the four accompanying statues were all designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers. The octagonal Pavilion was specially designed by T.E. Molloy in 1887 to house the statuary. The five statues and Pavilion are believed to be unique in Australia. The Flight from Pompeii, Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah are aesthetically significant as they are a group of statues, which are a fine example of the design of Professor G.M. Benzoni [Flight from Pompeii] and the design and carving of Charles Francis Summers. The carving of the Flight from Pompeii is both sensitive and finely done and both the design and carving of Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah is sensitive and delicate with great attention to detail. The group is historically important as it epitomises the 'beautification' of the city in the 1880s by men who made their money from gold and who wished to give to the city money for projects such the statuary Pavilion and its contents. The Flight from Pompeii group is located in the Botanical Gardens, which were then also being developed in the Victorian style. This also illustrates the social feeling of the time in which the wealthy had made their money and were wanting to develop in a most substantial way, as well as to 'beautify' the city in which they lived. The Pavilion, designed by the major Ballarat architect T.E. Molloy, is unusual for its top-lit central lantern and curved roofs. The statues are seen to their best advantage because of the provision of all-round and top natural lighting. Classified: 03/03/2003 Victorian Heritage Database.White marble statue of a male, female and baby (family) in flight.The Flight From Pompeii by Charles Summersflight, pompeii, benzoni, summers -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Rebekah by Charles Summers, Circa 1885
Rebekah was designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers, one of five white marble statues housed in the Statuary Pavilion, Ballarat Botanical Gardens.The Pavilion and its statues were unveiled in 1888 by Premier Duncan Gillies, a former colleague of James Russell Thompson whose bequest to the City enabled the purchase, in Italy, of the statues. The Flight from Pompeii and the four accompanying statues are housed in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Flight from Pompeii, in the centre, was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers while the four accompanying statues were all designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers. The octagonal Pavilion was specially designed by T.E. Molloy in 1887 to house the statuary. The five statues and Pavilion are believed to be unique in Australia. The Flight from Pompeii, Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah are aesthetically significant as they are a group of statues, which are a fine example of the design of Professor G.M. Benzoni [Flight from Pompeii] and the design and carving of Charles Francis Summers. The carving of the Flight from Pompeii is both sensitive and finely done and both the design and carving of Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah is sensitive and delicate with great attention to detail. The group is historically important as it epitomises the 'beautification' of the city in the 1880s by men who made their money from gold and who wished to give to the city money for projects such the statuary Pavilion and its contents. The Flight from Pompeii group is located in the Botanical Gardens, which were then also being developed in the Victorian style. This also illustrates the social feeling of the time in which the wealthy had made their money and were wanting to develop in a most substantial way, as well as to 'beautify' the city in which they lived. The Pavilion, designed by the major Ballarat architect T.E. Molloy, is unusual for its top-lit central lantern and curved roofs. The statues are seen to their best advantage because of the provision of all-round and top natural lighting. Classified: 03/03/2003 Victorian Heritage Database. White marble statue of a woman standing with left arm raised to her head and draped in cloth to form a robe tied at the front.Rebekah -
City of Ballarat
Sculpture - Public Artwork, George Allen, Mother Earth by George Allen, 1952
Mother Earth was created by modernist era sculptor George Allen. It is located in the western median strip at the intersection of Sturt and Raglan Streets. Made from Hawksbury stone on a granite base, the sculptor has created a female figure as the centrepiece, with two reliefs figures at the front and rear depicting a miner and a farmer. The work was created in commemoration of Mr Frank Pinkerton, an esteemed local lawyer in Ballarat. George Allen won the commission to design and execute the Pinkerton Statue in open competition in 1949. The statue is a significant work of one of Victoria's leading sculptors of the mid twentieth century, and controversy at the time surrounding its installation reflects the general attitude of the period to progressive public sculpture.Mother Earth was classified as regionally significant by the National Trust in 2003. The statement of significance below ha been provided by the National Trust, Victoria: The Pinkerton Statue by George Allen is of a simplified female figure which symbolises 'Earth', with smaller figures representing Mining and Agriculture carved in bas-relief at its base. The statue is carved in Hawkesbury Freestone and mounted on a granite plinth. It is located in a prominent position in central Ballarat. The statue in commemoration of Mr. Frank Pinkerton, an esteemed local lawyer, erected in