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Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Wood Plane, Late 19th to early 20th century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers' shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will named his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard's estate when he died in 1856. From John's will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool-making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield.A vintage tool made by a well-known company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could remove large amounts of timber. These jack or dressing planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a flat and even finish to timber surfaces and came in many sizes. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that is still in use today with early models sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other finishes were created on timber by the use of cutting-edged hand tools. Tools that were themselves handmade show the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative or even finish that was needed for the finishing of timber items.Jack Plane metal body with rose wood filler.Mosley & Sons London No 2flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, john moseley & son, jack plane, woodworking tool, carpenders tools, cabinet makers tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Vehicle - Vessel, Lifeboat Warrnambool, 01/09/1910
The construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later, 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by the Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was foreman boat builder when he and his fellow workmen built the boat. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature, along with building dates, is pencilled on a concealed timber 'plaque' in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is probably the company of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in early 1900's. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares, and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990 she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.”The lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL is significant for its half century service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel. She was also used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Lifeboat "Warrnambool", a wooden, clinker hull, 'self-righting, self-draining design, single mast, pivoting centreboard. Complete with sail and yardarm. A 'plaque' was found inside the hull of the lifeboat, made of untreated wood, disc-shaped with one straight edge (Diam 15.5cm), inscribed by one of the boat builders in pencil script "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiers) / Boat Builder)."'Plaque' inside body of boat is inscribed in pencil, script writing "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiels) / Boat Builder)." flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat, life boat, vessel, life saving, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, williamstown, government dockyard, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, meiers, nelson place, non-capsizeable, self-righting, titan crane, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, barge, antares, self righting, crew of twelve, capacity of 30 survivors -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Complex Wood Plane, Late 19th to Early 20th century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. Company History: The firm of Alexander Mathieson & Sons was one of the leading makers of hand tools in Scotland. Its success went hand in hand with the growth of the shipbuilding industries on the Firth of Clyde in the nineteenth century and the emergence of Glasgow regarded as the "second city of the Empire". It also reflected the firm's skill in responding to an unprecedented demand for quality tools by shipyards, cooperage's and other industries, both locally and far and wide. The year 1792 was deemed by the firm to be that of its foundation it was in all likelihood the year in which John Manners had set up his plane-making workshop on Saracen Lane off the Gallowgate in the heart of Glasgow, not far from the Saracen's Head Inn, where Dr Johnson and James Boswell had stayed on their tour of Scotland in 1773. Alexander Mathieson (1797–1851) is recorded in 1822 as a plane-maker at 25 Gallowgate, but in the following year at 14 Saracen's Lane, presumably having taken over the premises of John Manners. The 1841 national census described Alexander Mathieson as a master plane-maker at 38 Saracen Lane with his son Thomas Adam working as a journeyman plane-maker. In 1849 the firm of James & William Stewart at 65 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh was taken over and Thomas was put in charge of the business, trading under the name Thomas A. Mathieson & Co. as plane and edge-tool makers. Thomas's company acquired the Edinburgh edge-tool makers Charles & Hugh McPherson and took over their premises in Gilmore Street. The Edinburgh directory of 1856/7 the business is recorded as being Alexander Mathieson & Son, plane and edge-tool makers at 48 Nicolson Street and Paul's Work, Gilmore Street. The 1851 census records indicate that Alexander was working as a tool and plane-maker employing eight men. Later that year Alexander died and his son Thomas took over the business. Under the heading of an edge-tool maker in the 1852/3 (Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory) the firm is now listed as Alexander Mathieson & Son. By the early 1850s, the business had moved to 24 Saracen Lane. The directory for 1857/8 records that the firm had moved again only a few years later to East Campbell Street, also off the Gallowgate, and that through further diversification was also manufacturing coopers' and tinmen's tools. The ten-yearly censuses log the firm's growth and in 1861 Thomas was a tool manufacturer employing 95 men and 30 boys; in 1871 he had 200 men working for him and in 1881 300 men. By 1899 the firm had been incorporated as Alexander Mathieson & Sons Ltd, even though only Alexander's son Thomas appears ever to have joined the firm. A vintage tool made by a well-known firm made for other firms and individuals that worked in wood. