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Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, St Brigid's Crossley - Christmas Carols, 2016, Christmas 2016
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the interior of St Brigid's, brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, celebrations, christmas, christmas carols, carols, stained glass, window -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, C2016
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the in..terior of St Brigid's Crossleyst brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Lisa Gervasoni, St Brigid Stained Glass Window, Crossley, 18/08/2013
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Colour photograph of a portrait of St Brigid in stained glass. The depiction of St Brigid is located at St Brigid's former Catholic Church, brigid, stained glass, st brigid's crossley -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, 2018
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital panoramic image of the interior of St Brigid's brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Sporting Honour Board, 1955-1981
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Letter, Property for sale - Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1925
ID 5225 note: Further information relating to allotments marked on the hand-drawn plan are included in ID 5224 - Ringwood Station Estate.Typewritten letter from A.V. Greenwood with hand drawn plan of Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, detailed description of property for sale, and top and side elevation views of house. (7 pages)(Transcript of first page - to unknown recipient) Phone 988 Central, 331 Canty Greenwood Pty. Ltd. 5 Flinders Street Melbourne. Dear Sir, 1. Attached please find drawings of my house at Ringwood. 2. It is for sale at £4,865 or to let at £5 per week to an approved tenant. 3. I sold it to Mr. De Garis and vacated it, but it is now back on my hands. 4. I leased another place instead of living in my own. I may be able to cancel same; in the meantime, however, I propose to sell or let my own. The painters are now going through the place; re-varnishing, re-oiling and re-polishing so that in about five days it will look "spick and span". 5. The house was specially built under my own supervision. 6. It is very suitable for a high class Guest House, Doctor's residence, Hospital or Convalescent Home. If you know of anyone whom it might suit, please communicate with them. DESCRIPTION 7. It stands on 305 feet of land facing Greenwood Avenue. It is cement, roughcast and hardwood, well oiled, and is now being redone so that the house is as good as new; red tile roof; verandahs three sides; two sleep-outs; five bedrooms; large dining room; very large music room with nooks, upstairs lounge, study; sewing room; built-in wardrobes and cupboards throughout; handsome kitchen with handsome pantry cupboard with drawers and glass front; one bath room; one shower room; wash house with patent copper and laundry. Every modern convenience, hot water system (through copper pipes with large copper cylinder) electric lights everywhere, outside and in, Yan Yean water laid on everwhere throughout house and gardens. Floors throughout are the very best, close set, stained and polished; dainty lead light windows etc. 8. There is a big garage, with tiled roof and two rooms with all conveniences for a married couple. Property is well drained with a system of its own. The house stands upon the top of a hill close to Railway Station, say 500 feet from the Footbridge. 9. The garden has expansive shrubs; sheds; fernery; tennis court. 10. A handsome piece of furniture goes with the house; a combination pantry and storeroom for groceries, milk, bread etc., consisting of drawers, glass and wire doors, as mentioned above. 11. It is within easy distance of Melbourne as it is only two minutes from Ringwood Station, which is a frequent electric train service bringing it within 39 minutes of the City. It is thought better by some to go further out into the country atmosphere and walk a short distance at the end than to go by train 20 minutes then walk 15 to 20 minutes. 12. The price quoted of £4,865 is made up as follows - 305 feet of land @ £5 ... £1,515 Garage and dwelling ... £300 House hot water system, American cupboard ... £2,600 Water, fencing, sheds & drain ... £250 For the lot ... £4,865 Should you require copies of the enclosed drawings I shall be pleased to supply same. 13. Mr. J.B. McAlpin is the local agent, Phone Ring. 7 (after hours Ring. 44) or you may phone me Central 988. 14. The house is south of the line, facing Greenwood Avenue and immediately at the back of Ringwood House, which is also my property. Yours sincerely, A.V. Greenwood (illegible) ..... (Transcript of second page) RINGWOOD SHOP AND DWELLING ESTATE See these letters on plan attached (H.) Ringwood House and Shops on 100 by 150 feet of land fronting Bedford Road 100 feet @ £10 per foot - £1,000 House and shops - £2,400 ... £3,400 Ringwood House consists of Boarding House, (Phone 101) and two shops, mainly brick; 9 inch walls. Will carry another story. Has music room, dining room, entrance halls, 10 bedrooms, large verandahs, all conveniences, hot and cold water, and stands on what will become a most valuable business corner. (F.)(G.) Mr. Greenwood's house, garage and sheds, stands on 307 feet of land fronting Greenwood Avenue. See detailed description attached ... £4,865 (J.) Cottage on Block 81 in William Street ... £750 (K.) Cottage in Pitt Street ... £650 (Total) £9,665 ..... (Description of third page - Subdivision Plan) Drawn by Edyth Greenwood, phone 988 Central. Subdivision includes Station Street, Pitt Street, Bedford Road, Wantirna Road, James Street, William Street (later Kendall Street), Greenwood Avenue, Ellison Street, and Haig Street. Circles denote blocks for sale. Squares denote house properties for sale. Other features marked include location of businesses along Main Street (Maroondah Highway), cool store, railway station, shop and police station on Bedford Road, church on Station Street, site of schoolmaster's residence and State School, and location of proposed public baths -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1921-1930, 1921-1930
The Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid was published for Victoria's teachers and was sent to all school on the state. In 1920 The Ballarat School of Mines had donated 136 pounds 14 shillings and 10 pence to the Victorian Education Department's War Relief Account, and the Ballarat Junior Technical School had donated 10 pounds 6 shillings and 10 pence.Ten black hard covered volumes with red tape spine, covering 1921 to 1930. The gazettes include Education Department appointments, transfers, resignations and retirements, vacancies, notices, queries, notices of books, examination papers, original articles, lesson plans, suggestions for lessons, drawing, obituaries, notes on nature study, mathematics, music, sloyd woodwork, English grammar, Victorian State School Swimming Clubs, Geography, penmanship, science, History, Latin, Geography, The School Garden, horticulture, singing, World War One; ANZAC Day, lifesaving, Astronomy, Empire Day, ANZAC Buffet London, Victorian Education Department's War Relief Fund .1) 1928. Articles include: New Caledonia, Swimming and Lifesaving, School forestry, a visit to the pyramids, Exploration of Gippsland, paul de Strezelecki, Angus McMillan, Villers Bretonneux Memorial School, American Black Walnut, Red Gum, Messmate Stringybark, The Great Barrier Reef, retirement of Frank Tate, Stawell High School, Report on Some Aspects of Education in the United States, Jubilee Education Exhibition , New School Readers; measured Drawing Images include: Macarthur Street School's Plantation, Maryborough School Plantation, Pinus Insignis (Radiata) ready for Milling, Creswick State Forest, Metalwork, Daylesford Pine Plantation four years old, Henry Harvey (art Inspector); Omeo School Endowment Plantation; Frank Tate; Stawell High School Drawings From Casts; Lake Tyers School Endowment Plantation, measured drawing, Thomas H. Stuart, GEorge Swinburne. J.R. Tantham-Fryer, Cookery Class, John Edward Thomas. .3) War Savings Stampsm Swimming and Life-saving, Teh Rural School System of Victoria, Imaginative Composition, ANZAC Day, Retardation, Teh Bright Child Hudson Hard Obituary, Leeches, Relief for Distress in Europe, Dental, Teachers' Library, History of Portarlington, J.E. Stevens Obituary, Victorian Teachers in England Images: Swimming and Life-Saving Medallion .3) Swimming and Lifesaving, Bronze medallion, Victoria Leage of Victori, War Savings Stamps, Rural School Sytem of Victoria, .4) War Relief, Talbot Colony for Epileptics Masonmeadows, Discipline New and Old (Percy Samson), Soldier teachers, Preservation of Australian Birds, Arbor Day, Jubilee of Free Education, Teaching Geography, Poery in Schools, School Committees, Shelter Pavilion, Mysia Memorial School, Clovers, Jubilee Exhibition, Domestic Arts, Louis Pasteur, .5) Victoria League of Victoria, An Endowment Scheme (Pine Plantations), School Endowment Plantations, Protecting our trees by Owen Jones,. Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Sloyd Woodwork, School Forestry, Thomas Brodribb Obituary and portrait, Imperial Education Conference London, school Management and Method, School plantations, Eucalypt plantations in the Bendix and Heathcote District, Junior Red Cross, Jubilee Education Exhibition, Gould League Competitions, handwriting, The School Magazine, Frank Tate in London, Victorian beetles, Council of Public Education, Villers Bretonneux and its new School, Death of Samuel Summons, Woodwork Summer School, Swimming, Japanese Relief Fund, Retirement of John Cross, reminiscences of the Late Mr Albert Mattingley .6) Thomas H. Trengrove and the Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, forestry, visit of Maryborough teachers to Ballarat Water Reserves, noxious weeds, relief for Distressed Europe, The Dalton Plan, Empire Day, Retirement of Mr Fussell, Centenary of Hume and Hovell Expedition, League of Kindness, Effective Nature Study in a Rural School, Some Facts About Paper and their Bearing Upon School Plantations, Council of the Working Men's College Melbourne, Maria Montessori, University Vacation School, Horticulture in State Schools, An Informal Chat About French Schools (C.R. McRae), The Vacation School, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Inspector's Report on a 5th-class School, Can Children Write Verse, John Adams, Victoria League of Victoria, R.F. Toutcher, Sir James Barbie's Address to High-School Girls, Impressions of a High School Teacher Abroad (R.D. Collman), The Spirit of the School Plantation Scheme, Monument of the Late Mr and Mrs A.T. Sharp at Box Hill Cemetery, The Teaching of Geography, The Treatment of Poetry in Class, Two