Ballarat in 1952 is significant for aesthetic and social reasons at a Regional level. The statue is a significant example of the work of one of Victoria's leading sculptors of the mid twentieth century, and the controversy at the time surrounding its installation reflects the general attitude of the period to progressive public sculptures. George Allen won the commission to design and execute the Pinkerton Statue in open competition in 1949 against a large group of his peers. Following this. Allen was again successful in another major competition to design the National War Memorial for the Forecourt of the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne in 1951. Allen chose to work in a 'symbolic' manner using simplified forms with little detail, and relying on the strength of composition, 'boldness of statement' and the consideration of material for impact. Because of its lack of realism the Pinkerton Statue engendered much controversy, particularly within the popular press at the time, although it was generally appreciated in artistic circles. Allen had travelled extensively in Europe in the late 1930's, but his work mainly reflected influences from early modem sculptors in the United Kingdom such as Frank Dobson and Eric Gill. The Pinkerton Statue was the first example of modem sculpture to be erected in Ballarat and is an excellent example Allen's own work and the changing artistic culture of the period. Allen himself said that it reflected the "spirit of the time". A large Hawkesbury Freestone statue of a female figure and smaller figures representing Mining and Agriculture carved in bas-relief at its base. The statue is mounted on a granite plinth.CENTRAL FIGURE EARTH EMERGING FROM RELIEF FIGURES REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIES OF MINING AND AGRICULTURE.pinkerton, mother earth -
Clunes Museum
Nillumbik Shire Council
Sculpture: Tony Trembath (b.1946 Sale, Victoria), Tony Trembath, The Fences Act 1968 - Location: Edendale Farm (entrance) 30 Gastons Road, Eltham, 1989 - 1994
Eltham Council (now the Shire of Nillumbik) commissioned this work in 1989 to create an entrance / gateway to Edendale Community Farm. It was also aided by a grant from the Ministry of the Arts (now Arts Victoria). The former name of this work was "Gateway to Edendale Farm". Edendale Farm is a demonstration farm modelling sustainable environmental practices, providing support to the local residents of Nillumbik. Established in 1986, the land was purchased in 1970. It was previously an English gentleman's residence and was used for grazing. It consists of 5.6 hectares, with the Diamond Creek meandering through the property. The Victorian Fences Act 1968 governs liability of occupiers of adjoining lands to fence, and deals with disputes between neighbours regarding boundaries fences and costs. This work took into consideration ideas and suggestions from residents and committees, who required the use of recycled materials and that the work celebrate man's relationship with nature, animals and the earth, as well as relate to the fence-line on the far side of the carpark. Trembath also absorbed significant aspects of local history, making references to Eltham's agricultural past, the clearing of the land, the destruction of trees, the ruthless pruning of trees by suburban Councils and incorporated such Australian features as the post and rail fence. 'The Fences Act 1968' is significant for aesthetic, historic and social reasons at a regional level. It makes prominent the historical and social significance of Edendale and the rural aspects of Nillumbik. The use of existing tree stumps and salt pots in the work explores the iconography of the countryside such as the isolated farmhouse, pioneering farming practices, post and rail fencing and the regrowth of lopped trees. The title of the work, as well as the extensive community involvement in its creation, also makes reference to the Victorian Fences Act 1968, which makes neighbours jointly responsible for the cost of construction and maintenance of fences in the partitioning of land for settlement. 'The Fences Act 1968' has been classified as of regional significance by the National Trust of Australia. The work is an installation of wood and metal, approximately twenty five meters long. The design is very informal and rustic and runs the full width of the fence-line. It comprises groups of recycled tree trunks fitted with metal caps (chrome-nickel 'salt pots' that are shaped like tall bowler / top hats). Metal rods protrude from the trunks and some of these rods have metal birds. Two larger, sentinel-like stumps at the two outer ends have metal flame-like wings, which bend inward. To the left of the entrance, a simple architectural element indicates an isolated farmhouse. The rustic fence runs between the groups of tree trunks with native planting in clumps along it. The fence-line incorporates a functional engineered double gate and post and rail fencing. There may be many interpretations of the work and the intention is to stimulate interest and imagination rather than alienate. Interpretation is based on the personal experience that a visitor brings. The artist recommended that no explanation of the design logic be positioned with the work. N/Apublic art, sculpture, edendale, recycled, wood, metal, fences act 1968, gate, trembath, salt pot, tree stumps -
Nillumbik Shire Council
Public Art: Marcus SKIPPER (b.1950 Melb, Aus), Marcus Skipper, Alan Marshall (Location: Grounds of Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham), 1995