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture or other items this had to be accomplished by hand using one of these types of planes. A significant item from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture was made predominately by hand and with tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used to make such a unique item. Ogee Complex Moulding Plane Alex Mathieson & Son. Stamped W Worrel, (owner) & No 2.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, alexander mathieson & sons, complex moulding plane, carpenders tools, cabinet makers tools, wood working tools, wood planes -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Spokeshave, Mathieson and Son, 1860 to 1910
A spokeshave is a hand tool used to shape and smooth woods in woodworking jobs such as making cart wheel spokes, chair legs, paddles, bows, and arrows. The tool consists of a blade fixed into the body of the tool, which has a handle for each hand. Historically, a spokeshave was made with a wooden body and metal cutting blade. With industrialization metal bodies displaced wood in mass-produced tools. Being a small tool, spokeshaves are not suited to working large surfaces. The name spokeshave dates back to at least the 16th century, though the early history of the tool is not well documented. The name spokeshave reflects the early use of the tool by wheel wrights. The first spokeshaves were made of wood usually beech with steel blades, before being largely superseded by the development of metal-bodied spokeshaves in the latter half of the 19th century, though many woodworkers still use wooden spokeshaves. Due to their widespread use and versatility vintage wooden spokeshaves remain commonly available and relatively low in price. Spokeshaves consist of a blade or iron secured to the body or stock of the tool, which has two handles – one for each hand. The bottom surface of the tool is called the sole. The blade can be removed for sharpening, and adjusted to vary the depth of the cut. An early design consisted of a metal blade with a pair of tangs to which the wooden handles were attached, as with a draw knife. Unlike a draw knife, but like a plane, spokeshaves typically have a sole plate that fixes the angle of the blade relative to the surface being worked. There are a wide variety of different types of spokeshave, suited to different trades and applications. Company History: The firm of Alexander Mathieson & Sons was one of the leading makers of hand tools in Scotland. Its success went hand in hand with the growth of the shipbuilding industries on the Firth of Clyde in the nineteenth century and the emergence of Glasgow regarded as the "second city of the Empire". It also reflected the firm's skill in responding to an unprecedented demand for quality tools by shipyards, cooperage's and other industries, both locally and far and wide. The year 1792 was deemed by the firm to be that of its foundation it was in all likelihood the year in which John Manners had set up his plane-making workshop on Saracen Lane off the Gallowgate in the heart of Glasgow, not far from the Saracen's Head Inn, where Dr Johnson and James Boswell had stayed on their tour of Scotland in 1773. Alexander Mathieson (1797–1851) is recorded in 1822 as a plane-maker at 25 Gallowgate, but in the following year at 14 Saracen's Lane, presumably having taken over the premises of John Manners. The 1841 national census described Alexander Mathieson as a master plane-maker at 38 Saracen Lane with his son Thomas Adam working as a journeyman plane-maker. In 1849 the firm of James & William Stewart at 65 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh was taken over and Thomas was put in charge of the business, trading under the name Thomas A. Mathieson & Co. as plane and edge-tool makers. Thomas's company acquired the Edinburgh edge-tool makers Charles & Hugh McPherson and took over their premises in Gilmore Street. The Edinburgh directory of 1856/7 the business is recorded as being Alexander Mathieson & Son, plane and edge-tool makers at 48 Nicolson Street and Paul's Work, Gilmore Street. The 1851 census records indicate that Alexander was working as a tool and plane-maker employing eight men. Later that year Alexander died and his son Thomas took over the business. Under the heading of an edge-tool maker in the 1852/3 (Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory) the firm is now listed as Alexander Mathieson & Son. By the early 1850s, the business had moved to 24 Saracen Lane. The directory for 1857/8 records that the firm had moved again only a few years later to East Campbell Street, also off the Gallowgate, and that through further diversification was also manufacturing coopers' and tin men's tools. The ten-yearly censuses log the firm's growth and in 1861 Thomas was a tool manufacturer employing 95 men and 30 boys; in 1871 he had 200 men working for him and in 1881 300 men. By 1899 the firm had been incorporated as Alexander Mathieson & Sons Ltd, even though only Alexander's son Thomas appears ever to have joined the firm.A vintage tool made by a well-known firm made for other firms and individuals that worked in wood. The tool was used to shape various items mainly in use by wheel wrights. A significant vintage item from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how trade people predominately worked materials such as wood by hand and with tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsman's art of the time. Spokeshave with blade 4 inches wide.Mathieson and Son Glasgow. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, spokeshave, mathieson and son, carpentry tools, wheel wright tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Smoothing or Jack Plane, Alexander Mathieson, Late 19th to early 20th century