Difficult Arithmetic Lessons, Location of Principal Australian Timbers, Dr John Smyth, Stammering and its Influence on Education, Wireless Broadcasting as an Educational Medium, Boys School at Villers Brettonneux, The New School at Villers Brettonneux, Bird Day, Messmate or Stringybark, What Every Woman Knows, Director's Report on Denmark .7)1925 . Includes: School Forestry, horticulture, J.H. Betheras retirement, Ivanhoe School, Coburg School, Moorabool Junior Technical School, Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, Francis Ormond, William Charles Kernot, Corsican Pnes at Creswick, Ballarat High School Plantation, Workin Men's College, RMIT, Naorrow LEafed Peppermint, Education and World Peace, Eucalypts of Victoria, John C. Eccles, Blue Gum. Manners, Giving the Poorly Nourished Boy A Chance, Native Ferns, Marybourough Technical School, Memorial School at Villers-Brettonneux .8) Experimental Plots in Country Schools (W.W. Gay), Villers Bretonneaux and its Memorial School. nominated classes for Art Teachers, The Teachers Act 1925, Horsham High School, Richmond Technical School, Farewell to Messrs C.R. Long and Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Frank Tate, Phyiscal Training, Arbor Day, ANZAC Day, Shakespeare Day,Bendigo Junior Techncial School, Musical Appreciation, Motor Dental Unit, School Camps, Education Act of 1872: Mr Angus McKay's Part (George Mackay), A Bush Fire Experience (Irene Stable), Black Sunday, Californian Red Pine, Women's Education in America, Farewell to Lord and Lady Stradbroke, Grevilia Robusta, Silky Oak, Redwood, John E. Grant, The Need for Research (Donald Clark), Junior Drama, Ida D. Marshall, John Pounds, Australian Books, Fish Creek School, State Boundaries, History in the Curriculum, Ceramic Art in Australia (Percy E. Everett), Choice of School Songs, Tasmanian Beech, Should History be Taught on a National or an International Basis, Hydatid Disease, James Holland Obituary, Florrie Hodges, Queensland Maple, Post Bushfire Ruins at Fumina, Arbor Day at Fumina, Queensland Rosewood, Omeo Endowment Plantation, Bird Day, Junior Red Cross, Pioneers' Day, Edward Henty, Junior Technical Schools, Yellow Pine, History and Progress of Needlework, A.B.C. of Astronomy, Northumberland Mental tests, Queensland Red Cedar, Teh Globe Theatre, .9) 1927 includes The ABC of Astronomy, Atr Theatre, English Beech, Angus McMillan Art Pottery, School Singing, State Schools' Nursery, School endowment plantations, Making a Man, experimental proof of Charles's Law, John Smyth obituary and portrait, Linton Pine Planation, motivation of arithmetic, Women's Classes at Dookie, Swimming and Lifesaving, Pioneers Day, Drawing, Ballarat High School planation, biting fly, Tir-Na-N'og, John Byatt retirement and portrait, Technical Schools Conference at Daylesford, Ethel Osborne and portrait, library. Francis Thompson portrait, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Solar movement, motor transport, Liverpool Cathedral, Teh Story of the Cathedral, Bendigo School of Mines, Omeo School pine plantation, Egypt and the Nile, Self-Criticism Images include Ballarat High School Pine Plantation, Vale Park, Francis Ormond, Woking Men's College (RMIT), W.N. Kernot, A Stand of Corsican Pines at Creswick, Victoria .10) Some Remarks on the Relationship of the technical Schools to the University (Donald Clark) , Present Day Education in England , Memorial to Joseph Cornwall, Spelling, motivation, Singing, State Scholarships, Agriculture, T.W. Bothroyd, The Swimmer - A Summer School Sketch (H.H. Croll), Swimming woodwork, Farewell to Dr Sutton. ,Drowning, War Savings Movement, White Beech. George S. Browne , Example of School Honor Book, Blackwood, Optimistic teacher, Soldier settlement around Shapparton, Oral Hygiene, Cinema Machines, Basketball, Wakter M. Camble obituary, ANZAC day Pilgrimage in England, Froebel's System, Montessori Method, War Relief Fund, New Zealand Kauri Tree, Bat Tenis at a Bush School., Advice to Australian Girls, Chrysanthemums, Royal Visit, National Parks of Victoria, Maurice Copland Obituary, total eclipse of the Moon, School libraries, The teacher and the COmmunity (A.M. Barry), The Reading Lesson, Swimming and Life-saving, MElbourne Teachers' College War Memorial Windows Old Trainees War Memorial, Cultivating a Natinoal Art education gazette, school, education, teaching, teacher, world war one, school plantations, macarthur street pine plantation, school forestry, creswick state forest, anzac day, armistance celebrations, frank tate, frank tate retirement, drawing from cast, education department school readers, lake tyers pine plantation, w.n. kernot, rmit, working men's college, francis ormond, pine plantations, calenbeem park, creswick, villers-brettonneux school hall and carvings, thomas trengrove, corsican pines, creswick, pine endowment plantations, mccarthur st primary school pine plantation, ballarat high school pine plantation, vale park, mount pleasant primary school pine plantation, golden point pine plantation, angus macmillan, paul de strzelecki, gippsland, villers-bretonneaux memorial school, francis thompson, english ash, pestalozzi centenary, shakespeare day, swimming classes, clear pine, cinema in education, american black walnut, red gum, thomas wolliam bothroyd obituary, and portrait, physical training displays, teaching of spelling, ohm's law, blue gum -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Commanding Officer Handover Parade, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1980
This photograph was taken at a Commanding Officer Handover Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in 1980. LTCOL Bob Skitch was the CO from 1976 to 1980 and handed over LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. LTCOL Thorogood’s appointment was from 1980 to 1981.This is a set of 45 photographs taken at a Commanding Officer Handover Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in 1980. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. Photograph .34P is an enlargement printed on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Led by HQ Squadron, Army Survey Regiment marches onto the parade ground. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Army Survey Regiment marches onto the parade ground. Drummers L to R: SSGT George Austen, CPL Di Chalmer, CPL Tony Lawler. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron formed up. SSM WO1 Bob Mason at front. L to R: unidentified (x9), SPR Kristin (Isaac) Skidmore, unidentified, SPR Scheryl Delforce, unidentified (x2), SSGT Russell ‘Rusty’ Williams, SSGT Peter Warwick, SSGT Greg Buckenham, SGT Cliff Webb, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT John Bennett, SSGT Bruce Gordon. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers formed up before taking posts. L to R: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified (x4), CAPT Bob Williams, MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified (x3), RSM WO1 Aub Harvey. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers salute before taking posts. L to R: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified (x4), CAPT Bob Williams, MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified (x3). .6) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers march to their posts. L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, CAPT Mick Byrne, MAJ Robin Blackburn, unidentified. .7) & .8) - Photo, black & white, 1980. L to R: 2IC MAJ Don Swiney MBE hands over parade to CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron - Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Lyn Johnson, remainder unidentified. Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, remainder unidentified, OC CAPT Bob Williams, Officer in far right: CAPT Bob Cooper. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1980. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch salutes reviewing officer - Commander 3MD BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron in background L to R: CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, OC CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Gary Warnest. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1980. HQ Squadron inspection - L to R: unidentified (x5), CAPT Paddy Strunks, SPR Chris Ebeling, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, unidentified (x7), in foreground MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified, CPL Phil McGuire, WO2 Ted Burgess. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1980. HQ Squadron in foreground L to R: MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified, CPL Phil McGuire, WO2 Ted Burgess. Lithographic Squadron inspection L to R: CPL Paul Davis, CPL Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirely, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, unidentified, OC MAJ Robin Blackburn, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, SPR Jim Ash, unidentified, unidentified UK Exchange SNCO, SSGT Greg Francis-Wright, WO1 Doug Malligan, drummers SSGT George Austen, CPL Di Chalmer, CPL Tony Lawler, unidentified (x2). .12) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - L to R: LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified officer, front rank L to R: SGT Cliff Webb, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, centre rank L to R: unidentified, SSGT Greg Buckingham, SSGT John Bennett, rear rank L to R: unidentified (x4), SPR Sharon (Jones) Treble, CPL Marrianne (Van De Zee) De Groot, SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - Centre rank: SSGT John Bennett, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, rear rank L to R: SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT Bruce Gordon, supernumerary rank L to R: SSM WO1 Bob Mason, WO1 Bob Hayden, WO2 Peter Colwell, WO1 Chris Parkinson. Unidentified. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - Centre rank: SSGT John Bennett, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, rear rank L to R: SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT Bruce Gordon, supernumerary rank L to R: SSM WO1 Bob Mason, WO1 Bob Hayden, WO2 Peter Colwell. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – L to R: OC CAPT Bob Williams, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Front rank L to R: CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified (x2), SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler. .16) & .17) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – L to R: OC CAPT Bob Williams, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified (x2), SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Cathy Regan, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler, SGT Stu Thaxter, SGT Colin Cuskelly, SGT Bill Friswell. Far right: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, WO1 Jim ‘JJJ’ Jefferies. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – Front rank: SSGT Gary Warnest. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Cathy Regan, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler, SGT Stu Thaxter, SGT Colin Cuskelly, SGT Bill Friswell. SSM WO1 Gordon Lowery. Far right: WO1 Jim ‘JJJ’ Jefferies, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, LT Ozzy Slade. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank: CPL Stu Symonds. .23) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, CAPT Bob Cooper. Centre rank L to R: SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. .24) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Bob Cooper. Centre rank L to R: SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. CAPT Bob Cooper, Centre rank L to R: CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lyn Johnson. .26) to .28) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: MAJ Robin Blackburn, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. .29) to .31) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: SPR Penny Knott, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. .32) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover - L to R: LTCOL Bob Skitch, LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilan Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SSGT Bob Scaddan at end. .33) & .34) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover - L to R: LTCOL Bob Skitch, LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SSGT Bob Scaddan at end. .35) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover – March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. L to R: RSM WO1 Aub Harvey, 2IC MAJ Don Swiney MBE. .36) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. HQ Squadron march past L to R: unidentified officer, MAJ MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, CAPT Paddy Strunks. .37) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. HQ Squadron march past L to R: unidentified, SGT Rick Warren, remainder unidentified. .38) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: CLP Paul Richards, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Bob Cooper. .39) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: SPR Greg Else, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Rod Skidmore, unidentified, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, CPL Roger Pearson, CPL Stu Symonds, CPL Paul Richards. .40) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Lyn Johnson, SPR Peter Main, unidentified, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Bob Sheppard, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Ian Fitzgerald, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, unidentified. .41) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past L to R: CAPT Mick Byrne, MAJ Robin Blackburn. .42) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past L to R: CPL Gary Kerr, SPR Brian Paul, SPR Brian Fauth, CPL Roy Hicks, SPR Per Andersen, CAPT Mick Byrne. .43) & .44) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past. .45) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Officer march past L to R: unidentified, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange.No personnel are identified. Photo .34P is annotated on back ‘1981 LTCOL Bob Skitch handed over to LTCOL Thorogood.’ *Date is incorrect.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2013
We don?t leave our identities at the city limits: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in urban localities Bronwyn Fredericks Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in cities and towns are often thought of as ?less Indigenous? than those who live ?in the bush?, as though they are ?fake? Aboriginal people ? while ?real? Aboriginal people live ?on communities? and ?real? Torres Strait Islander people live ?on islands?. Yet more than 70 percent of Australia?s Indigenous peoples live in urban locations (ABS 2007), and urban living is just as much part of a reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as living in remote discrete communities. This paper examines the contradictions and struggles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience when living in urban environments. It looks at the symbols of place and space on display in the Australian cities of Melbourne and Brisbane to demonstrate how prevailing social, political and economic values are displayed. Symbols of place and space are never neutral, and this paper argues that they can either marginalise and oppress urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, or demonstrate that they are included and engaged. Juggling with pronouns: Racist discourse in spoken interaction on the radio Di Roy While the discourse of deficit with regard to Australian Indigenous health and wellbeing has been well documented in print media and through images on film and on television, radio talk concerning this discourse remains underresearched. This paper interrogates the power of an interactive news interview, aired on the Radio National Breakfast program on ABC Radio in 2011, to maintain and reproduce the discourse of deficit, despite the best intentions of the interview participants. Using a conversation-analytical approach, and membership categorisation analysis in particular, this paper interrogates the spoken interaction between a well-known radio interviewer and a respected medical researcher into Indigenous eye health. It demonstrates the recreation of a discourse emanating from longstanding hegemonies between mainstream and Indigenous Australians. Analysis of firstperson pronoun use shows the ongoing negotiation of social category boundaries and construction of moral identities through ascriptions to category members, upon which the intelligibility of the interview for the listening audience depended. The findings from analysis support claims in a considerable body of whiteness studies literature, the main themes of which include the pervasiveness of a racist discourse in Australian media and society, the power of invisible assumptions, and the importance of naming and exposing them. Changes in Pitjantjatjara mourning and burial practices Bill Edwards, University of South Australia This paper is based on observations over a period of more than five decades of changes in Pitjantjatjara burial practices from traditional practices to the introduction of Christian services and cemeteries. Missions have been criticised for enforcing such changes. However, in this instance, the changes were implemented by the Aboriginal people themselves. Following brief outlines of Pitjantjatjara traditional life, including burial practices, and of the establishment of Ernabella Mission in 1937 and its policy of respect for Pitjantjatjara cultural practices and language, the history of these changes which commenced in 1973 are recorded. Previously, deceased bodies were interred according to traditional rites. However, as these practices were increasingly at odds with some of the features of contemporary social, economic and political life, two men who had lost close family members initiated church funeral services and established a cemetery. These practices soon spread to most Pitjantjatjara communities in a manner which illustrates the model of change outlined by Everett Rogers (1962) in Diffusion of Innovations. Reference is made to four more recent funerals to show how these events have been elaborated and have become major social occasions. The world from Malarrak: Depictions of South-east Asian and European subjects in rock art from the Wellington Range, Australia Sally K May, Paul SC Ta�on, Alistair Paterson, Meg Travers This paper investigates contact histories in northern Australia through an analysis of recent rock paintings. Around Australia Aboriginal artists have produced a unique record of their experiences of contact since the earliest encounters with South-east Asian and, later, European visitors and settlers. This rock art archive provides irreplaceable contemporary accounts of Aboriginal attitudes towards, and engagement with, foreigners on their shores. Since 2008 our team has been working to document contact period rock art in north-western and western Arnhem Land. This paper focuses on findings from a site complex known as Malarrak. It includes the most thorough analysis of contact rock art yet undertaken in this area and questions previous interpretations of subject matter and the relationship of particular paintings to historic events. Contact period rock art from Malarrak presents us with an illustrated history of international relationships in this isolated part of the world. It not only reflects the material changes brought about by outside cultural groups but also highlights the active role Aboriginal communities took in responding to these circumstances. Addressing the Arrernte: FJ Gillen?s 1896 Engwura speech Jason Gibson, Australian National University This paper analyses a speech delivered by Francis James Gillen during the opening stages of what is now regarded as one of the most significant ethnographic recording events in Australian history. Gillen?s ?speech? at the 1896 Engwura festival provides a unique insight into the complex personal relationships that early anthropologists had with Aboriginal people. This recently unearthed text, recorded by Walter Baldwin Spencer in his field notebook, demonstrates how Gillen and Spencer sought to establish the parameters of their anthropological enquiry in ways that involved both Arrernte agency and kinship while at the same time invoking the hierarchies of colonial anthropology in Australia. By examining the content of the speech, as it was written down by Spencer, we are also able to reassesses the importance of Gillen to the ethnographic ambitions of the Spencer/Gillen collaboration. The incorporation of fundamental Arrernte concepts and the use of Arrernte words to convey the purpose of their 1896 fieldwork suggest a degree of Arrernte involvement and consent not revealed before. The paper concludes with a discussion of the outcomes of the Engwura festival and the subsequent publication of The Native Tribes of Central Australia within the context of a broader set of relationships that helped to define the emergent field of Australian anthropology at the close of the nineteenth century. One size doesn?t fit all: Experiences of family members of Indigenous gamblers Louise Holdsworth, Helen Breen, Nerilee Hing and Ashley Gordon Centre for Gambling Education and Research, Southern Cross University This study explores help-seeking and help-provision by family members of Indigenous people experiencing gambling problems, a topic that previously has been ignored. Data are analysed from face-to-face interviews with 11 family members of Indigenous Australians who gamble regularly. The results confirm that substantial barriers are faced by Indigenous Australians in accessing formal