Alan Marshall was an author of more than fifteen books, and lived much of his life in Eltham. He became a central figure in the area's arts community of writers, artists, sculptors, film makers, actors and musicians. He is shown stroking a book to his heart, perched on a crutch, which references his disability (contracted polio when he was young), and his status as one of Australia's most successful and loved authors. His most famous book, 'I Can Jump Puddles' is based on his life story and the obstacles he faced as a child in trying to overcome his disability. Marcus Skipper submitted the idea for the work to the first 'Art in Public Places' Awards in 1990. The selectors at the time recommended that the work would be more suitably placed near the Eltham Library. It was commissioned and installed for the new Eltham Library, which was designed by Greg Burgess in 1994. It was partially funded by the then Shire of Eltham's Art Development Fund (Eltham Arts Council) and the rest donated by the artist Marcus Skipper. This work has significance for its reference to two well known names associated with Eltham and its history. The sculpture is a realistic statue of the famous Australian author Alan Marshall who wrote "I Can Jump Puddles". He lived and worked in the Shire. The artist Marcus Skipper represents a highly recognised family of artists associated with Monsalvat. The sculpture 'Alan marshall' has been classified as of regional significance by the National Trust of Australia. A realistic depiction (almost life size) of Alan Marshall cast in bronze with green patination. Dressed in a jumper and slacks, Marshall is shown perched on a crutch, holding a book to his heart, gesturing to his audience to come and listen to his words. alan marshall, bronze, skipper, i can jump puddles, eltham library, novalist, ekphrasis2017, figure, public art -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1986 / January 1987
Kew playgroups are great! [Highbury Grove; Woodlands Avenue] / p1. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-laws - Don't smoke your neighbour out / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas services / p2. Commentary - The year that was / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Good gardening - Trees: friends or foes? / Peter Davies p3. Profile - Cr James McKenzie / p4. Family Carols in Petrie Square / G Petrie p4. Would you like to be part of Kewriosity [Editorial committee] / p4. In Brief [Post Office complex classified; Don't forget to put your bottles out; Images of Kew; Kew Full Day-care Centre; School Holiday Program] / p5. Children's Services update [ Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / Krista Bell p5. Kew Community House [Courses for 1987; VCE (TOP) ; Pamphlet; Christmas Greetings; Christmas Beak-up] / p6. Overmantle returns to Villa Alba after 90 years / p6. Memories of a motor mechanic [Eric Buzza; Williams Motors; 1st Kew Scouts] / p7. Fine music all the way [3MBS] / p7. What's what in the playground? [Hays Paddock; Willsmere Park; Hyde Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p8. Having fun underwater [Kew Skindiving Club] / p8. Australia's fastest growing sport [East Kew Bowling Club] / G Petrie p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Citizens' Band [European] Tour Appeal / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew playgroups are great! [Highbury Grove; Woodlands Avenue] / p1. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-laws - Don't smoke your neighbour out / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas services / p2. Commentary - The year that was / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Good gardening - Trees: friends or foes? / Peter Davies p3. Profile - Cr James McKenzie / p4. Family Carols in Petrie Square / G Petrie p4. Would you like to be part of Kewriosity [Editorial committee] / p4. In Brief [Post Office complex classified; Don't forget to put your bottles out; Images of Kew; Kew Full Day-care Centre; School Holiday Program] / p5. Children's Services update [ Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / Krista Bell p5. Kew Community House [Courses for 1987; VCE (TOP) ; Pamphlet; Christmas Greetings; Christmas Beak-up] / p6. Overmantle returns to Villa Alba after 90 years / p6. Memories of a motor mechanic [Eric Buzza; Williams Motors; 1st Kew Scouts] / p7. Fine music all the way [3MBS] / p7. What's what in the playground? [Hays Paddock; Willsmere Park; Hyde Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p8. Having fun underwater [Kew Skindiving Club] / p8. Australia's fastest growing sport [East Kew Bowling Club] / G Petrie p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew Citizens' Band [European] Tour Appeal / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Protecting classified and security sensitive information : background paper [with letter and consultation notes addressed to Justice Tim Smith], 2003
Background paper 8 Letter addressed to Justice Tim Smith from Australian Law Reform Committee with notes of meeting/consultation with Justice Smith on this paper. Notes have hand written edits. Letter: 1 p. Notes: 6 p. (stapled) government information -- australia -- access control, confidential communications -- australia, court records -- australia, privacy: right of -- australia -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1953
Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) moved into 452 St. Kilda Road, in 1953. Seven Ford Prefect cars were purchased by the Society in the early 1950s which became the beginning of a full MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service, fleet of cars which would be used by their District nurses to visit patients in the community over the next years.In 1875 J.B.Scott purchased Crown Land on the corner of St Kilda Road and Arthur Street. During the 1890’s an “unpretentious grey building” was built on the site. Known as ‘Airlie’, major additions were carried out during the 1920s and 30s to this historic mansion. From its founding in 1885 until 1891 the Trained nurse (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Trained nurses (Nurses) and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. The Nurses left from there each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurses, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy. They remained there for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funding to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door to No. 39, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District Trained nurses (Sisters) continued to live at No. 39. In 1953 ‘Airlie’ at 452 St Kilda Road was offered by the Government as part of an agreement to split the management of the Society and the After Care Hospital. On 26th November 1953 the MDNS moved its Headquarters to 452 St Kilda Road. Renovations and alterations were however restricted by limited funds so it was not until 1/12/1954 that the Hon. W. P. Barry, Minister of Health, officially opened the building. MDNS was given Royal patronage in 1966 and became Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). In January 1983, Headquarters of the Royal District Nursing Service at 452 St Kilda Road was classified by the National Trust. The citation in support of the classification said “The house is of historical interest as the boyhood home of Stanley Melbourne Bruce, later Lord Bruce, Prime Minister of Australia from 1923-1929.” Black and white photograph of Melbourne District Nursing Society Headquarters, 452 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. The photo, taken on the corner of Arthur street, is of a two storey building and several cars and gives a unique view of St Kilda Road in the 1950s (pre high rise buildings) This large grey two storey Italian style building, has four roman column, arched Arcadia to the right of a polygon shaped bay window on the ground floor; an arched Arcade on the second floor, and three long windows above the bay window on Arthur Street. Turning the corner onto St. Kilda Road is a three arched Arcadia running towards the one window seen on the polygon shaped bay window. Arcadia is repeated on the upper storey. A balustrade is in front of the Arcadia on the upper storey and again around the flat roof. Two chimneys can be seen. A spiked metal fence runs in front of the building. To the left of this building are two white double storey buildings and some medium sized trees. On Arthur Street, two Ford Prefect cars, one with the passenger side door partly open, a Vanguard car and another make of car can be seen.royal district nursing service, headquarters, 452 st kilda road melbourne, melbourne district nursing society, mdns, mdns transport, rdns -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Significant Trees of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, List and Map, c 2018
These trees planted in the nineteenth century are an exceptional collection of exotic conifers and deciduous trees.These trees classified by the National Trust means that the trees are an essential part of Australia's heritage and should be preserved for future generations.A coloured pamphlet divided into three parts, with trees and coloured picture on one side and a map of where the trees are situated on the other.Right hand corner of coloured picture, there is the logo of the Friends of the Ballarat Botanical Gardensjohn garner collection, dr, significant trees, ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat, map -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - de Kerilleau Homestead
The Huon family were early pastoralists in the Wodonga area. They built the mansion, de Kerilleau in 1870 and named after the family's ancestral estate in France. The original lease of the Wodonga Run was granted to Paul Huon as No. 202 on 7th February 1837, about a year after his cousin Charles Huon had squatted on the land. In August 1849, this run was transferred to Paul's son, William. Paul Huon was one of the children of Gabriel Louis Marie Huon de Kerilleau, a French nobleman who fled France during the French Revolution and travelled under a false identity with the Second Fleet in 1794. The mansion, De Kerilleau was built by William Huon in 1870. It is a solid two storey red brick building with cream brick flat window arches. The main feature of the house is its two-storey cast-iron verandah which has been restored to its original condition. When the Governor, Sir George Bowen, his wife and two daughters needed accommodation overnight after having taken part in the celebration of the railway in Wodonga in 1873, they stayed at de Kerilleau. Sir George planted a Moreton Bay fig tree in the grounds and it still stands today. de Kerilleau is a significant building in Wodonga which has been classified by the National Trust.Coloured photographs showing a variety of features of de Kerilleau homestead.huon family, de kerilleau, de kerilleau homestead -
Darebin Art Collection
Sculpture - Reg Parker, Reg Parker, Untitled 8/73, 1973