In 1792 John Manners had set up a workshop making woodworking planes at 14 Saracens Lane Glasgow. He also had employed an apprentice Alexander Mathieson (1773-1851). But in the following year at Saracen's Lane, the 1841 census describes Alexander Mathieson as a master plane-maker now at 38 Saracen Lane with his son Thomas Adam working with him as a journeyman plane-maker. Presumably, Alexander must have taken over the premises and business of John Manners. Now that the business had Thomas Adam Mathieson working with his father it gradually grew and became more diversified, and it is recorded at the time by the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory that by 1847-1848 Alexander Mathieson was a “plane, brace, bit, auger & edge tool maker” In 1849 the firm of James & William Stewart at 65 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh was taken over and Thomas was put in charge of the business, trading under the name Thomas A. Mathieson & Co. as plane and edge-tool makers. Thomas's company went on to acquire the Edinburgh edge-tool makers “Charles & Hugh McPherson” and took over their premises in Gilmore Street. In the Edinburgh directory of 1856/7, the business is recorded as being Alexander Mathieson & Son, plane and edge-tool makers at 48 Nicolson Street and Paul's Work, Gilmore Street Edinburgh. The 1851 census Alexander is recorded as working as a tool and plane-maker employing eight men. Later that year Alexander died and his son Thomas took over the business. Under the heading of an edge-tool maker in the 1852/3 Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory the firm is now listed as Alexander Mathieson & Son, with further entries as "turning-lathe and vice manufacturers". By the early 1850s, the business had moved to 24 Saracen Lane. The directory for 1857/8 records that the firm had moved again only a few years later to East Campbell Street, off the Gallowgate area, and that through further diversification was also manufacturing coopers' and tinmen's tools. The ten-yearly censuses report the firm's growth in 1861 stating that Thomas was a tool manufacturer employing 95 men and 30 boys; in 1871 he had 200 men working for him and in 1881 300 men. By 1899 the firm had been incorporated as Alexander Mathieson & Sons Ltd, even though only Alexander's son Thomas appears ever to have joined the firm so the company was still in his fathers' name. In September 1868 Thomas Mathieson put a notice in the newspapers of the Sheffield & Rotherham Independent and the Sheffield Daily Telegraph stating that his firm had used the trade-mark of a crescent and star "for some time" and that "using or imitating the Mark would be proceeded against for infringement". The firm had acquired its interest in the crescent-and-star mark from the heirs of Charles Pickslay, the Sheffield cutler who had registered it with the Cutlers' Company in 1833 and had died in 1852. The year 1868 seems also to be the one in which the name Saracen Tool Works was first adopted; not only does it figure at the foot of the notice in the Sheffield press, it also makes its first appearance in the firm's entry in the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory in the 1868/9 edition. As Thomas Mathieson's business grew, so too did his involvement in local public life and philanthropy. One of the representatives of the third ward on the town council of Glasgow, he became a river bailie in 1868, a magistrate in 1870 and a preceptor of Hutcheson's Hospital in 1878. He had a passion for books and was an "ardent Ruskinian". He served on the committee handling the bequest for the setting up of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. When he died at Coulter Maynes near Biggar in 1899, he left an estate worth £142,764. Company's later years: Both Thomas's sons, James Harper and Thomas Ogilvie were involved in the continuing life of the firm. James followed in his father's footsteps in becoming a local public figure. He was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County of the City of Glasgow and was made a deacon of the Incorporation of the Hammermen of Glasgow in 1919. His brother Thomas Ogilvie was recorded as tool manufacturer and employer in the 1911 census. Thomas Ogilvie's son Thomas Alastair Sutherland Ogilvie Mathieson was born in 1908 took a rather different approach to engineering, however, by becoming a racing driver. In 1947 he wed the French film actress Mila Parély. The firm had won many awards at world fairs for their goods. At the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Prize medal for joiners' tools in the class of Cutlery & Edge Tools, Great London Exposition, 1862. Prize medal honoris causa. International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1880. Gold medal International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art, Edinburgh, 1886. Prize medalThe firm of Alexander Mathieson & Sons was one of the leading makers of hand tools in Scotland. Its success went hand in hand with the growth of the shipbuilding industries on the Firth of Clyde in the nineteenth century and the emergence of Glasgow as the "second city of the Empire". It also reflected the firm's skill in responding to an unprecedented demand for quality tools by shipyards, cooperages and other industries, both locally and far and wide.Jack or Smoothing Plane Size of iron 2 1/4 inches wide.Has GN inside a W stamped for (A Mathieson & Son Glassgow.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, jack plane -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Fillister Wood Plane, A Mathieson and Son, Mid to late 19th Century