help services and programs, whether for themselves or a loved one. Informal help from family and friends appears more common. In this study, this informal help includes emotional care, practical support and various forms of ?tough love?. However, these measures are mostly in vain. Participants emphasise that ?one size doesn?t fit all? when it comes to avenues of gambling help for Indigenous peoples. Efforts are needed to identify how Indigenous families and extended families can best provide social and practical support to assist their loved ones to acknowledge and address gambling problems. Western Australia?s Aboriginal heritage regime: Critiques of culture, ethnography, procedure and political economy Nicholas Herriman, La Trobe University Western Australia?s Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) and the de facto arrangements that have arisen from it constitute a large part of the Aboriginal ?heritage regime? in that state. Although designed ostensibly to protect Aboriginal heritage, the heritage regime has been subjected to various scholarly critiques. Indeed, there is a widespread perception of a need to reform the Act. But on what basis could this proceed? Here I offer an analysis of these critiques, grouped according to their focus on political economy, procedure, ethnography and culture. I outline problems surrounding the first three criticisms and then discuss two versions of the cultural critique. I argue that an extreme version of this criticism is weak and inconsistent with the other three critiques. I conclude that there is room for optimism by pointing to ways in which the heritage regime could provide more beneficial outcomes for Aboriginal people. Read With Me Everyday: Community engagement and English literacy outcomes at Erambie Mission (research report) Lawrence Bamblett Since 2009 Lawrie Bamblett has been working with his community at Erambie Mission on a literacy project called Read With Me. The programs - three have been carried out over the past four years - encourage parents to actively engage with their children?s learning through reading workshops, social media, and the writing and publication of their own stories. Lawrie attributes much of the project?s extraordinary success to the intrinsic character of the Erambie community, not least of which is their communal approach to living and sense of shared responsibility. The forgotten Yuendumu Men?s Museum murals: Shedding new light on the progenitors of the Western Desert Art Movement (research report) Bethune Carmichael and Apolline Kohen In the history of the Western Desert Art Movement, the Papunya School murals are widely acclaimed as the movement?s progenitors. However, in another community, Yuendumu, some 150 kilometres from Papunya, a seminal museum project took place prior to the completion of the Papunya School murals and the production of the first Papunya boards. The Warlpiri men at Yuendumu undertook a ground-breaking project between 1969 and 1971 to build a men?s museum that would not only house ceremonial and traditional artefacts but would also be adorned with murals depicting the Dreamings of each of the Warlpiri groups that had recently settled at Yuendumu. While the murals at Papunya are lost, those at Yuendumu have, against all odds, survived. Having been all but forgotten, this unprecedented cultural and artistic endeavour is only now being fully appreciated. Through the story of the genesis and construction of the Yuendumu Men?s Museum and its extensive murals, this paper demonstrates that the Yuendumu murals significantly contributed to the early development of the Western Desert Art Movement. It is time to acknowledge the role of Warlpiri artists in the history of the movement.b&w photographs, colour photographsracism, media, radio, pitjantjatjara, malarrak, wellington range, rock art, arrernte, fj gillen, engwura, indigenous gambling, ethnography, literacy, erambie mission, yuendumu mens museum, western desert art movement -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 1
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who were a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist? His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started a business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George You, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years, a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold land when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high-quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union was subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well-improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing-room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853, a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November 1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however, it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much-loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed artworks and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually, the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower areas of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave from 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However, he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 1 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co, 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1910-1911 Tan, leather bound illustrated workLabel on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute that reads Presented by W Lindsay Esq, “Union”, Woolsthorpe. Accession Number 15232 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of bookflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, pattison collection, the birds of australia vol 1, union station, woolsthrope, quamby station, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 2
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969.The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 2 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1912-1913 Tan leather bound illustrated work. Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15233 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 2, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 3
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 3 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1913-1914 Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15234 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 3, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 4
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 4 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1914-1915 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15235 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 4, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 5
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 5 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1915-1916 Tan leather bound illustrated workLabel on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15236 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 5, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 6
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 6 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1916-1917 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15237 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 6, quamby station, union station, woolsthorpe -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 7
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 7 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co Date: 1918-1919 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15238 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 7, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 8 Part 1 Supplmemt 1
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 8 Part 1 Supplmemt 1 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: Witherby & Co Date: 1920 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15239 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 8 part 1 supplmemt 1, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 9
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 9 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H F & G Witherby Date: 1921-1922 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15240 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 9, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 10
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 10 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H F & G Witherby 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1922-1923 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15241 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 10, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 11 Part 1 Supplment 2
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 11 Part 1 Supplment 2 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H F & G Witherby 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1924 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15242 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 11 part 1 supplment 2, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 11 Part 2 Supplment 3
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859 "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance The Birds of Australia Vol 11 Part 2 Supplment 3 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H F & G Witherby Date: 1924 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15243 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 11 part 2 supplment 3, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 12 Part 1
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 12 Part 1 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H. F. & G. Witherby 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1925-1927 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15244 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 12 part 1, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference, The Birds of Australia Vol 12 Part 2