The sculpture is of welded 3mm oxidised mild steel fabricated into six rectangular blocks of unequal size, joined along the edges by welding and juxtaposition at various angles. The work is classified by The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and was funded by the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts. The sculpture is an example of a classic formalist work by one of the early practitioners of the style in Australia.The sculpture is of welded 3mm oxidized mild steel fabricated into six rectangular blocks of unequal size, joined along edges by welding and juxtaposition at various angles. It is supported by one angle bracket, and several short lengths of reinforcing steel sunk into the pavement and tack welded to the sculpture. It has an overall length of 3.25 metres, a height of 2 metres and width of 1.45 metres. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Artwork, other - Framed poster, Tim Walker, Loch Ard Shipwreck, circa 2010
Tim Walker’s work is an eye-catching array of shipwreck artefacts and associated items. They help tell the story of the 19th century ships that travelled across the world full of people and cargo that are now part of our history. The work was commissioned especially for Flagstaff Hill and highlights the famous story of the 1878 ‘Loch Ard’ shipwreck. The images also include two small items from the 1981 ‘Fiji’ shipwreck. Local professional artist Timothy “Tim” Walker was born in Britain in 1970. He was self-taught had the desire to use his talents for full-time work. He specialised in painting local scenes, landscape and people of Warrnambool and district after he moved there in 1990. As he worked at the location of his subjects, people often told him interesting and amusing stories. He soon became involved in the Warrnambool and District Artists’ Society, where he has served for a period as President. In 2010 Warrnambool Art Gallery hosted an exhibition “Nine Lives” with works from nine local artists including Tim Walker. The ‘LOCH ARD’ 1873-1878 - brief history The clipper ship ‘Loch Ard’ was a built in Scotland in 1873. In 1978 the ship was sailing to Melbourne with 54 people on board as well as a mixed cargo of items, some of which were bound for the 1880 International Exhibition in Melbourne. On June 1st 1878 it was very close to its destination when it crashed into Mutton Bird Island, east of Port Campbell. Only two people survived. The wreck was re-discovered in 1967, almost a century later, and the site continues to provide evidence of the range of goods imported into the Colony of Victoria in the post-Gold Rush era. Flagstaff Hill divers in the 1970s reported finds of “Bottles of champagne, window panes, rolls of zinc, barrels of cement, iron rails, clocks, lead shot, corrugated iron, lead, marble, salad oil bottles, ink bottles, copper wire, gin bottles, rolls of carpet, floor tiles, copper rivets, gas light fittings, pocket knives, toys, crystal chandeliers, beer mugs, cutlery, candles sticks, wick scissors, cow bells, and sauce bottles.” The famous Loch Ard Peacock was also on board. The ‘FIJI’ 1875-1891 – brief history The barque ‘Fiji’ was built in Ireland in 1875. The sailing ship left Hamburg in May 1891, bound for Melbourne with a crew of twenty-five plus the captain. The ‘Fiji’ had almost reached her destination after a trip of 100 days at sea when, on September 5th 1891, she struck rock 300 metres from the shore at Moonlight Head, near Cape Otway. Eleven men lost their lives but with the help of locals including members of the Rocket Rescue Crew, the rest of the men were saved. In anticipation of Christmas, the cargo had included a wide variety of children’s toys, amongst which were dolls with china limbs, wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, and red and white rubber balls. There were also cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits, sailcloth, tobacco, fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos, concertinas and other musical instruments, artists’ supplies, porcelain, furniture, china and candles. This artwork has historical significance as it shows a small sample of the variety of items on board the late 19th century ships bound for Australia in the Colonial and late God Rush period. The cargo contained personal luggage, items intended as gifts, and goods ordered for domestic, commercial or industrial use. The wreck sites of both vessels, ‘Loch Ard’ and ‘Fiji’ are classified on the Victorian Heritage Register as significant and are now protected by government law. The sites are popular with divers and provide interpretive material regarding social and maritime history. Framed poster of a watercolour painting by Tim Walker, gilt frame, behind glass. Subject is a group of objects, most of which are connected with the 1878 shipwreck Loch Ard, such as items recovered from the shipwreck and the famous ‘Loch Ard Peacock’. Two items are from the wreck of the ‘Fiji’. Inscriptions on ingot, a handwritten letter, bell, clear bottle, and small plaque.On ingot: “PONTIFEX & WOOD. LONDON”. On letter: “Presented to Mr. Thomas Pearce”. On small ingot: “TIM WALKER”. On bell: “LOCH ARD”. On clear bottle “THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY“. On plaque: TIM WALKER”.warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, flagstaff hill, loch ard, fiji, watercolour, timothy walker, tim walker, warrnambool & district artists’ society, warrnambool art gallery, poster, henna street picture framers, cargo, print -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, 'Glenfine' Shearing Shed, 1890