The British wooden sash fillister plane is an old plane designed for rebate or rabbet work on sash windows to cut a groove or channel to allow a window to move up and down. The function and design of the sash fillister plane is a cross between the wooden moving fillister plane and the wooden plough plane. The wooden sash fillister plane is equipped with a fence, depth stop, nicker, skewed cutter and wedge. The plane has a hardwood main body, a hardwood moving fence and usually a variety of brass decorative and functional parts. The body and fence are nearly always made from beech as this was the hardwood of choice at the time these plane were made due to price and availability. Sometimes these planes are seen in other types of wood with the best examples being made from boxwood, rosewood and also there are some ebony fillister planes. Manufacturer: In 1792 John Manners had set up a workshop making woodworking planes at 14 Saracens Lane Glasgow. He also had employed an apprentice Alexander Mathieson (1773-1851). But in the following year at Saracen's Lane, the 1841 census describes Alexander Mathieson as a master plane-maker now at 38 Saracen Lane with his son Thomas Adam working with him as a journeyman plane-maker. Presumably, Alexander must have taken over the premises and business of John Manners. Now that the business had Thomas Adam Mathieson working with his father it gradually grew and became more diversified, and it is recorded at the time by the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory that by 1847-1848 Alexander Mathieson was a “plane, brace, bit, auger & edge tool maker” In 1849 the firm of James & William Stewart at 65 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh was taken over and Thomas was put in charge of the business, trading under the name Thomas A. Mathieson & Co. as plane and edge-tool makers. Thomas's company went on to acquire the Edinburgh edge-tool makers “Charles & Hugh McPherson” and took over their premises in Gilmore Street. In the Edinburgh directory of 1856/7, the business is recorded as being Alexander Mathieson & Son, plane and edge-tool makers at 48 Nicolson Street and Paul's Work, Gilmore Street Edinburgh. The 1851 census Alexander is recorded as working as a tool and plane-maker employing eight men. Later that year Alexander died and his son Thomas took over the business. Under the heading of an edge-tool maker in the 1852/3 Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory the firm is now listed as Alexander Mathieson & Son, with further entries as "turning-lathe and vice manufacturers". By the early 1850s, the business had moved to 24 Saracen Lane. The directory for 1857/8 records that the firm had moved again only a few years later to East Campbell Street, off the Gallowgate area, and that through further diversification was also manufacturing coopers' and tinmen's tools. The ten-yearly censuses report the firm's growth in 1861 stating that Thomas was a tool manufacturer employing 95 men and 30 boys; in 1871 he had 200 men working for him and in 1881 300 men. By 1899 the firm had been incorporated as Alexander Mathieson & Sons Ltd, even though only Alexander's son Thomas appears ever to have joined the firm so the company was still in his fathers' name. In September 1868 Thomas Mathieson put a notice in the newspapers of the Sheffield & Rotherham Independent and the Sheffield Daily Telegraph stating that his firm had used the trade-mark of a crescent and star "for some time" and that "using or imitating the Mark would be proceeded against for infringement". The firm had acquired its interest in the crescent-and-star mark from the heirs of Charles Pickslay, the Sheffield cutler who had registered it with the Cutlers' Company in 1833 and had died in 1852. The year 1868 seems also to be the one in which the name Saracen Tool Works was first adopted; not only does it figure at the foot of the notice in the Sheffield press, it also makes its first appearance in the firm's entry in the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory in the 1868/9 edition. As Thomas Mathieson's business grew, so too did his involvement in local public life and philanthropy. One of the representatives of the third ward on the town council of Glasgow, he became a river bailie in 1868, a magistrate in 1870 and a preceptor of Hutcheson's Hospital in 1878. He had a passion for books and was an "ardent Ruskinian". He served on the committee handling the bequest for the setting up of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. When he died at Coulter Maynes near Biggar in 1899, he left an estate worth £142,764. Company's later years: Both Thomas's sons, James Harper and Thomas Ogilvie were involved in the continuing life of the firm. James followed in his father's footsteps in becoming a local public figure. He was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County of the City of Glasgow and was made a deacon of the Incorporation of the Hammermen of Glasgow in 1919. His brother Thomas Ogilvie was recorded as tool