The Birds of Australia is a 12 volume work, in a total of 14 books. The books were used as an ornithological handbook. They contain scientific text as well as over 600 hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, H. Grönvold, Roland Green, H. Goodchild and G.E. Lodge. The work was written, sponsored and organised by Gregory M. Matthews, F.R.S.C. Erc. who was a wealthy Australian and an amateur ornithologist. His titles included – -Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London -Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union -Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union The volumes in our collection were originally donated to the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library by William Lindsay. THE LINDSAYS (quoted from the book Of Many Things – A History of Warrnambool Shire by C.E. Sayers) The Lindsays were amongst the most prominent families in the Shire of Warrnambool, as pastoralists, sportsmen, municipal councillors, community leaders. The first of the family William arrived in Melbourne in 1841 and started business as a livestock agent. The gold rushes sent him to the central Victoria diggings dealing in cattle. This was a business that boomed in the early 1850s, and he prospered. In 1859 he took over the Quamby run near Woolsthrope from Paul de Castella, the Yarra Valley Swiss vigneron who had brought the leasehold and improvements in 1853 from George Youl, who had pioneered the run. Quamby was originally 25,000 acres. It was heavily timbered, rough country, much of it swampy, a characteristic of the district. Lindsay used it to fatten cattle which gave large returns with the booming gold diggings towns paying high prices for beef. In 1862 purchases at auction made Quamby a freehold. In the next six years a further 20,000 acres of Crown land were brought at auction to make the run one of the largest in the south-west district. The great profits from his cattle trading enabled Lindsay to make improvements to the holding, and to Union which was added in 1864. Much of the thick timber was cleared and the worst of the swamps drained. Union was 15,000 acres of freehold when Kennedy sold it to Lindsay. It was heavily timbered, mostly blackwood, with large belts of wattle and honeysuckle. Much of the heavy native was ringbarked and cleared; much more was swept away by bushfire. It was expensive work, but Lindsay’s bank passbook was heavy with credit, and he did not spare money to make both Quamby and Union heavily developed stock runs. He was as lavish in social living; the bluestone Quamby homestead was one of the most hospitable in the district when William Lindsay was host there; its paddocks carried high quality thoroughbreds: its stables housed steeplechasers and flat racers which won many races on Warrnambool and other courses; its coach houses were filled with carriages which took his guests to the great racing carnivals of the district. After William Lindsay died in 1897, in his eighty-fifth year, his two sons, William and James, managed Union and Quamby as a joint venture. This partnership ended in 1906 when William took over Union and James kept Quamby. The following year 10,000 acres of Union were subdivided and sold in lots of 100 acres to 700 acres for dairying and general farming. It was well improved country, much of it alluvial flats. By then many of the paddocks were sheltered with blue gum belts, and they carried good pastures. The three Lindsays, father and two sons, gave many years of service to the Shire, and to many charitable, sporting, social and community organisations in the Warrnambool district. William Lindsay senior, was a Shire councillor for 15 years, and President several times. James Lindsay followed his father as a north riding councillor. He served nineteen years, from 1887 until his death in March 1908. He was President four times. Jimmy Lindsay was one of the most popular men in the south-west of Victoria. He was a fine sportsman: horse breeder, owner and a dashing amateur rider. He lived lavishly and played hard. For many years he guarded a herd of kangaroos, as many as 100 head, at Quamby. Descendants of the Lindsay kangaroos are still in the district. James Lindsay’s wife, Margaret Esther was a daughter of Samuel Shaw Parker, the first engineer of the Shire. Nell Lindsay, a daughter, lives in the Bluestone Quamby homestead. Only a little more than 60 acres of the original run still belongs to the property. William Lindsay junior succeeded his brother as a Shire councillor. He served for 25 years from 1908 until his death in 1934. So, the Lindsays, father and two sons, served as Shite councillors for an unbroken period of sixth-five years. William Lindsay junior had a life-long interest in horse racing, as breeder, owner and enthusiastic amateur steeplechase rider. He was elected a member of the Warrnambool racing club in 1901 and was president of the club for thirty-two years. He raced and rode horses for the love of the sport. He won the Villiers and Heytesbury Hunt Cup in the 1870s on his own horse, Ventura. In the year he died his horse Flavedo won the Warrnambool Grand Annual steeplechase. It was a sensational race. All of the contestants fell, or lost their riders. When Flavedo baulked at a jump, its jockey R. Sweetman, remounted and completed the course to win the race. All of the Lindsays were passionately fond of the thoroughbred horse. Nell Lindsay talking to the author in the drawing room of Quamby homestead - with many memories for her of its lavish years – said of a brother that he was put on a horse when he was two years old and never got off. William Lindsay junior made Union into a fine, high-producing property, breeding cattle and horses. He added to the bluestone house that David Kennedy started, established plantations of pines and gums, and made an attractive garden. WARRNAMBOOL MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first meeting room in November1854 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: -The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. -The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. -The Historic Society has some items -The State Museum has some items -Some items were destroyed -Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. THE PATTISON COLLECTION This book is also part of the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library, as the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute was then called. When the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. The Birds of Australia by Gregory M. Matthews is now considered a rare and valuable scientific and historic work on its own. These 12 volumes were donated in 1934 to The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and were included as part of the Pattison Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Birds of Australia Vol 12 Part 2 Author: Gregory M Mathews Publisher: H. F. & G. Witherby 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON Date: 1925-1927 Tan leather bound illustrated work.Label on spine cover with typed text RA 598.2994 MAT Pastedown front endpaper has sticker from Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library that reads “Presented by W. Lindsay Esq. ‘Union’ Woolsthrope” Accession Number: 15245 Date Received: 3-34 “W. Lindsay” embossed in gold on front cover, bottom right of book flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the birds of australia, gregory m. matthews, witherby & co., h.f. & g. witherby, w lindsay, william lindsay, quamby woolsthorpe, union woolsthorpe, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool art gallery, joseph archibald, warrnambool mechanics’ institute and free library, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, the birds of australia vol 12 part 2, quamby station, union station, woolsthrope -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Castlemaine State Festival, Castlemaine. 2 November 1990. Programme. From the Chairmen - Mr Bereck Segan. Melbourne Committee: B R Segan, O.B.E. (Chairman), M Besen, A.O. (Deputy Chairman), Mrs H Dore (Hon. Sec.), C Anzarut, N Bourke, Ms M Coillet, Prof. C Duckworth, G Fairfax, A.M., K MacKenzie-Forbes, A.M., Mrs B Margetts, Dr F R Moulds, I.S.O., R Nordlinger, J Parker, M.B.E., A Porter, Ms M Prendergast, C Pyett, Ms D Reilly, Mrs, Ms L Schiftan, P M Schiftan, D Segan, B J Stewart, Ms S Walker, Dr R Wlikie. Melbourne Committee: I O'Halloran, (Chairman), Mrs M Rilen (Hon.Sec.), Miss R Wood (Treas), Mrs L Bennet, Mrs M Bock, S Cox, Cr T Daniell, Mrs H Griffiths, B Heydon, N Jennings, Mrs C McKellar, Miss M Oliver, L O'Toole, F Ransome-Smith, J Shortal, Dr D Silver, Mrs V Victor-Gordon, Mes E Warren, Miss L Waters. Welcome to the 1990 Castlemaine State Festival. As one festival closes, planning for the next commences immediately.. . Mr Ian O'Halloran, Chairman, Castlemaine. Castlemaine State Festival Administration, Festival Manager: Phee Broadway, Manager's Assistant: Mary Harris, Technical Manager: Lis Pain, Drawing Prize Co-ordinator: Bev Singleton, Farnham Concert Co-Ordinator: Noel Jennings with Victorian Rock Foundation. Event Listings: Opening by Hon. Jim Kennan M.P., Deputy Premier and Minister for the Arts Castlemaine Stadium. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Conductor - Hiroyuki Iwaki, Soloist - Dong -Suk Kang. Royal Variety Club Grand Final Theatre Royal, Town Crier Mr Neville Stonehouse. Kilmna Wildflower Walk. 'Melbourne: Architecture Today and the year 2000' Professor Peter McIntyre, A.O. Wine tasting. Selected Antique Fair. Organ Recital, organist Michael Bottomly. Mickleford Tour. A Closer Look at Castlemaine, Castlemaine Historical Society. 'Local Brew' Love Letters by A R Gurney, Starring Julia Blake and Terry Norris Directed by George Fairfax A.M. The Noel Watson Show. John Pringle and Miriam Gormley sing Operatic Gems with the Rantos Collegium and conductor Nicholas Braithwaite. The Incredible Shrinking Mortgage Show', Pat Wilson and Adrian Barnes. Festival Nightcap, Mr P P an acrobatic delight. Breakfast with Potts in the Park. A Stroll Around Town, Historical Society guide. Gardens Open. Selected Antique Fair. Festive Family Fun, musician Natasha Moszenin, Fratellini Brothers, Tim Hurley, Wally Fair Ground Organ, Foundry Band, Megan Jones, Mr P P. A guided Tour, Mrs Marjorie Rilen. Goetz Richter - Violin, Jeanett Carrigan - Piano. 'King Lear', Berenice Kavanagh and Suzanne Kersten. The Chagell Ensemble, Rita Reichman, Piano, Semmy Stalhammer, Violin. Trevor Jones, Viola. David Pereira, Cello. Steven Reeves, Double Bass. 'The Incredible Shrinking Mortagage Show' Pat Wilson and Adrian Barnes. Festival Hymns. 'Recital' Hellen Noonan, Douglas Horton, David Chesworth, Jacqui Everett, Jude Gunson. Music for Flute and Piano, Dereck Jones - Flute, Jeanell Carrigan - Piano. 'Brass With Class' William Evans - trumpet, David Farrend - trumpet, Russell Davis - french horn, Ken McClimont - trombone, Eric Klay - bass trombone. Piano Recital - Richard Mapp. Chris Ludwick's Society Synocopators - Cup Eve Cabaret, Chris Ludowyk - trombone, Peter Gaudion- Trumpet, Richard Miller - reeds, Pip Avent - tuba, Cal Duffy's - drums. 'Cup Eve Comedy' Rachel Berger and Richard Stubbs. Festival Nightcap Mr P P. Botanical Gardens Tour Kevin Walsh. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Glenn Elston. By arrangement with Feipp and Park Projects and Elston, Hocking and Woods Pty Ltd. Family Concert, Piano for 4 hands Jocelyn Abbott and Richard Mapp, actor Justin Shortal. Cup Day Sports Carnival. Fashion Parade, luncheon available at Georgians in George Clark Place. The Melba Trio, Carolyn Hayes - Oboe, Jane Stacvy - cor anglais, Seng Tong - Oboe. 