In July 1840, Glenfine, consisting of 31,440 acres, was acquired by Thomas Downie. In March 1842 the 'Right of Run' was taken up by Thomas Chirnside who with an imported stallion 'Delapre' ran a horse stud. He apparently lived here for ten years and employed a gardener with a wife and five children from Hobart, Tasmania. Only some blocks of stone and a few trees remain of their homestead. In 1853 the property was transferred to Dr. John Chirnside, an elder brother of Thomas. I, 1857, William Rowe of Naringal purchased Glenfiine where he and his family lived until 1904 when it was bought by Richard Howell's estate. It was then 39,000 acres. The present house was built by the Rowes in 1872 of bluestone quarried on the property with a cement render overall. The architect was H.R. Casselli. In 1911 R.C. Howell, son of Richard, became the owner, followed by his son in 1960. Gold was found on the property and by 1898 the township of Hollybush was first reported, situated at either side of the front entrance, on the Cressy Road. The land for the township was given by William Rowe. By 1990 Hollybush had a population of 426 persons. All of the early history of Glenfine, documents etc., were destroyed when Naringal homestead was burnt down in 1944. Glenfine was classified by the National Trust in 1974 and is on the Heritage Commission Register. Mounted black and white image of a large group of men and boys in front of a weatherboard shearing shed. The men are each holding a pair of hand shears. One young man is kneeling on top of a wool bale. A small blue biro 'x' identifies W. Todd. Glenfine was a pastoral station. The original homestead still stands.shearing sheds, shearers, rural activity, william todd, glenfine pastoral station, thomas chirnside, thomas downie, richard howell, william thomas rowe -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - Box - Cigarette silks, 1911 - 1917
These type of cigarette silks were included in WD & HO Wills cigarette packets to induce women in particular to take up smoking.|The Word 'Cartophilic?|It is believed that this unusual word was coined in the 1920s by Col. Bagnall, an Englishman, who was the father of the hobby of cigarette card and trade card collecting. It is thought to be a combination of a Latin word, 'carto' meaning 'card and the Greek word 'philic', meaning 'love'.- lover of cards. The term originally related to the collection of the two types mentioned, however, our Society has included postcards in the range of items collected by our members.|The Cigarette Card|The cigarette card began its evolution in the United States of America, in the early 1880s as a plain piece of cardboard used by tobacconists to protect the cigarettes which were sold in that era, not in packets, but loosely. A purchaser would buy his cigarettes then wrap them in paper around the small piece of cardboard, which acted as a stiffener. In fact, for many decades, cigarette cards were known as 'stiffeners' in the USA.|The card depicting 'The Marquis of Lome' is reputed to be the first known cigarette card issued. This is thought to have been in 1879. It did not take long for an enterprising entrepreneur to recognise the advertising potential of the cigarette card, and, very soon, the cards began displaying popular images, often in sets. This had the effect of youngsters, wishing to complete their sets, harassing their fathers to buy a specific brand of cigarettes. The kids who collected cards in the days when they were being issued in the cigarette packets, would hang around outside the local tobacconist's shop, pestering the men who had just bought a packet of cigarette, with the cry: 'can I have the cig can mister?'|It is a proven fact that, here in Australia during the 1930s, at least one set had one card deliberately withheld and issued very sparingly. This card is No. 86 (Mrs Jack Crawford) in the Carreras 'Turf Personality Series'. Thus, in a set of reasonably easy cards to get, this one card is a constant source of frustration for the collector, and as such, commands a premium when it comes to price. It is not hard to imagine the young collector nagging his to Dad to keep buying 'Turf' cigarettes to enable him to finish the set.|From small beginnings the cigarette card soon gave rise to a booming industry in itself. Artists and writers were|employed to produce the cards, which were miniature works of art and served as little encyclopaedia's for the children of the day. By the 1930s cards were being issued in the countless millions. It has been stated, in one book on the history of cards; that 450 million sets of a series produced and issued by the prolific issuer of cards in the United Kingdom, WD & HO Wills. As each set contained 50 cards you would need a calculator with a very long result window to see the answer to how many cards of that series were in circulation.|Australia's involvement would appear to have its beginnings with the English and American firms who shipped their tobacco products here and the cards of American Tobacco Company (ATC) are found in great numbers in early Australian collections; many featuring Australian subjects, e.g. 'Australian Parliament a 1901 issue. Earlier U.S. sets depicting Australians included Goodwin & Co's, so called. 'Australian Series' with cricketers and Australian Rules footballers who were on the sporting scene during the 1880s. The caption of one of theses cards reads:|'W.Hannysee. Captain Port Melbourne Football Club' which enables us to pinpoint the year of issue to either 1889 or 1890.|On the Australian scene the first local manufacturer who issued cards seems to have been The National Cigarette Company of Australia Proprietary Limited, whose 'Tally Ho' packets contained cards from a series of thirteen featuring the touring 'English Cricket Team 1897-8' Of the few Australian manufacturers who issued cards, only two companies issued more the two sets.