manufacturer and employer in the 1911 census. Thomas Ogilvie's son Thomas Alastair Sutherland Ogilvie Mathieson was born in 1908 took a rather different approach to engineering, however, by becoming a racing driver. In 1947 he wed the French film actress Mila Parély. The firm had won many awards at world fairs for their goods. At the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Prize medal for joiners' tools in the class of Cutlery & Edge Tools, Great London Exposition, 1862. Prize medal honoris causa. International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1880. Gold medal International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art, Edinburgh, 1886. Prize medalThe firm of Alexander Mathieson & Sons was one of the leading makers of hand tools in Scotland. Its success went hand in hand with the growth of the shipbuilding industries on the Firth of Clyde in the nineteenth century and the emergence of Glasgow as the "second city of the Empire". It also reflected the firm's skill in responding to an unprecedented demand for quality tools by shipyards, cooperages and other industries, both locally and far and wide.Sash Fillister Plane, with iron set skewed, the iron is 1 3/4 inches wide. Plane has a sliding adjusting fence, thumb screw depth stop and two knocking iron . Stamped W. Worrall, (owner) No 17. Maker A Mathieson & Sonflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, fillister sash plane, window making tool, carpenders tools, alex mathieson & sons, sash windows -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Vessel - Steamship, Mike McCrea (artist), ca 1985
This is one of a pair of paintings by artist Mike McCrea, created when he was in Warrnambool in 1985. The painting was framed and sold by Patana Galleries, Paton Place, Manly Vale, NSW. It was later purchased by athe company of Master Mariners of Australia and who donated the pair to Flagstaff Hill. The pair of paintings are significant for their association with steamships and the Master Mariners of Australia group. The paintings represent a time in local history when many steamships were sailing the coast and transporting passengers and goods.Painting; timber framed oil painting with the image of a cargo steamship off the coast of Warrnambool. Artist is Mike McCrea. Framed by Patana Galleries, Manly Vale, NSW. Hand written, "Red. No. 390 A" Sticker "61"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, painting, mic mccrea, patana galleries, master mariners of australia, steamship -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Vessel - Steamship, Mike McCrea (artist), ca 1985
This is one of a pair of paintings by artist Mike McCrea, created when he was in Warrnambool in 1985. The painting was framed and sold by Patana Galleries, Paton Place, Manly Vale, NSW. It was later purchased by athe company of Master Mariners of Australia and who donated the pair to Flagstaff Hill. The pair of paintings are significant for their association with steamships and the Master Mariners of Australia group. The paintings represent a time in local history when many steamships were sailing the coast and transporting passengers and goods.Painting, framed oil on board; cargo steamship off the coast of Warrnambool by artist Mike McCrea. Framed by Patana Galleries, Manly Vale, N.S.W. Signed by artist.Signed; "MIKE" "J15/62 McCrea" "Red. No. 390 A" Sticker with "62" "PATANA GALLERIES / PATON PLACE, MANLY VALE / PHONE 949-1535"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, painting, mike mccrea, steamship, master mariners of australia, patana galleries -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Black And White Photograph of the sailing ship Mercury, on reverse side it reads "Wooden Brig 150 Tons 94'5 X 20'8 X 11'4 Built In Brunswick 1851. Onwer (1878) R.D Greer & Gullock, Launceston. Master J Todd". 186 mm x 113 mm Sh 197 Ships M - Rflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, mercury, photograph, r.d greer & gullock, -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Saw, Ohlen-Bishop Saws Columbus Ohio, 1940-1955
Ohlen-Bishop Saws were manufactured in Columbus, Ohio. The company has been master saw makers since 1852 with a factory being established in 1854 at the corner of Spring and Water Streets Columbus. In 1866, this establishment was considerably enlarged and in 1869, it was producing about eight hundred saws of different sizes and patterns, per day. By 1898 the company was employing 75 workers and was finally incorporated in 1884. In 1920 the James Ohlen & Sons purchased the H. Bishop & Co. and the company name was changed to Ohlen-Bishop Company. An early American saw maker with a history that gives a snapshot into a developing company that was regarded as a significant maker of saws for all applications with their products being exported all over the world.Two man Virginia cross cut saw with peg tooth pattern handles attached by means of wing nut.Maker Ohlen-Bishop Saws Columbus Ohio, Blade number 337flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Moulding Plane . J Moseley. maker and R Knight & J Heath also stamped stamped (Owners)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding Plane, 1770-1809