'Images' Prudence Davis - flute, Jeffrey Crellin - oboe, Peter Lynch - guitar. 'Sounds in Time' Andree Cozens - soprano, Berenice Kavanagh - words, Dudley - Simons - piano, John Snowden - Guitar, Peter Taylor - Set design & lighting. 'Music for Celestial Voices' Laurence - Jenkins - organ, Mary Anderson - harp, Margot Anderson - harp, Margot Cory - soprano. 'Proms for Preps' Nehama Patkin. Organ Recital Keeith Bottomley. Kaweka Walk, Kaweka Reserve Committee. 'Camille Claudel'. The Tudor Choristers Musical Director - John O'Donnell. 'Something for Everyone' Nehama Patkin - piano, guitar and voice, Peter Clinch - saxaphone and clarinet, major Australian Orchastras. 'The Dock Brief' & 'What Shall We Tell Caroline' Neville Stonehouse, Kay Barker, David Bickart, Angela Walter. 'Bluebeard' The Rag & Bone Theatre Company. Poedijono and the Javanese Gamelan, Poedijono (Teacher), musician, dancer and puppeteer. Botanical Gardens Tour, Kevin Walsh, horticulturist and garden writer. 'Music through the Ages' 'Pizzicato' - classical guitar ensemble, Castlemaine Courthouse, Bruce Millar, Meryl Wilkinson, Greg Wilkinson, Greg James, Joan Maher, Danny Silver. Bach and Vivaldi - Elysium Ensemble Greg Dikmans - Art Director, flute & recorder, Julie Hewison - violin, Lucinda Moon - violin, Janet Ferandez - viola, Miriam Morris - cello, Rosemanry Westbrook - double bass, John O'Donnell - harpsichord. 'Handle by Candle' Laurence Jenkins. Sarah Grunstein at the Piano, Sarah Grunstein. 'Let the Children Sing' Castlemaine Children's Choir, director Michael Bottomley, soloist Peter Bottomley. 'Made in Australia' Phillip Day, Bruce Waston, & 'Twankydillo'. The Dancers Company of the Australian Ballet, Les Sylphides, Dame Peggy van Praagh, Sir John Betjeman, Robert Ray. 'The Wooden Child' Handspan Theatre, Douglass Horton, Ken Evans, Andre Greenwell, Peter J Wilson, Philip Lethean. Botanic Gardens Tour Kevin Walsh. Divine Accidents and Heavenly Venues' William (Bill) Akers, A.M., Director of Productions, Australian Ballet. Jazz at the Jail. Another Stroll round Castlemaine, Historical Society. Muckleford Tour, Naturalists Club. 'Sketches' The Argus Guitar Quartet, Jochen Sxhubert, Tania Ravbar, Samantha Tout, Chi Ly.Scores for Instruments and Voices, Phylis Bachelor. Fred Shade, flute; Mara Miller, Violin; Len Vorster, piano; Loris Synan, soprano; and the students of the Faculty of Music, Melbourne University. Music for Four Hands at One Keyboard, Jocelyn Abbot and Richard Mapp. Paul Grabowsky and the Groovematics, Paul Graboesky, piano. Andrew Gander, Drums. Doug de Vries, guitar. Bob Venier, Trumpet, Flugelhorn. Ian Chaplin, saxophone. Garry Costello, double bass. Shelley Scown, vocals. 'My Most Loved Songs' David Bickart - Basso. Chapliapin, McEachern, Pinza, Robeson, Dawson. A Stroll Around Town, Historical Society. Breakfast at Buda. Garden Open. Festival Eucharist, choir and orchestra Directed by Kevin Bottomley. Music, Madness, Magic. Itchy Feet Pep Band, 'Sound Steppers', 'Legs on the Wall', Andrew Elliot, Antebodies. A Guided Tour of Angligan Parish Church. John Farnham in Concert, The Chain Reaction Tour. John Farnham. Exhibitions: Aspects of France: The Australian Artist's View. Artsits include John Russell, Lloyd Rees, David Davies, John Dent, Eric Wilson, E Phillips Fox, Ethal Carrick, Rupert Bunny, Max Meldrum, Will Ashton, George Bell and others. Annemieke Mein: Embroidery and Applique. Castlemaine Artists Incorporated 6th Biennial Exhibition. Dominique Segan Castlemaine State Festival Drawing Prize 1990. 'Provocative Pieces'. 'Feathered Friends' Barbara Muir. Through the Looking Glass. Handmade - For Pleasure, Julie Cook - dolls and puppets; Traude Beilharz - hats; Gwen Cook - embroidery; Erika Beilharz - woven pieces. 'High Art' students of Castlemaine. 'Works in Wood' Laurie Vella. Old Telegraph Station, Pioneers and Old Residents Association, Jubilee booklet on sale. Studio Exhibition, Juliana Hilton: Prints, paintings decorated screens and furniture. Val Restarick: Pottery and outdoor planters. 2nd Biennial Ernest Leviny Commemorative Silver Exhibition, leading contemporary silversmiths; Hendrick Foster, Tony Kean, Mike Wilson, Flynn Bros, Andrew Last, Mark Edgoose, Peter Gerter, Beatrice Schlabowsly, Marian Hoskings, Karyn Kirby, Chris Sherwin, Peter McBride, Fran Allison. Ray Stanyer - Ceramic Paintings. Norman Anderson - Water Colour Studies. 'Australian & Baroque' David Terry. 'Mediterranean Images' Val Restarick. Framing Shop, Brian Harding. Exhibition of Women Artists, Liz Caffin, Mary Quinlton, Debra Watkins, Lorraine Le Plastrier. Maine Images, Jacki Bickart, Valarie Blake, Sue Breeney, Kate Burtchell, Janet Chapman, Diana Davidson, Betty Hall, Deidre Hull, Molly Maddox, Norma McKenzie, Beth Oag, Rhyll Plant, Michell Phillipson, Diane Thompson. Ceramics, Ian Drumond. 'The Esplanade of Palms' (Brickworks Exhibition), John Wilkins. Han Built Pottery, George Butcher. Hollis Gallery, Richard Hollis, Kathy Hollis. 'End of an Era', Castlemaine Technical College Student Exhibition. 'Building A Country', Commissioned by the Latrobe Library, the Australian State Library of Victoria. The Festival Exhibition. 'Colour - Three Way's, Alice Clague, Geoffrey Clague, Howard Tozer. Tonal Oil Painters and Tapestry Exhibition by a group of local artists, Albert Pollard, Shirley Anderson, Valerie Blake, Ivy Brown, Marjorie Byrne, Janet Chapman, Frances Cree, Colleen Hall, Loretta Harris, Phyllis McClure, Lorraine McDowell, Norma McLean, Margaret Maher, Winsome Morrat, Jean Perry, Martha Phillips, Alison Ross, Norma Sneddon, Val Story, Irene Szabo, Jean Wells, and Alan Winzor. Roma Dodson.'BarleyTwist Cottage', Bill Davies, Linda Long, Fred Kuhnl. Photography Exhibition: Faces and Souls. Children's Books and Illustrations, Meet the authors and illustrators. Burnett Gallery and Garden, Drew Lawson, photographer of Eaglehawk. Decorated Cakes & Sugar Craft Exhibition, Barbara Porter. Sponsored by Marong Hotel. The Central Victorian Unique Design & Restoration Centre, historical photographs, sketches, etc. Badger's Keep Nursery & Mr Badger's Shop, Margaret Lees, Bill Jackson. Carriage Builders & Restorers. 'Harmonious Inspirations X Four' Kristina Browning, Catherine Tait, Rod Pitt, Lindy McAboy, Castle Mice by Sonia. Historic Cottage, 'Orvil Dean Stud', John and Anne Murdock, Judy Dean. The Heritage of Maldon, Geoffery Stocks. Stanyer's Pottery, Dragon Magic, Annett Annand, Ellan Hansa. 2(two) copies of this program.event, entertainment, castemaine state festival, castlemaine state festival, castlemaine 1990. programme. chairmen - mr bereck segan. committee:b r segan, o.b.e. (chairman), m besen, a.o. (deputy chairman), mrs h dore (hon. sec.), c anzarut, n bourke, ms m coillet, prof. c duckworth, g fairfax, a.m., k mackenzie-forbes, a.m., mrs b margetts, dr f r moulds, i.s.o., r nordlinger, j parker, m.b.e., a porter, ms m prendergast, c pyett, ms d reilly, mrs, ms l schiftan, p m schiftan, d segan, b j stewart, ms s walker, dr r wlikie. melbourne committee: i o'halloran, (chairman), mrs m rilen (hon.sec.), miss r wood (treas), mrs l bennet, mrs m bock, s cox, cr t daniell, mrs h griffiths, b heydon, n jennings, mrs c mckellar, miss m oliver, l o'toole, f ransome-smith, j shortal, dr d silver, mrs v victor-gordon, mes e warren, miss l waters. mr ian o'halloran, chairman, castlemaine. castlemaine state festival administration, festival manager: phee broadway, manager's assistant: mary harris, technical manager: lis pain, drawing prize co-ordinator: bev singleton, farnham concert co-ordinator: noel jennings with victorian rock foundation. event listings: opening by hon. jim kennan m.p., deputy premier and minister for the arts castlemaine stadium. melbourne symphony orchestra, condustor - hiroyuki iwaki, soloist - dong -suk kang. royal variety club grand final theatre royal, town crier mr neville stonehouse. kilmna 'melbourne: professor peter mcintyre, a.o. organist michael bottomly. mickleford tour. castlemaine historical society. love letters by a r gurney, starring julia blake terry norris directed by george fairfax a.m. the noel watson show.john pringle and miriam gormley operatic rantos collegium and conductor nicholas braithwaite. the incredible shrinking mortgage show', pat wilson and adrian barnes., mr p p an acrobatic delight. potts in the park. a stroll around town, historical society guide. selected antique fair. festive family fun, musician natasha moszenin, fratellini brothers, tim hurley, wally fair ground organ, foundry band, megan jones, . a guided tour, mrs marjorie rilen. goetz richter - violin, jeanell carrigan - piano. 'king lear', berenice kavanagh and suzanne kersten. the chagell ensemble, rita reichman, piano, semmy stalhammer, violin. trevor jones, viola. david pereira, cello.steven reeves, double bass. pat wilson and adrian barnes. festival hymns. 'recital' hellen noonan, douglas horton, david chesworth, jacqui everett, jude gunson. music for flute and piano, dereck jones - flute, jeanell carrigan - piano. 'brass with class' william evans - trumpet, david farrend - trumpet, russell davis - french horn, ken mcclimont - trombone, eric klay - bass trombone. piano recital - richard mapp. chris ludwick's society synocopators - cabaret, chris ludowyk - trombone, peter gaudion- trumpet, richard miller - reeds, pip avent - tuba, cal duffy's - drums. 'cup eve comedy' rachel berger and richard stubbs. festival nightcap mr p p. botanicla gardens tour kevin walsh. alice's adventures in wonderland glenn elston. by arrangemnent with feipp and park projects and elston, hocking and woods pty ltd. family concert, piano for 4 hands jocelyn abbott richard mapp, actor justin shortal. cup day sports carnival. fashion parade, lucheon available ar georgians in george clark place. the melba trio, carolyn hayes - oboe, jane stacvy - cor anglais, seng tong - oboe. 'images' prudence davis - flute, jeffrey crellin - oboe, peter lynch - guitar. 'sounds in time' andree cozens - soprano, berenice kavanagh - words, dudley - simons - piano, john snowden - guitar, peter taylor - set design & lighting. 'music for celestial voices' laurence - jenkins - organ, mary anderson - harp, margot anderson - harp, margot cory - soprano. 'proms for preps' nehama patkin. organ recital keeith bottomley. kaweka walk, kaweka reserve committee. 'camille claudel'. the tudor choristers musical director - john o'donnell. 'something for everyone' nehama patkin - piano, guitar and voice, peter clinch - saxophone and clarinet, major australian orchastras.'the dock brief' & 'what shall we tell caroline' neville stonehouse, kay barker, david bickart, angela walter. 'bluebeard' the rag & bone theatre company. poedijono and the javanese gamelan, poedijono (teacher), musician, dancer and puppeteer. botanical gardens tour, kevin walsh, horticulturist and garden writer. 