|Undoubtedly the cards issued by the Melbourne firm Sniders & Abrahams (later Sniders & Abrahams Pty Ltd) are the 'jewels in the crown' of Australian card issues. They issued some thirty-three series, with numerous sub-series and allied issues such as metal badges, metal football shields, celluloid flags etc., which ensured that the hobbyist had a vast range from which to collect. Sporting themes – football, cricket, horse racing – dominate, indicating the Australians' love of sport and the outdoors was as strong in those earlier times as it is today. Military, animals and birds themes were also to the fore, with a touch of culture being provided by 'Shakespeare', 'Dickens', actresses and even classical 'Statuary'. Humour was not forgotten with 'Cartoons and Caricatures', 'Naval and Cricket (double meaning) Terms' and the 'Jokes' series. Art and history were covered by the artist, S.T. Gill's 'Views of Victoria in 1857' while the stereoscopic 'Views of the World' expanded the collectors' knowledge of the world as a whole.|The Sniders & Abrahams series began in 1904 and by 1919 the company was in decline and was eventually taken over by G.G. Goode & Co. Ltd. This company produced one set only, the highly collectable 'Prominent Cricketer Series' issued in 1924. During the early to mid-1920s, J.J. Schuh Tobacco Pty Ltd issued eight series, again containing the popular subjects of sport and war. At least two provincial tobacconists, Lentens of Bendigo and Baillies of Warrnambool, issued private football series. The last series of cards issued by a truly Australian firm was Dudgeon & Arnell's '1934 Australian Cricket Team'.|The Australian market was not neglected by the English companies with WD & HO Wills, Godfrey Phillips and Ogdens all making their contributions. By far the most active issuer was the long-established company Wills, whose 'Cricketers' of 1901 heralded the flood of Australian series, which continued into the mid-thirties.|The onset of the 1939-45 World War sounded the death knell of the cigarette card and very few post-war issues were made, certainly not here in Australia.|The Trade Card|The Trade Card is a non-tobacco item used by manufacturers to promote and advertise their products, in the same way that cigarette cards were. It is uncertain exactly when they were first produced, but in the USA, non-collectable cards were issued by firms in the early 1800s. These were more akin to a latter day 'business card'. It was not until the 1850s, when coloured and pictorial cards were issued to advertise and promote products that the Trade Card|became a collectable item. Many beautiful lithographic cards were produced in this early era and they are very mu sought after by collectors. By the 1870s the issues of Trade Cards became more prolific and it is from this era that more cards are seen.|Again, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact date of the first Australian Trade Card and it may be that the highly collectable and extremely rare 'American Candy Co's' - 'Pure Caramels' Australian Rules football card, issued i 1891, is the earliest series. This confectionery firm was located in Fitzroy, a Melbourne suburb. To date only two subjects have been seen.|Another early set was 'Flags', issued by F.H.Fauldings & Co. It featured testimonials of seven English cricketers who toured Australia with the 1894/5 Test team. Fauldings was an Adelaide based firm which manufactured medicinal toiletries, soaps and oils, using the distinctly Australian eucalyptus oil. During the 20th century a multitude of Australian businesses issued trade cards, with confectionery manufacturers such as Hoadleys, Allens, Sweetacres and Australian Licorice producing the majority of them. Again sporting themes dominated with the ever popular Aussie Rules football cards being the most numerous. Cricket issues ran a close second.|Apart from sporting cards, almost every subject imaginable was covered by the Trade Card, making it the most diverse and interesting branch of cartophilly. In contrast to the Cigarette Card, which had its demise prior to the Second World War, the Trade Card is still alive and well.|We all are aware of the long running 'Birds of Australasia' series put out by Tuck-fields Tea and 1 doubt if there is a kitchen drawer in Australia that has not got one or two of these informative and attractive cards floating about in it. These cards were first produced in the early 1960s and are still being inserted in that company's packets of tea. Such is also the case with Sanitarium Health Foods, manufacturers of the well known Weetbix, who began issuing cards, with a wide range of subjects, in the early 1940s and continue to do so.|The 1940s and 1950s saw the two breakfast food giants, Kornies and Weeties dominating the card scene. Kornies footballers were in production fora decade from 1948 to 1959. Four years later in 1963, we saw the start of four decades of Scanlens bubble-gum card issues, both football and cricket. In the mid 1990s, with the end of the Scanlens/Stimorol cards, the Trading Card came on the scene. These cards do not fit under the umbrella of the Trade Card, having been produced and marketed purely as a 'collectable' with no connection whatsoever to any product, which of course is necessary for an item to be classified as a Trade Card.|The earliest British postcard was issued in 1870 and was designed to send short messages; the stamp was printed on the card, therefore it did not require an envelope. It was considered by many to be lowering the postal standards because the texts were no longer private. However the cards were a great success as on the first day of issue in 1870, half a million passed through the London postal centre.