The story of Christopher Gabriel born on April 2, 1746, in Falmouth England is a tale of a poor boy who made good. Shortly before he turned thirteen years of age in 1759 he was apprenticed to a local master carpenter, recorded as a Mr Barnicot the master trained his apprentice well as we can assume by Christopher's later successes. The apprenticeship ended in 1766 after seven years when Christopher reached twenty. Then in 1768, he relocated to London walking the two hundred miles from Falmouth carrying his possessions in a sack. He no sooner arrived in London when he met Alice Trowell who became his wife in March 1769. They set up house on Albermarie Street Clerkenwell and by the first of 1770, Gabriel had begun his business of plane making. It has been speculated that Gabriel took over the shop of John Cogdell aided with an investment from his in-laws of 131 pounds. He went on to prosper as a plane-maker and lumber merchant over the next forty years. His business did well and in 1774 Gabriel moved to a house in Golden Lane, London and 1779 moved again to a home in Ould Street London. By now Gabriel was making a name for himself and his business at this time was located at 32 Banner Street Golden Lane, the following year he purchased another home in Banner Street and 1793 purchased the house next door. At the time of his death in 1808, he owned twenty-seven houses and commercial building. Christopher Gabriel s descendants became quite prominent in England and his grandson, Sir Thomas Gabriel became the Sheriff of London and Middlesex in 1859 and the Lord Mayor of London 1866 and 1867. Gabriel was an extremely prolific plane-maker with a lot of examples made in the 18th century can still be found today. He made good quality tools and was an innovator of several new plane designs. A vintage tool made by a well-known plane-maker, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could give a decorative finish to timber. These planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a finish to timber surfaces and came in many sizes. A significant Christopher Gabriel plane from the mid to late 18th century that after 200 years can still be used today. Planes made by Gabriel are eagerly sought after by collectors. The tool gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other finishes were created on timber by the use of cutting edged hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative or even finish that was needed for the finishing of timber items. Side Rabbet Plane Stamped Maker Gabriel (owner M Hobling).flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, side rabbet plane, gabriel m hobling -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Ledger Book, Warrnambool Harbour Board, Ships' Report Inward, ca. 1877 plus scrapbook entries to ca. 1953
The Ship's Report Inward contains entries from 1877 to 1917. It is a record of vessels that visited the Port of Warrnambool during that time and was filled in by the Harbour Master on behalf of the Warrnambool Harbour Board. The book has also been used as football scrapbook for both the Australian and Victorian Leagues, with articles and photographs from the early 20th century events and photos of players in 1953. A child has also used the book for drawing and writing.It appears that this historic ledger was once regarded as insignificant and used for other purposes such as a scrapbook and spare paper for drawing. However, the ledger is now considered to be of important locall significant for its accurate reports of all vessels inward bound to the Port of Warrnambool, giving a summary of activities during the forty year period from 1877 to 1917. It is also a reference to early Australian and Victorian football media.Ledger of the Warrnambool Harbour Board, containing the handwritten Ships Report Inwards for the Port of Warrnambool. First entry 1877. Last entry 1917. The book has also been used for a football scrapbook and contains newspaper cuttings of early 20th century AFL (Australian Football League) and VFL (Victorian Football League) events and photographs. There are several lose clippings between the pages throughout the book. The cover's spine has a gold embossed title and a pasted title, and the pasted front cover has figures relate to the scrapbook. There are also child's writing and drawings in pencil on some pages. A white label inside the back cover has a blue pen inscription. Embossed title "SHIPS' / REPORT / INWARDS" Pasted title "LEAGUE / GAMES" Label inside back cover: "R 759"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, book, warrnambool harbour board, ships' report inward, port of warrnambool, warrnambool harbour, harbour master, afl, vfl, australian football league, victorian football league, early 20th century, newspaper cuttings, maritime record, maritime history, 1877-1917, 1953 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Documents, Ballarat School of Mines Correspondence Relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1907-1914, 24/12/1907 - 28/08/1914
The dates 1907-1914 cover the first eight years of the Ballarat Technical Art School No. 15, a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. This covers that time before the custom built Ballarat Technical Art School opened in 1915.48 pieces of hand and type written correspondence relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, covering its first eight years. .1) Transferal of money from the Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association to the Ballarat School of Mines for credit to the Ballarat Technical Art School No 15. .3) Letter from Herbert H. Smith reporting on the appointment of Thomas Trengove to the position of Art Director at the Stawell School of Mines, and the appointment of Arthur Lilburne and Pridgeon as student assistants. .5) Application from Arthur M. Lilburne for a position at the Ballarat Technical Art School. .7) Resignation of Thomas Trengrove from the Ballarat Technical Art School so he could take up a position at the Stawell School of Mines, 1908. .9) Correspondence from H.H. Smith concerning expectations. 