'music through the ages' 'pizzicato' - classical guitar ensemble, courthouse, bruce millar, meryl wilkinson, greg wilkinson, greg james, joan maher, danny silver. bach and vivaldi - elysium ensemble greg dikmans - art director, flute & recorder, julie hewison - violin, lucinda moon - violin, janet ferandez - viola, miriam morris - cello, rosemanry westbrook - double bass, john o'donnell - harpsichord. 'handle by candle' laurence jenkins. sarah grunstein at the piano, sarah grunstein. 'let the children sing' castlemaine children's choir, director michael bottomley, soloist peter bottomley. 'made in australia' phillip day, bruce waston, & 'twankydillo'. the dancers company of the australian ballet, les sylphides, dame peggy van praagh, sir john betjeman, robert ray. 'the wooden child' handspan theatre, douglass horton, ken evans, andre greenwell, peter j wilson, philip lethlean. botanic gardens tour kevin walsh. divine accidents and heavenly venues' william (bill) akers, a.m., director of productions, australian ballet. jazz at the jail. stroll round castlemaine, historical society. muckleford tour, naturalists club. 'sketches' the argus guitar quartet, jochen sxhubert, tania ravbar, samantha tout, chi ly.scores for instruments and voices, phylis bachelor. fred shade, flute; mara miller, violin; len vorster, piano; loris synan, soprano; students of the faculty of music, melbourne university. music for four hands at one keyboard, jocelyn abbot and richard mapp. paul grabowsky and the groovematics, paul graboesky, piano. andrew gander, drums. doug de vries, guitar. bob venier, trumpet, flugelhorn. ian chaplin, saxophone. garry costello, double bass. shelley scown, vocals. 'my most loved songs' david bickart - basso. chapliapin, mceachern, pinza, robeson, dawson. stroll around town, historical society. breakfast at buda. garden open. festival eucharist, choir and orchestra directed by kevin bottomley. music, madness, magic. itchy feet pep band, 'sound steppers', 'legs on the wall', andrew elliot, antebodies. a guided tour of angligan parish church. john farnham in concert. exhibitions: aspects of france: the australian artist's view. artsits include john russell, lloyd rees, david davies, john dent, eric wilson, e phillips fox, ethal carrick, rupert bunny, max meldrum, will ashton, george bell and others. annemieke mein: embroidery and applique. castlemaine artists incorportated 6th biennieal exibition. dominique segan castlemaine state festival drawing prize 1990. 'provocative pieces'.'feathered friends' barbara muir. through the looking glass. handmade - for pleasure, julie cook - dolls and puppets; traude beilharz - hats; gwen cook - embroidery; erika beilharz - woven pieces. 'high art' students of castlemaine. 'works in wood' laurie vella. old telegraph station, pioneers and old residents association, jubilee booklet on sale. studio exhibition, juliana hilton: prints, paintings decorated screens and furniture. val restarick: pottery and outdoor planters. 2nd biennial ernest leviny commemorative silver exhibition, leading contemporary silversmiths; hendrick foster, tony kean, mike wilson, flynn bros, andrew last, mark edgoose, peter gerter, beatrice schlabowsly, marian hoskings, karyn kirby, chris sherwin, peter mcbride, fran allison. ray stanyer - ceramic paintings. norman anderson - water colour studies. 'australian & baroque' david terry. 'mediterranean images' val restarick. framing shop, brian harding. exhibition of women artists, liz caffin, mary quinlton, debra watkins, lorraine le plastrier. maine images, jacki bickart, valarie blake, sue breeney, kate burtchell, janet chapman, diana davidson, betty hall, deidre hull, molly maddox, norma mckenzie, beth oag, rhyll plant, michell phillipson, diane thompson. ceramics, ian drumond. 'the esplanade of palms' (brickworks exhibition), john wilkins.han built pottery, george butcher. hollis gallery, richard hollis, kathy hollis. 'end of an era', castlemaine technical college student exhibition. 'building a country', commissioned by the latrobe library, the australian state library of victoria. the festival exhibition. 'colour - three way's, alice clague, geoffery clague, howard tozer. tonal oil painters and taperstry exhibition by a group of local artists, albert pollard, shirley anderson, valerie blake, ivy brown, marjorie byrne, janet chapman, frances cree, colleen hall, loretta harris, phyllis mcclure, lorraine mcdowell, norma mclean, margaret maher, winsome morrat, jean perry, martha phillips, alison ross, norma sneddon, val story, irene szabo, jean wells, and alan winzor. roma dodson.'barleytwist cottage', bill davies, linda long, fred kuhnl. photogralhy exhibition: faces and souls. children's books and illustrations, meet the authors and illustrators. burnett gallery and garden, drew lawson, photographer of eaglehawk. decorated cakes & sugar craft exhibition, barbara porter. sponsored by marong hotel. the central victorian unique design & restoration centre, historical photographs, sketches, etc. badger's keep nursery & mr badger's shop, margaret lees, bill jackson. carriage builders & restorers. 'harmonious inspirations x four' kristina browning, catherine tait, rod pitt, lindy mcaboy, castle mice by sonia. historic cottage, 'orvil dean stud', john and anne murdock, judy dean. the heritage of maldon, geoffery stocks. stanyer's pottery, dragon magic, annett annand, ellan hansa. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901, 1898-1901
Bound copies of the Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901 Vol 1, No. 1, September 1898 * News and Notes (Ballarat School of Mines Museum, J.F. Usher, New British Pharmacopoeia, excursion to Bendigo) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines * Current Topics (Federation, Gladstone, Anglo-American Alliance) * Of Custom * Discovery of Coolgardie * Mining Notes(Clunes, Pitfield, Birthday Mine, Western Australia, Transvaal, Mt Bischoff, Rand Drill Co.) * From the Journals * The Societies - (Student Association, Ballarat Field Club and Science Society, Ballarat Photographic Club) * Original Poetry * Sports * Students' Association Committee Meetings * On the Increase of Temperature of the Earth With Increased Depth Vol 1, No. 2, October 1898 * Notes about some of the Past Students (E.M. Weston, J.A. Porter, H.R. Sleeman, G.E. Sander, B.C.T. Solley, T. Rhys, C. Burbury, D. McDougal, J. Matsen) * Excursion to Daylesford, p.3 * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * The Soudan * Greater Melbourne * Image of J. Hopkinson, electrical engineer killed ascending the Alps * What is Science * Mining Notes (Pitfield Plains, Victoria United G.M.Co., Lithgow, Avoca, great Cobar, Mt Whycheproof) * Student's Association (women's franchise) * Sports Vol 2, No. 1, March 1899 * News and Notes * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * Notes of Victorian Geology, 1. Granites, by Thomas S. Hart * Sir William Crookes * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * Sports * The Bush Assayer * Solubility of Gold-Silver Alloys in Potassium Cyanide * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 2, April 1899 * News and Notes (Smythesdale Excursion, New Buildings, A.S. Coyte, R.J. Allan) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (Continued) * The New Students (J. Owen, A. Clayton Morrisby, A.S. Atkin, J. Alexander Reid, Alfred G. Johnston, L. Lowe, F.H. Dalton, W.M. Robertson, A. Hacke, H.L. Giles, W. Martin, E. Walshe, H.L. Krause, R. Sawyer) * Berringa by Oh'E Jay * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Mount Magnet to Victoria - A Long Bicycle Trip * 1898 Examination returns * Sports Vol 2, No. 3, May 1899 * Technical Education and the Proposed Affiliation of the Schools of Mines with the Melbourne University. * Laying of the Foundation Stone of the New Classrooms (now Administration Building). Alexander J. Peacock * News and Notes (Past Students - A.S. Lilburn, J.W. Sutherland, J. Richardson, E. Prendergast, J. Wallace, J. Kidd, J. Lake, Mathew Thompson), Coolgardie Exhibition. * Trip to Lal Lal * Students' Association * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Henry Louis on Mining Education * Corrections Used in Chaining by C.W. Adams * The Black Horse Cyanide Plant * Sports * Completed List of 1898 Examinations Vol 2, No. 4, June 1899 * News and Notes * The Education Problem by D.N. McLean * A Few Hints on Histological Technique by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * A Visit to the Skipton Caves (Mount Widdern, Ormand Hill, volcano, Emu Creek, Mount Kinross, Mount Elephant, Mount Vite Vite, Mount Kinross, Mount Hamiston) * Mount Magnet To Victoria (cont) * The New Engines at the Ballarat Woollen Mills - includes image of the Compound 700 H.P. Engines constructed for the Ballarat Woollen Mills by Austral Otis Company and consulting engineers Monash and Anderson. * Sports * Original Poetry * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 5, July 1899 * News and Notes (E. Byron Moore, Visit to Britannia Gold Mine, J. Bryant, Visit to Last Chance Mine) * A Few Hints on Histological Technique (cont) by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Alfred Mica Smith (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology Part 2 The Trappean Rocks, by Thomas Hart * Origin of Diamonds * Hydraulic Mining by A.E.C. Kerr * Volcanoes by F.G. Bonney * Analytical Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Some Things Out To Do * Sports * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 6, August 1899 *Summaries and notes from the Mining Journals * Some Regulations of the Academy of Mines at Freiberg * A visit to Mt Lyell Smelters * Professor Gilbert J. Dawbarn (includes image) * Air compressor and Transmission of Power by Compressed air by A.E.C. Kerr * Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Mineralogical Notes, Ballarat by Thomas S. Hart * Kalgurli Gold Mines, W.A. * OUr New Lab Vol 2., No 7, September 1899 * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Some recent Steam Plants at Bendigo by Gilbert Dawbarn * Professor Thomas Stephen Hart (includes image) * Students Association * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Centrifugal Pumps * A New Chum's Experience by E.M. Weston Vol 2., No 8, October 1899 * The institute of Chemistry Examinations * A New Method of Qualitative Chemical Analysis by Emil Gutheil * Steam Engine Valves and Valve-Gears by Gilbert Dawbarn * Daniel Walker (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Cyaniding Cripple Creek Tellurides (Metallic Extraction Company) * Notes on Two Ballarat Gravel Pumping Plants, G.A. Wilberforce (Eureka Jennings Co and Yarrowee Sluicing Co) * History of the School of Mines (concluded) Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * A Journey from Natal to Mashomaland with the British Police * A Plea for Research * New Caledonia by C.A.M. Deane * Notes of Victorian Geology - Lower Palaeoroic Rocks by Thomas Hart * Mt Bischoff Mine and Mill * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Things we Eat and Drink * Farewell to A.S. Coyte Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * Mining Education * Model Locomotive made by the apprentices of the Phoenix Foundry, p2 * Glimpses of Rhodesian Police Camp Life * New Caledonia (continued) * Summaries from the Mining and Engineering Journals * Boot and Saddle Vol 3., No 3, May 1900 * A Students' Common Room * Geological Excursion to Hardie's Hill * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * The Planet Venus by John Brittain * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Assay Ton * Zeehan Smelters * Electrical Notes by Ohe Jay * Trop of the Cricket Club to Stawell * Students' Association * Solid Hydrogen Vol 3., No 4, June 1900 * The Minister of Mines on Mining Education (Minister A.R. Outtrim) * Lal Lal Geology Trip (Thomas Hart) * Rifle Club now defunct, pg 3 * A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (includes cross sections) (Wood's Point, Rand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Gaffney's Creek, Walhalla, Shady Creek, Sago Hill at Cardigan, Bunbury) * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard (Buninyong Estate Mine) * Monthly Progress Reports of the Geological Survey * Electrical Notes by John M Sutherland (Telagraphone, phonograph, telephone receiver) * Students' Theatre Party (Gordon Todd, Ohe Jaeger, C.S. Wakley) * Opening of the New Buildings - Ministerial Speeches (Outtrim, W.H. Irvine, New Mining Laboratory, Old Chemistry Building, Battery, Model Mine) * Students' Association * Relief of Mafeking * A Critic Criticised * Things We Eat and Drink by Ohe Jay - Oatmeal, Coffee and Cocoa. Vol 3., No 5, July 1900 * Research * Adelaide Varsity Students at Ballarat * The Manchester-Liverpool Mono Railway * Students Association * *A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (continued) (includes cross-sections) * Motive Power, address by Charles A. Parsons * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Sugar Manufacturing by Sugna * Great Creswick Hydraulic Sluicing Plant (THomas Hart, Ballarat School of Mines Mining Class visit) * Reminiscences of a Students Life in Germany * Football - Ballarat School of Mines v Geelong Grammar School (Australian Rules Football) Vol 3., No 6, August 1900 * Cheap Mine Management * Library * Bendigo School of Mines, pg 3 * Notes on Ore Dressing by T, Vincent, Manager The Zeehan (Tas) Silver-Lead Mines Ltd) * Motive Power * Notes on Broken Hill - Its Mines and Minerals by J. Williams * The Concert * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Dandy Duke's Dreadful Demise * The Road Race Vol 3., No 7, September 1900 * Michaelmas Excursion (Melbourne University, Prof Kernot, Applied Mechanics) * Injury to School Property * Return of E. Ditchburn (Boer War) * Mt William Gold-Field visit, pg 3 * The Stoping of Wide Lodes by J.V. Lake (includes cross sections) * Summaries of Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Notes on Broken Hill Part 2- Its Mines and Minerals by W.J. Williams * Motive Power from the Waves * Electrical Notes * Some Account of Italian Mining (Sarinia, Sicily, Peidmont, Lombardia) by Candido Maglione * Students Association * Should Women Have the Vote by Frank Bessemeres * The School Theatre Parly * Past Students * Poetry * Football * Surveying Rules Vol 3., No 8, October 1900 * Ballarat School of Mines Associateship * An Engineering Laboratory * Students' Practical Work * Notes on Broken Hill Part 3 by W.J. Williams * The Lake View Consols by F.S. Earp - Battery Treatment of Sulpo-Telluride Ore * Neglected Mineral Fields - Eurowie and Warrata * A Glimpse Ahead * News and Notes * A.W. G. McPherson, Boer War * Students Association * Ballarat School of Mines Melbourne Excursion to the Government Electric Lighting Station, Austral-Otis Co, Working Mens College * Ballarat School of Mines Concert in Aid of Soldiers Statue Balance Sheet * Football * Cricket Vol 3., No 8b, November 1900 * Position of the Ballarat School of Mines with Regards to Mining Education * Age Limit * Entrance Examination * Presentation t0 Professor Alfred Mica Smith * Image of a Group of Old Ballarat School of Mines Students in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. * Students Association Vol 4., No 1, March 1901 * Espirit De Corps * A few Notes on the Testing of Explosives * Round About Inverell, NSW by F. and J. Mawl * On the Choice of Drawing Instruments * Summaries and Notes From the Technical Journals * Annual Examinations 1900 * New Students * Sporting Notes * The Vale of Coolgardie Mine, Bonnievale, W.A. by G. Stephen Hart * News and Notes (Kerr Grant, C.L. Nash, R. Gordon Todd, Vial) * Editorial Notices Vol 4., No 2, Second Term 1901 * The Metallurgical Treatment of Sulpho-Telluride Ores by L.W. Grayson * Some Metallurgical Difficulties of Aluminium * Diehl's Sulphide Process by A.E. C. Kerr * A Californian Gold Mine by A.E. C. Kerr * New Express Locomotives for the Victorian Government (Phoenix Foundry) * An Excursion to Geelong (Electric Light and Traction Company of Australia) * The Linkenback Table for our New Mining Laboratory (Humboldt Company of Colgne) * Death of Thomas Bath * The Late Alfred G. Johnson (Boer War) * An Introduction to Natural Science by Emil Gutheil * The First Annual School Sports Meeting * Concert in Aid of Magazine Funds * The Men That Made the Concert (C.E. Denniston, W.H. Chandler, Mr White, William Litte Jnr, Marriott, Giles McCracken) * Sports * News and Notes Vol 4., No 2, Third Term 1901 * Bagging-Up - A Sketch * Concentration of Difficult Silver-Lead Ores * Estimation of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine by D. Runting * Summaries of Notes from teh technical Journals * Notes on the Use and Care of Platinum Ware Common Sense * The Machinery at the Tasmania Gold Mine, Beaconsfield, Tasmania * Mining at Walhalla - The Long Tunnel Mine * Past Students * Mapping our of Agricultural Areas, etc, In Dense Vine Lands, North Queensland by R.A. Suter * News and Notes * Concert Balance Sheet e.m. weston, robert brough smyth, mcdougall, bruce, charles burbury, harrie wood, graham j. hopwood, emil gutheil, daniel walker, thomas hart, thomas stephen hart, m. hacker, schnitzler, f.a., ditchfield, l.h, alfred e.c. kerr, charles harvey, campbell, joseph bryant, campbell & ferguson, gilbert j. dawburn, irving, g.b., kerr, a.e.c., john walter sutherland, william robertson, herbert l. krause, alfred mica smith, binh pham, crosbie, d. jack, ditchburn, j., james hiscock, alfred johnston, reid, j.a., kidd, john, james bonwick, james, j.p, overall, d, e.h salmon, gaynor marquand, williams, w.w., williams, william, deane, c.m., vincent, tom, phillips, g.e., hart, d.w., jarnail suingh, rowlands, e., ferdinand m. krause,, easterby, f.l, parsons, r.g., partington, j.r., vial, s.b., meadows, h, atkins, arthur, john braisted burdekin, w.h. corbould, ditchburn, john, hill, john, otto e. jager, mcpherson, g.t, nicholls, c, thom, j.m., crafter, stewart, john brittain, peter lalor, hardy - commissioner, thomas bath, alf johnston, charles campbell, nash, llewellyn, watson, m.a, gardener, eddie, adamson, s.g, alford, l.c, allen, r.j, arthur, d.w.b., burge, a., willia, cairncross, cooper, i, maurice osric copland, maurice copland, dickinson, s., doepel, dunstan, john, loveday dunstan, eeles, terri, flegeltaub, israel, fletcher, a, fyrar, peter, kerr grant, w.kerr, green, gary, betty harris, harris, c.m., hay, a.l., hearn, hill, martin, james, david, johnston, alfred g, kilner, marion, kingston, thomas, lewin, f.c.k., lilburne, arthur m, linahan, colin, macready, w.h, major birlefco, markwald, henry, mccaffrey, mcfarlane, kaye, mciver, s.k, mellins, b, morton, felicity, w. kenneth moss, ken moss, nash, c.w., nash, neville, nickolls, berkeley, osborne, percy, philp, e., playford, william, reid, e, roberts, gordon, ross, f.c., royce, phillip, sawyer, basil, stewart, r.c., todhunter, i, vaisey, a., vincent, john, vinden, sue, wakley, cecil, watt, james, westcott, lewis, charles w. whyte,, vial, s browning, ballarat school of mines students in coolgardie and kalgoorlie, coolgardie, kalgoorlie, claude maitland, a.l. hay, a.s. lilburne, latham watson, arthur kildahl, thomas copeland, f.a. moss, w.a. hearman, cardoc james, alexander fraser, e.o. watt, g.m. roberts, j.j. dunstan, h.v. moss, j.a. hill,, john dunstan, c.m. harris, william h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, ballarat photographic club, ballarat field naturalists club, ballarat field club and science society, photography, geology, excursions, last chance mine, tasmania gold mine, beaconsfield, tasmania, rand, south africa, mount lyell, ballarat school of mines student excursion to mount lyell, h.l. krause, ferdinand krause, krause, hardie's hill, hardie's hill excursion, lal lal, lal lal excursion, lal lal geology excursion, smythesdale, smythesdale excursion, soudan, south african miners, south star mines, wynne and tregurtha battery, ananconda copper mining, arizona copper mining, boiler plates, british guinea, butte copper smelter, daylesford geology camp, daylesford excursion, diehl process, electric power house ballarat, electric pumps, geelong rope factory, gympie, golden horseshoe estate, c johnstone, jack nichol, c. macgennis, alec saunders, alfred g. johnstone, graeme jolly, william purdie, john mann, maxwell l gaunt, sale school of mines, freiberg school of mines, schools of mines, railway locomotive -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Printmaking -Aquatint etching, 'Dog' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1995
GEOFFREY RICARDO Born 1964, Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed limited edition print This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in, artwork, geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, etching, aquatint -
Federation University Art Collection
Artwork - bookplate, Geoffrey Ricardo, Ex Libris Geoffrey Ricardo, not dated
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed bookplategeoffrey ricardo, bookplates, kangaroo -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Monkeyshine' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paper. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Under image in pencil ' T/P "Monkeyshine" Ricardo 2000'geoffrey ricardo, framed print -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Dummy Throw' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born 1964, Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paperUnder image in pencil '4/20 "Dummy Throw" Ricardo 2000' geoffrey ricardo, framed print, printmaking, available, available framed, sport -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Antelope' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1997
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paperunder image in pencil 'G.P. Ricardo '97'geoffrey ricardo, framed print, printmaking