|The first illustrated postcards are said to be those introduced by a French stationer in 1870. He realized that French troops fighting in the Franco-Prussian War needed to be able to send short messages to their families and designed a 'postcard' to suit the purpose. As many of the soldiers were illiterate they decorated their cards with sketches of their many activities at the front rather than writing; thus creating a picture postcard. Private enterprise soon saw the great financial possibilities of this new easy and attractive way of communication by post; also sending a postcard cost less than postage for letters. It was correctly assumed that postcards were likely to overtake letter writing in many instances.|Between 1875 and 1882 every state in Australia introduced official postcards, N.S.W. first and Tasmania last. Each state produced a simple type of postcard with a pre printed stamp allied to that state. The stamp side stated 'The Address Only To Be Written On This Side'; the reverse side sometimes carried a simple illustration or decoration with space fora short message, each state extolling their own state's virtues. In 1901, with the advent of Federation, the new Government became responsible for all postal services in Australia and produced postcards for sale in every state. With several mail deliveries each day in most towns, postcards were used for many purposes. One 1906 postcard, with an illustration of fruit, was sent from Mrs X in the morning to her greengrocer ordering her fruit and vegetables to be delivered that afternoon. Another lady asks her charlady to 'come this afternoon'.|Australian private enterprise also began selling pictorial postcards, most companies using the very experienced German printing works who were the worlds best in the field of lithography and fine detailed colour-printing. Many of these beautiful German cards still exist today, 100 years later. Australia did have a few fine printers but they were in the minority. Black and white postcards printed in Australia in the early 1900s were often of good quality e.g. postcards printed by 'The Bulletin', illustrating the works of 'The Bulletins' top artists.|Between c1903-09 The Melbourne company Osboldstone and Atkins etc. printed coloured reproductions of 46 J.A. Turner bush/rural life paintings, which were generally of good quality and became hugely popular and still sought after today. Like thousands of homes in Europe, Britain and U.S.A., many Australia homes had albums of cherished postcards, which were given pride of place for visitors to see and enjoy.|Postcard collecting remained popular but was changing with the times. About 1912 the Australian photographer George Rose of Melbourne began to produce topographical B/W real photographic postcards covering most of Australia and other photographers began to do likewise. These cards soon found their way into collections as well.|WWI and the horrors of war suddenly changed the world; postcards were still in great demand but the subject matter was far more serious. Thousands of postcards from the trenches in European war zones arrived in Australia to be included in family albums. Propaganda and recruitment messages were produced to encourage enlistment. Australian postcard producers began to create cards decorated with gum leaves, boomerangs, wattle etc., which were designed for sending to Australian troops serving overseas. Very few 'pretty' cards were available, as access to the Gentian printing works was no longer possible and exporting of postcards from Britain was very limited. By the end of WWI people had other more serious problems to contend with and the avid postcard collecting hobby declined, fold greetings took over and topographical photographic postcards became a small but steady income for the producers and newsagents etc. in every town.|Fortunately many of these old postcards still exist and are avidly collected by a new generation or postcard collectors. The Australian Cartophilic Society Inc. is one of four postcard/cigarette card organizations in Australia. They are, N.S.W. Post Card Collectors Society; Queensland Card Collectors' Society Inc. and West Australian Card Collectors|Society, and across the Tasman there is a New Zealand Postcard Society.|References:|Picture Postcards of the Golden Age A Collector's Guide by Toni & Valmai Holt. Picture Postcards in Australia 1898 - 1920 by David CookBox of Cigarette Silks ( 10 ) depicting animal motifs, which were placed in cigarette packets as an incentive for women in particular to smoke.|WD & HO Wills|Produced 1911 - 1917personal effects, smoking accessories, recreations, collections -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Vickery, Brian, Down From the Mountain: The Path of a Baby Boomer, 2020
This book traces the path of a oung man born immediately after the Second World War and classified throughout the world as a Baby Boomer.This book traces the path of a oung man born immediately after the Second World War and classified throughout the world as a Baby Boomer. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation - australian, soldiers - australia - biography, australian national serviceman, infantry platoon commander, australian infantry battalion -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Sheehan, Neil, The Pentagon Papers: The Secret History of the Vietnam War, 1971
the most significant leaks of classified material in American history.Based on investigative reporting by Neil Sheehan, E.W. Kenworthy, FBox Butterfield & Hedrick Smith.the most significant leaks of classified material in American history.vietnam war (1961-1975), president kennedy, ngo dinh diem, tonkin gulf, tet offensive