1908 .10) Report from Herbert H. Smith on the number of Art enrolments at the Ballarat West Art School, the Ballarat East Art School and the Drawing Centre. .8) Correspondence from Henry H. Hall regarding his teaching appointment, 1908 .11) A Report on architectural studies at the Ballarat Technical Art School on Clegg and Miller letterhead. .12) Report from M.C. Young. .13) Report from Arthur Lilburne .14) Reorrt from J.A. Wright, 1908 .15) Report on student numbers from Edith M. Cornell, 1908 .16) Report on classes in Freehand Geometry and Perspective by Fred Foster, 1908 .16b) Report by Decorating and Signwriting teacher John Barber, 1908 .17) Report from Esther and Lily Green from the East Public Library, 1908 .18) Report from Percy Isaac of the Ballarat East Public Library re manual training and Sloyd classes. .19) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1908 .20) Report from Arthur M. Lilburn on the Elementary Evening Classes and the State School Teachers Saturday class, 1908 .21) Report by M.C. Young on drawing classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 ,22) Report by Fred Foster on Freehand Geometry of Perspective classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .24) Report by E. and L. Green on classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .25) Report by Miss Wright on Dresscutting classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .26) Report by John Barber on Signs and Decorating classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .27) Report by Edith Cornell on Millinery classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .28) Report by Percy R. Green on Manual Training ad Carpentry classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .29) Correspondence from Posenby Carew-Smyth and Melbourne Education Department letterhead, 1908, .30) Report on the need for instruction in Decorative Needlework at the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith. Ida Johnston undertook classes from Miss Macgeorge in Melbourne at the suggestion of Posonby Carew-Smyth, and H.H. Smith suggested she be appointed to teach the class, 1910 .31) Report on the Junior Technical School, 1915 .32) Quarterly Report on the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1911 .34) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .34b) Invoice from James Ingram and Son, Booksellers and School Stationers, 1908 .35) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .36) Correspondence from F.N. King seeking employment at the Ballarat Junior Technical Scool due to the resignation of A.W. Steane, 1914 .37) Correspondence regarding the qualifications of F.N. King, including Sloyd at NAAS, Sweden, 1914 Reference from F.V. Burridge of the London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts (incorporating The Royal Female School of Art), Southamoton Row, London, regarding Francis N. King, 1913 .40) Correspondence on Ballarat Junior Technical School letterhead when it was located at 104 Doveton Street, Ballarat (Dana Street Primary School) from Albert W. Steane. The report mentioned to appointment of R.W. Richards commencing duties as a science ad mathematics master and Francis N. King as Woodwork and Modeling instructor, 1914 .41) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .42) Correspondence on Stanley Mullen Company letterhead requesting a junior (lady) to help in designing and drawing from Needlework, 1914 .43) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .44) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914. The report includes the resignation of Donadl Johnston to take up the position of assistant to Posonby Carew-Smyth. Harold Herbert to travel to England, and Edwin Cannon to to apply his art knowledge commercially. H.H. Smith suggested they be replaced with Ken Moss and Harold Brown .45) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith .46) Hours and duties of the caretaker and attendant at the Ballarat Technical Art School .47) Letter from the J.A. Powell, secretary of the Ballarat West Art School to the Ballarat School of Mines. ballarat technical school, henry j. hall, arthur m lilburn, thomas h. trengrove, herbert h. smith, g.w. clegg, m.c. young, j.w. wright, fred foster, j. barber, etsher green, lily green, p. isaac, e.m. cornell, albert steane, f.n. king, letterhead, ballarat fine art public gallery association, richard maddern, j. powell, j.a. powell, frederick martell, ponsonby carew-smyth, stawell school of mines, lilburne, pridgeon, arthur lilburne, henry hall, edith m. cornell, john barber, east ballarat library, esther green, percy isaac, sloyd, millinery, r.w. richards, frank king, a.w. steane, naas, majorie walker, art needlework, stanley mullen company, donald johnston, ted cannon, edwin cannon, harold brown, harold herbert, art gallery of ballarat -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrap Book, Ballarat School of Mines Scrap Book, 1965-1967, 1965-1967
The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870.Grey hard covered scrapboks with clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines, including: 24-5-1965 - Mildura Students at School of Mines 16-9-1965 - Ballarat Junior Technical School Mothers' Club Clock 23-11-1965 - Plan for Mall in Lydiard Street 29-03-1966 - Punch card equipment for School of Mines 10-05-1966 - Apprentice Craftsmen Certificates 25-7-1966 - Ian Barker 01-08-1966 - Woman Diplomate - Jennifer Drummond and Sue Milbourne 05 August 1967 - New Woolclassing and Motor Mechanics Building on the corner of Albert Street and Grant Street 09-09-1966 - New School site 23-09-1966 - Inspection of gaol site 22-09-1966 - Murray Gillin 19-10-1966 - Michael Young 26-01-1967 - A new site for SMB (Mt Helen Campus) 06-05-1967 - Geology Gift to SMB (William Baragwanath)ballarat school of mines, murray gillin, gerald jenzen, ludovio hart, photography, mount helen campus, ron quick, lydiard street closure, ballarat junior technical school student accomodation, r.r. watson, phillip law, martin report, punch card equipment, ken ogden, ian barker, jennifer drummond, sue milbourne, women and physics, greg mcrae, jan butterworth, former ballarat gaol, peter donaldson, michae young, mount clear site, j.r. pound, eric sharman, chris sanos, john gorton, zaiga baltrocis, motor mechanics & woolclassing building, women, women diplomates, jennifer drummong, technical education growrh, e.j. barker, mothers club, w. johnson, pottery, ceramics, ian billington, matriculation, victoria institute of colleges, punch cards, computer, craftsman certificates, new campus site, architecture, michael young, sebastopol technical school, ballarat school of mines master plan, fourth university, 4th university, r. giles, william baragwanath geology collection, phil day, john phillips, greg strang, plumbing, centenary, langi logan minefield, a.l. mckenzie, peter bennett, r.w. richards medal, woolclassing, motor mechanics, new building, albert street, grant street, pound -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Report, Lydiard Street Site Development Plan, School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, 1977, 1977
The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia.Brown soft covered ring bound report of 20 pages. ballarat school of mines, lydiard street campus, g.j. harrison, campus plan, master plan, smb campus, ballarat school of mines campus -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, James and Rebecca Oldham, 2012
James Oldham (1840-1908) emigrated from Newark-on-Trent and went to Ballarat where he took up a teaching position at Mount Pleasant in 1860. He was appointed head teacher of the Wesleyan Lydiard Street School in 1864. In 1886, after other appointments he became Head teacher at the Dana Street Primary School No. 33. He married Rebecca Gundry, and had twelve children. He founded the School of Design at the Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute in 1870, and taught there as the Master until 1885. Email correspondence containing information on James Oldhamjames oldham, ballaarat mechanics' institute school of design, education, rebecca oldham, rebecca gundry, mount pleasant school -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Captain Tom Lloyd, Harbour Master, n.d
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: Captain Tom Lloyd/ Harbour Master (blue pen, centre right) crop marks in pencil on back. 12 cms wide/ x 19cm (pencil, lower right) P.& (pencil, bottom centre) C (circled, pencil, centre)port of portland authority archives -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - David Milner, Tugmaster, David Milner, Tug Master, n.d
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: Dave Milner (blue pen, lower centre)port of portland archives, tug, tarragal, wharf, david milner -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - David Milner, Tugmaster, David Milner, Tug Master, n.d
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: Dave Milner (blue pen, centre)port of portland archives, tug, tarragal, wharf, david milner, tugmaster -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Master of the Yick Wing ship, n.d
Port of Portland Authority ArchivesFront: In Red Ink Presentation to the Master of "Yick Wing" to mark the maiden voyage - July 26 1982 - - Capt Ron Waters (PPA) Capt Ian Baird (PPA) Back: L-R Mr Greg palmer (Dalgety) Capt K Zweig (Master - Yick Wing) Mr Michael Krstic (Customs)port of portland archives, yick wing -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Captain Brown, Harbour Master, n.d
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: Capt Bown HM (blue pen, lower right)port of portland archives, captain brown -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Book (Collection) - Portland Lighthouse Circulars - Volume I, 1892-1913
port of portland archivesport of portland archives -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Captain Ian Baird, harbour master, n.d
Port of Portland Authorityport of portland archives, captain ian baird, harbour master, berthing, s l patterson wharf -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Book - Book - 'Portland Lighthouse Circulars'. Volume II, 1892-1913
Port of Portland Authrotiy archivesFront: - Back: -port of portland archives, harbour masters and lighthouse keepers instructions -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph, n.d
Port of Portland Authority Archievesport of portland archives, jack clayton, ship master, master of the ship -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Functional object - Barometer / Thermometer - Colonial Coastal Barometer No. 10, 1850s
Port of Portland Collection. Believed to have been used by the first of the Port's Harbour Masters.port of portland archives, barometer, thermometer -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Main Breakwater construction, Portland, n.d
Port of Portland Authority ArchivesBack: 3 - in pencilport of portland archives, main breakwater, construction, harbour development -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Captain Donald O'Donnell, Harbour Master, 1986
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: '86/ Capt Don O'Donnell/ H.M. (blue pen, centre)port of portland authority archives -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Captain J. Brown, Harbour Master, n.d
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: CAPT J. BROWN/ HARBOUR MASTER (blue pen, upper left)port of portland authority archives